Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 13, 1908, Image 2

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THUKSDAt. KKHItl AHV 13. 190* THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. BISHOP'S ELECTION MAY BE DELAYED Rumors Are That Strong Rivalry Is On For High Office. AUGUSTA, G*„ Feb. 1&—Besides t ie transaction of routine business, the Episcopal conventloned passed a reso^ lytlon yesterday to hold the election for bishop of the Georgia diocese at 10 q’elock this morning. Immediately after . the reading of the minutes. It Is understood a strong effort will be made to postpone the ballot for some hours. Not to put It more strongly, It Is evident that there la a strong rivalry between certain prominent clergymen whose names are to be proposed, and It Is perhaps for the reason that consider- ; able quiet Influence Is being exerted .for “the favorite*" that the motion will . b* made for postponement. I < The salary of the bishop has been I Used at 14,000. ’ '■ Instead of Rev. C. H. Strong, of Ha f vannah. Dr. Charles R. Wright, of Al i bony, acted us celebrant at the cele- ! bratlon of the holy communion. A ' 1 If * IS o’clock Rev. Mr. Strong called to r order the formal business session. He p, was then elected president of the con- ventlon, and Rev. 8. J. French, of l. WaycrosB, secretary. »' Committees were appointed on claims 'land seats, constitutions and canons, it missions, corporations and precedent, »- committee on finance, new , parishes and churches, and the committee on the ' .University of the South. The appoint- ’ .merit of remaining committees were set | 'aside as unfinished business and the • 'hours for sessions were fixed, as fol ;, lows; Morning prayer, 9:30 a. m. ■ morning session. 10 a. tn. until 1:30 • p. m.; afternoon session, from 1 p. m. :. until finished. ■■ After considerable discussion It was decided to read Bishop Nelson’s re- port, and after the conclusion of other *„ preliminary business, the convention ■ adjourned to a luncheon prepared by ’.. the ladles of the three parishes In Au . gusta. A largely attended missionary rally was held last night at' 8: SO o’clock. The principal feature of the conven . tlon. that of electing a bishop, has been fixed by resolution for today. There are several pomes mentioned as possl- bllltles, but the most generally spuken of are Dr.' Iteece, of Nashville; Dr. Whittaker and Father Hughson. The etrongeat probability of selection seems to lie between the first two, both of whom are well Known. GENERAL SLOCUM’S CAPTAIN MUST SERVE TEN YEARS AN UNHEALTHFUL WINTER After-Effects of the Grip—How to Get Rid of Thom. The winter has been pleasant In many ways, but not conducive to health. Infectious diseases have had many victims. The grip especially has been very prevalent and among Its after effects are weakness. Impaired dlgee tlon, loss of appetlty, nervousness and sleeplessness. Aftsr the Grip as well as all other blood-poisoning, prostrating diseases, Hood'*'Sarsaparilla I* the most effect ive'and successful, medicine. It puri fies and vitalizes the blood, -gives strength rwhere It Is needed, and re store* tho conditions of health. Hood's Pills are the cathartic to take with It, If one Is needed. , All Run Down—‘i had the grip and It left me very weak and all run down. Hood's Sarsaparilla made me well and strong.” Mrs. Ellen M. Small, Exeter, N. H. Unequalled—"I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and It has completely cured me of the grip," I. E. Davidson, Kappa, III. , Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold every where. In the usual liquid, or In tab let form called Ssrsatabs—One hun dred doses one dollar. FOR WATERWAYS Pennsylvania Senator Ad dresses Pittsburg Cham her-of Commerce. PITTIint’RO, r*.. Feb. 13.-In speech *fort> th»* »‘hnmh**r of cfimineny Inst m ;* ,;en*tor Hills inter F. Kinii made * plea the waterways of the emratir noil railed the attention of Iris hrerers to lire fact that the question was pressing. Senator Knox said the construction of tire I’annnm renal would demand that tlie ('lilted Wales spend more uiounjr on tlu» nri»r» on«l imriiors In order that the eltlxen* mid their InttrextH “'“'it rent* the full benefit. . , , .. i Impri'wcd uiHiu bln henrer* tbit local Jealousies and sriffsluiets e braid he cllinl- d Slid partial views cntsrxrd In order turner approprintlons eonld lie binds he government to Improve the country - Tway*. lie said It was time for realisation of the fart that the .rust gain from u waterway scheme was truly na tional In Its scope. APALACHICOLA HARBOR 18 BEING DREDGED. APALACHICOLA. Flo., Feb. 13.- The Home Dredging Company, dredge No. 3, has arrived In Apalachicola, to continue the government work of Im proving the Apalachicola Harbor. AMERICAN GIRL, CIRCUS RIDER, CRACK SHOT, ARMY COURIER, NURSE, SOLDIER, IS ARRESTED JDON, Keb. It—When arraigned In iradforl / police ronrt charged with rnneH, Lilly Whltcroae, an Amerirnu LONDOl the Uradl Cruukenutw, woman who Myi ehe wan once most circa* rider and crack abot fiilo ftllra trniip, told a story that held the court •pr'“-— “ ‘ *“ — ed tin* Inat Illll’a allow In Alaaaachusetta nud became la crack ahot nnd expert rider under Colo- ual Cody’s tuition. leaving the show value, and to better her flnanrlal condition she sold the In formation to the Itoer aeneral, HeWet. he had left her hueband and engaged her- ninny during adventures, and her riding wan commented on by men lu l*oth armies. Uemorse for her treachery overcame her, and ahi* deserted the Ilnur*. Muklutf her way to the Hrltlali at Mod dor river, Mill travelin;; ita n twin, she Joined their forces. Khe went thru a number «f battles, she umIiI. und earned Hpeclnl distinction by carrying n wouw «il triHjiw r across a rlyer on her hone*. Finally enteric ferer laid her Iqw. aud she wee token tn a hospital. Here her sex was discovered. She then liecaine a nurse, and. after the war waa concluded, site returned home to return# her prof**- alnnal career. The fever, she Mi rettiriUHl. and she sometimes took of the disci her 27s end costs. VALENTINES THEN AND NOW; POST CARD MISSIVES LEAD Drop a penny Jn the slot nnd get a Talen» tine. My, my, how times change! Don't you remember bow you used to And a stubby pencil nnd coax a sheet of Nceutod note pnper from your Idg sister and then bunt some quiet spot to write your •’alentlne? There was a little girl who sat Mrn . vmiv vmu it V'.«x* a i n trniinn. j.acroM the i»l*le from you In whool, and v!TS h!i?i lihlfLiirnliJ? .bL *£!£■!?! "h** had golden hair In two ptg tnlls down Van Hihnlck, who rtunmnnili^l tho Genera) | ipp (mpg. You'd loved her desncrntelv for weeks, but her so quill your chance, Rtocuiu rttilch was pnrtjnlly burned Juno -IK. 1900, carrying down more than 1,000 lives, will be compelled to serve ten years In Nine Sine, to which he was sentenced. The rnlted Strifes court of appeals, to which tribune he carried the case. nfter| tentem-e had been Imposed, bn tided down a decision yesterday sfrlrntlng tbs Judgment of the lower court. There In no court left to which tbs captain may now ap peal. CHASED BURGLAR IN DRESSING GOWN clteme ) usually quiet nrlghltorltood of Ci Hawaon aud Washlngtou-sts. r afternoon at 3:10 o’clock. -f Cnpit , Weun _ bureau drawer In her (mine at iff Capltof ave- Bhe *creamed nud the 0 cro promptly fled. Charles Adams, Hoarder, waa lu his room with his wtf . and heard the sertetu. lie bad been til, but^ th* hurried explanation that a bur- w* JSS.’ia Mcaped .«li»l not prevent blut J maraudsr. Mr. Adame was resalng gown, and bis hurried ths street* In this attire drew the chase, aud In a short tin • crowd was following. A squad of*polle* was dlapatched to tl scene, and all aorta of crimes were clinrsi . br the axdted uelghbora ngulnst the thTef. Flnally a halt was msde at the Jewish synagogue at Washlnyton and Clarkesta., where the negro was last seen. The negro waa not found and the excited neighbors dispersed, ROADS TO REFUSE THEATER RATES i5K?'?p*f«r relief 1*. railroad rate*. ac cording to those posted on the doings of th« flouthrastsrn l’asseuger Association at the Anal session Weilnvsiluy afternoon. While no Anal action has been taken, and each road will act Independently and Ita officials communicate Its policy |o t’hnlr- mah Joseph Hlchanlson. of the pasneuger aaene|atl«)n. tbu Indications are that the roads will decline to grant the request of the theatrical peopls and re establish the stand on the question. It is said. I* taken by the rullroads for the reason Hint within a sli'iat time several roads would be gin selling 2,000-mlle Interchangeable tulle age books at 2 routs a mile, and that tu further concessions could l*o made nt thb •ntly the thsater managers realist they can not secure the party rates from tho railroads, for they have, thru their at torney, Ltgon Johnson, petitioned the In terstate commerce* commission In Washing ton for tba rates asked of the railroads. MAJOR VANCE ON RETIRED LIST WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—MsJo« Zeh- Ulpn H. Vance, aged 4*. Fifth Infantry, who was found by an army t'samlnlna board Incapacitated for active service, Owing tn hit failure to stand the pres|. dent’s horssmanshlp lest, was placed upon the retired list of the army to day. Ayers Pills Atkvov’ doctor sW is think of Ihu formula for • Itoer pill. Do ot ho sqy, about U1tot them pill*. Ho kooua. Jtk* . . . . . . , lor. [gai tiw..... |m CsbcwthF.', . itr.Jta >. e. im co. Complete Formula, Ayer’t Pillt i nu 'fpto. A* A* Lowtll.Mui. her back. You'd loved her desperately for weeks, but you never dr«*nui«Ml of telllug her so gntll M. Valentino's day. This qras mpur chance. V Don't you rememlier haw you chawed the 'or It Jxirdcraj^po the commonplace: “A* stirs ns the vine grows round the stump You nrc iny darling sugar lump." \ That was too familiar, even for an anony mous love letter, but much In vogue la the rurnl district*. You useil to tie your missive with a blue rlIdiot * * “ “ “ basket. _ . And tn# always .. .. blushed ever/ time ahe bHiked your way that day—which was whenever the teacher waa busy. And you tried to dig your toe* thru the floor and grew uncomfortably warm Im-IiIml the ear*. 4iit, pinched from your mother's work cet. and slip H into the little girl's desk. . knaw who sent It and But If* changed now. For a penny you mny take your choice of the poet card Val entine, drawn by a real artlat, for e Outrun)! and others Hko blm nre draw them. There nre heart* aud Cnuld*,- ' " fill _ noticeable absence of the old-fnshloiicj "comic" with an Insulting picture and stilt more Insulting Hue. There will lie fewer heartaches caused by this season’ crop of Valentine*, yet many a man tun; profit by seeing himself ns others see him. for some of th# |k»*t card* bear a hint worth taking, "Hi. Valentino's day means the biggest post cant business of the, year." said one book store wan. “Christmas doesn't com pare with It. Tho postmeu will have a hard day.” tint thee nnat nsrit Valentine, the dl... tunny, the calendar .olee of some, have not put the real old-fashioned celluloid nud rib- lion Valentine out of business. Far from it. There arc big design* of pink aud blue nnd white, folding upon themselves In lny< after layer, ornauieuted with hearts and V decked with rlhlNin. *nd tit for nothing un der the sun but a Valentine. They nre to be opened, admired and locked away III n chest, for thsjr won't stand, they won't bang up, nnd nobody has ever discovered a use to which they can be put. Hut ths factories turn them out by itiilthm* nud the lover* emit lime to, buy and send them. And If they make giver and receiver happy, what's the odds? ASK CONGRESS TO RETURN $68,000,000 TO SOUTHERNERS her* of ths house began a concerted move ment yesterday t** procure legislation to re fund the IftH.noo.noo cotton tax «*olleoted dur lug tba (Tvll war. A meeting of menjbsra of the house from eleven cotton-raising states was held last night In the office of Hcprcscnfatlve t’lark. of Horhla, and was decided to present a bill making a dl rect thin to refund the inoMg FIGHT ON BOARDS TO BE RENEWED That the fight begun ls*t year for the abolttloa of departmental boards In the oily government will continue this year In council there Is little room to doulit. Several members of council have ex pressed an Intention to vote for abol ishing boards V th* mntter come* up. The wrangle of tho Grady hospital board, the troubles of th* park board, the transacting of the city’* business behind closed doors by the school hoard, all are combining to create a strong sentiment against departmental boards. NEW PASTOR COMES EARLY IN MARCH btx stay la Atlnntn, amt his ministrations In the Ventral § Uiosst ui-eeptntde more Sunday a remain. _ He has for uisny year* l**n on* of tha foreniofit preacher* lu the denomination, and his sermons here ulnm no diminution mum, aim nis ininisiraiiou* Congregational church arc i» a im I helpful. Only a few vmaJn. however, of hi* *t*y. ver. The church la (tMiklng forwnnl to the coming of the Her. Henry A. Atkinson, who has been Called to the pastorate from the First Fontregatlonnl church of Hprlug- Held. Ohio. . Ills realgu.itli>u wa» aevciite«l by that church alnoit n mouth ago. to take effert March I. Ue*olutiona were adopt- The* bill will dlroct that th* money Im* paid Jiy the treasury to bohlari of etitttm tax evrtlAcntca without aubiulttliig tbelr claim to the court of rlaUn*. The assertion Is made that th# taf. A bring a direct tax. MAN USES POCKET KNIFE IN ATTEMPT TO KILL HIMSELF rmrAOO, Fell. ta.-Iloliort ), Ault, lunaufitrtnrer's ns. ut nud hollered to >»' msmhe, of a wrslthy ('tnclmistl tsially, ■tsblHHl himself with e (Hicket knife lu mi allcuipt tu commit suicide lu s Turkish bath this uiornlug. The wouuded nieii was lasts said ho mult dy die. SOLICITOR MADDOX ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY. DALTON, Ga„ Fsb. 13,—Hon. 8. P. Maddox, solicitor general of the Cher okee circuit, has announced that he would stand for re-election. Colonel Maddox has held this office for a num ber of year*. His opponent will be T. Milner, a prominent attorney of Carters vine. Omeda Oil FOR CHILDREN Mothers shounl un derstand that Omega' ed, *>spressing tppnnal of hl« mlulstrjr, sod i Oil. although pOWer- graat regret at iiortiiii wtth-hiiu sod m* fniinovercomincpain, wife, but re.'osnlslug th.. Urgrr opportuuity ; pn-rrutnl by this Held at the slrslrglc ia perfectly iafe to USO Oil p mV. Atktu»7* tSTsl’K' sdrsatages .,f ohildren for tore throat, cold i out It. n thttrough eilucatlon. several years* l n *hrt fihngL experience and an enthusiasm ft»r the work 1,1 , ■ lilts pnstorate. ell believes lu Atlanta, ipnuns, 01111869/ id In the future t>f th* Congregation*! B mrvh. or any pain. 1 ~ — — It never bliatera \ Missionary Allianc*. • Rev. Isaac Hess, missionary at 8u- , DUTOS Chow, China, arrived Thursday In Al- themoit lanta and will deliver an oddresa Fri- fender day morning at 10:10 o’clock at the ... convention of the Christian and Mis- MUD- slonory Alliance. Dr. A. B. Simpson, i one of the leaders of the convention. Is j expected to arriy* .for addresses on 1 Sunday. I Have You Ever Stopped to Think About Your Health? Ars you as well, strong and vigorous as you used to be? Ars you sometimes discouraged, and think you’ll never b* any better? Can you tell the cause of your trou ble. or what makes you sick? Do you know that about nine-tenths of all sickness Is caused by kidney trouble? , Have you ever stopped to think that your kidney* may be the cause of your poor health? Most people do not realise how much Wbrk the kidneys are required to do every day. Every drop of blood In the body must pass through and be filtered by the kidneys thousands of times a day. How can they do their work well they are sick? If your kidneys need treatment, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root will prove to be Just the medicine you need. If you will write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ every reader of this paper, who has not already tried Swamp-Root, the ■great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, may receive a sample bottle by mall-absolutely free, That Institution Has Now No Fund Frjm City For Support Olff* of wood, coal or provisions to assist In file ninlntonunce of th* ’Homs for Old Women” are earnestly desired by the Gordon circle of the King’s Daughters, whlph originated and has charge, of this benevolent Instltu tlon at 1* East Mltchell-sL Since the city hoa cut off Ita month contribution of |7(, the support of e home has devolved entirely upon the Gordon circle, which Is In turn de pendent upon contributions received from the people of Atlants. The horns was organised In August, 1101, and since that time It has cored constantly for twelve or fifteen aged women who have no other home. Their needs, while few, are nevertheless Imperative. According to Mrs. S. J. PurtelL 1 Ident of the Gordon circle, there Is onfy one ton Of coal now at the home. During the winter ten and a half ton* have been used, and more will be need ed before the winter ends. There Is at present only $11.37 In the treasury, with provisions to last about six weeks. The circle has $S,000, which has been contributed for the purpose of-erecting a new home for the old ladles, but that eum was given with the understanding that It should be used for that purpose alone, and for that reason It can not be touched. The women who are cared for by the home are all worthy and of the,highest respectability, and there Is no worthier object for charity, Mrs. Purtell Is very desirous that the Itlxene of Atlanta demonstrate their Interest In the home In a substantial manner and evince their appreciation of the noble work being dons by assist ing the Circle In properly maintaining the Institution. Household supplies of any character will be greatly appre ciated and may be sent cither to the home or to Mrs. Purtell. Mrs. F. M Farley, Mrs. Haslett, Mrs. Dr. Clark or Mrs. Cherles Niebuhr. Marked For Death. ‘Three years ago I was marked for death. A grave-yard cough was tearing iny lungs tn pieces. Doctors failed to hcl|> me, and hope had fled, when my husband got Dr. King’s Naw Dlscov- snys Mrs. A. C. Williams, of Itac, “The firm dose helped me and Im- rovement kept on until I had gained 8 pounds In weight and my health was fully restored." This medicine holds the world’s healing record for coughs and colds and lung and throat diseases. It prevents pneumonia. Sold under guarantee nt alt drug stores. 60c and : 1.00. Trial bottle free. MRS. MARY HODGE CALLED TO REST After an lllneaa of several months, Mrs. Mary Hodge, aged 80. one. of the pioneers of Atlanta, passed away at the residence iff J. B. Withers Wednes day night. Mrs. Hodge had redded here for yean and leaves a large circle of friends who will learn with regret of her death. 8h« waa a relative ot the owners of the Withers foundry, and la survived by a sister, Mrs. R. E. Woodbury, and one brother, John T. White. The funeral ceremonies will be con ducted at H. M. Patterson & 8on’s rlvatc chapel Thursday afternoon at : 30 o'clock. The body will be sent to Mount Zion church, Douglas county, Friday morning for Interment. YETS WANT PENSION PAID ANNUALLY No law placed on the statute books lias ever proven more unpopular, per haps, than that changing pensions from annual to quarterly payments. From Confederate veterans all over the state there has come strenuous ob jection to the change, and It Is more than prybable that an effort will be made to restore payment* to the old basis at the coming session of th* gen< era! assembly. * Th* first quarterly payment will be made now In a short time. It Is due March 1, but arrangements have been made to pay It ahead of time. Vet erans say that when the 380 they! re ceive annually (thnt I* the amount the great majority receive) I* spilt up Into four payments the money does them little good. The protests against th* change have been general, and this leads to the con clusion that th* next legislature will knock quarterly payments but. MANY GEORGIANS GET-PATENTS WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—R. W. Bishop, patent attorney, reports the Issue of the following patents to resi dents of Georgia: Pinning and holding device for Jew elry, Moses Greer. Atlanta, Ga.; dou ble plow, W. L. Helman, Summerville, Ga.; wheel, a. C. Wimp**, Rome; still for extracting turpentine from gum and rosin, G. K. Williamson. Savannah; hoisting and conveying apparatus. T. 8. Miller. Soqth Orange, N. J, and J, H. Dickinson, Atlanta, Oa. ' JUSTICE BREWER BIFFS BIG NAVY, Favors Peace Founded on Justice and Right. ’ WASHINGTON, Feb. ll-Juds# David C. Brewer, of tbe supreme mart m the fulled I-eitlou of the f nltcd Ktnti** laxt nltfbt, Jur tlve Brewer took op tho eu<tfi»U lu oppn«l. tlmi to a policy of heavy ^expenditures to build up a ffren; navy. He spoke for that could not mighty navy, hut which inost be founded tt|K»ii “Juntlcc and right/' He paid tribute to the 11.000 bravt men n«d boys now with the American fleet, sail Inf bfd they ii ‘ ffiim, wss hnxsrdoui nnd unwlxo. lie.saw no ncrcftrity for a great navy. The I nlted State* was not menaced from any quarter. No trouble would urine that ’could not Slid should not he settled by nr bltrntlon. Instead of unending millions ‘ build n mighty nsry. which lind been dc since 1196, the fnJted Htnten should be pi lug the national debt—* debt that had i been curtailed sjnre the upbuilding of I mighty navy l»egan, twelve years ago. COMMISSION WILL HEAR ROADS’ PLEAS FOR MORE TIME WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.—In view of the announcement matin by the Inter state, commerce commission respecting Its authority to extern^ the law which goes Into effect March 4 limiting the hours of service of employees engaged In the movements of trains on Inter state railroads, application hoa been mad* for a hearing befora the commie, slon on th* subject by/ the Chicago. Burlington and Qulnoy; the Southern railway, the St. Louis and San Fran deco nnd the Seaboard Air Lin* sys terns. Other applications, It Is expect' ed, will be received In a few days The commission ha* set Fsbruary 37 as the date for the hearing of the ap. plications and It Is txpected that all on file with the commission will be thrashed out on that day. RIDGELY PUTS COFFIN IN LINE FOR ANANIAS CLUB WASHINGTON, FmT 13.—Oomptrol ler of currency Rldgeley, tn a reply to criticism* ot John McCaffln, formerly deputy comptroller, says the state ments made "by the latter were mad* without any knowledge of the facta He refuted the statement that stock rambling could be suppressed or ob- Iterated by a strict enforcement of Sections 6200 and 6303 of the revised statutes. In regard to the charge* of excessive loans, the comptroller says are equally false or based on wrong Information. CASE NOT CALLED; WOMAN IS ILL i Th* case of Mrs. N. J. Jackson, otherwise known as Leila Ward law, charged with keeping a disorderly house at 60 East Hunter-st., was railed In the city court Thursday morning, but was not taken up on account of the Illness of the defendant. Judge Calhoun declared that would not take thv case up evan tho the defendant announced ready. "I am here today to try cases set for a special hearing.” said the Judge, “and there Is no necessity for taking that rase up out of Its regular order. It can go over until the March term.” Solicitor Arnold announced that Mfs. Jackson’s rase would be the first on the docket when court meets the first Monday In March, ENTERTAINMENT FOB BOYS’ CLUB ’Fiaarro” and "King Llmpy In Doll I,and" will be the two productions at the Grand Thursday evening. St. Val entine's Day. Under the direction of the Order of Old-Fashioned Women, the two produrtlone will be given for the benefit of the Atlanta Boys' Club, ' The Marlat College students will ap pear In "Fiaarro,” a drama by Sheri dan, while the curtain-raiser. "Doll Land.” will have In Its cast fifty At lanta children. Owing to the prominence of those in terested Itr the entertainment, the occa sion will be a social event. The gen eral public, however.^wlll not alight It, as the purpose for #hlrb it Is organ ised and the renl merit of the plays have attracted much attention. Seats are on sal* at the Grand and are selling rapidly. The proceeds of the entertainment will go to furnish nnd equip th* Boye' Club rooms In Trlnlty-ave, PILES No Melter How Bad Your Case Is 'Or How Long You Have Had It, Pyre mid Pile Cur* Can Cure If, Free Package Sent To Prove IL Half of the suffering and torture of piles has never bean told. Whether your particular rase of plies Is almost too excruciating for any mortal to hear, or If you are fearfully tantalised by unreachable Itching and bteedlnr or whether you have only a moderate case of plies, there li positive relief, and quick, too. In Pyramid Pile Cure. You need not take for granted Al we say about our Pile Remedy. We want It to apeak for Reel/. That Is why we my to every person suffering from plies or any form of rectal disease, send us you# name and address and we will gladly send you a free trial package of the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest druggist and get a 60-cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure, now admitted by thousands to b* on* of the most won derful relief* end cure* for Piles ever known. Instant relief ran be gotten by using the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cur*. R Immediately reduces all congestion and swelling, heals all sores, ulcer* and irri tated parts. It renders an operation absolutely unnecessary. Send your name and address today for free trial package to Pyramid Drug Co., 113 Pyramid Bldg., UarthalL Mich. t Six days of good temper in every box of Cascarets. Six days when you feel at your best; no head ache, no dullness. Are they worth ten cents? It is folly to tallc of the “laxotive habit” The habit lies in eating the wrong sort of food, and too much of it. And in getting (oo little exercise. - While you do that, you must give the necessaiy help to the bowels in some other way. Else there is always a penalty. Here is the way to avoid it: Eat coarse food in moderation. Eat plenty of fruit, many green ■Vegetables. Drink no alcohol. Walk ten miles per day. Those are Nature’s ways for keeping the bowels activo. . The next best way is Cascarets. Cascarets, better than anything else, supply the place of laxa tive foods and of exercise. They do what right living would do. And they do'it just as gently, just as naturally. They are vegetable. You'll need them just as long as you live in-doors, and eat rich foods; and no longer. Take them as you take food—when you need it. Carry o box in your pocket, and take one Cascaret at a time. That's better than to suffer and wait. _________ Cascarets are candy tablets. Tli-y are sold by all druggists, but never in bulk. Be aura you gat ths genuine, with CCC on every tablet. Tbe price la 50c, 25c and , Ten Cents per Box an Perdue & Egleston INSURANCE TURNER GOLDSMITH, Manager. ' SEMI-ANNUAL 8TATEMENT ! For the six months ending December 31, 1307, of ths condition of ths HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, organised under the laws of the state of Connecticut, made to the gov ernor of the state of Georgia, In pursuance of the lawa of said state. Principal office, 123 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. I. CAPITAL STOCK. 1. Whole amount of capital atock. 3. Amount paid up In cash .. .. .. ..32.000,000.00 .. 2,000,000.00—3 2,000,000.00 II. ASSETS. 1. Market value of rest estate owned My the com 1 pany 31.085,187.76—3 1,085,187.73 I, Loans on bond and mortgage (duly recorded, and being first liens on th* fee) 634,000.0# t. Stocks and bonds owned absolutely by the company: Par value $12,778,630.20 Market value (carried out) 12,486,294.83— 13,480,204.33 4. Slocks, bands and all other aecuritlfp (except mort gages) hypothecated with company as collateral se curity for cash loaned by the company, with the par and market value ot th* same and tbe amount loaned thereon. ' Total par valuo T.$ 128,000.00 Total market value 145,660,00/ Amount loaned thereon (earned out) 101,000.00— 101,000.00 6. Cssh In company’s principal office 41,483.56 6. Cash belonging to the company deposited In bank 1,212.103.08 7. Cash In hands of agents and In course of transmission 8,257,707.18 . .34.904,084.37 . te 11. All other assets, both real and personal,. not Included hereinbefore, reinsurance due on paid lossea. Total assets of the company, actual cash market value. 113,920,801.84 III. LIABILITIES. 2. Gross losses In process of adjustment or Ij) suspense. Including all reported and sup posed losses 81,101,604.97 I. Losses resisted. Including Interest, cost and all other expenses thereon .i .. 99,687,76 — 4. Total amount of cjalms for losses 1,202,092.73 5. Deduct reinsurance thereon .. .. 102,485.82 6. Net amount of unpaid lossea (carried out) 10. The amount of reserve for reinsurance. Commissions and other charge* due or to become due to agents ' Return premiums II. Surplus beyond all liabilities 14. Total liabilities IV. 3 1.093.803.91 11,135.719.88 374,900.10 399,376. SO 1000,000.00 9,181.430.(3 318,620,403.84 INCOME DURING THE SECOND SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1907. 1. Amount of cash premiums recsivsd. .. . 1. Received for Interest 4. Income received from all other sources. 3 7,283.212 . <0 124,644.37 _ 43.00 V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE 8ECOND SIX MONTH8 OF THE YEAp 1907. 1. Amount of losses paid 3 3,111,907. u7 2. Cash dividends actually paid 160,000.00 1. Amount of expenses paid. Including fees, salaries and commissions to agents and officers of ths company.. .. 3,189,374.11 4. Paid for state, national and local taxes tn this and other state 101,061.14 5. All other payments and expenditures ,, f00,000.00 Total expenditure* during the atcond six months of th* year In rash .. ., .. ,. 3 6,939,343.81 Greatest amount Insured In any one risk.. ..3 100,000.00 Total amount of Insurance outstanding 1,172,957,304.00 A copy of ths act of Incorporation, duly certified, Is of ills In ths office of th* Insurance commissioner. STATE OF GEORGIA—County or Fulton. Personally appeared before the undersigned, W. R. Prescott, of and for Egleston & Prescott, general agents, who, being duly nworn. deposes nnd nays thnt he In the general agent of the Hartford Firs Insurance Company, and that ths foregoing statement Is correct and true. • W. R. PRESCOTT. Sworn to and subscribed before ms this 11th day of February, 1908. TURNER GOLDSMITH. N. P„ F. C., Ga. NameV State Agents—EGLESTON 81 PRE8COTT. .... Name of Agents at Atlanta-PERDUE & EGLESTON AND HAAS A MACINTYRE. MYERS’ REPLY SHOCKS SENATE IN NORTHRUP CASE WASHINGTON, Feb. 13—Postmas- ter Osneral Meyer’s reply to th* sen ate's Inquiry as to why Postmaster llllam H. Northrup, 'of Pennacolc. Fla., was retained In office after the senate had not only withheld Its “ad vice and content,” but absolutely re fused to confirm ths appointment, has caused something like a shock In the august upper body of congress. The reply contained the information that the action taken In Mr. Northrup’s case was “according to law.” Th* senators are now wondering what use It Is for th* senate to reject a nominee If ths person can go right on holding the office. SPECIAL SALE For VALENTINE DAY —THREE DAYS ONLY— 1-3 Off On All Sheet and Framed Pictures, Christy’s and Fisher’s included. THE COLLEGE “CO-OP" COMPANY, 97 Peachtree St.—Atlanta.