Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 14, 1908, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MONDAY. DECEMDEIt 84, 1908. ' Sf . II I Today’s Pattern S™ RT S HOES /^N account of the mild winter season and ^ late shipments. We are determined not to carry shoes over from one season to another, and have decided to place on saie begin ning today every pair of Men’s, Women’s and Children’s WINTER SHOES AT A Reduction All $7.00 All 6.00 Shoes at $5.85 All .All All 5.00 ,4.00 3^50 Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at 4.85 4.35 3.35 2.95 All All All All All All $3.00 Shoes at $2.55 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at 2.15 1.65 1.45 1.25 1.00 Remember this cut price sale is for a limited time only Adler & Leers 72 Whitehall. Special ladies* tucked shirtwaist. Parli Pattern No. 2«*5. . All 8*«nu Allowed. This delichtftft little model, which <■ de veloped Jn friary linen, madras, French den nel, cotton crepe or ceihmere, is tacked in the front end beck, both portions being at tached to • shoulder-yoke of the materiel, heavily stitched. The front Is closed thru the center box-plait, with small pearl buttons, the strairht cuffs on the refutation shirt sleeves fastened with similar buttons. This la also an excellent model for taffetas or surah silk, to wear under the strictly tailor-made coat. The model ia worn with a stiff Unen collar either in the high turn down or Eton : The pattern is in 7 sites—82 to 44 in bust measure. For 8ft bust the walet re- 3 nires 4 yards of material 20 inches wide, % yards 27 inches wide, 2H yards inches wide or 2 yards 42 inches wide. Price of pattern, 10 eenta. ......II. PATTERN DEPT., ATLANTA. OA., for • each pattfrn. Iu ordering write plainly • ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONAL MENTION 1 Miss I.oulse Phlnliy will entertain a house party thlh Week, the date of her cotnlng-.oul party being Thursday plght at the i 'iiuntry Club. Among her. jurats will be Mils Mildred Spratling, of At lanta, and Miss Martha Miller, of Ma con. Mlanes Sophie Meldrlm. Dorothea Baldwin, Mildred Cunningham and Sa rah Cunningham, from Savannah, and the Misses Royater, of Norfolk, at 11 be among the out-of-town guesta at the Cotillion Thuraday evening. •Mlsa Esther Smith. Mlaa Agnba Gray and Mian Hattie Cochran will arrive In Mm. Dunbar Roy will entertain the Tuoaday Bridge -Club on Tueaday morning. At the meeting of the bridge club entertained Friday evening by Dr. and Mra. Roy. the ladles’ prise, a Fronch mirror surmounted by a mini ature, was won by Mrs. Eugene Block, and Mr. Black won the gentt,men’s prise, silk hose, Mrs. O, E. Paine entertained at a luncheon at the Capital City Club, fol lowed by it-bos party at the Grand In honor of Mlasea Cutis, At Savannah, and Lamar, of Columbus, tbe gueats of Mlaa Helen Bagley. The young women of the party, besides these, were Miss Margaret Ladson and Miss Alberta •tray and Miss Cochran will lie the sucsis of Mlsa Smith nt the home of Rankin ber parents, Mr. and Mra. Ale* Smith.) ~— ' Jllss Cochran haa the distinction of be. Miss Florence Clift, of Chattanooga, In* the original "Little Colonel” In An- will be a charming holiday visitor In nle Feiinwes Johnstone’s popular stories | Atlanta, arriving the latter part of this for young people. 'week to'be the guest of Miss Martha Whitman. Miss Clift will be, .enter tained at a series of delightful parties during her visit. *Egrty next week Miss Whitman will entertain In her honor.. The hosts of friends of Dr. and Mrs, E. L. Connally and Mr. and Mrs. War ner Martin will be delighted to learn that Mm. Martin, who underwent operation on Saturday at the home Dr. and Mrs. Connally, Is doing spten dldly, and that her physicians hold out hopes tor her . speedy recovery. && nfirnJ ■ guest of Mrs. A ; . McD. Wilson. Miss Thombury tjas numbers of friends In Atlanta, where she and her sister were at the head uf a school for girls until they went abroad sev eral years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Myers Scott returned to their home In Milwaukee on Monday, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis West. Mr. and Mrs. Scott came South to attend the Miss .Sophie Thornbury nrrivf Atlanta', from Paris on Monday n Ing; and Is the guest of Mra. A : . T omorrow, Tuesday, The Last Day of Our Successful Trimmed Hat Sale. Trimmed Hats That Were Up to $20.00 I At $2.50 and $5 Each Be All made of this season's materials, which insures perfect Hats as to ^ style and quality. No goods worked over from a previous season, this be- /S ing our first season in Millinery. t • .. ... jb "Rich’s Exclusive Hats” have a reputation for smartness, originality <2 and quality. ' : Z Tuesday, Hats worth up to $20.00 each, at I $2.50 EACH $5.00 EACH All Colors end Materials Untrimmed Velour and Velvet Shapes that were $9.00 and $10,00, while they last • . * Untrinimed Felt Shapes • • • • • • •••••. . In Black and All Colors. $2.50 . 75c NO MAIL OR C. O. D. ORDERS FILLED. We make a specialty of Hats for elderly ladies at moderate prices. Millinery Department s RICH & BROS. CO. LADIES OF ST. ANTHONYS, The ladles of St. Anthony* Guild are urgently requested to be present at a call meeting at the residence of Mrs. W. L. Hrldwell, 215' Ashby-st.. Tuesday, December 15. 1*08, at 3 p. in. MRS. W. L. BRIDWELL, Pres. MRS. JOHN KINO, Sec. PONCE DELEON CHURCH. A general meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Ponce’DeLeon-ave. Bap tist church Is called for Tuesday morn ing nt 10 o'clock, December 15. All members are urred to be present. MRS. H. II. HALE. Pres. MRS. W. P. CALLAWAY, Sec. SARAH M’INTOSH CHAPTER. The’ regular meeting of the Sarah McIntosh Chapter, D. A. H„ will be held Tuesday, December 15, at 3 p. m., In the parlors of the Aragon Hotel. MRS. OSCAR RAGLAND, Corresponding Secretary. CHURCH~BRIGADE. ' The Florence McEarhern Brigade of Walker-st. M. E. church South will meet at the house of Miss Kate Brunette. (7 Mangum-st., at 3 p. m. Friday, De cember 18. All members are requested to attend and bring a new member. Mrs. Carter will be In charge. J03EPH HABERSHAM CHAPTER, -. .The December, mee II ng of the Joseph Habersham Chapter will be held at the home of the regent. Mra. W. L. Peel, 4*8 Peachtree, Tuesday, December 16, p. m. . ere wll be an Interesting program, and new members are especially urged to attend the meeting. KATHARINE HINTON WOOTTEN, Coresponding Secretary. Net and Lace aists Brand new and pretty as can Le, white, cream, ecru. Three styles. Dotted net with heavy lace medallions forming a yoke. Plain net richly tucked and lace-trimmed. Figured net with frilly little ruches. Smart sleeves. Dainty collars. Delicate linings. Suppose you wanted to give some woman a really useful and at the same time a dainty, pretty gift that wouldn t cost much and yet would give her infinite pleasure? Gould you think of anything nicer than a ^Waist like one of these? The values are unusual. They are most attract-r ive. Most worthy. Regular $6 and $6.50 Waists, omorrow - $4.69 Second Floor—8:30 A. M. Ch amberlm-J oknson- DuBose Company ’ PHOTOGRAPHERS’CLUB. The social gathering of the Photogra ihers' Club, which was to be held at • 1-3 East Alabama-st. Monday night at 8 o'clock, was postponed until after Christmas. At the bowling party given Saturday evening by a number of young men In honor of Mies Helen Bagley's guests, the prises, a lovely gold bar pin and s hot pin, were .won by Misses Margaret Ladson and Katharine Martin, of Chat tanooga. Mra. George Humphries, who has been quite III for the past week, le much Improved. Mr. Humphries, who was called In (roin a business trip on account of his wife's Illness, left Sun day night for New Orleans. Misses Laura and Helen Payne, who are guests of Miss Adele Penrose In New Orleans, will receive their friends Informally Monday afternoon. Misses Payne have visited In New Orleans and hare many friends there. The many friends of Mrs. R. Joseph and the Misses Joseph, of Columbus, will regret to leant of the death of Miss Nell Joseph, which occurred Saturday night at the Joseph home In Columbus. Mr. and Mr*. John D. Little will en tertain a box party Monday evening at the Grand, their gueets to be Mr. and Mra. Henry M. Bankhead and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Conklin. Miss Dorothy Hebert, the charming >oung duughter of Mr. and Mra. P. O. [ebert. will arrive In t$e city from New Orleans for the Christmas holi days on December 34. Mrs. T. C. Magnus and Misses Helen and Elisabeth Magnus, of Brooklyn, will visit Dr. and Mr*. James B. Baird and .Miss Louise Baird Just after Christmas. Mr*. John Rosebro. of Clarksville, Tenn.. la expected to arrive pn Satur day to be the guest of her sister, Mra. *Tj. McKelway. Miss Lillian Yow will visit MlasAg nes Jones, of Albany, on the 2«th, for the remainder of the holldaye. Miss Mildred Huxen. of Knoxville, Tenn...will visit Mis* Margaret Hall man on the Hrst of January. Mra. Gabriel Palmer and Master Stephen Palmer will spend Cbrlstma* Washington, Gs. drs. E. S. Chambers and children ents In Eatonton. Mlsa Realh Morris, who has spent the past six months In New York, Is In Atlanta again. Mr. George Atkinson, of New York, will spend Christmas In Atlanta with relatives. Miss Kate Felder leaves Wednesday for Amerlcua to visit relatives for the holidays. j Miss Luclle McRae will spend the holldaye with friends at Mlllcn, near Augusta. Miss Jimmy McClendon, of Fort- Gnlnes, Is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Mc Daniel. • Mra. William 8. Elkin Is In Lancaster. Ky.. to attend the wedding of her niece. Mr. Edward H. Barnes Is spending a few days in Washington City. Mr. John Wilson, of Macon, apent Sunday In Atlanta. Mra. Harry English Is In Columbus. MISS EA8TLACK _ GIVE8 OUTLINE OF STUDY The following Is an outline of the work undertaken In voice expreeslon by Mlsa Mary Adele Kastlack In the de ment of expression of which she charge at the Conservatory of Music: Voices as an Interpreter of mental ststgs—Tone-color and form, sympathy, beauty, relation of voice to Imaglnu tlon and emotion. Technical voice training—Breath con trol, tone projection, placing of tones, compass, development of resonance, flexibility, freedom, smoothness, purity, power and brilliancy of tone, eradica tion of faults In use of voice. Articulation, pronunciation and enun elation. How to deal with vocal de fects, peculiarities and Impediments In speech. Under No. E—Anatomy, physiology, expressive physical culture, exerclee for poise, presence, bearing, grace and ease of manner, for the vita! organ*, for strengthening the centers while freeing the surfaces, for respiration, harmonic movements, marching. Measurements, chest development, breathing exercises, personal hygiene. Exercises and their streets upon the circulation of the blood and the nervous system. The four di visions of the Emerson system of ex erclsea, their relation to (1) unity, (t) expression, (8) ease In force. (4) re sponsive drill work. This system of physical culture Is adapted to persons of all age*. OPERA GLASSES. The Lemaire make is the best. Prices from 84.00 to 880.00. Nothing better or more lasting for an Xmas gift. Bee our GREAT REDUCTION IN Trimmed Hats $25.00 Hats reduced to.. : .. . r ..$5.00 $20.00 Hats reduced to $5.00 $15.00 Hats reduced to $5.00 No such Bargains were ever offered here before. M. RYAN CO. 45 Whitehall Street. Candies satisfy ery taste, 60c 11 ev- GLENNVILLE. Mra. Henry Moore, of Daisy, was a visitor In the city Tueaday. i Miss Lila Moore, of Daisy, visited friends her* thl* week. . W. H. Surrency. of Burrency. was In Glennvllle recently. Mrs. H. W. Benson has returned from n visit to relatives at Mlllen. Mra. II. A. Kennedy, of Glennvllle, R. F. D. 2, was here Wedneeday. Elder Patterson, of Statesboro, was W. d. TIMMS THE SPOT CASH JEWELER 28 Whitehall Street. Xmas suggests a gift. Our shop is brim full of all the latest things—Correct Jew elry for ’09 will be Seal Rings, Fobs, Bracelets, Lockets, Chains, Brooches, Cuff Buttons, etc—Our line is complete. * 8* The 81m of Protection. A “Taylor Made” UMBRELLA . Direct from the Factory, .THE BEST GIFT for man. woman or child. We have many styles, the largest as sortment ever shown, at prices from 81.00 to 888,00. Call on us before Christmas. TAYLOR UMBRELLA 00. 32 1-2 Peachtree St. i Saturday to visit her oar-' here a few days this week. Mra. Mabel Bishop, after an ex tended visit to her parents. Mr. and Mra. H. A. Kennedy, has returned to her home at Atlanta. Mr. R. A. Scott, of Hogan, was In the city Tuesday. Miss Ophelia Kennedy Is a guest of htr sister, Mra. Mabel Bishop, in At lanta. 1 NORCROSS. Mrs. Amos Martin entertslned the Ma trons’ Hewing Clsh* Wednesday iHernoon. Mis* l-sl* Key was hostess of the 48 Club Monday errata*. Mrs. Ronald Johnston and Miss Mary Ids.. Johnston eutrrtalned at a spend-tbc-diy swim party Tsesdsy. The Women's Club met with the presl- ■lent. Mrs. Homer Jones. Thursday after-1 noon. Miss Lillian McDaniel Is tbe guest of Mo LADIES, Tell the Men to Let WEAVER r Make Their Clothes 167 Peachtree St nid» Andrew* In Atlanta. » Hoyle Hklnncr, who Is a .1 In MlllftlKevIll*. will «p«o<l a In, will sp**ntl ths boll-