Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, November 20, 1907, Image 4

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111 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER T'. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women All sick women are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. She is the Mrs. Pinkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law, Lydia E. Pinkham, in advising. Thus she is especially well qualified to give advice to sick women. Write today, don’t wait until too late. Mrs. PInkliani never violates the confidence thus entrusted to her, and although she is constantly receiving testimonials from women who have been bcnetltted by her advlre and medicine, never in all her experience has she published such a letter without the full consent, and often by special re quest of the writer. Neither lias she ever disposed of her confidential letters InliliiaK EVERY WOMAN SHOULD CONSIDER THESE FACTS First, that almost every operation in bur hospitals, performed upon women, became necessary because of neglect of such symptoms as Backache, Irregulari ties, Displacements, Pain in the Side, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleeplessness. Second, that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, has overcome more cases of female ills than any other one medicine. It regulates, strengthens and restores women’s health and is invaluable during the period of Change of Life. ^ Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials onflle at the Pinkham Laboratory atr Lynn, Mass, mnny of wjpich are from time to timo being published by special permission, give absolute evidence of the power of Lydia E. Pinkimm’s Vegetable Compound over the illnesses of women. CRIPPLE TAUGHT TWO BOYS TO BEG Sent to Stockade and Boys To Be Sent to Their Homes. . fn* them beg and heroine professional uifiuli- cants, F. If. Dalton, n one-legged White man. with thr appearance of n Initio, wna arraigned Tuesday afternoon before Iteconl- er Broyles. Dalton ws* sentenced to aorve thirty darn In the ntocknde without a tine r^iKiliia had obtained a considerable kuiii of money by tagging aid for their crippled 'parent/’ Although thr hoys hud aided Dnlfun In nls scheme, receiving no compensation further than food enough to keep them alive, the cripple Monday night, white on n drunken spree, la said to have tearfully beaten one of them In the face In a cheap lodging house In Decatur street. Thin hi! to the arrest of Dalton aud the detent Ion of the two SHMHtNMlMI flimtlMMHIMlHHIHHtMMMMI I SOUTHERN SOCIETY ATHENS. Mm. William Fleming wan hostess at it beautiful reception Wednesday afternoon III honor of her slater, Mrs. Fnwjiielle. Me*- dainea Harry t\ White, Hamilton McWhor ter and T. I\ Vincent iisalated Mrs. Fleming In receiving the many guest* who (tailed during the afternoon. The house was beau tifully decorated with Southern siullax, rhryMinthemiiiiiH ami vnae* and the recep tion was one of the prettiest ever given III Athens. Mr. Campbell Wallace, of Marietta, visit ed friends In Atheua Inst week. Mr. Tom Baxter. of Hpartg, was the guest of Mr. Joseph II. llule early In the week. tig tin* •iijoyoble dance lit tin* llara large uiinibcr were present lellgb I the innsh 1 , „ m he! tertalued (he Young latdlc, After mi Interesting game u dellclOOS hot luncheon was served. Mis* Agues (loss Is In Hhcrmnn, the guest of Mrs. Joseph llarrold llolt, tied Miss Norum Strickland, of this city. Miss Judith Lyndon, who has been the atest of relatives, returned to her home In islilugti I Ism All Dalton In Greenville, imya by Policemen Black and Tlnpln. The youthful tM'ggar*. Monk llrese years of age. Joined Dattoi B. C„ and William Doneh* fell In with his tutor lu Knoxville, Tenu. Dalton professes to live In Knoxville and aaya be was on his way to Hnvannah to see a doctor. A number of printed corda, carrying out |m g—•“ —-* —re used by the lid In possession _ evidence before recorder. On thfse .card* appears this Inscription, showing that they were trying to sell some small article for whatever they could get: “Please do not pasa me by. My father he- in< * gad !3L_ , help me If you mu. • I know Hod will re ward you, and I and n cripple father for von will pray.” The two boya are being held until their J Mrs. John Knickerbocker Wulfirhlgo, of 8nrntofc%. is the guest of her parents, Pol- ■el nr “ ** ' To Build Now Church. Brunswick, Ga„ Nov. 20.—The Epis copalians of Brunswick have started a *und for the erection of a new church f their denomination in this city. vllle. Wli of Mrs. V Mrs. Ku iel mm Mrs. K. K. Lumpkin. Mrs. (budoii Parson has returned to Ha- vnuiiah. Hhe was mvoin pit tiled by Miss Mattie Wilson Dullosc, who will ho her guest for some time. Mra. J. F. Colbert, of Colbert, visited Mrs. Walter Pltner this week. Mr. mu! Mrs. Walter Booth have returned to Wiitklusvlllc, after n abort visit to Atheii* friends. Mis* Fdlud Few Is *|>cmlliig the week In Madison. Miss Naomi Jackson has returned to Bast- While lu the elty she wan the gueut Frank B. HrlfAth, liigeue Jackson Is visiting relatives lu Chattanooga. Mr. and Mr*. Luther Hale bare returned to Wlntervllle. Mr. Will Wl ... . _ his iMtrents, Mr. mid Mrs. . Bev. Troy Beatty haa returned from short trip to Ht. Hlfnonds. Mlaa Mancha Foster haa returned to Wesleyan, after a pleasant visit to Miss Uuth Weatherly. Mrs. Wheh-hel. of nnlneavllle, Is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. It. B. Park. Jr. Mra. Tom Fselle haa returned to Mon- ilcello, after visiting Mr*. II. 1\ Iaiwrence. Mra. Osear 1**1*. of Thompson, arrives In a few days to lie the guest of Mist Louise DuBoae. Mr*. Hugh II. Gordon has returned from Mis* Irene Tiller, who for several day* lulling Mr. and Mrs. K. F. fail West Point. Mis* Louise DuBosc has returned from Thompson. THOMA8VILLE. Mr*. Julia II. Hcott and Mr*. Frederick Dl*niuke have l**ued Invitation* for a largo afternoon euchre Saturday. Mr. and Mr*, llansell Matt, who were re- cently married lu Htaunton. Vn., have been the recipients of much social attention since coming to thla city to make their home. A receptTqn In their honor at the home of Mf. ami Mr*. Jnine* Wntt Friday evening, wan one of the large*t and mo*t beautiful af fair* of the acasotv In the receiving party were Mr. nud Mr*. J. II. Merrill. Mis* Agnes Went, Ml** Harnli Ctter aud Ml** Eva chocola“ "' -_ “ ‘ •••ier*'hss.... .. H. Jarssr, —JIPBPWPWP llansell, Alice Mae Anslcy, May l’utteii and Mary Jerger. Mlaa F.llle Mash entertained at a forty- two party Hntarday afternoon In honor of her guest. Mis* Mildred Hicks, of Bau- bridge. Mr. and Mr*. M. M. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cooper, Ml** Hena Botichellc and Mis* Marv Cooper spent a portion of the week III Pelham, where they nttendeil the wedding of Mis* Bosabelle Cooper and Mr. ItflNCoe Abridge. Mr. and Mrs A. II. Mnnoii and Mr. Janie* Mason, of Philadelphia, arrived thla week to spend the winter sen sou In Thouiaevllle, and ore at their country place, “Ktislniw" They made the trip from their Northern home by automobile. Among the v‘ elty are: Mlsi JHHl Miss Mnybel! Roberts of Valdosta; Miss Jeanne Meline, of Montlcello, Fla., and Mis* Claudio hum*. of Huvnnnah. They were the gue*t* of honor at a Imp given l»v the young inen of the city at the Mitchell 1 Noise Tuesday. Among the Northern people who are here and Mr*. Pliny Xorcrnn*, of Jamcsvllle, Wl*., ami Mr*. E. W. Edgar, of Chicago. Mr. am! Mr*. Itbiiard Crosier arrived from Philadelphia Monday In their private car amt are at their home on Dawson street for the winter season. Mlaa Jane Dillon has returned to Thoinna- Chicago and Atlanti ALPHARETTA. Mr*. J. P. Brooke nnd daughter. Mia* Mnrlau, have returned from a week's visit to relatives In Atlanta. Mia* Juliet Braswell, of Florida, took chnrge of Alphnrettn school Inst Monday. Master Tensley l r p*baw entertained at a children's party Saturday night. Those who attended .were: Misses Iluby Shirley, Pearl Tucker. Essie Mae Floyd. Leona I’p- show, Laura Martin, Itnth Hacker, Bertha Scale. Louln Shirley. Beatrice Tensley, Mnvmlc Brondwell. Kate Shirley, Master* WUhuru Parker. Seaborn Brondwell, Charlie Inula, nre the guests Mr. nnd Mr*. I. T. Crlsler. Mr. William Upshaw nnd son. Mr. Jeff Upshaw, accompanied Master Teasley Up- ahnw to Atlautn Wednesday. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of Bears the Signature RYAN BEFORE GRAND JURY New York. Nor. So.—Thomas F. Byan nnd Anthony N. Brady, the former traction pro moters nnd Paul D. Cravath, the lawyer, were called ns witnesses before the grand Jury yesterday In the Investigation which the district attorney** efflco I* making of the sate of. the Wall nnd Court la ml Street Railway Company to the Metropolitan He eurftfe* Company. FLAMES THREATEN MANY PERSONS New York, Nov, 20.—Fire which Fire Marshall Cortrlght believes to have been started by Incendiaries Imperiled the lives of hundreds of men. women nnd children living In tenement house* ,en*t of Third avenue today. The flame* which for a time threatened to sweep the whole block started In n lumber yard owned by Hloaiie A Muller. aims TO ESCAPE DEATH Four Greeks Have Narrow Escape in Burning House. In A fire shortly after 2 o'clock Wednesday morning lu the establishment of J. Ellocho- In*, a ({reek, at 122 West Peachtree street, the proprietor nnd .three other Greeks, who were sleeping in the rear, were almost suf focated by smoke and were forced to leap from a window. Kiiocholas conducts nn lee cream parlor lu the front portion of the building and Im* sleeping apartment* In the rear. It wni lu the wleeplng apartments that the fire origi nated. The cause I* a mystery. When the four Greek* awoke, the whole place was filled with n dense volume of smoke and they were nearly eufToented. Weak and faint, the four men got out of their beds a* quickly as possible nnd groped their way to n window. Smashing the gin**, the foreigners then made their e»r l».v leaping to tile ground outside. Tho fire department soon extinguished the flames. The damage was considerable. CONTESTANTS RUSH TO SEND VOTES Names of Those in the Big Race For Awards Will Be Printed Next Saturday. Nurtlng Mothers end Materia. The Old Standard GROVE S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC drives out ma laria and bullda up the system. For grown people and children. Sod'. RUSS OFFICIALS FEAR TERRORISTS WILL KILL TAFT St. Petersburg, Nov. 20.—Although m( sage* from Eastern Siberian cities along the Hue of the Trans-Siberian railroad any Secretary Taft nnd his party are enjoying the trip and profe«s4o he very comfortnble lu their private car, the Russian authorities nre restless lest the terrorists strike a blow nnd will not be ensy until Secretary Taft arrive* here. The train I* being guarded ns carefully as If the caar wan a patweuger. OHIO LEAGUE WILL INDORSE FORAKER We Say Is a purely laboratory of medical herbs, and that Its ingredients act upon the womanly constitution, in such a way as to relieve unnecessa-y periods of pain and misery, to which so many vomen are liable. We also say, that for over half a century Wine of Cardul has been used by vomen, as a medicine peculiarly adapted to their Ills, and that they have found It valuable for all the common ailments, to which vomen are subject, by reason of their nature and habit Mrs. CapL J. Donaldson Says “I am continually recommending Cardul to suffering women. Eight years ago, I had svelling of the limbs, and suffered severely with periodical pains. After taking tvo bottles of Cardul, I was Jonesboro, Ark. never troubled again. During change of life, four years ago, my mother nearly died, having 16 to 24 cramping spells a day, and many tymes we laid her down for dead. After suffering for four months, she took eight bottles of Cardul, and was entirely cured. A young woman tn DeKalb had taken cold, and was sick for six months from female complaint. I recommended Cardul, and after taking 3 bottles she was en tirely well These are only a few Instances, where Cardul has been a real God-send to suffering women, with whom I havo come in contact in my Salvation Army work.” For sale everywhere. Try It Write for Fre vice, describe FOR LADIES «i n c ■ v jkc ujck icr women, u you uccu iw i symptoms, utatlng age and we will reply In envelope. AdJres*: Ladle* Advisory Dept, x>ga Medicine Co, Chattanooga, Ten a. Wine Cardui Columbus, Ohln, Nor. 20.—Senator Jonepti B. Fnrakee will be indoraed (or the presidential nomination today by the Ohio Slate League of Republican Clubs. The executive and adrlaory mmlttees of that body have been summoned to meet at the Neill House by President H. V. Specimen, who Is an attuche of the I’nlted States sub- tttusury at Cincinnati. Every county In the atute Is represented In the ex- utlve committee. COMMUTERS’ RATES ARE WITHDRAWN ihtmoiih who have bntlncs# hitemun In At- Inntn nnd live aloux Ilie route. Tbl* rate line been withdrawn since the ling on (he Went Point to restore Every day adds new Interest-to The Georgian and News' great SIS,000 con test. No voting competition ever In augurated In the state of Georgia has elicited the Interest and enthusiasm ac. corded The Georgian and News' plan. There are enough prises for all, and so. liberal that every woman In the state Is against letting this exceptional opportunity slip by, especially so as It does not cost one penny to try. The prise any contestant desires most can be won without expense on the part of the person competing. Success depends upon effort and perseverence ulonc. The $2.000 touring ear, the second capital prise of the contest, Is In per fect working order, and will be exhib ited on the streets of Atlanta within the near future. It Is a beauty and ready for Immediate delivery orsoon as the winner Is determined upon. The’ contest Is now five days old and going at a rapid pace. Those who al ready are In the contest - are not letting the gross grow under their feet, but nre setting a gait that will innke It hard for Inte comers. Those who Intend to enter the contest should not delay an other moment. Tho race is of short duration, closing February 2, and not a minute should bo lost. If you wait, wait, wait, others will get ahead of you and secure tho votes you are de pending upon to make you a winner. A Personal Word. Candidates, have you stirred up all your friends on this contest proposi tion, m> vital to you and the pride of your community? Have you talktN It over carefully with your friends and acquaintances, so that you will know best Just how to make every stroke count in this work for the superlatively line gifts—gifts so altdgether valuable and desirable that you ran not afford to let your more ambitious brethren and slaters wrest them from you? You see the five-vote coupon on this page. Well, that Is the scepter placed right In your hands and with which you are to wield the power that Is to bring ypu one of these line awards. It isn't ffeceasary to All out each Individual coupon; you can save time by Ailing out one coupon, putting It on top of the reat that you have and tying u string or placing a rubber band around them. We will then credit them to the contestant Indicated on the top coupon. Remember, however, that the "cou pon route" la not the only or the best way to secure votes In this contest. The best way is to secure subscriptions. I>ald In Advance, for The Georgian and News. A few yearly subscriptions rep resent more votes than can lie clipped from one copy of the paper per day In about Ave years. A new yearly sub scription tn The Georgian and News counts for 2,400 votes, you know, and a 1 few such votes will Increase your vote total materially. First Announcement on Saturday. Prepare yourself this week to lead your district next Saturday, at which time the Arat announcement of candi dates will appear In this publication. Those who get down to business right now will lead next Saturday, and. therefore, have the best opportunity to win. Traveling Is nearly as great an edu cator as schools. Few people, even those who are geographically wise, know where the Cuban Islands are ab utted or what a vast variety of views and Interesting scenes are possible In these W. 1. Possessions. * The oAlee of the contest manager I* In the Austell building, No. 321, Where you can see him at ahy time during the day, and If there la any point about the contest that you do not thoroughlv un derstand, come up and see him, and he will gladly explain everything to you. Enter the race now while the opportu nity presents Itself, for you may never again have auch an opportunity ns we now give you. PILOT NICOLLS HAS CHAMPION Pltulnirjr. Nor. ro.-Jilot damn* NIcoIIh, of Cairo, who** Ilrrn«o wa» *im- pended l»jr the order of Preuldent Kooeevflt during Him trip of the delegate* to th* Momphlff Waterway* convention down »h* Mlaalsalppl, Home time ago. has found * elmmpion In the Pittsburg delegation to the convention. The delegation has intereated the Chamber of Commerce and the rlrer* and harlMirn committee and * personal pe tition will be presented to havo Nicolls re* Instated. TAFT IS BOOSTED BY LONGWORTH FOR PRESIDENCY Cleveland, Nov. 20.—Representative NIcbolaa Longwortft, aon-ln-law of Prealdent Roosevelt, haa dlaproved tha allegation* that hla mouth had been muzzled by the white house, when h# broadly hinted at least, that he fore sees victory for William Howard Taft In the presidential race of 1908. In a telegram to United State* Dis trict Attorney J. J. Sullivan, Mr. Long- worth aaya: “Give my beat compliments to the members of the Garflehl Club. Wish I were with you. My. toast would be •The Next President of the United States, a Bon of Ohio.'" FIVE INJURED BY EXPLOSION Grecnnburg. Pa.. Nov. 20.—One Ital ian wa, fatally Injured and four other, ■evenly burned laat night when a keg of powder exploited, near here. An exploding lamp, set Are to the powder. One man wa* thrown through a win dow and badly injured. HEARST LOSES”’ RECOUNT BILL Albany, N. Y., Nov. 20.—The court of appeal* while shutting off Hearet from a recount under the special law' passed by the legislature, holds that the quo warranto proceedings which nre pending will be sufficient to permit Mr. Hearst to test the title to the office. GEORGIAN AND NEWS $15,000 CONTEST No. 5 I GOOD FOR FIVE VOTES T FOR MRS. OR MISS (Name of Candidate) ADDRESS .(Street Number, City and State.) CONTEST DISTRICT NUMBER NOT GOOD AFTER NOV. 26. SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED Sl.OO. THE BEST WORK EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY PHONES 41. THAT'S ALL