Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 16

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L THIS ATLAN"i'A GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DRCKMUKK .Sunday icliool 9:30. Addrcaa n k«v. 9. T. Edmundaon 10:15. Pra.rhln* ■ t 11 and 7:50. Eran,.ll«t Edmnndoon will ■ induct tprrlce* ..ary nlfht at 7:50. GLENN-8T. BAPTIST—Sundar aehool at 9:30. Preaehioc 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by pastor, Rff. J. A. Bonner. EDGF.WOOn BAPTIST—Bondar aehool at 0:30. Preaehlnf at 1 a. in. and . :30 p. - by V. C. Norcroaa. NORTH ATLANTA BAPTIST—UemphlU- are. and Bmmell-at. Preaehlnt by paator, William II. Bell, at 11 and 7:30. Sunt aehool at 9:50. SOUTH SIDE BAPTIST—Rer. William A. Kina, paator. Praachlna morning and Bern ina. Sunday aehool at 9:30; Brother J. B. Kruger, anperlntendrnt. IMMANUEL BAPTIST— Eaat Pairat. and Berean are. Her. J. I). Wineheater, JMafor. Sunday aehool at 9:30 a. m.: W. F. Orubba, anperintendent. Preaehlng at 11 and 7.45. BROWN MKMORIAL~BAPTIST—Rer. W. A. Babb, paator. Preaehlng at 7 p. m. Sun day aehool at 9:30; W. X. Nlehola, auperin- tendent. tIRAXT PARK BAPTIST—Georgia.are. and Grant at. Her. D. 8. Edenheld, paator. Prenehing at 11 and 7:50. Sunday aehool fit D:30; J. L. Turner, superintendent. WOOnWARUAVE. school nt 9:80; W. A. cnt. Preselling at II HIGHLAND PAIliTjlAPT 1ST—Highland ami Orocnwoofl-nra*. I reaching nt ll a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Snlibnth 10 n. m.. II. A. Burton anporimcndent. INMAN PARK BAPTIST—Edgewood and Kllanln-ttmeea. Iir. C. N. Uonnldaon, on*- urn. Servleoa nt 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sun- tiny nehuol at 8:30 a. in. CAPITOL AVE. lUPTIKT-Prenehlng by Paator John E. llrlgga at 11 a. in. and i:30 p. m. Sunday aehool at 9:30 a. m. CKNTHAL BAPTIST—Garnett and For- ayth-eta. ltev, II. P. Uoliertaon. nnatoi. ti-'rvl.-ra nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p nt. Snndny aeImtS at 9:50 n. m.. J. C. llarrlaon auperin- random. BAPTIST — Sunday Murray, auperlntend- i. m. and 7:45 p. ra. ASBURY METHOBIST—Darla and Fnun- dry-ala. Her. C. V. Weathers, paator. Sun day aehool at 9:30 a, m„ W. A. Flnehar. superintendent. Preaehing at It a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ENGLISH-AVE. METHODIST—W.' A. Brinafleld. paator. Preaehlng 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. by the paator. Sunday aehool , 9:30 a. m., R. E. Lee, superintendent. Walker-eta., near Terminal atation. Rer. Will T. Hamby, paator. Sunday aehool at 9:30 JL m.: Paul J. Baker, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. PARK-ST. METHODIST—Park and Lea sts. Rer. Fletcher Walton, paator. Preach- ing at II a. m. by Rar. ill 7. D *7," *"'* 7:30 p. m. by paator. Sunday aehool at 9:50 a. m.l John Shannon, auperlntendenl. WESLEY MEMORIAL—Rar. Frank Siler, paator. Serelcaa at Gate City Guards ar mory, on Houaton-at. Sunda- aehool at 9.50 a. m.. M. M. Dariea superintendent. Preach ing at t a. m. and 7 ;30 p. m. TRINITY METHODIST—Whitehall and Trinity. Dr. J. W. Lee. the paator. will preach at It a. m. and 7:30,n. m. Sunday ft .on ... IF n V.uttii Kitninii- I. ST. PAUL METHODIST—Rer. II. L. Ed- mondson, the pastor, preaches at 11 a. m. sod 7:30. Sunday arnool 0:.10. PAYNE MEMORIAL METHODIST—Hun- tiicntt and Lurkie-sts. Preaching 11 and 7:45 p. in., liy the new pastor. Her. Wil- Ham Dnnbar. Sunday school 9:30. FIRST CONGREGATIONAI* METHODIST — Rev. Kolfe Hunt, pastor. 8ervleei 11 and 7:30. Bible lecture 3:30. Sunday school 9;30 a. m.. J. G. C. Bloodworth. superintend ent. EAST POINT METHODIST—Preaching at 11 and 7 by Rer. J. A. Quiilian. Sunday aehool 9:30. 8T. MARK METHODIST—Rev. S. R. Belk, paator. Preaching at 11 by Bishop W. A. Candler, and 7:80 by paator. Sunday aehool .9:30. GRACE METHODIST—Boulevard and aehool 9:30; W. S. Featheratone, superintend EAST ATLANTA METHODIST—fleer Ihe Soldiers' Ilona* car liae. Services It and 7:80. Uev. Olin King, paator. Sunday school 9:30. HKMPHILLAVH.' METHODIST—Fourth quarterly meeting. Rer. W. A. I’arsona will preach at morning and evening service. At the morning service the aarrament of tha Lord's supper will be administered. Sunday school 9:.10; W. T. Southard, superintendent. F.GLKHTON MEMORIAL METHODIST— Preachisa hr paator. A. Preston Boyd. 11 and 7:30. Sunday school 10. Kpworth League at 0:45. BATTLE ft ILL M ETHODI8T—W. T. Bell, paator. Preaching 11 a. to. and 7:80. Sun day school 9:45, Ralph Cooper, auperintend FIRST METHODIST—Junction of Peach tree and Ivy-ats., • Rev. J. H. French, pastor. Sunday school 9:45, W. H. Paterson, super Intendent. Pleaching 11 a. ra. and 7:45 p. m, and Aahhr-ata. Her. Lynn R. Wnlher. pni- tor. Sammy ucbool «t 9:30 u. nt. Worahlp at 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. m. GEOROIAAVE. PRESBYTERIAN—Geor gia-are. and tlrnnmt. Rer. II. J. WllUamt, tuiatnr. Prenehing 11 and 7:J0. Sunday actiool at 9:30: A. F. Belllngrath, at Intendent. Snndny aehool nt Ptckert-St. ■Ion nt 3 p. in. MOORE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN— I.nckte and Lntlmer-ntn. Dr. A. R. Holder- l. y, jiantor. Services nt 11 and 7:30. Sunday afboot nt 9:30; W. H. Hughe*, superintend ent. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN - Marietta at. Rer. Walter L. Llngle. D.D.. paator. Herr- lees nt 11 a.' m. aad 7:30 p. m. Sunday ochot at 9:30 a. in. INMAN PARK PRESBYTERIAN—Corner Edgewood and Euclld-ave*. Preaching by paator nt 11 a. in. and 7:30> p. m. Rnnday school at 9:30 a. tn. Voting Praple's Society Sunday at 6:45 p. in.; W. E. Newlll, guper- Intendent. J. B. Fleklen, paator. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN.— Opposite elate enpltnl. Preaching at 11 a m. j«y Jem. pornry pnatnr. Rev. Dr. I. II. Gaines, I).D. rrcnchlug nlao at 7:30 p. m. Sunday aehool at 9:30 n. m. WALLACE PRESBYTERIAN—Walker and Stonewall ata. Rev. John D. Keith, paa tor. Anniversary services at morning and evening hours. Rev. Dr. T. E. Converae will preach nt 11 a. in. and Dr. J. G Patton and \v. Woods White will conduct the 8 P. m. service. Hnhtmth school at 9:10 a. m., c, tt. unulngham superintendent. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRE8BYTE- ItlAN—Whitehall-at. and Whitehall terrace. Serrlcee nt 11 n. m. and 7:45 p. in., conduct, efl 1*y the pastor, Rev. J. A. Gordon. Sab bath aehool at 10 n. tn. NORTH-A VE. PRESBYTER! AN-Peneh tree and North-nve. Rev. Richard Ornie Fllnn, pastor. Services nt 11 a. m. und 7:4o n. in. Hnldinth school at 9:30 n. in. Man a Itllde conference and young men s Bible class st 10 n. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. HARRIS ST. PRESBYTERIAN-Ontsbloek west of Penchtree-st. KrtlmUth school nt 9:45 a. in. Tile pastor. Rev. Jore A. Moore, will preneh nt 11 n. iu.. subject being "The Two Ronds." Song KervU*e and sermon at 7:45 n. tn.: subject, ‘Hellj Whv? Wtiaf? A jrdlal Invitation given to nil. SCIENTIST. FIR8T CHURCH OK CHRIST. SCIENT 1ST—Cable Hall. 82 84 N. Broad at. !££• ices, 11 a. m. Sunday. Reading rooms, 88 >. Brosd-st. Open dally eaeept Sunday, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. LUTHERAN. ST. JOHNS GERMAN EVANGELICAL LT7THERAN—Forsyth and Garnett sts. O. Nusimann, pastor. Service with preaching in German at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. TABERNACLE BAPTIST. Sunday night Dr. Broughton will preach a special sermon on "The Aftermath of Our Recent City Election." At the morning serv Ice he will also preseh. Dr. Broughton leo tares Friday night at 7:80 Profssaor Boatman's choir. Young. Sunday school at 9. At 8 p. m.. dovotlone consisting In rosary sermon by Fnther Gunn, and lieiiedlctlon of the Blessed Haersment. Wednesilny. Friday and Sntur. day ore Ember daya. UNITARIAN. \ CHURCH OF OUR FATIIER^-Corm. Cain and Sprlng sts. Rev. John W. Row lett, minister. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sun day school at 9:46 a, m. MISCELLANEOUS. t ^ All Baptist ministers have been Invited to attend the ordination service of J. N, T. Cow- hern, missionary evangeliat, and J. H. Mc Coy and J. H. Haralson, deacons, at Jones- Baptist church. Sunday at 8 p. m. Dr. W. Landrum will preside. Dr. John E. White and Dr. J. F. Purser will deliver ad dresses. PENTECOSTAL MISSION—173 Marietta- Bible study st 0:30 a. ro., worship at 10:80 a. m. and 7:3Q p. m. Invitation given CONGREGATIONAL. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL—Oppoi Carnegie Library, Rev. Henry A. Atkin* alt# inaon, preaehing, UNION TABERNACLE—McDaniel and Hightower sts. Rev. M. D. Smith preaches at 11 and 7:45< Sunday aehool 0:30, J. L. Gillcte, superintendent. EMMANUEL CONGREGATIONAL- art-ave. Rev. N. E. Overman t paator. day arhool at 10 a. ~ ay ac :80. 8tew- Preaching at 11 and WALKF.R.ST. METHODIST—Nalton and HAPPY JOHN’S WON- DERFUL CANCER AND DROPSY CURE have never been known to fail though tried in every part of the United States. This medicine is guaranteed under the pure food gild drug net, Juno 30th, 1900, gerial No. 29318, nnd none is gen- nine without the signature of Happy John. All rights protect ed by U. S. Government. Manu factured and -sold nt 128 1-2 De catur St. Standard Phone No. 816; Deli Phone M. 2149. Ad- (treJa all communications to DB. j. H. BRUCE, 1281-2 Decatur 8t., Atlanta, Oa. MARIF.TTAHT. COSQRKGATtONAL — Marietta and MrMIIUn at.., Ree. W. 11. Till man, paator. Service* II and 7:45. Sunday achol 3 p. m. DKRKAX COXOBBGATIOXAL—Powell nnd Tennille-eti. Preneblnir 11 and 7:43 by ilr*. K. O. MeCoy. the paator • wife. Sunday school 3 p. m. CHRISTIAN. FIRST CHRISTIAN-torusr 8outh Pryor and TrlnUy-avc. R«v. U. K. Pendlslon, pss lor. Prrschlng at II a. m. and E:30 p. m. Bihla school 9:30 a. m.,- Christian hndtavor 0:30 p. m. WERT END CHRISTIAN—Corner Gordon amt Dunn sts., Rev. Bernard P. Smith, pas tor. reaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. HOWELL STATIOjTcHRISTIAN—End of Msrietta-st. rar line. Rev. Dean L Bond; pastor. Bible school, 3 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. n. anil 7:30 p. m. COLLEGE PARK CHRISTIAN—Rav. F. L. Adams, pastor. Bible school every Lord's day at 10 a. tn. Preaching first and third Lord's days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. EPISCOPAL. (Third Sunday In Advent.) CATHEDRAL—Corner Washington * and Hunter. Very Rav. C. T. A. Pisa, D. D., dean. 7:80 a. m. holy communion: 11 a. m. morning prayer, litany and sermon: 4:30 n. m. evening prayer. Sunday, school. 9:30. All other days: 7:80 a. tn. holy communion ■a. ra. mornim Services Central Gospel mission, 11 i eve., Sunday an^ Wednesday at 3. The Atlanta Psychological Society, Robert Bryan Harrison, president, will meet Sunday at 3 p. in. in the .assembly room at Carnegie library. Rev. C. V. Weathers, pastor of Asbury The regular devotional service will he held Sunday morning at the street car chapel, Piedmont'Sve. and Armstrong-st. Preaching by Rev. John E. White.* the Atonement Sacrifice . . held In Red Mcn'e hall, 86 Ccntral itvc., Sun day nt 11 a. m. nt 9:30 n. in.; George L Hickman, superin tendent. Preaching at 11 n. tn. mid 6 p. im*v. r*. ii. i rwwr, i».i».. |*iim«*r. SpCCl opening eorvlcen In the basement of t new church, corner Ilouston st. nnd Court- Inud-nvo., nt 11 n, 1,000 Pictures suitable for gifts at half-price. Amer ican Furniture Company, 11 Edgewood. DR. EDWARD THOMSON PREACHES SUNDAY Dr. Edward Thomuon. the eminent advocate of Hunday real, will deliver hla next sermon on Sunday morning tn Ponce DeLeon Baptist church and his aubject will be "How tn Make Atlanta a City of Ood.” Dr. Thomson was sec retary of the last world conftresa and Is known all over the world as an orator and reformer. 'He Is commended by President Roosevelt. Vice President Fairbanks and *ble men of all parts of the country. An especial sons service will be given Sunday night, when a beautiful pro gram will be presented under the dlrec- tlon of Miss MacGregor, organist. prayer. 10:80. «. IS mlng praytr; 4:30 p. m. avauing Wednesday and Friday, litany at ST. LUKES—Peachtree, between Currier and Pine. Rev. O. B. Witmer. D. I)., rector. 7:30 a. tn. holy communion; 11 a. tn. morning prayer and aermon: 7:80 p. tn. evatilng prayer and atrmon Hunday adhool at 9:45. INCARNATION—Lee/ near Gordon, West End. Rev. J. L. Villalnnga In eharge. 11 a. m. morning prayer and aermon; 7:30 p. m. evening prayer and aartnon. Sunday aehool nt 9:45. ALL SAINTS—Corner Weal Peachtree and North-Ave. Rev. Z. H. Far land, rector. 8 n. in. holy communion; 11 a. m. morning prayer and aermon; 4 p. m. evening prayer. Sun day aehool at 9:45. EPIPHANY—Corner Moreland and Knclid- nvea., Inman Park. Morning prayer and ser mon at 11 by the Rev. 8. 8. Spear. Nunday aehool at 9:45. 8T. ANDREWS—Corner Glenn and Kent. Kev. W. J. Page In charge. Evening prarer and aermon at 7:80. Hunday aehool at 4:80. MISSION OF THeIiOLY INNOCENTS— Wooda-ave., naar West Peachtree. Rev. Z. 8. Farland in eharge. Sunday aehool every 8und*y at 8:80. mon at 11. Sunday school srr 45. HOLY COMFORTER—Corner Atlanta ave. and Pulliam. Rev. Gilbert Higgs, I). D., In charge. Evening prayer and service at 7:30; Sunday aehool at 9:30; Friday, choir prac tice at 8. ST.' PAULS—East Point. Rav. Gilbert HigV»t E>- D.. in charge. Morning prayer and age in < 1 9:80. ST. TIMOTHY " “ dl _ . „ Sunday aehool nt b ST. JOHNS—College Pa*. Rev. W. J. Page in chant. Morning prayer and aermon at 11. Sunday aehool at 9:80. NORCROS8 CHAPEL—Evening prayer aad rmon at 4 by the Rev. R. F. DeBelle. EPISCOPAL. Colored—84. Paula: An* tarn-eve., near Fort-st. Rev. A. K. Day in ge. Holy commnuion at ( er and aermon at 11: even! ton nt 8; Bandar school i lay evening service at 0. UNI VERBALIST [R8T UNI VERSA LIST—I Harris sts. Rev. E. D K . I‘re aching at 11 a. m. Hunday sch The ROOF la the most IAIPORTA NT part of your building, and to get tha best service# you should use our 4.6 and 6 ply Standard Gravel Roofing to bo applied only under the strictest specifications. It la our desire to up held the quality of Gravel Roofing, and offer you the wry beet mad*. Roofing will not be satisfactory unless plenty bf material Is used, and unless It IS made especially for this diautc. THAT 15 O0R POLICY Ilf I4AHUFACTUB11 DooY trust this important Hem to Irresponsible parties, let «e serve you with our 40yens experience. SOUTHERN ROOFING CO., Mfrs. ATLANTA, OA. J RAILWAY SCHEDULES. to typographical errors: ATLANTA A WEST POINT R. R. Terminal 8tation. THE GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY Recognized As the leading Southern School of Its Kind for Bovs RE-OPENS AFTER CHRISTMAS, JANUARY 4th . , Not a vacancy nt present, hut a few. new pupils may enter in January. Parents de siring their nons to enter should make application nt once. Splendid equipment, large and experienced faculty, high social and moral tone, cultured environment, manly boys from leading homes in many states. Cadets live with, and share the home life of, the teachers. . Parents are urged to visit and inspect the school and its work. COL. J. C. WOODWARD, A. M., Pres., College Park, Ga. < Pet-sotial Mention Sfo! Arrive From- ’42. Wtat — ‘ * !44. Writ tt Colambu•.10.Z0• New O...10.46at 40. New O... 1.55pm 50. rolumbai. 7.55ptn No! Depart To— • M. New O.... 5.45 am 19. Colambua.. 0.90 am ». Montg'y... 9.10am » New p.... 2.10pm 17. Colnmbua.. 4.10pm 41. W„t Ft.. 5.45pm Trains marked * run dally except Hunday. Trains marked ! ran Sunday only. Other' trains ran dally. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY. Arrive From— Jacksonville.. $.39 am Savannah $.00 am .Macon 10,60 nra Macon 4.20 pm Macon...* 110pm Orpn.'t To— M»con 8.99 nib Mara* 4.00pm Jarkaanrilla... , ,m flHTannab 9.35 pm Bacon ti.tohm LduiSVILLE 4. NASHVILLE R7 - R.' ArItIdi aod d.partln* tlm. from Ualoa Ktallo*. Allan,*. All train* dall.. 1 Leave. Arrive Cincinnati A Lmilsviiic. .1 l.uup.ui. Knoxville via Blue Ridge SA9 a.m. Knoxvtlle via Cartersvin^ 4.09 p.m. Tate necommodatlon 1159 p.m. p.m. 6.10 p.m 1149 p.m. *.2S s.m ■mmmf mi — railroad (Train* Arrtr, 9,4 'ram the L'nlaa HlntioB.) Rrh«lBl*» *B«tlvc November 15.1905. Arrlre— No. 1 from Rrnnawtrk. Warerom. Thomaariilr and FlUfffrald 7:15 am Warerom anil Bmuawlek .......i7:45 am No. 4 for Fltaceiald. Tbomanlll*. Wayeniaa and Brnnawlek.. 1'ullman drawln, room aleepln, ear oerv Ice on rraln* 1 and 4 between Atlanta aad Thoum.Title, tia. For farther information, nil on or writ, to 1Y. II. I.KAHT. Ceaeral Paa*enirer Acral W. A. BTOKKS. •eager lad Ticket Agent., Atlanta, IS, The Atlanta friend* of Mr. Charlea Frederick Naeftle, the New York artlat. will he delighted to learn that one of hli pictured wu recently purchased by the well-known collector. Mr. William T. Evan*, and presented by MmEvans to the Corcoran gallery at Wadnington. Mr. Naegle will hold an exhibition of hi*, work In New York city In January and among the portrait* which will be ■een In the collection Is that of Mr*. Clark Howell, Jr., one of Atlanta'* moat beautiful young matrons. Mr*. Edward Qrelg Warner ha* been Invited to make the principal address before the ladle* of the Philadelphia United Daughters of the Confederacy at the brilliant annual dinner which they give In one of the leading hotels of tho city on the 14th of February. These events are of annual occurrence and Are largely attended. Mr*. Warner lenvea Atlanta soon to spend several months In Florida and will go to Phila delphia from that state for the dinner on. the 14th of February. Miss Lucy Harrison has returned home, after an extended absence, and Is being cordially welcomed by her many friends. She went to Hlalrstown, N. J.. to be an attendant at the wedding of Miss Anna Vail, and later visited Misses Harriet and Margaret Goddard, both of whom orb well known here. Mrs. James McKeldln and Mrs. Ca«- telman, who are enjoying a trip around the world, are now at Columbo, Ceylon, and will not return to America before February. Mrs. McKeldln'* children will arrive In Atlnnta December 19, to be, with their grandmother, Mrs. W. W. Draper, until Mr*. McKeldln'* return. Mr*. M. A. Lipscomb, of Athens, will be In Atlanta Monday to attend the meeting at the Woman’s Club, Monday attemoon. The program for that day Is In charge of Mrs. John K. Ottley, chairman fof the educational section, and the occasion will be one of brilliant Interest. Miss Matilda Boettger, of New York, who has ■ been the charming guest of Miss Ariadne Merritt, leaves Monday for her home. Miss Boettger ha* been delightfully entertained nnd ha* made many friends during her visit to At lanta, . ' Mr. AVharton Wilson ha* returned from Carteraville, where he and Mr*. Wilson were among the out-of-town guest* at the Lovejoy-Akin wedding. Mrs. Wlltlon will remain a week lofiger In Cartersvllle, the truest at her par ents. i : , A dinner pat ty at tho Piedmont Driv ing Club will be given on Saturday evening In honor of Miss Helen Bag- ley's guests, Miss Cults, of Savunnah, und Mis* Lamar, of Columbus. Mr*. Harry Lee Harvey, of Columbia. S. C„ and Mr*. Clarence Neal Jonea. of Montgomery, will be-among the out. nf-town guests at the Perdue-Boykln wedding next week. Misa Charlotte Marshall, who Is with Mr. and Mr*. Reese Marshall, will re main for the wedding of Miss Jullen Perdue and Mr. Boykin on next Wed nesday. Miss Gladys Gibson, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gibson, of Columbus, will visit Miss 8aruh Terrell during the holidays. Mr*. George W. Howard, of College Park, left yesterday for KalUpell, Mont., «o spend the winter with her daughter. Mr*. J. H. Steven*. Ml** Loutae,John*on entertained at a t.rldge part*- 6n Friday afternoon In honor of Ml** Julian Perdue, a bride- elect of the coming week. Mis* Jennie Cramer has gone to New. nan to spend the week-end. She will be the guest of Mrs. H. L. Brower at her home. Swiss Cottage. Mr*. Theodore Thompson and Miss Cecil Gyle*, of South Carolina, leave on the 19th for Blackvllte, 8,'C., to epend the holiday*. Mr. and Mr*. Wofford Felton Ed wards have taken possession of their home at 91 Ashby-st., and are at home to their friends. Mr*. Alfred Truitt has returned from Carteraville. where she attended the wedding of Mis* Katharine Lovejoy and Mr. Paul Akltr. Miss' Berta Mae Sample, who has been In Atlanta studying under Miss Hast lark, will spend Christmas week In New York. "The VICTOR” DR. WOOLLEY’S SANITARIUM OPIUM and WHISKY treated without shock Of severe suffering. Comfort of patients carefully looked after. A home like,,pleasant sanitarium —not a prison. Treatment entirely Dee from any harmful reaults. Our thirty years’ experience shows these diseases are curable. Patients also treated at their homes. Our book of particulars free. Addnts Dr. B. M. Woolley Co. Atlanta, (*»* Additional MARKETS WEATI1ER FORECAST.- College Park, Is visiting his parents at Graymont. Miss Flossie Davenport, o’f Philadel phia. Is a visitor to.the city for the holidays. Miss Jennie D. Harris Is the guest of Miss 'Jennie DuBoae In Athens. Mrs. C. D. Hurt has returned from a visit to Mrs. M. A. Clark In Macon. HOTEL JEFFERSON 11 ST. LOUIS ” European Plan Miss Aylmer Pearre. of Columbus, who ha* been the guest of Mis* Betty Peabody; returned home Saturday morning. Mr. Edward McCerrln Is 1n the city for the week-end, having returned from a business trip to New Orleans. General and Mr*. R. D. Pott* and Mr*. Barry leave soon for Cuba, where they will spend a month. Mr*. Albert William* and her ion. Heyward, left Thursday for Augusta, after a stay with friends In Atlanta. Mil* Katharine Martin, who has been the attractive gue*t of Mr*. Andrew Calhoun, will return home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troy. o( Atlanta, are spending the week-emf with Mis* Mary Callaway In Macon. Mr. and Mr*. Edwin M. Nix have moved from We*t End and are at home at 505 Cherokee-ave. Miss Josephine Barge, of Tennllle, I* the guest of Mr*. Alva D. Kiser In Inman Park. Mr. Carl E. Durden, of tlie G. M. A, Miss Gladys Levin Is at Fort Riley, . Kan*, for the Huft-Chaffee wedding. I Mis* Kate Felder will leave next I week for a visit to Amerlcus. Attend the Mass Meeting | at the Grand Opera House Sunday afternoon, for the Boys’ Club of Atlanta. EASTMAN. MIhs Kstom Pen cock, of Wenleynn Femnlo College, who hnt been very III nt her home, j Is now convnlenccnf. 1 MIsh Gertrude Cotter, of Wenleyan Female College, npent ThnnkRKlvlnK with her par ent*. Mr. nnd Mrn. W. 8. Wnite have returned from MllledgevlUe, where they visited tlieir dnnghter. who Itr attending school there. Itev. We M. Gilmore returned Tuesday ■oni the flqptlst convention, which wan eld‘III Mndlnoti. Mm. L. I’hiirr nnd oon, of Decatur, are visitors at the home of Mr*. O. A. Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Smiley spent Sunday In Macon. Mr. E. F. Peacock, of Macon, wan the uncut of hi* brother. Hon. 8. M. Peacock, St., last week. Mra. Carolyn Daughtry has returned from Fort Valley. Mr. J. A. Ilrynut, of Talbotton, spent the Dr. !nn*n. Mr. XelHoti Armour, of Athens, Is at home for the -holidays. Mr. Ferdinand Hcrrmnn, who has been studying at Tulnne University, is expected home for the holidays. . Mrs. 8. Harris and children are In Deland, Pis. Mr. Marvin Bussey, of Cbauncey, spent Hnnday In Knstman. Mr. w. I>. Webster spent Sunday with bis parents. A. Bashlnskl nnd Mac Wooten visited 8a- vminnh during the races. Miss Knth Arnold, of Perry, spent Thanks giving iu 'Knatmnn. Itev. Walter Anthony left Monday for Quitman to spend the-week in attendance upon the annual conference. The Daughters of the Confederacy were Strictly Fire Proof. RATES 8lngle, without bath tt.60nnd up Single, with bath.... 1 Double, without bath Double, with bath....... Planters' Hotel Under Same Management. WATERMAN PENS Fountain Pens aiy most appropriate Christmas gift*. John L. Moore & Son* have them ln all styles. 42 North Broad St., Prudential building. “Hoosier” Kitchen Cab inets—a present for the wife —American Furniture Co., 11 Edgewood. EATONTON. Mrs. Emma Champion Is with her mother, Mrs. John Ilesnoss, at Jackson. Mrs. Mary Thomas and Miss Berths Thomas have returned home after an ex tended visit to Atlanta. Mr. ami Mrs. Goodwin Scott spent the week-end with Mr. nud Mrs. John T. Wil liams at Haddocks. » _ . ... j II. Grady Weaver, of the Tgeh. will visit „Js parents, I»r. uud Mrs. J. D. Weaver, here uext week. Mlxs Norn Cone, of Mllleilgevllle, Is the guest of Mrs. Gale K. Riley. Walter Williams, of Hnddoeks, was the guest of friends here this week. ■ Miss Irene Farley visited her mother at Mtaudfordvltle last week. LYMAN T. HAY, General Manager. HOTEL PIERREPONT Absolutely Fireproof 43,45,47 West 32d St. One Door from Broadway NEW YORK CITY QUIET, REFINED AND MODERN European Plan. Room with bath, $2.50 and more HARRY L. BROWN Proprietor of Hotel Victoria, Bos ton, and Islesboro Inn, Maine. give an entertainment at the Kastmal Op era, House on the 15th Inst. Hoy D. Stubbs, who Is taking a law coarse at Harvard, will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Stubbs, here soon. Mrs. J. C. Jester and children, of Athens, are visiting Mr. und Mrs. J. It. Klmrks. Mrs. James Ileid has returned from a visit to relatives In MllledgevlUe. Miss Georgia Smith left Wednesday for ner home In Ilogersvllle. Tenu.. offer a visit to kcr sister. Mrs. Gale K. Itlley. Mias Fannie I*ee I.everettc and Miss Mae 8e«tt were recent visitors to Macon. Mrs. 1*001 Alford and daughter have re turned home to Atlanta after vlsltlg rein- ■tives here. Lynwood Sparks Is the rfnest of Walter Williams at Haddocks. Mlsse* Anna Lon nnd Mary Msbet, An nie iJiurle Adams. Lillie Kntb Adams. Mamie nud Stella Rice, Messrs. John and Dennis Turner. Carl Ingram, Willie Tom linson nnd Itnleigh Beck attended the dance in Madison Wednes«Iay night. Miss Cussie Jenkins, who has been In Bu mp® most of the year, sails for home on iHvember 22. Professor .1. T. Walker, of the Ea tout mi High School, spent the week-cud In Atlanta MIm Lillie Ituth Adams will return to her home In Alabama next week. . Igimtli:* Griffith Is spending the week In Atlanta. Mrs. James Adams and children, of Birm ingham. Ala., are expected to visit the for mer's parents. Mr. suit Mrs. B. L. Paschal, this'week. Misa Annie Pnsctut! boa returned front a visit to Mrs. Adams nt Birmingham. At the regular meeting of the Teachers' Hunday School Union this week Professor J. T. Walker lectured on the “Origin and Purpose of the Hnndajr SchooL” Dr. L. A. Cooper leetnred on the “Influence of the Sunday School Teacher." Both lectures were magnificent nud highly appreciated. ONE-PIECE BIFOCALS. Giving raiding *nd walking vision In one solid glass. Doe* away with two pair* of glaasea. Could you think of anything better for Xnrn*? WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL CO„ 75 Peachtree 8U SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Basement of Empire Bldg. Title Guarantee ana Trust Oo. TEETH ,EXTRACTED (positively without pain, 50c each. Best teeth S3. Money enn not buy UETTF.R. I’ll iladblpiiiaI DENTAL BOOMS, |\'o 33 Whitehall «H1 FURNITURE STORED CANDLER WAREHOUSE CO. (Bonded.) ^ Furniture atored, packed and shipped, Separate Rooms, under lock and key. 1S2-184 Marietta St. Phones 5589. Cotton Seed Hulls—Meal. F. R. LOGAN & CO., Atlanta. Delivered Anywhere, Car Lots. FERTILIZER Mixing Machinery, Any Capacity. ATLANTA UTILITY WORKS, * KA8T POINT. GA. HARDWARE* J.JB04.7B keg. CARDS—t'otton. *4.25*74.50 per dozen. *“^**1611-181 Me wr pound. nL *L& dozen* l CHAINS—Trace, KOOCt.aO dozen. WIRK—Barb. *Uc pound. - PI.OW8TOCK8—Hannan. 95c; Ferguxoo, 11.04. AXES—34.75C0.OO doxe*. bass. BIIOT-n.lo saeb POWDER—ff-V; keif kegs. *2.99: noartir kegs. ILW; Doppnt and Hazard smokeless, half keg*. I1L25: nuarfer kega, 55.71; on* derf emoxeleis pdwder, 1-nonpd cano. tl.ul. Ill ON-: l*c per noon-! case; Swede. 4Hc Selects. SL5C1.40 per gallon; Stan.Nrds, CLflfc FISH. H8H—Brmm. 9c pound; snapper, *e pet . Kind; trout, Hi7e per pound; bine flab. 7e pound; pom pa no, ife pound; mackerel. We pound; mixed flab, 46**-* pound; Hack naan 10c pound; mullet barrel, $12.09. Hear J. K. Orr at Grand Sunday afternoon. _Jae. 12.— ttons nnd general forecast; . The storm Is ,now ct*nten*d off the UOksm- ebusetts const, and the weather has air* i-iv cleared behind It, except lu the north At lantic coast states ami the loweKluke re gion. i Anot and centered northcol some cloudiness and light snow flurries iu the upper lake region. Moderate temperature now prevails In nil sectlous o ft he eoiyjtry. .ultlm it. Is.silcbtly 'tlftf-oensonal'^ norftigl lii'tbb mfVFandl middle Mfsblssippl vflHeys and the liikd’re-l gfon. #. Sr.*: ) The stornt areas will continue tholriflive-) ments eastward, a mi unsett^d cunCntloiisf will prevail In the Idwer lake* regtdn and' northern -New York. • while In the middle' nud south Atlantic rtml eaist gulf states geu- orally fnir weather is probable. ♦ Altho a slight fall* In temperature -will,oc cur In the coast states tonight, it Will rise again Sunday. . . .» * Storm warning* are displayed on the Washington and Oregon coasts. 1 • F-oreenst till 8 p. m. Sunday: ' ^ *•'•' Virginia—Fair tonight aud Hunday^ <*obler tonight; fresh westerly winds, becoming variable.: : » ■ v "* y , West Virginia—Generally fair tonight and andav; wnrmee Sniubiy. . . North Cii'rollna—Fnlrr tonight jmhI Hiiuday; cooler tonight with.frost uew* the coast; warmer Ji» western iH»rti«*u Hmntayja'freHli westerly winds, tjecoming variable.- South Oimllnn and Ctef>rghirr>F%lr* and cooler tonlglit aitd.lrost ueiir tlnvpoilsO fair Sunday; moilerute westerly tvluds, hvoomliig variable. EaKtern Flocldo—Fnlr tonight and Kiindny; cooler in northern portion lotilgbt; light va riable winds. • . . Western Florida—Fair toiiigUr. urn)' Sun day; »*oo!er tonlgh.t; light «’nriable winds. Alabama—Fair tonight and Sunday; .cooler in soutberu portion toulghf; light*variable winds. , Mississippi—Fair tonight an.d Huudny; llslit varlulil.. wind*. . < Louisiana—Fair and, warmer tonight; Suu- day Increasing eloudluess. ArknmoiK—lucicasing elondliiess mutl wanner tonight and Sunday. i Oklahoma aud East Texas—I'urtly pfotidyi tonight and Hunday. } West T»»xas—Fair tonight and Huudny. • Bast Texas—Fair tonight; warmer, oxijept i In northwest portion; Sunday fair. Western Louisiana— Fair tonight; warmer i In northwontern |mrtion; Huiitmy - fair. Arkansas—kair aud waruier .tiuiight; fair* Kandny. ’ Ooservatlons tnkfn at 7 n. tn.. ventral (TmytBWw Abilene.. .. .. Amarillo Asheville ATLANTA.. .. Augusta.. .. *.. lUrnilnglmin.. .. Bismarck Charleston Charlotte Chicago Corpus Christ!.. Davenport Del Itlo Denver podge City.. .. t Smith’.’. .*.* Galveston Havre.. .. .. .. Huron Jacksonville.. .. Jupiter.. '. Kansas City.. .. Key West.4 .. ., Knoxville*. .. .. Macon.. .. .. .. Marquette., . Memphis Meridian Miles City Mobile Montgomery.. .. Nashville Orleans.. York Norfolk.. North llutte..'.. Omnba.. Palestine Itapld City.. Savannah. . . Nt. Louis Ht. Paid Tampa Taylor ,ThouuiHvllie v .. Tkkiluinta. ... .. Washington.. .. Wilmington.. .. Max :1 Min ....38 . :x .»■ :t»s W | .52 iff •I 4.,0-t ^ P. VON* iikbbhan.v Hectlon Director. ATLANTA MARKETS FRUIT AND PRODUCE. EGGS—Fresh coontry, 35c: stothge, 77^28e. , • -• . ' V. . • , LIVE POULTBY-Hen.. <?hb'k- I sns, 18625c. Ducks', Pekin. 30e fhch;-pnddle, J 8 ^nE8RKn’ l pli'(iT:Tii?^ , if^P®SW'i . Baud;. co4 k«. 6c; fryers, Xtkrtl$<; pec. v<mnd.! ueks. ISfiJHe per pound. Geese. SfUffcTperj pound. Turkey*. IMt 18c,. owing to finality. I GAME—Babbits and sipilrrels. .lf»r ;J ouosaums (alive),'8610c |M>uud. Quail, “V. * V * fit PRODUCE—Butter (Jersey). ttlftMeipe pound; country pack, 15c pound. Ileesw* active, 71c pornd. Hc*»*yvJfi flnr-popti<j (docks active, 1C612H^ pound; In bulk. 8^(3i pound. FRUITS AND NUTS-Lemons, fancy Mew •ena, $4.0064.50. Bananas. 3c per »oun.!. Limes. 25c /per 100. Pen nuts In sacks av eraging 100 ponhds each, owlng'fo grade, r-1 7H<* pound. Apples per 'barrel. $4.0064.7.7, owing to uunllty. Florida oranges, $1,750 “00 box. Plueapples, $1.5062.00. V EG ET/ '* ‘—I 4 crate. (X $1.506100. Irish Ortbms. Jfii'xrl. per pound. Sweet potato pumpkin yams, •;Vii75c; white, 50c per bushel. - FLOUR AND GRAIN. FLOP R—11 Ighest patent. $6.60: best, pat- ent, $0.00; standard patent. $5.75: halt pat- nt tt50; *|trltig wheat parent, $6j5. , • COWS—So. 2 white. S4c; No. 2 mixed, 8?e; No. 2 yellow. 93c. OATS—White clipped, Wo; white i llnpcd fancy,, 70c; red, 76c; rust prpof. 69c; Nt. J white. 63c; No. 3 white. 62c; mixed. 6b*. SEEDS—Sacked: Wheat—Tennessee Bl u» tem, 63c. Bye—Georgia, $1.35; Tennessee, $1.10. Oati—Burt, 70c: Turf, 0*c; Texaa .1'.. 75c; Knntnn It. I*. C6.-. HAY—Alfalfa. $1.15. Timothy, choice Inr** hales, $1.05; choice 1-3 bales, $1.0*1: Timothy No. 1 small bnle*. $1.00; Timothy No. 2. 83e; clover hay. 85c; Timothy No.’t rk»vtr mixed, 9Qc; Bermuda. 75c. MEAL—Plain. 96-pogml sickr.> S3e; ($. pound sacks. S5C: 24-ponnd'imtrkS. F7e. i CHICKEN FEBI>—Fifty-pound sn«*ka..$lj Purina scratch* one dozen. $2.13; WpoM racks, $2.06; Pmilw feed. 175-ponn-l snifk*, $1.70; 100-pound sneks, $1.73;, alfalfa filed. $1.60; 100-ponnd savlnr,' $L«9.** »Germ*'«real, $1.60. 8HOItTS—White.'D.78; ‘fhncY’7f4b; -»irelm. L65; shorts, brown. 75-poupd sacks, $1.60; 00-poumi sacks. $1.60: bran. 75 and 00.^ Irish pAnc>, :$l.nitf!jV', lutehei* .^etiLOO IU(<J»ei: Ruff?)*** lurBlns. r |Miund. Kpanlsh Unions. $1.75 cruft.. per ton, $3.00; round-sacked. $S.6i. PROVI8ION8. PROVISIONS—Premium hams. Ilea, 207/25 pound* average,. tdt Ian ** Silver Leaf iaril, 15»4. JewMI , lie!, ftiicks, cora- prnnid t%c; California bams, Ex-rlb^, 9.37H. GROCERIES. SUGAR—Htnudard granniatal, 5.10; New — faai-y i bigs and barrel*. 12c; green. 1N71 5Jf%®!?“S!U8!S «VfedT e: 8ABDINKS—Muftard. $3.M ease; one-qnar- CHEKln-FiinJjr fdli (frtOim. 16c; Geer- la cane syrup, 38c gallon.. Halt (100 pounds), Hr. Axle grease. $l.«o. craekvry. * er pound; lemon crackers, $e: oyster. 7c, .’omatoes (2 pounds). $1.26: rase (3 pounds), 'Fn'Sif&e, Assorted) polls, It; chocolate drops, palls, «i.Elk itssortedi- ten boxes* J5.0Q'_ Hbredded Wscult. 15.99 esse: N6. i felled eats. $140 esse; sack cUf*. **rx>timJ bags, $2.1*; full weight. fUT rasr:j*nper. 15 D, 20e; Royal btklng powder; $5.W rr,*«: red salmon, fc.50 ra* esse; mcen. 39cj roast beef, $2.9 ^ <New Orleans). %c gallon; corn, 39c gallon* Htcrllnz tmll potash. $130 esse; peaiu»*«. 7e. pinfl ssimpn.rfi.M ' ““ 90 cage; sirup