Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 3

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1908. ABSOLUTE SECURITY Genuine CARTER’S LITTLE' LIYER PILLS must bear Fac-simile apalwor ARTER’S ITTLE IVER PILLSi AMBASSADOR’S WIFE BILIOUSNESS. SICK HEADACHt. TORPID LIVER. FURRED TONQUE. INDIGESTION. CONSTIPATION DIZZINESS. SALLOW SKIN Toey TOUCH the IUI VE Genuine Wrapper Printed on RED PAPER BLACK LETTERS book for th« Signature R Small Pill, Small Dost. Small Prlct. Wm, C ; GE/BATY \ sassyjwjrrw* ssretn..nrt wocwtoii. * acquit atrccur. jioiylfhiwS^- - i. Ut«tt*tnVl "aJ'bax.j il908) ■MHVHPMHPlinPnaoiMM guarantee. ■ Aik your Banker about: u«. Why purchase plants from unknown or inexperienced growers,, taking the chance of losing your crop? when you can buy from the Original Cabbage riant Grower, plants sure to produce satisfactory multi TRICE: In lots of 1 to 5.0io«t |1.50 1 *" LAME BACK AND RHEUMATIC PAINS Art Nature’s Danger Signal,. Prescrip tion From Prominent Doctor. The following prescription, while very simple and harmless, will be found to work wonders In curing lame back and nil kinds of rheumatism, purifying til,' bl I and kidneys and restoring the system tn normal lien It h nnd vigor. It Is inoxjn ndve considering Its ef fectiveness. and can be mixed at home. The Ingredients are'well known nnd can be supplied by any well-stocked drug store:. "One ounce compound syrup of Sar saparilla; one ounce Torls compound. These to be added to half pint of whis key and used In tnblespoonful doses before each meal and at bed time. The bottle must be shaken well each time." Good results from this treatment come after the first few doses, although it would be a mistake to discontinue Its use until the health Is fully re stored. BARONESS TAKAHIRA. Baroness Takahira, whose pic ture Is here shown, has become a popular Washington entertainer. She Is the wife of the Japanese ambassador. TRICE! In lot. oil to S.IMxt It.M prr thouund, 5 to 4,144 at Jl.B per thouund, 19.001 [ and over at 41.44 per thouund I. a b. Young'. bland. S. C. Our apedal Eipreaa Rata on \ Plant, b very low. Our Cabbue Plants are Frost Proof. To produce the beat mult. / they abould b. act la the South Atlantic and Cull Statea in December aed January. In the j 1 Central.'oatu Juat aa early In aprlngae land rhawa auttldently to get thepbnt root In the aoil.f Send for our Catalogue t ft coutalna valuable Information about fruit and vegetable mixers, etc. Wt grow a lull line of Strawberry plants " • borne mixing of fertilizers, etc. Ornamentals. Special terms to persona who make upcTub order* * ire sowing this season six thousand pounds of cabbage seed. Wm. C Ceraty Co. Box 1 Young’s Island, S. C We Germany's Tame War Lord EMPEROR WILLIAM. Emparor William, hare ahown mounted on hit magnificent snow- wnita charger, hae been having no ond of trouble, of lata, due to stata- menta he made to « ropreaontative of a London nowapapor. Aa the roault of hia indiacrcat utterance, the German miniatry, headed by Chancellor VonBualow, hae placed a quietus upon the koiter, and henceforth he has promised to make no public atatementa that have not been duly cenaored by hia ministers. c> • s>*Y.rtes The Best Crops Made Last Season Were Those Under Which Was Used FREE BOOK ABOUT CANCER. Can carol has proved its merits in ths treat ment of cancer. It ia not in an experimental stage. Records of undisputed cores of cancer in nearly every part of the body are contained in Dr. Learh'e new 100-page book. This book also tells the cause of cancer and instructs in the care of the patient; tells what to do In case of bleeding, pain, odor, etc. A valuable guide in the treatment of any case. A copy of this valuable book free to those Interested. Address Dr. L. T. Leach, Box 223, Indianapo lis, Indiana. SHOOTING IN NIGHT COSTS NEGROES FINE J. D. Brown and John Halt, negroes, were fined (5 nnd costs or eleven days each In the recorder’s court Saturday morning for shooting firearms In the city limits. Officers Spratlln, Rosser and Wood marie the arrests, and tho the negroes were not caught In the act. enough evidence was secured to convict them. The negroes are two of a party who have been firing numerous shots In the vicinity of Msrtln and Brandon- sts. 'for about a month. The mailer puxzler! the police. The shots were fired at night, and when a policeman would reach the scene the offending party would mysteriously disappear. Several houses were reported struck by stray bullet,. Would Mortgage the Farm. A farmer on Rural Route 2. Empire, da., W. A. Floyd by name, says: "Buck, ton's Arnica Salve cured the two worst sores I ever saw; one on my hand and one on my leg. It Is worth more than Its weight In gold. I would not be with out it If I had to mortgage the farm to get It." Only 25c at all drug atorea. What is the Boys’ Club? Go to the Grand Opera House Sunday afternoon and hear Father Gunn, Rabbi Marx and W. S. Witham. They will tell you. Peruvian Guano t Write for the Proofs/ MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Dec. 12.—Gov ernor B. B. Comer has appointed eight een delegates to the fourth annual con ference of weights and measures, to be held In the bureau of standards, Wash, ington. D. C„ Thursday, December 17, ns follows!. Secretary of State Frank N. Julian,- Montgomery: G. I* Liv ingston, Prattville; W. L. Pratt, Cen terville; E. F. Crook, Anniston: J. M. Robinson. Jr.. Andalusia: H. J. fain- raster, Wetumpka; M..F. Brock, Brew- ton; S. B. Wood, Abbeville: George Leslie, Dothan; R. F. Bradley. Vernon; J. C. Kumpe, Moulton; J. C. Wood, Hayneville: L. C. Hudgins, Carrollton; A. C. Edmonson. Trop: H. T. Benton, Seale; W. 8. Foreman. Ashvllle; P. B. Jarmon. Livingston, and J. W. Shep herd, Jasper. COURT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA. 14#9. Southern Railway Company vs. M. Frank A Cp„ from Chatham. Ar gued. 1470. Savannah Electric Co. vs. A. B. Elarbee. from Chatham. Argued. 1472. H. H. Elders vs. Bancroft Whitney Co., from Tattnall. Submit ted. 1474. Rosslter, MacGovero & Co. vs. Carrollton Electric Light Compalty, from Carroll. Submitted. 1475. W. P. Harper A Co. vs. Glnners’ Mutual Insurance Company# from Wilkes. Argued. 147#. T. H. Boose v». I. W. Neel, ex ecutrix. from Floyd. Argued. 1482. E. F. Meeks vs. 51. J. Meeks, from Coffee. Argued. 1482. Isadore fielders vs. Thomas Mblhewa, from Ben Hill. Submitted. 1484. J. B. Rkhie vs. W. L. DuBose. from Mllfer. Submitted. 1488. Seaboard Air Line Railway vs. O. «>. Shackelford, from Wilcox. Ar gued. 1487. T. 51, Rollins vs. J. A. Speer, from Whitfield. Submitted. 1488. King Brothers A Co. vs.' O. W. Turner, from Fulton. Argued. 1489. Capital City Brick Company vs. Atlanta Ire ond foal Company, from Fulton. Argued. The friends of MRS. THOMAS J. FLAKE will regret to learn of her illness. The next regular convocation of 5IT. ZION ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No. 16, will be the date for the annual elec' tlon of ofllcers and the reading of re ports for the year’s work. It will be the sixtieth annual convocation. Fqr three-fifths of a century ML Zion has kept the standard of Capitular Ma sonry In Georgia "full high advanced.' The meeting Is set for Monday eVen Ing, December 14, at 7:30 o’clock. Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the Central Young 5Ien's Christian As sociation. REV. FRANK SILER, the new pastor of Wesley Memorial church, will address the men's meeting on "Drifting.” He has been recently transferred from Asheville, N. C„ to Atlanta. These meetings are held every Sunday afternoon In the gospel hall of the association building and have been attended by quite a number of men. All men of Atlanta and vicinity are In vited. Fulton lodge of Odd Fellows held a reunion of its members Friday night In the Fulton temple, at Decatur and Moore-sts. Noble Grand M. H. Cooper presided, and addresses were delivered by Hon. J. M. Slaton. Leo Fresh and others. Letters were read from Grand Secretary John B. Goodwin nnd several other prominent Odd Fellows, express ing their good will to the lodge. Sirs. W. T. Gloer. of Florence, Ala., accompanied by her young son, J. B, Gloer, Is vlstlng nt the home of her father-in-law. Probation Officer J. M. Gloer,. 83 West Caln-st. Mr. Gloer will Join bis wife and son'here within k few days. The HOUSE WARMING and recep tlon to (he pastor at Asbupr Methodist church was a great success. The wel come address was delivered by W. E. Williams and responded to by the pas tor. Rev. C., V. Weathers. Other ad dresses were made by E. E. Cavalerl on "Church Membership." J. F. Shields on "Church Finances” and W. A. Finch er on "Sunday School and Church." Rear Admiral . and Mrs.. J. BLEECKER.' Of New York, are spend ing the day In the city while passing thru on route to Jacksonville, Fla. GEORGE FRANCIS BEARD, ad vance man tar "Coming Thru the Rye,’ la reglatered at the Aragon. C. H. HIX, general superintendent of the Seaboard Air Line, la apendlng the day In Atlanta while on hia way from Birmingham to Norfolk. COLONEL W. T. GENTRY, vice prealdent of the Southern Bell Tele phone Company, returned Saturday from New York, where he apent the paat week filling bualneaa engagements J. R. A. ROBSON, acting, general commercial' superintendent v 0 f the Southern Bell Telephone Company^has returned from a business trip to Wash ington, D. C., and Richmond, Va. Ilr action of the diocese of Atlanta, In sea. •Ion at All Halms church, the CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, Moreland nnd Knrllri- ives., heroines n rrgulnr parish of the dio cese, giving Atlnnta five regular Episcopal churches. - :o nirralnahom to be at tho bedside of her brother, Ilr. .laincs II. Luckle, who Is ertt- callr III at his home In that city. Dr. t.uckle hna the distinction of having treated Senator-elect W. II. Borwell, while In At Inntn Friday, announced he would not be ■ rnndldnte fur president of the aennte. Him. JOHN 51. SLATON, of this district, will lie elected without opposition. A trolley cor struck the BIO AUTOJIO BII.E of Konlx'n It. Arnold on Pcnchtrce st. nenr I’eoehtree Inn Friday night. The car. suffered Internally—that, was all. ■if the Atlanta Police Belief , GAN S’ | $155,000.00 Fire Safe Begins Monday Morning; at 8 O’Clock Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Schloss Bros. Clothing. Hats, Shoes, Gent’s Furnishings, Dry Goods, Notions, Jap Chinaware, Iron Beds, Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Portiers, Curtains, etc. . . At An Average Price of . . 50c On The Dollar SAMUEL GANS CO. 59-61-63 W. Mitchell St. Half Block Terminal Station La Poole vice president. and W. T. Morris secretary and treasurer. The laat named waa re-elected to hia position. residence of Mill*. DILLINGHAM, 178 8. Prjror-at., shortly l>efore 8 o’clock Saturday mornlnf. i The dwelling sustained no dam- RHEUMATISM Lot Us Send You, FREE TO TRY, a Dollar’s Worth of the Great Michigan External Remedy That is Curing Thousands. s Peruvian Guano l Corporation p Sole Importers, CHARLESTON, S, C. * ryC-c . USOdjas Talk < Town, GOc lb. What is the Boys’ Club doing? See the Boys at the i Grand Opera House Sunday I afternoon. Let Us Have Your Address Today We have found a quick and positive remedy for Rheumatism. We are prov ing this fact day in and day out by thousands of cures, including old chronic cages of 30 and 40 years' suf fering from this cruel torture. We know this., and If anyone doubts, we will Introduce him or bet to hundreds we have cured. We will let everybody know, as we know, that Magic Foot Drafts are a real, genuine cure for this dread disease. Magic Foot Drafts are so gure to cure that we gladly send them to any body Free on Approval and wait for our pay until the work la done. Send us your name today. Return mall will bring yon a regular dollar pair of Drafts, prepaid, to try free. Then If yon are satlified with the benefit re ceived. you can send ns One Dollar; If not, they coat you nothing. You decide. You can see that we couldn't afford to make sneb an nfffer If the Drafts OPTlri*#*^ rn qll- nf TMip i didn't cure. Address Magic Fbot vPxTKlxC . 01 C(J || |( 3() 0 |, r „ |, ulW | D)tf Jackson, Mich. Write today. TAI.I .. JLEE CLUB la the Oeit orrsnlsatlCTI to lie formed at the Georgia School of Tech oology. 1'laaa are oa foot for trlpa to set, prill towns In the state during the holiday season, returned from Columbus Thursday nlL-.. where they had been holding clrelnt court. Most of the eases that rime up for trial were of men who hnd been accnaed of mak ing or wiling whisky. The HF.PAnTMENTOF THE GULF wa, well represented at the Grand Friday night, where I’nul Gilmore waa playing In Boys of Company B." There were two box par- tin (resent to enjoy the military play. City bonds to the amount of jmOOO have tieen purehaaed by the KINKING FUND COMMISSION, reglatered and the coupons destroyed, as required by law. Thst amount of bonds had to lie pot aside this year for the purpose of the anal payment of the city's debt. ' JOHN McLABTY. of Keunnaw. Oa.. filed Friday In the lumkruptcy division of the United Atatn court a voluntary petition In bankruptcy. Liabilities are scheduled at about fWT and aawta about 1150. Mra. Sadie Antinan, of Ohio, and Frank R 5lnnn. a Tattnall county lumberman, were MAIIHIED Thursday evening by Justtn of the Pence B. H. leinilrum at Judge Mu drum's borne, 278 Houaton-at. A VOLUNTARY PETITION tn..beak m Do Your Lungs Hurt You? If yon have palna In tho cheat or If you are a sufferer from catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, any form of lung trou ble, or the early stages of consumption, como to me. I have the latest treatment It Is my dry air OZONATOR INHALATION TREATMENT. Don't drng your stomach to cure Weak Lungs. Come to mo and I will demonstrate to you that I can cure you. DR. DICKERS ON, Catarrh Specialist 130 1-2 Peachtree—Opposite Candler Bldg. Call Bell phone main 2920 for privato appointment Examination free. GUS CASTLE SELLS DAYTON BICYCLES Also Juvenile Bicycles Cash or Easy Payments. 93 N. PRYOR STREET. mOL'T'K’Bml.S^fafimtoTed receiver Thro her attorneys. Etheridge k Ether idge, MltB. C. V. ABBI'HY filed an applica tion Friday for a total divorce from her hus band. J. I. Anbury. The petitioner chargsa deserikNL ■ nnkiue purpose of gelUa* thj unmen u. all the “embers of the Henrd families In this country. THE HEARD AS- BOt.'IATION Ims recently been nrranlsed In New York. It. 51. Heard, of Rfbertoo. I, one of tba rice-presidents. J CARROLL PAYNE wss elected pres! dent of the Virginia Society at the annual hnatnees meeting held |, 'rtday nftenioon. Ito. William 1*. Nkoleon waa flwtri Tlwpwa dent and J. Ham Hllcer secretary and tress er. Ptopic to ths vicinity ot the Espositlo. Cotton Milto thought thsre ws. .VOLCANIC ERUPTION sdVIy gatattlay .morning when thr feed pip«, running from tho botlor to *"e engine, broke, and tb. ate.m, smok. snd Dams began shooting “P I" Aothlng •ufforfd atrior%ljr bat tho food plpo. CLARK HOWELL rotarnod to tho rllyFri- day nigh*, aftor opondlag oorrral days la Now York. Tho WATER BOARD of tho eity a»oU Bat- arday aftornoon to hoar tho roport of tho eommittoe appointed to look aftor tho par. ehsio of meters and motor boxes. DB. JUNIUS W. MILLARD, pastor of the Ponce D*Loon-Are. BaotUt rhareh. who has been seriously III soreral weeks, was oat 8st- arday mon»rn« for tho irst time Illness. Ho took on sato ri Brown, % deacon in bio chord Despite there ports of OBEaI’ CATCHE8 made by Atlanta iahfa* parties In Florida, tho local ftah dealers are not complalaiag. A meeting-of the stats SCHOOL BOOK COMMISSION will bo held la tho office of Governor Smith Monday morning. At that time the sab-commlueo appointed to assist the commission km making a selection of tho text books will submit ito report. The Savannah Yslley Railroad has applied extend its line from SYLVAN county,* to EGYPT, ia Effingham county, i ao permission will bs granted. G. M. Dunn, of Fitzgerald, came to Atlan ta Saturday taornlag and placed himself under the PA8TRUB TREATMENT hj the state board of health at the capitol. Mr. Dunn feara be waa Infected with bydropl Ida while trying to tie up a dog wul later developed rabies. He waa not bitten, but saliva from the dog's month came In contact with a wound upon bla hand. Deputy Clerk Jeffrita, of tke superior llpstrick, of Paltoa county, filed a petl- tioa Saturday morning asking incorporation a# the GEORGIA AlH'OMA'nO MACHINE COMPANY, with a capital stock of 98.000. It is ths purposs of tho company to manu- fixture, sell and operate automatic shoo pol ishing machines. J. D. Kilpatrick filed the petition. Tho will of tho laU MRfl. EMMA A. SEI DELL, wife of Charts* W. Seidell, was filed for probate la tho ordinary's office Saturday Over 1,000 atjles of famous KBK KVrm brand aawa at the exclusive tool houae. THE TOOL CO MARIETTA STREET J Money Savin ’ Catalog sent for a postal J. K. ORR -SHOF. CO. Red Seal Factory. Atlanta Wear Georgia made shoes. morning. S. M. Bogowskle, manager of the Standvrd oan Company, on Decatur-st., ha* a *.■ titlon in ths superior court thru his In a ysr, Morris Macks, to have his name changed from ROGOWSKIE to RUSKIS. He *tat*, thst tho name of Rognvrski* i* hard to hard to pronounce and hard to remember. Therm lm Only One “Bromo Quinine ” That lm Laxative Bromo Quinine uaat me world over to oure aoold im ore ml Always remember the (all name, this rigmatura oa ererr boa. ~6WA