Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 13, 1908, Image 4

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4 IXI'J dlliiUUA lil.UitUiA.N A.VIJ aM.O. Promotes DigejIionThtetfd- ness and RntjCooUiflsndthr Opium Jffinttne mtHM. Not Narcotic. Ajer/MOSOmmOt Aperfect Renwdy forCowflft (ton. Sour Stomach.Dlanfwa Worms,Co:tvnlsionsfr«Ti» ness and Loss OF Sleep. FacSimilf Signarore of NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TRAIN TO CAMAK IS NOT ALLOWED TOBEOI ED Railroad Commission Denies Request of Georgia Road. In Use For Over Thirty Years TWO GREAT MUSICIANS A T THE GRAND IN ONE WEEK AtlojitA will b# the Urcn for mnalc lover* tout wppk: NeMoin bna un opportunity Ih*oii afford*! to imh* two mull jjrott artlata »* Madame firbmm»nn!lrli»k nnd Jnn Kiitadlk . In onr work—the former thr greuteat dm- ninth* roiiTmlto that tin* world hnn rv**r **rn. nod thr latter the grentcat vlollnlat of Mmffmie tWrhninatin llelnk will nopenr on Monday night and Kutadlk Thiiradinr night at thr Grand. Mndamr Hehiiniann-Ileluk In »»*« well known to nerd ritrnded not Ire re garding her greitl rnlrr and the delightful mannrr In which ah** rniderw »»ng* aud on rrrth* rrlerttona. toil • nddrd Interent In ahmvn In h**r coining concert on Account of Ike fnd that abe will /dug «<»> rntlrr act from thr 'grand o|»rra of "I* Prophet*/'. Tbla hna alwnya hern conaldeml her great- ear work anil iia mach will give the great contralto Nplendld opportunltl**a for the din- play of her mar velour voice. Jan Kulwllk baa never appeared lit Ik* South, hut hU recent triumph at the Illn- piNlrome In New York, where 5,000 people rone tn n body nod cheered lilm to the echo, 1* rtlll frerh In the mlmls of every one, nii*l oil arc iiuxloua to nee and hear the nr* tint who could rwuy siii’h n multitude of people nr one had ever dour before. The advance sale for these two* engage- lucntn show r iiiiuaual Interest mid two great audiences will greet Madotue Schu* niiuin-llelnk and Kubelik next week at the Graml. s B. & O. GIVES 2-CENT FARE AND ROBS PENNSYLVANIA MACON, 0Feb. 13.—The railroad commission of Georgia declined to per. mlt the Georgia railroad to discontinue the Haln which leave* Macon every morning at 8:40 o’clock for Camak and which returns |n the afternoon. The work of the Chamber of Commerce committee that went to Atlanta to protest against the removal of the train was very effective. The train has served hundreds of people along the Georgia mad between Macon and Camak and made connections at Ca mak for Augusta. Tho commission not only refused to allow the Macon train removed, but It also declined to allow the road to dis continue nny of Its trains on the main line or Ihe branch linen. LINCOLN WOULD ACT LINE ROOSEVELT mm TAFT Says That Former President Would Make Same Fight. MERCHANT’8 TWO CHILDREN DIE ON SAME DAY. MACON, Ga., Feb. 13.—The twochll. dren of G.B<. Watson, one of the lead ing merchants of Bon Air. Qa,-died at the family residence Wednesday, after an Illness of several days. The chil dren were aged, respectively, I years and 3 weeka HART NOT IN RACE * FOR LEGISLATURE MACON, Ga., Fsb. 13nlme B. Hart, an undertaker and former member of the city council, lias stated that he will not he a candidate for the legis lature. For some time past It has been reported that he had the matter under advisement and would probably be a candidate. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 13^-An In teresting outcome of lltr recent de rision of the supreme couft of Pennsyl- .vanlu declaring thy 2-cent-a-tnll* Isw In that state unconstitutional, at least so far as It applied to the Pennsylvania railroad, was brought to light lust week In dispatches, from Philadelphia telling thnl the Pennsylvania was baling |ais- oenger business to Ihe Baltimore and Ohio liecausa the Intter was *1111 bound to ihe 2-oem rote, while the Pennsyl vania railroad, being freed nf It, hail ‘advanced Its rat*. A situation Is thus presented In’which tlie Pennsylvania railroad Is obliged In see some of Its t’hlludrlplilu-PItlsburg business go to the Baltimore and Ohio or reduce Ha rate* to a level with those of the Balti more and Ohio In the face of the claim advanced In the recent litigation* that the Pennsylvania would lose money If It were forced to keep to tile 2-cenl rate. The Pennsylvania fare from Plilla delphtn to more than i$, while Un: Baltimore and Ohio rate on the 3-cent-a-mlld basis Is only 88.81. CANDIDATES ANNOUNCE IN BERRIEN COUNTY. NASHVILLE, G*.. Fsb. 13.—Berrien county’s primary will be held March 18. Following Is the list of candidates that have announced: For representative. G. A. Paulk: ordinary'. Marlon Register. J. D. Lovett and A. W. Patterson: sheriff. It. 8. Freed. I. F. Aver* ami I- I). Likes: treasurer, F. D. 8h*w. J. K. B. Luke. L. K. Tygart. W. R. Kates and Albert 8. 8haw; clerk, L. <’. Turner. K. P. Rtuart and J. 8. Hlrmans: tax collector, J. F. Rtudstlll. L. 8. Parrish. W. W. Fooprr. J. I). Mathis. J. J. Ruth, orford, J. T. Brown. J. B. Wright: tux receiver. W. A. Talley and G. W. Farter; solicitor. J. II. Gary and It. A. Hendricks; surveyor. T. O. Qrltlln and M. W. Shaw: commissioners. A. C. Hwert. L. F. Harper, 3. M. fleVane, M. F. DeVune, J. H. Hutchinson. K. H Gwlndle. L. H. Crawford. I. L. Mat (hews and James 1. Hull, Jr. COLUMBIA, 8. Co Feb. 13.—The house yesterday passed, by a vote of *8 to 31. a bill providing for stale in surunee commissioner, with tho power to revoke (hr license* of companies not doing a safe nr straight business. SHOGLESS LARD The superlatively satis factory Southern standard cooking-fat that has niade.J the South famous. Pure cotton seed oil* super-re fined by our exclusive Wesson process. The acme of purity, whole someness, and economy. THE SOUTHERN • COTTON OIL • CO ,.A<twTork-^avanxibUtlanta AkwOtieavs-Chica&n. S. COX & CO., Distributors - Atlanta, Ga. • L DETECTIVE 8USPENDED BY CHIEF OF POLICE MACON, Ga., Feb. 13.—City Detec tive Nat Hurt loon was suspended from the Macon police force Wednesday by t?hlef Ham Wescott, charged with so. llrltJng business for a Macon law Arm. Tuesday night if negro. Jim Free man. was arrested for running a "blind tiger." After he had been locked up. It Is charged that Detective Harrison wont Into the barracks and begun questioning the negro, and then asked a law Arm to represent Freeman. WILL MAKE fTrst’tRIP ON RIVER STEAMER. MACON, Ga., Fab. 13«~Between now and Monday morning next the new steamer A. E. c'happell will be In spected by a representative of the gov ernment, and with this done, hut little remains to be completed before the boat starts upon its trip to Brunswick. The latest plan Is to leave Macon on Monday .morning next. This will nut the boat at Hawklnsvllle about night fall. where It will tie up until the next morning. At least seventy-ftve business men of Macon have stated they will tnnke the trip as far as Hawklnsvllle. MACON DRUGGIST i SUMMONED TO COURT. MACON. Ga., Feb. 13.—L. H. Hollo man, an East Macon druggist, has been summoned to appear In recorder’s court to answer to u charge of violating the prohibition law. It Is charged that he has been tilling prescriptions without a license. ^ MERCHANT RECOVER3 FROM ROBBER'S ATTACK. MACON. Ga.. Fsb. 13.—II. E. Elliott, 85 years ol<l. who was assuulted Tues- ilay by a negro aud robbed of 110 and the keys to his store, has recovered and Is able to he about his store. Mr. Elliott was In his store when the ne gro runic and dealt him a hard blow over the head, rendering him ttticon NClOUM. EJECTED BY AN OFFICER; * HE 'SUES CAR COMPANY. MACON, Ga.. Feb. 13.—'The Macon Railway and Light Compttny has been made the defendant In several suite tiled In the i liy court of Macon, one of the suits against the street tar com pany was filed by L T. Thompson, who M-ek» damages to the amount of S5.000. He claims that on October ». l»oiJ, he was arrested on an East Macon car by T. II. Jones, an oAlcer of the county, and was forcibly removed. He says that the motorman anti conductor of fered no protection to him during the trouble. CANDIDATES ANNOUNCE IN PULASKI COUNTY. HAWKIN8VILLE, Ga.. Feb. 13.— Those who have announced their can didacy for office lit Pulaski county are: For ordinary. Judge I*. T. McOrlff und 8. D. Pusser; far sheriff. John II. Rog ers, A. J. Vaughn and Alex T- Hogg; for clerk. J. W. I.ancaster. R. W. An derson and George II. McNAlr; for treasurer. J. B. Lewis; for tax col lector. Jarrett Green. D. J. Skipper, J. J. Pollock. N. I*. Miller und H. M. Allen; for tax receiver. \V. H. Rich- anlson; for county commissioner, K. J. Henry. H. II. Sparrow* B. Bohan non. T. 8. Reeves and It. E. Nichols. UNABLE TO PAY FINE. HE 18 8ENT TO GANQ. GRAND RAP! IJK. Mich., Fell. 13.-Secre tary Taft addreftned the l.lumju flub at a banquet lant night In the Kllugnian furni ture exposition building. Ainbaseadcr Jut oerand, of Fmure, wot nlao a gueai of thU occasion. The subject of K*»cr»*t«rr Taft’n remark* wa*. “What Would Lincoln lk> Today?" Ill refereare to the country’s policy toward the Philippine*, lie aald, after reviewing the life of Uncoln. the Utter would hare main tained the Maine attitude an did President McKinley, lie aald that there would be no doubt as to the attitude of Lincoln la ref erence to the present pollrle* of P rent dent Roosevelt and hU fight against corruption Ih tba baneful Influence* of the predatory rich. Lincoln wan not an enemy of wealth lawfully accumulated, ffe wan certain Lin coln would have made the same fight that Ims endeared the present president"to the American people. SULTAN RECALLS . TURKISH TROOPS ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 13.—Notlll. (allot, of tho withdrawal of Turkish troops was In progress In Persian ter rltory west of Tabrix has been follow ed by an order from the war office for a delay In the transfer of 80,000 troop* to the vicinity of the Turko-Perslan frontier. It Is the belief in official cir cles that the sultan realises he has gone too far in defiance of the esar, and Is now about to yield. This is Worth Reading. Leo F. Zellnskl, of f.8 Olbson Ft.. Buffalo, N. Y.. says: "I cured the most annoying cold sore f ever hail, with Hucklen's Arnica Halve. I applied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore wa* gone.” Heals all son*. Sold under guaran tee at all drug stores, 25c. ROYAL' MASTER MASONS ELECT NEW OFFICERS, CHARLESTON. S. C.. Fsb. 13.—At the meeting of the grand council of Royal and Select Masters In nineteenth annual session at the Masonic temple here, officers were elected a* follows: George T. Bryan, Greenville. M. I. grand master: J. L. Mlchle, Darting- ton. deputy grand master: J. M. Gra ham. Folumbln, grand P. F. of W.; C. F. Jackson, Folumbln. grand neasurer: Zimmerman Davis,- Charleston, grand recorder: Rev. Dr. John Kershaw, of Charleston, grand chaplain: C. T. Gran. Uy, Greenville, grand C. of O.: M. H. Kandlfer. Rock Hill, grand C. of C.; W. E. Gantt, Charleston, grand steward: L. F. Meyer, Charleston, grand senti nel. PROMINENT DRUGGI8T DIE8 AT CHARLOTTE. CHARLOTTE, N. C.. Feb. 1L—Rob ert H. Jordan, a prominent figure In business and church circles for many years, and interested largely In local Industrial enterprises and a life-long druggist, died here yesterday after a week’s Illness. A wife survives hint. The funeral will take place today. - ( INSURANCE REBATING WILL BE PROHIBITED. COLUMBIA. 8. C„ F%b. 13.—The house passed a radical life Insurance bill yesterday, outlawing rebating and "advisory hoards." and providing pen alty of $500 against any agent making false representation* about policies. The house also passed it senate hill allowing domestic Insurance companies to make deposits w ith the state. BOARD C0NDEMN8 BURLESON MEA8URE Soda Crackers with crack to them Soda Crackers with snap to them Soda Crackers with taste to them Uneeda Biscuit Oven-fresh—Oven-crisp—Oven-clean— In dust tight, moisture proof packages. ) Never sold in hulk. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY | THE CAPTAIN | OF THE KANSAS I 2 By LOUIS TRACY. Copyright. 1808. by Edward J. Clod,.- AUGUSTA. Ga., Fsb. 13.—At a meet. Ing of the Augusta cotton exchange and board of trade held yesterday ufternmin that body went on record as opposed to legislation prohibiting deullng In futures. The Burleson congressional bill was epndemned, und Thomas Bar rett. Jr., president of the Langley Man. ufarturlng Company; J. 8. Hall, of In man A <'(' T. 8. Raworth, presi dent nf (he rltbley mill, were appointed a committee to draft resolution* to that effect. E. F. Verderey. delegated to *•- loot three men for Georgia to attend the organisation meeting of the nation, al association, announced the appoint ment of A. J. Bentjinnn. of Albany; Fielding Wallace, of Augusta; J. R. An derson, of Huvnnnah. THE ‘•BLUES’’ A Lady Finds Hslp From Simpl* Food, Flvlllsatlon brings blessings and also responsibilities. The more highly organised we be- come the more need there Is for regu- tartly and natural simplicity In the food we eat. The laws nf body nutrition should be carefully obeyed, and the finer, more HAWKINSVILLE, G... Feb. Xm noTha^irX" In the county court last week Claude I nnt hampered D» a complicated. Parks, a young man. pleaded guilty (o I unwholesome dietary, tlie charge of selling liquor In Hast- ! A Indy of high nervous tenslpn says: ford and wna lined 1100 or alx month* In the i-hatngung by Judge George W. Jordan. He was unable to pay the tine and will have to serve out Ms time. TWO CANDIDATES IN RACE FOR REPRESENTATIVE. SWAINSBORO, Ga.. Fsb. 13.—Since Jlie dale of the primal, has been de. lennlned. Ben V. Brinson. N. L. Gulls of Foveoa und James Wplcu liuve an nounced for representative, and 7!on. S. J. Tyson, one of present representative*, has-declared hi. Intention to stand tor re-election. Mr. Wnlea, however, who I* only Si year* of age. has withdrawn. Emanael county, whose privilege It is ._ furnish the senator for this distrlet. has offered hut one candidate. Hon. W. It. Kemp, who was at one time a can didate for congress. Hr. Kemp Is a brother-in-law of both Glllls and Brin, son. two of the three candidates for representative. THREE A"RE7NDICTlD ON FORGERY CHARGE COLUMBUS. Ga.. -Fsb. 13.—Davis, Weaver and Bowllen were al 1 Indicted by the grand Jury on chargea of forg ery Ir. the clearing house certificates esses and will he tried at the present Frock. Mich. Read "The Road to Well, term of the superior court. vllle," In pkg*. "There’s a Reason.” ‘For fifteen years I was a sufferer from dyspepsia. I confess that on lm- pruperly regulated diet wa* the chief cause of my suffering. Finally, nothing that I ate seemed to agree witlv my stomach, and life, at times, did nut seem worth living. "I began to take a pessimistic view nf everything and see life through dark blue glass, so to speak. My head be came affected with a heavy creeping sensation und t feared paralysis. "Palpitation of the heart cauaed tne to fear that I might die suddenly. Two vears ago. hearlAg Grape-Nuts so hlghlv spoken of !»y some estimable friends of mine. 1 determined to try It. "The change tn my condition wa* little less than miraculous. In a short time the palpitation, bad feeling In head and b.sly began to disappear ami the Improvement has continued until at the present time I find myself in belter health than I have ever enjoyed. "My weight has Increased 20 lbs. In thr last year and life looks bright and sunny to me as it did when 1 was a child. “For breakfast I eat only Grape- Nut* with cream or good milk, and a cup of Postum." Name given by Postum Fn, Battle He wriggled uneasily In his chair, for the spirit was willing, but Elsie made him lie qulett she rearranged his pil low, and stepped onto the bridge. By walking from port to starboard, and traversing the short length of the spar deck, she could comamnd a view of the bay and of most parts of the ship. She heard the dog scuttling down the companion; on reaching the after-rail, she saw the captain engaged In earnest, low-toned conversation with Tolle- mache and Wntker. They were stand ing on the main deck near the engine room door, and examining something something which resembled a lump of coal: she saw the engineer take three similar lumps from his pocke* Fhrlstobal appeared, carrying a bucket of water, Into which the lump* were placed by Walker, who handled i them very gingerly. After a alight de-! lay. he began to crumble one In hie I flngere, still keeping It In the water, | until finally he drew forth what Elsie. recognised at once as a stick of dynu- mite. Tho It wet blackened by contact! with the coal, she was certain Dr'll* real nature. 8he had visited ft great many mines, and the official* always scared the ladles of the party by telling them whet would happen If the ex ptoeives shed were tn blow up. She had even seen dynamite placed In Ihe sun to dry, as It Is very susceptible to moisture, and she wondered, naturally enough, why such a dangerous agent should be hidden In, or disguised a piece of coal. . She thought that the men should be mad* aware of her presence, so she leaned over und said: "May I ask what You four are plot ting They looked at her In surprise. They were so engrossed In their discovery that they had eyes for nothing else, Wulker straightway plunged the sau sage-shaped gray stick Into tlie water again. "What are- you doing with that dy namlte'V" she demanded. “Do you In tend to visit the Valley of the Golden Bands? If to, (dense lake me. I am very poor. It wa* Fourtenay who answered, "Are you aloneho asked. "Mr. Boyle Is In the chart huuse.’ ”1 know; but Is any one else up there?” "No.”. "Then we shall Join you at once.' Notwithstanding the serleus demean or of the men. Elsie was far'from guesting what had happened. Rut she was soon enlightened. "In which bunker wst the cqal placed which we shipped at Valimralao?” Courtenay asked Boyle. "In the forrard cross bunker," was the Instant answer. "And that was the first coal used In SICK HEADACHE Dytptslt relieved. Constipation avoided, Bowels regulated, no psln. no griping. SMALL FILL. SMALL DOSS. SMALL PRICE. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN If *ft»n <VI*tr«****l by Gray or Rt«a<*b«l Hair. Imperial Hair Regenerator la tb# only anra and ahaalnttly hirml»** re»mMy for Giber: e*iU> •polled; any natural abide pro .lured; leaves (he balr soft and ftoaay. It It unrqiialed for snl Jr mnsttebe. Maniple of hair ml- ored free. Privacy assured corre •posdenee. Imperial Cbtmicil Mir fs.. 135 *. 23d St. I. T. Bold by Jacobs’ Pharmacy, Atlanta. Ox. Southern Pacific SUNSET ROUTE N LOW RATES West, Southwest and California Write the undersigned for low round-trip rates each first .and third Tuesdav of February and March to poiuta in LOUISIANA, TEXAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, eto., with stopovers allowed, good for 25 days from date of sale. Very low rates also to , CALIFORNIA from all points from March 1st. until April 30th via New Orleans and the SOUTHERN PACIFIC, through without change. Best equipment. Oil-burning locomotives. Ask for literature about the west. J. F. VAN RENSSELAER, General Agent. 124 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Qa. Lv. Atlanta Ar. Home.., Ar. Dalton.. the furnaces?" "Tee, elr." The captain's tone wax official, ex ceedlngly so, and the chief officer took the cue from hla superior In rank. ’’Did we get up steam with It?" "There might have bean a hundred* weight or two lying loose In the stoke hold. but. for all practical purposes, we have used nothing but the Valparaiso bunktr since w* left port." "The rest of our coal was shipped at Coronel?" "Ye*, air." “You hear? It Is exactly as I have told you," said Courtenay, glancing at the others. ”1 must explain to you. Mr. Hoyle, that I wished you to state the fact* In front of wltnesaes before I gave you my reasons for cross-exam ining you on Ihe matter. Mr. Walker and 1 have been certain, all along, that the furnaces were blown up willfully. Now our suspicions are proved. , 'This morning, nfter a careful scru tiny. we came across a number of lumps of coal cleverly constructed out of small pieces glued together. In the center of each lump was a stick of dynamite, protected by an asbestos wrapper. It was undoubtedly the In tent of some mlscjeent that a number of these lumps should he fed Into the furnace*. This actually occurred as ws know. but. by the mercy of Providence, the ship did not experience the full power of the explosion, or she must I have sunk like a atone." "Huh," grunted Boyle. "Who holds i the Insurance?" "The shippers of the cargo, of court* —Messrs. Haring, Thompson A Mi guel." # "Worth a quarter of a million ster ling. ain't It?” , •Yes.” "Huh, If* a lot of money." There wa* a momentary silence. El sie’s eyes grew larger, and she became rather pale. As was her habit when pusaled, she placed a Unger on her lips, t 'hrislobal noted her action. Indeed, lie missed few of her rharaeterlstlc habits of expression. He laughed quietly. *T think you are quite right. Miss Maxwell,” he said. ’This Is one of the many Instances In which silence I* golden." Taken by surprise, she blushed and dropped her hand. Hut Courtenay said promptly: “There are some Instances In which silence may be misinterpreted. Let me State, at once that the shippers of the valuable cargo on board the Kansas will suffer a serious financial reverse If the ship Is lost. Two thousand tons of copper may be worth a considerable JtrkaoarltVr.' DR. E. E. BRAGG, OSTEOPATH and PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office 324-25 Century Building, Hours: 9 to 5—Bell Phone. HOTEL PIERREP0NT ABSOLUTELY PIRKI’UOOr. 43, 45, 47 West 32d St. On* Door from Broadway. NEW YGItK CITY A nu|H»(ior, ptrfactljr appoint*! hntal. sip. pvallnt taptrlallj to prtpl* of rfllnvmtiL European Plan. Room with hath. £5*. S3.00 an! H0». Parlor Ndma aald hath. JS.00 and KM Two Tartar and Rath. I* . ST. A SI H Aim Y I.. HR OWN. Of Hotel Victoria. Boatoa and lileaburo Inn paid fur a long time,*’ Courtenay ex* Double Dally Service VIA - SOUTHERN RAILWAY Queen and Crescent 5:25am .4:35pm 7:37 am 6:40pm 8:48 am 8:10 pm Ar. Chstta’ga. 10:25am 9:55 pm Ar. Ltxington. 6:25pm 5:4<am Ar. Louisvill*. 9:05 pm 9:40am Ar. Cincinnati. 8:50pm S:15*m .Ar. Chicago... 7:45am 5:30pm Ar. Clev,land.. 6:45am 3:15pm Ar. Toledo.... 5:15am 2:20pm Ar. Detroit.... 7:15am 3:50pm NO CHANGE TO ANY OF THESE CITIES. Jams* Freeman, DisL Pass. Agt. RAILWAY SCHEDULES. Ibowlsg the srrlvtl and depertor* of i»»: ssugrr trains or the follow'og rails, subject to typ«xrapblnl errors: ATLANTA & WEST POINT R. R- Terminal Station, jfo! Arrlro Kl •(.’ West IT.. lUem :« West Kjmu It a New O...1L00 41 New O ton pm BjjittBfS "Yrwlns marked • run dally exront buuUaj. Trains marked ! run Sunday only. /..Other (ruins run dally. No. Depart To- 3 New It.... f.Wsm 3 Columbus. 4.11 U Moulym’y. 8.40am a New O.... 2.11 ini' IT Cnlumhrs.. 4.10 I"" 41 Went Pt... |.2« P'« 87 New O.... 14»l'ut CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive January will have far-reaching c.mse quem-re in a fight against the bull clique In Parts, and that Is why Mr. Baring made thla heavy shipment.” "Those consequences could be fore seen und discounted," put In Toll*- ntache, dryly. "Exactly But by whom? By Ih, man who sent his only daughter aa a passenger on this vessel?" Every' one scouted that notion. But Tollemache, tho disavowing any thought of Mr. Baring as a party to the arhem* stuck to hla guns. "Somebody will make a pile when the Kansas Is reported missing." he said. •This Insurance money would not he 4.01 P"> Jacksonville.. J O. I"“ sorounab .... *•’21" . , 1* pm! Msecs -1LH I’M LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RY. > t*6vsL"l'ArrH ” Cincinnati and lonUrillel* Knoxville rj* Wui, liidx* • 8.M *m • e D I’” 1 Knoxville vis Cxrtertvme • 4.01 pm *12.40 pm Tsr* nrrommodsrlos 1.’ 1*1 nml! t.2>».'H plained. ' , "Nny hut the copper market will re* spend Instantly." Continued in Tomorrow’* GtorQ'* 1 *-