Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 19

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1908. ===== FOR SALE-~MI8CEl»&.AN£0U3 w% ? | }j OLD HATS MADE NEW. SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS r. o- Cleaned and reshaped..• t»• • y' With new bend, »w#»l end binding.,.... II hindi, iveiti or blndlnf. (Melt tzln)..3llt Honda. Out-of-town orders itren prompt attention. Lata atylei. but work. ACME nATTERa yoit sau:- itniiii Immodlnto ■lollvorr. IQOVt Whitehall BL and .-mailed elone for Cull or wrlta for .... ... writ. r . prices, Capital Stono fomrany. Vardat Mar- tin. Terry-ets. it ml (ieorpin railroad. Boll and Georgia railroad. plnino ninln 1E8T. GLOBE FUR. CO., 30 Welt Mitchell Bt. $15 Felt Mettreesei. 14.05; $4 80-lb. Colton Mitlr.n, FOR SALK— Kiimltnra, aama ee, new; eulta tile for Ctirlslinna pre»ent»; hnlf price. Ap- Ply at Wlnilanr-et.v WA'n'thI* EVERY hongokeetier to try ont JJc cofree. Dcllrercd anywEere In city. Main liJO, try 3888, Atlanta phone 181A ■ XMAS' JEWELRY at f POPULAR PRICES. A very gidoet line at prices unequal**!. A. M. BALDING. I Centrnl Are.Atlanta Phone Ml. Prtfo ftAf.K-lloueeUold furniture In rmHltlM. oo«l »ld at great aaenflee, 4l that tb»’ new' \WiT.'nT« Hotel l« 1-oniplrletl and open near the Terminal motion, 1 will aell the W llama Ifottae I.Yo. J> In Atlanta. K. C. Williams, Atlanta, On. Christmas Presents . for Year In. Year Out. Pretty Uttle Baddlea for Bor. and Olrla Ooat and Pony Harheas. PJnih, Wool and Bearer Up Robea. hiding Propa ami Whip*. Carriag* Heater, and Brisk. Spnrs In Rrasi, Silver and Nlckal. T»og Harm’s* and Collars. Street and Stable florae Blankets. Pine Cnrrlnje and Buggy Harness. Beat of floods; Igiwest Prices. D. MORGAN. 135 Whitehall St. CONTESTS of n romplolely furnished flat for sale. Apply —• " *—* ‘ ' phone ?it>4-4 fry. Fflli HAt.'OW FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. XMAS BARGAINS. *}J *»!**! n * •!•"£*, oak or tnahoganjr.f 12.50 25 5 ot, L or niahogany. 5.75 25 mutir rshineta, mahogany ** JO musir rabinrt*. oak or toahuca Elannd rhiffurobea Writing drtka at eut pricca. CHAS. S. ROBISON, 25 aud 27 E .Hunter St. 3AX 1 'i&Sssrri price. eaeollenr * ; on*IDlon : Will m-II m, .tour "^AIaK~A. frw fine Klhcrlnn mohair nn*l -oC_L- ' ,, l , robaa. Automobile owners and Ammnt «2P , ■■Pplled. Mnnufacturera’ fffiSi- 1 ** 1 p " r *»tret?-*t.. or phones 1047 for wm pica. 1 machine; now; r * ,>,K »n; In tear Improvement*. «//? , 5Lj or <*«» Boll Pi main 2HI. or write Box 742. Atlanta. BOARDERS WANTED. GENTLEMEN rnn obtain comfortable room nnd good tnbit* board In pletiaaut home; special rates to two table Imnrders. Please call 20 K. Caln-at., hnlf block from Peach- tree-st, / t TWO young men can get first-class Iward III private family; ele^rint north able home. Apply W. I.. G„ Box 255. care Georgian. FTlTSTkllKD room* with Imnrd; nlao table hoarders; nice rooms, good board; close In. 56 B. Cnin-st. Hell phone Ivy 3412-J. Cl)lf PI. JgK desire another couple to board with them In newly fnrnlahed cottage, with nil conveniences. After 6:30 p. ni. plume Ivy 2618-1,. t BOARD WANTED. SPECIAL SALE Six suits fnriiliire 131 Hlx iron beds m Twelve all-cot Inn mattresses, each...!...34^00 Mix dining ch.-tlrs, |*er set iis.-io Twelve atrnlgbt enne chairs, each fl.Ou SI* rockers. each 17.00 h,n * p "‘ >“ >r week Sl.i 100 hentliitf stoves, nor week Il.< Mtove repairing n specinlty. Southern Stove & Supply* Co. 133 Whitehall St., Bell Phone MW. Atlnnla 2235. P6r fjAI.E—A full line of (Ire nnd bnrglnr- proof enfes and vault doora. Atlanta and Lock Cnnipany, (8 North Pryor- at., Atlanta. BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED—Lody to board; nicely furnished front room. bath, hot nnd cold water; "i” for ,K >ard; would take cou- pie. My family la small. Nice location. *?r b *?f ed - Apply 200 Plum it. Take Luckle'-at."car. r TAIlfTf^ BOARDRHfi wanted: nlao couple fc*RO^T rooin for tw«> gentlemen; also »ev* eral tghle lK>nrdera; best table; low rnte. 233 Court In ml Pryor at. Bell 4475 J main. toS’ELt Inily with few gentle necklace, $15. Q. B. D.. IIoi V*. care Georgian. COAL COAL BEST QUALITY.' CHEAPEST PRICES. J. W. Wills, PHONES 356. wagon*; brand new; Just flnTlhedr will tell to close out. O **—“— Furniture Repaired and Upholstered. ; yvork at Modera Hlgh-Clisi Moderate Frleei. Maier & Volberg, "The Shop with a Reputation" Both Phones 10-lneh atroke ’ iirnsa cylindert Doming ninke; capacity 10 gallons minute. Bargain. Address (*. Hob maw Gaaliieffe Decttur. Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE. DO YOU WANT the progress of loeomotor ataxia stopped on youl If so, you can bars brat yltr refereneea that flalvar will do It. Call at Salrar Company, Vft Brown- RandnliA bbjfdlnig" ^ ^ ^ non glnaang seed rnn'lnf gnttan ehenp If Imnght at onee. Address Pink St. Ulostng Company, ({alneavllla. (Is. FOR SALE. WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY. HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH AND MANTELS, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. SEND YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES. ATLANTA. - - GEORGIA. ft St; ten-boraepowir motor, direct current; pulleya, one earbonatpr and flfteen calling fans; all at less tbgn price. Apply >4 ten- GLOBE FUR. CO., hall St. quire. IMA Wtil^llehell fit.. 935 Rrusiela Ar would like to board an elderly ...... «. married couple; no children; nice front room; southern exposure: modern enliven- “ t «" very renaonnble. Address In* B(»x 217. cam Georgian. n fence#; rat man Park, mmh ' room, with I In. Bell phone ninln TAtlLR HOARIHCUH ' ker-st. runted at 89 West Bn- fcE'V Imarders can be accommodated with nice room nnd board; every convenience; reasonable rate*; close In. Pall nt 143 H. fcorsythat., near Terminal Station. <1 lTfc:w“T.(innlcra wanted nt 174 8. I’ryor stT; rntes reasonable; apeelnl rates to couples, “hone 5393. Mtnndnril. 5 A FKW BOARDRBft can be accoinmodateH BOARD wanted In « court of Florida. In , n young Indy: rates must be rentonnblo nougb to afny nil winter; reference* given IF you want secret Investigating done L; Indy of long experience and ability, who will go anywhere, address M. II. fc.. Box Address Home Life. 3if rrgw*qi YOt’NG married c«»up!e desires room and prlvn rules must be „ cbaumui. Address M. D., Box 136, care The TWO married couples wish board aud rooms nt reasonable rates; r~*— - -t- ferre«|. Address 1. N. B.. »y uni, nuiimiH i, .a, u„ pa tu. ■ iur*ai, u BOARD wnnTed by man nnd wife In a prb 3694 ^ hoIUP; answer quick. Atlanta phone ftKfcTNfcJD young business woman desires r.r i•>c.iv young miBiiirai woiunn u»?»irr* room nt rensnunble rate, almiit Decemlier s,d.. with or without board, with some quiet couple or lonely lady for company: must ,w * within walking distance. Address A. core Georgian. WANTED—By young msn of good habits. young man of good room and board In n private family; Catholic preferred. C. P. P., P. O. Box 1075. city. DOGS, BIRDS AND PETS. FOR KALE—One setter bitch about 3 years 3 years old, well . . . pups about 3 aionths old.i well bred, fc'or further Information, write F. II. Bostwlck. Boat wick. On. POULTRY AND LIVE STOCK. FOB HALE—Jeraey cows giving milk; good ones; we huve too many; soiuet»ody gets them cheap.. Klmbnllvllle fc'orm. operated In connection with the New Kimball House, Standard. phone 4335 or Bell 4915 main. For hai, . I—Brown Leghorn nnd Bnff Orp- Ington chickens, Boston Terriers, male and female, 4 months old; two Toy French i»oo* dies 4 months old, beauties; one female Maltese kitten 9 months old. very flue stock; be nt 738 Glenii*st. JERSEY COWS FOR SALE. N MONDAY. Herein her 21. 1908, eom- meiielug nt 11 n. m.. I will sell nt Argo'f stable. In Deentur. twenty-five line Jersey cows, now belug milked by me nt my farm nenr Decatur. I will acll nt the some time two horses nnd two mules. This Is an op- homns E. Anderson. Auctioneer. C. O. MEDLOCK. FEW PLYMOUTH ROCKS, - Wvnndotte, .... .ry« nnd Orpington roosters for sale cheap. • 3479-J. 157 EIUal*eth. Or call with nice room and Imard; every conven ience; reasonable rates; close In. Pall nt 183 \\ bltehall-st. Bell phone main 3666-J. d WANTlfD—A few grntlemeu Yor nice, coin- fortnble room, with or without l»oard, In private family. Pal! 78 West Uaker-st., or Atlanta phone 2966. MORfc: boardera wanted at 131 Washington. References aud rates given 1 application. oCf furnished rooms with board; one SIT block from poatofflce. Modern conven* lenceq. 72 Sprlngat. d GOOD Inuird at rnisonnble prices. 1i Litckle- at. Nt^R fttNOLE room with good board nt 119 Washington. All conveniences. WASffSb—A refined yonng man In a prl- ■ate family. Board reasonable. Address „ P. O. Box 104. d (Wrre~ - . two or tiiree young men can secure nicely furnished room with excel- dent table board; all conveniences. 41 West Caln-at. Atlanta phone 2213. d fABLfc HSIUifiBR wanted at 283 Peach- treejt. U ^TA.vTED-fwo young men for front room la flat; all convenience*. Phone Main 2126. room dasiree roommate. 2259-J Ivy. tree-at, I^VRl.Y H5SBT room* wltii hath: largii tree. Phone Ivy 1K9-L. r ^ii»lTOrflbr^.- 46jii*T MItcbeli; ha. several nice rooms with good hoard at reaaonahle rates Table board a specialty. reason*!)! ITiWe Rates very reaepnable. Call Main 5229 Information. Tn WW select erenccs. Mr*. Phone 947-J Ivy. . hoine; re£ atson, 839 Pencbtree-at. WANTED—lloaraere: also table Isiarders. 4i W. Paln-st. Atlanta phone 'ANTED—L’nopie without chTWfeii"" ... —PUP* ...... ........ ..Jor two m#n to lH*nnl with atrlctlv prlvntel to aide; furnace bent; nil conven- IPWPI^Wfllful. large, bright room with large closet. Bell phone Ivy 749-I^^m HORSES AND CARRIAGES. BPJ.ENDID doctor's buggy; i Need the imnce. 46 Msdisoi under saddle: nil gnlts; any child can ride^ trots nicely to buggy; well broke aud not afraid of auythlug. and a beauty. Apply G. II. Hriindwij. 101 MnrIotta-st. FINE VICTORIA In good shape; worth dou l»le the prbe. 46 Mmllson-nve. ilk AD ALL the papers for tie we about the big $155,000 Arc sale nt the Samuel Gnnsi Company, 59-81-63 West Mltchcll-st. Starts| Monday morning nt 8 o’clock. fcblt KALE— Handsome surrey. In fine shape. The price is Irresistible. 46 Usd- Ison nve. imroXii BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITOR8, 8HELDON AUDIT COMPANY, 202 Candler Bldg.. Atlanta. Oa. Both phone* 2518. Aadlt, Bytams. Biamlnatlons. BUILDING MATERIAL. J«e* nnd grades of lumber. Cor lota a specialty. B. J. Craig A Co., lfif Whitehall. Pbonet: Belt Main 5042. Atlanta 1784. GLOBE FUR. CO., 30 West Mitchell St. 933 Wilton Velvet Art Squere, 916 09. I REPAIRING. ■UMBRELLA8 AND PAUL BIIBKEBT. t’lnbrellns re-covered. I ■ Viaduct place. Phone main 1100. | CHEATING AND VENYiLATINQ. HEATING AND VENTILATING. „ _ au. clxpert methods. Also metal work. Stanton Heat- - “ *. Bell * er Company. 53 South Forsyth at, 2269. BUILDING, REPAIRING. ETC. pboo. Foil KAfft, cbM,, op*n «nd (op d.llTrr, .njiini, laundry wxyona, ,1aIrr wafona. on>- plmrlnn, nno trap. Crnlral Carriage Company. 14 Piedmont-are. • foil Oil RALE—Renilniton typewriter; only Iwen naefl ■ abort while. Will (Ire you » ■ I '■ 11 n k.... T I,are,tin. Call phone Ivy =38 J. SUl.LINERV; all (be tat«t Inc (•strlf’h feathers a specialty. 1 'armlebaej. *1 W^eacl^free-st, FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS Wednesday andThursday ni. ‘ wo. will sell high grade fac tory rebuilt typewriters, at the following prices: No. 6 Remingtons $40.00 No. 2 Smith Premiers $35.00 No. 3 Olivers .... $37.50 No. 4 Underwoods $55.00 No. 5 Densmoro .. $35.00 Various other makes at correspondingly low prices. Out-of-town orders filled promptly on receipt of $5 to guarantee express charges. Call or write quick. SOUTHERN TYPE WRITER COMPANY, Telephone Main 1683 Brown-Randolpb Bldg. FOR BALB—Coal; steam and domeitlc cost wholesale and retail. Price* are rlabt usury la tbe beat. Asa O. Candler. qua . ... jt. ‘rhon»» 3276 mqln and 2W| Ivy. foil .*<ALfc>-4>ne dron-hend ffrandanl PurPLfclH or young men enn secure nice room and boord: home eomforta; private family. 151 Capitol ave. Bell phone 5271-J. r nrigni. rnniiunaiHt- i no uth.r hoaril.r,. 117 ForfMt-nw. FOR RENT— furnlab.,1 front room, lb aar.ll.nt inlile ran; all with .ir.ll.nt Inlil. Iminl; to , .,ra; nlao n room mat. for young l-hoiir M7 J 422 Whll.h.ll-at, BOMB oKE ,1.airing a room Id o r.flnrd Homo with all roBTonlracM an, d.alr.rt phoo. Ivy 2848-J. qulrrd. , Col'l’I.EH and |t,nilrm.n r.n arrur. flfat ait „ •a rooma with hoard at the Albion. 68 nnd a Walion-it. Thoroughly rrnovntod .too. In; all rnnrrnleiif-ra, Nrw innnnga ni.nt, I'hon. main *4t WaS^EIi-A rooplc or f.ntlamnn for a nlmty furnlabad front room; .ic.ll.nt rorala. If B. Cnln-at tt fwS NIi'Hl.Y furnlahwl rooina with a ■ Munla m wont latnan - ■Ian ■ TWO ill*-|5I» I jurnunru iuuui* wiin hoard tt rooplo or g.n!l.m.n: alao « ow Uhl. boardora; walking dlatnnc*. m Pon.btr.o-f ,'BhAt. rrlln.,1 p.raona ran he nrrommo- If with good J>o»rd and comforlabl. no at » It. Caln-at.; near In. two doora a I'aarhirr*. Bril pboa. Ivy 2371 d ■— J 1 Iword nnd room |(«9*N I cmi.— — " I ONE YOUNG ilAN con get l»o» l -i •«* »*~»» In private home wltn congenial room "Apply 1U rerencea m-at. Main mate. jay - VfttlKo MAN wanted to nbnr. ntMm-bnT- rd room with (MthM S ib ahU tpnrtmnit; eloo. In; tenoral. I* eiiwtrl. Ilgbla. t.l^boo., etc. Fhon. * ! good mnla. hm for ■ f w««b; ihrM m.nln ■a wonle.1. at 178 Ivy a »Uy, or 2Je a meal, a liirll VArKO can share room wlTh ^congenial ywng men at 172 Ivy-at. F.le- COUPLE or two or rdPAW-W E. Cnlnf. I’bono wTw*U-fto«n>«» 'hr winter at oar rwiKiirw « BjrssoM. If* as tee Co.. Us. “ YOl’Ntl man desire* njee, ^congentol TOoWj 1697. 1*3 B. llne-ot. • good habits. Phono Ivy BUILDING, HkVaIRING, painting nnd kal- somlning. J. CAMPBELL, 17 East Alnbnmn Hl Phones 1999. TYPBWrtltBRB. THE T.. v. , r . writer. The type bars will not stick up. New model Just out. H. 51. Ashe Company, Atlantn. Ga^W AM, MAKKK of mnchines, ill ‘ At - -.r- Typo- tlanta Type- GLOBE FUR. CO., 39 West Mitchell 8t. $45 Davenport, 994.95. bSnk, store, office fixtures. W. R. PHILLIPS, cabinet maker. Bank. •tore, office fixtures, showcases, wall rases. I'bone 4646 Main. 904 S. Forsyth sf STOVE REPAIRING AND STOVES. BLANKENSHIP STOVE COM’ “ WANTED—Kinging nnd dancing aoubrettc. Atlanta Film Service, Room No. 11, Eqult* able Bldg., Sunday morning. WANTED—All North Carolina papers piense copy: If the gentleman from North Caro* Him. or auy one else who witnessed the fall of ii Indy on Forayth-st. between Hunter nnd Mitchell nliout the 18th or 19th of No vember will write or send nddress to Box 103, fc:ast Point, Ga., will confer great favor. Very Important. n GOOD MUSIC for dancing or Informal en tertainments can l»e secured by address ing fc*. A. M.. Box 165. care Georgian, o WlNTrih-Kvery person who reads this to attend the 9155.000 tire sale at •*Gun»,” 59- 61-63 West MltrUcl!-st. READ ALL the papers for news about the big 9156,000 fire sale at the Samuel Gnus Comnany. 59-414B West Mltchell-st. Starts Monday morning at 8 o’clock. fc^fiAGEMteNTf) received for churches, par lor socials, nnd club •meetings by Percy Ashby, magician; ft most polite and up-to- date entertainment furnished; reference* and press notices shown on request. Ad dress Percy Ashby. 22 IIumpbrie*-*t., or call Standard phone 4Jll. t willsX preparing to hare n party, why not call Percy Asnley? He will entertain yonr friend* with « refined nnd un to-date magical and musical program; reference*, fc'or particulars, address Magician, care Tho Georgian. a ANY V)N‘fc: wishing to learn Spaniel? By ex- perlencod teacher (rate* reasonable], cnll and aee me. Manuel L. Miro, 141 Ivy-at. Bell phone Ivy 3876-J. n f)6 YOU WANT the worst form of rheuma tism cured? If so, Halvar will do It. Call nnd see hundreds of testimonials that Knl- vnr cured when Hot Kprlnga had fsiled. Hslrar Company. Agency 207 Brown-Itnn* dolph Bldg.. Atlanta. IjoLl FURNITURE and cabinet work] . write me if you bar* any little Jobs an< I will call. Charles Patton, Lakewood Height*. ORDER your home-made fruit cake, beaten biscuit, cheese straws, potato-chips and salted almonds, blue ribbon brand from AMERICAN MFG. CO., in WHITEHALL ST. LARGEST STOCK wait paper in Atiaota. All work guaranteed. "Better be safe than sorry." J. L. Burnett. 65 South Pryor-st. (opposite court home). Both phones. DROPSY CUBfcD; give* quick relief; stops rbortness of breath In 36 to 48 hour*; re move* nil awelling in 15 to 20 days. If you enn’t call, write O. K. Collura Dropsy Medi cine Company, 484 West Ilunter-at., Atlanta, Ga. J. W. KREIS STEAM DYEING and denning a specialty. 19 Trlnlty-ave. Both phones 880. AUTOMOBILES. boat selected line of auto supplies and sun dries Month. Southern representatives for the famous G. A J. auto tires. Thoroughly equipped vulcanising plant; only blgneat quality material and skilled labor used. Prices right. Elyea-Austell Co., 85 North Pryor-st. VFillk’LE TlRfcifl; only high-grade rubber v used. Lowest prices and work guaran teed. Ktyea-Austell Company. 85 North Pryor-st. ALL tllfc WOIU.Ii'H rtrords In motorajr- . i’llwt Mon* to tb* Indian. Afcrnt* wanted In unninlgiu-d torrltorj. Writ, for a(*nc/ trrra, nnd rntnlofue. Elrta-Aiintell t'nin- P*nr, S5 North l'rjor-it. Southern dtatrlb- ntlnf n««nt«. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 ring a special ty. Highest quality of rubber used and expert work. Elyea-Auatell Company, 53 North Pryor-at. GLOBE FUR. CO., 89 Wait Mitchell fit. 80 Velvet Rug, 80x79, 92.98. . WANTED—Some one to take one hundred loads of dirt off ray yard free for bant ing. H. E. Davidson. Georgian office. PIANOS. A SPECIAL TEN-DAY sale of oak, tnabog. •ny and walnut “Corl" pianos, beginning his day; 3100 saved each cnatomer; cash or (me. John F. Corl Plano Company. 14 Au- burn-av*. REAL E8TATE FOR SALE. FOR RENT—HOUSES. W. At FOSTER nnd RAYMOND ROBSON .1EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ROSE REALTY CO. 302 Peters Building. 15- r. b., — Doiiglaa fit*., Kirk wood....BW.oa 12-r. h., 179 I.uclle-nre, furnDhedl 75-61 12-r. h., 245 West renchtre..e ffl-56 11-r. h., M fc:. Cain 35.M 16- r. h., 164 (modern) 37-5? JJ-r. h., 664 8. I*ryor-it. (modern) 35.64 , 2' r * L 1 " ,Z^. orth Kirkwood (lcgge lot).. 22.51 9-r. h., 186 Lee->t. (modern) 37*"J 9-r. h., 3 Brown place 37.M 8-r. h., 55 Gnrlhnldl-st. l7.*M 8-r. h., 28 fc:. North-nve 55.09 8-r. h., 350 Wnnblngton 4^.36 l l' |l"' 3 1J £• .ttfonrln-ave, g-JJJ J' r * J| - 32 K- Alcxnnder-st 8-r. h. t 234 Centra l-ave J-r. h., 246 Centrnl-a . !}- Hnaa-at. (mo'lern) 5* r * ||- Grant (modern) 7- r. n., 280 GlennwchhI-nve o r. h.,^i7 F^iwton (modern) M > [■ i - --'L|)';nn-av... Edgewood. On. 8- r h., 488 rinhnnnt^ivt JJ-52 8-r. h., 1M W-J# 8-r. b., 454 Crntrnl^T.. (modern) 22.M 5-r. b., 84 Bern. l’-l’ 1 5-r. b„ 1M I^vv at 18-HJ *:?: h.: « ^KST*..:::::::::::::::: 4*r. b„ 159 Ira-at lO.o-) B. Hnnter-st. Ask us for price. 167 Petera-st., 20x70 :. |S0.01 Ig Peters-st., 20x70..... 45.M 86 I. Forsyth-st.. 20x90 80.00 40 Peters st.. 20x85 40.00 Bell Phone M, 952. , 53.34 , 33.34 . 26.41) . 21.60 . 23.16 . 27.56 lies from car shop; has 38 acres urn... cultivation. 5-room house,, barns, etc. Cash price for this month only 92.900: term price 13.000; one-sixth etab, balance I to 6 years with 8 per cent. Or will rent this place _j»t this pi nor year for 60 years, deed to Ith option of taking same up at tho tlvntion. 6 room house, 2H relies from dt ii*mi<rii, u ii’oiii ui/uir, in in Price 91.700. Will give terms. 210 ACREK—With 70 acres under cultivation, three bouses, wire nnd hoard fence; six J ** ' Easy terms. relies from city. Price 94.000. 114 ACRFB—With ISO ander cultivation, one 2-room bouse and one 8-room house, barns, crlba, etc. On rnUroad; has siding for shl|>- e good neigh to suit. Price 93.000. Terms COMPANY. pairing. Old stove* bought and fold. 219 Atlanta, phone 4134. "" phono 8IGN8. TIIOMAK J. HELMCAMP. successor _ Reynolds A. I!el me* mp A Signs of all kind*. •rnolds Jk Helmcamp. .... East Alabama *t. Phone Bell 1679. CARPETS RELAID AND CLEANED! REPAIRING and making mrp.ta. Orion- lal ma. rlnnod -nnal In n.w. W. E. Cna. 38 Lnmnr »t. Rvll *phon. KB7J mala. FIREPROOF STORAGE, WE BTO„ W*reboot — Office 1? Anbum-ave. John J. Wood side. fiLOBE FUR. GO., yard, TRUflKS. TRUNK AND RAO .REPAIR! UNO. n. w. r " ob a”aff Shzaes* 3M: pany. hM ^^ NflFRh JioiuiSw TRANSFER fc MTOUAOB CO. l'hnnn- 137. Thrw w»r»bot],M. Fnraltnr. and plnno, -tof^l In a-PBiwt. rooma. >. Tew I NO MACHINES RENTES WE RENT now S1ng»r and WbMli-r ft wii. ms chines —* * A *‘ ments for 15 p Sg"ifg|!13i WHO 1 w---9?t d< Machine Co. )lotb . hatl-st. GOING TO RUNT WR are now Installing our third carload of ■furnaces. Let ns figure with yon now for witlng vour house. Going to Ik* cold-see (onerfef Furnace Co. Boih phone*. COPPER WORK. GRAZING, ETC. \Yi: MAKE A7.1. KINDS roppor WKl, MOAaOHkiiiaUato. noth Repairing, tinning and brazing. Roth ’pbonra. C. H. Allan Company, 40 Trinity- WATCH REPAIRING. ~~ WATCH REPAIRING OF QUALITY. Price* rtgkt . Fred | i Jr yuAiiii i> _ - * w4 i* Williams, Jeweler. 97 Dec*tnr-«t. Bell phone \m. DENlifettlV. VACANT f.OTB and Improved cite property for sale on easy terms that will pay 10 to 28 per cent on Investment, fc’arm lands are Increasing In value In Ben Hill county and If yon are thinking of buying a farm now Is the time. Farms can be bought now that the rents alone will pay for reside of ten years, and we will aell farm* on long time, thereby giving yon every chance to own a good farm. (Don't be a renter.) FOR RENT. 7-r. flat. 43 E. Cnln-st 7-r. Ii.. 182 K. Forsyth-sf 7-r. h„ 43 Com* Hand-st.. 7-r. b., 123 F. fc’nlr-st.. .. 7-r. h., 494 Whlteball-st.. 7-r. h., 251 Crew-at 7-r. h., 14 fc'ormwalt-st., .. . 7-r. h., 48 W. Alcxnnder-st.. 7-r. Ii.. 190 Itlchardsoii-st.. .. , ..960.00 .. 35.61 .. 3U.O0 .. 31.00 .. 30.00 .. 27.60 .. 27.M .. 28.00 *5.00 7-r. .. 26.00 .. 25.00 .. 22.50 7-r. h., 62 Connnily-st.. 7-r. h., 732 K. Pryor st.. , 7-r. h., 24 Wulfiut-st.. .. 7-r. h., 119 Joncs-nve.. .. 7-r. b., 939 fienboord-ave. , 20.00 , 21.00 , 20.01 , 17.00 HAVING SOLD 18 lot* during the past six weeks, maybe we can tell you Bomething about vacant property that will make you some money. OUT ON HIGHLAND AVE., Just north of Augusta Ave., In that pretty sec tion, we have a lot 98x1.60 for 92,200, or If you want only half of It 48x150, you # can get It for 91.150. These lot* are elevated, level, shady and have an east front with the best of people for your neighbor*. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THOS. W. JACKSON, Real Estate, Bell Phone 5214. SACRIFICE nlng thru It, fine xertion, 400 i tivstbin, six settlements. Now, if you v to pick up • bargain, go and see this make your offer. Would '$7.50 nn sere terest you for land that produces f If yoi it you for land th this opportunity, yourself, for I am COTTON FARM 1,440 ACREK in middle Georgia, 500 seres in cultivation, ten settlement*, was offeree $10,000 for this place two years ago. Ownei has Instructed me to sell It, and 1 am golna to do so provided I can get on offer. Chan<-i for yon to double your money on this place. SOUTH GEORGIA DO YOU WANT the best 6-room cotv tage In this same section, 662 High land Ave., on lot .50x150. You can buy It for $3,900 on terms. It Is a Uttle beauty # with every modern con venience, a 12-foot veranda, combina tion gas nnd electric fixtures. WOULD YOU BUY a corner lot 148 feet on Juniper St., In best residence section for 94.0Q0? Now' If you know anything, you know this Is the cheap est proposition In the north side. , 15.00 WE PURLIEU a weekly rent bulletin, glv ing a good description of cvertyhlug hove for rent. Get. u copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 AUBURN AVE. FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. EDWIN P. ANSLEY, Real Estate 71 North Forsvth St. (Cor. Luckie) $5,250—In West End, two-story, 10-room residence, with all modem improvements, on one of the best streets. Large shaded lot. Owner very anxious to sell Will make terms to suit desirable purchaser. $16,500 FOR one of the most elegant north side homes in Atlanta. House has hnrdwoo# floors and is heated throughout with hot air. Lot 100x200. Large stables, nice servant’s quarters, If you want an elegant home, come look at this. SEE ME about some beautiful building lots on Piedmont Ave. before they get out of reach. EDWIN P. ANSLEY, Phone 339-Main. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Real Estate, Renting and Loans. M’QANIEL ST.—Nor Ol.nn St., fooi m houae, built for a home; in good Ikr “ — houae, built for a home; condition: can sail von this place for $2,000, 500 cash sad 925 per month; hsa also a 20*20 2-story building in rear (or will rent to good parties.) venient to everything. Terms. GRADY PLACE—‘'A-r' bargain in • fl- room houae, with halt; hse every rorW venienee; built for a home; electric light*; fine cabinet msntele; tile walk; Urge lot. Prie* 89,500: $700 eaah and $35 per month. MAY HT.—Between Mangum and Klliott. can sell a good 5-rnom house, with gas and water, lot 50*100; this h ronvenh the railroads, Terminal depot, and •t the price $1,500, good Yours for business. J. A. JUSTICE & CO., 123 E. Central Avenue. Fitzgerald, Ga. NEWTON S. THOMAS, Real Estate. 422 Century Bldg. tl.Kft-O*. rrnormahlo tortno, will bnjr ao A-t S-room cottar- to n flrat-rlaao udfhbor- Nr •urrooiiilctl t>, aprcnillit bnnar* ami onljr a abort Mock (ran Morcland-aro. Tbla la In tbc Hoc of moat enhancement of nlueo now and (or aom* lime to come. In mr Jnd/mcnt. and Ihla houae would not be hljrli at fe.MO rlabt now. If fan wont to Imy In tb* right place and taro ISO* buy tbla beau tiful cottar, and Ur, In a (nod community and make aomo money. by nlci- and r heart of the liatldlur boom ont 8 — fit. Tbla lot would lie cheap. In niy e.lluili on. at nmrly twice the price I am asking. FINE, large lot, on wldo eherted atreet. half block of (Irani park: wall rlorated and can ho bought for Kin If taken at once. Tbla at the Allanta Dental College, corner of Rdgewoo.1 are. and Iry-iL Now open for the winter. f l... - today tM>. NEWTON S. THOMAS, Real Estate Exchange. 422 Century Bldg. $1,300—Sacrifice sals, lal on North Ave., near Jackson: has all improvements: one block of Ponce DeLeon Ave. nnd right at North Ave. school. One hjlf _eash. 19 80UTH BROAD STltBBT. DILLIN -WILLI A MS- MORRIS COMPANY. Real Estate and Loans, 609-10 Century Building. BOTn PHO!>E8 4334. good depth lot, in pretty _ •nd facing car line, good schools,' churches, etc.. In 8 blocks. $850 cash gsts a West End lot 55x230 with sids and rear alley; this price holds for only one week. $1,050 for e pretty, elevated lot in Inman Park, convenient to car. has all con veniences end 1* dandy neighborhood. This Is cheap. $1,350 on terms, a nice lot on Kt. Charles Ave., 50x280 feet, running back to e 40- foot street. You could build on both ends end have e frontage on each street. $2.75 each for three pretty lots in Orraewood, feeing car and chert r isd. city water, etc. Buy these end we will build you e house on them end divide the profit; all that you wilt hare to Invest will be the cost of the k>t. We will build the house, place a loan on it and sell It. $1,090—On your own terms, e brand new S-reom house on lot 75x200, en- LET US TAKE YOU to West End on Oak street, not In the hollow, and ■how you n modern 6-room cottage, lot 55x200, for $3,350, on term* of $350 cash and 935 per month. Another one, too, we have on Lawton street, very near Gordon, a pretty 6-room cottage on good lot for $2,700 on terms of $375 cash nnd $30 per month. YET ANOTHER ONE, on a magnifi cent lot 60x200, Culbertton St., ad joining L Z. Rosser, a 7-room cottage with servant house In rear. This lot alone Is worth $2,500; It's only 200 feet frqm Gordon St., and Snap Bean Farm. You can own this bargain for 93,100, paying 9350 cash and 930 per month. ASK US about 107 acrea land two miles from Buckhead and close to Mayor-elect Maddox’* country place, also near Morris Brandon's chateau. Within a few months a 40-foot auto mobile roadway will be built right thru this property; 950 per acre. ROSE REALTY CO. 302 Peters Building. Bell Phone M, 952. 850 ACRES—I have just had s l_ place that knows good land, and he tells me that this is the best land for the money he found in south Georgia; 500 acres in higb state of cultivation, red, pebbly clay sub-soil, almost perfectly level; large, colonial ho origins! forest timb... can buy this for 912.60 sn acre tf you l. _ once. Will give terms to acceptable party. RIVER PLANTATION load, 400 acres In timber. * _____ ture under wire fence. If you are s judge of land you can put the price on- it, and if in flic bounds of reason, it's yours. Loan company hold* titles la why It's so chcay. Come on and investigate it. STOCK FARM 800 ACHK8—If yon contemplate going in river bottom. I doubt if you esn find thing else like it in the etate; owner muse raise some money at once and will tsVe $4 COTTON AND CORN FARM •nd a plser you ean make .. . your money ft the prlee It is offered, if you will give It attention. Now Is a good time to take • look nt It and sse for yourself whnt it will produce. Price $10 an acre, one-hslf rash. 300 ACRES, $22 AN ACRE 18 MILICH north of Atlanta, fronting • branch of the Southern railroad: 150 serfs open, 100 acres in timber, well watered; good im provements. Look at this place and you will buy it, if you are posted as to valuta oa the north side. POULTRY AND STOCK FARM road, nice 5-room cottage, one 4-room, barns end outhouses; make an Ideal summer pises. Great, big bargain If sold at once. THOS. W. JACKSON. W. E. TREADWELL & CO- Real Estate and 'Renting Agents. 24 Soutii Broad St. LEGAL NOTICE. GEORGIA—Fulton County. Mary Perdue has applied for Isttera of Administration on the estate of Watt Perdue, deceased. This is, thsrefore. to notify iday In January next. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Fulton County. Court of Ordinary. Chambers, Iler. 16, IMS. To the helra-nt-lnw of Lldn A. Field. Minnie A. Field hurl ...... for prohnte In solemn form of tho Inst will of snld deceased, you are hereby rlted to be nnd appear at the next January term of ‘ to l»e held on the first Monday said court. i form. JOHN R. WILKINSON, Ordinary. NOTICE .TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of tbs sstate of Hunter P. Cooper, late of Fulton county, deceased, are nrsons indebted to said esFste are 'required • make immediate payment. TIIOMAK I.. COOPER, Executor. December 13. 1968. Vbwo nuya it. NEAR Grant Park, 6-room house, lot 60x175, •II Improvements, $1,850. NEAR Aouth Boulevard, tbit Is » beautiful 8-room bouse, new and up-to-date In every particular, lot 47VfcxlD5, side sllcy 20 fest, back slier 10 fest, prlee $8,250. EAST FAIR-HT., near Hill fit* all fmprors- f iente, 0 rooms, pries $3,600. ST END. Peeples fit., 6-rooa house, prie* 3,350, all improvements. Boulevard snd North Jaekson St., ...» homes, 8 and 10 room houses, wa ar* offering •t attractive prices. NEW 8-room house on North Boulevard, furnace heated, all othor improvements, ? rlce $6,700. •room house, wall located on th* north i Ira all Improvements, large lot, S3x2*J4 back to on alley. This Is ■ nap si $8,400. NORTH 7 — conveniences, rooting ft low cash pries of $1,230. ON North Rutter Ht., nie* little cottage, ft rooms, pries $1,100. „ WE hsvs some choice propositions on Posch- tres Ht., at attractive p^cs. ATHLETICS BUY A NEW CATCHER PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Doc. 12.-Afi.» a month of planning and dickering, tha Athletic* hava aacurad Ira Thomas, th* Detroit backstop. It la aald that Con. nlo Mack paid Jennlnca a good sum la raah for Thomas’ release. Closed, house la well built and part psymt $9,500 for North B n. large pnrrnrs, inmunuro Will accept vacant lots In om 2-story (must, just off _ , ivjrt Boulevard, on in# strati. This Is .. .. : . ^ •te. Jfkto* storm-shsathed. good plumbing. Easy terms. $975—1-3 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years, for an east front leral Moreland Ave. lot, 50s 235 to a 20-foot alley. You know how this will enhance. $5,000 will gat a right new cottage of 5 rooms on Ponce DeLeon Ave. This Is dose in and is cheap at this price. It is nicely nr- iged. Just a little effort on your part and thie gee stove your home, installed and ready to utt. When breakfast is late And hubby is crocs. vtll be eent to How happy is mother to know n Eclipse Gas Stove That an I And a match or two. Starts the fire in a second or so* Read the contest condition*. ; ! ... ffl ' • If ■ * . - . " i*L T _ - i