Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 08, 1908, Image 9

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pw ***** THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, JULY I. ISOS. g PERSONAL MENTION Ml** Claire Wooten, of Dawson, left iiit evening for her home after a pleas- visit to Mlse Sarah Tinsley. While In Macon Miss Wooten was the truest !!f honor at a number of Informal af- feirs among which was a dinner given {»■ her hostess, followed by a Casino "arty, a theatorlum party with which t.,,, Mary Lou Ansley entertained In her honor, and a box party at the Ca- i tn „ at Crumps Park given by several young men.—Macon News. Mr and Mrs. Sigmund Leers havej returned from their wedding trip and 1_ being cordially received by their Sany friends. Mrs. Leers was Miss Axnes Cohn, of New York, and her marriage to Mr. Leers was an interesting event of June. Mr. and Mrs. Leers have been at Atlantic City for some time. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ralph Hayden •rrived in Atlantrf Wednesday morning and arc gueats of Mrs. Stephen Hook. Lieutenant Hayden will be In Atlanta u„.|l Sunday, when he leaves to Join hl« regiment at Fort Clarke, Texas. Mrs Hayden and her email aon will be in the city for several months. Mrs William Snow, of Washington, n'e and her son, Master Snow, who have been the guests of Mrs C. B. Howard returned home Wednesday morning. Quite a number of delight- f U Hv Informal affairs were given In honor Of Mrs. Snow during her atay In Atlanta. Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Goldsboro. N c. who will be the guest of MJss Martha Francis for the remainder of th“ week, will visit Mia Marjorie Brown next week and will be enter tained by Miss Brown and Miss Passle May OtttoF during the week. Miss Lillian Murphy, of Atlanta, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Murphy In Augusta, and Is receiving manv delightful social attentions, will hs complimented by Miss McCarthy on Wednesday evening with an al fresco party at Lake view. Colonel V. H. Sheerer, who married Miss Grace Langley, of Alameda. Call- fernla, last month, haa returned with hi* bride to Atlanta, and they are liv ing for the present with Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Shearer, of 6*0 Washing ion-s:. Mrs J. C. Hoke will leave Thursday for Macon to be the gueet of Mrs. N. O Story. While there she will attend the wedding of Miss Adele Blu# snd M- A. Blair, which will take place Tuesday morning In Christ church. Dr. end Mrs. J. C. White leave Wed nesdav night for Boeton by way of’nah. After a two weeks' etay they will go to Canada, returning to Atlanta the first of September. Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Read and Dr. Rnv Harris, who has recently recov ered from typhoid fever, leave Wed nesday for a two weeks' visit st Fair, field Inn, North Carolina. Mrs. William Love. Mies Cecil Love end their guest. Mlse Nell Baugh, of LsOrange. and'Miss Violet Trlppe will spend the last two weeks of July at Tallulah Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Richardson, of Atlanta, who have been spending a short time at the summer home of Mr. A. c. Wood, at Toxaway. have gone to Balsam. N. C. Miss Martha Smith,’ JdlM Lucy Har ris and Miss Lottie Smith will leave Friday for Henderson, N. C. Later they will go to Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Mieses Mary and Rachel Stanley, who live near the Chattahoochee river, are the geests of Miss Corines Flournoy for several days on Centret-ave. Dr. I, S. Hopkins, a well-known min. Ister. formerly of LaGrange. has moved to Atlanta and Is with Mr. and Mrs. Hinton Hopklne for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan and family, who were the guests of Mrs. Fred L. Ingraham, have returned to thslr home In Montgomery. Mrs. C. J. Pierce, of Greenaboro, Ala.. and Mist Lula Rhea Wlaa. of Salma, Ala. are the guests of Mrs. Charles A. Sheldon, In Inman Park. Mr. and and Mrs. children have moved from tton. and will make their home In At lanta at Ido Central-ave. Mr. J. P. Carleton will leave noon for Wrlghtsvllle Beach to Join her daughter. Mrs. Hardwick, who has a summer cottage there. Miss Violet Trlppe. who la being de lightfully entertained during her etay In fhattanoocao le expected to return home next week. Mr. Charles A. Sheldon Is In Greens boro, Ala., where he gave an organ re cital in the the Methodist church on Tuesday evening. Yhe Toxaway Inn at Asheville was formally opened for the season on Tuesday, and was lavishly decorated for the occasion. Mlaa Claire Wooten, of Dawson, has been visiting her sister, Mr*. Graham Perdue, Is in Macon, the guest of Miss Tinsley. Miss Courtney Harrison and Miss Agnes Harrison left Wednesday after noon for a visit to Miss Lillian Akin, In Carterevllle. Mr. Walter T. Lawton haa returned from the Citadel at Charleston. 8. C.. and la with Mr. Catder B. Lawton, In West End. Mrs. L. E. Rogers, Miss Margaret Rogers and Mrs. E. M. Evans are vis iting Mrs. Webster Davis In New York. Miss Julian Perdue. Mias Marian Perdue and Miss Tommie Perdue wilf leave Friday for a visit to Tallulah Falls. \ Miss Emmie Baker’s party In honor of Miss Hooper, of Amerteus, Miss An nie Caverly's guest. Is dated for Fri day. Miss Caroline Means, of >’ew York. Is spending several monthl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Means. Master Raymond Flournoy Is spend ing several days with hie uncle. Mr. Robert Flournoy, near Western Heights. Miss Nora Bella Starke and Mr*. Starke have gone to Galneavllle on a visit to Professor and Mr*. Van Hoose. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of Augusta, have been several weeks la Atlanta, en route to Hendereon, N. C. Mr. and Mre. Freeman Hlscox have returned from their wedding trip and are at home at 39 Wait Alexander-st. Miss Mabel Worley, who has been the guest of Mies Luclle Kiser, has re turned to her home in Chattanooga Mrs. Falre, of Savannah, has return ed home after a pleasant etay with Mr. and Mre. J. D. Turner, In this city. Miss Flurlne Hatcher, of Columbus, who haa been the guest of Mlaa Julian Perdue, has returned home. Misses Clyde and Susie Williams will Join a house party at their brother's, In Elberton, at an early date. Mr. Leman Phelan and Mr. James DuBose have gone to Mr. Phelan's Country place near Macon. Mrs. Shine Fleetwood, Of Macon, Is the guest df her mother; Mrs. C. J. Daniels. 100 Forrest-avS. ' SOCIETY MR. NELMS TO ENTERTAIN. The West End Jadls Club will be entertained by Mr. Marshall Nelme Friday at a watermelon cutting at his home on Gordon-at. West End. MRS. MORRIs’tO ENTERTAIN. Mrs. Mnffgle Dean Morris will enter' tain her bridge club Friday morning at Palmetto. The guests, will meet at the terminal station, and the train will leave promptly at 9 o'clock. FANNY KEMBLE’S DAUGHTER. The death In Philadelphia .of Mrs. Owen Jepe* WJstsr la her. seventy-second, year Inerftsbly awakens remtinbranrcs of ths inort famous of Knsllsh histrionic families, the Kemble*. Mrs. Wlstrr was the daugh ter of France. Ann* Kemble, the beautiful Fannr Kemble of our grnndfsthr' -' kJJIBF most 'aSdlant «Urk. snd Doa Felixes, and of Elian Tree, hla wife. n actress of greet renown. Charles was tbs founder of the or tore; Stephen, so f:t I that be OCtSl only Fall stag, sad Elisabeth Whitlock, a dlstlnl gtilabed actraaa on the Ataertesa «■<« while George Washiaatea oeeeslooallr graced the theater with bit presence. It la e matter of reeotd that. In spite of the family traditions, her beauty, ant her hUtrionlc gift. Fanny Kemble loathed the theater. Personal exhibition was not to bet (Iking. She retired early from the •tog*, and In ISM the married Pierce Bat ter In Philadelphia. For many., of her later years she dwelt st Lenox, Maes., In great esteem. She wrote books and was rtnownad as a Shakespearean .reader. She Iwaa a close friend of Kdwnrd Fltagerald. and n volume of “Old nts'e" letters to| ' ig- treasured by -ter of Omer. Besides her Kemble family, by marriage with the Furneese* rbii IM t». Annie man Howa rum futai , Rwie# raM FnrntM. tto editor of tho Varlo- Shakaaptara. But probaWr tlja dlatln had old lady who has Jaat^dlad waa id. matt of ail. of her i who Don’t forget; take a box Candy home. while at Mr. Airy, the guest of friend Miss Hopkins. Mr. Thomas Hull Is In Mexico for two months, the guest of Judge and Mrs. William Pope. Mrs. Robert C. Alston, of Atlanta. Is the guest for a few days of Mrs. T. M. Cunningham, Sr. Mr. H. H. Sse ha* returned from a several week*' trip to Havana and oth. er points South. Miss May Murray, who ha* been the guest of Miss Lotta P. Thomas, has returned home. Mrs. W. T. Worley, of Chattanooga, Tenn., Is visiting her brother, Mr. An drew J. Kiser. tr. and Mrs. John Flynn Sswell announce th* birth of a eon, Thomas Loftln Sewell. Mr*. H. C. White, of Athens, and her nlsce. Miss Benedict, are gueats of Mrs. Clark Howell. Miss Annie S. Barnwell and Miss Mary P. Owen* are spending July at Cave Springs. Mis* Sallle Walker haa returned home from a delightful visit to relatives In Birmingham. Dr. and Mrs. Calhoun and Mlaa Har riet Calhoun left Tuesday for Battle Creek, Mich. Miss Luclle Gamble, of Louisville. Go., la the guest of Mies Eddie Hunter. In Decatur. Mr. and Mr*. Victor Smith leave on Saturday for their country home at Swann, Ga. Master George Rice, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice, Is 111 with ty phoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Law and family will leave Monday for a two weeks’ stay In Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. George Howard leave Thursday to spend July and August In Norcros*. Mrs. T. H. Martin, of Florida, will spend the week-end with Mrs. Charles Northern Mies Calll* Hoke Smith will attend Hollins Institute, Roanoke, Va.. next season. Mre. E. C. Cartledge Is visiting her mother, Mre. J. W. Rounsavllle, Rome. Miss Mary Calloway, of Macon, Is the guest of Mre. Robert Troy In Weet End. Miss Corlnne Johnson Is at home aft er a pleasant visit to Chick Springs Dr. and Mra Michael Hoke will leave Saturday for Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black will go to Wrlghtsvllle Beach Saturday. Miss Barnes, of Baxley. Is the guest of her sister, at II* Forrest-ave. Mr. Call Johnson has returned from a visit to Chick Springs. Mr. Robert Lee Andrew* has returned to his horn* In Plains, Oa. Mrs. Cliff Hatcher left Wednesday to visit relatives In Iowa Miss Etta Putnam Is visiting Miss Lucy Grace, at Elko. Ga. Mrs. Charles E. Perkins continues til at St. Josephs Infirmary. Miss Selene Armstrong Is spending* week In Washington, O*. Mra. Julian Harris haa returned from Crumpler*,. N. C. Mr*. R. F. Lawton has gone to visit relative* In Macon. Mr*. Fred Izunbert will spend Au gust In Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Ryley are In Lexington, Ky. Miss Cedi Love haa returned from LaGrange. Mr. Asa Patterson haa returned from Kentucky. Mrs. M. A. Lindsey Is at Indian Springe. Dr. and Mr*. Elkin are In New York. SOCIETY WITH OUR NEIGHBORS TENNILLE. Miss Rosalie Pritchard la visiting friends In Dublin. Marlon Harmon visited home folks last week, returning to Macon on Sun day. Miss Virginia Holmas, of Augusta, Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Holmes. Misses Fannie Belle Sessions. Daisy Lingo, Rosalie Lord and Lucy Smith left on Sunday for Athens, where they will attend the University Summer School. Mrs. Buford Smith and children are visiting relatives In Decatur. Miss Louise Ivey left for Salomon last week, where she will be a mem ber of Miss Emmie Lsncsster's bouse party. Miss Theresa left a few days later to Join the asm* party. Miss Madge McLeod, of SwaJosbor.i. Is the guest or Miss Mary Bailie Smith. Mieses Daisy and Edna Derby, of Savannah, and Grace Rrtmberry. of Camilla, who hare been tbe popular gueats of Mias Theresa Basklnskl for two week*, returned to thslr homes on Tuesday. Miss Mauds Rogers, of Sandersvllle, Is the gueet of Tennllle relatives. Miss Marie Lasseter, of Mldvllle. Is the guest of her brother. Mr. Robert Lasseter, at Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Jor dan's. The friends of Mrs. D. E. McMaster, who has baen quite 111, will be glad to learn of her convalescence. Mrs. A. E. Gilmore entertained In formally on Wednesday evening In compliment to Miss Theresa Bashtnskl and htr guests. Misses Derby and Brlmberry. Misses Annie Claire and Lorena Belle Kendrick entertained on Tues day evening In compliment to Miss Marie Lasseter, of Mldvllle. Progres sive conversation was the order of the evening, refreshments being served and the affair, tho quite Informal, being very enjoyable tp all who attended. Mrs. C. E. Lanier and children, who have been spending eome weeks very Pleasantly with relatives at OHiver and Claxton, returned home on Thursday. Miss Claud Dunham Is visiting rela tives st Warthen. Mr. and Mr*. H. M. Franklin left Saturday, July 4, for Denver, Colo., to attend tbe national Democratic conven tlen. Miss Alma Joyner, of Lumber City, Is ths gueet of Mre. James Palmer. Mieses Alma Coleman, of Sparta Inez McDaniel, of Conyers; Mamie Do. ver, of Calhoun; Rosa Baker, of Louis ville, Ga.; Hayes Robinson, of Monte- xuma, and Luride Turner, of Macon, arrived on Thursday to be the guests of Misses Carmichael for two weeks. They are a charming bevy of girls, and with thslr popular hostesses will re ceive many attentions during their stay In Tennllle. Missel Palsy and Edna Derby, of Sa vannah, and Miss Brlmberry, of Ca milla, were the guests of honor at a lovely party given by Mrs. Lawson Pritchard on Thursday morning. The home presented an attractive appear ance with Its profusion of ferns and potted plants, while bowls and vases of roses adorned mantels and cabinets. There were six tables and the score cards were of lovely Japanese design. Tho first prize, a sterling silver paper knife, wa* won by Mias Eulalia Mo rins, while Mrs. Kate Hardwick cut the consolation prize, two merry wid ow bows. Little Misses Aline. Emt Mae and Miriam, daughter* of the hostess, served delicious Ice cream and cakes at tho conclusion of the game. Mr*. Prltehsrd's guests Included Misses Dalay and Edna Derby, Brlmberry Theresa Bashinskl, Eulalle Morlng, Mary S. Smith, Daisy McMillan. Nan Harmon. Louise Ivey, Alice Bmlth, An nie Lou Robinson, Belle Smith, Virginia Holmes. Meedames Harley Pritchard. McLennan, Allen Rheny, Miller. Hard wick. Brooks. Fred G. Davis, H. M. Bashinskl, A. E. Gilmore, Mos* Herr- man, Meriwether. Mr*. R. L. Miller entertained Friday morning In honor of her sister, Mrs. H. V. Allen, of Amerlcus. Rose- monL the home of Dr. and Mre. Mill er. on thie occasion wet more than usually attractive. Th# brood veranda, where the hostess snd honoree. In cool morning toilets, received their guests, was an Ideal picture of comfort and beauty. Dark green shades shut out the glare of sunlight while s profu sion of palms, ferns and other potted plants completed th* decoration. Here trail wa* played at live tables, after which dainty sandwiches and Iced tea os served. On Friday afternoon, at tbelr chap ter room, the Daughters of the COnfed- eracy held their last regular meeting before disbanding for the summer. Ow ing to the absence of the committee, there wa* no prearranged program. After the usual routine of business Mrs. Brooks favored the eompenj- with several piano solos. Mrs. H. C. Car- roll, Mrs. A. T. Cochran and Mrs. Fred G. Davis, hostesses on this occasion, served Ices and rake*. The Daughters planning to present In the near fu- i "The Deestrlck Skule," which haa met with so much success In other places. 71 V/HU CHAU oys Straw and Children’s Hats at Half Beginning tomorrow we will offer unlimited choice from our stock of Boys’ and Children’s Straw Hats at just half reg ular price—and at regular prices they were extra good values. Line includes yachts and sailors of Milan and split straws—large and small shapes, plain and fancy bands, all sizes. It’s a money-saving opportunity that should interest every mother of a boy. Boys’ Wash Suits at a Third Off Boys’ Wool Suits at a Third Off Daniel Brothers Co. L. J. Daniel, President. 45-47-49 Peachtree St. SWAIN8BORO. One of the enjoyable affairs of the week was tho surprise party at the Ho tel Marguerite with which the younger set complimented Mr. Howard Lester. Those who attended were Mr*. W. E. Clark. Mlaa Thlaaell William*. Miss Rob Williams, Mist Annie Lou Thomp. son. Mlaa Louise Thompson. Mlse Wy- nle Soleman, Mis* Tallte Becton, Miss Nevada Nunez. Mis* Ruth Youmana, Mlaa Coralle Togers. Mr. Will McMil lan, Dr. Deaa Smith. Mr. Tom Bridges. Mr. Garland Strickland, Mr. Tobe Coleman, Mr. John Henry. Mr. Smiley Morlng, Mr. Jim SaffoUi, Mr. Lester Ponder, Mr. George Rountree. Mr. Je rome Roger* and Mr. 81m Lester. Miss John McLemore wa* hosts** Wednesday afternoon to the member* of the Wednesday Afternoon Club. Tha house was decorated., the color motif, red. being carried our In the minutest details, both In tbe decoration* and In the refreshment* which were served. Th# top score prise, a dainty work bag, went to Mis# Pearle Edenllrld. and the consolation, a card caae, was given to Mrs. Owen Gelsc, An Ice course \bn* served at the conclusion of the game. Those present were Mr*. G. P. Edenfleld, Mre. Horace McLendon. Mra. Owen Gels*. Mrs. Hairy Tomp son, Mr*. A. D. Ferguson. Mrs. P. L. Watton. Mrs. J. H. Chandler, MU»s Ju lia Thomoson, .Miss Maude SfeLemore. Miss Sara Gelse, Miss Mary Osborne and Miss Pearle Edenfleld. Another Informal party of this week was that at tha home of Miss Tallle ©ecton Wednesday evening. Thl* was a party for the younger let. who have recently been having quite a large number of enjoyable parties. Miss Becton’* home was decorated with palms and ferns, gracefully and artis tically arranged, a charming setting for th* lovely gown* of her young gueet*. Those who attended were Mias Annie Mae Frnlth. Mis* Cralle Rogers. Ml** Nevada Nunez, Miss Ruth Youmans. Mis* Ruth Macon. Miss Ruby Boatright. Mir Annie Lord. Ml** Wynle Cole man. Mlse Bob William*. Miss Tlaaell William* Mis* Annie Lou Tompeon and Miss I.oula Thompson. Messrs. Parke Etheridge, James Snffold, Les- SPECIAL SALE OF Smart Shoes in Ladies’ and Children’s OVERSTOCKED AND DOWN THEY COME IN PRICES: 567 pairs ladies' finest Patent Gnn Metal Russia Calf, Brown, Vici and White Pumps, Sailor Ties, Merry Widow Pumps and Oxfords: $6.00 kind reduced to $4.35 5.00 kind reduced to 3*85 4.00 kind reduced to 3=35 3.50 kind reduced to . ... . . . 2.85 3.00 kind reduced to 2.35 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S $3.00 and $2.75 kind reduced to . $2.35 / $2.50 and $2.25 kind reduced to . 1.85 A Few Styles in Men’s Oxfords Included $5.00 Men’s Oxfords reduced to . $3.85 4.00 Men’s Oxfords reduced to . 3.35 Sales begin Monday, July 6th. No shoes sent on approval or taken back. Mail orders filled promptly. Qmart^hoes V. VJ> CECONDOOORFROMCH,NMSeRLIN-JOMNSON>CklBOSECl>. ter Ponder. Georg# Rountree, Ira T. McLemore. Will McMillan, Garland Strlcklond, John Henry. Tobe Coleman, Penton WUson, Smiley Morlng, Char lie Thompson. Hubert McLemore and Howard Lester. Miss Halite Thomas, of Madison, Ga., Is the guest of Mr*. H. D. Bell. Ernest Hinson, of Monroe, N. C., ha* left for hi* home after spending sev eral month* In this city. Mr*. W. Lawson, of Macon, 1* visit ing her slater. Mr*. Duncan Smith. Miss Lena Phillip*, of Waycrost, Is ■pending some time In th* city, the guest of Mrs. Ed Menders. Mis* Tiiteselt Williams, who ha* been pleasant visitor for several weeks at the home of R. J. Williams, haa re turned to her home In Statesboro. Mrs. Mina Inman, of Mldvllle, I* vis iting her sister, Mrs. F. C. Bra no. Mrs. J. C. Coleman, Mr*. Frank Mitchell and little Miss Matt]* Morlng Mitchell have returned from a visit to Macon. Mr*. F. R. Brinson and children are visiting In Houston county at the home of Mre. Brinson'* father, Mr. J. O. Ban. defur. Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Myers and Misses Emma and Jessie Myers are the guests this week of Mr*. M. R. Daniel*. Mra. Ada Glllls, of Coven*, la visit ing her aunts, Mrs. John E. Youmane and Mrs. J. M. Nunez. Mr*. Hugh Flllngln and sister. Mlei Eulalle Mswburn. of Athens, have gone to Tybee to spend several weeks. Mr. Flllngln will Join them in a few days. Mrs W. E. Clark has gone to Lyon* to visit her father. Mr. J. P. Pughs- ley. and slater, Mrs. Carrie Braswell. Mr*. Lee Godfrey has returned from a visit to McRae and Eastman. Mis* Josla Johnson Is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Ben Wing, In Vldalla. SANDERSVILLE. Mrs. Forrest English, at her homo. Cosy Cottage," In I-angdon, was tha hostess at an elaborate reception on Wednesday afternoon. The gueats were illses Edna and Daley Derby, of Savannah. Mesdames Sam Devereaux and Annie Gross greeted each arrival. Within tha reception halt Mesdames Julia Smith and Aqullla Chamlee Introduced the guests to th* ladles of the receiving party, Misses Derby. Vannle Mathis, Annie Cooley and Mr*. Forrest English. Mlses Ruth McCarty, Mabel Rawl ings and Virginia Holmes presided over the nectar bowl. Under the guidance of Mrs. Joseph Herrlngdlne. Misses Ella and Grace McCarty, Louis* Irwin and Sallle Patterson served the guests to cream. Ices and cake. Mr*. Diamond and Mis* Vera Dia mond, of Henderiop, Texas, are guests of Mre. B. T. Rawltnga Mr*. M. L Weddar. who ha* spent some time with Mr*. B. T. Rawlings, left on Thursday for Bridgeport, Ala., to visit her brother, Mr. Henry Ren fro*. Mias Mary Weddon, of Augusta, who haa been vleltlng friends In Tennllle, 8and*r*vlll* and Gran-e, left for Dur ham. N. C„ yesterday. Bh* will vlalt New York before returning to Georgia. Ml** Mamie 8park* left on yesterday for Knoxville. Tenn., to take a course In primary teaching. In September she goes to Blakely to take up the primary work In the city school. Mlaa Isabel Carr haa left ter her home In Faltlmore. Mist Effle Gibson left laat night for a visit to the health resort* of Vir ginia. Mr*. B. T. Rawlings entertained a large number of guests last week com plimentary to her guests, Mrs. Diamond and Miss Vera Diamond, of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Shellnutt of Lognnsvlll*. who have been visiting Mr. end Mre. C. D Shelnutt. returned home on Wednesday. On Tuesday evening Mis* Louise Blount entertained In honor of the vis iting young ladles. Lille Gladys Duke* celebrated her seventh birthday with a lawn party oh Wednesday morning from » to 11 o'clock. Thirty little girl* enjoyed the morning. Mre. N. L. Latour and her sister. Mre. Delay, left on Thursday for Eu- faula. Ala, for a month’* visit. Mrs. D. F. Hale gave a beautiful pl- axsa party on yesterday evening In honor of the seventeenth birthday of her aon, Master Robert Hale. Mr*. Hale was assisted by Mr*. M. D. Jame son and Mra. Fannie Gallaher. Little Mary and Katherine Hale served the guests with peach cream and cake. Forty couples were Invited. Claire Phillip*, the g-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. F. M. Phillip*, wa* the hoeteas of a delightful lawn fete on Thursday afternoon from 5 to 7 o'clock In honor of Elisabeth Weaver, a gut of Mr*. W. L. Dudley. Fifty chlldr were present. PERRY. Miss Stall* Cater le entertaining party of her young friend* at a house party at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mr*. R. L. Cater. Tha following young ladles arrived Tuesday after noon: Mies Virginia Anderson, of Au gusta; Miss Agnes Brown, of Hawklns- vllle: Miss Martha Miller, of Mecon; Miss Mary W. Trammell, of Madison, and Miss Marian McOehee. of Mont gomery. Ala Several young men will be members of the party for the week end. Invitations were Issued Monday to the young people of Perry to attend an at home in honor of Miss Stella Cater'* guests Wednesday evening, a large crowd attending. Miss May Clark who haa been visit ing Perry, ha* returned to Dawaon. Mias Nell Rodgers ha* returned from a visit to friends at Emertch. Sam S. Townsley, wife and little Douglas have returned to their home In Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to the parents of Mr. Townaley. Mr*. J. 8. Rainey and chili visiting relative* and friends at Cnllo den. Mlaa Stella Swanson, of Eufaula. Ala., la visiting her brother. W. Swanson. Mra. J. H. Shaver and ehlldren. of Macon, are visiting her father's family, Mr. J. J. Marsh burn. Mra. M. E. Williams, of Troy, Ala., la In Perry visiting her mother. Mra, Annie Miller. Mias WI11I* Cooper I* In Knoxville taking a summer course at the Normal School. Mlse Julia Ooodall. of Macon, la visit ing Mra. E. L. Dunnard. Mre. C. T. Lawson la visiting In At lanta. Mlaa Mav Thurmond is visiting Misses Kate and Addle Boon at their country home. Mr*. E. C. Fagan Is visiting rela tives and friend* In Jonee county. DR. STEARNS, EXPERT FACE SPECIALIST. Fills Hollow Cheeks, Removes Lines—Wrinkles, Supsrflueus Hair and all Facial Defects. 130 14 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. TO BUY* SELL* - rent or exchange, hire or lease, use Georgian Want Ads. GLENNVILLE. Mrs. H. W. Benson and daughter. Miss Made), are guests of relatives at Milton. Mre. Thomas Beasley, of Tlsotj, Is a guest of relatives her*. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Delk, of Pem broke. are ependlng some rim# here. Miss Mozelle Purcell was a guest of friends at Crescent Bunday. Mrs. A. H. Prince Is spending soma time at Crescent. s Dr. O. J. DeLoacb. of Mnscotle. Flo, 8 Rainey and children areli, ( of relatives here. '*" v “ 1 Mre. W. B. Qulnney was a guest of Mrs. Thoms* Beasley at Tlson this week. Mr. and Mrs H. E. Slbbett spent Sunday at Crescent. Omer Waters has returned from a visit to Miami, Fla. Mr*. Ralph Morris, of McHenry, Mis*., wo* t guest Pf Dr. and Mra. B. W. Morrt* this week. Mlaa Maggie Balette, after spending When wanting a wheel or an auto mobile, a horse, a cow, or any pet stock, a suite of room*, or one homelike room, Georgian Want Ade have the lot. The way to get anything Is The Georgian Want Ad way. Both *000 Phone*. guest of her brother, Mr. C. W. Kick- lighter. this week. Mra. J. M. Moncrlef I* spending some time at Crescent. Professor and Mrs. C. R. Harrison visited Manassas this week. A. J. DeLearh was called to the bed. side of hla daughter, Mre. Charlea Blackburn, of Augusta who Is 111 with fever. A Combination Of Beauty and Style Ir found in this shoe of plain and patent kid. The conservative man will admire it because, while hand some enough for all purposes, it is nt the same time simple in cut snd possessed of excellent qualities. Ask to see it. The Shoe and Stocking Shop 25 WHITEHALL ST.