Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 27, 1908, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MONDAY, AfRIL 27, lDftS. It for sale—miscellaneoi s. „ k MAUCK—Estimate* furnished on all t hpII 2975 main. tFmfFMAN * CRENSHAW, Contractor*; rimtlng and decorating. With Kj. Coot. ,J i&n». 18 N. Forsyth. Boll 2376 M. . li"n. *50 l"t*r«-tt. Bell 'phone 3754 main tlmsteo^ -,vrvV(TSf7 r ~Mtrnr>0CK—Contractor! o: , work In all llnn of painting and .At P. J. Coolcdgo * Son*. 15 ilKAMB-rl’ainttng and contrnrtlne. C tvith p. J- Cooledge AHoni. 12 North Ai Bell 'Phono »7t main. Fr-p ngpiyFWAGON, iltahtly nard. lor F lal. at haraaln price. <6 Madf.on-ayr. cXoVnTmTXnT* BURBBY for aala cheap at it '' ..".on-are. > KODAK HEADQUARTERS. KOI'tKS Kodak Supplies. Kodak Finish K ,„, you will And ony thing you wentIn tkl" Unw In our kodak department. Stall ,,| v pn careful attention. A. IC Hawke.^' company. 1< Whitehall, and 155 t’Mtfhtree-sfS. _ - - - - - n North Porayth-at. Dell ’phone 5975 main. «■ vt-HAt. good aecond-nnnd bnggli S Mle: we need the apace. Call n$ 46 wM POSTELL & SON—Contracting inter*. All kinds of Interior and ex •Mler work, with F. J. Coledge A Son,, It Northrorayth-at. Atlanta ’phone 566. 'LIME FOR SALE. pr actual teat we are making the atrong- „t bonding high-grade lime ever bought In ,b lt “n be to the Interest of every pur- (haaer to confer with ua before buying lime. p.ll Thone MOO. Atlanja ’Phone 710. PIEDMONT PORTLAND CEMENT AND LIME CO., 400-405 Austell Building, Atlanta. Ga, J. VON REEDEN Professional Horse Shoer 40 Conrtland Street t’NDKR WASHINGTON-ST. VIADUCT. Buggy nwl wngon repairing. All styles of carriage and wagon painting. ACME MATTRESS CO., Mattress Manufacturers. Corner Jackaon and Irwin Street*. ’Phones: Bell Main 6321 Atlanta 1948. Renovating a specialty. All work called for and delivered name day, WANTED Everybody to know we are stiil doing the correct do mestic finish, on shirts, col lars and cuffs. No rough edges left on them.' Ladies, send your shirt waist and white* skirts along in the same bundle. Out-of-town agencies wanted. PIEDMONT LAUNDRY, 145-147 CENTRAL AVE. Phones Bell 2172—Atlanta 2690, FOR WALL PAPER AND PAINTING PHONE FRIDDELL BROS. Of Korse. Phones 3565—69 Ivy Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA HATS Cleaned nnd reshaped ...60c With new hand, sweat and binding ....$1 Band«. sweats or bindings, each (ax- etreful attention. Latest SEEDS AND POULTRY. THIS WET WEATHER IS VERY BAD ON THE LITTLE CHICKS. \ou bad beat keep Lee’* Germozone in their drinking water; it will prevent any cold ofr roup with them. Price 50c by mail UHB HASTINGS’ "KXOXEM” on plant! tliat are bothered with bugs, etc. Fine for the potato hug. One pouud 13c, three pounds 35o, live pounds 50c. * DOUBLE PEARL TUBE R08E BULBS. Sure blooming ones at 8c per dozen; by mall add 12c for postage. CaJadluina, etc. Try a S'ugo Palm Bulb this season; we have fine lot of them at 15c per pouud. Bulba range In size from 1 to 10 pounds. BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds: get our prices before you buy. Vegetable plants. Potato slips are plentiful. FEED the baby chlcks*MldInnd Chick Food; you can’t equal It. CkE’B. RUST'S AND CO^KEY’S poultry remedies. Catalog. GARDEN AND FLOWER FERTILIZERS' In any quantity that ypu need. COW PEAS, sorghum. German millet. Pearl millet, Kaffir c<yrt, etc. TELL US YOUR WANTS In the pup Hue. DOGS. BIRDS AND PETS. DOGS FOR SALE—Dogs taught nnd sold on commission. 1 have Toy Hpnnlels, Bird Doga, Fox Terriers, Bull Dogs. Geruiau Coach, Newfoundlands. Shepherds, Collies and Poodles. If you want to buy*-or sell, write us. Everything In dogs. Elliott tc Co., veterinary Infirmary, 588 Cotton-ave., Macon. Ga. 11 months old. Address Hartwell, Ga. Route 8, Box tL. WANTED—A pet coon. Address E. H. ^Armstrong, Egan, On. c WANTED—Board and care for two pointer dogs iluilng summer; prefer responsible farmer or . countryman. Address R.. 440 West Peachtree. _ a WANTED—Full-blooded Shepherd puppy; male. J. F. Barnes. Southern Cottou Oil Coiupnny. Hty. . a FOR SALE—Seven Shepherd puppies. No pedigree, but good dogs; $5 each. W. R. Pierce, Ci ” ‘ [’ulloden.vGa. HOUSES FOR RENT. ROBSON & RIVERS, Real Estate and Renting Agents, 8 W. Alabama. 95 FORREST AVENUE-On the south side of Forrest, tatwevti. Piedmont aud Butler, on fair-sized lot. you will fiud this nine- room, two-story house, with gat. hot and cold water, porcelain liatb. !louse In good repair. Splendid neighborhood. Short walk from center of city. Price $40 per mouth. 4S9 SPRING—Ou the east side of Spring, at the corner of West Third, you will find this eight-room bouse, with gas. electric lights and bells, hot and cold water, fnrunce heat, house In perfect repair, splendid loca- Jlon. Price $50, WANTED—ifo exchange pointer dog pup, 5 months old; Kip-Rap stock, for four Rhode Islaud Red hens nnd one rooster or Buff Orpingtons. Answer Pointer, Redan, rnir nna nooawam. on toe west Blue or Cherokee, ou lot 50 or 100, we have this r ——- -f th — — a I seven-room cottage, wl porcelain bath; ST * ole for two small POULTRY AND LIVE STOCK. FREE—A. sample package of Conkey’s Ik ^powder; also a ftc poultry book by mo H. G. HASTINGS & CO. Seedmen and Fanciers, 16 W. Mitchell St. USE HASTINGS’ SEEDS. McMillan vegetable PLANTS. We hare large quantities *f the plants listed below; well grown and stocky nnd oil grown from the very best seeds. Cabbage plants 20c per 100, tomato pL....„ 15c per dozen, pepper nnd egg plants 20c per dozen, celery plants trendy June! 35c per 100, sweet potato draws 25c ix*r 100. Uuyers f large quantities will please write * jedal price. Forage and Hog Crop. Amber and orange sorghum, ent-tnll mil let, German millet, eliufas, teoslute. Spanish peanuts, velvet* beans, kaffir corn, dwnr* Essex rape artichoke*, sunflower Cecil, soj bonus. Write for price list. McMillan seed co., 23 So. Broad St. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. W. STRICKLAND. _ Peters-st. Reliable tinner nnd slntOr.- Wlll do your tinning and slating work on monthly Installments. Will gunrnntee all work to give satisfaction, or iio pay. 8EWING MACHINES RENTED. WE RENT new Singer nnd Wheeler A Wil son machines with complete set of attach BUILDING MATERIAL. ANTI-TRUST PRICES on shingles, laths nnd all sizes and grades of lumber. Car COAL AND WOOD. CRAWFORD COAL A ICE C’O.-BIggest \ load of wood or coal for the money. We '... T » avti* say what we do. - We do what we say. aii.ama, MATTRE88 RENOVATING, ATLANTA MATTRESS CO.-Dhones 4847. When you want the best In mattress ren ovating phone us. Corner Piedmont and Houston. v STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE. We store house. bold good* nnd pianos. Office, A2 Auburn- ave. ’Phone 37J0 main. Wnrehouses, 235 to 239 Edgewood-nve. ’Phone 2037 main. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. e pi White Plymouth Rock eggs, fresh nnd fertile; 85c pee* fifteeu eggs. W. A. Cior- don. Commerce. Ga. 432. Atlanta, (in. FINE TENNESSEE JACK for sale at a tar- gain. W. II. Mlddlehrook, The JRock, Ga. Want E D—Eggs of pure bred cllcketis, 100 Orpingtons. 100 S. C. Brown Leghorns nnd 45 White Plymouth Itoeks; will not pay fancy prices; wllLtnke nil or part of mini her; must .»e fresh, for Incubator. Address Evergreen Poultry Furm, Lagnurllle, Ga. It. F. D. 3. Box 37. r SEEDS, PLANTS, ETC. FOR EASTER—Resurrection ferns; post paid. Three for 15 cents; fifty for $1. E. C. Stout, Chlplcy, Ga. ADMIRAL TOGO now at Mark W. John- son Seed Company. 35 South Pryor-st. WANTkD—10,000 yellow yarn potato slips; write ’ — ' prle> H. M. Carlton. WANTED—To purchase Georgia yellow ynin sweet |M»tnto slips, i Notify N. O. R., It. F. D. No. 4, Atlanta, Gu. MARK W. JOHNSON SEED COMPANY fh- forms us that now Is the tltuf to plant parsnip, carrot nnd salsify seeds for win ter use; also plant sweet corn, watermelon, eautnlotij * — - nnd chufi WANTED—To sell a heavy cron of El..crtn peaches on four-year-old trees. In fine condition, three-quarters of a mile of station. Will take 50 cents |»er tree. A. M. Baxter, Suwnnee, Ga. i'll ESI I car Nancy Hnll pumpkin yam seed " " South Broad, STRONG. ii+.ith,v tomato plants cheap” Phone Harris White, 299 Decatur, Atlanta ALL KINDS potted plants, tomatoes; none better. Choice ctrt flowers. See us. Ponce DeLeon park and Orpheum theater. FOR SALE—Brandi's Improved Rattle snake Watermelon Seed from well select ed stock; very prolific. Fine for shipping; ft pound, 60c; 1 pound. 80c; 5 pounds. $3.75: or 10 pounds for $7. Reliable reference fur- tilaheif. M. F. Cllntt. Thomson. Ga. % BERMUDA HOI) nud roots. Carpet grass ** nbrella Chinn trees. Address 1*. o. Box FOR SALE—California Gardena Dewberry plants. The finest berry fbr cullnnrv use; 10c each; three for 23c; postpaid. Bradlev Hancock, Jr.. Frultdale,’- Ala. - c HOUSES FOR RENT. h., 2$ Capttol-ave !»., 107 Pledmont-ave h., $9 Columhia-ave h., 262 X. Jackson-st h., 46 Armstrong-st $60.00 . .. 40.w 40.00 35.00 30.60 , 35.0 43 W. Cain at.. .. h.. 140 Lurk (e-St It., 233 Coitrtlnnd-nre.... h., 186 N. Boulevard.. .. b., 24 W. Rnker-at.. .. h., 131 Centrnl-ove.. h., 1-B College Park.. 66.65 32.53 25.03 .. .. 40.00 .. .. 35.0) 35.00 WE PUBLISH a weekly rent bulletin, glv lug n good deserUdlou of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. W. E. WORLEY, Real Estate. 415-16 Empire Bldg. Beautiful 6-room house ou a fine east front lot ou Whiteford ave., $250 cash, $20 per mouth. Just a dan dy home here. Take my word for it. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. 12-room house, slate roof and solid granite steps, 7 bed rooms, 2-story servants’ house, located on best part of Washington street. Was $10,000, now $7,750. Easy terms. Owner moving to Texas. HOUSES FOR RENT. Parties desiring to 'rent houses, flats or rooms can get lists of all property for rent in the city by applying at our information bureau in our furniture department. No charge for service. J. M. HIGH COMPANY, Department Store. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. SOCIAL AND CENTER. HOUSEHOLD GOODS EXCLUSIVELY moved and stored by Cathcart. Both tele phones. ELECTRIC MACHINE REPAIR8. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY expert workmanship on all kinds of elec tric machinery repairing. 1 North Forsyth- ‘Phone 378 main. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. •OUT nniNK BUSINESS—Old aatabllahed corner. Actual net profit $4 to $10 per * heap rent. Satisfy yourself, handle pa ensh for one day. Good reason for sell ing. Sacrifice to sell now. $300 cash will , " kp it. Answer quick. W. W.. Box 290, ™r*_Genrglan. Bell phone Main 4787. U.WTKD—Party with $600 to take a Interest In patented article that u«“'l In the manufacture.of and putting ‘ 11 r .ti , 'Ij* properly on the market. If you xio Bnalaeat, P. o. box *nuif T A MAIL ORDER business; we fur- la ! pv **nothing necessary; only few dal* r ‘‘ < l’»U H l; new plan, success eertnlu; W'Rhlng to Inx-etitlgate. Mllburn-Hlcks. A _ Dollars will aurt a proaperoua ir.Stai op 1f r I'twlttwai: we furnish cats- ‘ *' K nnd everythin* necesssry; by our ifi.a Vrstliire impossible. Mllburn* 1 »*«■ « lilcngo. ^^URCHASE AND EXCHANGE. ^ *i T ^* 1 * S^ond-hand furniture, office a' 1 ' 1 '! «°waehold goods; highest casit prices. •V hprlnger. 25 8. Pryor-st Bell phone ANTED—To buy n diamond for spot cash. 1 1 L. B.. Box 14, care Georgian. “■ pox n, cnre Georgian, ANTED—To buy piano, hut will have to ti-ur-i'-, p ' A ^ rNl Cash, Box 15,, care Vo|- a nb*e trunk yon don’t need ■ I.’ want fw sell cheap? Am In need of • ‘ h, ‘ l I* In good condition. Willing to I. •» J , ‘ :, ’*'>iiab|e. Write, stating slse. price ' ' ''tare It can be seen. Trunk, Box 15, r ' J»^>rgl»n. k f‘?-‘n,T KI) “w wo . ■^’ond-hand wardrobe A r i’‘‘ k *- Must be cheap. Good repair * jVlnger, 25 8outll p ryof .,t. 1»|| 1526. EXCHANGE—A pair of solid gold PL—*c» for a D flute, B., Box 176. care [UU^glnn. c V.^.f ir - T o purchase a second-hand vlo- amt u* • “ i* 08 * vlo*: must be a targaln in g,m,t condition. Y„ Box 116, Lttdo- hVn I K1 ,to 2H-horsepower aeeond- ^|nd gasoline engine; must be chenn nnd —— and shnpe. Y., Box 116, Lndowlcl. Ga. ^ JE* J—Heeond-baad one-horse wagou f r hauling Inmled goods; must ta at a ■JUS. _ nw * ,n K W) ‘I c»mdl»lon; write us de- and price. Kplnks Bottling Co., ' S .' N iKit—Hecond-hattil furniture. Noah's Ark * & Decatur st Beil 2373 J, Main. MILLINERY. BEFORE BUYING your millinery, call to • ace Mra. Dewberry, at 106 Asbby-at., West End. She Is prepared to do nice work nnd know she can please yon. as she has had the tast experience In making, trimming nnd destgnlug tints. She also has a ulce little stock to select from, SHOE REPAIRING. Best white oak half soles lowed on your shoes for 75e Best rubber heels 40c Good rubber heels .......25c All work gusrnnteed. Doue while you wait. In a few minutes. Corner Whitehall nnd Mltchell-ats. Comer Broad and Mari etta sts. Work called for nnd delivered. Bejt 2335 Main. Gwlnn's shops. — TRUNK8. alrln TRUNK and ba* repalrlnj. tree A Dro., Trunk and Hag Cnmpai Retail and r.polrlnx. 77 Wbltetull at. ’Phon* 1571 GUN REPAIRING. EXPERT GUN nml Platol work dona at •hop department. The Tool Corapanjr, 6S Marletta-at. Both 'pbonea Mil. BURIAL VAULT8, WHEN OCCASION requtr.a, do not fall to let us explain the advantages of the Perfection Burlel Vault. Absolute protec tion for Tour loved onee. Pulton County Supply Compeny, 7S Beet Hunter at. VIOLINS. . II KtUBRELL, VIOLIN MAKER, repairer euil dealer In eld and new vtollne. 99>i Whitehall. * PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. UULTIORAPII circular and form letter*. Rnallah-Amerlcan Hide. pT BLIC BTENOGRAI'HER—Copylnit- and etenoarnphlc work of all kinds. Mntlafai- tlon auarnnteed. Apply to 418 Empire bnlld- In,. 'I'tione. Atlanta 47*4: Bell I7»4 main. TYPEWRITING reproduced. Envelopea ad. dressed- Mnltlarnph clrcnlar lettera a apt- dally. 4N Empire Imlldlnc. GEORGIA. JACKRON COUNTY. ' By rlrtue of an order of the court of or- dlnery of eald county, will Im wldI at public outcry, on the llrat Tueaday la May. IMS, upon the prcmlaca In the county of Pulton, between Inc uanal hours of ante, the follow. ic real estate eltnote In Pnlton county, to- wit: A lot In College Park. Fulton county, eald state, described ne followe: Begtu. ulna at a point UW feet eaat of the eonth- east corner of Jefferson street end John YVeeley avenue, thence running east100 feet along the eouth elde of John Mealey ave nue "thence south 19*1 feet, thence west 109 feel, thence north . 190. f«*t to beginning cornor. Iidng lot N". 4. In b!ock V> It as let survey of Itol>crte A Kacftmen, tsde In 1902. Terms, cash. Thla April «, HOO. w J I!BB|UN Admlnlatrator of C. T. Whltihead. Windar. Oa, ^Attorney for Admlnlatrator, . Winder, Ga. NEW SUBDIVISION OF ANSLEY PARK LOTS ON THE PRADO, BEGIN NING JUST EAST OF DR. HOKE'S RESIDENCE. A FEW GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY AN ANSLEY PARK SECOND—Th* present appearance of the park la only a .slight Indication of what It will bo when folly Improved. FIFTH—It Is already the “driving arid so cial center of Atlanta,” and will become more ao each year. SIXTH—It Is, and will continue to he, a community of live, "up-to-date” young people, who will be neighbors for years to coma. SEVENTH—No section of Atlanta enjoys ■uch a combination of "Indoor aid out door” advantages. No ooot and dirt. No crowd lug of bouses. I'lenty of griaa and EIGHTH—The handsomest homes In Atlan ta are located between Thirteenth afreet and Brookwood. and the present Improve ments are only, an Indication of tho fu ture. NINTH—Tf yon want to live where tor beat drive* of Atlnntn center, and where prop erty valnea will continue to advance, buy an Analey Park lot. TENTH—When these lota are gone there are no more like them. Pbyllcal condi tions have limited the supply n:id the de mand la constantly Increasing. ELEVENTH—The streets lending to the pork are practically built up solid now. TWELPTH—Itg/convenience to the new driving clnb makes It as convenient to entertain your friends there at In your own home. THIRTEENTH—Look for a lot for your "Home” and then buy one of these while rou enn get Into this fa tore J section, with out paying exorbitant prlc«*s. If yon buy elsewhere you will likely regret It. 0 WILLIAM S. ANSLEY, REAL ESTATE, 217 Century Bldff. Phoneft: Bell, Main 288; Atlanta 295. DECATUR, GA.. HOME—lty-arre lot. lo cated on one of the tast. If not the best, streets In Decatur. This lot Is 100 feet front nnd runs through about 603 feet to another street nnd car line. The house has seven rooms; lot Is nicely shaded and lies well. This plfter can be bought for $4,750. One of the advantages about this place Is you have electric lights In front of It you can easily connect up for eleetrb and the water pipes will be down In tt days, so you can get water. Now, with these advantages, hadn't >w better move KENNERAAVENtJE-You know where this In. n fd If yoii do not you ought to see It. It If right at Ponco DeLeon avenue, and the nefct street east of the Boulevard. On this lovely street I can sell you a new two-story eight-room house, with nil modern Improvements, on a nice lot for $6,000, .and on very nice terms. I will bo mighty glad to show you this property. OAKLAND CITY . HOME-As you know. Oakland City Is /nut out of the limits of Atlanta, nml this place I am advertising la just 3 miles from the center of Atlanta and one block of chert road and car line. The lot In 130 by 375, nnd Is a beauty; has nice J omig orchard on It. Has new five-room ouse, wired for electricity; also baa bath room. The price of this place Is $8,500. Boulevard Place, near North avenue and Ponce De Leon- avenue, new, 6-room house, best on the street, $3,500; $200 cash; $35 per month. Morgan Street lots at $390 each, water, gas and sewer, just giving them away. "EVERYTHING TO BUILD AND TO PAINT WITH." WANTED—a 6 or 6-room cottage on a lot not less than 50x150 in a good neighborhood. Everything modern and up-to-date. Pteaee state price and term*. We prefer to deal direct with the owner. Telephone ue If in need of carpenters or painters. • FOR SALE—3-rootn house, number 304 Spencer street. For cash $500.00. Look at It and give us an offer. WEST LUMBER CO., No. 238-242 Peters Street. Phones No. 573. MOORE-GAUNT CO., Real Estate, Rent, Loans. Century Building. $4,000—$1,500 cash, loan $1,000, 5-year, -6 per cent, balance $35 per month, for pretty new 6-room cottage on north aide. Booms large, china closet and clothes closet. This la a finely finished and well built houne, done by day work, double floored, utorm sheathed with heavy building felt between floors and weatherbonrdlng. Solid brick wall un der house and Inclosing basement. Fin ished In golden oak nnd sand. The trimmings all hand*dre*sed. Folding doors, electric lights and belln. This ts nicely located and fine little hdme. WE STILL have 2 or 3 of thoae Deca tur homes on one-half acre lots, with 4-room new house, for sale on the easiest kind of terms. From $100 to $300 will turn a eale on these places* and they will grow Into money for you WE ARE building a pretty 6-room cot tage on lot 51x200 to alley. Nice large shade. Lot level nnd sodded. Two holly trees In yard. Porch 11 feet deep. Bay window, lqrge bath room, porcelain plumbing, electric lights, tinted walls, hot and cold water, range built In. fine cabinet mantels, surrounded by high- grade nomes, sidewalks to street car. Good school and churches handy. This Is In a suburb with only state and county tnx, yet has all city conven iences, and the price is only $2,400— $250 cash and balance $25 per month. We have many others, cheap and eas iest terms. WE WANT purchase-money notes, Have you any to sell? SANDERS & CONWAY, 412 Peters Building, Phones 5488. CITY AND FARM LOANS. $2,400—Hill-st., 5-room cot tage, lot 50x150. Terms easy. $2,000—In edge East Point at car line station; 5-room cottage, nice level lot 50x160. Terms $100 cash, $20 per month. $6,250—Spring-st., 8-room house on level lot 50x190; a beauty. Terms very at tractive. 5,000—Grant Park section, 7-room 2-story house, built for a home; on lot 50x147. A bargain. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. WE HAVE an unusually line lot on AihhJ at roe t. uwir Onk. 59x120, for 11,800. It la a choice resilience site, in 8 desirable, home- owning neighborhood; baa beautiful abode treeo; all city Improvements down. WE HAVE for sale those line elevated lots on Grady plnre. In West End; all nre Una Inn I onk shade; face east; price $750. ’They are the tast lots for the price In West End. ON WADDELL 8T., near Inman Park, we have for rale all the residence lots on l‘ ot V&£ i of ■ t « , eet; price runs from $500 up to $1,000; ensy terms. These are very choice residence lots, in ten minutes' rids of center; flve-mluute car service; nothing better for nent, small cottages. WE ARB preparing a plat of some Iota on Htewart avenue, near Pearce street, and lu n fow days will be r<tody to put them on the market The tract Ve are sub dividing Ilea well, all the lots ale level and ready to build on without grading. We are going seekorV t * ieul 0D * nv rilng terms for home- FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR, Century Building. $3,500—Lovely West End 6-room cottage right at Gordon-st.; five fire places, tiled bath, beautifully finish ed. Terms easy. regret bavin* sold evsit at the profits named.. These lots offer the safest specula- tlon in the market today, outside of their value at homes. FIFTEENTH—If you are a good Judge of real estate look at the lots Id the pew subdivision fronting t'ae Prado, destined to ta the handsomest drive In tbs park, and yon will agree with roe that they are the most attractive lots oa the market. SIXTEENTH—Cement sidewalks and curb ing and water and sewer mains will be bid on the Prado. EDWIN P. ANSLEY. FOR SALE On Bass street, not far from Washington, we are offer ing au excellent jlittle cot tage home of 5 rooms, with modem improvements, lot 43x125 feet, at a price that ought to sell it—cau make [ ^.5“ very reasonable terms, arnlj- vou can have it for $350.00, less than was asked for it not very long ago—.price now $1,650.00. If you want to go out near Grant Park on Augusta Ave. and buy a 6 room cottage, with modern improvements, on a real large lot, see us about jt—price $2,700.00— terms easy. CIIAS. JJ. ROBERTS, Real Estate. 12 Auburn Avenue. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Real Estate and Loans. ,600—East End. on South Kirkwood car line, corner lot, 124x140, nice little coxy house; terms. $1,900 GETS new 4-room house on Howell Place, near Oak and Howell Park. $850 cash, balance can be car- SUBURBAN 2 1-2 acres, fronting 300 feet on car line; level tract with streets on three sides; surrounded by splendid class of residences—O r m w o o d Park. For quick sale, I am offering this at $1,200. CHAS. P. GLOVER, 6 Auburn Ave. $750 FOR Currier St. lot, fronting two streets; nna building proportion. DE FOOR & LYLE, Real Estate and Loans. 211 Empire Bldg., Bell Phone 1439 Main, Atlanta, Ga. NOW LISTEN! A NEW TOWN ON A., B. & A. R. R. Finest service nn<f equipment of any railroad In the South. Begin running trains In few days. New towns growing up like magic on this new railroad. Nearest town seven miles. Forty acres with station site on the property. Fine farming section, thickly settled, with prosperous farmers, who are anx ious to have the \town, nnd are both able and willing to buy the lots at a good price. Factory, store, church and aohool al. ready there. Bare opportunity for man’with small capital to make money. $10,000 SACRIFICES. Will sell you one of the finest homes on Washington Street for $13,500. This home actually coat present owner $23, 500. Must be sold at once. WALKER DUNSON, Real Estate, 409 Equitable. Phone 2187 HINK OF TfHg—A 9 ROOM 2-f*T( house, Rankin st.. two blocks of Be ard; lot 50x190, orly $1,800. on tarrao. WANTED—AN OFFER FOR AN ELE- rated Waablngton-at. lot, 60x200; south of nnd adjoining 650 Washingtou-st. ave., minced from $2,600 to $2,400. FOUR-ROOM MOURE, EAST ATLANTA; HKLLN-AVE. HOUSE AND LARGE LOT. About 200 feet west of Ashby-st. Only ,2UU. $2,500 OAK ST., near Culberson 8t.. good 5-room house, all Improvements, one block from two car lines. $150 LOT on Oglethorpe Ave., n Queen St., 64x180. S. B. TURMAN & CO. How about an up-to-date 5- room cottage on the North Side for $1,600? This is barely three blocks from Peachtree street and within easy walking distance to center of city. Has i>11 street aud sidewalk improvements, sewerage down and water in house. You will have to “hurry” if you want this, for it is a sure enough bar gain. M. L. THROWER, A. J. WEST & CO. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED WK IIAVK A FEW THOUSAND itollnra rush In luiiid to buy puri'bnsf money notes. If you hare any on Atlanta properly plense see its at once. If you have any real estate for sale see us about that. A. J. WEST & CO. CENTURY BUILDINO. Phone* 1754. L. M. JOHNSON & CO., 405 Peters Bldg. ’Phones 4691,. .i.TM-FlTctroom cottar*. In Weitcrn HeJghta, one block from car, in splendid neighborhood Only $100 cash and balance like rent. Thla Is a anap.- We hare other similar opportunities for those wio want homes. Come and see ui or 'phone us and we will see you. M «. 0l ?,t. l "w n ,?i W ,r t .7S , «e.S? ,I |o't •nr- — or resting property. bouia with eighteen ntomik nloekg n, the Piedmont hotel, on i tot orer 75 by 250 feet. The ground alone Is worth "hot we will ask you for thla pUce. We pan make terms to aalt. $3,000—West End, Lawton atreet No. IS5, we have a new aJ|-room pottage, with hill through the bouse, and east front. Liberal terms. WE HAVE SEVERAL nice suburban homes In any direction to trada for city prop- ON THE NORTH,BIDE, on a very Urge lot, we have a new eight-room house. In best section, we can sell you on inch ensy terms you will buy like paying rent. FITZIIUGH KNOX. 703-4 Peters Bldg. EDOEWOOD, OA.—No. 60 Whiteford Ave., and convenient to the Inman Park par line. 7-room, two-story house, tot 56x200 ft., with pear, peach and plum trees; an Ideal suburban home, line place to have garden and chickens. Price $2,750; $300 cash and $25 per month. 213 E. PINE STREET—Near Summit Ave.. 6-room cottage, with all mod em convenlencea, lot 50x210 ft.. In splendid neighborhood. Price 14,250; on term*. HILL'S PARK—On th* Marietta car line, brand-new 5-room bungalow, lot 50x175 ft., eouth front, about 175 feet from car station: I* located on elevated ground overlooking Atlanta, and I* one of the healthiest and prettiest placea near the city. Price $2,500; 3100 cash ami $25 per month. Also some very beautiful shady lots adjoining, on terms - f $23 cash and $7.50 per month. Mooaoooooooooooooowooooo 8TATI8TIC3. O OOOOChJOOOOOOOChCKhJOOCKKKKKiO PROPERTY TRAN3FER8. $900—W. A. Calloway to J. T. Kim- brough, lot on Creacent-ave. War ranty deed. $800—Mrs. Laura D. Featheretone to Cohutta Banking Co., lot on S. Boule vard. Loan deed. $3,000—W. P. Baldwin to W. O. An derson, lot on Peachtree Circle. War ranty deed. $1,300—Georgia Doan and Truet Co. to Alonso F. Gibson, lot on West Plne- •t. Warranty deed. $1,794—East Atlanta Land Co. to Mrs. T. O. A. Candler, lot on Danlcl- VVarranty deed. buildincTpermits. $5,000—Atlanta Hoalery mills, 37 Oak- land-five., to erect brick building. 17,000—Rosser A Porter, 78 Ellza-, to build two-atory frame dwelling. $1,000—Milton H. Dargan, rear 58 Ponce DeLeon-ave., to build frame ata- ble. $160—F. M. Catlett. 655 Waahlngton- •t„ to recover house. DEATH 8. Mnrlah Deboor, colored, aged 45, died at 24 Whlte'a alley. Annie Drake, colored, aged 65, died at 276 Pledmont-ave. Rev. Malcolm MacGregor, aged 66, died at 120 Copenhlli-ave. Mnr.v Eva Casey, aged f, died at Oakland City. SAME OLD GAME TO CHEAT NEGROES The police are searching for two smooth negroes who Sunday afternoon flim-flammed John Bush, an old negro from Oconee county, out of $16 with the same old trick that Is- used here frequently to separate unsophisticated country negroea from their coin. One of the negroes met Bush near the Terminal station and started a con versation. They walked out Into Mitchell-at., and a short distance ahead noticed another negro, the. confederate of the atrange negro, plck’up a pock- etbook. Bush's companion then ap proached the second negro and told him he would have him arrested unless ho divided the money In the pocketbook. The finder agreed to divide and open ed the pocketbook, stating It contained n $100 bill. He wanted to get the bill changed, he said, and asked the two negroes If they had any money. Bush had fifteen dollars and turned this over to the negro. The latter then said ha hail u friend In the Prudential building who could change the bill and the trio went there. The negro walked Into the building and dlsap|>«ared. The second negro later departed on lame pretext and left Bush waiting. When the ne groes failed to return, he reported the mntter to Sergeant Foster and Police man Hubbard. JUDGE HINES SPEAKS FOR GOVERNOR SMITH WRIGHT8VILLE, Ga., April 27.— Judge James K. Hines, of Atlanta, spoke at the court house Saturday In the interest of Governor Smith. Judge Hines was Introduced by Profeaaor W. E. Lumley, president of Worthen Col lege. The court house was filled, de spite the fact that It rained almost In cessantly until near 10 o'clock. After the speaking a Hoke Smith club was organised with between 190 and 200 members. ALSO HAVE a list of nice hornet for rer.*. FITZHUOH KNOX. 703-4 Peters Buililiug. Missouri’s Cylinder Cracked. WASHINGTON. April 27.—There 1, no likelihood that the accident to tha Missouri’s cylinder, which has been cracked, will prevent that battleship from accompanying the fleet on in cruise across the Pacific. It 1s eald by officials that the patterns of the cylin der were destroyed In a Are at New port News, but the drawings are In Washington and a new pattern osn be made at Mare Island In two day,.