Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 05, 1908, Image 7

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\ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. iHUKSDAY, MAilCll 5. 190*. TOBACCO kills <&. lo Oult" I* a posltlre, absolute ...5£r" h»r any tobacco habit. It In n JEHklt remedy, Sod jy.ft «•« Kill- It In fowl **r drluk. It Ik harm- I?..- Iwt". no reaction or bed nfter-ef- Srti. muI It slope tlio habit to «tay atop- **c!ioher. nave tlir younx atuokpr'a lirnln, k. !ln not do It Itlmnelf. Wive, alatrra Aft-tt In’ll' anvo the mlml. IkkIv ft,lure of noine one who la near and deir in you. Without yonr help It umy not '* d °°FRK PACKAGE OFFER. Kill mil tbe-blnnk llnoa Mow with your name and address out out and aen.l It to 5“„ will noud you absolutely free, hy „ ’[i |„ ,,1,1;n wrapper. a trial mu-lingo of Surfo-Bnl"" von If thankful na Jea na von live that yon did It. Adilroaa T! r „ Urns and rlionili-al fo.. KM Fifth 53luA> Ms. Cincinnati, Ohio. S STERN SAKS KEELY’g KEELY’S KK ELY'S KEELY’S KEELY’S name audres* Ansel Sends Special Mes sage to Assembly on the Pritchard Injunction. COLUMBIA, 8. C., March 5.—Gw. emor Anrel hna rent n special message to the general assembly railing upon It to enrui such legislation In the Pritch. ard Injunction matter an will preserve the autonomy of the state and protect the state'* rights. Up to the time of adjournment the message had not been rend. WEALTHY SCIONS ARE IN TROUBLE WASHINGTON. March 5.—Dlrcloa- ures of a sensational nature Involving I the son* of wealthy parents of Alex andria. Vo., are expected to follow the midnight raid of an apartment Kept by i Oscar Portner In the Warwick apart- I ment house on Saturday night. The story, the police say, will rival that told by Evelyn Thaw. Petition in Bankruptcy. The Central flank and Trust Cor poration, the U. O. Campbell Coal Company and the Pittsburg Plate Gins* Company have died a petition In In voluntary bankruptcy against the Re gal Mantel Company. In the absence of Judge Newman, Referee Percy H. Adams named Claude Patterson as re ceiver. Assassin’s Sweetheart De clares She Knows No - Anarchists. CHICAGO, Mar. 5.—"Lasarus Avar, buch ivhk alone In Ida attempt to take the life of t'hlef of Police Shlppey. Three days and nights of hard work on the . case has brought me to this con clusion. I am y»lnf ahead, however, or. resting all his friends 1 can And In the effort to sift this thing to the bone." Assistant Chief Bcheutler. who ha, taken charge of the anarchist situa tion In Chicago, made this assertion after a final attempt to extract from Rose Stern, Averbuch's friend who wa, arrested at noon yesterday, any In formation she might hare as to a plot to kill the chief. Miss Stern declares she Is not an anarchist and knows no anarchists. The assistant chief was unable to learn anything of Importance from the young woman. BLACK HAND WARNS CHIEF OF BIRMINGHAM POLICE BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March S^Geo. II. Rodeker, chief of police of fltrmlng. ham. received a letter from the "Black Hand" Society this morning. The letter thrcritena Ills life, If he doe, not re sign nt the end of one week. Chief Bndeker saya he will not realgn. It Is believed that the letter, which hcara the Impress of a “Black Hand” In Ink. was written ns the result of In formation placed before the grand Jury by the chief of police, Aa n result of the Information, many Indictments against Italians for receiving stolen property were returned and wholesale nrrest, followed. CINCINNATI POLICY CHIEF GETS THREATENING LETTER. CINCINNATI, March 5.—Tna entire police force of Cincinnati nnd the secret service und postal authorities of the Federal government are uniting In a search for the uuthor of a letter threatening death received by Chief of Police Mllllken. The writer threatens to kilt Mllllken and Judge I.ueders, Sale of Lace and Net Waists Very Unusual Values in Newest Styles Here’s a bargain offering of fine Allover Lace and Net Waists—not old styles or undesirable qualities; but the very newest and choicest creations of the season. For day or evening wear these waists are appropriate and, just now, are very much favored by most fashionable dressers. Sale Begins Friday Morning in Our Popular Second Floor See the Window Display Several designs in the collec tion, two of which are shown in accompanying illustrations. Made of fine bobbinet with lovely lace insertions, edgings and medallions, medium or short sleeves; full silk lined; white and ecru. FEAR MANY ARE PENNED BY FLAMES CHICAGO, March 5.—Many persona nre believed to be In two tall building* occupied by the Armstrong De*k Com pany nnd the Muralo Company. The fire started In the third floor. FOUR HELD FOR ROBBERY; ONE HAS CONFESSED. BIRMINGHAM, AhuTMarch 5.—Four iw have been placed In the county Jail on a charge of robbery ne the re mit of a hold-up of n negro merchant «t Hanley Sntunlny night. The men bo'jnrt over to the grand Jury are Jona, McWhorter, R. H. Rowe, Drape Ver non and Virgil Chandler. One of the awn turned atnte's cvldenco when ar- reiteii. MOVEMENT LAUNCHED FOR BUILDING ROADS. BIRMINGHAM,~AI«'., March S.—The executive committee of the Alabama Bond Honda Aenoclatlon ha.n launched u plan by which a Htate highway will be built south, from the Tcnneanee line, front thin main line varlou, branch "*l> will be built. CANDLER IN BIG REAL ESTATE DEAL Another large real estate deal In which Asa O. Candler was Interested has come to light. The two pieces of Peachtree property which were bought by the Atlanta Real Estate Company from .Mr*. R. R. Ridley for $100,000 sev eral month* ago nl*o passed thru his hands, nltho It was not generally known at the time. One piece at the corner of Peachtree and Caln-sts.. ncros* from the Aragon Hotel, was Inter sold to Reuben Arnold for $00.- 000. The other, nt 99 Peachtree-st.. Is being held by the Atlanta Real Estate Company. Just what Mr. Candler’s connection with the deni was he declines to say, nltho he admits thnt he was Interested nnd says "the property passed thru my hands In a way." It Is believed that he furnished a portion of the cash with which the deal was made. BRYAN CHOICE OF NEBRASKANS OMAHA, Nebr., M,reh 5.—The con- greanlnnnl dlKtrlct convention of the Democratic party here today rhoae twelve delegate, from Nebraska to th* Denver convention and Inatructed them to vote for Bryan. Four delcgntea at large were choaen by the atate conven tion this afternoon. They alao were Inatructed for Bryan. $7-50 Values at $5.00 Values at $4.49 $3.75 FIRE CAUSES $18100 LOSS Buggy Storehouse and Other Buildings Are De stroyed. burned were email etructuree. For time the Are threatened more eerlous proposition.. The l«en la climated at 118,000, partly covered by Insurance. AUTOS RACING FOR SAVANNAH ALBANY, Ga., March 6.—One of the moat apectacular flrea ever witnessed In Albany occurred laet night when half n block of building*, near the buelneea renter of th, city, wae destroyed. •Samuel Karkaa, whoae wagon and iggy atorehouee wo, de,troyed was the heaviest loser. Th* other building. yy “Made In Atlanta \ Custom Shirts as Fine as are Produced Anywhere in the Country The most particular men in Atlanta and throughout the boutli have been wearing our made-to-measure shirts for years and never think of going elsewhere. They know that in this case, at least, the “Made-in ; Atlanta” label stands for faultless style and highest quality. More than a thousand new bpring patterns in imported and American shirtings are here for your choosing and our celebrated designer and cutter, a graduate of famous Paris schools, is ready to take vour measure for most elegant made-to- order shirts. Daniel Brothers Co. The Oldest and Largest Custom-Shirt-Making Establishment In Atlanta, 45-47-49 Peachtree—Opposite Walton Street WASHINGTON, March 5.—Follow ing several hour. In the wake of a Pull man, which arrived at 12:18 o'clock thla morning, the Btudebaker, which left Philadelphia at 8:30 o'clock yes terday morning In the race for Haven- nah, Qa., reached Rockville. Md.. short ly before noon today. The Pullman left nfter a short atay on the way Houth via Alexandria, Vo. MAY SET DATE FOR BOND ELECTION The postponed meeting of the board’ of county commissioner, will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The meeting was postponed from Wednes day morning until Wednesday after noon, when It waa again postponed for lark of a quorum. An Important mat ter, which will probably be acted upon by the board, la the data of holding the election to decide whether the county shall Issue bonds for building the new court house. OPENS SERVICES ATY.M.C.A.HALL CAMILLA & NEWTON ROAD CHARTERED A charter waa granted by the secre tary of atate Thursday to the Camilla and Newton Railway Company. The proposed road la to be 10 miles In length, operating from Camilla to a K lnt on the Flint river near Newton. i capital stock Is 818,000. with the following Incorporators: C. Horace McCnn, Oeorge Z. Eckels, W. S. Vidor, R. F. Bowler, Atlanta; Issle BashlnskL Dublin; G. R. nogga, Oeorge C. Coch ran, Camilla; R. I.. Hill, Benton Odom, Daily Meetings Are to Be J. B. Perry, Newton. Held in Lenten ,- Season. INSURANCE MEN FAIL TO REPORT Between 26 and 30 Insurance compa. nles. Ilf* and lire, face a possibility of having their license, revoked In Oeor- gla. They have failed so far to Hie their regularly quarterly statements with the governor, as required by law. Secre tary Hitch ta mailing a letter to each of these companies Thursday, stating that unless proper return, are In hi* office by Mnrch 15 Insurance Commit, sloner Wright will be Instructed to re voke their licenses to do business In Georgia. DRUGGIST CALLED TO STORE AND 8HOT TO DEATH. NEW ORLEAN8, La., Marsh 5.—A Shreveport special saya a hand of men la scouring the neighborhood of Forb- Ing, seven miles from there. In search of a negro who called an old druggist, named Aulds, from hie home during the night, asked him to go to a drug store for medicine for a sick child, then placed a shotgun against his back and killed him. CHICAGOANS ENTERTAINED IN BIRMINGHAM, ALA. BIRMINGHAM. A!a„ March 8v-A nnrty of Chicago Knights of Colum bus, about 100 strong, renched Bir mingham on a special Iraln today cn route home from New Orleans, where members have been enjoying the car nival season. After a ride shout the district there will be a banquet at the Hillman Hotel. Should Daisy Bond Sal*. Councilman Grant, chairman of the finance committee, held a conference with city Comptroller Goldsmith on Thursday morning relative to the dis position to be made of the $104,000 of water bonds not yet sold. Councilman Grant I* of tha opinion that the bonds should not be sold until the money de rived from those already sold Is spent. It Is stated that several member* of _ ..._ a —.1 AOW a* uaalaaaa ■••left. * Rlnhop C. K. Nelson delivered the fli-Ht of a series of eermons on "The Three Great Temptation*’’ at the flrat of the mid-day aervlces of the Episco pal churches of the city In’ the Y. M. C. A. Hall Thursday. The scrvlcAa last each day from 12 to I2:3u o'clock. The attendance waa large. Bishop Nelson will speak on Friday, and tin Saturday will conclude the serlen. It In contemplated that a number of distinguished non-resident clergymen be Invited to speak at the mid-day service*, which will continue for the forty days of Lent. Several minister* from other denominations who belong to the Evangelical Ministers’ Associa tion will al*o be Invited to speak at the services. LUMBER CITY. wwk, Mrs. Victoria McArthur, of McArthur, spent a few days with Mrs. J. I). Vaughan recently. Mi** I tomtit* Hyman**. of RrAnswIrk, at tended the Woman’s Chrlstlsn Temperance delegate to Woumii’s t.’nlon Institute. Mr. John A. Woottcn, of MoRne, was here last week. Mr. Willie Mobley, of Atlanta, visited bis aunt. Mrs. M. Tb#»rmnhJ* u. recently. Mrs. I*, liar has returned homo after a pleasant visit to relatives In Me- line. Mrs. T. II. Davis slid MU* Cliff Nash visited Knstuinn recently. Miss lysate MeMlltfti. of Jesiip. HIRE OF CONVICTS BRINGS $90,000 paint* ’ Haiti- Jlltfii. of Miii., spent the week-end with Misses Nolle and Leila n Itoynohis. The stage scenery for the school mull torluiu will soon In* completed. The lug Is being -done hy Mr. lion wore. Mis. W. II. I*ttt entertained recently — • *' v ■ - - — —' th* lull Jtt*g hospitality. Delicious refreshments were served, comdstlng of snlad. nb-kIt*, olives aud cake. The following officers for 190$ were elected. Mrs. J. II. Reynold*, pres ident ; Mrs. It. It. (‘heney, vice president: MU* Katie Tliormahlen. reenrillu* secre tary: Mr*. J. D. Vaughan, corresponding secretary; Mr*. Aim* HIiisoii Mobley, treasurer. Mr*. Mary Harris Armor, state president >f I he W$uuau*N Christian Temperance Tn* Ion. held an Institute here this week. Mrs. Arrow I* one of the Houth'* strongest temperance worker*. Monday she left for I’hlhidrlphta. Httsburg ami other point* In Pennsylvania to - work for this cause. While In the city she wa* the guest of her friend, Mr*. J. It. Reynold*. Oflfl- *f*ry; Mr*. Uobrrt M tirrar. ” “ Me Art th, water board are at variance with apondlax'secretary; Mrs. V. 1*. Councilman Gram on this polnL treasurer. The sum of 889,000 representing the hire for convicts for the last quarter of 1(07, liae been turned over to the atate treasurer, and he Is distributing th* amount among the countloa of the state. Many counties apply It to the school fund, while other* apply It to othar purposes. Not I, L. Goldstein. Considerable annoyance has been caused Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Goldstein, of 238 Crumley-,t., by th* publication In the Atlanta papers or Isadora Gol itsin's suit for divorce In the superior court against his wife. Home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Goldstein's friends have ■nietaken the suit for one referring to them. The petitioner for divorce ha* an entirely different name, there being no ”d” In his, nnd there Is no connection between the two families. Palestine Lodge. Regular communication of Palestine Lodge No. 486, James K. Warren, wor shipful master, will he held In Masonic Hall Friday evening at 7:80 o’clock. Work In the entered apprentice degree. MIm Carrie Kell left Mottdnr for her home hour Allnntn niter spending , rew dsrs with her friend. Mrs. rl. H. tlrshnm. Mrs. It. It. leinler returned from Allnntn * Mom nnd Mrs. Toot Knson estae over rent Fltsaernld Innt Friday to see Mrs. bison'* mother, who Is III. Minn l.uelle Moline, who I, nttondlng .Verier*n, npent the week-end with Met- tinmen IVooten and Tillman. Miss f.ttry Jarknon. of Winder, Is th* gtte.t of Mm. I.. A. Heath. Minn Parts earns down from Weriey mu' ■|.ent a 'toy or two with her parent, here. Minn Ollmore I, visiting the family of Mr. II. t'. Gilmore In Blakely. Mae llrnhnm aa<l thins lllnnon. of PROPOSED ROUTE Atlanta and Carolina Road Amends Its Charter. Mlaaes Wallers entertain. _.l their friends with n larky party. Mlsa Annie lVIdddon won the prise for Mag the lnekleet.^^^^^^^H|^^^m^^^ra Minton Wnl ninl euterlnli..— Welker nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. An amendment to the charter of the Atlanta and Carolina Railroad, Captain James W. English, president, was granted by the secretary of state on Thursday. This amendment extend* , the terri tory which the original charter provid ed. so a* to permit construction from Atlanta to Augusta, and from Atlanta to Weet Point. The amendment name* th* following ndditlonal counties: Nswton, Walton, Oconee. Clarke. Oglethorpe, Wilkes, McDuffie. Llneuln, Columbia and Rich mond. It provide* also for the con struction of the electric line thru th* following afreets In Atlanta: Cnnfed- crate-uve., Houth Boulevard. Glenn- wood-ave., Charokee-sve., Grant-M- Imgan-nt., Hlll-st., Clarkt-st, Martin et., Rnwson-st., Pulllam-at., Garnett- at., Madlson-ave., Alabama-at, Glenn- at. and Murphy-ave. WILL A8K OTHER CITIES TO GIVE PROVISION*. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 5.—Fo*. lowing the example set by Nashville, a number,of years ago, Birmingham, which will entertain the veterans. Bona of Veterans and Daughters of the Con federacy. in June, will eollclt provisions from other cities. This decision hna been reached by the local committee on arrangement*. The committee decided to lake this action whan Joseph B. Babb, secretary of the Commercial Club of this city, reported that In response to the call «tnt out from Nashville va rious Tennessee cities sent 850 ham*. Hayes, of California, the house com mittee on industrial nrts and exposi tions today voted to Increase from $350,000 to $500,000 the sum to be tlon In Toklo in 1811. There la Only One “Bromo Quinine" Thai la Laxative Drome Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A BOLD IM ORE OAT. Always remember the full name, (or this si-nature on every box. Look