Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 2

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2 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1»0». PATTERSONWILLNOT LJ Says He Will Not Stand For Park Board Place For Next Year. That tV, H. Pattereon will not be a candidate for the park board from the Eighth ward In oppoeltlon to Mayor Joyner la clearly nnd unequivocally etated In a letter Mr. Patterson has ad dressed to the editor of The Consti tution, a copy of which he has fur nished The Georgian. The mayor has Insisted that under no circumstances would he allow nls name to be used for the position If Mr. Patterson, his llfe-«tne friend, would stand for election. As a matter of fact, Mr. Patterson was appointed to the Place by Mayor Joyner, and It was thru the mayor's earnest request that Mr. Patterson did not resign several months ago. That the mayor will be chosep with out opposition seems now practically certain, and It Is also probable tne mayor will be elected president of the new board. Mr. Patterson’s Csrd. Mr. Patterson's card follows: ■'To the Editor of Tke Constitution: " Referring to the srtlele sppsenng In jrour paper this stoming. permit me to esy that there will he no eontoel between Meyor Jny- err nnd myeelt over n perk eommleelonerthlp. The ftlelloa* between ns here been Intimate end cordlsl from boyhood, nnd nro not to he Interrupted by e contest over n polltlesl of e '* Two years ego Meyer Joyner honored ms by giving ms sn sppointment ss * park eotrc wise loner. A veer or moro ego I desired to retire, hot st the reoueel of the entire board nnd <Ul of Mtyor Joyner I eeeepted a re appointment which termlnntee with thlt yenr. tl hna been my pnrpoee to retire from the hoard end I hove eo announced ft whenever approached en that eubjeet. t here eoma friende In verloue parte of the elty who hot# urged lee to reconelder that determination. Had Given Oonient. russJag tbs matter, I told them that If 1 wee petitioned to do ao I would coneent, but at that time I had no Idee that there would be n contest over the poeltlnn. , . ••Toer publication te entirely mlaleadlns te to tho true eoudltlone. I would not, ns I eeld nbove, oppose Major Joyner, nor would he oppose me. As steted to him Ibis morn ing. efter hie rheerful proposition 10 ,with drew In S’ fever If I desired It, I will not he n candidate. I regret that I rannot ac commodate my friende who deelro me to re main on the hoard. Nasd Liberal Polloy. "The rrneone for this final ronclnelon In with private nf- htvn novel , Jostle*. Another resion la the! the path depsrtment of the cltv receive* but little eo riel iteration at ths hernia of those who hare tho appor tionment of Its funds. There Is no encour. ngement to nny man eonnsetod with this department, the money appropriated for the pnrka Is doted out In n meager and ... it par tbs care of the hoard of park rommhmloner* for n good many yesrs. nnd by very slow has beta brought tin to Itu present It Is treated mors generously than degrees has been brought •tote. It la treated more _ ths other parks, but sn adequate la not • ‘ — “ -nerously than ists apportion- It. Piedmont id stteceptl. (raetlentli interested Ills of areal henufmoatton, get* no eonelderatlnn. I tin Intensely In Ite Improvement nnd the Improvement of the smeller porks, but bop* for nothing mo- ferial In this direction until a more liberal policy In adopted with reference to the park **"!*v*ry murta nppr#dnl* th* klndne** of thou# who deslro in# to rontlnu* acr?tc# In th* park depart men t. htit for th# «*ii*ki given above Wn, V ,rcMn. i! o T do K .0 ( o N . Atlanta. P#o#mbar 11, 1IM. The Mission j Of those corpuscles In your blood that have been called “ Little Soldiers," Is to fight for you against the disease germ* that constantly endanger your health. Thcso corpuscles are made healthy and strong by the use of Hood’e Sarsaparilla. This medicine is a combination of more then 20 different remedial agents in propnrfi<-ti-j and by a proceed known only to ourselves and it has for thirty ; years been constantly proving Its worth. No substitute, none “Just-as-good.’’ EAT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT Give Your Stomach a Good Eat Without Fear of Indigestion. Ayer’s Hair Vigor railing; Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly destroys the germs that cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair* Dandruff Ayer’e Heir Vigor Just as promptly destroy* the germ* that cause dandruti. It remove* every tracs of daniiniSf itself, and keeps the scalp clean and In a healthy condition. We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer’s Hair Vigor docs not affect the color of the hair, even As thsrs Is oftsn some one in your family who suffers an attack of Indi gestion or some form of Stomach trou- bis, why don't you keep a cue of DM pepsin In the house handy? This harmless blessing will digest anything you can eat without the slightest discomfort, and regulkte a aour Stomach five' minutes after. Tell your pharmacist to let you read the formula plainly printed on these 50-cent cases of Pape's Dlapepsln, then you will reedUy see why they cure In digestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn and prevent at once such miseries as Belching of Gu, Eructations of sour undigested food. Nausea Headaches, Dlsztness, Constipation and other Stom ach disorders. Some folks have tried so long to flm relief from Indigestion with the com mon every-day cures advertised that they have about made up their minds that they have something else wrong, nr believe theirs Is a case of Nervous ness. Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach or Cancer. Title Is a serious mistake. Your real trouble Is, what you eat dose not di gest; Instead, It ferments and aours, turns to acid, Qas and Stomach poleon, which will putrefy In the entire diges tive tract and Intestines, and, besides, poison the breath with nauseous odors. A hearty appetite, with thorough dl gcstlon. and without the ellghtest dis comfort or misery of the Stomach, la watting for you ae.adbn aa you decide try Pape’s Dlapepsln. One candy-llke Triangula, taken after eating, will promptly digest all your fond, the same as a strong, healthy stomach would do It. FOR PRISON REFORM ROBINS FORMERLY RE8I0ED IN PUTNAM COUNTY EATONTON, Ga„ Oeo. 12,—The many friends of Dr. John B. Robins, a native and for many years a resident of Eat- nnton and Putnam county, and ona of the beet known ministers of ths North QeorgM Conferencs, will deeply sympa thise with him tn the recent tragic death of his second son. Qlenn Robins, a successful demist, of Harlem, Oa. ON LOCAL 8CH00L TAX COUNTY MAY VOTE LEXINGTON,* Gs^* Ose. 12,-Ths question of calling an election for local taxation for the support of schools Is now being agitated, and doubtless be fore many days the necessary number will file a petition with the ordinary for the calling of an election. It Is thought that the local tax will lie voted. Already three school districts In ths county have voted the tax. LIFE ISN’T WORTH LIVING This Statement May Be Generally At tributed to the Lack of Good Health. We want to talk to people who are nervous, who suffer frequent headaches, who don't enjoy thslr food, who are Irritable, quickly lose their temper, are so tired and worn out that they feel they mutt give up. and have become so despondent that life doesn't eeem worth living. We know exactly what M the matter with people In this condition, and If they will follow our advice we ran tell them how to regain' good health and that bouyanry of feeling which makes life teem all sunshine and happiness. .Most of the above-described condi tions are chiefly caused by.ratarrha! in flammation of the mucous membranes. This delicate web-like lining of the body becomes Inflamed and congested until weakness and mental depression fo'low*. The only way that this can be overcome Is through a treatment of the blood. We have the treatment, and we are so positive that It will produce the results we cMtm for It that we will supply It to any one with the under standing that we will return to them every penny they paid us In every In stance where the treatment Is not In Yrery way satisfactory and beneficial to t»*m. We want you to try Rexall Mucu- Tone, which Is a powerful nutritive tonic and body builder, and a mucous membrane alterative that cleanses these membranes and restores their natural and healthy functions. Rexall Mncn-Tone drives nut all the catarrhal poison, restores ths mucous cells to good health, tones up the whole system, allays Inflammation, removes congestion, and stimulates the whole system to healthy activity. U Is splen did for building up flesh and muscle tl*vj* and removing all weakness. Corns to our store today and get a bottle of Muru-Ttone. and after giving It a reasonable trial. If you are not sat isfied simply tell us so. and tvs will hand back your money without quts-. Hon. Surely nothing could be more fair than this. T. H. Brannen, Bran- Drug Store. 1*1 Whitehall 81.. Atlanta, Ua. WAIVER OF DAMAGES HELD NULLANO VOID Judge Delivers Hot Roast To B, & O. Bail- * road. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12,-Compar- Ing the Baltimore and Ohlb Railroad Company to a usurer. Justice Stafford, of the District supreme court, today handed down a sensational opinion, holding that a written agreement with the railroads waiving damagea In case of Injury, signed by F, E. Goldeneteln, who was hurt while on duty a year ago and sued the road for damages, Is null and void, as an agreement to pi'* an unlawful Interest on a loan, - and does not Invalidate the employee's right to aue under the employera' liability act. "A court which passes greater at tention to the aafety of the live atock In the cattle ran than to the human betnga who manage the train, would seem to deserve that rebuke of the Savior,” concludes the court. MR8. B. R. CALHOUN DIES AT EASTMAN EA8TMAN, oioOecT 12—Mrs. B. R. Calhoun died at her home here Thurs day evening at 6:30 o'clock, after an Illness of a few weeks. She was 42 yean of age. a member of the Baptist church. She Is survived by her hug band, Colonel B. R. Calhoun, and three sons, Earle, Roy and Emory. Hey fa ther und five sisters and one brother also survive her. The funeral was held at the Baptist .church at 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon. 1 OINTMENT li guaranteed to cur# any . of Itching, Blind. Hletdinx or Protrud- Plio* In * to 14 days or Booty refunded. Old Sore, Cut &, Burn Antiseptic Cures the Old Sores that other remedies won't cure Relieves the Pain of a Burn instantly A New Discovery by Dr. Porter an Old Railroad Surgeon. The PARIS MEDICINE COMPANY, 2622-30 Pine St„ St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE and other standard preparations have a new discovery that far surpasses anything ever placed on the market lot old sores, cuts, burns nnd all wounds. When Marconi stated that he could send messages across the ocean without a wire or cable, the world did not believe it; if we were to tell you that Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil will cure old chronic sores which other remedies have failed to cure, and will absolutely relieve the pain of a burn Instent. ly, you would not believe it; therefore we have instructed all Druggists to refund the money to purchasers In every cast where it fails to do all we claim for it. We Mean It. i It is needed in every home. When any of the family are severely burned or ent, or a horse la badly injured on the wire fence you haven’t time to send to town fora remedy, but you need It at once; therefore do not delay to pur chase a 25c package under our positive guarantee. It will cure Old Sores, Burnt, Granulated Eyelids, Chronic Catarrh, Eczema, Ear Ache, Running Bores, Boils, Scald Head, Sore Throat, Skin Diseases, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Carbuncles, Scalp Diteaaes. Throat Trouble. Bites & Stings, Wounds. WILL MAKE WAR ON LABOR AGENTS JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 12—A merry war on the labor agent is being waged In many counties of the state, especial ly the delta section. Mass meetings of planters are being held and resolutions adopted. , It seems that the labor wgenta have become active unueuelly early and this has caused the furmers and other large employers of labor to get somewhat excited over the situation. Usually the agents do not display their activities until the months of Jununry and Feb ruary, but It seems that the demand for Mississippi negroes In other states Is more acute than In former years. CHARLESTON, 8. C„ Deo. 12—The fallowing officers were elected here at a meeting of Omar temple. South Caro lina Shrlnere: Illustrious potentate, George T. Bryan, Greenville; chief rab- ban, J. E. McDonald. Wlnnsboro; as sistant rabban, J. E. Cogswell, Charles ton; high priest and prophet, J. T. Bar ron, Colombia; oriental guide, C. A. Milford. Abbeville; treaeurer. William M. Bird, Charleston; recorder, J. M. Dlven, Charleston; Imperial represen tatives, J. T. Barron,.Columbia: James Holmes, Charleston; Z. Vanes David, son, Chester, and Henry O. Strohecker, Charleston; governing board, Frank E Harrison, 8. E. Welch, J. E. Cogswell, J. T. Barron. J. E. McDonald, J. M. Dlven and Henry O. Strohecker. BIG 8TRAWBERRIE8 GROWN ON FARM AT LEXINGTON LEXINGTON, GsToeo. 12—Mrs. M. E. Smith plucked from her strawberry patch this week a ripe berry that weighed about an ounce nnd a half. This la unusunl at this season. Mre. R. I.. Callaway has plenty of rips tomatoes and will have them to Christ, mas. MRS. FLORENCE MAYBRICK. She proposes to devote her life and the fortune which she recently won thru a verdict of the Virginia courts, tn the work of prison re form. GERALDINE FARRAR. Geraldine Farrar, the noted opera singer, was leader of the Metro politan stars who made a light for Heir Dlppel In the controversy be tween him and Signor Ontll-Ces- azza for the control of the'opera house. State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, > Lucs* County. > s Freak J- Cheney makee oath tbit he li eenlor partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney A Co.. .Inina bulls*** In the City of Toledo, County end State aforesaid, end that eeld 6rm will pay the ium of ONR HUNDRED POM.AK8 for each end every cat* of Ca tarrh that rannot be eured by the uie ot Ilelt’e Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHKXEY. Sworn to before me sod snbsrrlbed In m; pree-"'*e..,lbla 6th dor. of December, A. U i«g«. A. w. omcahOs, (Seel.) Notary Public. Hell's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, end aete directly on the blood end mueone ■urfeede of the eyetem. Bend for teetlmonlelt freo. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. Take 1 Hear Governor Smith at the Grand Opera House at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Boys’ Club Mass Meeting. ARE WITHDRAWN Immediate Results From Conservation Move ment. DR. THOMAS OWEN HEADS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ANNISTON, Ala., Dec. 12.—'Th# final session of the Alabama Library Asso ciation was hold at Oadsdan Thursday afternoon, when tho folowlng officers were elected: President, Dr. Thomas W. Owen. Montgomery: vice president. Dr. C. C. Thoch. Auburn; Professor IV. E. Strlplln. Gadsden; Miss Frances Hlggln. Reims. Secretary, Miss Frances Nlmmo Greene, Montgomery; treasurer. Mlet Laura M. Elmore. Montgomery. Another meeting of the State Library Association was held in the parlors of the Alabama Hotel Wednesday night, the delegates having returned during tke afternoon by trolley from Jackson ville. DENNIS MAY SUCCEED CHILDS AS PRESIDENT EATONTON, Cs„ Dee. 12—Presldent _ W. Childs, of the Sixth District Agricultural College at Barnesvltle. has tendered his resignation to the board of trusts^ of that Institution, to take ef fect on January 1. 1909. and the da! press of ths state announces that As sistant Superintendent M. B. Dennis, formerly county school commissioner of Putnam, as his probable successor. Mr. Dennis was school commissioner of Putnam for more than twenty year* and boa been connected with the Sixth District College since Rent ember. His work there ho* been highly commended by the press and patrons of the Institu tion. Pains in the Stomach Caused by Oes and Foul Odors Speedily Removed By Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges. Trial Packagt By Mail, Fras. Pyrosis (Gastric palq). gastritis and many other stomach and bowel troubles caused by formation of gas, are almost Instantly removed by a generous use of Stuart’s Charcoal Lozenges. These tittle lozenges kill had breath and atop gas-making by oxidizing the odors and gases, charcoal absorbs one hundred time* Itself In gas. They turn foul fumes and gases Into oxygen, which sweeten the system. They are made from pure willow and eweet Imney and arp a delightful aid to thv mouth, stomach and bowels. The Japa nese use charcoal for a toothwash and an old Chinese proverb runs thus: "Sweet Is the breath of a Nlnonese” (Japanese). The mouth fluids are alkaline, thus waste food held by tooth cavities Is attacked and decays rapidly, causing foul odors to arise. Charcoal renders the saliva sweet by oxidising It and does away with foul fermentations and decay. Every druggist carries Rtuart’s Char. •at Loxenges and many thousands at sufferer* from gas. foul breath, etc., use these little toxenge*. thus proving their popularity and their merit. Charcoal le one of the best all-around cleansers the system may partake of and. too much of It can not be taken. An entire box of Rtuart’s Charcoal Loxenges may be eaten with freedom ond only good will result. Go to your druggist Immediately, buy a box of Rtuart’s Charcoal Lniengee and prove these met* yourself; It will cast you but twenty-live cents, or send us your name and address and we will scud you a trial package free, le this not fair? Address F. A. Rtuart Co. ZOO Stuart Bldg. Marshall, Mich. REPUBLICANS LAY PLANS FAR AHEAD CHICAGO, Dee. 12—Fred IV. Upham makes the announcement that perma nent national headquarters for the Re publican national commission will he eMabllihed In the First National Bank building, Chicago, for the purpose of perfecting the most comprehensive na tional organisation ever known American politics. • Secretary William D. Hayward, of the national committee, was In the city (inferring with Mr. Upham on the plans. prippTrewards BRAVE DETECTIVE DENVER, Dee. 12—Lawrence Phipps, the Denver millionaire, has j resented Bank Detective John Me- Jonald with a check for 12,000. This Is a reward for McDonald's bravery In arresting the woman who tried to dy namite Phipps’ daughter, Helena, nnd threatened to dynamite Mr*. Phipps If she was not given 3100,000. BOAT EXCURSION GIVEN TEACHERS BAINBRIDQE, Ga„ Deo. 12.—The county teachers' Institute, whtch has been In session here during the week, was attended by most of the public and private school teachers ot the county. Among the features of entertainment for the teachers waa a bout excursion on the steamer Callahan Wednesday evening and a public reception at the court house Thursday evening. The Institute met Monday and the visitors were welcomed to Batnbrldge by Hon. T. K. Curr. Ex-Congreeeman Benjamin E. Rus sell addressed the teacher* Monday. SEVENTEENTH REG’T HOME NEXT MARCH Telegraphic dispatches received In Atlanta from Washington announce that the eight companies of the Seven- teenth Infantry, now doing service In Cuba, will sail for the station February 27. arriving In this city In March to Join the four remaining companies now stationed at Fort McPherson. The troops will arrive In Washington a time to participate In the Inaugural parade and II Is probable they will be Joined there by the battalion now sta tioned at the fort. The companies now In Cuba are A. B. C, D. E, K, G. H, under command of Colonel Van Orsdale and Majors Man- ney and Chyneweth. Those stationed at the fort arc I. K. L, M. under com mand of Lieutenant C. T. Perretl. Marriages at Lexing WASHINGTON. Dec. 12—Acting un der Instructions of President Roosevelt, the secretary of the Interior has with drawn from entry all public lands In Wyoming, Idaho and Utah, containing phosphate rock, pending appropriate action by congress. Thin action has been taken as the re sult of facts brought out St the recent meeting of the National Conservation Commission in Washington, when It was shown that the national available supply of phosphate rock In the United Btatee will last only about fifty years. RESORTS TO MOVE, REPORTS JENNINGS No new move waa made by the grand Jury at Ite meeting Friday morning In regard to the resorts under the Wash ington-*:. viaduct. Chief of ’Police Jennings,- answering a summons, ap peared before the body and gave Infor mation about the situation. "Chief Jennings,” said Foreman J. H. Harwell, "stated to the Jury that the proprietors of the resorts had been no- tilled to move and that they would move within tho sixty-day limit here tofore set by the Jury."- It was ascertained from Chief Jen nings that not a great number of the resorts have moved up to the present time. Two new Justices of th# peace were elected by the grand Jury, /. H. Nash, to succeed J. P. McDonald In the 1213th B. F. Burdette In the 1130th Grove district, Oak rove oieinc*. i . Twenty-nine true bllle were returned and twe no bills. The Jury adjourned to Tueeday of nexj week. Accepts New Rectorship. BRISTOL, Tenn., Dec. 12—Rev. Thornes 8. Russell has resigned the rec. torahlp of the Episcopal church here, after fifteen years, and has accepted a almllar charge at Cleveland. Tenn. 8. Weaver officiated at three marriages during the week, as follower M. A. Shackelford, or Arnoldvflle, and Mlee Kvle Maruble. at the home qf the bride. In Maxeys: Seaborn Young and Miss. healthy children should—my nerves are Nina Hansford, at the home of the 1 all right.” • “There's a Reason." FEARED BEING GRABBED. Woman’s Nervousness from Coffee Drinking. The brain acts through the nerves. When the nerves are Irritated by cof fee drinking the mind often linnglnes things which have no real existence— such as approaching danger, unfriendly criticism, etc, _ . , ., A Mich, woman suffered In this way, but found how to overcome It. 8lte write*: ' , ••For twenty year* I drank coffee thinking It would give me strength when tired and nervous. "The more coffee I drank, the more tired and nervous I became until I broke down entirely. Then I changed my work from sewing to house-work. This rave me more exercise and was benefi cial. but I kept on drinking coffee- thought I could not do without It. ”1 was so nervous at times that If left alone I wpuld not go from one room to another for fear some one would grab me. and my little children had to go around on tiptoe and apeak In whispers. "Finally an attack of the grip weak ened me so my nerves rebelled and the smell even of coffee was nauseating. Then my husband prepared some Pos- tum for me. believing the long use of coffee had caused my break-down, so; that my head and hands shook like the * ""At flrst I did not like Postum. but I kept on drinking It and as we learned how to make it right according to di rections on pkg.. I liked It as well as coffee. "Occasionally I make coffee when we have guests and give It to the children, too. but as soon as they taste It they return their cups for Postum. Now I go anywhere tn the house day or night and never think of any one grab bing me and the .children ran romp The 20th Century FUEL Manufactured in your own city by your own workmen. Show your Atlanta Spirit aiid patron ize home industry. GAS COKE We extend the following offer to the good peo- S le of Atlanta—at the same time wishing them A terry Xmas and A Happy New Year. We will deliver in lots of 50 bushels (approxi mately 1 ton) or more, from now until December 31st. Gas Coke at 8 Cents per bushel. Atlanta Gas Coke, Coal and Mining Company Phones 812 35 North Forsyth St. WANTED Every Builder aud Contractor to investigate the PUTTY LOX SASH Before buying. They do not cost any more nnd the Putty can not fall off. Recommended by the architects. Manufactured liv K;inil,ill Urns., ami for Rule bv SMITH & SIMPSON LUM BER 00., WEST LUMBER 00., BENNETT LUMBER 00.. D. J. LEE. RANDALL BROS. ttftftftftft O ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftft ftft ft ft ««««* MOVING PICTURE MEN j TAKE NOTICE | Our service will save you money — Write for $ lodge prices. We make church and specialty. entertainments a Atlanta Film Service I g Phone M. 2434. HARRY A. S0DEN, Mgr. ft mm® * * • ft «•«««« ft © ft©ft © ft ft ft ftftftooo bride near Maxeys: Claud E. Russell and Mias Kffle Thaxton, at the home nf the bride near Ralem church. An other marriage waa that of Mlee Ro sette Milton to John Whitlock, at Win. tervllle. They will live In Lowndes- vllle, 8. C. Name given by Postum Co- Battle Creek, Mich. Reed •'The Road to Well- vllle.” In pkg*. Ever read th* above Ictftr? A n*w on* appears from time te time. They are genuine, true, and full of human internet. 190.. To the Contest Manager, Enclosed please find the sum of $.... to pay for the Georgian for months. My name is Address Please credit the votes due on same to M District No Are you now taking The Georgian f V/ASHINGTON, Dee. 12—The Inter nal* and foreign commerce committee wilt tall for Panama December 2*. re turning to Washington January 12. 8T. LOUI8, Dee. 12— Benjamin kum announce* that |3».tW0.*p® spent In Improvements on the * Rock Island eyetem.