Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 11, 1908, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11. l*n». ROOSEVELT MAY INVOKE LIBEL LAW Wm. Nelson Cromwell De nies Any Wrong In Canal Deal. WASHINGTON. Dee. It.—Governor Deneen. of Illinois, I* authority for the statement that President. Roosevelt says he expecte to Inetltute libel proceeding* against "those Americans who have been guilty of Infamous falsehoods cou rt rnlng ehe acquisition of the property and construction of the Panama canal,” If they can be reached by the libel laws, CROMWELL DENIES CHARGES OF WRONG NEW YORK. Dee. 11—William Nel s in Cromwell, the lawyer who negotlat ed the Panama canal deal, has given out an extended statement, roverlni: charges of The Indianapolis News and New Tork Herald that there was quea tlonable dealings In that transaction. He declares that every penny of the 140,000,000 purchase price went to the accredited agent of the French company and that recdfdo are on hie In Paris to •how that this agent has distributed the money to I2I.III stockholders. He says theee facta are easily obtainable. Cromwell aseerts emphatically that no Americana were Interested In tile deal In any way, ahape or manner. WOMAN’S AUXILIARY CLOSES SESSION -Thor# ir#r# 1wn mmIom of th* Woman's Auxiliary >1 All Kxintx church Thtraday. The firht wai held inftnrdiatoly after the delivery of Btabop Xolaon'a addrew and waa devoted to the miuionory intereata of the church. Rev. Mr. Smith, educational sec retary of the million board, delivered ani ad- - dreaa upon the aubject, "Tho How ana Vvhy - of General Mleefnna.” He wet followed By Her. Henry Phillip*. of LtGrange. After luncheon the meeting waa devoted to the reporta from varloua point* in the K dioceae. Three reporta ahowed that editable work had oeen done by the icese. Fellowlsx this ir.Mlln* 111. ladiea were the (Utiji of Mr*. Black at an Atlaaia *»W rl new dir afternoon tea. THE BEST COUCH CURE A helf ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine, two ounces of Glycsrlns and a half pint of Whisky, mixed, will cure any cough that Is curable and break a cold In 24 houre. Take a tsaspoonful every four hours. Ask your druggist for the gen uine Leach’e Virgin Oil of J>|ne com pound purr, prepared and guaranteed by the Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. FLOOD TIDES HIGHER THAN WITHIN 3 YEARS ROME 1 , Ga., Dec. 11.—A widely trav- eled flutboat ended Its Journey here yesterday morning, when caught oh the Ooatanaula river by A. B, Brown. The boat la the property of J. B. Haw kins, and during the storm of the early part of the week broke loose from Its moorings at Hawkins Landing, on the r-onsasauga river, eighty mile* above Home. It floated down the Conasauga and Into the Ooatanaula before being •topped. The owner was notified of the "catch." and Is trying to sell thf bdat here, aa It would cost mors than the boat Is worth to freight It back. The Ooatanaula. Etowah and Coosa rivers are higher than they have been In three year*. and the banka are lined with men and boys catching lha drift wood that floats down. There la no danger, however..of a repetition of the flood of lilt, na the level of ihe city's streets has been raised ten feet since that catastrophe. HOSIERY FACTORY BUILDS NEW PLANT ROME, Ga., Dae. 11.—A contract was let yesterday afternoon for t|ie erec tion of a new 110,000 plant for the Home Hosiery Mill, which Is now lo cated on Rroad-at. The mill will move to the corner of East Thlrd-at. and Hlxth-av#., whsre It will occupy, after the first of next May, a modern con structed building. The plant has been running since 1101. The mill now employs no people, and at the new elte will double Its ca- paclty, employing ISO people. TRIPLETS LIVE ~ BUT FEW HOURS COLUMBUS, Ga.. Dec. 11.—Mrs. Am brose Calhoun, of this city, u lady whose age Is given at 42 years, gave birth to triplets, all girls, Wednesday nlght. The three children only lived a few houre after birth. The father of the triplet* Is S2 years of age. Health Never Falls to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long It ha* boon grajr [ or faded. Promoteaw luxuriant growth ' of healthy hair. Stops It* falling out, i and positively removes Dan druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2)4 times as much In $1.00 as 50c. site, la Not a Dye. •land 30c. bottles, at drnpflfsta Bend 2c for free book “The Care of ihe Hair." t Philo Hay 8pec. Co., Newark, N. J. Hay’s Haitian Soap caret pimpie*, 3, rough and chapped hands, and all akin die* cave. Ktcpe akin fine and a<rft. 25c. drugrei^te. •end 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." •bRANNEN'S DRUG 8TORE. JACK SON * WES8ELL. Sav eThe MERGE SITE Drunkard I You, Hi, Mother, Wife or Sister Can Save Him, And You Can Do It Secretly In Your Own Home. ! • -Costs Nothing to Try. A new tasteless and odorless dl wnrery which ran be Riven secretly by any lady in teg, coflee [ or food. IT STICKS POWDER-PASTE Th* 10 Cent Box—WUI UaM 1 Quart. Sprinkle Into Cold Water “Mix It a* you need it.” For sale by all Photo fluppty Dealer*. A ten cent package mailed for IS cents In postage. Address Package Department Arthur S. Hoyt, Mfr. Osrken' Building, New Tork Olty. CANVASSERS WANTED. Rheumatism Caused By Dyspepsia So Claim Many Eminent Doctors Upon Recent Scientific Investigation. A large echool of pbyelclan* which Is ctnstantly Increasing. claims that the eating of too much animal foode creates an over-supply of protelds, which are oxygen and eulphur. and that when •xygen and sulphur, and that win, •uch proteld* art Imperfectly digested and go Into the blood they creat* vaat quantities of nitrogen which the oxy gen from the lunge can not neutralise and hence rtiulta, uric arid and rhau- matlsm and scores of other diseases. These proteld* do not permit the as similation processes to take place prop erly and poisoning remit* all through (fas blood. However. If inch proteld, are per fectly digested they form a most valu able part of our food and are abto- lutely necessary to life. The fault then rest* with the stomach and ths digestive apparatus. Hence It la claimed by theee latter day authorities that rheumatism arises lr. the stomach or through the stomach and not In th* kidneys, aa some medical authorities teach. Stuart 1 * Dyspepsia Tablet* cure dye. reduce protelds to their natural n beet taken up by the system, strength to the blood, rest the and Invigorate'and renew the Ic fluids, pancreatic Juice and the :(ve organa In general, ty thousand physicians use these 1 Co, lag Stuart Bldg.! MILITARY FEATURE TO BE DEVELOPED ROME, Ga., Dec. 11.—Hon. W. S. Rockwell, grand secretary of the Knights Templars of Georgia, and offi cial drill master, paid a visit to Roma commandery last night. H* Instructed the local fllr Knight* In several diffi cult maneuvers. An effort Is being made to develop Ihe military feature of the order, and Captain Rockwell will visit each com mandery In the state to drill the mem ber*. He haa Juat begun hi* tour and ha* visited Atlanta, Mlltedgevllle, Onlnesvllle. Dalton and Rome, ffe slate* that the approaching convoca tion of the grand commandery In Brunswick will be the most euccessful In Ihe history of the state. Gone Mad Prom Whiskey, NOT AGREED UPON Citizens Hold:Meeting To Discuss Proposed Location. . ' FREE TRIAL COUPON. A free trial paring* tif the wonderful Golden Uetnedjr will be aant you by mail, In plain wrapper, if you will fill in. your name and address on* blank tinea below, cut out the roupdn and it onre to Dr. A. W. Ifainet, 8045 GJenn Building* Cincinnati. Ohio. > You ran then prove 4 to yburaalf'how eeeretly and aasllj '* what a God send prov^ to yourself how lly It ean be used, and [ It will be to you. Only One "BXOMO QUININE” U LAXATIVE BRQ1IO QUININE. fo» tk» signature of E. W. (JROVE. the World over to Cure a Cold In One SHRINERS ELECT OFFICERS OF TEMPLE Knrreat Adair waa re-elected Ulus trlnu* potentate of Yanrab temple at a meeting held Wednesday night. The otlier efficer* elected fnr the ensuing >tnr nre a* follow*: John R. Wilkinson, chief rabbnn; Thomas H. .leffrlex, assistant rabban; J. C, Greenfield, high priest and proph et; John C. Joiner, oriental guide; Ja*. W. English, Br.. treasurer; George K) Arguard, recorder. At this meeting representatives w elected to attend the Imperial council, which v ill be held In Louisville, Ky., fn June. Itiit, and the following delegatee selected: Forrest Adair. D. E. Ashby and Percy Taylor, of Atlanta; Charles E. Dainour, of Macon. After the election the following offi cer* were appointed by the potentate George II. Holliday, flret ceremonial master; John M. Wilson, second cere monial master: John Gilmore, marshal; John J. Woodstde, captain of the guard; John M. Hpeer. outer guard; E. E. Clapp, director; Ed Hrown and J. G. Dvina, alchemists; Paul Hubbard, or ganist: Fred Miles and A. W. Ueauprlo, electricians; Luther P. Stephen* and W. L. Calhoun, physicians: George Westmoreland and W. H. Terrell, at torneys; J. M. Fuller, -mechanical dl rector. ■ . . A.- WOMAN KILLS SELF IN CHICAGO HOTEL CHICAGO. Dee. 11.—A woman dressed In mourning killed herself yes terday at the Mansard Hotel. She registered ns Mrs. Margaret Lee, BOutb Bend, Ind. ‘ Inquiry In the Indiana town failed to disclose a resident of that name. The act waa planned carefully. Letters In forming relatives of her act evidently were written first and mailed, no note being left behind. » MISTRIAL ENTERED IN BAGLEY CASE COLUMBUS, Gt, Dee. 11.—The Jury In the case of Roy F. Hagley, a former malt clerk In the poetofflee here, who was Indicted and held on !h« charge ■mbezzllng a letter containing marked Mile, failed lo agree, after being out nearly twenty hours, and a mistrial was entered. .The case took up nearly two daya In the United States court. BRYAN TO VISIT JOHN W. GATES GALVESTON, Tee., Dsn. If,—Wil liam Jennings Bryan will leave here today for Port Arthur, where he will be the guest of John W. Gates. WA8 ONCE CHARGED WITH KILLING 8TEPMOTHER DECATUR. Ala, Dee. 11.—After an Illness of several months with con sumption. William Royer died Monday afternoon at bla home, ten miles west of Deratur. Borne two or three years ago William Royer became quite a noted character In Hit* section of ihe state on account of having been arrested and placed In Jail In Decatur on the charge if having killed his tepniother. who reared him from a small child. Royer claimed that the mules, which he was driving, ran away and threw the old lady out of the wagon and killed her. Some charged at the time that Royer muidered Ihe old lady lo get her farm, he being the •ole heir to the place. WILL DRAW PENSIONS F0RJ5HRISTMAS That the Confederate pensioners may receive Ihelr money In lime for Christ mas!, Ordinary John R. Wilkinson has arranged with Ihe Guarantee Trust and Banking Company of Atlanta to ad vance IIS,000 for this purpose. The pay days will be next week, aa follows: Monday, Indlgents; Tuesday, illils apd wounded soldiers: Wed nesday. widows of both classes. Ordinary Wilkinson stated that the customary pay day for the last quarter was December If), but owing to the scarcity of state fund* It was-not cer tain when Ihe pensions could be paid, and In order to relieve'the situation he made the arrangement with, the' Guar- ante* Company. -nvoi receiving thirty and forty calls a day over Hie telephone," said .he, "about this money. Many of Rfiem were from old women, widows of Con federate veterans, and pitiful were the stories disclosed about Ihelr lack of money for the Christmas-tide ami for winter necessities." BIO CEMEN-pORDER8 FILLED BY CHARLESTON FIRM CHARLESTON, 8. C„ Dec. 11.—A Charleston cement firm has tilled an order for 400.000 sucks of cement for Ihe Southern Power Company, of Cimr- lotte, and another order of 60,000 bar rels for tho Carolina, Cllhchfleld und Ohio Railroad Company. 8ALVATI0N ARMY PLAN8 CHRI6TMA8 DINNER ROME, Ga., Deo, 11,—The Salvation Army, which recently opened local headquarter* her* under command of Captain C. R. Austin, late of Atlanta, Is planning to give 11 Christinas dinner lo every poor person In Rome. Two hundred will be nerved ft the Balva- tlon Army hull, anil loo baskets sent out. On the menu Is chicken, celery, plum pudding and All kinds of pie. JUST ONE WORD that word la Tutt’s, 4t refer* to Or. Putt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sick headache? Vlrtlgo? Bttiou? Insomnia? ANY ol these symptoms and maay others Indicate Inaction of the LIVER. You Nood. Tutt'sPills Take No Substitute. TEETH EXTRACTED tltlvtly without E ltlietj u. Mr « lb S>. . - *7 1* 0 oot liuy BKTTICB- I'lLLJ* 4 D KCJ'HU -*•£*, LAI r AL IJVI SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Basement of Empire Bldg. Title Guarantee ana Trust Go. SALE Ladies’ Lawn and 811k Walats, Furs, Fascinators. Scarf*, Shawli, Baby Hoods at half-price. A closing-out sals. SOUTHERN DRY GOODS AND SHOE COMPANY, 60 Marietta St, Opposite Postoffice. Thousand! of New Goods to 8ell Be fore Lease Expires. ! ;?f. ,N6 Sweat SJiop., * • y..: ■ ’ ?‘wiSaver. ^ jn 'Atlanta: - : 1€7 Peachtree St,* DUBLIN, Ga., Dec. 11—For two hours Wednesday night a number of citizens of Dublin discussed the loca tion for the Federal building, which discussion ended In, passing a resolu tion asking the secretary of the treas ury to select a site bordering on th* court house square, t The debate was lively. In the main there waa a veil of -harmony, tho the contest Is not yet ended. An Inspector waa In . Dublin some weeks ago amt selected two sites to recommend to the secretary of the treasury. Hi,refused to state which two he recommended and the eecretary of the treasury refuses to mnke this Information public. It la rumored that he recommended the northwest corner of Belleview-av*. and Menroe-*L and the southwest corner of Madtaon and Franklln-ata. The citizens are divided between these two lot*. A large ma jority of the citizens, however, prefer the selection of n lot bordering on the court house square, preferring the northeast comer of Jackson and Jef- ferson-sts. The owner of this comer hn« very reluctahtly agreed to sell th* lot to the government, but there la some doubt of consent being secured for the return of an Inspector and a reopening of th* whole matter. A long telegram was sent to the sec retary of the treasury aa a teault of the meeting. THREE LARGE "DEALS IN REAL ESTATE Three rtsl rstats dosls inrolfififi $30,280 mre tn»il* in Atlanta 'Hiaradnjr. Tbt law firm of •Rosaar purchased from tha wurm Mil- - - - . the corner of Piedmont and KdfawoodarfA, paying $16,200, ot $200 per front foot. Momi Brandon purehaaad from J. L. Dickey 80 acrea of timber land adjoining hi* country home, payle«* $800 par gera. He will convert the property Into a prlvata patk* g. C. Dobba bought from tha Inman eatata the lot at thfr comer of Georgia are. and Kaed-ft., paying $12,000 caah for it. DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. Quickly Curas Rheumstic Paint, Alto System Builder. Go to any good prescription druggist and get the following: One ounce compound syrup of Sar saparilla. and on* ounce Torli com pound. Add these to a half pint of flr»t. cla** tvhlkey. and use a tablespoonful before each meal and at bed time. The bottle must he well shaken each time. Although thl* la seemingly a com monplace formula, y*t It la the moat effective known for the eradication.of acid poisoha from ths blood, absolutely curing all kinds of rheumatism, and at the »ame time restoring the whole sys tem to a vlgorouz, healthy condition. The enfeabled body and nerves will fee I It* remarkable restoring effects after the flrst few doses, but It should be continued until health 1* fully re covered. _ The prompt use of this excellent mixture will bs found to eave malty a dollar in doctor bills and much suffer ing. CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR ALDERMEN THOMASTO?/’ Ga., Dee. 11— Ink spirited contest, J. B. Barron. F. D. Riviere and \V. A. Daniel were yeeter- day nominated by a white primary election to serve as aldermen for the next two years. There were seven can didates fnr th# three vacancies. Th* full vote was as follows: F. D. Rlvere, 12S; IV. K. Adam*, (6; J. B. Barron, 143: C. M. Basley. 65; IV. H. Dallas, 44; E. T. Black, «: \V. A. Daniel, 131. \ COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA. 1436. H. IV. Walker v*. Mrs. A. Car penter, from Floyd.) Argued. 1417. 8. D. Johnson v*. Walter J. Woodo Stove and Furniture Company, from Fulton. Argued. 1438. Frank Mason vs. Hamby A Tonmer. from Fulton. Argued. 1439. J. 8. Lumdy v*. Blucher Wicker, from Washington. Withdrawn. 1440. F. K. Bailey v». T. E. Redman, from Butts. Dismissed, 1441. I.nulivllle and Nashville Rail road Company et al. vs. K. L. Alford A i'o„ from Morgan. Submitted. 1447. Riverside Mills vs. Richard Brook*, from Richmond. Submitted. 1449. 1460. Albany and Northern Rail, way Company v». H. C. Wheeler and vice versa, from Crlzp. Argued. 1452. a. D. Collin* v*. Lafayette West, from Mitchell. Submitted. 1453. J. C. Anderson vs. Claude Po- teet, from Morgan. Submitted. 1454. 1465. Savannah Bank and Trust Company v*. H. E. Purvis et al. and vice versa, from Tattnall. Argued. 1456. Georgia Coaat and Piedmont Railway Company v*. Durirence A Banda, from Tattnall. Argued. 1469. B. J. Algxander ve. A. S. Weet, Cottolene Shortens your food —Lengthens your life Cottolene is a cleanly, wholesome product. It is made from cotton-seed oil m a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner, and is just as pure as olive oil. It’ moreover, makes palatable, digestible, healthful food which will agree with the most delicate stomach. Lard food on the contrary, is indigestible, and will cause tfouble if its use is persisted In. Cottolene is endorsed by the most prominent cooks and household economists of the country, as well as by those of the medical profession who make a special study of pure food. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no short ening so good as Cottolene. It stands alone, as everyone who has used it accord ing to directions will verify. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Your grocer is hereby au- thorized to refund your money in case you are not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk Cottolthe is packed in fails with an air- —tight top to keep it clean, fresh and whole some, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Cbok Book Free For * 2c stamp, to pay postage, we will mail ' you our new ‘'PURE FOOD COOK BOOK” % edited and complied by Mrs. Maly J. Lincoln, the famous Food Expert,' and containing'nearly 300 valuable recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago “Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South” PLAN $1,000,000 HOMEjN CAPITAL Southern Commercial Con gress Starts Fund For Office Building. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11—One result of the meeting here of the Southern Commercial congress la a project an nounced at k dinner and meeting of the executive committee yesterday to erect a Jl,006,000 home for th* con gress In this city. Among thoae present nt the meeting were John M. Parker, of New Orleans, S resident; Vice President John G. uge, of Apalachicola. Fla.; John A. Betjeman, of Albany. Ga.; R. F. Mad dox, mayor-elect of Atlanta. President Parker announced the plan which la to secure L000 subscriptions of 11,000 each from Southern business m»n. Two hundred and thirty-seven thousand dollars waa pledged here yes terday afternoon. It l* proposed erect a skyscraper office building soon aa the motley l* subscribed, which will be used as the headquarters ot the Southern Commercial Congress, and the rentals from which will furnish a permanent Income to perpetuate th* congress. OPERA GLASSES. The Lemalr* make le the beat. Prices from 14.00 to 130.00. Nothing better or more lasting for an Xmas gift. See our stock before buying. WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL CO. 76. Peachtree St. Highest Grade Candies, 6Qc lb. YOUMANS HEADS - I. O. O. F. IN SEVENTH COLUMBUS, Ga., Deo. If—The Sev- entli district convention of Odd Fellowa. which met- here yesterday, cloied last night with th* election of the following officers: N. G.. Dr. J. R. Tollmans, of Columbua; V. Q., F. G. Oliver, of Amer. leus; secretary. F. C. Tlbb*, of Colum bus: treasurer, M. O. Berry, of Co lumbus. The next meeting place Is Americus In March or April of next year. 1 TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION OPEN8 CEREMONIES Exr.. et al.. from Floyd. Argued. 1493. William Clark ve. B. W. Doug las. from Coffee. Submitted. 1463. B. G. Statham vs. Southern States Life Insurance Company, from Huraier. Argued. I486. W. R. Horn vs. Mound City Paint Co., from Decatur. Argued. 1468. L. Campbell A Co. vs, Mlon Bros., from Fulton. - Argued. SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA Carroll et al- vs. Wright, comptroller general, et-al., from Fulton superior court. Judge Elite. Judgment affirmed. C. E. Dunbar. Walter R. Brown, R. B. Blackbbrn, J. D. Kilpatrick, for plain tiffs In error. John C. Hart, attorney general, Tye, Peeples, Bryan A Jor dan. contra. Hubbard vs. Central of Georgia Rail way Company, from Chatham superior court. Motion for rehearing overruled. NEGROES SUSPECTED OF OPERATING TIGER OONALSONVILLE, Ga., Dee. 11— City Marshall Crandall, of' Donalson- vllle, arrested three negroe* here, hav ing suspected them of running a blind tiger. They are l*i jail awaiting trial. Whisky bss been sold around hers for some lime, but th* officer* were unable to locate the tiger until now, when It Is charged the tiger waa located In the restaurant of one ot the negro**. CALL BONO ELECTION FOR WATERWORKS 8YSTEM OPELIKA, Ala., Dec. 11—The city ouncll of Auburn. Ala., yesterday evening called an election for January 17 to vote on a 112.000 bond lasue for w aterworhs. The council also granted a franchise for llihtlng Auburn for thirty years. Electric power and water are to be se cured from Auburn College; COLUMBUS, Ga., Oee. 11—A delega. tlon composed 1 of forty member* of the Knight* of Khorassan of this city went to Cordete yesterday afternoon to assist In Initiating about thirty member* Into the mysteries of the order an.1 make ibem member* of Sindbad temple No. 137, of thl* city. The ceremonle* were opened at Cordete by a big torchlight procession. COUNCIL WILL ENFORCE SANITARY OROINANCE ALBANY. Ga., Dec. 11—The city council will-.enforce the sanitary ordi nance adopted some months ago re quiring all surface pipes within 3M feet of sanitary sewers to be connected. The time limit for making these connections expire* on the first of January and all persons falling to comply with the ordi nance must produce a permit from the health commute* of the city council and the city physician to contlnu* the use ot surface mains. A great many sanitary connection* have been made alnc* the adoption of the ordinance. BODY OF F. M. HEMBREE * BURIED AT ROSWELL COAL THE ATLANTA GAS COKE, GOAL AND MM CO, OFFER AS CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Best Kentucky Lump Coal at $4.26; best Kentucky Nut Coal at $4.00. Now irf your chance to save Xmas money by taking ad vantage of these extremely low prices. Lay in your supply while this offer lasts and before bad weath er eets in. We will deliver coal at the above prices in not less than ton lots from now until De cember 31, 1908. ATLANTA GAS COKE, COAL AND MINING COMPANY 35 N. Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. Both Phones 812 Do Your Lungs Hurt You? If you have pains in the chest or If you are a sufferer from catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, any form of lung trou ble, or the early stages of consumption, come to me. I have the latest treatment It la my dry air OZONATOR INHALATION TREATMENT. ( Don’t drug your stomach to cure Weak Lungs. Come to me and I will demonitrate to you that I can cure you. DR. DICKERSON, Catarrh Specialist 1301-2 Peachtree—Opposite Candler Bldg. Cell Bell phone mein 2920 for private appointment. Examination free. ROSWELL. Ga M Dec. 11—Funeral services of F. 31, Hembree, one of Health Is Free Go after it. Grape-Nuts The correct food for health of brain and body. “There’s a Reason” 190. To the Contest Manager, Enclosed please find the sum of $.... to pay for the Georgian for months. Illy name is Address Please credit the - .. due on same to M District No • Are you now taking The Georgian? votes Roswell’s most womlnent citizens, who died Wednesday, after an Illness of sev eral week*, were Held yesterday from the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. J. Lee Algood. The Interment wa* made In the city eetdetery. Mr. Hem bree Is survived by his wife and two daughter*. Mr*. W. W. St. John Sand Mr*.^.William E. Sherman, both of Bo*- well. The pallbearer* were Jaxon Bush. J.xeph Dempsey. C. C. Otwe!l, R. J. Phillips, Charts* M. Carpenter and Harvey W. Carpenter. Malaria Make* Pal*. Sickly Children. Th* Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE- LK1 CHILL TONIC drives oot ma laria and builds up the sy*tem. For grown people and children, 50c. FREDERICK 56th St.. Near Broadway, New York City. A high-class family and transltnt hotel, situated In the flneft location ot New York; live minute** ride t„ leading dry good* ato.-e* and. con venient to leading theaters. Amsrican and Europtan Plans. Delightfully cool Rooms. Sinai* Rooms and Bath..$1404 up Parlor, Bedroom and Bath4Z504lup Very Special rate* for long term* J. HOFFER. Proprietor. Formerly of Hotel Cecil. London