Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1909*. Ten Days’Trial FREE To the p.r.ple rezldlng anywhere In the Culled Bute., HERE'S TOUR CHANCE to E2ER* .• ""!C h 4 lrr . c * ' r01 ? the manufacturer nt the wholezalo price, .hipped to yon m I « n ^S^S, ,0 ao i d n, ^. ,h A 0 r.^5 ” *" ** Empire Leather Couch, $19.75 DIRECT FROM THE MAKER AT THE WHOLESALE FACTORY PRICE , (Sold by retail Blares at $85.00 Cash.) WE POSITIVELY REQUIRE r * WB * NO CASH PAYMENT DOWN Simply send n. your nemo and address, and thi. handsome article will he sent To You al Our Eipeiu on Approval we allow the freight If perfectly Satisfactory TE7TS lw/\ WEEKLY SI lr ?ar HP* -sy every a weeks If ■efer.) Remember we risk, not you. er. richly and closely Magnificent Empire Conch is of the highest grade of workmanship. Tull size, fnll spring edge, spring .eat and spring head, handsomely and srtia- llrally upholstered In the Terr best of empire loath- cly biscuit tufted, and securely faetened with patent patented unbreakable buttons upon an open tall «te*l Improved sanitary construction,' gnaranteed inda- •iniciibje. The massive frame la of esnectallr selected quarter-tawed, rich (olden oak. hl*hly polished; elegantly designed and beautifully hand-canred with heavy carved elew feet. Maif Your Order Now & 'writ, 0 ;! 7 ,;?.*^^^.* cnrtom,r - EMPIRE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. v aufS'ndTfid ota. 348 Sixth Avenue, New York, N. Y. gftZitnSU THIS ADVERTISEMENT MUST BE INCLOSED WITH THE ORDER. aaHs^BmaaaHBKaAtUiiii Georgian, tynsM SOCIETY PASCHAL-LAW. Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss. Sallle White Paschal to Mr. Thomus Coasels I.utv on the evening of Wednesday. December 23. at 6 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Eva Hardaway, Thomson, Ga. A LARGE DTNNER PARTY. A dinner party of forty covfrm will be given on Saturday evening at the Pied mont Driving Club In honor of Miss Helen Bagley and her guests. Miss Cutts, of Savannah, and Miss Lnfiiar, of Columbus.. YOUNG PEOPLE’S DANCE AT THE PAPPENHEIMER HOME The party given by tho members of ^the Jamboree Club Friday evening at tlic home of Mr. and Mrs. Oacar Pnp- penhelmer waa one of the most enjoy able Occasions of tile season among the members of the younger set. The spacious home so admirably adapted for entertaining, was cleared for dancing, which was tho feature of the evening's enjoyment. A substantial and delicious supper was served later. ' The guests Included Misses Marie Helen Hobbs, Aylmer Pearce, of Colum bus; Bottle Peabody, Marian Fielder, Ethelyn Emmons, Priscilla Pattoii, Jennie Hutchins, Emogcne Thorn. 1 Messrs. Bert Paine, Glover Blrney, Lon Hancock, Jack Pappcnhelmer, Eugene Cay, A. W. Hill, Carl Webster, Nor man Raoul, Richard Gray, Baylor Lan drum, Wimberly Peters and John Pea body. Mlsa Marie Pappenhelmer, the at tractive young daughter of the house, wore for the occasion a dancing frock of pale blue messallne, trlmemd with princess lace. Miss Bettln Peabody’s pretty gown was of pink pongee. Miss Ethelyn Emmons wore a be coming dress of green messallne, trim med with lace and fold*' of the.satin. Miss Aylmer Pearce's dancing dress was of (lowered silk mull. Miss Priscilla Patton was In yellow silk. Miss Emogenc Thorn wore white net (lowered in blue. Miss Helen Hobbs was lovely in brown messallne trimmed with gold embroidery. Miss Jennie Hutchins' becoming dress was of yellow silk mull, elaborate with lace. BOX PARTY FOR MI83 GYLES. Mr. Claude Hummers, of South Caro. Ilna. entertained at a box party In hon- vr of Miss Ceclie Gyles, of Bluckvllle, B. C„ the guest of her sister, Mrs. Theodore Thompson, of JS1 Forrest - nve„ at the Grand Wednesday evening. After the performance Mr. Summers' guests had supper in the Piedmont cate. Miss Gyles wore a Directolre gown of cream olga crepe embroidered In gold end American Beauty roses. BENEFIT CONCERT FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND All who are Interested In the fund now being raised by the woman’s board A Young Violinist Today's Pattern GIRL’8 COAT. Parii Pattern, No. 2878. All Seams Allowed. Mole-colored broadcloth has been msd# up into this stylish little coat for the growing * *' * * *)itw- The are of the material and the stitching ... snd the patch pockets is done in self-colored silk. The double-breasted front closes with large cloth-covered buttons, smaller buttons trimming the revere. The pstern is in 5 sixes—6 to 14 years. For a girl of 10 years the coat requires f> U yards of material 20 inches wide, 4 yards 30 inches wide. 3% yards 42 inches wide, or 2% yards 54 inches wide, with 1M ysrds of ribbon for ties. Price of pattern, 10 cents. HOW TO OBTAIN THIS PATTERN. 8end 10 cents in stamps, or coin cart- ; fully wrapped, to ATLANTA OEOROIAN ; PATTERN DEPT., ATLANTA, OA.. for • each pattern. In ordering .write plainly | your name and address, and always spec- ; ify the number of the pattern and the * slse wanted. lUHWMHMHll MASTER BERNHARD WILKINS, A pupil of Professor Richard Schllewcn, who played an artlntlc solo at the scholarship concert at the Atlanta Conservatory of Music. of the Atlanta Conservatory of Music for tho tuition of talented girls with limited means will be pleased to learn that the concert Friday evening was a financial success, in spite of the un favorable weather, and the consequent •mall attendance. Those who were present pronounced the concert a sue cess In every sense of the word, and congratulated themselves on the rare feast of good things afforded them. Mr. Schllewen introduced his orches tra, but a few weeks old, and enter tained royally with several selections. The violin and piano solos by pupils of the conservatory' were extremely Inter, esting because of the Insight they gave Into tho practical workings of the con servatory and the results that have been achieved In the past fall session. Special mention should be made of the beautiful Haydn trio for piano, violin and cello, which was one of the finest numbers on the program. Two artists from the faculty fur nished the second part of the program. Mr. Schllewen played a DeBerlot con certo for the violin with hfs character istic delicacy and grace, broad con ception and flawless technique. Mine. Anna Sch warx-Wagner Fraternal Emblems as Holiday Gifts for Men Fraternal Emblems, Buttons and Cliarms, in solid gold. Some Lave enameling; others are set with precious stones. For instance, a few are quoted: Elk design Locket, white and Knight Templar Charm,, in black onyx and enamel $16.50 Knights of Pythias Button, with enamel finish .... $2.50 Odd Fellows’ Pin or Button, chased links $2.50 Combination Knight Templar and 32d Degree Charm, enam eled and chased; opens in three parts $32.50 blue enamel, rose finish $10.00 Keystone Charm, handsomely hand-engraved $15.00 Mystic Shrine (Yaarab) But ton, enameled ......... $4.00 Masonic Blue . Lodge Butfop, in rose finish '.. $2.23 Knight Templar Charm, set irith diamonds and rubies $80.00 And scores of other kinds. These are merely to il- ustratc the range of our styles and of prices. Maier & Berkele charmed her hearer, with her beautiful rendering of Mendelssohn and Lizt. En thusiastic applause bore testimony to the pleasure and appreciation of her audience. Deeply poetical and Imagt- j native, mentally keen and vigorous, she has developed her technique to the highest degree and stands today a rec. ognlzcd master of her Instrument. FRAULEIN SIEMENS IN CONCERT. Tho concert last evening at the Cen- j tral Congregational church by Frauleln i Frieda Siemens, plantste, and Mrs. • Florence Pace-Kcnt wo*, from an ar tlstlc viewpoint, oa perfect an enter- ' (elnment aa has been henrif In Atlanta • for years. Each artist was in perfect i form and nt her beat. Miss Siemens has the temperament, the aklll and the touch of a groat artist In her interpretation, of the world', greatest composer,. Her technique 1, something wonderful—brilliant, daub ing and powerful at time,, and when necessary - ns soft and delicate and feathery a, the snow falls. Mr,. Puce-Kent’a superb voice could not have been in better condition nor under more perfect control. She has a rich, beautiful soprano, and she sings with wonderful expression and perfect tone-shading. Her beautiful voice, cul tivated to such perfection, I, enhanced by her engaging stage presence und charming personality. Miss Eda Bartholomew played the accompaniments for Mrs. Kent with great ease and ability. It was an artistic entertainment and delighted a cultured audience. 8. U. Hear J. K. Orr at Grand Sunday afternoon. ONE-PIECE BIFOCALS. Giving reading and walking vision In one solid glass. Does away with two pair, of glasses. Could you think of anything better for Xmas? WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL CO., 75 Peachtree Bt. Dainty Morsels of if Confectionery 60c lb , A CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY. The following will explain the oppor tunity that awaits some one, not of the hackneyed "bargain-connter” kind that presents Itself to all of ue now, nut one containing the germs of a genuine warm and kindly Christmaa thrill, auch as should come with the acts of this sea- slon: * At the Home for Incurables Is a small boy of 10, William Wltman by name, a permanent Inmate, whose only and dearest wish for Christmas Is to own a bicycle. This boy, small for his age. In addition to his state of health, I, fur ther handicapped by the fact that he la an orphan, so that he haa no relatlvea to ploy "Santy” for him. As the medical authoritlca consider this form of exerefte will prove nfit only harmleaa, but beneficial, It has been suggested that If this matter was brought before the public It might reach acme "Santa Claus" who has been go ing "Incognito" hitherto to reveal him self In his true colors by drawing from bis pack the coveted bicycle. Illustrating tbs spirit of giving, a lit tle Thanksgiving episode In connection with this same Institution. On the day before Thanksgiving fifty children. In charge of their teacher, from the Settlement Home of the Elsas May Bag Factory, visited the Home for Incura bles. each with their offering In their hands, a baked sweet potato, a raw Irish ope. an apple, an orange and others a.little bag of cereals: and with these and songs and recitations these children from the factory showed their symiiatny for (hose whom they consid ered less fortunate than themselves. MISS KARCH’S RECITAL. There will be a parlor piano recital given by Miss Ella 8. Karch Monday evening. Diwember 21, at »:*« o’clock, her studio, 120 West Peachtree-at. ie program will Include the following numbers: J.-Low—Beethoven. Sonatina A Minor—Beethoven. Ar ranged for piano by Mlsa Karch. Rhaptodle—Liszt. Selection—Mozart. Transcription. "Take He, Jamie re ar"—BlefhoS. , ; '» HOGLESS LARD FOR AJjU COOKING PURPOSES FIRST; Nature-grown in the fields of the Sunny South; and obviously much purer and a great deal healthier than the fat of the hog. SECONDLY: More economical than hog lard; goes far ther -- much farther--every time. THIRDLY: As good as butter for cake and bread mak ing and for all kinds of cooking where butter or other cooking fat is needed, and mucli cheaper, because it costs less'in the first place and less of it has to be used. FOURTHLY: Its purity and quality guaranteed. Every pound of it is made under United States Govern ment inspection. The Southern Cotton Oil Co. NEWY0RKSAVANNAHNEW0RLEANSATLANTACHICAG0 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PUPILS’ RECITAL. Miss Jenny Cramer's pupils will glvo a piano recltnl at her residence, 18 West Baker-st., on next Wednesday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock. Among the composers represented on the program are Chopin. Schumann, Rubinstein, Mosskowskl, Leschetlzky, Chamlnade and MacDowell. MISS woodber"ry's SCHOOL TO GIVE PLAY The girls of Mlsa Rosa Woodberry's School will give a play, "King Rene*’ Daughter,” Wednesday evening at the residence of Miss Woodberry on Peach tree road. The cast will Include some of the most talsntsd young woman of the school and many people anticipate the event with pleasure. ANNOUNCEMENTS CLUBS OF CITY FEDERATION. The president of each federated club In Atlanta hi Invited to attend the meeting of the Atlanta Woman's .Club Monday, December 14. at 3 o'clock. The committee on education will be In charge and much that Is of Interest to all federated club womerf will be dis cussed. MRS. JOHN K. OTTLEY. Chairman of Education. CHILDREN’S CANTATA. A children's cantata, “Babes In the Wood." which will be given at the Kirkwood auditorium Friday night, De cember 18, 1908, will attract a large audience. The cantata Is composed of fifty children and Is given for the bene fit of the piano fund of the Kirkwood school. Admission 25 cents. ATLANTA CHAPTER, D. A. R. The.Atlanta Chapter. D. A. R„ will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon. December 15, nt 3:30 o’clock at the reeldence of the re gent. Mrs. 8. W. Foster. 549 Peachtree- MR8. HOWARD M'CALL. Corresponding Secretary. MEETING WOMAN’S CLUB. The regular meeting of the Atlanta Woman's Club will be held In the club moms at the Grand Monday, December 14, at 3 p. m. MRS. HOWARD M'CALL, Recording Secretary. Hear Governor Smith at the Grand Opera House a*. 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Boys’ Club Mass Meeting. RERCULAR or BRONCHIAL trouble who want relief, send postal card or letter to Relief, , 315 Empire Building. Atlanta, Ga O ICKNESS in tho house is not necessary to dem- ^ onstrate the value and convenience of a Bell Telephone Extension Wall Set. It serves a purpose every hour of the day. Try it, and you will say: “How did we ever do without it?” An ideal Christ mas present. $1.00 PER MONTH IN RESIDENCES Call Contract Department Main 9090. Ivy 9080 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. Efficient Service. Seasonable Rates. tor nonor gut-sr si a pr-uj ruririwn par ty Monday evening, siren by Mlu Sank The prize*. a |..wd*r box and n box of bon bona, fell to Mlsa Georgia Dun n-11 and Mr. Torn I-envett. Tuesday -r-nlaz Ml.. Kllza randier en tertained very delightfaUy- at heart dire ■Thp la rant affair _ I I PHI tea which Mlases Clifford snd Join Hunter gere Tneedny eflernoon for their houeo Kneel, Mrs. Hubert Iletbee, of Lonlsrlllr, lire. Lewie Rnmspeck wee hoetesa to the Thursday Morulug Bridge Club. The celebration of'Master Clifford Ana- leya ninth birthday Hnturday afternoon na- eenihled a hniqiy gathering of hie little friends. A brilliant affair nf next week and one to which all look forward with pleasurable anticipation will lie the dancing party which the young men will giro at their club rootna Monday evening. The Merry Widow Bridge Club will meet with Mlsa Georgia Donnell Tueaday after noon. Mr. and lira. Jamea R. Daaton, nf Colum the marriage to taka place In January. In the game of beaket bell Thnreday afternoon lietween tbn freebmen end eeulora of Agnes Scott, the ecore wee 29 to 11 In favor of the freahtoen. Saturday afternoon the eenlnre will play the aophomorea. Mia* Elizabeth Clond. who haa breu very I at the home of her grandmother, lira. Joel Meble ezpecte to he able to return to her home In Hocklngbem. N. C., next week. She will he accompanied by her mother. Mlae Mery Heyward, of Blon, 8. C.. who haa been the attractive great of Mlae flerah Uraves. haa returned home. Mra. Jamea Pace, of Covington, haa been the guest of Mlaa Cora Graven. Mlae Lain Analey will return from the Caatle. at Tarry town onthe-IInd son, Thurz- day, for the hnlldaya. Hhe will he accom panied by Maann. the principal, who wll lie delightfully enterialued here and In Atlanta., Mrs. Roliert Bethea, who haa liecn rhnrm- Ingly entertained as the guest of Mr*. Kllza- beth Hunter, has returned to Loulerllle, (la. The United Daughter! of the Confederacy bad a pleaannt meeting Friday afternoon with Mra. Kllza belli Burgees. Mr. end Mra. Frank Analey have goo* to Charleston for the holiday* with relative*. Mr. and Mr*. J. 1*. Laird paid a brief visit to Mr*. T. i. Flake, at Flake, Ue., At iht> do*** nf the public school next week, tbe first snd second grades will en- n Christmas tree. r. Lewis Bamspeck Is on n business trip % to Wayne*boro. Mamie Mlliedge baa returned Mrs. Howell Green end eon wen ttu I*e*ts for a few day* nf friende la Pmjrna. Mr. a an Mra. C. C. Tnaiann will leav. and Mra. C. C. Tnaiann will leav* .. . moa for a trip North. On their r-tnrn and slick pin, fell to Mlu they will go to Mudlsou for tho holidays with Mrs. Tunlson's ptreutg. Dr. and Mn. Robert Trotter. , .. The baaaar given by the Indie* of tho Presbyterian church Friday end Saturday proved quite a financial aueceaa. The German claea of Agnea Scott gave a very enjoyable play Thursday evening. lire, Isabella Itrnwn le with Mr. Ml— - Brown's family till the Brat of January, when she will lenve for Tennllln to apenij the remainder of tbe winter. Mr. and Mrs. Boykin Smith, of Social Circle, were tbe guests for a few dnye of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitehead. Mr. Percy Chlvera has gone lot for tho winter. Dr. J. 11. Goee baa returned from Hart well. Mlaa Raymond Analey. who baa been at tending school at Wlaete mm a few day* with week, en route tt —, ahe will lie tbb guest of relative* during the holidays. Mra. William Hargrove baa returned from Anniston, Ala. DECATUR. ALA. Mrs. George Warrick Is at home from a l»lt to niUiborn. Miss Julia (loodloe la at home after a vlalt to relatlres In Tnacumbla. Mra. W. A. Rllib la on a visit of aevaral weeks Id Corinth. Mlaa. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Whitten are at home from a vlalt to ttrends to Savannah. Mrs. Jessie Cbunre haa returned to Itlrm- ■tn after a visit to Mra. Thomas Rolieris. Mlaa Mary Williamson haa returned to Birmingham after a visit Mra. Harvey Crocker bee returned to her In Mobile after * visit to Mrs. Dean. Mr. end Mrs. Rd Hummell, of Huntsville, have returned home after a visit to friends in New Decatur. Mra. J. II. Donnell haa returned to Athena fter a vlalt to Mrs. Heart In Deeatnr. Mlaa Kits Landers, of Louisville, la tho gneat nf Mra. J. W. whit*. Mr. and Mr*. F. J. Troup ere at-home after a visit to Ilartselle. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Woodruff, nf Moores- vllle. were the gneata of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crawford the past week. Mr. end Mra. John A. Thomason are at home from a vlalt to /fiends In Cbatta- "ufan Miriam Applet)**, of Nashville, has returned to her home after n visit to Miss Loetls Bach belt. Mrs. Annie Laura Stnhlman returned to Nashville after n visit to her father. Colonel 8. T. Wert. Mrs. James McDonald, of Washington. D. C„ toa returned to her home niter n vlalt to Mra. C. C. Harris. Mias Anna Jones, of New Orleans, Is vlalt- Ing friends for n few weeks In New Decn- ‘If.. , * Mrs.* II. C*. Calvin la nt home after n visit to Memphis. Mrs. John f). Wjrker la at borne from a TO EUROPE 1909 call In person or send stamp to I)R ELIZABETH BROACH, 313 Capitol Ave., Atlanta, Ga. id Ho Mias Ellse Johnson Is vlsltlag In South Carolina. Mrs. Georg*. King lins returned to Leigh ton after s visit to Mrs. J. A. J. Brock. Mrs. William Harvey la attending the Federation of Woman’s Cini* In At,ul«ton. Mra. J. T. Means Is visiting her father, Colonel Samuels, at Vlnement. PERSONAL MENTION ON PAGE SEVENTEEN ■ PITT8BURG, Pa.. Dec. 12. Tho denth of Georg* McCully Laughlin. president of tho Keyatone National Hank and a director and member *>f the executive commltteo of the Jones .v Laughlin Steel Company, Is reported. XMAS DISPLAY AT RADIUS STORE The Radius Jewelry Company at 83 Peachtree street, headquarters fjr the f it: ’!-■ U idiiis ill.itn-'U<1-. iiniMiim the arrival of an enormous shipment i'f special Christmaa Jewelry, silverware novelties. Myriads of beautiful spar kling things are already on display at this popuiar store, with the hundreds >>t pretty rings, brooches, fobs, combe, Fcarf pins, chain* necklace.**, baya deres, signet rings and hat pins, etc., 4:1 rich plain gold and fancy brilliant ttlngx. arranged to get the bent ar tistic effect, the Radius displays are always very attractive. William Fine, man tiger of the Radius ► tore, states that, an’lripating the largest Christmas business In the his- ry of his store in Atlanta, he has laid an unusually large Mock of solid t with the Radius s'ones. ond extends u tlon to everybody to visit ore, whether on a buying Tlie Radius diamonds are guarantee to retain tbcif wiil-pi irdfal in 11* Had tu eltles