Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 12, 1908, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DECEMHEK It, 190*. RHEUMATISM Indigestion and Nervousness GUARANTEED CURED BY RHEUM ALINE RHEUMALINE la a new and scientific preparation, tha results of years of patient research and experiment by eminent physicians. It has been proven that If directions are closely followed. RHEUMALINE does abso- imve^not^pR Rheumatism.* are ““ tl5r and you do not "* »*"• * oa Three Years on Crutches; Relieved in 25 Days * Decatur, Ga., Nov. 10 1903. October IS, 1908. I commenced taking Rheumallne, having been on crutchea over three years—could not Hand on my feet; wrists, hands and Ungers were all stiff and sore; oquld not so much as hold a book. Knees were swollen, stiff and painful. Hail no appetite; waa nervous and despondent just twenty-live days after commencing Rheumallne I walked without aid of cone or crutches, rodo on the street care. Have a good appetite- do not use a cane or crutches, and can knit, all due to wonderful Rheumallne Remedies. . A month ago I had no thought or expectation of ever being able to walk or use my hands and fingers again. I hope all rheumatic, nervous or physically weak persons may learn of your wonderful remedy ao that they jnay be helped as I have been. Meet gratefully, ; (Signed) OCTAVIA SLATON, Josey Hotel. Free consultation Southern Rheumallne Salei Company, P. O. Box 1047, 118 Empire Building. Atlanta. Sold by JACOBS' PHARMACY, ANTHONY DRUG CO., and Other Druggists ! WOMEN ARE NOT CATS By DOROTHY DIX. ittmntMmnni A written ao essay on women, In which be asserts that all women are Hare and rata, and that every word that a woman wastes on other women la a !ll>el that would he actionable In a court of law. If taw courts ware not ndmlnlatered by men. When man accuses woman of being a llnr, *he can nt leaat retort, “you are another.” Let It not be forgotten that Saphlrn la the wife of Ananlat. Moreover. If women are llren to telling tarrsdtddles, their depend ence upon men, And the fact thnt they hnve to flatter and cajole everything they get out of their lords imd roasters, goes a long way toward excusing, If It does not justify, the feminine propensity of- slg-zag from the straight line of veracity. - Passing over this ancient cslumny. how ever. we come to the aecond charge, equally old and baseless, that every woman la au labmael In a Dlfeetmrt gown, whoae hand h agnlnat every other woman's, nnd whose tongue travel n blister wherever It touches k sister-woman. % This view of woman*! Inhumanity to wom an Is the commonly accepted one. When a woman Is dealing with another woman It would surprise nobody to see her turn into an actual, visible cat. Women tbemselvea are auspicious of each other, nnd forever on the lookout for the clawa In the velvet paws; yet the whole charge that women are mean and cruel to other women Is a slander that has not a leg to stand npou In reaUty. Woman's beat friend la woman. It la only women that a woman dare trust It ia women who comfort and stay each other In trouble, who wipe the tears from each otb • . a eyes, and flod bafp her who has no I»*r woman to turn to when her hour of pirerslty comes. People are always saying how much more loyal men are to eneb other than women are and that you never bear a man say that Jim Smith ‘Is such a nice fellow, but he dye* bis mustache.” at you aometlmea near a girl any that Mary Jones ”la auch a darling, but she gets her complexion at the drug store." Maybe not, hut neither do y* who la In the grocery business, extolling the merits of Smith's flour, and potatoes, tnd sugar, and coffee, and telling wtonf ~ nice, clean afore bis rival keeps, and Wl loneat weight he gives. Now. marriage la the business of a wom an. The pursuit of la the pnrsnlt •f fortune and success nnd happlncsa to lsr; and to expect her to waste much brenth In blowing the horns of her competitors anu calling the man'a attention to how pretty Mary U, or how sweet nnd amiable Jennie [I or what n good housekeeper Hunan la, Is t* demand of her to be more than human. When you consider how much women hnve st stake, they are enormously generous In tha way they treat each other. They throw • lot more houqneta nt each other tnan any two rival political candidates ever do; and tie men are only struggling for n year or two* tenure of an office, whereas the women are fighting for something that will bt a sinecure for life. Men are, at IkuU. but fair wenther friends nm * "hen she needs a real iriend she has to turn to one of her own As,long as n woman Is young and r»d looking and gny, a man Is willing to •pend bin money on her nnd take her about ami enjoy himself with her. But let some real misfortune happen Id • , r r v* 0 *®* flrttf come to her so devns- e!l nf i*}*!. ih * I* pimply a fountain of • Hlwas turn her Into nothing hut • hideous wreck of what she was, and where are her men friends then? A note of sympathy. n bunch or two of flowers left at the door with a card—per- “£• * rl »w , k, jt It Is a case In which money offer *l—and then masculine friend- •nip kiaaes Itn flngera nnd wafts you nu DOKOTHY DIX. It Is your woman friend that comes to you In your hour of grief, whan you feel that you must die If some warm human hand does not clasp yours. It Is your infinite patience while you go over and over the dreary litany of some sorrow thnt, somehow. It takes the sting from Just to tell to sympathetic and comprehend Ing ears. No man would do that for a woman. No man would do that even for. another man; and thnt Is the reason that when a man gets Into trouble he always goes to a woman. Turning from the Individual woman to the mnss. we have a thousand beautiful charities Into which woman's love for woi an has flowered. At tha gates of every railroad station In every city In the land there stands a sharp-eyed, kind-faced ma tron, kept there by other wqpron to try to In every .Jaw ... peace; there are nurseries where the working woman may leave her babe In safe ty when she goes out to labor of a raoru- ing; there are home* where the wayward girl’s feet may bo set again lo paths of rec- “n woman's hand that Is held out al- rayi to the weak and unfortunate of her ex. If yoij ask ttu ...—— , her her first place, nine times ont she will teU you that It was some woman. If you oak the struggling genius who gave her her flrat uplift, she will say that It was one of her own sex. Every rich woman you can mention, al- mrat, I, playing fairy godmotlwr to jog. Kin nt Inli-ni, nnd when th» woman 1, not rloh .he doe* It anjrway. lt la Mr.. Smith, ami nnt Mr. Smith, who art. op confer!, and redial, to «lve .ome rlrl with a wonderful mice a year nr two of Iralninx ELECTION AFTERMATH BY DR. BROUGHTON Tabernacle Minister To Take Up City Affairs on Sunday Night. "Tha Aftermath of the City Election" Is announced by Dr. Len O. Broughton for bis sermon on Sunday night at the Baptist Taber- naels. Dr. Broughton says he has some facts to present worthy of consideration by the public. He will review the recent municipal lion mid its effect-and will take the polit court record of the first yesr of prohibits ns s basis for a part of his sermon. "Some of the things we are obligated to do," will be one feature of h!a remarks. FAIRBURN TROLLEY TO BE PUSHED THRU Work on the new trolley line from Pair 1 burn to Atlanta will be commenced soon after the flrat of the year, for the last 910,000 of tha iffl.OuO required wai subscribed st a meeting held in Fairburn on Friday. The line has already been surveyed and r _ases directly thru Union City. Severs' the eitlsans of Union City took a promii part in securing the required pledges. Among these were 0. 8. Barrett and D. A. Car ralehael. Fairburn Is only 17 mites from Atlanta and the work on the road is to bo hurried thru to completion. IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE SENSITIVE About the size of your »ho8*. It's lame satisfaction to know that many people can wear ehoea a elxe smaller by sprin kling Allen's Foot.Ease Into them. Just the thing for Dancing Parties, Patent Leather Shoes, and for breaking In New Shoes. When rubbers or over shoes become necessary and your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Ease gives Instant relief. Sold everywhere, 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N.' Y. Don’t aeoept any aubati- tute. MRS. FISH’S DEATH SHOOKS WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Deo. 12.—The unex pected death yesterday of Mrs. Clem- ence B. Fish, widow of Nicholas Fish, at her home here, was a shock to the social as well aa official life of the city. Mrs. Fish,'who was a daughter of Jo seph Rice, of New York, waa the mother of Hamilton Fish III, the first American soldier to lose hts life In the Spanlih-Amerlcan war. Mrs. Fish, who previously had shown no evidences of declining health, was preparing to at tend the dinner given Wednesday night by Mrs. Townsend to President-elect Taft, when ahe waa stricken with par- alyals. Bhe never regained conscious- ness, passing away peacefully. A Successful Combination. The Combination OH Cure for Cancer DIBIOTOR8 ASA a. CANDLER, President Central Bank and Trust Corporation; Presi dent Cora-Co I a Company, At lanta. geohoe w. taerott. President Piedmont Hotel Company, and Capitalist, At lanta. T. p. 8IIONT8, President Interborough-Metro- polltad Company, President Clover Leaf System and Chi cago and Alton Railway. New Y or k. GEORGE T. ROWLAND, Publisher and Capitalist, New York. H. O. ANSLHT. Treasurer Southern Railway Company, Washington, D. 0. DAN B. HARRIS. President flouthesstsrn Tar iff Association, Southern Manager Aarhen and Munich Insurance Company of Ger many, and Security Insurance Company, of Connecticut, At lanta. No. 29 DIRECTORS REALTY TRUST C O Capital Stock $600,000 The Increases in Ground Values of Central Property in Atlanta Offer Absolute Security and Tremendous Profits. The Figures Prove It. The Realty Trust Company Gives the Small Investor a Chance to Share in This Unequaled Form of Investment. V. H. KRF.I08HABFR. President Atlanta Cotta Company, PoopUes, Atlanta. W. n. PATTERSON, Vice-Prealdant Central Bank and Trust Corporation, At lanta. FRANK OBIOk Secretary and Treasurer Southern States Life Insur ance Company, Atlanta. -T. 8. B. THOMPSON. Assistant to President, Southern Railway Company, To Small Investors Seeding the Best Form of Investment{ In my last letter I showed Borne Instances of aotual rental advances In dif ferent- cities proving that improved Central Business Property is the very best form of investment known. That Atlanta offers unequaled advantages, both as to se curity And suoh profits as have made many rloh, the following figures prove. Here is a statement showing increases in ground values of a few pieces of central property in Atlanta. These figures tell their own story and leave no room for oomment: ognlzed write today^to the ware of Imitators. Originator for hi, free hooka. Dr. Bye, 316 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. CAR OF MISTLETOE SENT TO PITTSBURG HUNTSVILLE, Ala., D»c. 12.—A car load of mlztletoe and holly gathered In the Tennessee river bottoms has been shipped to Pittsburg, Pa. This stetion annually contributes aaveral cars of holly and mlstleto# to cities In the North and It sells at a good pride. The Christmas Dinner. In spite of the fact that the word dyspepsia means literally bad cook. It will not bo fair for many to lay tho blame on the cook If they begin the Christmas Dinner with little appetite and end It with distress oc nausea. It may not be fair for any to do that—let us hope so. for the sake of the cook! The disease dyepepsia Indicates a bad stomach, that la a weak stomach, rather than a bad cook, and for a weak stom ach there Is nothing elss equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It gives the stom ach vigor and tons, cures dyspepsia, cieates a ‘ pleasure I l 10 * much a man likes yon, »wf sorrow? "ile b L*»orV?!'r nndwrtheiwit'ma«teri7or *" •gS* & Si MnS^f •Ke'pzrVtkst "offered* her ft*.' JSMW'"'- " nd h * TlD * ,0 , ’%en look zt th. znd the .»■ 2* GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE of AGRICULTURE ATHENS, GEORGIA Offara tha following apeclal course* for Farmer* and Farmers' Boys. No tuition; no entrance examinations; courses practically free. The Cotton School, January 4111 to 15th Inclusive Sixty lectures on soils, fertilizers, farm machinery, c “ 1,| 7 , ‘* lon ’ Hon and Improvement of cotton, diseases and Inzects attacking cotton, warehousing and commercial handling of cotton. . Twenty-hours on grading of Cotton. Classes In charge Of three ex- pert,. The farmer mu«t understand hew to distinguish and cloMlfy the (radei of cotton. Special emphasis laid on this feature of the work. The first Cotton School was an unqualified success. The second, onsJORMS much better facilities. A summary of the latest and best Information °n cotton production given free to all students. Farmers’ Conference, January 18th to 23rd Inclusive Representative farmers who appeared b ®Fore the Country Life Com. mission In Athena stated the greatest need of today waa Agricultural Education. . Fifty addresses will bo delivered during the Jw successPal nrm- *ra and scientists. The new Agricultural Building d®di- Leading farmers will attend from al! section* of tb* ®i*l£g C 2S! end taka part In the round table talk*. Enter the corn on grading contests; *150.00 In .prixes. The conference will be an ln- § P*rtng occasion. A pereona! experience meeting on Agriculture, you be benefited and uplifted by attending. Good Roads School, January 25th to 30th Inclusive SSE&S ■MTO DP«s u constructed In Clarke county. , _ . A >» opportunity to obtain the latest and best scientific » nd Pr“'j£|* 1 'nfojjnatlon on a subject of vital Importance to the welfare of all the peo. ,n ,h * rural districts. ...» . _, h n, . • °at of nbove courses: Railroad fare; 11.00 • day for board while In •aihens; registration fee 11.00. , Spewil Rates oa all Railroads oa tha cirllflcale plan. Dales of Sale, Janoary 3rd, 4th, 17th, 18th, 24th and 25th. nr**? not miss this great opportunity. Register now so that proper provision can be made for your acccmmodatlon. UpeclaJ circular of Information mailed on application to President State College of Agriculture, ATHENS. - • GEORGIA. «u*ciai circular of Info ANDREW M. SOULE, HISTORIC MOTT H0U8E 18 DAMAGED BY FIRE LEE8B(JRG, V»., D.o. 12.—The old Mott Home In thl, city ha* been par tially destroyed by firs. Thl* houaa I, historic and I, one of the oldest In northern Virginia. It ha* been the scene of many hospitalities since colon ial days and numbered General -La- Fayette among Its guests. Women worked with the men In rescuing Its many valuable relics. 8huttls Factory Burned. DECATUR, Ala* Dse. 1Z—The shut tle factor/, located on the river front, was last night destroyed by fire. The cause of the fire la unknown. Ths loss will ba about 22.000, including stock, partlalyy Insured. Candler Building—Pcacjitree, Houston and Pryor Sts. 1848 $ 150.00 1902 100,000.00 1903 145,000.00 . 1904 160jQ00.00 This does not include tho seventeen-story building now on property. Banks Property—Peachtree, between Grand Opera House and Aragon Hotel. 1852 $ • 580,00 1867 14,500.00 1904 - 97,000.00 1907 : 120,000.00 This does not include stores now on property. Grand Opera House—Peachtree Street. 1876 $ 12,000.00 ' 1890 40,000.00 This does not include Grand Opera House Building. St. Luke’s Church—Comer Pryor and Houston. 11877 $ 2,500.00 1882 5,500.00 1885 8,000.00- 1906 40,000.00 King.Hardware Co.—Peachtree Street. 1889 $ 21,000.00 . 1897 58,000.00 1901 80,000.00 Everett-Ridley-Ragan Building—Comer Edgewood Ave nue and Pryor Street. 1879 $ 9,000.00 1908 160,000.00 Weinmeister Hotel—Forsyth Street. 1883 $ 13,000.00 1896 32,000.00 1907 ' 50,000.00 1908 57,500.00 Norcross Corner (Fourth National Bank Building)— Peachtree and Marietta Streets. 1846 $ 200.00 1898 120,000.00 1903 150,000.00 This does not include' the sixteen-story Fourth National' Bank Building, now on property. Century Building—Whitehall and Alabama Streets. 1849 $ 1,700.00 1860 : 15,000.00 1902 195,000.00 This does not include tho twelve-story building now on property. One of the main objects of the Realty Trust Company is to find safe ihvest- ments and utilize the capital of the small investor where it will do the most good in bringing in the largest profits and also help in the upbuilding of Atlanta. It offers the 'person with $100 or more the opportunity of sharing, in this best of all investments—Improved Central'-Business Property. Atlanta, Deo. 12, 1908, EDWIN P. ANSLEY P. S.—A share of Realty Trust Company stock is the best of all Xmas presents Tor your wife or child. It insures a lifetime of happy Xmases and will provide a college education and star.t in business by the time ypur child attains majority. ' * E. P. A. THE VALUE OFPRA YER By ELLA WHEF.LER WILCOX. Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., veteran of the-Civil war, who loat _ foot at Gettysburg, says: -The good Electric Bitter* have done la worth more than five hundred dollar* to me. I spent much money. doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. ,1 then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them a* a tunic, and they keep me strong and wslt,” 60c at all drug stores. Boys* Club Bays; I want to call the attention to the boys that they are to meet at the Boys' Club, U 'Trlfllty-ave* Sunday at not later than 2:20 o'clock, and the best re. served, seat* at the grand opera will await the boys who come to the club. We have something special to tell you. Your friend. GEORGE C. DORR, Superintendent Candies satisfy ev ery taste, 60c lb. Ttwre Is no male writer that women run to lutu the sereuth heaven of popularity Jse they do one ut their own sex with they like. Men do not celebrate the suc cess of members of their own sex with the beating of cymhelst bat women do when s women aenleres any distinction. all unrhurltfibieneM. and causes them to get oat their bammeiw. Woman's best friend Is woman knows ft. and any the conti view mt L_ _ ...— mighty unlucky In the kind of wo; he has met. ELLA WHEELER WILCOX^ A CRIMINAL who waa pronounced In none some time ago declnred that he had made a league with the devil, because Hod bad paid no sttentlou to hfs prayer*. . "They told me to ask and that my prayers would be answered," be esld. "and I prayed and prayed, and not one thing 1 asked for was given, and ao I made a bargain with the devil." Other and more Intelligent minds have grown pessimistic with doubt, or atheistical with nnfnlth. bernuso the teachings of child- bond regarding prayer were not verified by actual experience. However devout von tnay be. dear madam, do not tell your child thnt each personal de- And do not deceive your child to establish Its faith. Do not bid your little girl to pray to Qod for e doll, and then’leave her to Imagine the gift sent direct from heaven when It sr. rlvee. The day will come when the knowledge that yon pnrehased tho doll et e department atort will cenie her to question your verac ity. and God's goodness, perhaps. Far wiser win It be to aey to her, "God works thru the law of love, end your mother trleo to be like Him and to give her child what will oe best for bar." Just as He sometimes sends rain when we desire sun, and storm when we desire calm, so the parent most some tlme^ftsppolnt the child for some good and sufficient reason, not always easy for the undeveloped mind to understand. But Joat so far as It Is pos sible will the loving parent try to gr—‘ the child’s wish, and Just so far as deems best will He grant the prayer* of chUdrsn. The child who has never been taught to pray has been deprived of s priceless boon and privilege. Prayer to the young mind Is like the trellis to the young vine, lifting Its tendrils from the dust and lending tbom upward. Hut even upon the trellis the tendrils need tbs i»p iwmiiF, nessengers of sunny picnic day will meet wl.- » ... In puzzled when he learns that blrf*»‘tb#r ban been praying at the same time f«* min to save the harvest from Idlght. Such teachings belittle the Ideal of the Creator of all things, and they are destruc tive to tbn growth of intelligent faith. Tell your children to ask for ths prelection of Hod’s love, nnd cars, and guldsiics eaeb day, ind to believe that It will'lie given. Say tlno that the answer to such prayers Is rften sent thru the wisdom of the parents, who are able to set ns God’s 1 love. When you overhear your for sotno toy nnd procure _ . title one. “I heard your request hnve made myself the agent of ths good Father and answered It.” When It Is a rennest yc reason with ths child.nnd __ r stand that all Its wiebes can not at once be mat! ted. Teach youf- child early In life that prayer Is n form of concentration, end that by keeping Its mind fixed upou a certain finn pose It helps to bring about ths desired result. * Hosts of spiritual presences and messen gers from other realms tire attracted to the rayerfo! aind. I'rayef Is like the nnme- *ss force In the magnet ore, as mysterious s powerful. He who is reared without the bftrft of prayer misses the Inexpressible comfort of ths Invisible yet unmistakable celestial vis- 1 tors. To pray for wtsdom. guidance and pa tience thru life's Journey Is the best qf.prsy* today may seem a corse tomorrow. Leao on thyself, yet prop thyself with prayer; All hope Is prayer; who calls It hope no more Sends prayer footsore forth over weary J nd there ere spirits, messengers of love, • 'ho come at call, and fortify our atrength, aks friends With them, and with thins Inner self. Past out all envy, bitterness and hate. And k«-fp fIn- mind’* fulr •nberna* lu pun* Hbake bunds with pain, give greeting unto Shall climb and claim best Immortality. ths approach of the dlatutbsd mind to the radium of nr “— and mslsneln phyr tnochc Ilgcntty. and do not aak the l to take the management of your trivial affairs, lint fort be wisdom and guidance to manage them yourself, nnd patience to wait for the results you desire. GUS CASTLE HAS DESIGNED BICYCLE PAINLESS Extraction of Tooth * Epcctiti,; Phon. 23, for «ozazem«nt. DR. H. JENSEN. Dentllt 3SH, 20H Whit.hxll .«, Otflc. hour! 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Ou* Cutle. who I, known n* the cycling authority of the South and on* of the bent-known dealer* In bicycle* nnd aupplle* In Atlanta, U now occu pying hi* new *tore at 22 North Pryor ■treat, where he carrte* all the leading make* of bicycles and motorcycle*. Mr. Caatle atate* that hit regular stock embrace* the Columbia. National. Iv*r-John«on and Dayton brand*, and that the Dayton, Mid by him and ueed extensively by boy*, hn* a larger sale In Atlanta than all other makes com bined. Mr. Castle, who 1* an expert In every branch of the bicycle business, has the manufacturer* otk-the Dayton make up one after bis own design for 1209, which | ■ PIVkI I •* • al< 1 •>>' Cjinerts to be one of the I rnmCr nml i »cate*t ani ' *Son*e»t model* for boy* - 4 - - UM that ha* aver been designed. So perfect "wo* the design, Mr. Cftstlel states, the maker* have copied It for k regular model td be sold All over the country. Mr. Cantle carries a full line of hlgn and medium-grade bicycle*, which he sell* for caah -or on "easy term*. Have You Joined the Army? Malaria I, tha father and the mother of any army of de generate,. Brings about a state of In ertia. Cuts one's power to do things In half. Victim* of Malaria can put 10 pound* by a 20-day course of Johnson'* Tonic. Fifty cent* If It cure* you. SI back If It fall* to cure. The Johnxon'* Chill and Fever Tonic Company, 8avannah, Ga. Sanitarium de Truax. . Medical and Surgical. Thoroughly equipped; up to date. Nervous and chronic Diseases. Disease* of women and children. Separate department. Drug 1 and Alcoholic Addictions The most scientific, efficient, relia ble, upbuilding, harmless treatment known. Htiperb location: an Ideal re treat. ... _ Sanitarium de Traux (Inc.). 41? pi ms. since what *• consider a blessing Cnerokee Ave.. facing Grant Parle. DR. W. j. UNFORD DENTIST will move ioghis new offices about Dec. 21— invites all fiis friends around to see him. 341-2 Peachtree St. NON-CONVICT BRICK Delivered in September 1,000,000 October 1,250,000 November 1,500,000 Free labor wishes to thank its many friends. B. MIFFLIN HOOD.