Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 05, 1908, Image 10

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• 0 ■J jiE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS march 5, ir.« Want Advertisements of a .trtctly personal nature | wilt be printed In The Geor gian under the following head-1 lines >- FREE OP CHARGE Help Wanted. Situation* Wanted, Lost and Found, Purchase and Exchange, Per- aonaJ, Dogs, Bird* and Pet*, ? Boarder* and Room*. The Georgian I* th* Horn* Paper of Atlanta. L situations WANTED—FEMALE. | SITUATIONS wanted—male. * sei_ taut, liar** bad several year*' experience. Can fiirniab reference. Address Mia* T. K. 1 are Georgian. f fVANTE!*— By middle-aged, refined 537. (•ositlon a* companion for elderly lady «»r gcutlcuian. Tan girt* beat of .reference*. V. It., car* Georgian. 6 BV VOOK’d WOMAN, well versed' In Ger- inan. nl*o possessing vocal talent, pool- tlon to travel aa companion with elderly lady or gentleman, References. O. T. ; cnre Oeorglan. ( ATED. refined woman, with flee —- r —. drew Christian Widow. rare Oeorglan. 6 HELP WANTED—FEMALE. NrrtsFndXnT^^^ WAMTO-Kady play pin no rgjn to travel and assist Experience In show boel- . neaa.not neeeaaary. rail or address Dog Show, Crystal Then ter. * LADiFiiS to make buttonholes and do flnlab- * Bgf“ - Apply Daniel W A NT F.t i—t good white cook; room In house. Apply HIS Peachtree. Hell phone 30* ^ • 6 WAjiffifr-A woman for general honae- work and a young girl nurae; good salary to both, a E. Pair at. « 'WAfiTRD-* Married couple. Woman fflnat bo good cook and able to clean up rooraa. Man able to wait on table, bouse work *nfi raise vegetable*. Reference*. <#. G.. me Georgiai \VANTED-A reliable white woman to help 4 In general hi ‘ ‘ Good home. I v t v ,q.; me o _ WANT^^Wblte attendant for very small ' childreb. Must help mother with bouse- ■ work. Addreaa Mm. E., Bo^4J6^AtlaiM first ciass'cookf ^gorthm at once WANTED—Wat nurse for baby 3 month* ■^AwwagmaagHlw on place preferred.* phone Main 60M-J. LADY feOLlCITORH to aell useful bouse bold article. Call 97 North Jarkaou. I 'TTCSirTnrjinTitgrfi^ good wagaa and . . .. small family: ■■room ou the place Ito JM North Jackson at. 6 Loll ED woman to cook WHtTtfi tfftc and do housework for three grown peo ple In small cottage. 'Phone north 1762-1.. R -call at* 40 Kenncaaw-ave., Just off nee Dcleopo-ave. 7 ’WANTED—Young lady, good appearance, to fro on‘ stage. Give address nnd state age. Address Stage, care Georgian.6 WANTED—White cook! Two adults In family. Kirkwood. Telephone 464 main, afrfi ask for Mr. Douglas. ft Do YOU wish n thorough!/ competent lady stenographer? One of refinement and education, with good references, and who la ■t prevent filling responsible position? If o. addreaa Huap. care Georgian, and 1 will be glad to call and see you at once. < POSITION as stenographer. High school nress.n. ii. a., care *«eorginn. i HEWING .WANTED by mperlenceti hand v l iy Shirtwaist* and chUari AtIn nth phone 8968. PORTRAIT AltTFHT will pulnt vignettes or small water color |>ortralta of children only at the very low prices of f3 and $6 each. Addreaa High Art, care Georgian. 7 YOI'NG lady wishes position aa cashier with some responsible bouae; beat of ref erences given, Cashier, care Georgian. 7 KEFl.NED. willed lady, experienced In waiting on the sick or companion to in valid; atay with couple of elderly persons; experience In housekeeping. Address E. II.. care Georgian. 7 HTENOtlllAPlIKU Hoi 87, care Georgian. COMPETENT young lady atenographer wishes temporary position at .once: neat one year’s experience. & , ry p of references and oi... G, Jl. I., care Oeorglan. nwiTiiiN 'as atenographer or caabler young lady who doesn’t mind work, dress X L X, 17k lllll at.. Atlanta. Oa, GOOD WkS’WjllArilt?H with two year*' ex|H>rlence desires position. Not afraid of bard work. Pan furnish beat of refer ences. Address Mlsa N. 449 Luckiest. At lanta 'phone 4627. WANTElv—Employment for three or four “■ ' .... man wit" — t of refer Atlanta. Bldg. Bell phone 2250. tldg. Bell pi nranfew. for furniture boi cure on the outsl encea. AIro coot me employment. Georgian. as collector and city salesman l»erlence, desires position: can fu •fcrence; am also a giral soda dlspe answer at once. Halol, care Georgian, tVAS'Tfcfl—Collecting to do': salary or coni- mlaslon; have horse and buggy r~ J A-l «*olleetor. Addreaa Private care Georgian. WAN+BD—Position by young man In wholesale or retail grocery store or fru aud prod nee house, or collecting; am wc aconalnted with the city and can give gor references. Address G. 8., care Georgian. WANT WOltK Immediately for two hoj 13 and 15. Honiethlug that la a regul Joli. Address % A Q. care Georgian. POSITION 'with an up-to-date country weekly or Job office. Thoroughly reJIa- e. Hirtctly temperate. fan lieg* »ce. If. W., Box 125. Adrian, Ga. WAXTRIt—Position by a partially para- lIORoUOIf LY experienced atenogi wants position with manufacturing con cern. where there la chance for advance, ment. A. B. c.. 142 8. Pryor-at. BY YOUNG LADY aten . claaa position; moderate aa! •phone main Sl7. STENOGRAPH!!" otfrapher, •alary to I HtAPHIC and typewriting to do at home or by the Job. Hatlsfnc- iranteed. Call Bell *phone 4819-J. encea. desires (KNiltlon clerking or enabler HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED- Man to aell photo and emblem porkft fcnlv.ea on commission. Ten dollar aatople outfit furnished free. Addresi ““ ler. P. O.Box 4Q2, city. WANTED—Six men of good addreaa win can furnish satisfactory reference to so licit for one of thV largest nnd strongest fraternal orders In America. C. II. Nel- son, district manager. 21 Inman bnlldlng. x& » b/ Age fifteen to eighteen. Muat l*e bright nnd Industrious, and. above all. ambitious. Must l»* educated and must have parents' consent for permanent occupation, taninr A Itankln Drug Company. I WANTEft—Three or four good white shin glcra by the square. Apply 479 Marietta A 8IXGLK white-man or boy to work dairy farm. Apply In person or addreaa It. C. Itownn, manager, Llthla 8prlnga, Ga WANTED Several experienced table hoys nt Xunnnlly'a, 34 Whitehall at. Applyp" a. m. Frlday. ■■ WANfWi»-< 4 anVaaaera for hooka, premium] proposition: nice, clean work; either sexr Applr 141H Auburn-a ve. WANTED t'hlnmey sweeper. phone 93 Wet! VVANTEi» Ki|M-rlenced solicitors « or 4*omnilssloii. 71 Vfc Whltehall at. MAN TO TAkB charge «if lunch and grlT room. Apply of steward at New Kliutml House. WANf^it-FIrat class salesman to wprel sent ua In Atlanta and near by territory; our Hue dreos goods to retail dry goods trade on commission baala. Apply by mall Give reference and experience. Mauufac lurcr, 806 Empire Bldg. l WANTED-Young man billing clerk who la famlll - “* HU • ■ chine. Atlanta Marietta at. WANTfeD—For Cnlted Htatea Army abtel , bodied, unmarried men, between ages of II and ft; cttlsene of tTnlted Htatea, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Men now wanted for aervlea In Cuba and Phil ippine Islands. Por Information s— • Recruiting Officer. Temple Court t Atlanta, or 411 Cherry-at.. Macon. WAWVRTPPalnter to paint cottage. ! wllll H furnish material. Addreaa Paint, care City W!ANTkl>—dood blacksmith to locate at Clarkatoo; rent* cheap and a good st< Addreaa Box 106. Clarkston. Ga. IS lBVflfttllllffi manager to i charge of our two department storea at •Ponidas wad' Fltsgerald. Ga.. who can write ads. do card and sign work and store a window decorations. Mast be sober a bustler; 810> to I*eg1n. with advance- t. Addreaa “IT." Douglas. Ga. f)ftPAJiTMENT 8TORE manager for Doug las fcnd Kltafe raid. Ga.; experienced hardware and furniture man, two expe rienced dry goods men and one shoe nnd clothing salesman. Address ••IT,” Douglas^ TO HUNTING TRA1IE-W, c.l prewamen. feeders, eompoaltora and ma chine operators and llnotyi>e machinists. Apply Keystone Type Foundry, Atlanta. Ga. competent and experienced •apnble of auditing a badly Wanted a accountant, capn' of expertenceil and witling to work for rea aonahle salary. Address E. A O. E.. care EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. per week Learned In less time than old systems In day school. Bagwell Business College. W Peachtree at. tfxa Wanted- 'Moil to learn Itsrher trade at once; wonderful demand for tmrt»era; top wages paid; few weeks completes; tool* given; can earn some money from start; *»ml for particulars. Molar Bartwr College, fflnnter nnd Forsyth at*. HELP IN commercial, mechanical nnd technical lines. The demand greater than Association, lOS-lQgt Centnry Imtll Wanted -Fifty young men nnd women to atwdy telegraph* under expert operator 'at -night. 7 to 9: 11.5'* per week. Great de mand for oiieratora. Bagwell Business College. 118 Peachtree. tfxa SEWING MACHINES BOUGHT. SEWING MACIIINKK BOl'OIIT. sold and repaired. Beat equipped repair shop In For free estimate on repair, call Beil rltr. _ ..... SOT. or Atlanta Edgewood-ave. SEWING MACHINE8 RENTED. WE RENT atw 81 uger and Wbeoler k Wil ts* machine# with complete set of attach ments for 82 per month; prompt delivery. 8luger Sewing lfachlne Co., 79 Whitehall at. Address M. K.. care Georgian. rlence desires permanent position. Salary no object. Address J. L„ care Georgian “ BY YOI’NG lady, position aa stenographer In or ont of city. Address M. 20 East El- 11a-at., city, 7 TYPEWRITINGS to do In nfterrioona by an ^ Miss B., OTHBOTIHi. .spci iliiemeiit desires n position ns usslstniit milliner. Iteferencca If dealred. L, cure Georgian.7 Vot’NO LADY would consider n imsltlon In nice, reflnetl family and make her self useful as n member of same, or with ii aged «»r Invalid Indy. Object, a good with Christian t ^people. Write par Mlsa 25, cure Geor lioim tleuinra mid pay 8>nn- 7 CAPABLE YDING LADY siniTogrnidicr. typewriter, with some know ledge of Imok- keeping, desires position; fin per mouth; references. Address Mias II. C.» care Geor gian. VoFNi >fO LADY of gmal education desires - p'Mililon In general office work. Have had several years* experience and can fur nish brat of refereucra. Not afraid of work. Address Business, core Georgian. 7 YOflN'G LADY desires^ jmsltloa ns stenog ureas Mias J. F.. rapher at once. rare Georgian. _ I _ IF YOU ARE In peed of a stenographer, ^OTtpner No. address HtewOgntpher No. 2, 198 Peach tree at. Just out of college. Give trlml.* * * ■ • o . j A'MIDDLE-AGED lady nt education, re* flnement and culture, wishes position to . .Pi «satisfaction. A'ddrsss llox ». It, L D, Nw. 1. Midi sou. Ga. ilDULK AOftlT - WOMAN, good cook, has l»est of referencas; worked for hotels and sanatorium*, wishes |>osttlou as rook oi seamstress: husband helper or aaalatant can take charge of household or do clerkY work. Address J. M. Howe, general de livery. Atlanta. Ua. POHITIO.N by a first-class lumber Insnec , pine and cypress, as buyer or ship . . .. clerk, or would accept yard foreman • place for Aral-class concern J mil nn ex pert nt figures, business correspondence, order balances, etc.; aged 30; married: ah solutely sober. If not now, but a pros peetlve o|»enlng. let -ua get together, and I will explain rurthef what I can do and the value-of my services. Address Box 100. fart era. Fla. WANTED—Hmall net of books to keep nt N. H., care Georgian. *p o ll sal SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. POSITION by young man aa city salesman. Can give best of references. C. II. W.. rare Georgian. 6 PtWPnON BY a young roan. 21 years of age. with chance for promotion. Five year*' experience In office work. Willing to leave city. Best of reference* furnished. Mast hsve work. Answer Hopeful, care Georgian. 6 POSITION aa aaalatant shipping clerk or sny canaclty that can learn the profes sion. Willing, to work for expenses. Ad dress quick, Bell, 189H PstoTMt. city. 6 YOUNG MAN would like some good posi tion. Don't mind what kind of work It la. II. F. B., rare Georgian. 6 BY YOUNG MAN, position; prefer one with chances for road position. Can furnish good references. Answer A. B. C'. f care Georgian. 6 POSITION by a competent bookkeeper of fifteen years' experience. Can furnish l»est reference. Good penman and accurate In figures. Desire to change present posi tion. Address y. J. E., care Georgian. 6 OFFICE MAN. several years* experience handling credits and collections, also au ditor, desires position. R. T. W„ care Georgian. 6 A YOUNG MAN desires position ns stenog rapher; Just finished a course In short- band; have had aome experience In railroad work. Will begin reasonable. Address II. 131 Jefferson-at. 6 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT—Pair of crutches snd roller chair for 81.60 a month. 64 E. Alexander- at. 6 BOARD WANTED. YOUNtf^ADY desires tioardlng house* close In. north able preferred. Refereneea. Ad dress P. O. Box. 1019. 6 A REFINED YOUNG lady desires reason able Itonrd In a refined private family. Addreaa J. room 823 Auatell building. 6 BY FOUR business men. two large rooms. with Issird. Willing to pay the right price. North able. Catholic family prefer red. Addrra* l\ O. llox 93. 6 A ROOM and hoard for two single young men, close In tnot over twelve minute* 1 walk from poatofflcel. ua know what you have, H. and R., care Georgian. 6 « BOARDERS WANTED. HOARD In pri one or tw* * stalloiiat i ....... on North-ave.. beautiful front rooms, with shstgjid* In dressing rooia Terms reasonable. 'Phone 1542 north. I c6l*PLK or two gentlemen for elegantly furnished front room; excellent meals* near In; block and half of Peachtree: niod era apartment. Call Atlanta ’phone d*>92- TWO GENTLEMEN of refinement can find room and board In home with all modern conveniences; directly on car line and fir teen minutes* walk of city. 875 Capitol ave. - obtain pleasant horn* bath nnd large jroon: Kates 84 and 85 per week. BOARD In private family; «d<* front” with hath; 88.60 per week. 6f Lnrkl Atlanta phone 5008. frBW youiia men can < like boarding with l 261 Whltehall at. baths, telephone aervlce." excellent meala. Twenty minutes' walk business center city, HELP WANTED. •city are ' double I — v Call contract department. WANTED ROOMS—(MISC.) nlshed rooms and bnuaes: List with WANTD—ROOM MATE. to room with me and I ward In private ome; five minutes* walk from rente- - Itv. Address Miss B., care Georgian. Commerce Commodities are moved by the great arteries of commerce—the rivers and railroads being the nec essary means of transporting the products from one section of the country to another. Progress livery* Atlanta, Ga.5 WANTED—typewriting work to do at hopie; lowest price for beet vnrk. Will also rail and take stenographic work, Call J253-J for^ prices. A. H. P., 279 Qleiui at. C WANTED—liy - . . grad(iate In bookkeeping, nnd also good stenographic work, a po sition as steno-bookkeeper or aa aaalatant bookkeeper. Good references. Address B. M. R. No. 5; Box 18.5 SyH'nYi married woman wishes office l*«sl- tlon. clerical work. etc. Have had some xncrlencr as cashier. Am anxlons to learn. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Clerical work or set of hooks to keep at night; can furnish good refer ences; am now holding position with oue of the banks of the city. Address Extra Met, care Georgian. ^ 5 A CIlhiSTIAN ■.nll.maii, 38 .rrara ail,). wants a |Kmltlon; willing to work; any .jlng honorable and r'- 1 *** —- * nice. Address W. M. open for employment. Capable of adjust ing any »et Of hooka. Brat references. Billing to start on a reasonable salary. *pply to H. M. 1^., 206 Month Pryor-at. 5 rtolt' AfllAIGltT compositor wants ihuiI- tfon. Can come on call. 8tate wages first letter. Ford Reynolds. Canon. Ga. 5 Yot'NG MAN In accounting department of railroad In city, seven yearn' experience In this work, dealrea connection with good buslnraa house In Atlanta. Accurate and fast with figures. Can furnish good ref erences. Will not consider auy proposition unless permanency la aaaured. Address II. II. T.. rare Georgian. J BV YOI’NG man 20 years old; five years' experience In office work. Can use type writer and billing machine. At present em ployed. Best of reference* as to ability. Addreaa Wanted, rare Georgian.5 OHITION as mstn dispenser l*^r reliable Tlic wheels of progress move steadily onward. How soon will it be tnat Atlanta will he situated on an artificial waterway, connecting the Ohio aud Missis sippi rivers with the Atlantic ocean? Real Estate Values in Atlanta must enhance in value. The shrewd buyers of today will be the money kings of this section in the future. Georgian Heal Estate Want Ads show what prop erty is for sale—some through force of conditions at a sacrifice. , READ GEORGIAN WANT ADS TODAY. REAP THE HARVEST AT HARVEST TIME. ROOMS—APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ONE large unfurnished front . . rat# family; close in; cheap. Call Atlanta ft THREE connecting first-floor tinfurn!ab< rooms; erery convenience; two blockr Aragon. 74 K. Ellla-at. TWO LARGE, connecting, unfurnished rooms: stationary washntands; also root for storing; no children. 66 Forreat-ave. ftfc.Vf—Two large connecting rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 63 F ‘ llam-af.. THULE rooms and bath; hnlf of cottage. 56 Larkln-at.; price 810. Atlanta phone rooms with loor; Grant park THREE large conuectlnj coitvenleucea; second t . __ , section. 94 Mllledge-ave.. near Grantst. Bell phone 4768-J. t il B EK rtHinis In modern home; conren lent to churches and school and stores ue block from car. 117 Eaet-are. TWO large connecting rooms, furnished unfurnished; no objection to children. FOR KENT—Apartment house, five rooms downstairs, six rooms upstairs; separate baths and entrance*. 174 B, Plne-at. THREE connecting unfurnlahed rooms, an! able for light housekeeping. Apply at llouston-at. • THREE bright rooms, upstairs, for 815 four for 818; bath, gas and plsxza; use or parlor If wanted. 54 E. Alexander-st., two doora from Peachtree, ONE LARGE, unfurnished front room. Private family. Close In. Cheap. Call Atlanta 'phone 6435. r WANTED—Roommate; good Christian girl room 85 month. References exchanged Call main 196S-L. TWO nice connecting '■vtjmiib, Dwcinc vf gas light . carpeted; bath nt the end of t hall; furnished or unfurnished, ns party desires. Address J. A. B., care Georgian. 'ERSo.nh coming to the conference ma And nwuns at 140 8pring-at. ~ LIVE In hnlf mile of College Park, waik to cor line; not lonely; would rent one large room, for the sake of company, for 81 per month, or furnished for 88; pleasant Cpuntrir home for working woman. Mrs. Mira Elgnr, College Park, Gn BOO518. furnished or unfurnished; all con changed. 102 East Plne-at. IIKFINED COUPLE mar obtain nice room nnd board In private home on Washing- ton-at. All conveniences. 'Phone main THREE LARGE connecting rooms, with THREE VERY desirable flrst-floor rooms. In lK>*t neighborhood on Jackson-at.; every convenience; for light housekeeping, children. Bell 'phone 1411-L north. R00M8—APARTMENTS FOR RENT. ONE PPHTAIKH room, furnished or furnished. 202 Conrtland. Poll BEN*T—Very desirable, unfurnished room, with private family. Also large, well furnished front room on second floor. ~1 Trlnlty-ave. Apply 174 South Pryor-at ” 111 REE OR FOL K nice, untarnished rooms with hath. Hecond floor. Call north 1MQ-J. ,f OK RENT—To parties without children, three first-floor rooms. Aplpy 266 Crum ley-st., from 1 -p. m. to 4. 7 FOR RENT—Two connecting rooms,'with TWO HKAL'TIFCL rooms, furnished or unfurnlahed. for light housekeeping; nice »th: refined family; near In; reut rea* ic. A»ldresa B. B. 23, care Georgian. THREE I’NFrUNIHHED rooms for rent. 291 Crmnley-af. ~ OR RENT—Oue furnished, two unfurnlsb- ed rooms. Will rent nt very low rate In order to have some one In the house, All modern conveniences. 394 Piedmont lug. thnt. owner desires genial couple. LAT of three SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—lob n. arnrhlnlM; » |H<rli<i),v. Aililr,*,» I.. W. J.. r Georgian. . PohTtION AH PROOFREADER or clerl work; muat have work at ouce; havi dependent family. Would not objrat leaving city. Addreaa II. J. I.. general livery. Atlanta. Go.; ; traveling salesman. Cnn POHITioN give Al Georgian. references. A. B. C. >n Id grocery store; three y# rlence; willing to work: can fur...... references. Addreaa T. 8.. 32 Beat Hunter lot toOla, and steam engine Indicator and “ ires; a tea in economy a specialty; f .eferencea from Northern and Houtheru manufacturers: wishes to engage with an; one needing such a man. Addreaa Corltsa can* Georgian. . experienced young man. pioyetf; c«m»«| reasons for wanting tc ke a change. Can furnish best of ref erences. Addrra* G. I*. N„ 159 Marietta at., elty. . | WILL HTtlAIGIITEN out your bool . open items. , — -r .noder- Addre** Experience, care Georgian. 6 TIlGIHM'Ullt.Y experienced city salesman (inarrle«l» wants inmIUou at on<*e. with res|tonsible firm. Will appreciate an In ter % lew. Address X Y /. rare Georgian. 6 AN AMBITIOI’H young uian wishes a po*l- tlon with some broker or commission man. Have had some experience. Can give references, p. J., rare Georgian.f LER K WISHES iNxdtlou as shlnplng clerk, store clerk or assistant bookaeep- liavc had mu« h cs|M»rlence In Atlauta aalen clerk. Addrra* J. 8. II., I*. O. Box 242. Handersvllle, Ga. 6 XI GENTS 4 furnishing salesman wants position; no objection to leaving city. Reference*. Senior. 216 Sprlug-st. 8 EXTRA NIGHT work by an expert book- kec|ier. Will adjust your svatem «»r au dit and keep your botiks. Call Bell ‘phone main 4722 J. . 6 WHITE MAN frotn the north would like a job us gardener on a gentleman's place; understand* taking rare of plants nnd ground*. Gardener, care Georgian. Jolt aa coachman by a white man lately from the North, who nnderatands the business. Strictly temperate ami good morals. Address Coachman, rare Geor gian. | Y)l.I.KTTIXG to do In renter V cltr on commtssbui. Beat references. E. L. 2. care Georgian. 7 law firm: b etc. Addrei Georgian. perlence a* billing cl asalstaut shipping clerl Best reference*. G. POSITION aa hotel i long experience; held years; cheap i Journalistic work dealt some imldlratlon. Will kind of oF‘ Georgian. 7 WANTED—Temporary position for next Address Hustler. In general merchandise store, fnor year*’ sawmilling aa woodsman, handling ami sblp- Address W. I... The tut. Ga. Yo1*N‘G man. 20 years old. wants of sny kind; have had some expe fflcc work: 110 per week ex pee give best references. Address C. rare Georgian. An experienced cabinet man wishes tST ployment with reliable house* f MAN desires to locate permanent- perleneed general offli Address at < BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—Alsiut four boarders. Apply nt 662 Woodward-eve. 6 NICE room* nnd good lioard at reasonable rate* In private family. 257 N. Boulevard, corner lllglilnnd-ave. I'hone Main 6704-J. 6 A ooFpi.K of young men hoarder* at 124 Capltol-nve; 84 per week. 6 WANTKU—Four iHKinl.r.. rouTeu- lences. Apply 562 Edgewood-ave. 6 COUPLE OR TWO young men to occupy large front room, with Imard If desirable. North side home. Address B. E., care Georgian. 6 SBVKHAI. llK.Vrl.l'SIKN anil liulle, ran get excellent table l»oard nnd I>eniitlfu1 rooms. 76 Spring st. 6 COUPLE or two young men to occupy large, furnished, front room, with or without iNisnl. All couvenleuces. Near car line. 266 Pulliam-st. 6 ,11 HFKINU-MT. Will give good mrnla al reas«>nat»le rates to few youug men. 5 FOt’B young men of reference ran get nice room and board at 84 per week; large, airy front room, with all convenience*. Bell phone Incltided. Call at 247 H. Pryor-at. 6 COVPI.K or two gentlemen to occupy a iMMiitlfully furnished front room, with board, in refined north aide home; near In; every modern cotiveulfnce; rates 826 per month each. Atlanta phooe 6692. WANTED—6y refined young lady, hoard In private family. Addres* Miss Baker. 1133 Peachtree. Bell 'phone 306 north. 6 TWO REFINED gentlemen or a young couple cnn obtalu if min nnd hoard with owuer of a Itenutlful private home with all modern conveniences; first class table; no chlldreu: large corner lot directly on car line; pleasant walk to heart of city. Bell ‘pbou** 37T0-L. YoUNG REFINED gentleman to board with private family In elegant home; nice iicIgbborhtNNl. lie must l*e willing to room with another gentleman who has fine char acter. 'Phone north 749-L. 7 TWO nice working rtrla cab get excellent iNHirtl for 84 and 84.60 per week at 26,Cap- Itol-ave.; also ran accommodate several ta- hie hoarders. Atlanta phone UN. 26 Capl- tol-ave. 7 WANTHt>—hteveral nice table boarders at 223 Court hi ltd-st. Bell phone Main 6688-J 4 TWO VOl'Nil 1.AII1KM wno work to hoard; nice fronb room; handsomely furulabed; terms. 89-60 per week In advance. Call at 336 Form wait at. 7 A REFINED COUPLE may obtain nice fur nished room and board In private home. All convenience*. Hose In. 'Phone 2814-1.. A col'PLK or two gentlemen can secure well-furnished front room with board; all conveniences; reasonable rates; private tamllj. Apply 457 Washington 'Phone liiTJmalu. 7 FIIONT ROOM wUh Id pri-. ml. family. bntw. Uood ubl,/ Terms reaaonable. 267 Glenn. r l*hone 2OT-J. I 1 ROOMS—APARTMENT8 WANTED. w ANTED—Four first-floor rooms aud bath; north aide; nawr In; by March 25. Address v \\., Box JS. .care Georgian, or Bell •phone main 389?-L! ROOM at 16i West Mitchell. Htand- nnl phone 8124. 7 TWO ,'ONNU,‘Tl.Nli „iifur„l,h,‘,l room«: all convenience* for light housekeeping; new rottnge! Apply 480 Crew-st. } PHUkE^ connecting rooms on first floor for light housekeeping on or niHMit March A. Must lie reasonable nnd not far from electric ear. B. A. T„ rare Georgian. 5 YortfG MAN wants well-furuisbe<l room In good loeatlon, sr will room with nice young man. Must have all conveniences. In answering, state price. Address F. A. H„ care Georgian. 7 Til REE or four uufurnUhcl roouia for light housekeeping; must he dean upd In good order; state price and location. Ad- ureas Arnold, rare Georgian. 7 , U. Box 803, Borne. Ua. 6 562 Ed**wood-are. and bath: rooms furnished nicely. Apply Three unfurnished rooms by March 15; all convenience*: close In; renr must Im» reasonable; atate price and location, dreaa B. C„ rare Georgian. W A NT E1 i-Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, or would rent hoime with couple; on north side; plea*e call North 1217-J. t WANTED—One furnished tie«lroom, eonven lent to hot nnd cold ba“ “ “ blnte price aud location. M.. care Georgian. VUHMn four room.; ..a, Imth rr. Bell phone 3737 1. hot und cold'water. Main. TWt) In rgo connecting rooms for bouse- kceplug; rent very reasonable. Apply C. C. West. Glendale-ave.. Edge wood, Ga. 7 i.aiiy on hknti.kman Sn .ei .in*; room with lNKird In private famlh North side. Close In. lie!! 'phone main. THREE-ROOM apartment Just completed every convenience except steam beat porth side; suitable for young men or cou - hENT—'Two iNirtly fnrnlshed rooms, very rcasouable. to desirable couple with out children. No dogs or rata allowed on premises. 289 Ulghland-ave. Atlanta plume 479. 7 ONE LARGE, unfurnished, flrat-fioor front room, with large closet. Can rent one for storage. Near In and cheap. Call Atlanta 'phone 5435. FOR RENT—Hecond floor apartr five rooms. Avalon, corner West tree and North-ave. P. O. Box 511. FIVE furnlabed or right on car line. 156 Ormond-at. FURNI8HED ROOMS WANTED. WANTED—Two or more furulshed rooms for light houaekeeplng by young couple. Home dlatnnee out; uorth or east aide pre- FOR RENT ROOMS—(MISC.) ARE YOU looking for furnished rooms or apartments?. Let me save you the long. Peachtree-st.. over Todd Drug Co. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES. ANNIVERSARY or birthday near at hand? The’ best present you can give your wife i an extension set to the Bell telephone. 8be will think of you every step she saves Call contract department, main 8080. Wagons, and striping a specialty. Will special lot or open and top wag- n band. Repair work of all kinds. EDUCATIONAL. WANTED—A competent Instructor to give WE HAVE HIGH SALARIED positions for active men to take cbnrge of our dif ferent departments, superintendent, con struction work, civil engineer, saw mill man. Inspector of lands, manager of stores. Want men with 81.00U to 85,000 ; 50 per cent on Investment. Address Georgia t onatruc- tlon and Hupply Company, 1111 Eugllsb American building, Atlanta, Ga. ti SPOT CAK1I I'Ain for NmI Rank d.pM- Its. Apply to 15 Edgewood-ave. Bell phone 6* Atlanta phone 345, 7xa I WI8II to rent a furnished hotel, thltty or fifty rooms. Don't object to country town. Any state. Hotel Man, 24 Larkln-st., Atlanta. " WANTKD-»K*tlnintea for concrete floor. fir. Atlanta. >Tpes. Address age. w i" O. er style, lit and finish: • pressing, altering and repairing. • Tailoring Company. Prudential bldg. • hurry; ground floor. BirrTEK HPIT8 to order. 821; Better style, fit sod finish Better * “ * Better Better WANTED—To correspond with a reliable. up to-date quarry man, who has 81.000 or 82.000 to invest In the business ami take charge; a fine opportunity for the right man. Address 8tone, rare Georgian, e-9-xa hlR SALE—1-r.fenvd Work In factoring cor|N>ratlon whose business ex reed* Its present capital. Address P. o, Box 181. city. . xl WANTED—To buy either whole or part In terest In grocery, cigar, soda water or some other good paying business. Address Buyer, rare Georgian. 7 WANfEit^IImel or Brae"hording bonne lit n gootl town. Give full particulars In first letter. Address I*. O. Box 30, Wad- lay. Ga. 7xa F0R”BAI.E—Twenty shares, par ralne 810 per share, of the 8otithrm Securities Company (the Southern Htatea Life Insu rance Comnanyt stock. Paid 8 per cent dividend 1907. Give l»*at offer In replying. J. II. B.. rare Georgian. € RI'HtNF.HR WOMAN mQ Ilk, to com- munlrate with lady desiring to open iMiardlng or rooming boose. Address Bnsl- ~ rare Georgian. .. .. Accord Wit’GifT. ioj- Chapman, =3 Century Bldg. tf In* « Won SKaC"BANir FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNlBHED^^lOOMFr^T" houVekMpIng^ nr Z ronnitf; i-lcau nnd nicely furnished to nice people; close In; ten minutes' wslk of Candler nulldlug; rent reasonable to good party; close to Peachtree Junction. 25 Kinji.- aon-at. Bdl phone 5216^1. p | rt6o5(8. burnished for gentlemen; also f,7? light housekeeping; tip to date: come and 5”; yw i„'ri n Pftawd. 82 N. Forsyth-st.. n n| 1'b‘dmont Hotel. . ) T\V/) desirable furnished rooms (*e.„i7,\ fl(x»r); every convenience; to young gentle, men ««* trained nurses and business women ONE famished room to couple or two young men; all conveniences. Apply 306-A Woo.!- ward-nve., near Capltol-avc. 7 I OR HENT—Near In: on» larg., n.wiv furn'a.wl room; hot bath; for gentlemen Apply 1M Hpring-at. T WANTED—Two young men to occupy fur nished rooms lu private family: meals nenr-hy If desired: north aide: good neigh horhood; ten minutes* walk to heart of city; half block of Jackson and Houaton-at. cars. Term* reasonable. Address at once P. V.. rare Georgian. ^ nillhK ROOMS, furnlabed or unfurnish ed. 487 Central-ave. 5 (INK litre], furnlabed room for one gentle man. with Path and all t'onrenlencea. 655 Bprlng at, Bell phone 3(6 North. 6 ' FI.HNI8IIE1, room, for rent at 3(7 Bell 'Dhona 3U0-J. A J ^ 10 HOUTH PRYOIt, very desirable front room for couple with or without meal*. 5 ONE lower floor room; every convenience; !n prlrate home; meals next door If de- aired. Phone Main 8110-L. 5 one furulshed and one unfurnished room for rent. 161 Itlcliardson st. 6 TWO nicely furnlabed room, for light good location, between Whitehall and For.yth-ata,; rent reaaonable 61 Uarnrlt-at. v 5 iWti nicely furnished rooms: good loca- tlon, between Whitehall and Forayth-ata.; rent reasonable. Apply 51 Garnett-st. 5 TWO rooms furnished for light housekeep- Jng; very desirable. 164 RTchsrdson. 5 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with or *1^?.”** dose In; one block from Candler building. 190 Ivy-st. 6 ,ron . t tabl, board W aahlngton'.'at. U ”° ln ' ,tMUWn,b "- ‘J NICELY ruitNisHur, room.- all eonren lences, near ln. Good board near by is per month. Call Htandard 'pbine^ 6& malm or rail at 1M B Iry at.. unatalra. i WELL-Fuisnihiied front room; hot bath; every convenience; close In; for gentle- Central 75 Tp,D * t,r ' ITe .' between Pryor ami TWO -NH HI.V furnlabed ro.»ma for rrnt at a reaaonable price. AH modern .on- yenlencea. Clean and up-to-date. Good board Dear by; flye minute,' walk from renter of city. To grotlemcn or rouulc No children. 81 Brotberton, near Pryor" at. j HANDSOMELY FCHNIHIIED front room; 11.50 per week In adrance. Call at 335 pormwalt-at. i V . .“T 1 . • uvui, conirujeui to l>s:h; cool, delightful location; reason able terms; refereneea exchanged. 21 Dun- . NK.E, large front room. ftirnUhed. for gentlemen or couple; couple ran pre- K re meals on gas stove If they like. Close . Call 3845 ntnndnrd. 7 TWO FURNI8IIKD llr.'t-(loo'r room, of n flat consisting of the kitchen, with room adjoining; porcelain sink, hot water, porce lain bath; block and half from Candler building. Will be vacant March 7. 134-1> NEWLY FURNISHED room* for rent. 217 South Forsyth. TWO NICELY furnished room* for gentle men. Close In. Reasonable. Apply 235 Courtland-at. Atlanta 'phone 1816. »? ONE OR TWO nicely fnrnlshed front rooms with nil conveniences for rent; good table board close by. Apply 215 Qordon-st.. Went End. 5 TIlttKE nice, furnished rooms for rent: clone In. 135 Ivy-st. 7 ONE room, well fnrnlshed: porcelain bath. hot water, electric lights. Phone 6728 J. No children. 256 Courtisnd. 7 oS J E large front room, furnished or unfur- nlshed. 28 rulllam-st. Bell phone 4471-.L ON J E furnished front room on first floor; refined family: nice bath; near ln; reason able. Address N. N. 17, care Georgian. 7 TWO rooms, furnished for light house keeping; use of nhone, with parlor privi lege; 810. Phono 457 West. 7 ONE neatly fnrnlabcd upalalra front room. with mined couple; In nice residence wc- tlon; In walking alliance of center of city; good board near-by; cheap io ilealrablc party. Addreaa T. B. O., care Georgian. 7 TWO PLTt.NIKHEl, roome. directly con nected with bath. For gentlemen. Ou Jtiulper. near Berenth-at. Prlrate borne. Only two In family. Cool, delightful loca- tlon. Reference, expected. L. It. F„ care Oeorglan. 1 TWO OU THREE furnished rooms to gen tlemen, or for light housekeeping, cheap if taken at once. Apply 18 Gflmer-st., or phones 4719. 5 S’feWLtf furnished room, with large dressing room: hot and cold water. Ap ply to owner. 64 Forreat-ave. 5 NICELY FURNISHED room, private fam ily. All conveniences. Desirable location. 35 West Peachtree. Atlanta 'phone 4787. 5 ONE NICELY furnished room with or with out board. 187 Cooper-st. 5 AN ATTRACTIVE front room in private home. 65 West Harrls-st. 8 i*d bed room; hot water and very In. Terms reasonable to agreeable party. E. L.. care Georgian. 5 TWO NICE new front connecting second- floor rootni for rent furnished for light housekeeping or nnfnrnlshed, to suit ten ant. Nice new closet and bath at oppo site end of the ball. Ixmk at 652 Edge- wood-ave. This will suit you. ONE NICELY furnished front n room, steam heated, with every convenience. In prl vate home: two blocks of Aragon hotel. 1M itjr-at. Fifth apartment.* Bell 'phone L08T AND FOUND. ,OST—Silver watch with gold fob and locket, lost either on Marletta-st., In*- tween Spring aud Peachtree, or on Forsyth st., between Marietta and Alabama. Finder will pImm mil Hell 'phonr DH L.* LOHT-Elther In 111, hi. SiM'lur*'., Hloh<. or on Ilunter-st., a gold watch, with Ini tials E. L. engraved on one aide. Reward If returned to 11 West Alexander st.. or rail up main 2867. LOST—Purse ou Plne-at. car, rontalnlmr paaa from Atlanta to Portsmouth, trunk . Jieek and 88.60. Please return and get re ward. Mrs. W. 8. Coburn, 170 E. Plue-st- LOST—On Whlteball-at., black leather card rase containing money and can! of MU* Edna Cole. Reward for same. Ernest I.. Rhodes 6c Co., Broad snd Hnnter-st*. « FOUND—On the road to success, the most LOST—Tuesday afternoon, a small, rouuT gold pin. with a red coral rosebud In Owner will be. grateful ir finder will return to 412 Peter*, building, or 'phone 5488.* LOST—From 148 Trlnlty-ave.. Bnnday roorn lug. female Boston terrier dog; light hrindle with white markings, bat earn, screw tall, nnd resembles a rabbit. Any Information leading to the finding* will be liberally paid for by Arthur Ardery. ■; East Alahama-at.! IA>HT—Pointer dog. brown and white ap«»tn. named Jock; collar with name plate orcr lock; baa senr on top of Ijnek. suit able reward. Notify Fred Wilson. Arn. gon Hotel Imrlwr shop. ? TRaVkD or stolen from 161 Blrturdson-st. Tnesday evening, a brown horse. Finder return and receive Reward. . stT and get liberal reward.I LOST—I*eari brooch, between N. Forsyth and WbltebalL Meaee return to B V Forsyth, or call Bell phone 2879-J. Main. LOST—On Marlettu-Roswell road, a purs* - containing cash and checks on war; >»>• t Iona I Imnk. Liberal reward to Informer O. Box 296. Atlanta. Ga. HALFWAY between morning and eyenimr. several valnatde boars that could hat* _sen anved by having a Bell telephone. Call contract department, main 9080. I.OHT-dfi TMill pap frora~fiSl <-«nr.l,«- has cidlar with no uatne; answers to nsnie Tlge. Return to altove nnmber reward. No questions naked. •