Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 03, 1908, Image 10

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. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY. MARCH 3. 150*. SOCIETY... MRS. CRANDALL’S BRIDGE. Tuesday afternoon Mr*. George Crin doll entertained eight of her friend* at bridge In honor of the guest of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Dancy. Mr*. W. T. P. Turpin, of Centerville. Md. The occasion wa* thoroughly Infer, mal and waa one of the most enjoyable of the day. MR. AND MR8. M’BURNEY TO GIVE BOX PARTY. Thursday evening at the Grand Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McBurney will entertain at a box party. ASSISTING MRS. 8TEARN8. The tea which Mrs. Harry Steam* will give Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 for her lovely young sister. Miss Ruth Wing, will he a bright event, a large number of the young society contingent being Invited to call at these hours. Misses Lily Peeples, Emily Wlnshlp, Ida Lund rum. Fay Wright, Dorothy Fielder and Louise Riley will assist In receiving. Misses Enid Scott and Ellse Landrum will serve punch. DANCE FOR*VI8IT0R. Miss Leta Watts, of Staunton, Va.. will be the guest of honor at a danc ing party on Frtdav evening at Segad- lo’s hall. - The afTalr will be a sub scription dance, and quite a large num ber of young people will attend. IN HONOR OF~MI8S PHINIZY. Mrs. Albert Howell will entertain at a dinner party followed by a box party at the theater to see Eleanor Robson In "Salomy Jane" on Wednesday evening. The guest of honor will be Miss Marian Phlnlsy. of Augusta, who Is spending a while with Mrs. Howell at her home on Peachtree-at. Miss Harriman Weds Mr. Robert L. Gerry NEW YORK. March 3.—Miss Corns. Ha Harriman. daughter of E. H. Harri man, became the bride of Robert Liv ingston Gerry at noon today. The cer emony, characterised by elegant sim plicity. took place In Orace church and was witnessed by n large number of gueits. While the guests were assembling In the church some special organ music was rendered and Nahan Frnnko play ed several violin solos. The church choir had been specially rehearsed for the event. • Mias Harriman was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Harriman, as maid of honor, and Miss Ruth Averlll, of Rochester, and Miss Marian A. Clarks, cousins, and Misses Elsie Howland, Anita Peabody and Margaret Dlx as brides tnalds. Mr,. Gerry was attended by hla broth er, Peter Goelet Gerry; Averlll Harri man, Captain Dlx and Johiu E. Ames, of Boston. The ushers were William Htackpole, Monaon Morrles, Frederick Kernochan, Rradlsh G. Johnson and Robert Goelet. Miss Carroll A. Harriman, a slater of the bride, was to have been one of the bridesmaids, but she underwent an operation for ear trouble yesterday and her case Is regarded as serious. The Right Rev. William Groeiwell Doane, Protestant Episcopal bishop or the diocese, performed the cerempny, assisted by the Rev. Huntington, of Orace church, and the Rev. Mr. McOln- ness. of St. Johns church, at Arden, the Harriman estate In the Ramapo moun tains. Orace church was decorated for the occasion as It haa never been before In Its history, notwithstanding the elaborateness of some of the former wedding arrangements. It was more like a great woodland dell than a church. At the entrance was a great arch of palms and*smllax. Cl!gr“* “ palms, Interspersed with red and flowers, hid the orgap and choir loft, while the sides and aisles of the church were marvels of greenery. Many flow, ers were used, from daisies to costly or. chlds. The altar itself was like a.nat ural bower, the decorations there being chiefly Easter lilies. After the ceremony the guests at tended a reception at the Harriman res idence. No. 834 Flfth-ave., where a wedding breakfast was served. Lsiter in the month Mr. Gerry and his bride will sail for Europe, where they will pass several months In travel. Congressional Hearing on Woman Suffrage In Washington Tuesday, March 1. oc curs the congressional hearing on the petition for a sixteenth amendment forbidding disfranchisement on account of sex. bill providing for the submission of this sixteenth amendment has been Introduced Into the house by Repre sentative Davey. of Louisiana. Sena tor Warren of Wyoming has Introduced n similar measure In the aenate. A Clue Uik AouM/maidJa^ dhdU ltd i&^hA£tbw clavcL you ewti 0\ u aha! at da&t vn have a e6ue~ at £a&t the tudh id eonUng through, the deaCb In #e<U oj i\on & Aate~ and Seddtny too^and yet aCaid vte\e btrfd In doudt^’Ub habddy jaih to keejy ob yuetein<f: vththe^ oh v^he^ef Solid Brass Beds $20 to $75, Iron Beds $3.50 Up At The American Furniture Comp ii any, Edgewood Ave. For a week the Little House Maid has been talk ing to you in this space, and now she wishes to make you acquainted with the American Furniture Com pany, the store thajt has suddenly become the most popular furniture center in town; made so by its wonderfully live tactics in Furniture selling. You will greatly profi t by watching this space. Every ad vertisement tells, of exceptional bargains. Furniture values are here you positivelycan not duplicate else where. t Magnificent Brass Beds, like many others are selling for much more, we are today sacrificing at from $20 to $75. The most perfect line of brass Fur niture you wiill find anywhere. Wide assortment of Iron Beds from $3.50 up. The Little House Maid cordially invites you to open an account with us. The American Furniture Co. For thirty-nine years the woman suf. fraglsts have been going before our na tional lawmakers and asking that wom en be given a voice In making laws by which they must abide, and a hand In the election of officials whom they are obliged to support with their tax money. According to the political status of women In Georgia today It would aeom that very little prngreai has been made In these thirty-nine years. However, when we look beyond the borders of Georgia we must admit that our state Is one of the few that has made little progress In this movement. In four Western states we And wom en invested with full political rights, with which In one state, Wyoming, they have been Invested since 1889. So journers In this state will And that these women who have been voting for almost forty years have loat none of their womanliness, are os good wives, mothers and housekeepers as are to be found In our country. In these Western states the results of woman suffrage have proved to be; better legislation on all questions In volving the welfare of children, splendid system of public echools and last, but nut least, equal pay for equal work. In twenty-eight statea of the Union women enjoy some form of suffrage— tax-paying, school or municipal. Among these twenty-eight states are Kentucky, where women have school suffrage, and Louisiana, where women vote on all questions submitted to tax-payers. These Southern women hare disproved the assertion often mode that South ern women, If given the ballot, would not go to the polls and vote. Several years ago, In New Orleans, when, the question arose of levying an additional ta% for the purpose of Installing a new sewerage system In that city, the measure met with much opposition, but the women realising the menace to life and health that lay In the open sewers, went to the polls and voted solidly for the additional tax and car ried the day. Now. New Orleans points with pr to her Improved sanitary condition. Representative Davey, author of the woman suffrage bill In congress, Is - Louisiana man. ,, This'movement of woman suffrage la world-wide. In European countries we And women Aghtlng determinedly for the ballot, and they have won some form of suffrage In France, Scotland and Ireland. In England women vote In all elec tions except those for members llament. Finland, Iceland and wonderful countries of the South seas, New Zealand and Australia, have given women equal rights with men. Women have found that politics has Invaded the home and permeates our evsry-day life, and that no women hav ing the welfare and comfort of her home and family at heart ran afford to be Indifferent to state and city affairs. The Federation of Women’s Clubs has In several dtlea taken up civic work, working to beautify school grounds, parks, etc, lo have belter sanitary conditions In the homes, bust, ness houses and factories, to have cleaner streets and purer air. The State Federation has also gons on record as being In favor of women serving on school boards, and will urge this reform all over the state. Mra. Sarah Platt Decker, president of the General Federation or Women'a Clubs, Is a strang suffragist, havli cently made ringing'speeches In favor of the enfranchisement of women. Some Idea of the growth of suffrage sentiment may be had when we And that more than Si* organisations, not suffrage societies, have officially In dorsed woman suffrage. In 1*08 the American Federation of Labor adopted resolutions pledging themselves to support woman suffrage and In the same year the National Grange took similar action. The International Council of Women, representing twenty countries and over six million women have also gone on record as being tn favor of political equality for women. KATHARINE KOCH. TWO POPULAR VISITORS. Of two popular visitors In Atlanta last week, who were tendered a num ber of charming social attentions, Ths Macon News'says: "Miss Harrlst Winchester, who haa been visiting In Tennessee, will arrive tonight and bring with her Miss Hssel Whits, of Virginia, and her cousin. Miss Winchester, of Memphis, who will be among the out-of-town guesta at the dance tonight, gtven by the Young La dles' Cotillion Club, at the Volunteers' armory. Mlea Nona Johnston arrived on Sat urday and Is the guest of Miss Eula Willingham. Miss Johnston was the guest of honor at a lovely chaAng dish arty on Saturday night, and will be onored with Itumerous affairs given tor her during this week.” ATTENTION, LADIES! Why pay Mr and II for shampoo, hair Jreae. manicure or electric snap whei jroo can art the naif for 35c at Atlanta Beauty Parlors. lOver Todd's Pngi Store). Seren expert atteudasta. Exclutlrtly for J. M. HIGH CO. MARCH Furniture, Carpets and Rugs We enter March with the biggest and best stocks Carpets, Rugs and Furniture we’ve ever owned. The new Spring styles are here and await your inspection. WeVe a most choice selection of Rugs in small and large sizes and cordially invite your inspection of same. We’ve a splendjsj’stock of Furniture, including: Dining Room Fur niture, Bed Room Furniture, Parlor Furniture, Odd Chiffoniers, Odd Dressers, Sideboards, Bed Davenports, Couches, Brass and Iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Chairs, Center Tables, Cellarettes, Wardrobes, China Closets, etc., etc. Sideboard Look at this picture, a photographic reproduction of this mag nificent Sideboard. Isn’t it a beauty for $28,507 1 A select quarter-sawed oak Sideboard, massive and beautiful, hand-polished. Worth $40.00 in any furniture store in the world. Base is 24 inches wide and 48 inches long; top is 18x36, with French plate mir ror. Shelves supported by two Colonial shaped standards, elegant claw feet to match foot of base. Entire Sideboard is made of select quarter- sawed oak, beautifully carved and-handsomely polished throughout. One of the drawers is lined with felt. Only $28.50 • SOME OF THE New Rugs and Curtains 27x54 Axminstcr Rugs ' $ 2.25 36x72 Axminster Rugs $ 3.95 26x54 Smyrna Rugs $ 2.00 30x60 Smyrna Rugs $ 2.50 *36x72 Smyrna Rugs $ 3.60 ROOM SIZE RUGS. 6x9 Tapestry Brussels Rugs.... $9.00 8.3x10.6 Tapestry Brussels Rugs.: $12.50 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs $12.98 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs...: $15.00 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs $16.50 6x9 Smyrna Rugs $12.50 7.6x10.6 Smyrna Rugs $17.50 9x12 Smyrna Rugs $20.00 9x12 Smyrna Rugs $25.00 6x9. Axminster Rugs ; $15.00 6x9 Axminster Rugs $17.50 8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs $18.50 8.3x10.6 Axminster Rugs $22.50 9x12 Axminster Rugs $20.00 9x12 Axminster Rugs $25.00 SOME SPECIALS IN LACE CURTAINS. 50-inch by 3 ynrds long now Novelty Nottingham Cur tains, pair $1,25 54-inch by 3 1-2 ynrda long Novelty Nottingham -Lbcc Curtains, pair $1,50 60-inch by 3 1-2 yards Novelty Nottingham Lace Curtains, r pair $2,00 Novelty Bobbinet Lace Curtains, in white and ecru Bat- tenburg insertion and edgte, pair .$2.00 Arabian Net Curtains, 3 yards long, at $3.50, $1.00 and $5.00 pair. Irish Point Lace Curtains, $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50 pair. New 9x12 Axminster RUGS, . $22.50 Value, J. M. HIGH CO.