Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 24, 1908, Image 2

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2 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEW'S. rlHDAT, APRIL 2L 1M8. DON’T BE MISLED. Tb» Wall dranUti of tbl* country, «■ a claaa, are noted for their hlsh stnmiaril of Intelligence and honorable dealing, but It la a well known foot that occasionally you will And one who will try to sell you aomethlng else when you call for a remedy of established reputation. He forgets that your health la more Important than his pocketbook For example, when you aek for Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great Kid ney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, don't allow any druggist or drug clerk to persuade you Into buying something else In Its place. Every time he suc ceeds In selling you a worthless sub stitute he makes more profit. but you are humbugged at the expense of your health. Swamp-Root Is prepared only by Dr. Kilmer A Co. Laboratories. Bing hamton, N. T-—Don't sxperimsnt—If you need a medicine you should have the beat. MISS N.C. SERGEANT TO Board Elects Teachers' Staff For Summer Session. At the meeting of the board of edu cation held In the High School building Thursday aftsmoon Mills N. C. Ser geant was named principal of the sum mer normal school, with Miss Jessie Muse, Miss Bells Kennedy and Miss Eddie Dunlap as assistants. Tho school opens June 15 and will laat five weeks. The board deferred action upon the ordinance Introduced by Dr. Lnnglno which provides for the physical ex amination of teachers and students. The «rdlnance providing that text books shall not be changed this year was returned to the council with the Information that tho contract for books expires this year. Superintendent Slaton was author ised to dismiss all school classes oh May 1 which cannot be supplied with teachers because the teachers' exami nations begin on that. date. The board authorised the purchase of a mitre box and boring machine for the technologi cal department of the high school. 11. L. Collier, commissioner of pub lic works Aled with the board a com munication setting forth the advan tages of constructing school buildings of ferro-roncrete no thay will be flre- proof. An Invitation to attend the lec. furs' of Dr. Knopf on tuberculosis at the Grand Buuday afternoon was ex tended by Hon. W. J. Nor I hen and was accepted by the lboard. WHISKY CAUSES DEATH OF BOY IS CALLER TO REST Retired Baptist Minister Passes Away at Age of 66. The funeral ceremonies of Rev. Mal colm MacGregor, aged 28, of 120 Co- penhlll-nve., who died at a private san itarium Thursday night at 11 o'clock after an Illness of Four weeks, wsrs conducted at the Second Baptist church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. John K. White, asalated by Rev. Juntus Mil lard, pastor of tho Ponce DeLeon-ave. Baptist church, olAclatlng. Ths pall bearers were A. D. Adair. If. M. Welch, A. C. Briscoe, E. O. Willingham, A. L. Waldo, Judge George Hlllyer and Hen ry Hlliyer. Dr. MacGregor was a retired mlnls- r. For more than thirteen years be was pastor of ths Jackson Hill Baptist church. He had also Ailed the pulpits In several churches In New York and Jacksonville, Fla. Surviving him are bis wife, Mrs. Be linda MacGregor, two daughters, Miss Clementine and Mlsa Margaret 51ac- Gregor, and one son, William A. Mac Gregor, of New York. William A. Mac rigor has been in Atlanta for several weeks, , having fathers desperate Illness. CONTRACT IS LET FOR • DORMITORY DOUGLAS, Ga„ April 24.-The con tract for a 11-room dormitory at the district school was let yesterday to Appyrson A Wofford. Work will begin at once. They also have the contract for the large two-story school bulldli that Is bell Both are __ _ . . With these buildings Douglas will have spent far more than 1100,000 for school buildings during, the last year. About 400 boarding pupils are expected In the Eleventh district and city schools, which open September 1. Professor Little snd Professor Kuhl, of Abbeville, will have charge of the ding : la being built on the same lot. It contracts approximate 216,000 and to be Anlshed by September 1. Only One -BROMO QUININE." That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for ths signature of K. W. GROVE. Used the world over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 21c. ROCKPORT, Ind., April 24.—Whisky caused the death of 5-year-old Willie Bo/le yesterday. His mother gave him a small quantity to cure a headache and he liked It eo well he secured the bottle later nnd drank n copious draught. He died shortly afterward. CLOTHING MRS. DORA M’DONALD • WON’T QUIT HOTEL CHICAGO, April 24.—Mrs. Dora Me. Donald, wife of the late gambling king and defendant In the Guerin murder raae, Is registered at the Stratford Ho. tel, and proposes to be a guest there for some time to come, despite the re quest of ths management for her to va. cate. "I won’t get out. You may raise the rent ae high as you please. ( shall stay right here as long as I desire," It her reply to the request. ATTEMPTED TO BURN $5,000,000 PLANT MILWAUKEeTWIsT April 24—Men forced thtmselvte Into the West Allis 26,0011,000 plant of the Allls-Chalmera Compnny early today and planned to sprinkle the place with oil from a dozen gallon cans. The scheme ap parently was to start a Ars by lighting a candle which would Ignite the all when nearly burned out. A match was dropped, however, snd ths kerosens A red when only three cans bad been emptied. The appearance of a watch man frightened the men away. Tha watchman put out the blase. K K. K. Flour is fore most in the minds of partic ular housewives. The Man from Rome This is the title of a con tinued story bjr Marie Van Vorst, starting in this week's issue of The Saturday Evening Post. An American, rich beyond the dreams of avarice; a young son with pockets bursting with spending money, a daughter spoiled and beautiful; also the man from Rome. These persons act a powerful story, tragic in places, which will be illustrated by A. B. Wenzell and Vernon Howe Bailey. The title suggests a hinted international marriage — but not this one. Better begin to read this story now^ It is hard to get back numbers of THE SaTUR day Evening Post. This week’s issue is now on sale, At the News-aUndi, 3 cents, ft .30 tht year by mall. Tub Curtis Publishing Company fHU.AUU.rHIA Our Boyi Are Everywhere Cnple* will be delivered to an: rezt by JOSEPH WELLS, 73 William* 8troet. Atlanta. fro GIVE WELCOME TO GOV.' SMITE Friends Preparing to Give Executive Rousing Re ception. TO BE BIGGEST YE More Than 600 Prizes To Be Given and Good Day Promised. $1 A WEEK Our BIG OFFER Come to our Mote at any time—chooeo what nobby Spring Clothe* you want at »| cazh More price*—lay to the man "Charge it,”—take the clothe* with you—put them on and wear them — pay wh3e you wear, $1 a week. We sell direct from factory to you through our 73 stores. Women’s Suits, Coats, Raincoats, Skirts, Waists, Hats, Shoes Men’s Suits, Topcoats, Raincoats, Hats, Shoes Boys’ and Children’s Suits (or all ages. [MgNTER 4, 0 oM| I ROSENB^co) UPSTAIRS, Over 71 Whitehall VOTERS OF GEORGIA Should have a pair of Rallard Bifocal Gtaeeea so t iey can see near and far before deciding how to vote. Thousand! are now ualng them with perfect auccis*. Wy tell every Bifocal or Doubla Vlalon Glat.i made. Let us demonstrate them to you. WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL CO- 75 Peachtree St. AMENDMENTS WIN IN LOUISIANA NEW ORLEANS, .'.a* April 24— Practically complet.. ivturna from the country, which were zlow renting In. Indicate that the constitutional amend, menu all carried, Including that pro viding for one atntu tax collector at New Orleans Instead of seven, as at present, which will mean a sating to the state. The Republican ticket received about 10 per cent of the total vote cast. .oak. Ing no galna over the showing In re cent year*. G. M. A. TO PRESENT PLAY FRIDAY NIGHT The faculty of the Georgia Military Academy will present an original com- edy .n three acte in the military acad emy Friday evening at 8 o’clock. The stue’ent body and the friends of the faculty and of the Institution are tak Ing great Interest In the play and tick ets to the performance are selling rap. Idly. The three acts of the comedy are numbered a* follow*: Act I, "The Lit- tlu House In Stagnate;” act II. “Lodg ings in Mayfair;" act III, "The Little House Again." The cast of characters It as follows: Hon, Geo. D'Alroy—Profeaeor John Ferguson, Jr. Captain Hautree—Professor \Y. S. Gal Hard. EccIm—Colonel John W. West. Sam Gerrldge—Professor R. C. Pat. terson. Dlgon (Servant to D'Alroy)—Richard Yenrwood. The Marquise de St. Maur—Ml** An nie May Hardin. Polly—Miss Ethel Wtckeraham. Esther—2llsi Annie Laurie Brewster. SOUTH GEORGIA BANKERS MEET IN FITZGERALD FITZGERALD, Ga.. April 24—Group of the Georgia Bankers' Association met here yesterday with Urge dele gations from different sections of south Georgia. At 10 o'clock the delegate*, and many of the cttlien* of Fttsgerald. gathered In the iwrlor of the Le Grant I Hotel, when President E. D. Walter, of I Brunswick, called the meeting to or der. The big Easter egg hunt will he held at Piedmont Park promptly at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. It will be a great hunt, a memorable occasion tor the grown-ups who attend ae spectators or who aid In the feetlvt ties, a* well aa an event In the lives of the young folks. More than 650 prises will be given away. All told, about 76.000 eggs will "» hidden at the park and 440 of these .'Iff be marked with the words "Prise egg." As each such egg Is presented to the prize committee at the grand stand a prize will be awarded. Mnyor Joyner ha* taken eueh sn In terest In the Easter egg hunt that, when he was asked to write a question at the Orpheum a few night* ago for D'Amon, the mind reader, he wrota visiting card. "What kind of weather will we have Saturday for th* Easter egg hunt?" D'Amon told th* mayor what question he had asked, and glad dened hi* heart by predicting an Ideal Toward the close of the hunt, 200 beautiful balloons about eight feet high and of various colors will he sent ui Wedemayar** band will furnish musl for ths occasion. The auxiliary com mlttee appointed by Chairman Hurtal and Mayor Joyner Is expected to with (he pork board at Piedmont park at noon to assist In hiding th* eggs. Children undor 2 years of age will hunt for eggs In th* paddock or track lncloaure, and th* older chll will hunt In (he grounds outstd*. In the list of prises are two cash prises of 22.20 each presented by th* Atlanta Typographical Union, ten 21 cash prises, one girl's dress, a number of perfumery sets, baseball bats. Easter novelties, fancy work baskets, boxes of writing paper, vases, rubber balls, base, balls. Easter Teddy bears, toy banks, garden tools and the like. MOSLEM WOMEN" ASK FOR LIBERTY 8T. PETERSBURG, April 24—The Russian duma has received a petition from the Mohammedan women Orenburg province asking that they freed from their despotic husbands and given the liberties accorded by the esar. Atlanta People Must Recog nize and Heed It. Kidney III* come quietly—mysteri ously. But nature always warn* you. Notice th* kldnsy secretions. See If the color I* unhealthy— If there are settlings and sediment. Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It’s time then to use Doan's Kidney PHI*. To ward off Bright's disease or dia betes. Doan's have don* great work In At lama. W. G. DeLaney, 272 East Fair street. Atlanta, Ga., says: “I used Doan's Kid ney Pills and It gives me pleasure to say that they helped me In every way. Before taking them I was bothered a great deal by a frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. I also had con siderable patn In my back. As soon as I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured st Brannen A Anthony's drug •tore, both these annoyances disap peared. I am pleased to recommend such a reliable remedy to all sufferers of kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIlbum Co., Buffalo. New York, sule agents for ths L'nltsd States. Remember the name—Doan's—anil ■ k* no otbas. CORDELE, Ga., April 24—The friends of Governor Smith ore making arrangements to give him a cordial welcome here next Tuesday, when he will be here for the purpose of address ing the people of this city and county on the Issues of the present gubernato rial campaign. The speaking will be held In the new court house, which has J'ist been completed and turned over to the county. The Smith forces here are being le.l by ex-Btato Senator D. A. R. Crum. Colonel Crum addressed a large au dience at the court house In Turner county Monday during the noon recess of the city court of Ashburn. Supporter* of Hon. Joseph M. Brown are also very active nnd are putting In some hnrd work for their candidate. BOTH 8IDE8 ACTIVE IN MORGAN COUNTY MADI80N, Ga., April 24—This city l» very much alive over the gubernato rial race. A meeting has been held and W. P. Bearden elected president and W. T. Bacon secretary of the Hoke Smith Club. Petitions are being circu lated freely by the friends of Governor Smith. The Brown supporter* are not Idle, bdt are working among the voters ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FCTh COUNTY TREASURER MADI80N, Ga., April 24. A. J. Hutcherson, of Rutledge. Ga.. haa an nounced his candidacy for treasurer of this county, against E. V. Walker. This makes a three-cornered race, R. H. Pryor having announced acme tint* ago. HOKE 8MITH CLuiT ORGANIZED IN MACON MACON. Ga., April 24.—A Hoke Smith Club was organized in Macon Wednesday night, when several hun dred of tho leading business men of the city met In the superior court room. Over 200 names were enrolled at the meeting and many more are expected bftween today anti Friday evening, when another meeting of the club will be held. Following the speech deliv ered In Macon Tuesday night by Gov ernor Smith, political Interest has been aroused und the club headed by Mayor A. L. Miller. Hon. T. S. Felder. Hon. Felton Hatcher, Hon. Waller Grace and many others, was organized at the re quest of Governor Smith's supporters In this vicinity. VOTER8 OF WINDER ORGANIZE CLUB8 WINDER, Ga., April 24.—Tuesday night at the opera house a mass meet ing of cltlxcns of Winder was called In the candidacy of Joe Brown. Dr. Hall Turner, of the Turner Pharmacy Co., was eltcted permanent chairman. Eighty-five names were enrolled at the organisation, and the list has been In creased to about 125. Last Saturday a Hoke Smith Club was organized. The Hat Saturday night waa about 86, but now numbers about 120. JOE BROWN CLUB ORGANIZED IN COFFEE DOUGLAS, Ga., April 24—The guber natorial race Is creating cnnalderable Interest Jn Coffee county. Joe Brown followers have organized t^elub with 160 names. Hoke Smith" supporters will organise a club Saturday. Gov ernor Smith has been Invited to si here, but a* yet haa not named a date. CANDIDATES QuImED ON TEMPERANCE VIEWS 8TATE8BORO, Ga., April 24—A mail meeting, attended by a hundred or more representative citizens, met at the court house at 10 o'clock Wednes day to discuss the advisability of put ting out candidates pledged to the pro. hlbltlon cause. A ramiber of stirring speeches were made./ The one by Rev. \ Let our Credit plan fit you out for the new season. We’ll do it economically—for the small sum of $1.00 a week—and you’ll get the very best clothing, the latest styles. ✓ Men’s Spring Suits [There are plenty new kinds coming every day.' Every suit is a new style, new pat tern, made in a new way in our own factory. You get the best tailoring—and the lowest prices. $8.00 to $25.00 ON CREDIT Women’s New Tailored Suits, $10.00 up. Choice New Styles in Misses’ Suits. Everything New in Spring Clothing—CASH OR CREDIT. ASKIN 4 MARINE C0> 78 Whitehall Street. Jrunkards Cured In 24 Hours Any Lady Can Cure the Most Violent Drunkard Secretly at Home. To Prove It, A Free Trial Package Is Sent 8ealed To All Who Write. no wnntnn do.pnlr. The sure, quick, pcriunuent cure for drunkeuurzz bae been It le Golden ll.medy, It has no odor. St no taeto. Just a little is put In the Jrenkurq', cup of coffoe or roe. or In bl* food. II.. will never notice It, he will be cured before ho realises It, end lie will noror know why he abandoned the taste for liquor. P. \V. Ell!*, pastor of the Methodist church, was one of the strongest pleas made for tht cause of prohibition. A commit! «e was appointed to con fer with the candidates already In the Held and one to nominate a candidate should no agreement be reached. HARDEMAN NOMINATED FOR REPRESENTATIVE LOUISVILLE, Ga„ April 24—The consolidated returns from Wednesday's primary election show the following nominations In Jefferson county: For tax collector. J. E. Hannah, re-elected; sheriff, J. J. Smith, re-elected; treas urer, T. H. Culpepper; tax receiver. A. H. 8. Atkina; representative, B. N. Hardeman; ordinary, T. F. Caulk; clerk, W. S. Murphy; coroner, J. W. Roberts; surveyor. A. F. 51c Watty. There were 1,275 votes polled. POLITICAL CLUBS BOTH HOLD RALLIES WAYCR088, Ga.. April 24—The lnrg. cst attended meeting of the Joe Brown nnd Hqfc’e .Smith clubs yet held met here last night. The Issues of the cam paign were freely discussed at both meetings. The speakers at the Brown meeting were V. L. Stanton, H. P. Brewer, lathe Thomas, J. II. Parker and 8. F. Floyd. W. W. Lambdln staled the object of the Smith meeting. Speeches were mode by J. C. Langston. W. W. In gram, J. M. Cox, J. S. Williams and J. C. Humphrey. Open ulr rallies were announced by both clubs for Saturday night, at which out of town speakers ri|l attend. POPE WINS RAcF FOR REPRESENTATIVE QUITMAN, Gi., April 24.—In the pri mary election hcl.l for Brooks county yesterday th* following otlicers were chosen; Roprenentatlve, M. E. Pope Gone Mad From Whisky. Raysor; sheriff, J lector, J. N. Gibson; tux receiver. W. H. Harden; treasurer, W. W. Wado; commissioners, J. B. Carter and F, U. Walker; surveyor. F. L. Gibson; cor oner, B. H. Pollard. HOKE 8MITH CLUB ORGANIZED AT CLERMONT CLERMONT. Ga., April 24.—The supporters of Governor Smith met at the court house Thursday night and re. organized the Hall County Hoke Smith Club. Atlanta, Ga., April 18,1908. Advertising Manager, Atlanta Georgian, City. Dear Sir:— The lost dog advertised for in your want col umns has been returned, which proves the ef fectiveness of Georgian Want Ads. Allow me to thank vot* for your kindness. Yours Very Trulj>, S. H. DEIHL. 210 Pulliam-st. MAN IS STABBED IN FREE-FOR-ALL CHICAGO, April 24.—One man Is thought to be fatally stabbed and a ecore of others battered and bruised, summarizes the result of a free-for-all fight last night at a meeting of the Electrical Worker*' Union, of which "Skinny” Madden Is the leading spirit. The man who was stabbed Is "Skin ny's" dearest enemy, William D. Ker- wln. He refuses to tell who stabbed him. . HIGHTOWER URGED FOR COUNTY RACE T. J. Hightower. Jr., president of the Hightower Box and Tank Compary. le considering the Idea of making th, race for county commissioner and may make his formal announcement for the office within the next few days. Mr. Hightower Is a resident of Bat tle Hill, and nt a meeting of the voter* of that district held Wednesday night he waa Indorsed for Commissioner und was urged to make the race. There will be two vacancies on the hoard till* year caused by the expira tion of the terms of Judge E. B. Ros ser and Judge H. E. W. Palmer. Judge Pnlmer Is a candidate to succeed him self, and S. B. Turnmh and George II. HIms are also candidates for position* on the board. Malaria Maks* Pale, Sickly Children. The Old Standard GROVE'S TABTE- LE:i CHILL TONIC drives out ma laria and builds up the syatam. For grown people and children. 50c. Hear Dr. Bfoughton address the graduating classes of the Southern Dental College and the Atlanta College of Physicians and Sur geons at the Grand Opera House tonight. HUGHES CALLS EXTRA SESSION ALBANY, N. Y.. April 24—Immedl- utcly after the general nssembly voted to adjourn for the eesslon yesterday afternoon, Governor Hughe* Issued a call for a special eesslon to convene May II. The purpose I* not specified. - For Youjr Health’s Sabo Drink the drink that invigorate*, the drink that aatiifiez and refreshe*, the drink that delights the tajtc. (The Pepsin DrinK.) U not Mir th* mow d# lie loo* of iparkllni ttnportBc* dilnkj, bat tht b**t drink for roar k*»hh. Tho »op»la It coouiat help* roar itomich I* It* work of balldlns ap body cad brtf*. while th* par* trait /aIre* correct abnormal appetite*, itop thlr*t and |lv* a delight* ful ••*! aid flavor potsesied by no other drink. PEP-TO-LAC contains no harm ful, habit-forming drug or danger ous heart stimulant. At All Soda Fountain#, — 5 Cent* a Glass.— MOB FROM SKIDOO HANGS A “BAD MAN’ RHYOLITE, Nev., April 24,-Joseph Simpson who killed James Arnold last Sunday, wan taken from the sheriff by a mob last night nnd hanged to a telegraph pole. Simpson waa a gambler and all round “had man.” The mob waa from Hktdoo. ohleu Remedy has cured some of the most violent cases In a day’s time. This fart f* proven by many ladles who bnv trted It. Mrs. Mattie Balklns, Ynncctmrg, Ky.. says: ”My husband took two doses of your tuedlrtne altout Are months a so nnd hus uot taken a drink or line! any desire for liquor since then. Otir home Is so different now.” Save your loved one from premature death nnd the terrible consequence* of the drink curse and save yourself from pov erty ami misery. It coats absolutely nothing to try. Send wr name and address to Dr. J. W. alnes. 209 tsienn Building. Cincinnati. Ohio, and he will at onee aend you a free iwekage of the marvelous Golden Remedy a plain, sealed wrapper. .le will alao aend you the strongest eon- elusive proof of what a Ideaalng It haa Ish*u to thousands of families. Rend for a free trial package of Gobleu Remedy tod as. REPORTERS HARASS HELIE DE SAGAN NAPLES, April 24.—Prince Hella tie Bagun le In Naples awaiting his bride- to-be, Mme. Anna Gould, and dodging reporter!. The ncrlbes appear to be making the prince'* life miserable for him by dogging hie footsteps and hor- aaatng him at every turn. He hoe left hie hotel and taken a quite under an assumed name In another section of the city. Mme. Gould's boat baa, been de layed. One Name Omitted. Thru an oversight the authorities of the Atlanta School of Medicine failed to award a certificate of efficiency to Dr. O. B. Bush, of Dublin, at the com mencement exercise* last Wednesday night. Dr. Buah stood very high In his classes and the faculty regrets that his certificate won not publicly awarded. I At their moderate ’price, the “Dorothy Dodd" Shoe enables you to owe different pain of appropriate and fashionable shoes for ever day occasion. We have the exclusive agency. $2.50 $3 and $3.50 FRED S. STEWART A CO. ("Shoe Speclaliat”) 8 Peachtree Street. I have just received by express some handsome pieces in solid {Silver which I will sell at a very small profit. It will pay you to see my stock before buying else where. M. GREER i The Upstairs Jeweler. 414 Century Bldg. Take Elevator. CHURCHES GIVE TO WESLEY FUND Additional subscriptions^ tho ley Memorial enterprise*, amounting t«) $1,640.75, have been received by Secre tary Walker White. Churches and in dividuals In Oxford and Midway con tributed $525.75; In Newborn. $S»0 5fl: In Dougtasvllle. $500; In Siflliboro* $73.50; In Flovllla, $37; In Concord. Each Sunday a number of laymen pre sent to various churches the Wesie) Enterprise cause and an a result !n’\« received liberal contribution*. MACHINISTS NAME LOCAL DELEGATES Delegates and alternates to the tenth annual convention of the Georgia r™- eration of Labor, convening at Mae°» Wednesday, June 17,. at 0 a. ***-. *ei* elected Thursday night by the At lanta lodge of machinists. They are* • W. McCabe. F. W. Ehters, J. J yu ' Anany. delegates; H. W. Goldsby. A. H, Ragsdale, J. T. Topham, alternate*