Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 22, 1907, Image 5

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i- I THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWS. MnHRnMpnnHBHH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, JS07. In Teddy Bear Land. SSSaBSS When Teddy tfot his Christmas gift, He said, “I’d like it better If Santa’d send a pair of pants To go with my new sweater! ” $30,000,000 RES1DUART TO ALFRED G. VANDERBILT New York. Oct. 22.—Under the term* of hia father’s will, Alfred tiWynne Vanderbilt today l»ecnmc possessed of one-half of ttie rnsldnary of the Vanderbilt estate, esti mated at >24,000,000 to >30,000.00. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., the eldest son, had dis pleased his fntheif by marrying Miss Groce \Vnt*on and was practically disinherited. The will provided that A. G. Vanderbilt Mhodtd Inherit all the residuary estate, to be held* for him In trust until he became 30 yem-s of age, when one-half of It should be ----- ras 30 y» An accurate estimate of the value of the residuary estnte has never been made. I)lf- ferent valuations put It from >48.000,000 to >70.000.000. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 8r., left to his eldest sou, Cornelius.-Jr., >1,600,000. Bach of his other children secured approx!' mutely >7.600,000. Just before the will was probated Alfred 'anderbllt gave to his brother Cornelius >8,000,000, thereby placing the latter on an equal footing with Reginald Vanderbilt and two sisters. REAL HUNTER COULD FIND BEARS, SA \S DR. W. J. LONG Stamford, Conn., Oet. 22.—"A, n m.ftrr nf fart, thin runnlnf of n ttnild nntmnl by SPORTING GOODS Our Mr. Byrd is now showing the handsomest and most complete line of sport ing goods that we have ever carried. No pains has been snared this season to carrv everything Known to the sporting fraternity. KING HARDWARE CO. 53 Peachtree St. If You Doh t Care Hqw Your Gown Fits, An/ Old Corset Will Do. If You Dq Care, This Is For You What matters the fineness of a weman s gown, ths prettiness ef its colors, the sweep sf its soft folds, if it be not a good fit? And hsw in the hame of sense can it be a gsod fit unless its wearer has the right kind ef corset ahd that corset properly and sensibly adjusted to her figure? ' Cerssts, bs it known, ars net the herrors they once were. For which let us be duly thankful. In their ear|y days thsy wsr« beard-like prisons, stiff, straight and uncompromising—veritable ironclads, with hsavy busks and adamahtine bones ahd ceversd with stiff buckram. Net ohly wsre they ugly ahd ungraceful, but deadly fees to good hsalth. Thsre was he sciehce in their making. They wer« as vics-Iiks as possible, all linss straight up ahd dowh with utter disregard of the curvss ahd graces of the human form divine. But teday, evolved from its elementary ugliness, the corset is not enly an indispensable and serviceable thing, but one of real beauty. Of ceurse, new, there are corsets and corsets. We are tellihg you about these high-grade ohes ih which our people take such pride and which have made ths Chamberlih-Johhsen-DuBose corset department a very Mecca for smart dressers-for the “women who care. The LaVida For Instance | Here is a corset that will make a discriminating woman glad. Absolutely adapted to the needs of her figure, it has the most wonderful “Iines”~and lines are everything in a corset. No modiste, however clever, can overcome the <!<•*« nnd than ahootlnc him from a distance Is pure cowardice when the animat has no chance of defending himself. Nbmo men like II. hut they don't tirng. nnd 1 hare ab solutely no criticism to make. Every man must bo happy,In bis own way." Tlieoel ate the worda Hr. William J. Lons, nature writer, bna to nay of President Roosevelt e bunt In the ennebrnkes of Ilia i W’lSo-TR I ill-effects' of wrong lines in a corset. n man mat Known now lo go Into the worn!* quietly and hunt, ho probably would p*t all the bear* he wanted. Bnt he would have to leave the brans band and applauding gallery behind, and that Mr. Roosevelt can not do. lienee his one poor she bear." davisTeclared TO ^ELIGIBLE Strong Tech Player Will Finish Out Season Here. ATLANTA V BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING CO. 6y 2 N. Broad St. Loose leaves and apeclal Blank Books, Rebinding Bibles, Magazines, Music, Law and all kinds of books. The loug dlseussed question of the eligl blllty of Davis, the strong Tech tackle, has been nettled at last, and Davis Is ell glide, and will play on the Tech team throughout the rest of the season. Dlree tor of Athletics W. N. Randle on Tuesday received the following telegram: ’Professor \V. M. Randle, Georgia School A.” WEDNESDAY RACES AT PIEDMONT PARK DR. E. E. BRAGG, OSTEOPATH and PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office 324-25 Century Building, Hours: 9 to 5—Bell Phone. THE KING STEEL ' a range with a reputation. ! r e have sold them for years »d have never had to make no of our guarantees good et. The price runs all the av from $50 and up, and ley are guaranteed from >|» to bottom. king HARDWARE CO. 53 Peachtree St. _ Berry. I .mil. C. (112). 1!. Small. Harrell II (112). II. A. Itnhertson. Mra. Annie (112). 4. Illmy. FOUR FURLONGS. Lady llnuilsel 1115). A. !>. Steele. Virginia Princess <115). W. V. Casey. Charoae (—), D. lull Co. Toulmln (UK). R. F. lloaere. ONE MILK. Forepleee (106), Mra. E. U Green. Mahon Weed 11171. W. II. Wright. Match (IH). Charles llnll. Sir Vagrant tll.1l. I). Hill Cn. FIVE AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS. Prince I'nul 111% W. 1). Wright. cirrine UOTi, K. Berry. Tnusid (107). t>. Hill Co. Sadie Gay 1112). J. F. McCarthy. Thnmlerlmlt <110,. A. P. Dnyle. Humphrey, Castleman. News waa received In Atlanta Mon day of the death In Loularllle, Ky., of Humphreya Castleman, formerly a well-known cltlaen of Atlanta and who later resided In Columbus. While In Atlanta Mr. Castleman waa a stock and bond broker and fleured promi nently in the business life here. When In Columbus he was In the Insurance business. He married Miss Eva Gar rard,. the sister of Lewis F. Garrad, the well-known Columbus attorney. She died about two years a*o. Mr. Castle- man Is survived by two children. Louis G. Castleman and Mrs. Isabel Cattle man Garrard. •The body wll be taken to Columbus, where the funeral and Interment will take place Wednesday. The cantaloupe derives Its name from the papal palate Cantalupo. In Ancona, lone famous for Its melons. Vhe mel on, which grow wild In some Southern countries lack the luscious flavor of the cultivated melon. Here are some of the models described for you. in the fitting and you can order as you will. Remember that the needs of your particular figure are considered LaVida No. 1569. $15.00 Eyelet embroidered, genuine whalebone, very high bust, deep hip, side and front hose supporters. Finished top and bottom with real Torchon lace. I . ., , For medium slender figures, this model has high bust and LaVida clever hip-lines. In coutil and batiste, prettily trimmed. 1597 and 2511. Hose supporters at side and front. $5 50 Also No3, 1606 ant * 1508 > saxne P rice as a b ove ' These * * models have extreme deep hips and back. Medium high bust. No. 593 for small figures has short hip and low bust. LaVida Made of delicate silk brocade, daintily trimmed in Val- 1619 and 1615 enciennes lace and ribbon. Cut on the graceful lines $to.oo that characterize all these garments. This may he had also in coutil and batiste « For very stout women. This model has extremely deep LaVida hack and sloping hips, a design that holds well in place 538 and 594. the flesh that so often has that abominably saggy appear- $7 50 ance ' * n French and English coutils. An adaptation of this model comes especially for medi um stout figures. Of batiste, well trimmed, high bust, short hip, without LaVida 1636. $5 00 k° se supporters. LaVida For medium figure. Deep hip, tapering waist and low 2522. ~ bust. Very well boned. An exceedingly graceful shape. $3.50 Also No. 643, with low bust and short hip. Girdle form. LaVida A very good garment with the fashionable high bust, and 1516 and 1529. distinctive La Vida characteristics. $3.00 No American made corset on the market today surpasses LaVida. French models are, for some reason, con ceded to be the very best. These are every one built on French models. This, plus marvelously skillful workman ship, tasteful execution and the finest materials, leaves nothing to be desired. Our Corset Department contains everything you could possibly want in the way of improvement and aid to a woman’s figure. Our fitting is at once expert and conscientious. Chambsrlih-JoKnsen-DuBose Co.