Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 10, 1908, Image 10

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. NOT NEWS, BUT VIEWS THREE STARS OF TENNIS TOURNEY By PERCY H. WHITINO. Well, well. It begin* to look • like old times, with Memphis lead- RACE IN SOUTHERN | the Southern League : And Atlanta, as usual, is run. MORE EXCITING I ning well with the pack and is ready to jump into the lead when the proper time comes (said prop er time” never being while the team is in the west.) THAN EVER BEFORE. SIX BUNCHED. It’s a great race, all right. Little Rock, Mobile, Atlanta, Nashville, New Orleans and Mem phis are all .500 or above and all under .552. Of those six clubs the two which are furthest separated—-Memphis and Little Rock —are less than four full games apart. If Memphis should lose four and Little Rock win four in a row the Travelers would pass the Bluffers. Never has there been-a “classier,” tighter race in the South land and never one in which the teams were fighting harder for the pennant. And, by the way, now that we think of it, we will take one belated “chortle” at the expense of dear old Montgomery. When the league opened we didn’t have the nerve to try to place the teams at the finish, but we did unhesitatingly state that Montgomery would finish in the second division. ( For a month or so they held first place and had the laugh on ns. But times have changed. Poor old Pretzels! Of course Cans and Nelson will fight again. They will get a $30,000 purse for doing it. Also, Nelson gets $20,000 win, lose or draw and Onns gets $10,000 the same way. Now this business of getting a salary for fighting doesn’t look right. It has always seemed to us that when the winner was to get the long end he would have more incentive to give his backers a square fight than when be got as much for fighting a draw as he did for winning. A split of the purse like the one named is simply a •premium on hippodroming. And, as everybody knows, Gans is not above tho gentle art of bilking the public. Getting back to baseball—that waj a great game played in Mobile Thursday. Nashville and Mobile kept at it for seventeen innings and neither side could score a run. Torrey gave Nashville 9 hits while Mobile got 8 off Perdue. Tho Mobile club played er rorless ball for the full 17 innings. The viotory of tho Crackers in New Orleans proved very cheering to the Cracker fans. With the first game tucked away ' all right the chances for an even break or better during the four- game series looks decidedly bright. TENNIS TOURNEY NOWINFULLSWING Thursday’s Rain Interfered With Matches, But Many Sets Will Be Played Friday. COWAN RODQER6. The Knoxville player who picked to get as far aa the chal lenge round In ainglen. CASTLETON ILL With weather conditions very much Improved and with all courts dried out In fslr condition, the Southern tennle chsmplonehlp wss resumed on the Eset Lake courts at 10 o'clock Friday morning. A couple of the poetponed matchee were taken up at the start, aa well aa one match In the singles, and three In the coneolatlon round. Several good matchee will be put on Friday afternoon. Including the challenge round In the ladlea' singlet between Mrs. May Logan Monroe and the winner of the final round between Mlse Jones and Mlee Von Norden- flyache. Probably all teml-flnile will be Antahed Friday afternoon so aa to leave nothing but Anals and challenge rounds for Saturday. The A ret round Qntehed Friday morning was that between Whitehead and Winston and Rodgers and Farrell. The former team won (-1, 4-5, 4-2, (-0. Carlaton Smith defeated Mlddtebrooke «-2. <-l. Ie Rain Cut In. Rain Thursday morning and part of the afternoon brought the Bouthern tennle championship almost to a full atop. Not a game was played until after 4 p. m, and then about a dozen seta were finished before sunset. The few sets played, tho, brought the Singlet and doubles to wtthln one match of the semi-finals No matchea were played In the aeml-seml-Anals. but Mlddlebronka defeated L. D. Scott, S-4. 3-6, 7-6. and will play Carleton Smith for the honor of going Into the semi- Anels In the top frame. The winner plays Hugh Whitehead. In the lower frame Williams plays Rodgers. As previously stated. It continues to look very much as tho Rodgers would face Whitehead In the Apale and Thornton tn the challenge round. Winding Up Doubles. One Incompleted match was played In the doubles. Carter and Middle- brooks, the Intercollegiate champions. Were downed hy Maglnnts and Sanders, of New Orleans. 2-6, 7-6, 1-6, 6-0. 7-6. This was an unexpected upset, aa the local players were thought to he much the better. Another overturn of the dope came when the "kid team.” Cowan and Van Glider, of Knoxville, defeated the Ma con veterans. Taylor and Lowry. 6-2. 6-4, 6-2. The two East Tennesseans have made a marvelously good showing and look like coming champions. One of the Arst matchea which will be played Friday will be the wind-up of the Farrell and Rodgers against White head and Winston. The winner playe Cowan and Van Glider In the seml-Anals. In the lower frame MagtnnJ# and Sanders tackle the Atlanta team. Smith and Howell, for the honor of going to the Anils. Fine Ladies' Doubles. The matchee which attracted the most attention In the afternoon were those In the ladles' doubles, an event Inaugurated for the Aral time this year. The drawing threw two Atlanta teams against two New Orleans teams, and the playing was tn deadly earnest. .Mrs. Monroe and Miss Many, of New Orleans, won a brilliant match from Miss Florence Jackson and Miss Kath leen Brown. But the other Crescent NordenAyacb, was defeated by Miss Dtinwody and Miss Jones. In the Arst set Mies Von NordenAyech'e fast strokes were working well and her brilliant work, coupled with steady play by her partner, rave them a victory, 6-7. The Atlanta players proved stead, ler as the. match progressed and by clever defensive work took the next two sate, 6.2, 6-1. Thursday’s Scoria Thursday's results follow: Singles. Third Round—Mlddlehrooks defeated Scott 6-4, 3-6, 7-5. Ladles' Doubles—Mrs. Monroe nnd Miss Many defeated Miss Brown and Mlsa Jackson 6-3. 6-1. Miss Dunwndy and Miss Jones defeated Mlsa Von NnrdenAysch and Mlsa Murphy 6-7, 6-3. 6-1. Men's Doubles, Second Round—Ma- glnnli and Sander* defeated Carter and Mlddlehrooks. 2-6, 7-6. a-6, 6-0. 7-6. Cowan and Van Glider defeated Lowry and Taylor S-2. 6-4. 6-2. Consolation Singles. Second Round— Holliday defeated Coleman. default. , BECK & GREGG TEAM SIGNS THREE NEW MEN J. O. WINSTON. The Norfolk. Va., player who. with Whitehead, has played bril liant tennle In the doubles. APHASIA OR ALCOHOLISM? What Was It Landed ‘Bugs’ Raymond in Chi cago? Southpaw Has Fever and Will Be Sent Back to Atlanta. NEW ORLEANS, La., July 10.—Roy Cnstleton has been taken suddenly III With a high fever nnd will be sent home today. It Is not expected that he will be In condition to play while the team Is In the West and It Is feared that he may be seriously III. Geo. Stinson To Go To Richmond George Htlnson. who for four years has been one of the best hall players and outAelders In the South Atlantic League, has been sold to the Richmond club and will report this week. This comes as the result of Stinson's Arm rpfusa|.Jo play, under Murdock's man agement. For some time George has wanted to leave Macon. He does not think be tins' been given a square deal by the bleacherltes. and believes that his services will be better appreciated elsewhere. He wnnta to go to Rich mond, which club Is managed hy Ferry Llpe. In 8tlnaon the local club lose* one of the beat hitters that the league has ever known. Since Its organisation he has been a member of the Macon team, and hie hitting hns been a feature. Hr has never walloped above .260, but has always averaged around that high Ag-, ure. Stinson Is a particularly good pinch hitter. It Is said that Sttnson was disappointed In not being made manager when Malarkey was deposed. It la probable that Shea will Anlsh the season In the outAeld. His work In this position has been high class In every game that he has played. ARTHUR HOWELL. With Carleton Smith he has gone to the seml-Anals In doubles. The Beck A Gregg team of the Com mercial I-eague has elgned Hilton, Dun. can and Dortey and released Spected. Cowan and H. Moore. B08TWICK 4, NEWBORN 0. NEWBORN, Ga., July 10.—A very Interesting game of baseball was played here today -between Boatwick and a picked team from this place and MansAeld. The features of the game were the pitching and catching of Gresham and Boatwick and the Inabil ity of Newborn to hit the ball. Score by Innings: R. H. E. Boatwick 102 010 000—4 8 2 Newborn 000 ooo ooo—0 I 4 Batteries: For Bostwfck, Boatwick and Gresham: for Newborn, Rama and Smith. Brodle, the former Birmingham out- Aelder, has drifted to the Virginia State League, where he la playing a steady game for Norfolk. Chattanooga Team Comes to Atlanta CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July 10.— Chattanooga's fast semi-professional team, which has Just Antahed a series against Knoxville, winning two out of four games, will move to Atlanta next week for a series with the Atlanta Ath. letlc Club. Skinny Shipp la playing with the team. He has an offer from Savannah, but does not wnnt to go there this season. The Chattanoogans will play In Memphis some time this month, or Just aa soon as the Memphis Southern League team takes the road again. Johnny Dobbs will not manage the Macon South Atlantic League team thla season. He had a chance to acquire stork In the club, but passed It lip He hopes to get a Southern Lengue franchise here next year. “RUSS” FORD IS RIGHT ANDWINS NEW ORLEAN8, La., July 10. "Russ" Ford and eight other Atlanta ball players handed a lemon Xo New Or. leans here yesterday afternoon that was a 6 to 0 defeat, according to the score, and which was really a worse one. Those Agures show that the Pelicans were plucked, but not that Atlanta bad a chnnce to score In almost every In ning, while the local playera were help less from the start. The local tgem was certainly weaker than usual. Baxter was on Arst base. Kill at second, Huber at short and Mat thews behind the bat. Rohe, Dundon and Stratton were out of tt.' But even with the regular team In there Is small doubt but that Atlanta would have won. For Russell Ford wae having one of hie real good days. He had the Pelicans "lying down and roll ing over” at the word of command. Be scattei?d three hits thru three Innings, and never gave the Pelicans anything that looked like a remote chance of scoring. CHICAGO, July 10.—'"Bugs" Ray mond. the erratic pitcher of the St. Louis Cardinals, arrived In Chicago yesterday, but how he got here Is more than he con tell. The Arst "Bugs” knew of his arrival In Chicago was when the porter on a sleeping car aroused him from his slumbers at the depot. Raymond pitched for the Cardinals Wednesday against Boston nnd won. That was the last thing he can remem ber until he awoke In Chicago this morning. How he got on the train and why Is all a blank to "Bugs" and he fears someone Is trying to kidnap him so as to place the Cardinals further down the scale In the National League. “Bugs" was out to the West Side park yesterday to see the game between the Cubs and the Dodgers, decked In hie Sunday best with a few decorations In the way of souvenir buttons etc., and seemed to be In a hi hie trance, he came than to a strange town. He left last night for St. Louie where he wlU Join the Cardinals and try to explain to McAleer how he got Into a trance that landed him In Chi cago. BILL SMITH UNCERTAIN ABOUT TODATS PITCHERS Will Use Grant Schopp or Viebahn—Frank Will Work Clark—O’Brien Umpired Poorly on Thursday. By WILL R. HAMILTON. NEW ORLEANS, July 10.—Bill Smith swears you can search him to find out what pitcher he will use today. — He's blessed If he knows. “I would have used Castleton." he said, "If he had not been taken sick Now the choice Is between Schopp and Viebahn." Otherwise the Atlanta team, which plays today, will be the sanje one that faced New Orleans yesterday, and the Crackers openly express their belief that they can cop a vlctocy. Charley Frank will send Ginger Clark on the Arlng line. This veteran right-hander has not been effective against Atlanta this year. FORD WAS MASTER. jjiO’BRIEN’S WORK RAW Drink KOLA-ADE •*A«k the Sod* Water Man.* .ALPHARETTA 3, R08WELL 2. ALPHARETTA, Ga7July 10.—Alph aretta defeated Konwell yeaterday by n score of 3 to 2. It war the first game played at Ron well’* new baH park, and the home team may think the visitors were too greedy for victory at the dedi cation. However, It waa a first-class amateur game, and both teams did good work. Score by Innings: R. H. K. Alpharetta 00ft ftlft 101—3 7 2 Roswell 001 000 100—2 0 2 Batteries: Alpharetta. Jenkins and Smith; Roswell, Hughes nnd Glover. 06000000000000000000000000 0 FIGHT AT CAMP. O o O O CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July O O 10.—The first of the prise fights to O O he pulled off at Camp William H. O O Taft during the July-August nut- O O neuvers will be Saturday night, O O when Ed Sperry, of the Third ar- O O tlllery. and "Kid” Everhardt, of O O the Seventh Infantry, will go for O O ten rounds at 156 pounds. Sperry O O hns been stationed at port Sam O O Houston. Son Antonio, for the past O O two years., while Everhardt's reel- O O ment has been on garrison duty O O near Detroit for some time. O O o OOO00600000000OOOOO0O0O0OQ The score: Atlanta— Moran It . . Dyer, 3b. . . Winters, cf. . , Becker, rf. . , Fox, lb. . . , Jordan. 2b. . , McMurray. c. . Castro, 88. . . Ford, p. . . , Totals . . . New Orleans Rlckert If. . . Baxter, 3b. . . Lord. cf. . . NHL 2b. . . . Manning, rf. . Dexter, lb. . . Huber ss. . . Matthews, c.. , Frits, p. . . gooooooooooooooooooooooooo S 8TANDINQ OF THE CLUBS. 0 00000000000000000000060000 South Atlantio. Clubs— W. L. P.C. Southern. Clubs- W. L. P.C. Memphis .88 31 .651 N. Orleans.S3 .542 Nashville .24 30 .631 Atlanta ....84 M .623 Mobile ...36 84 .514 Lit Rock..37 37 .600 Montg’jr ...82 87 .464 DlrtnMmm 24 41 .369 American. Clubs- W. L. P.C. fit. Louie..43 80 .689 Detroit ...43 30 .689 Cleveland .40 82 .656 Chicago ...41 83 .664 Phi la 86 31 .514 Boston ....38 40 .462 Wqeh’ton .27 45 . 375 New York. *7,46 .870 Amor. Association Clubs— W. L. P.C. India nan. .50 82 .610 Ix.iiIm IIId .49 S3 .598 Toledo 47 34 .680 Columbus 44 5ft .521 Mlnneap. .39 38 .506 Mllwsiik. . 37 47 . 440 Kan. City..34 49 .410 8t. Paul ..26 64 .325 Cotton 8tatea, Clubs- W. L. P.C. Jackson ..48 31 .606 VlckSurg .47 17 .569 Oulfjlrt ..42 40 .512 Columbus .39 41 .488 Meridian ..36 43 .456 Monroe .. .31 51 .878 Wilson ...1« Raleigh ...14 _ Wllm’ton .14 9 .609 Goldsboro 11 1ft .524 Kinston ... 6 14 .300 Newbern .. 5 16 .238 Jack’vllle ..54 18 .750 Savannah .*0 22 .666 Columbia ..2123 .484 Charleston 8ft -41 .423 Mneon ....31 45 . 406 Augusta ..26 43 .877 . Nations). Clubs- W. L. P.C. Chicago ....43 27 .614 ritteburg ..44 30 .596 New York..43 3ft .589 Cincinnati 38 36 .514 Phlln 30 35 .468 Roafon ....88 40 . 452 Ht. Louie...28 44 Brooklyn .,26 43 Eastern. Clubs-' W. L. P.C. Buffalo ...89 29 .574 Pr'vtd’nce 34 3ft .531 Newark ...37 33 .529 Baltimore 35 32 .522 Toronto ...34 33 Mostreal .33 35 Rochester .29 34 Jar. City ..27 4ft .431 Carolina. Clubs— W. L. P.C. Greenville 35 21 . _ Spar’burg .32 25 .561 Greeneb. ...29 28 509 Winston ..30 8ft .500 Anderson .23 33 . 411 Charlotte .22 34 Virginia State. Clube— W. L. P.C. Richmond .40 26 . 60# panrllle ...39 27 .591 Roanoke ...33 35 . 482 Norfolk ...32 35 .478 rortMn’fh 27 36 .429 PortMn'fh 27 36 . 429 Lynchbflrg 27 37. .422 WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. Totals 30 Score by Innings: Atlanta 011 001 001—4 New Orleans ..000 000 000—0 Summary—Two-base hits, McMurray, Moran; stolen bases. Fox, Dexter. Win ters. Becker; sacrifice hits. Dyer 2. Mc Murray, Castro; double plays. Mat thews to NIU, Baxter to Matthews to Dexter. Huber to Dexter; struck nut, by Frit* 1, by Ford 9; base on balls, off Frlti 4, off Ford 2; hit hy pitched ball, Moran* wild pitch, Frlta 1; passed ball. M&tthews: left on bases, New Orleans 5, Atlanta 9; first base on errors. New Orleans 1. Atlanta 4- Time, 1:50. Um pire, O’Brien. Hand Bookers Are Invading South CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July 10.— The hand book gamblers have Invaded Chattanooga. Tt\gy record bets on the Southern, National and American Leagues, their one best bet being" 1* to 1 that you cannot pick four winners In one afternoon In any league. One and one-half to two is the odds of fered that .you cannot pick a winner In a single game, and then they gradually grow longer on picking two. three and four winners In ally single league. Atlanta tn New Orleans. Birmingham In Little Reek. Nashville In Mobile. . Montgomery In Memphla. 00000000000000000000000000 O 'YESTERDAY’S RESULT8. O O o oooooaooooooooeioooooDooooo Southern. MOBILE. Jnly ln.-Nsshvllte nnd the lo- ealn battled for seventeen Innings here vea- terday. without either aide scoring. The pltrhlng of Torrey nnd Perdue wna gilt- edged. nnd taro errors made behind the lat ter did no damage. The locale accepted seventy-four chances without an error. Score: r. jj. e. Mobile 000 «y> 000 000 000 00—0 * o Nashville 000 fat 000 000 000 00-0 9 S Batteries: Torrey and Garvin; Perdue and Reahaugh. LITTLE ROCK. July la—The locals won out today In the latter part of the game after Birmingham had secured a big lead. Eastman relieved Neur nnd held the vleltora safe. Score: R. ||. E. Little Rock 010 003 033—6 10 3 Birmingham 100 130 200-7 13 4 Batteries: Neur, Eastman nnd Wood: Robertnllle and Meek. ADAIR8VILLE WINS. ADAIRSVILLE, Ga.. July 10.— Adalrsvllle defeated East Point here Wednesday In a fast game by the score of 7 to 2. Dyar's pitching was the fea ture, while both Robertson and Kline were hit at wllL NEW ORLEANS, July 10.—While the Pelicans In their crippled state played a very weak game In nearly all depart ments, local fans will hand it to Russ Ford for pitching one of the bent games of the season. Ford was master of the situation from start to finish, and even If the locals had got an even break on the umpiring they would have been hopelessly beaten by Ford's spltball. The three hits that were made tven clean, but they were so few and scat tered that they counted for nothing. Not until the ninth Inning did a local player get to second base. In that spasm Rlckert got as far as third. Here Is a small summary of what Ford did with his npltter, with the very able as sistance of one O'Brien: Fanned Rlckert thrice. Ranter once, NIII once. Huber once. Matthews twice. Frit* once. Mowed Pelicans down In nne.two- three order In four Innings. Let only thirty-two men face him. Made live bAtsmen hit the ball to him. Let only six men hit to the outfield. Joe Rlckert had a new bat made for the occasion, but the length and breadth of the willow availed Joe nothing until his single came In the ninth. With Ford and O'Brien against him. Joe was powerless. He struck at high ones, low ones, wide ones, close ones. less HIMIMI [ QUESTIONS ANSWERED Under this hesd the Sporting Ed itor will attempt to answer any questions asked about subject, per taining to sports. Sporting Editor Tho Georgian: Will you settle this disputed point In a game of pitch, or set-back: Three traveling men were playing pitch here last night; seven points was the game. Each of the three had made five points nnd each needed two points to go out. "Low" counted for the man who played It. There was no discard. After the deal, A hid two. B promptly bid three. C. the dealer, had the Jack, ten, three and nine of hearts and bid four. A had the king of hearts, which' was high. B hod the two of hearts, whleh was low. B also caught C’c Jack with the queen. But A made game—of course C, In spite of his four trumps. Including Jack and three, was set. And of course, a!so, both A and B, each winning two points, went out. All three leave It to the sporting ed itor of The Georgian—who wins? TRAVELING MAN. When the bidder Is set back the points go out In order, high, low, Jack, game, so that B wins with his low and jack. Some persons Imagine that If a player can get home points enough to make him game before another player makes low or catches the Jack he goes out nrat, but such Is not the case. No points are counted until the last card has been played. The order In which the points are mads has nothing to do with It. Dear Sir—To decide a bet, please let me know If the Cincinnati club has at any time this season led the National League, Yours respectfully, , E. J. BOWLES. No. NEW ORLEANS. July 10,-It Is sat,. In baseball circles this morning that President Kavanaugh has heeded i protests of Manager Frank against r plre O'Brien and has dispatched Bill. Carpenter here for the remaining games of the Atlanta series to work O’Brien. O'Brien has tried the patience of the baseball players and fans In this town to the limit. He Is In for some trouble as sure ns he stays here much longer and gives up the kind of decisions he ha* handed the Pelicans In the last fen- days. O'Brien has done a great deal more to demoralize the New Orleans team than the combined misfortunes which are keeping Rohe, Dundon nnd Strat ton out of the game. It wouldn't take but a game or two, either, for him have the Crackers up In the air. Had Thursday's been a close game there would have been all kinds of trouble Dyer and Winters went nfter O'Brien strong In the first part of the game and relented only when they saw they had the game their own way. The first time up the umps called _ couple of raw ones on Dyer and the Cracker third baseman handed It to him In large doses. Winters got a raw deal right after Dyer and It looked for a while as tho the whole Atlanta team were going after him. This series Is going to be hotly fought, and If President Kavanaugh has not already dispatched another umpire In this direction he had better do so before - Sunday's game. A close game with a big lot of fren sled fans In attendance and Just one raw deal for the home team from Mr. O'Brien would bring a few thousand bugs over the bleacher wall after him. CHALLENGE COLUMN MHMHMHHMMHIlHHHHMtHWMtHHMIHI Under this head will be run all challenges for baseball gams, is sued by amsteur teams. Decatur wants a game on their grounds Saturday evening. Call C. M, Ramspeck, 351 Main or 70 Decatur. Dockendorf Twirls No-Hit Exhibition NEWBORN BREAK8 EVEN. NEWBORN, Ga., July 10.—The two games played here between the fast Bosttvlck hall team and the Newborn team came to an end Thursday, result ing In one game for each team. Scores by Innings: First game: R. H.E. Newborn . . . .000 000 000—0 4 3 Bosttvlck » . . . .220 000 000—4 3 1 Batteries—Sants and Smith: Bost- wlck and Gresham. Second garnet R. h. E Newborn 000 003 000—3 8 2 Bosttvlck, 000 000 100—1 3 2 Batteries—s. Smith and G. Smith; Gresham and Thrasher. Cleveland (Chcch-Clark. Bemlat.4 9 1 At Wash. (Johnson—Street) 3 9 1 . Chicago (White—Sullivan) 6 3 2 At Manning—Klelnow).* 19 t Detroit (W lllett—Schmidt) 10 14 1 National. R. H E At Cincinnati (Coeklev—Hchleit .1 4 n . 5L. V - (Mithoa-aon—Rreannhant ..3 9 2 At Chicago iPf'ter. Brntfn-MoranM « 1 Brooklyn iRurkcr—Bergen) 3 3 3 Pittsburg (Maddox—Gibson) 2 5 3 Phlla. {Moron. Klchle— Dnoln) ..5 8 1 At St. I., (Er ma, Kanger, Beehc— floatelter) 2 8 3 Roeton (McCarthy-Smlthi n 12 I American Association. Toledo *, I/mlavlllc 1. Columbus 5. Indlnnapoll, L Milwaukee 9. Sr. Pout 2. Minneapolis 3, Knnssa City 2 (thirteen In. Inga). Eastern League. Jersey City 4. Providence t. Newnrk 5. Baltimore 4. Jnnl waa hotted hard, tvbh-b, coupled with. hnffalo 19 Rbrheater 1 error# at critical moments, censed the to-! "tonfraal S Toronto 3 cats to pile up a Idg score. 1 ®> loronto a. Score: Memphla.. .. Montgomery South Atlantic. R. H. E. At Charleston 1 Paige— Belalnger) ...2 4 1 Savannah iMnlllu—Kahlknffl ... I 5 4 At Columbia tWelsher—Ilarnlih)....2 10 2 Moron tWsents— Robinson: 3 3 2 American. R. H. E At Phlla. triank, Vlcknrs—Smith. !f>wora' 3 8 1 St. Lulls 1 Powell—Spen,"ert 5 8 3 A; Boston (Voting. Bun-hell—Ortgef, Carrlgan) 1 ( t Cotton States. Gulfport 2. Monroe 9. Columbus 7, Meridian 0. Jackson L Vicksburg 0. Carolina. Greenville 4. Anderson 1. Winston-Salem 8. firceuahoro 8. Cbarlette-Spartanburg, ralti. Eastern Carolina. No games; postponed on arcvuot of rain. Virginia State. Richmond 5. Lynchburg 1. I'nrteinnnth 3. IinnvIUe 2. Roanoke 2, Norfolk L The Pressmen defeated the Typos at Piedmont Park Thursday by the score of 7 to 1. The Typos' Inability to hit sponsible for their defeat, Dockendorf pitching a no-hlt game, striking out 11 men. while Oppenhelm struck out 4. The score: ab. Pressmen. Whitaker, 3b. Richards. 2b.. . . 4 Rucker, c. . , . 4 Felton, ss. . . . 4 Jones, of 4 Archer, rf. . . . 4 Lyle, lb 8 Binder, If 2 Dockendorf, p. . 3 Totals 33 Typos. ,b. W. H. Morgan,2b. 4 Norton, ss. . . . 3 Vary, lb 3 J. R. Morgan. Sb. 3 Oppenhelm, p.. . 3 Slate, c. .... 3 Seerest, If. ... 3 Davis, rf. . . . . 2 Powers, cf. . . . 3 Totals 27 1 0 24 3 Score by Innings: Pressmen 010 112 #2*—7 Typos 109 000 099—1 Summary—Two-base hit, Richards: stolen bases, Pressmen 7; bases on balls, off Dockendorf 3. off Oppenhelm 5‘ hit by pitched balls. Dockendorf (Vary), Oppenhelm (Felton): struck out, by Dockendorf 11, by Oppenhelm 4; passed balls. Slate 4. Time of game. 1:35. Umpire, Brown. BIG AUTO TOURNEY AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN CHATTANOOGA, Tsnn., July 10- Arrangements have been practically •'completed for a big automobile tourna ment to be held In Chattanooga Au gust 17, 18 and 13. It Is proposed to put on a matinee and night perform ance. At least a half dosen racing cars will be Imported from the East, nnd some of the best known drivers In the Country will corns down and enter the events. A number of prizes ts-lll he offered, among them being 2590 In gold for the winner of the free-for-all. ASHBURN 8, ROCHELLE 1. ASH BURN, Ga., July 10.—In a one sided affair Ashhum outclassed the RocJtells sluggers this afternoon. The feature of the game was Stoub’s pitch ing and the good batting of the home team. In the fifth Inning Stoub very charitably gave two men bases and tilt one thereby filling the bases. Then. Just for a Joke on the boys, settled down and struck out three men. Bore by Innings: R. H. E. Rochelle 091 000 000—l 3 3 Ashbttrn 204 200 000—8 * • Batteries: Davenport, Bateman and MeCarvey; Stoub and Hudson. NOTASINGLERUN. Panamas, straws, soft nnd stiff bam clean ed. dyed, reshaped. Bnssty, 2144 Whitehall. SPORTS ATLANTA PLAYERS WIN'ATBASEBALL AND TENNIS | percyITwhiting