Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 17

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•me*?*, 1 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. BATL'RDAT, DKCEMBER 12, lout WEEK-END FIGURES SHOW LESS BEARISH Caused a Better Opening Than Had Been Expect ed on the Cables. ■ ■ — EDITED BY Joseph B. Lively DAILY MARKET NEWS I Mh Lively'# tWNtf flTe years' expe rience of editing markets In Atlanta and the South naa made him a rec ognised authority In his specialty. yCW YORK. D«c. 18.—The market opened better than liad been expected mi the ca- I»cing helped by wcok-end figures that were much less bearish than heretofore. There was fair nclllur: hr commission houses, which traa partly onset by room raring mid buying of fate months for n reaction. to 12 points shore the Aral quotations of Friday. Estimated receipt* llor.d;^ New Orleans . . . 0,000 to 10,500 Honston 17,000 to 18,000 Oalreston . . . .18,500 to 21,500 1007. 13,532 12.4)3 10,875 SPOT COTTON MARKET. ♦ Attnnta. qnlet: middling flafveston. quiet; middling 8 13-18. Norfolk, Mobile. Hnltlmoro, noinlnnl; ndddlititr 9c. Roalnn. quiet; middling :*.l». rhilndelphtn. quiet; middling 0.35. Memphis, steady; middling 87*. At. Ixuila. tpilet; middling 97i- . .. .. ... a. nul .. „ I.nnlsrllle. firm: middling 97». Little Rnek, steady; middling 874. Wilmington, steady: middling 8%. Charleston, steady: middling S%. TODAY'S PORT RECEIPTS. NEWS. AND GOSSIP fit the Fleecy Staple. ___ *' rora Hayward 4 Clark. HEW TORE, Dec. 1*—J. s. Rack, * Oo. LW.rpool du. 2 lo «* lower on 1 't' on ° t,ob " “<> » P"lnt lower on other sir," n« Wrt": •’SSois "SuSissssj ^•An.XV'Tpot.^Vnl.^'d'ri , hu " l , ,h - w « rl<1 '* «r'n ?^?n.«%M , o , o ft A r.'i lr ,* f n . r ,or vT.i*b l i, affla w"ek Ti” RlT,r mIm ‘m 000 dUcm A h „ : >30.000 to 150, ...II P J ?,*■ Chronicle etyi December I, ns- srthajts ass-sr anwf* *• afg'Sfejr vt.* ft PyM S'** «nfTiL“ w •b'e' *"PPly figure. are rerarded eJ°i-m25 '* '?.* ntnCntlcel podtlon ft cot- 1®P ” Frl'lny. December 11. n. made un lir Tbe New lork Financial Chronicle: P ’ Thil Lent Laat Visible inpply ,...4.93.\m 4.74282 4,:«K4 American 4.191,(09 4.042m 1,270.1-4 111 light. week 522,477 200,712 452.047 Rlmm September I..7.1722S7 6.«43*410 6.4220M I ort Marks 1.022210 i:092.27l S6UBJ m-zt *m«i Tbe following table shows receipts nt the ports: New Orleans. (*alreston. . . Mobile Savannah. • • # Chsrieaton. . . ■\YHmlngtcm. . Norfolk. . t New York. . Boston. . . . Phllndelphln. , "YotiTT To, All” 18.823 1.723 lo.nat 1.30| 3 JIM* 4.823 1.079 m 10 1907. 17.028 18.783 3.573 11.027 1.158 2.607 2,918 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. ▼he following table shows receipts at In- ’or points: i»r Houston. Augusta. Memphis. St. !.nuls. . Cincinnati. Total. . . T5.0O4 2.550 6.402 7,737 HW.’ ‘ 1.643 4.826 1.7M 32.258 Rxports 386.115 366.612 {»£• r rV e,p, "a 323.797 248:569 Int. shipments IlftO.Ofig 291433 221 167 lutcrlor sto<>ks .... 961,451 841344 523*836 NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 12.—-Hayward ft 2«k* .,^*7 good* reports sre getting less optimistic. The latest says the market Is generally qnlet. The edge is off the recent Pf,f5*,r°’goods. Cotton yarns art STBuROMT'Si 0 b w . ln Li;b'*!" ,!,, ' 0 ' ,n, Lirerpo^cshles: "Undertone easy despite jWtcred buying throughout the session by New York to support market." Market opens steady. Short corering orer the week-end and some buying on the better Liverpool and bullish takings may cause a little rally.. .. , 8 P°i market reported eery doll. Don't think enmt.tlon. will be ehanged. HEW YORK, Dec. 11.—J. 8. Barke 4 Co.: Upon higher cable, cotton opened 5 to 7 point, up. and except for a little dip early to within a point or two of last night, price* RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS •BY PRIVATE LEANED WIRB.i NAME OP STOCK. Amal. Copper. .... Am. Ice Bccurttlea. . Am. b'ugnr ftsfilMI. . American Smeitlag. . Am. Lncoiuotlre, • • . Foundry* AmerUnn Woolen.... American Cotton Oil. Auucondm. • ••*••• Atchison. , , , , , do. preferred. .... Atlantic C. Lin®. . . . Brooklyn Rapid T. . . Baltimore A Ohio. . . c.. C.. c. 4 82 L..... . CbeKpenke 4 Ohio. . Lnnadlnn Pacific. . . • Consolidated ilia. . . Central Leutber. . . . do. preferred. .... Colorado Fuel 4 Iron. Colorado Southern. .. . Delaware 4 Hudson. . Pfow 4 lllo Uranda. Dlhtlllern Securities. . pifiprrpa. ... • . General Electric Great Weetcrn (treat Northern jiM. . . ureat Northern nM. final Northern Ore. Illinois Central. Interborongh. . do. preferred, tvonsaa A Texas, 1 i M NAME OF STOCK DM. Lou Is vl lb* A Nasttrllle. Missouri Pacific. . . . New York Central. . . Northwestern National Lend Norfolk A Western... Northern Pacific. . . Ontario A Western. . Pennsylvania. . . • • Pressed Bteet Car. . . Reading. Rock Island do. preferred Republic Iron A Steel, do. preferred. Southern Pacific. . Southern Railway, do. preferred. • • A*. Paul Stoss-Sheffleld. . . Tenn. Copper. . , 12*\as raffle. . • Third Avenue Lnlun I’nrlflc. . . '*a. Car. Clicmlcsu. V. t*. Rnhoer. do. U. 8. Weel. . . . da preferred. . Western Union. Woteinghottao She. TIPS PLASHED Prod. lVall Street. By T. O. 8HOTWBLL. Prom Hayward A Clark. NEW YORK. Dec. 12.—J. S. Bsehe A Co.: Americans In laondon heavy. • Increased gold exports with heavy cash loss Indicated on week’s movements of cur- reney gave rise to doubts as -to maintenance big feature in the early trading In Wall °* twi rates. Call money touched 3 per today, declining almost 2 point* in th cent. The showing to be mad# by ths banks half hour. Its weakness unsettled th will probably ssert some influence on tbe snee of the list and losses of a p market next week. Th# talk of a reduction thereabouts were recorded in thoso la KnglUh bank rate can be offered as a The decline in Smelters is said to be due partial offset, but no certainty as yet in that the operation of big interests who are direction. The bnll managers switched oner- stood to be looking for the scalp of _ _ •Hons to the tractions and some of low- ton operator who nas been caught long R riced industrials. Heaviness in steel stocks the stock. Tbe strong feature of the mark i a deterrent factor. Look forlsotne irrogn' was the traction shares. Interborough Met isrlty, but no material weakness in any dfrec- polltan common rising to 1774 ami the Bon. ferred to 41%. Brooklyn Rapid Tr Carpenter, Baggot A Co.: Market promises stock opened a trifle lower and sho to be irregular with some weakness displayed, disposition to share in the strength Many traders will even up over Sunday. We terborough-Metropolitsn until snnoum believe the market shonld be bought on any was made that the public service conm weakness today, especially the standard [had dismissed the complaint of the Flushing stocks. We have unusnal reasons for believ-[ Association against the Brooklyn Heights Rail SMELTEBS LEADER IN EARLY DECLINE Unsettled Balance of List. Fraction Shares the Strong Feature. tha Iron should bs bought with expectations of a vary material advance. Dow-Jonea Company: President of Union you. Bre»Jdf n £etween the pxesident 'and eon- ‘ i alfli NEW YORK Following Is the range In cotton fntnrea In New York today; •j )e(\. .Inn,. . Feb.. . March. April. . May.. . Oct., . (Mooeil steady. a S.71 8.55-56 M 18.55-57 8.66 8.65-66 H 18.65-67 *.7"-7: 8.70-M 8.6143 8.48-52 8.S5A1 Is 781? 149-50 8.52- 541 1.65-66 8.62-63 8.61-62 8.53- 54 A 40-45 3.42-43 LIVERPOOL. ^ . -«nge. Decfrohrrjxn..'.' Jannarjr-Pnh 4.51 -t.fl '".hruarr-Marrh. 4.61 4.67 arcb-Aprll 4.61 -4.U Cloif. w 4.63(4 is Attftuat-twpt R.ptrmlier-Oet.. 4.61(4 Octobar-Nor 4.46 -4.49 4.63(4 4.61 6J6 Cloanl barclf almdr- 4.46 446(4 NEW ORLEANS. Following Is the rnnge In cotton futures le New Orleana today: Bee.. . Jnn.. . Feb.. . March. April. . May.. . 8.67 8.6T A 60 - ' Kii closed steady. m 3.591 8.67 1.63*8:73 it 8.73-71 8.59 AM-56 ASS 8.60-fl 8.65-66 S.6S 8.74-71 8.38-36 ruled firm and closed about 10 points net higher for the day. The better Liverpool was no doubt du# t«» the favorable week-end fig ures. showing world's takings of American 80,000 bales in vxcess of the same week last year, and an increase in the visible of Ameri in of only 142.000 bales. The Fall River port was not an good, but The Chronicle pointed out (hat Deeember was usually a dull NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—The paasing of the government's reports. Instead of clearing up the situation, sterna to have left the trade in greater doubt, and while at first the eatimate figures seemed to be regarded aa bullish, after more deliberate consideration, the trade seemed to Ignore them and looked more at the present movement, which continues enormous, month In the goods trade, but the decreased sales were not worrying dealers. Memphis reported a good inquiry and that fsetors*were refusing to sell exeept at 74 to 74 e above the Memphis offieisl quotations. Until the general situation changes, we do not look for any greot ehange from this level of prices, but believe in purchases on favorable opportunities for more or less of a long pull. states, *ay that we are not bearish and consider this ..... 1 show more cotton having pasted -thru gins tip to December 13 than the gov ernment la Ba eatimate allotted to these states for their total yield. If this be true and aueb s condition is established, the world will ignore th# estimate entirsly and look to swings, which will enable students of the situ ation in time to buy cotton at such values as will insure them a handsome profit in the near future. This is the end of the foer- r ivbtm*i wi i vii o i n mo i ivg -r Cotton Movement. Secretary Hester's statement of the move ment of cotton during tbe past week shows an Increase In the movement Into sight com pared. with seven days ending thle date last year, In round figures, 81.000, an Increase over tbo same days year lx*fore last of 17,000 U»cr iui! iflinr iinji ym iwiurr inn ui n,vw and nn Increase over the same time In 1906 of 143,000. For the 11 days of Deceini»er ths totals show nn Increase over lest year of 23L000. an Increase compared with tnc same period over tlie sntne time In 1901 _ For tbe 102 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate la ahead of the 102 days of Inat year, 1.94L000. ahead the same , i.jh.uw, nunui iiir wuir last 663,000, and ahead of by 1.106,000. The amount brought Into sight during the not accurately before* us,"’ thY’in toYfg ht «Tlm/Vn^sff^iind * f or the * l^da va’^f "»«•“ *• W,M ortt 7.000.000 .ltd than m.r {S2S»iS2. V tmt'Si.ii.. (Shh the movement as an Indicator of the total yield, which will not encourage support for the present. On the ether hand, there are NEWS WAS BEARISH! START WAS LOWER Opening Waa Near a Cent Lower, Rallied Later 7-8 to 1 l-4c. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 5 red winter Corn—No. 3 , Oats—No. 2 CHICAGO, Dec. 12.—Easier cablet, favors- LONDON STOCK MARKET. Followlmt^are London quotatlons today Amalgamated Copper . Annronda ns today: jopenlcloi I'lrirrrwj ,, ,, Baltimore and Ohio., do. preferred —Pacific Denver and Rio Grande., do.* preferred Erie do, first preferred .. *;, do, second preferred .. . Great Western Illinois Central Kansas and Texas do. preferred Louisville and Nashville.. Mexican Central . da preferred New York Centssl Norfolk and Wtttern., do, preferred • and Western iiiiMriuriti r.ii i.wuu.uuu inu witrn mmj he another two weeks of this heavy movement. the expectation of the crop being well under 13,000,000 bales. These operators may decide on further allowing In the way of con tinued heavy movement and another largo gtaners' report, to bodge their accounts or even them, or to in s measure reduce their linea. This will, for the time being, remove the principal support from the market, for the South and Liverpool have beeu constant sellers for weeks paet, while the North, Hast and West hare bean absorbers of their offer Inga; therefore, we may set a lower market temporarily until values reach s point that will attract ths more conaervatlve buyers. In calling attention to ths sltostlon, ws wish to Idlng tl out the cotton growing section will become s factor in the market and we do not think _ (able to the world's manufacturers at prices under 2 cents a pound advance, tho we may aee temporarily lower prices until this liquidation U finished. The distant months era attracting moat attention, for if that is true, as our advice* Indicate, that the acreage will be greatly reduced next year by planting oats and corn In th* eastern sections, and due to necessary phnting of something else other than cotton on account of th* weevil in the western part of tbe belt# irices will look very or th* new crop materialise. FARMERS AND TRADERS' BANK 239 Peters St.. Atlanta, Ga. DEPOSITS INSURED 4 PER Interest Paid In Our Savings Do- CENT partment, Compounded twice a year. December It has been 971,902 against ' same time In 1L... Tho movement since September 1 shows receipts at all United States ports 5,313,833 against A950,760 Inst year, 4,312.020 year be fore last and 4,434.6& same time In 1906: e the Mississippi. Ohio nn<! to Northern mills and Con Inst 216.119 last yesr. 468,221 ndn 626,008 against 216.119 last yesr, 468,220 year before last and 351,906 same time In 1906; Interior atoeka In excess of those held me weather and a little larger receipt* in ivnnsvlrsnla the northwest than last week caused n de- Rrmllng rllne of HP?4e In wheat at the opening, .finnthrrn' Pacific *’ B.rtl,tl A TlTt,n .Southern ItnireV'.. vae some buying, f j 0 nrcfnrrMi at the does of the com mercul year 681,014 ngnlnat 184.312 last year, 6 * last and 671.950 same time and 806,627 tame 883,116 year before me In 1906. These make the total movement for the 102 days of tbe season, from Heptember 1 to date. 7,300,116 against 5,360.114 last year, 6,- 642.641 year befora last and 6,166,1M time In 1906. ear. making t l 3,^37,415 ngnli ■K of *41,731. Inst rtod last year, and their total takings since Heptemlier 1 have Increased 174.100. The to tal takings of American mills—North, South and Canada- thus far for tbe season bars been 1,157,828 agali These Include t ngnlnat 802,268. Stocks at tbe seaboard and ths 29 lending Pop them Interior centers bare df Atlanta National Bank ATLANTA. GA. C. E. CURRIER, Pra.ld.nt H. T. INMAN, Vlc»-Pr.«ld»nt CEO. R. DONOVAN, Chl.r. James s. floyd. A„i»unt c»«hi.r. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $750,000.00^ We Solicit Your Patronage. X. I. Oirp-nlrr. 1. N. Carpenter. Atmore L. I!e»«ot. Ft.rrett T»te. CARPENTER, BAGGOT A CO., 17-21 WILLIAM STREET (Ground Floor), NEW YORK. New York Stoek Etrhanjre. MEMDI.IIS. rMjHg|>M* fo WS £SSSR fegfflgSSff bo'*/°G I ^| r ERAt , BROKERAGE BUSINESS, CORRESPONDENCE INVlVeD duRnc thr wrek 1.1M hale* afktnet in In- rre„<7dnrlnc tb. cnrrrepondltif period U.t eroeoR of 10,410 and are Bow 4M.4M moro Umb et this net. In 1M7. iBrlndlnc ,tocka left orer at porta and liurrlnr tnwna from the last crop and tho tha low point. Thla biil*o rauaed acatti.reil, f n |, n ], nr 'i« r coramljaIon house aellln* and the market (lni preferred" ' ,'o almot reaterda, a rloaa. Tho (TnlteHl Htntea Btrel market la rather nerrona. do nreferre.1 Wheat ctoaed onl, (4G(4c ahore Ihe I n-„?"'.J’ rpr " re " •• reallnf spots of yesterday, tint It show reaction of l!»c from tho bottom price rearhol. Corn and oata each advanced (4 6He and provisions were stronfer. OBIOAOO 0UAI4 MAKK11. Day's ran an la fotorea In Chlcar las: Previous Open. nt*h. Low. Close. Clow. te * « b 1 9 t.ORN— I B 8 Deo.... — - "fe- 88 Dec.. 47 Jan... 9.11 hm-'™ i'.ii ».I7(4 Ho™ »;“(4 II a 16.6774 15.65 16.00 11.0^ if !l i.u a.u 1.45 (.45 do, nvoforred " loan 'SS % ■■H . jslon in his mss< sage continue* to widen. Today’s exports bring the total ontward gold movement up to $5,400,000. Ameriean Tobieeo offirials pre dict that earnings or 1908 will exceed 1907. Lake Shoav has now sold all Its 114.000 .shares of Lehigh Valley, mostly In the open market. Colorado and Southern surplus for four months more than meets the year's divi dend on preferred shares. Dun'a review saya mercantile collections are more prompt and ruum(in industry. Bradatreet’a saya regular retail trade and usual Christmas shopping demand have not yet met eapeetstlons at many points. earning enough to justify the old 5 por cent dividend rate. Wall-St. Topics: Reactionary sessions auch aa were experienced In the stock market yes terday are to be expected. Route** of In formation, praumably well posted aa to the intentions of present market interests, still maintained, however, that nothing more serl- Ti reactionary operationi as those need be anticipated, as support cooling whenever th# market is In need of it. A trustworthy source advises that the important speculative interests ate at the present time adding more to their holdings than they are disposing of. "Hu- on theae reactions," la the advice In some quarters II la now suggested that the standard issues, rather than soma of the NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK. Dec. 12.-The weekly atnte- tnonf of tho New York Associated Bnnka shows tho following change*: Furplu* (old), decrease 133.272.150. I^miiih. deercnKi ffpecle, decrease $8,746,000. Legal tenders, decreehc 8115.800. Deposits, decrease $15,534,600. i Circulation. Increase $529,300. United States denoslts. Increase $461,000. Total loans. $1,339,647,400. Total reserve. 8369,049,100. I IIUII ICFITII'. Surplus. II6.899.62IJ Surplus, not i-ountlng^W^' United Htntea deposits, $19,199,900. CLEARING nOUSB STATEMENT. House Association: Thla rose whirh immediately became active K int to 57%. At the end of tho first half ur of trading tho standard railroad ahar.-i had recovered their lost**, but another »tta<-V waa made on Bmeltera, which forced it down to 87%, a nat loaa of over 3 point » o»7», rn NB( Nil UI U _ _ had a depressing effect on the reat of market and caused a decline of 74 in nearl all issues. In London American atoeka were heavy be cause of the lack of support. On the New ‘ wag- York curb market trading waa dull -.. Jar the leadership of New York* Cen tral, which made n new high record nt 121, the general market cloaed strong and active nt nhout the l»eat prices of the day. The bank statement showed a loss of cash of $7,165,803. Deposits decreased $15,534,&*) and loans decrenned $7,597,900. NKW YORK, Dec. 12.—Moat’of the stocks traded In the first few minutes showed some easing off hi prices, with decided strength In Iiiterltornugh-MctroiMilltnn issues and Rending and weakness In Aroerlcnn Smelt ing. Tntcrborough-Metropolltan common, preferreil and 474 tmndi were In rock! de. iiinnd and made fractional, advances, reach mg n new high rnuge for this movement. There was no Important change In the tons of Ike market. Closing bids follow: Railway Stocks. Atchison do. preferred .. Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific Chicago and Alton .. .. , Chicago and Northwestern Colorado Southern . .. . Denver and Rio Granda . do. preferred . ., . ..103 ..110 -.17774 Erie Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville .. .. Manhattan "L*" Metropolitan Street Railway .. 82% .. 3574 ..147% Mexiran Central Now York Central Pennsylvania .. .. Reading St. Paul Southern Pacific .. Southern Railway ..130% .. 35% ..188 74 Wabash Wisconsin Central Interboro-Metro do. preferred Great Northern Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper .. .. . American Car and Foundry .. el .. 18% .. 30% .. 1774 iiuau American Locomotive “*! 'SS lM(tl --- S4HI 54 111% 11274 (Ac»I Stock, ,n. Bonin Atlinfn Cool A Ire, Atixtitn root A Ire g*(i Atalnta Htrrl Jp* -}!!«"!• Drewln* A Ire rn..,..'.'. - .. «'ret Point <loh!,...-;:i(* JJIf Jm Atlantn Atlanta Atlanta Atlantn Antnatn Anatutt Poctncy... l A (V > IH*. f m 106 m J.Vt Central Bank A Trust Coro Ill K x posit Inn "CoTto‘n* ^MIHs.^ I!" * 'tan Fourth National BaSt.!: a- ff. * felee H Ga. By. ft Else, nfd . ' fiF. 4k Eler. In !!!!! ,« !;• »• g- * jB«nkini co !/*'"• R- ft Bonking Co. now 4a tzu foutbwestern Raflrfiid!..!.i&f 1 Lomj Notional RaDk..., M## „::{S ..16$ ... 81 .... $3 102 •St m Monday .... Tuesday m Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday m. *1 190f ^1,3IS.2!4.M $1,133,031.17 989.410.55 940.974.38 919.979.86 673.268.60 Total, week,...,■..,.|$6,07Mlt.4)|fcl.^20.9li.(6 NEGRO MET DEATH, CITIZENS BELIEVE Am.rlran Coton Oil . Amvrlcn Sm.ltinj and Refining do. preferred .. 8.1 r; ... 47(4 .. 57(4 Fuel end Iron .. . Oenrrnt Kleotrie National Hfxrult .. .. .. .. P.rlfie Hall People. O.i Preraed Steel Car Hloax Hhefilrld Rlrel .. . . fionthern Pacific, preferred Roger United States Steal .. .. 8TATENVILLE, Ga., Dae. 12.—The belief In general here that the negro outlaw who, after breaking Into the home of Flnher Belotn, fled Into the nwampg, puraued by a mob with blood hound., waa overtaken ond put to The hound, followed the negro Into n nwamp acvernl mllen away. The ponne disappeared for two hourn and then re- appeared with the significant state ment that “the negro will make no more midnight raldn. Their statement stopped all further pursuit. Harper Belote, a little boy, Bred nt thr negro aa he ran. 8000 All Phones Lead to Georgian WantDept. do. ..133<4 ..133 .. 54% ..112% Yirginfa-Caro'lina Chemical do. preferred Weatinghous# Electric .. Republic Iron and Steel do. preferred .. .. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. NEW Y<$RK, Dec. lt-Notblng snbl In money today. Posted rotes: Rterllng exchange 4.87EO. with nctunl business In bnnkers' bill* at $4.871»«r I.S7I5 for deinnud and $4.sww 4.86 for sixty-dny bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged In rates. n tea. C’mnmerdnr bar sliver, 43%c. Mexican dollars, 45c, MIN IN O STOCKS. Ureeue-Csusnen I Franklin 27%. Hineltera preferred 46%. UI Apex 5%. Nevndn r<iusol(dat»il 23%. Shaimo 17%, Calam dumet-Arlzonn 11874- CHICAOO CAB LOTS. P»* World’s Vltlbla Supply, Secretary Heater's statement world's visible supply of cotton for Abe last year and an Increase of 133.371 rear before last. The total vlalble la 4.900,5« against 4.689, 1 ur mini iimuic im gfaiugi l.niVi' 426 last week. 4,170.147 Inst year and 4.718,499 yeor l>efore Inat. Of this tha total of Ameri can cotton 1* 4.152,508 against 3.W2.425 Isat week. 3.300.271 last year and 3.848.499 year Car lota today and estimated tomorrow at \ Today. I Tumorrofr. Wbret. . . Corn 14 191 144 10,000 tl ifi 67,000 Hog#, hrm! ■OBTBWBIl OAKS. Minneapolis., IN WITfit Mini Jx hr •aai-i a,J - ag before last, and of all other kinds. Including Egypt. Brasil. India, etc., 748,000, against 697,000 last week. 869*176 last year ana 180*- 000 year before last. The total wortd'a visible supply of cotton, ■g alette, shows an Increase compered with last week of 211,* A an Increase compared with Inat year of 780,161. and an Increase The American Audit Co. ' Homo Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. / F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. THflO COOHEU, JE., V-Pre». and Sec'y.—A. P. LAFRENTZ. Traaa BRANCHES! BRANCHES: NBVf YORK—Waldort-AglorlA ATLANTA—Fourth Nath. RW. BWg BOSTON—Excharjf. Bullfllag. CHICAGO-Mamuef.. RulMlnr. WAfiHING TON—Colorado RulUIng. PHILADELPHIA— H.llevu.-Etratforfi NEW ORLEANS—Hcnnen Building. BAN FRANCISCO—Monodnock. BALTIMORE—Kl««r Building. LONDON, ENO.—4 King Strut RIClIiiOND—Mutual Building. I ATLANTA BRANCH. 10IS-17 Fourth National Bank Building. f 0. B. BID WELL, Resident Vice President Cablo Addreu. AmdlL Now York 00 yrer before teat; India ttn,«n against JM.OOO laat yrer awl yrer iH'fnrp List, ami In Ihe Ilnlfnl Htntre against 1,411,000 Mat yrer and 1470,- 003 yatr Mure last.* Taking,, Rrerettry Hretre ttirrj th. taking. Amrriren rottw l.y aplnntra tbrenghout tha world aa fnllowa In round namhore: Thin wrek M.a» thla yrer .gatnxt 50,000 Total olnre (kplrmli-r l Hits yrer 4.U7.000 ngnlnat S.404.000 laat yrer and 1710,000 tho rrnr lirfore. Of thla Northern aplnnrra and Cannrtn took I in Ire this yrer against Og.000 laat yrer oud K6.C0Q tho ymr Imfore; Boulh —ra IM.000 agafnat (S.OOT Inat year tho yrer More, ami foreign apln- ** agalnat l.g*— 1 — yrer More. COTTON 8EED OIL Opening and closing (inoratlona In New Opening i Torn today LIVERPOOL OEAIN MARKET. NSW YOBK COFFEE MABKET. Follonrlng are co gee naotatlona today: I Oponlng.TClosing. NAVAL 8T0BEI. SAVANNAH, Dae. 1*.—Ta ardent! water white, ft.50; window, gtxa. (4.40; St. (Ut: M. (5.M; K. f5.)Ofl, 14.15: B. ti.ti; o, it, fi.or(4: r, ij.os: B, D, c, n, THREE DISTRICTS IN CONVICT SYSTEM To facilitate the Inspection f convict the state of Georgia into three dis trict?, to b« known as th* Northern, th# Boathweatcrn and th* Boutheattcrn districts. rut, Intpartar Bark, will , will kara charge of lha Irelhretttni flatrWt. Th. tuipretor. will b. held reaBonalhl. far th. c.iup< In thalr rexpretlra dlatricta and will be required to nt.k. Iknrougk and aya- itle ikport. of amnthly iniprrtloas. Xra.abocko, Mala 174. CU>.ed weak, kales. M04 liamiaT $670,000 CITY OF SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FIFTY-YEAR H1-2% SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS Duo February 1, 1959. Interest payable February 1 and August 1. In coupon form of $1,000 and $500. each, with privilege of registration. The*e bonds are part of an laiue of |S,4I3,060 which have been sold by tbe City to refund 12,610,000 bond maturing on February 1, 1909. Exempt frotn taxation in and hy the State of Georgia. Validity of the iaaue approved by Messrs. Davies, Stone & Auerbach, New York, and by Me*arg. Garrard & Mcldrum, Savannah. The total bonded debt of Savannah on January 1, 1909, waa 91,991,0(0, while the total usr.jned valuation of property subject to taxation waa In excess of 147,000,000. The ontire is, therefore, only 6 per cant of tho total valuation. By provision of the State Constitution the debt la limited to 7 per cent of assessed valuation. The city owns It* waterworks, entirely free from mortgage indebtedness, which cost about 11,500,003. Without allowing for Ita City Hall and other buildings, tho uncovered portion of tho debt la, therefore, very small. The bonds are subject to the operation of a -Inking fund amounting to at leaat 1*5,000 the (lrat year and In creasing by nt lenat 91,000 yearly thereafter, which will retire the larger part of the Issue before maturity. Bonds art not callable, but mutt bo purchased for tho oinking fund In tho open market. Having purchased the above bonds with the United States Mortgage & Trust Company of Hew York and Messrs. Proctor & Borden, we offer them, subject to prior sale, for delivery on or about February 1, 1909, at ’tbe price of 108 1-2 and interest, yielding about 4.10%. 8ubject to the gale of the above bonda, holder* of th* old bond, who deilre to exchange will be allowed a con cession of 1-4 per cent. Such holders should deposit their bonds without delay at the office of the undersigned, ex the February 1st, 1909, Coupon, In return for negotiable temporary receipts exchangeable for new bonds on or •bout February 1, 1909, upon payment of $82.50 per $1,000 bond and $41.25 per $500 bond, representing the pre mium upon the new bonda. Holders of the old bonds who desire to sell in advance of maturity may cash their bonds at the office of the underalgned at a price to yield the purchaser 4 per cent till maturity, auch price representing a premium of about $2X0 per $1,000 bond on December 1st, 19C8 (100.20 ond accrued interest), and gradually daclining thoreaftar until It vanlahea on February 1, 1909. • Thla offer la subject to termination without notice. Deposits received and order* executed la Baltimore. Md.. by Guaranty Trust Company Messrs. Alexander Brown O Sons, and In Savannah, Ga., by OF NEW YORK ■ The Oglethorpe Savings & Trust Company. 28 Naisua Street, New York Oity