Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 100* SOCIETY WMimMMWMHtHHMWWMHIWMIMMMOl RECEIVING WITH MRS. FELDER. One of the largest end moat Interestt Ing events of next week will be Mra. Thomas B. Felder’s afternoon tea at the ihedmont Driving Club on the 17th, In honor of her alater. Mra. Jemea B. lllley, a charming bride of the eeaaon. Mra. Felder will be aaalated In re ceiving and entertaining by the follow. Ing lad lea: Mra. Janies B. Klley. Mra. Albert Howell. Mra. Clark Howoll, Mra. Carroll Latimer. Mra. Charlee North ern, Mra. Martin Pm>l>ar. Mlaa Martha Whitman. Mra. Q. E. Paine, Mlaa Helen Hanley, Mlaa quite of Savannah, Mlaa Loulae Lamar of Columbua. Mra. Chaa. l». Wllaon, Mra. Robert Foreman, Mlaa Adorn Anderson, Mrs. Jobn K. Ottley, Mra, Robert A. Lynch, Mra. Eugene Black, . Mrs. H. C. Barnes. Mr* John Slaton. Mra. John D. Little. Mra. Hugh Rlohurdaon, Mra. Richard Glenn. Mra. Logan William son. Mlaa Kata holder. CHAPERONS AT DANCE GIVEN BY MISS BAQLEY One of the moat Intareatlng events of next week will be the dance at which Mlaa Helen Bagley will entertain on the evening of December It. Those who will be Invited to chaperone ere Mr. H. O. Bagley. Dr. and Mra Marlon Benson. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Caldwell, Mr, end Mr*. Aualell Thornton. Mr. and Mra. Andraw Calhoun, Mr. and Mra. Jamaa Rllay, Mr. and Mr*. Carroll Latimer, Mra. Q. K. Fain*. TO RECEIVE INFORMALLY. The Mine* Oentry and their guest, Mlae Emma Williams, of Portsmouth. Va., will receive Informelly on the aft ernoon of Christmas day at an eggnog party. A HOLIDAY DANCE. One of the happleet eventa of the holiday aeeaon will bo an old-fashioned barn danoe at whloh Dr. and Mra. | Floyd McRae will entertain a number of young people In honor of their eon. Mr. Floyd McRae, Jr., on the evening .if December 2S. The young people will dance in tin great garage In the rear of the hand some McRae home on Peachtree road. A aupper will follow the dance, It. the dining room of the residence. The Invitations for the affair have been limited to the young people of the neighborhood. WEDDING PLANS OF MISS PERDUE AND MR. BOYKIN An Interesting event of the combo week will be the wedding Wedneedr. evening at 9 o’clock of Miss JuIIl. Perdue and Mr. John Abney Boykb which will take place at the home • ■ he bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo! A. Pardua. The ceremony will be performed Rev. J. Stewart French end will 1 witnessed by only the relatives and In tlmate friends of the young people. Mr. J E. Vaughan, Jr., will be matron 01 honor and the other attendants will Ip Misses Marian Perdue. Tommie Perdu. Loulae Johnson, Kato Edmondson, Mr* tiraham Perdue, Mre. Clarence He* .lone* of Montgomery end Mre. William 11 MivHarry tee Harvey, of Columbia. g. c., will act a* best man. Th* color scheme of th* wedding will be pink and white, the bridesmaid* carrying Bimful* of pink rose*. The wedding march will be played by Wurm’e or chestra. SUPPER PARTY FOB VISITORS. An Informal aupper party at the Mast I.ako Club houa* will be given Saturday evening In honor of several retractive visitors In th* elty, Mia* Emma Williams, of Portsmouth, Va.. the guest of Mia* Nina d*nlryi Mlaa fltheccn Morton, of Memphis, Ih* sweat of Mlaa Chari** Owens, and Misses Caubl* and McOhte. of Grean- vllle. B. C., who are Mra. Frank Owens’ guests. MRS. WEYMAN GIVES LUNCHEON. An enjoyable amall event of Friday van Mra. Hamuel Weyman’a luncheon, at which covers were laid for ten at a table decorated In Liberty roeee and with dainty Christmas details. Mrs. Weyman wa» a charming host ess In black MISS NINA GENTRY ENTERTAINS VISITORS Mlaa Nina Gantry entertained about twenty gueata at a charming little bridge party on Friday evening. In honor of her guest. Atlas Emma Wil liams, of Portsmouth, Va. Two other popular visitors, Miss Katharine Martin, of Chattanooga and Mlaa Wllaon. of New York, shared the honors of the occasion with Mies Wil liams. There were three silver prises. The first prise fur the young women, a sil ver vanity box, was won by Mlaa Em ma Williams, end the gentlemen's prise, a silver rork-ecrew, went to Mr. John Wheatley. The consolation, a silver photograph frame, was won by Miss Katharlno Marlin. Mlaa Gentry was gowned for the party In black spangled net. Miss Williams, of Portsmouth, wore a Dlrertolre gown of whlta lace. Miss Allen* Gentry wore pink eatln. GRAND CONCERT NEXT TUESDAY. A musical event of much Interest for next week will be the grand concert Tuesday evening at Cable Hall, which has bedn arranged by Mra. Ranee M right for' the guild of All Faints church, under whose auspices the con cert Is given. The personnel of the porfprmpr* Is as follows: Miss Eda Bartholomew, organ ist; Mr. Richard Bchllewen, violinist; Mrs. Edward Worcester, pianist; Mr. Frank Oundell, tenor; Mrs. Mary Flem ing Meek, soprano: Airs. A. Ranse Wright, soprano; Airs. 55ay Rector Beavltt, accompanist. ■ A program well sclectA! and ar ranged hao been prepared for the ocoa- slon. Thqfollowing ladles are the pat ronesses til the musical: Mrs. C, K. Nelson, Airs. 55. S. Far- land, Atrs. N. P. Black, Airs. Oscar I’nppenhelmeV, Mr*. W. L. Peel. Mr*. G. W. Wilkins, Mr*. Edward Peters. Airs. Robert E. Park, Mrs. Bolling H. Jones, Airs. Edward Brown. Mrs. Burtdn Smith. Mr*. Oenrge Traylor. Airs. A. B. Bteele, Mrs. H. At. Alltlnson. Alls* Rosa Worn!berry, Atrs. Eugene Black. Mrs. Victor Smith. Mrs. Thariiieus Horton, Mrs. W. H. Wit ham. Air*. Frank Ellis. Air*. J. R. Mobley. Mrs. II. E. Harmon. Mrs. N. T. Jarnagln. Mrs. William Wrlghll Airs. James O. Miller. Mrs. W. A. Wlmblsh, Airs. Frank Weldon. T0'MI8S MAmAN STREET. A most enjoyable occasion was the Informal party at which Mlaa Lillian Crosthwalt* and Airs. Harry Burdge Gained 57 Pounds "I Was Irregular” writes Mrs. McNeely, of Virginia, 111., “and suffered from pains in my head and limbs; had indigestion, could not eat anything, and was very thin and weak. ■ ‘ Cardui has done wonders for me. I have taken 12 bottles and now I can eat anything, am all right in my periods, have gained 57 pounds and can do all my housework for 5 jn the family." Try Cardui. It will help you. It acts on the wo manly organs, which it helps back to health. Cardui is safe, pleasant, reliable. It does the work. It has no bad after-effects. It has helped thousands of sick women,—relieved their pain and general misery, cured their female trouble, built up their strength. What Cardui has done for others,- it can do for you, if you will only give it a thorough trial. Try Cardui. „ ... embroidered ehllfon. Her guests were Mr*. John K. Ottley, Mrs. John D. Little. Mrs. B. C. Peters, Mrs. Fleming duBIgnon, Mr*. Don A. l’ardec, Ml** May Lswle, Ml** Mery Anderson. ROGERS-HOLT. Mr. E. L. Roger*, of Berneivllle. (3a., nnoumes the marriage of hie sister. Mary Rogers, and Mr. Abner 8. Holt, of Ahacon, on Thursday, December 10. Take CARDUI out ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED IIMIIIIMMMIIIMMIMIIMMIIMIIIMIIMItMItMMMI LOVE-8TILE8. Air*. E. B. Love announces th e engagement of b*r daughter, Anna Grace, to Mr. Chari** Armand Stiles, of Westfield, Mass. The date of the wadding will be announced later. DALLY-EDWARDS. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dally announce the marriage of their daughter, Nuoinl, to Dr. William Thomas Edwards, of Cedartown, Ga., Tuesday, De cember 29, at * o’clock, at home, near Social Circle. MI83 RUTH M’QEE. OF GREENVILLE, S. C. She Is ths charming guest of Mrs. Frqnk Owen*. Miss McGee Is a blonde of unusual beauty, with exquisite coloring, blue eyes and wonder ful Titian hair. Miss MoGa* and Miss Mabel Ceuble, who is also th* gusst of Mra. Owens, are receiving delightful attentions during their visit. Social Outlook P° r the Coming Week. With the near approach of th* hnll- wedding and several affairs will lie day* Atlanta society has become ex ceedingly active. The young people are expected home from far and near, and date* are rapidly filling up for dances and afternoon teaa among the members of th# college set. There ore several large reception*, two or three dances and luncheons, afternoon teas and dinners for the grown-ups. The week will also Include two or three Interesting weddings, after a lapse of Boms lima In the occurence of thee* In tereatlng events In social Atlanta. Altho quietly planned, the marrlnge of Miss Mery Brent - ‘ Smith to Mr. Ron ald Ransom' which takes place next Bsturday, Is one of the utmost Interest to th# large circle of friends of these young people. While there will be no attendants except the bride’s slaters, Mlsa Lucy Smith and Miss Catlle Smith, and the beat man, Mr. W. Al Hutcheson, thsr* will b* a largo number of out-of-town gusit* hero for the Holiday Gifts Our stock is replete with articles as hand some as the market affords. Wo can please you nnd the graceful designs and quality of our wares will please the recipient. JEWELERS: 37 WHITEHALL ST. Our display of Holiday things fer men is varied, and of quality and style befitting the character of this shop. Cleud-Stanferd C°., Sixty-One Peachtree. given In hdbor of these visitors during the week preceding th* wedding, Atlantan* are also much Interested In the brilliantly planned wedding of Miss Ethel Warren Huff to Mr. Adna R. Chaffee, first lieutenant In the Fifteenth cavalry, United Hiatus army, which will lake place at Fort Riley, Kan*. Alls* Huff Is a beautiful and popular young woman. Lieutenant Chaffee I* a son of General A. R. CImfTer. chief of stafT, United Htalea army, retired. Alls* Gladys Levin, of Atlanta, will be maid of honor, and many Atlanta friends of the bride will be among the wedding gueela. A marriage In which a large number of friends nro Inter ed will be that of Alls* Julian Perdue and Mr. John A. Boykin, which will lake place at the home of the bride’s parents, Atr. and Mrs. John A. Perdue, In Inman Park next Wednesday. Among the larger events of social Importance which have been set for next week are the following: Mias Hel en llagley gives a dancing party at the Piedmont Driving Club Tuesday even ing In honor of her charming guests. Miss Cutts. of Savannah, and Miss Lamar, of Columbus. Mrs. Richard El liott Allller gives a luncheon Wednes day In honor of Miss Annie t’uverly and Miss Fusanne Spalding. Mrs. Lee l.ewman will entertain al an afternoon tea at the Piedmont Driving Club Wed nesday. Another reception at the Pled, mont Driving Club will be given Thurs day afternoon when Mrs. Thomas B. Felder will entertain In honor of her sister, Atrs. James Riley. A reception Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Ltnntlne Day, a bride-elect of the month, will he given by Atlss .Mildred Noble. Airs. Edward P. Anslty will entertain at luncheon for Atlss Mason, of New York, and the event of most Importance for the evening of Friday will be Alls* Susanna Spalding’s bril liant Hal poudre at the Driving Club. Miss Clifford West’s dance will be an Interesting event for the younger set Friday evening. Saturday Alra. Georg* AIcCarty will entertain thirty-five Meats at luncheon In honor of Alls* Jason, of New York. Among the visitors of next week will be a number who come to attend the wedding of Alias Alary Brent Smith and Air. Ronald Ransom. Among ihese will be Miss Atason, of New- York Miss Rose Crutehlteld. of Maron: Misses Hull, of Athens; Alls* Lumpkin, of Athens; Mlsa Minnie Adsms,~of Sa vannah; Mtss Sarah Frierson, of Athens; Miss Mary Lou Berkley, of North Carolina; Miss Slayden and Miss Pratt, of New York; Mr. and Airs. Ed ward Lumpkin, of Athens; Air. and tlex Hoke, of Charlotte. N. C.; Airs. M. A. Lipscomb and Mrs* Ruther ford. of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby, of Lynchburg. Va.: Judge and Airs. Pope, of Nex Alexlco; Mr. Henry Jones, of Macon; Mr. Henry Hull and Mr. Joseph Hull, of Athena. Other visitors will be Miss Cutts and Miss Umar, who remain with Miss Helen Bagley; AIIm Caubl* and Miss AlcGhce. of Greenville, S. C...guests of Mrs. Frank Owens; Miss Morton, of Tennessee, with Miss Charles Owens; Mis* Bar-‘ retL Of Virginia, with Miss Spalding. HANNAH-BOATWRIGHT. 1 Air. and Mr*. C. G. Hannah announce th* engagement of their daugh ter. I.exle May. and Mr. John Anderann Boatwright, of Monetta, S. C„ th* wedldmr to take place January 0 ut th* home of th* bride’s parents, 114 South Pryor-*t. DEATON-HIGHT. Air. and Mr*. James E. Deaton, of Columbus, announce the engagement of tlielr daughter. Caroline Eetelle. to Mr. Emmett Hlgbt, of Atlanta, the wedding to take place In January. MILLER-8CHENCK. v Air. and Mr*. G. T. Allllbr, of Columbus, have announced the engage ment of their daughter. Leltte Anne, to Mr. Leonard Emil Scheack, of At lanta. the w edding to take place at their home on Eleventh-st. on December twenty-sixth. ZETTEROWER-DEAL. Air. and Mrs. C. AV. Zetterower, of Ftatesboro, announce the engagement pf their daughter, Lillie, to Dr. D. L. Deal, the w-eddiqg to take place De cember 22 at the. htmte of the brlde’a parents. Th* bride Is a women of many accomplishments. She Is a graduate u>f the Stale Normal School and 1* at present one of the faculty of the (L- boro Institute,- Bhe has hundreds of friends all over the state who will be In. (crested In her marriage. Dr. Deal Is a graduate of the Augusta Medical College. Th# wedding will be a brilliant occasion, over two hundred Invita tions having been Issued. Crosthwnlte entertained Saturday aft ernoon at Mias Crotthwaltq’s home. The guesj was Alls* Marian Street nn attractive bride-elect of January, and those Invited were twelve of her close friends. At- the conclusion of a progressive game delicious and substantial refresh ments were served. MR8. PAINE'S GUESTS. Air*. G. E. P*lne will entertain at a box party on Atonday aftemon at the Grand, her gueata to be Ml** Eva Claire Cults, Miss Louise Lamar. Mlsa Helen Bagley. Mlaa Margaret Ladson, Allss Alberta Rankin. The party will be entertained at luncheon before the performance at the Capital City Club. OUR GROCERS. Our grocers are quick to appreciate a good thing. Georgia Barbecue Sauce, the new condiment, with the wonder fully delicate old-time barbecue flavor, In now being handled by Atlanta’s land ing grocer*. Take home a bottle and learn of the many good things to be prepared In your own home with It. -7L, Handsome Holiday ?UU1% Boxes. 60c lb. LOVELY GOWNS WORN AT MRS. ROY’S RECEPTION The reception given Thursday after noon by Air*. Dunbar Roy nf,** n 'b ‘d » large number of beautifully-gowned women. Among three Mra. V ran k lJHIs •volte a suit of taupe-colored cashmere da sole. mad. with a beautiful three- quarter length coat, each seam laced with velvet cording. . Mr*. Robert F. Shedden wore a lovely gown of pink satin, made with hand- embroidery and touche* of gold and bl Mrs Hugh Rlchardson’a gown waa a beautiful one of corn-colorsd satin, made with corsage of thread of, gold en Mra! < W. > H. Kiser’* blonde loveliness was accentuated by a severely simple gown of exquisite soft material, old rose In cotpr, the yoke end sleeves of *'*Mnf C Leon lawman’* handsome gown FOR TIRED HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Desp Sea Bsuiiion Hot Oystsr “ “ Tomato “ “ Celsry " “ Asparagus “ “ Magic " " Clam “ " Chick?* " And There Are Some Others Brown & Allen Reliable Druggists. was of pale gray metier satin, the yoke of whit* lace, sad the corsage's plas tron of hand-embroidery. , Mrs. Oscar Puppenheimer 1 * handsome gown was a Dlrectnir* model of grey velvet trimmed with silver, Mrs. John E. Murphy wore a black chiffon gown, fashioned with white lace, her hat of whit* beaver trimmed with Paradise algrettss and plumes. Mr*. Henry Grady’s gown was of pale blue satin, with chemisette of»whlte lac*. Mrs. J. Adgar Bmythe wore a three- piece suit of htscult-colored chiffon cloth, The gown was made Empire, trimmed In gold lace, and embroidered In blue. Th* coat was long, with black Ottoman silk iWvers. Her hat was a large black model with plumes. Atrs. James Riley was handsomely gowned In rose pink satin, mode Dirac- tolre, and *mbrnldered In self-tones. Her large black satin het waa adorned with pale yellow birds of Paradis*. Atrs. Thomas B. Felder wore green chiffon cloth with polka dots of velvet, trimmed In Persian embroidery In pas tel tones and with a yoke of lace over gold aalln. With tho pretty gown she wore a Dlrectolre hat of pal* pink, th* many fluffy ostrich tip* of the same col or adorning It. Mrs. Albert Howell wore gray satin, made Dlrectolre. end a largo black satin hat with plumes. Mrs. Floyd AIcRbs wore a Dlrectolre gown of gray caliot satin, with seal fringe, her gray satin hat trimmed In gray plume*. Hundreds of gifts at a re duction of 25 per cent. American Furniture Co. f 11 Edgewood. OPERA GLASSES. Th* Lsmslre make I* th* best. Prices from $4.00 to $$0.00. Nothing better or more lasting for an Xmas gift. See our stock before buying. ALLARD OPTICAL CO, BROYLES’ DAILY BARGAIN BULLETIN. Watch this space for a now bargain every day In the week. 35c Can MAXWELL HOUSE MOCHA & JAVA COFFEE, 270 Ok Ull IIIW BROYLES 5 STORES SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT To 4emon*tr*t* my work on featural imperfection*, I will make special fees to any and all facial defects during the month of De cember only. Dr. Powcre correct* th* following imperfection* painlessly and permanently. Almost every face has something which nceda correction, what Is your* I MARKS OF AOF. REMOVED. If you hare WRINKLES, PUFPY EYES. DROOPING MOUTH, line* in forehead. Hollow Cheeks. Yellow Skin, Blackheads. I RE MOVE THEM PERMANENTLY. For PIMPLES aud eruptions of the fees my treatment <■ abso lutely certain. ELECTRICITY uaed In my treatments. f or THIN NECK, hollow cheat, or if the ENTIRE FORM require! IDLING OUT, my method is unequaled. Results guaranteed. Dr. Powers’ DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE 510-511 Lowndes Building. (Fifth Floor) Atlanta, Georgia. MRS. JOHN KISER’S LUNCHEON. Airs. John Kiser gave a lovely little luncheon of eight rovers an Friday aft ernoon In honor of Mrs. Douglas Cowles and Airs. Mortimer Al|rn, th* guests Invited to meet them being Mrs. Ed ward McCerren. Mrs. James O. Allller. Mrs. Fltming VanRenseelaer, Mrs. F. A. Link, Miss Alartha Whitman. The Mbit waa adorned with a tall vase of Liberty roses end white hya cinths. Red butterflies trembled on the lac# mat*, and the silver candlesticks held red tapers. Th* menu suggested the holiday sea son. and the luncheon waa very delight ful In all particulars. Mra. Kiser’s honor guests art both new resident* of Atlanta, and will be delightful acquisitions to the social life of the city. Airs. Allen Is from Sun Francisco and Mrs, Cowls* comes to Atlanta front Richmond, Va. churciTreunion. v There will be a reunion of therFInt Baptist church on next Wednesday evening, th* Itth Instant, compliment ary to all number, who have Joined the church during the past year. The arrangements- ar* In charge of the ladles’ executive board, assisted by the deacons. An Interesting program has been pre pared, consisting of music and recita tions. Refreshments will also be served. All member* of the church nnd con gregation are cordially Invited to be present, and a pleasant evening I* as sured. Airs. Carroll Payne and the Misses Payne left Thursday afternoon for New Orleans, to attend the wedding of Alisa A dele Penrose and Mr. Harris Phelps Ralston How to Keep a Husband. It has been said to kssp a husband In a good humor, fsed him well. This It easily done by using Georgia I becue Sauce In your kitchen. Ailx with hot gravy or butter and pour over your meats. This will humor the palate of the most critical epicure. Ask the gro. cer-man. RECEPTION TO MR. RIVER8 AND MRS. P. 8. ARKWRIGHT Thera waa no feeling of stiffness at the reception given at the Boys’ Club. 19 Trlnlty-ave., In honor of President E. River* of th* Boys’ Club of Atlanta, and Mrs, Arkwright, president ot the Ladles' Auxiliary. The splendid parly of boys and all the guests were called to order by one ot th* club's brightest boys, Mendel Romm, and speeches were then In order. ' Mre. Edward Brown’s speech was most enjoyable, and In her closing re marks she Introduced Airs. Arkwright and Mr. River* and presented both with a gavel. Mrs. Arkwright responded first with beautiful and kind words to the boys, and at the close of her fine talk was presented with a beautiful bunch of roses. After Mr. Rivers’ words of encour agement he waa presented with a beau tiful bunch of roses by one of the pop. ular members of the gtrls’ depailment, Alls* Marie Ulmer. Mr, Rivers then took the chair and short and Interesting talks were mods by the following: Superintendent Geo. C. Dorr, W. C. Mansfield, Colonel Ed ward Brown. W. O. Foote, W. 8. With, am. Hugh Inman and John A. Brice. The club was beautifully decorated, and a flash-light picture was taken, followed by showers of congratulations upon the new officer* and those who had stood loyal to the club during Its first year. A cltlsenehlp and mass msstlng will be held at the Grand O; 're House Sun day at $ o'clock with the club boys there, and splendid music and’the fol. lowing men will make short addresses! President Rivers, Governor Smith, Father Gunn. Hublil Atnrx, W. B. With, am, J. K. Orr and Superintendent Dorr, Beats are free. Everybody Invited. The members of th* Ladles' Auxil iary will sit an the stage, also many other prominent people. BURKsTiTERLIN. Mr. end Aire. L. E. Aleredlth have announced the marriage of their slater, Alisa Frances Mary Burks, to Air. Roy Drlson Kerlln. , The wedding took place December $, Dr. L. G. Broughton performing the ceremony. Upon their return from the East, Mr; and Mrs. Ksrlln will occupy their new heme on Piedmont-ave. 431-2 Whitehall St. Bell Phone 3451-M. Here Is a Good Xmas Gift 24 piece* of Sterling, containing Knives, Fork*, Table and Teaspoon?. In aatln-llnad case, for $33.00 Large Sugar and Creamer .. . .*16.00 Sandwich Plate* .... *14.00 and $18.50 Coffee Spoon*, In ca*e. .*3.50 and *4.00 Jt will be well for you to aeo It A. HOLZMAN, Jeweler, 84 WHITEHALL 8T. SALE n Ltdlci’ Lawn and 8llk Waist*, Furs, Fascinator*, Scarfs, Shawls, Baby Hoods at half-price. A closing-out tala. SOUTHERN DRY GOODS AND 8HOE COMPANY, 60 Marietta 8t., Opposite Poitofflee. Thousands of New Goods to Sell Be fore Lease Expires. INTERESTING MEETING AT WOMAN'S CLUB A meeting of unusual in.ueil will be that of the Atlanta Woman’s Club, on December 14, at S o'clock sharp. Th# education committee, of which Mra. John King Is chairman, will he In charge. All the women prominent In educational effort In thie section will be present, and many of them will be heard from In brief and pointed talks. Ivery club member will wish to b* . resent, as much .will be covered at this meeting which will not coma up again during the entire club year. The presence of Alra. M. A. Llps- >mb at thl* meeting Is being antici pated with great pleasure. Alls* Geor gia Watts, who has Just presented a scholarship In voice culture to the At lanta Woman’s Club, will sing. Her ee. lection will be the ’’Bird 8ong" from Pasllaccl, and she will be accompanied by Afr. Hutchinson, organist ot SL Lukes church. P pi COWS DROPSY MEDICINE CURES DROPSY IN THIRTY TO SIXTY DAYS It reduces the swelling, removes the cause, regulates the Liver and Kid neys. stop* the shortness of breath, regulates the Heart, purines tbs Blood, leaving the entire system strong and healthy throughout. We have treated Dropsy successfully for more than ten years; have cured many cases attar the best physicians of the country have pronounced them hopeless. If you can't call, write for application blanks, term*, etc. O. E. Collum Dropsy Medicine Co. 484 W. Hunter St., Atlanta. Ga. Atlanta Phone 3814. First-class Meat Market at 88 Whitehall and 392 Peachtree Streets. Fresh Western Meat* Delivered Prom any of Broylea Stores, at all the PHONE CONNECTIONS. Call or Phone Your Nearest •tor*. HARRIS G. WHITE (Formerly Proprietor of tho White Wall Paper Company) PAPER HANGER AND DECORATOR, la still In the business and Is now doing all of bis own work, same high- class Papering, Tinting and Decorating. Make appointments by phone. Of fice 56 B. Pryor St., 'phones, Bell 36 36 Main; Atlanta 3584; residence 'phono 299, Decatur. * FURS CLEANED AND REPAIRED equal to new. Genuine Mink heads for sale, 76c each. All kinds of furs for for sale for millinery. Furs made to order. I