Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 14, 1908, Image 13

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m i THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. nONDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1008. i3 GA. NEGRO GIVES BROWNSVILLE FACTS Continued from Pago On* actively concerned In the shooting, either to the extent of being partlcl- nsnts or to. the extent of virtually ene I'iiuraglng those who were participants. as to companies C and D, there can be „0 question that practically overy man n them must have had knowledge that he shooting was done by some of the soldiers of B troop, and possibly by one .or two others In one of the. other tr< *‘Thls concealment was Itself a grave offenst* which was greatly aggravated hv their testifying before the senate by their testifying committee that they were Ignorant of Bhat they must have known. Never- tbeless, It Is to be said In partial ex- tenustlon that they were probably cowed by threats, made by the more desperate of the men who had actually been engaged In the shooting, as to what would happen to any man who failed to' protect the wrongdoers. Encouraged to Deny. "Moreover, there are circumstances lending to show that these misguided men were encouraged by outsiders to oerslst In their course of concealment and denial. I feel, therefore, that the guilt of the men who, after the event, thus shielded the perpetrators of. the wrong by refusing to tell the truth about them, tho serious, was In part due to the unwise and Improper at titude of others, and that some measure of allowance should be qiade for the misconduct. •In other words. I believe we can afford to reinstate any of these men who now truthfully tell what has hap pened. give all the aid they can to fix the responsibility upon those who are really guilty, and show that they them selves had no guilty knowledge before hand and were In no way Implicated In the affair, save by having knowl edge of It afterwards and falling and refusing to divulge it. To Reinstate Some. "Under the circumstances, and In view of the length of time they have been nut of the service, and their loss of the benefit that would have accrued to them by continuous long-time serv ice. we can afford to treat the men who meet the requirements given above as having been sufficiently punished by the consequences they brought upon themselves when they rendered nec essary the exercise of the disciplinary power. I recommend that a law be passed allowing the secretary of war, within n fixed period of time, say a year, to reinstate any of these soldiers whom he, after careful examination, finds to have been Innocent and whom he finds to have done all In his power to help bring to Justice the guilty. “Meanwhile the Investigation will be continued. The results have made It obvious that only by carrying on the Investigation as the war department has actually carried It on Is there the slightest chance of bringing the offend ers to Justice or of separating not tho Innocent, for there were doubtless hardly any Innocent, but the less guilty from those whose guilt was heinous.” Conyers’ Confession. It Is shown that ex-Prlvate Boyd Conyers, of Company B, Twenty-fifth Infantry, now a resident of Monroe, Ga„ confessed to a detective employed by the government that he and two or HAINS BEGINS FIGHT FOR LIFE Continued from Page One. EDITED BY his brother. Captain Peter C. Hatns, Jr., of the United States army, shot the life out of William E. Annls, a maga zine publisher, and he was brought to bar In the town hall at Flushing this morning under the charge of murder n the llrst degree as an accessory. His lawyers assert with seeming confidence that he .will be acquitted this time Just a 5 , h A. WM down In Virginia In the fall of 1901. Will Exclude Scandals. It was announced beforehand that all of the scandal and Intrigue that will come out at the trial of Captain Halns, which follows this one, Is to be kept j. !E ;,aVv^v DAILY MARKET NEWS Mr. Lively's twtity-tr# years' expe rience of editing markets In Atlanta and the South has made him a rec- •gulzed authority m his specialty. COTTON FUTURES UNDER PRESSURE out of the papers. the trial, which began to- So far as day, is concerned, It Is merely a ques tion of fact that Is involved. What the Jury will pe called upon to decide Is whether T. Jenkins Halns had knowl edge ot what hla brother was about to do; whether he counseled and abetted the crowd, and whether by his actions he kept by-standers from saving or attempting to save the victim from Pe i er ** a * n,,, automatic revolver. So widespread Is the popular Inter est In the cape that the Flushing town hall was swarming with strangers and townsfolk long before the doors swung open this morning. Halns Roaches Court. Among the flrat to arrive were Gen era! Peter C. Halns, IT. S. A., retired, the aged father of the accused broth- era and hla two sons, Major John Hatns. of the army, and William Halns, of Chicago. With them were the lawyers who will conduct the defense, John F. McIntyre and Joseph A. Shay. Hardly had they settled themselves when a big automobile arrived bring ing T. Jenkins Halns from the Long Island City hall. The accused man rode besides Sheriff Harvey, of Queens county, his right wrist linked to\ the sherlfTs left by handcuffs. Justice Crane has said this case must go to the Jury before the new year, because the term of office of District Attorney Darrin expires then. Court is to sit late every day and on Satur days, and If necessary night sessions will bo held. It Is expected to spend several days in getting a Jury'. Selling Was Heavy All Thru Morning Session—De cline Sharply. NEW YORK, Dec. 14.—The market opened quit# nervous in cotton and with a noticeable absence of trade in October, wbiob hereto fore has baen a favorite with investors. After the call severe pressure was reported in the nesr positions, forcing them 0 or 7 points from Saturday's close. New Orleans wss s seller. Affectation will during thla period, which would bring the total iip to 11.710.000 bales. Prices rallied a few points* In the late session, the close being very steady net 1 to 5 points below Saturday's finals. . . Estimated receipts Tuesday: RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS iBY PRIVATE LEASED WIRK.I NAME OF STOCK. Ainal. Copper. Am. Ice Securities. Am. Sugar Iteflnery. Smelting. . Atlantic C. Line. . « . Brooklyn Rapid T. • . Baltimore ft Ohio. • . C.. C. ft St. L CS.ran« ike A Ohio. ' dlao Jonsolidated Gat. Central Leather. . do. preferred. 1107. uv. •Kcivrreu. . • • . Colorado Fuel A Xros. Colorado Southern. .. Delaware A Hudson. . Denvor A Rio Orsode. Distillers' Securities. . Erie. ......... do. preferred. .... Great Western. . • *. . ••*« iiii ..I pfd. . Great Northern Ore. . Illinois Central. .... Interborough. • . . . • Ktivnan A Texas. 5FOT COTTON MAJIKHT. Total .tori- a.IfM, 1.0-1.VX) .hnri-.. iiii % JH 3 SI U ; : r : NAME OP HTOCX. nosas A Texas PM- . . • * uilsvllle A Nnahvill*. • . . . Issourl Pacific. . Louisville (_ uiusurl Paclfl New York Central. Northwestern. ..... National Lend Norfolk A Western... Northern Pacific. • « • Oufnrlo A Western. •• Pennsylvania Pacific Mail People's Gas Co. • • . Pressed Steel Car. • . Heading. ..••••»• Hock Island. . • • • . oo. prorerren. .... Southern Pacific. ... Southern Railway. • • do. preferred BVPsnl Stoss-Bhefflatd. ..... T.nn. Coppar. . . .1. T,»a« I’.ctflr Tih .1 Aren't. Union P.tldc '’a.-Cir. Cb.mlcal, . 0. ft. Rnbtwr. ..... da PMtij.ifl D. a fit—I da prtr*rr«d IV—tern Union. . . ., da preferred .... W-einxkonn. Elec. . . i&l £5 3 5 im IS T# Atlanta, quiet; middling 8ft. Liverpool, steady: middling 4.87. New Orleans, quiet and steady; middling kew York, quiet; middling 9.10. Snrannoh, dull and easy; middling 8 7-18. NEW YORK. Augusta, easy; middling 8 7 ». Galveston, steady; middling R 13-18. Norfolk, quiet; middling 8 13-16. ATLANTA MARKETS FRUIT AND PRODUCE. EGGS—Fresh country, 33c; cold storage, LIVE POULTRY-Hen*. 30036c; ehl ens, 18626c. Duck a, Pekin. 30c each; pud< 26c each. Turkeys. 14616c pound. DRESSED PODLTnY—Hens. 12ft014e . • 6c; fryers, 16618c per nound. per pound. Geese. afflOe per s, 16018c, owing to quality. Baltimore, nominal; middling &£ Boston, qnlett middling 9.1ft Philadelphia, quiet; middling 9.36. Memphis, steady; middling ST*. Ready; a tilet; i _ „ rm; middling 9ft. Little Rock, quiet; middling 88 Wilmington, qnlet; middling 8* quiet; quiet; ml ill S' III i 5 ■il Dec.. . . . Jan.. . . . Feb.: . > . March. April. . . . June July.. . . . Aug Sept Oct 8.88| 8.90 8.65J 8.66 'A83] 103 *8.88j 109 *K«7* 688 8.56 8.56 A 40 8.46 ittfCw 8.44 8.64 *8.63 Afi *A8W*A89 8.691 AM 8.68 8.63 A4i| A46 IU 1.82-84 8.0-’-« m 8.67(3 m Till 8.65- 67 8.65- 64 8.03^7 8.70-72 A72-71 tsa 1.48-62 8.60-61 TODAY'S FORT RECEIPTS. Closed very steady. LIVERPOOL. Futures opened stead Opening Range. December.... 4.68ft Previous 2 P.M. Close. Close. 4.88M 4.66 4.88ft a 4.63ft 4.62 4.83ft 4.62 4.81ft 4.83 4.62 4.61 4.62 .... 4.61 4.83 4.62ft 4.61ft 4.62 sy-Jnne.... 4.82 .. __ June-July..,. 4.62 -4.63 .... 4.82 4.62ft July-Aug.,... 4.61 -4.61ft 4.61ft 4.61 4.61 Aug.-8ept.«.. 4.66 f ' Hept.-Oct...,. 4.61! Oct-Nov 4.49 Closed quiet jh NEW ORLEANS. Following Is the range In cotton futares In New Orleans today: Dec.. . Jan.. . Feb.. March. . April. . May.. . June., Jnl; 1 ilillil I II 8.61-62 f.80| 8.601 Closed steady. 8.75 *8.66 8.67] 8.64-66 8.63 1.6344 .... 8.63 8.68 8.6848 .... 8.TO 8.76 8.74-76 .... 8.78 8.86 8.8446 A44 8.4448 ir* A 83-88 8.4344 _ . 18014c _ pound. Tnrkeys, 16018c, owing to quality. GAME—Itnhblta and squirrels, 16c ench; opossums (alive), 8010c pound. Quail, 150 * PRODUCE-Butter (Jersey), 22ftC26c per . )und; country pack, 16c pound, Beeswax ■dive, nc pound. Ho*ay la one-pound blocks active, lfl012ftc pound; in bulk. 809c pound. FRUITS AND NTJTS—Lemons, fancy Men •ena, 14.0004.60. Bananas, 8c per jound. Limes. 26c per 100. Pennnts In sack* Days port receipts, compared with last year: 1907. New Orleans. t- it Ivcuton. Mobile. . . . ftarannnb. . . Chnrlnston. . Wilmington. Aid the shooting. Conyers attempted to commit suicide after he learned he had made his confession to a detective. Conyers, however, finding that he had mnfessed to government agencies, again persists In the false testimony given the senate committee, and It Is now found necessary to corroborate hie testimony, The report eays: . ■ •• "KyJdencea of similar encouragement to stick to the lies told at Brownsville and before the senate committee were found In many places, and subsequent to the date ot the Foraker letter they than ever. No promises of Immunity were made to secure any of the confes slone." Conyers, In his confession. Implicated a negro named Powell, whom the de tective traced to Atlanta. It was found that James Powell was In the employ knew was based on a supposed confes sion of Jams* Brown, a negro who had been In the Twenty-fifth regiment. SAID HUCKSTER SNATCHED MONEY Charles Waloof, a truck wagon driver, hound over under a 1100 bond In tht recorder's court Monday morning on the charge of larceny. A case wss made against Waloof Saturday by Mrs. Hattie Brisendlne, who runs a boarding house at 80ft Capitol- sve, Mrs. Brisendlne charged that while selling her 48 cents’ worth of vegetables. Waloof snatched two 810 bills from her hand y. shouting back over his and hastened away. «... . shoulder that he would be hack tomorrow. when Officer Wood, who was summoned "f Mrs Brisendlne, reached the hoarding honse. Waloof wha nowhere within view, vho officer secured a description of the man however, and soon brought Waloof ,n Mrs. Brisendlne for Identification. He «•"* positively Identified by her and the negr.* house girl, who was present when tn** money was snatched. On account of her feeble state of health. Mrs. Brisendlne was unable to appear house maid was present, tho, and it VETERAN EDITOR DIES IN LOUISIANA HOME NEW ORLEANS, Dee. 14.—William A. Strong, a Confederate veteran, ed itor of the Wenlfred Southern Sentinel and politician, died yesterday at hie home In Wenlfred, La., aged 62 years. ITALIAN IS SHOT; ASSASSIN ESCAPES TAMPA, Fl»„ Dee. 14.—Italians In 'Veet Tampa last night were at the of Angelo Sardinia celebrating me baptism of a child, when an un- Italian called from the yard V ,r Antonio Urao. Urao went out- 'We and waa ahbt to death. The aa- «a—In — caped. The police believe It waa the remit of a family feud. ,\.**at *d. In The Ororrlan today « HI Mart proeperlty rolling your way. —aging 109 pounds ench. owing to gra, 7Hc pound. Appl— per barrel. 94.01 owing to nullity, Florida orange,, 11.703 ‘ “ Plneepi ‘ Norfolk. . . . New York. . Boston. . . . Philadelphia. , crate. Cabbage, $1.6002.00. Irish Onions. 75c01.OO bushel. Rntahai lftc per pound. Spanish onions, ,c lb. Yellow squash. buahel. turnips. ~ crate, whttf, itabapi ti Ions. 81.75 I* 66075c; fXAtN. 'LOUR—Highest patent. 86.60; test pat- , 86.00; standard patent. $6.76: half pat- 86.60; spring wheat patent, 86.2S. 50c per buahel FLOUR AND GRAIN. FLOD CORN-No. 2 white. 84c; No. 2 mixed, 82c; ^AWhltS^lIppe,,. 86c; white clipped fancy. 70c; red. 76c: rust-proof, 68c: No. 2 white. 64c; No. 8 white. 68c; mixed. 62c. _ SEEDS—Sacked: Wheat—Tennesses Bios Stem, 81.60. ” ~ "“* " 81.10. tmiP-nun. ik, lull, . a proof. 68c; Ksnstfk rust proof. 66c. Alfalfa, 11.10. Timothy, rbolct large 10, choice 1-9 bale,, tl.00: Timothy HAY—-J m, o- m , I Ot Vlllflt'tT l-d URII1, * IUIVIU/ .... . small hales. $1.00; Timothy No. 2, 85c; clover nay. 86c; Timothy No. 1 clover mixed. 90c: Bermuda, 70c. kfcRAL—Plain. 96-pound sacks, 83c; pound sacks. 85c: 24-pound sacks, 67c. CHICKEN FEED—Fifty-pound Fifty-pound sacks. $11 dosen, 82.20; 100-pound sacks, 82.06; Putins feed. 175-pound sacks. PRCBI, I Ul lua 4CVW. n*-|>uuu<i M'-aa, *1.70; K<)-poitnd aarka, 91.75; alfalfa feed, 11.65; 100-uound ucke, il.M. Oerm meal, 11.60; Arab horae feed, 91.M. BlfoP.TS—White. 91.71: fancy 7Wb. ncka 91.66; shorts, brown. 76-pound sacks, 91.63; lM-ponnd sacks, Il.M: bran. 76 and loMK sacks, 91.96; salt brick holders per dosen. 99.26; (alt brick, 91.60 per caae; salt 91.00 par cwt.; 100-ponnd sacks. 69c. COTTON fifcKD MHAL—Per ton. 996.00. COTTON SEED HULL*-*inare sseksi per ton, Ml^^ lies. _ _ fat baeka. filleer Usf Ued. f044. Jewsll com- and, 7\c. California hams, *Hc; Ei-rths, ponad 9 271k. OROCERIES, BUOAB-fitandard granulated. 1.10; New York refined. 414; plantation. 4*4. COFFEE—taoaated fArbocklesi 911.00: balk tn begs and barrela 12c; green. tl<M9e. RICE—Japanese. 619c; heed, 607c; fancy head. Tff/Hc. according to grade. ter oil. lk.79 _ CHEEBE-Feney foil erram. 19c; Oeor- gin cent syrup, S8c gallon. Balt (100 ponods). 60c. Axle grease. 21.60. “ Pods crackers, VM par pound: lemon ereekeen, le: oyster. To. Tomatoes 8 pounds). 2119: ease II pounds), 12.00; nary beans, 92.00; Lima beans. 6He. CANDV-Btlck (assortedi. V pound: fancy (assortad) palls. 7c; chocolate drone, palls, tie; Elk isseorte.l). ran hoses. 96.01 Shredded hlscnlt. 91.00 ease: No. J rolled sets. 99.40 case; sack grits. Jt-oound bags 19.96; ojrslere. full weight. liar ~w 22.656 3.696 8.064 1,071 1.406 616 104 TW 19.376 1,646 9,916 1,642 4.146 4.076 NEWS AND GOSSIP Of th« Flatcy Stapls. From Hsywsrd ft Clark. NEW YORK, Dse. 14.—J. S. Bachs ft Co.: ol wss due ft to 2 ft lower on nesr WHEAT A FRACTION LOWER AT OPENING 150 48 Liverpool wss dus ft to 2ft lower end ft to 2 higher on 1st* montha. irregular 1 higher to 1 lower. At \ ..... __ v 1:15 p. m. wss quiet but itesdy net onehsnged to ft *ilgher. Spots In moderate demand end Total | 69.030 64.333 INTERIOR BEOEIF/R. n.F', Interior rccrlpti, compart wltk laat mn 1908. 195T Houston. ...... Augusts Memphis . . Rt. Louis Cincinnati 17.485 2.164 9.172 6.084 689 12.493 U\\ 7,219 2,016 105 Total 35,196 33,497 point higher. Spol unchanged; middling, 4.87; sales, 7,000. American, 0,700; speculation and export, 600; imp Iforl week and 01,282 last year. Nothing of fresh intsrest In ths news re garding cotton. The Ttmes-Demoerat says ths South hss dbne nothing so far this season to bring about a pries advance. Cables not a full response to our rally Saturday, Springs buying May; Hutton buying Oc tober. Cotton sssy on selling by Liverpool and room traders. Bchlll, Mitchell and Watson hammering the market. Buying scattered, ^srpenter, Bargot ft.Co,: It is not the tral opinion that lTq Lower Cables, Favorable Weather and Large Re ceipts Factors. 8T. LOUIS CASH • QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter Corn—No. 3 Oats—No. 8 CHICAGO, Dse. 14.—Lower cables, favor* able weather and large receipts at Minnsapo- HAYWARD ft CLARK* 8 DAILY COTTON LETTER NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 14.—Correspondence received from abroad fully explains the action of foreign markets. Spinners are said to br well supplied M several monthx, and, owing to the general stata of trade, show lit tle concern about the distant future. Letters rsss the opinion mat iu ermmw va ....... ..v.iM, mills might be tempted to buy, but In case ot •dvsnee ‘ ry would drop out ‘ Un ' :h< general opinion that liquidation of long cot* (is caused an easier wheat market with price* ton is finished, and the tendency of the trad# off about %c. Tbs trad* wss.rsther light to await further developments as to ths next with commission bouses on both sides. Ltv- -H-I-H-l WEATHER REPORT. ' + WEATitER f TO A wMa trourL the rentral and northwestern states, bnt It has thus far bean accompanied by no appre- clahlo precipitation, altho ths dondlnou Is Inerensln* In the great lake region, tho Ohio ralley and tho fiouthern statoa. Thera Is no chtngs In tbt mild tempera ture conditions that hart prevailed In all sections of (ha country for aororal daya In fact, there la no cold weather In the Ilrltlsh »unr in in# «iiu wi-nmer in Tile urn northwest within tho limits of nbaerratL.,u. Ths Indications aro for mostly fair weath- tore; ’Thera la a probobllity'ofVTmo'rain'or •now In the lower lake region, and some •bowers In tho. east golf statea".'’Tbe weatif- In the middle Atlajitle coeat region may 'll. . middle become unsettled by Ttmsdtj nlghi Forecast till 8 p. m, Tuesday: Virginia—Fair tonight, followed by unset tled weather Tneaday; warmer; moderate NEW YORK CENTRAL AND PENNSYLVANIA Assumed Leadership of the Stock Market on Mon day Morning. ./ and Pennsylvania assumed lead of msrkel thi* morning, the former i new high record of 122 in the firxt half ho. of trading and the latter selling above 132 > Baltimore and Ohio waa another local fraction ahsrea were active sn< _ around their previous high prices. Ktt* shares were also twang Into activity when it waa announced that the Pennsylvania Com pany had finally placed on order for 135,co<. tone of rails. Union Pacific remained licavj at the beginning of trading, but aft«r th« other stocks had acored gaina of a point ami mors it woks up and advanced sharply, per aona eloae to the Harriman Interest! that Union Pacific has &se& sslecUd se Harriman leader for this week, because represents an interest in all the etandard sues that are advancing. For Iks flrat n several years the local Traction stocks being looked upon bv broken as possible can- j didates for respectability. They are advisirg K Tehees of Interborough-Metropolitan in the j |li»f that the reorganisation will make the ■toeki worth something. At present it is j avmt, VUlUfMW fUll Doing again. Bmclters remained heavy in the early* I trading, but auch a large abort Interest had j accumulated last week that some covering 1 advanced ths pries. On ths curb marks! OolAfleld Consolidated j and Standard Roger shares were leaders. ( London Americans ware active end] stronger. ) NEW YORK, Dec, 14.—Tbs stock market! opened strong and aetlve with a number o€l Issues making new high records for the year, j while only in s few cssea waa there any* heaviness or failure to nuke some amount i of gain. , Baltimore and Ohio and New York Central] were strongest features, both the stocks hav-1 ing wide opening because of competitive buy. 1 ing orders, and the upward movement which \ waa noted toward the end of last week in j the steel Industrials made that group prom nent in early trading again today. Pressed Steel Car and Railway Steel shares were mmt active in this department. The local tra iterance of heavy sell Closing bias follow: Railway Stocks. Atchison do. preferred Baltimore and Ohio •• Canadian Pacific Chicago and Alton .. .. Chicago and Northwestern ..102ft • sill ..177 Colorado Southern Denver and Rio Grande do. preferred «• ., Erie Ulnols Central aouisville and Nashville .. . lanhattan "L" . Metropolitan Street Railway Mexican Central .. New Pennsylvania Readini women! _ . , ,rooebly on e-waiting basis, with If • ... to any aggressive buying or aelling. The large movement whlrh ie likely to continue ginnera'report will probably put the market ‘ * * with If easily susceptible „ tll „.„ K the market alto* gather. Importers end spinners who bought during, the spring and summer on tho bajJ - ' 80 to 100 points on futnraa for good mid dling are ieriouely handleappfe In trade, tom petition by the decline In the itiwn uy »M- — baeie of this grade to aronnd 40 on futuree, and this also tends to restrict further demand. Heavy losses are reported from Lhmool. wjwj losses are reporica jrom , \ good middling Ie selling at 90 English points on. which ie 15 points under the basis quoted here. Thle disturbance of conditions In actual coton it particularly unfavorable at this time of the year when a full demand Is necessary to absorb the increased realising of araallsr spot hotdlnrs for Christmas.montjr. BtarUna hall toni'forlf Sakln* liowijjr. HARDWARE. WEI-f- BUCKETB-ft Sfit M nor aaisa. EOPB--Man!la. 14Vhc; Brsal. lie: eottaa lie 1,’EAD- Bar. VMwr pooaA CARDB—Cotton. Il3«4.60 par dona. PI.DW Itf-ADES—6o p«r ponad. BUCKETB—Paint. II.B iloxonli whits re Swift *' Co.'s aalss of frosh l>»»f In At lanta for tho wwlt rndln* BatnnUr. I)o- rombor 12. arorsgod 6.60 cents per pound. . MEN WANTED ’ ; To Dress Better, SEE WEAVER, TAILOR, 167 Peachtree St. FRANK HAWKINS. Fresldant. ft- M. ATKINSON. Vies Frssldsnl. ’ JOSEPH A. M'COED, vies Frssldant Capital and Surplus Third National Bank $1,000,000.00 OK A. W. CALHOUN, MILTON DAROAN, JOHN W. ORANT, H. V. M'COED, niaccToas: J. H. NUNN ALLY. J. CABROLL rAYNE. E. B. ROSSER, DAVID WOODWARD. il. ii a i ai.inu.s. JOSEPH A. M'COBD, !UnE k CALL CR CCF.RESFCKCEKCE RELATIVE TO 0PEX1XG U ACCCUHT _ Minas— , . In spits of ’thsoo T.rloos drswbsrhs. Indleot- In* o tryln, psrlod of ssrorsl wssks of patient waiting, confidence in the :market la becoming stronger everr day. • Prises hava dropped eeverar time* to around 8ft^ but every time the market attracted anpMVt from some quarter end wee easily lifted. Thle developed quite strongly the opinion that In vestment purchases around thla flgura are safe and have only to withstand minor tem porary dips. There is hardly a dissenting voice from the belief that cotton will sea a good advance during the early part of the coming year. First trades today were at a decline of 4 to 0 point*, meeting the lower Liverpool, but the market soon steadied on absence of tellers. Spot* ere neglected and dull except for a little staple buying; f. o. b. offers from the interior are rather free. In dicating the beginning of the ChrUtmee ■riling, NEW YORK?Dee. 14.--J.8. Barks ft Co.: The cotton market waa dull and featnreleaa today within a moderate range and around noon waa 0 to 8 points net lower. Cable* did not respond fully to our rally Saturday and Liverpool hent oftr aelling orders, which, together with ■elling by local bears, cost the market all of its gain of Ratufeay. The in crease in our local stock of cotton ie attract ing attention, today's total of certified cotton being 08.020 bale*, an Increase of about 20.000 this month. It wae predicted that the stock would be over 100,000 hy January 1. but at that scarcely enough to fill short contracts in December. The apoi house sup posed to be long of December 1* Mid to be taking ell tenders with the Idea of re-tender ing on later month*. Receipts at Hosston. New Orleans and Galveston snow some alight pari of offering cotton. W# do think the excellent quality of this year's crop will Indues spinners to absorb a large supply pending developments as to next year's yield. Following are 11 a. m. bids: December 0.08 v January 8.*»* March 8.50, May 8.04, m pn % frnrt l'rorlilona war* fractionally bottar. CniCAQO DRAIN MARKET. Orlobar 6.44. NEW ORLEANS, Dtc. 14.—Hayward A Clark: Markal opana .boat 6 Aon. Looka WHEAT Dae.... 20046 aery ataadr; rla*'baying on tha Stalina. Oor jail"" 'SL baat paopla think markat la aeraplnx bottom b, d y and that bnlla bar. to faca only amall dipa. ** Day a ransa In fnturas In Cblcaso: I’ravloua _ Opan. High. t-ow. Clou. Clot*. Tuaaday; warmer poaalbly showars lata ton! wanner. North Carolina and fionth Carolina-Fair and -warmer tonight; Tuaaday increasing cloudiness and warmer; moderate rtrlnbla wlnda. y with poaalhla ahow- .; warmer In southern . . . - Itrate aonthanat to south winds. wine,a. Georgia-Partly clondy ora tonight or Tuaaday; portion tonight; modem Fading mors confidant that cotton ta soon goingjM sdraaeS' staadily. Racelpta falling Corraapondanea from 88 of advance they will stay out of the market. Spots quiet and steady; some demand for iple. A rood deal of f. o. b. offering from terlar. Looks like Christmas sailing la TIPS FLASHED Fron, Wall 8tra«L TORN- "" fc 5IS B::;. 'll! .... OATS— Dec.... 65*1 HI ^ Sept n lV)RK- Jan.'.'I ieiwii is!an Tvs Hay... 16.10 18.16 16.00 LAUD— 100 100 t 'i i a 16Cl IJ Veatarn Fiorina—Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday; moilarata temperature: moder ate southerly winds. j _,nofalTy fair to night and Tuesday; ocntlnued moderate tern- peratnre. onaeryatlos, taken Hit. m„ central ft l'femp 1 Abilene,. ii.’ffift 18.00 Dec... Jan... New Orlcsne signs of letting up, t — -- the three points being for 82.00 bales erelnet 100.000 last Tuesday. . Semi-weekly interior Muy — receipts were extimeted at 134.000, ageinst 183.813 last week end port receipts 60.000, erainet 03,000 last week. Notwithstanding the perristenee on the part of the South in ■riling freely and dUeouraging all efforts on the part of the North to bull cotton, we eon- uly or October There ere many the bull side that will de- ,. w end donbtlete force prieea much higher, even If they should porarilv lower in the meantime. > VADlf fftPPPP Ul believe that P«rchaeea for a long pull advltable. possibilities vcloo later tern NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Following are coffee quotations today I Opening, f dosing. 8.1006.16' ■ 6.1006.20 5.1506.20 January .. February March .. . April.. .. May .. .. June .. .. July .. -- August .. Hcptcinber October . November December ~CIoftd ateady. 5.1506.25 6.3*15.25 6.2006.26 5.25#!5jr> 5.2606.30 5.2605.3) 6.2605.30 Bale, 1.600 Inga. 6.Br.6.S) 6.90416,33 i.ytot.x 8.10B8.15 "r'hJtlMR, 7*^98 doran. W1RH—Barb. 3fte pound. PLOWSTOCKB--Hainan, 8L££ 16c; rergutea. AXEft—84.7508.00 dote*. bSM. nark l*OWDKB-85 half kege. 82.90; qnartrr kega, $1.80; Dupont ami HaranI stnokriesa, half kega. $11.23: nnarter kegs, SS.75; one derf emokeicve powiier. 1-rnund cans, fl.uli American atf>cka in' Londo‘n n irre(ular. with changes alight. Market affected Saturday by tb» depression lu Htneltere. but broke away when strength In New York Tentral appeared and aborts covere«l up hastily. There la every reason to believe that bull party baa the situation well In band, and can force the remaining abort Interest to cover. Heavy orders for ralla expected shortly, and thla should help In sustaining the steel stocks. laook for a strong market. Vanderbilts look to lie aggressively sought and J'ennoylrnnls. Reading and Ilarrlmans are expected to show well up aa leaders. Carpenter, Baggot ft Co.: The writer personally knows that the biggest stock manipulator of the age baa charge of inter- boro and Cincinnati, and Hocking Coal and Iron. Me advise buying these stocks. Low aurptua hank reserves causing some atten tion. Looks like higher call money rates. We think the market la going higher. We would not. however, carry big enough lab. Dow-Jones Co.: Americans In London steady about parity. riculture estimates year 1800 a t 87.778.- times the mineral pro- Tha secretary of agri< farm products for fiscal y 000,000. Thla la four timet duetton of the country. 'London market jjulet and steady, holding ateady. Holiday illneae already devel Idlng ati loping. T this y Production of shove the low level of February 17. Paul officials say business — no great ebange expected Rwlft A Co. earnings tor 111 , September 30 nnderstotul to be equal to 20 per cent on capital. Fifteen million dol lars Consolidated Gas convertibles already turned In for conversion Actual Increase In production of pig Iron since election very small. Bank statement shows bank loans decreased, bat trust company lending largely Increased. Exchange expected to continue firm op to end of the year, but gold tiara available for export amount to only $l.000,00>) approximately weekly. Wall-Rt. Topics: While considerable un- til *lli ‘ ‘ certainty again exists in the mind of the * confse that the stock market Is likely RIB8— Jan... 8.15 May... 8.48ft f.'lTft 8.42ft 9.10 9.16 9.17ft Amarillo.. .. Asheville.. .. ATLANTA.. Augusta.. .. Birmingham m LIVERPOOL ORAIN MARKET. Bismarck Charleston.. Charlotte Chicago... Cincinnati.. ,, Corpus chrlstl.. Davenport.. .. .. Del Rio Denver Dodge City;. .. Wheat ^opened qjilet flower and aM:30 Dod^ Havre Huron Jackaoorilla.. Jupiter., .. .. Kansas City., Key West.. „ Knoxville.. .. Macon.. .. .. . Marquette.. .. Spot anil nearby M^taa" I.’ Miles City.. THE METAL MARKET. Tin via deliveries were off ftr. Quotations: Lake " trolytlc 14014ft; cat " ‘ lead 4.22H04. Hontgomery., TOTAL VISIBLE SUPPLY. Wheat. Corn. . , Oats. . . This fjist Mat Week. Week. Year. . 61.45H.000 61.215.000 41.W8.000 . 4,842,000 4,689,000 2,719.000 . 9,9684)90 9,070,000 7,009,000 WORLD'S SHIPMENTS. Nashville.. New Orleans.. . New York.. .. Norfolk North Platte.. Omaha.. .. .. .. Palestine Kapld City.. .. Savannah Nr. Isonla.. .. St. Paul Tampa., Thla Laat Week. Week. ... 7.712.000 9.008.000 . . . 3.048.000 3^23,000 Last Year. 1,080,000 2.715.000 Taylor.. Thomosvllle.. Vicksburg.. Washington.. Wilmington VISIBLE GRAIN SUPPLY. c. f. von II un it mans! Section Director. Following shows tho weekly visible sup ply of grab Wheat—Increase 243,000 bushels. “1.000 bushels. NAVAL STORES. SAVANNAH, Dec ll.-Tnrpentlne firm at 98H: aal.a 719; rwtfpta 9961 Uoaln firm; aalra 1.113; ri-clnta L6M: wa- tar wblt. 18.60; win-tow (Ua* M.40; N 88.16: M 95.60; K 65.10: I 94.16; II tt40Oi4i; U F Reading Rock Island .. . do. preferred fit. Paul Southern Pacific . Southern Railway a.120ft ..130ft a .141ft Wabash Wleoonein Central Intvrboro-Metro .. do. preferred Great Northern Miscellaneous, Atlantia Coast Lin# Atlantie Coast Lina Amalgamated uopper American Car ana Foundry .... American Locomotive American Cotton Oil American Smelting and Reflofnfi do. preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. Colorado Fuel and Iron .... , General Electrio .. . • •. . •. •. stlonal Lead Paclflo Mall .. Peoples Gaa Pressed Steel Cor .. ,. ,. Sloes Sheffield Steel Southern Pacific, preferred . v States* Steel \ l' .V do: preferred . • .. , • Western Union .. . • • • ., Maekay Companies .. •• ., do. preferred .. .*. , Virginia (Srolina Chemical . 128 fti j aoft 1 j MONEY AND EXCHANGE. 14.—Money on eall 2 ft' a; sixty days, •; ninety months, 8ft08ft. at 84.871504.8720 for dem 4.8510 for sixty-day bills. CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Comparatlv Houee Aeeoclatlon: 1 gg 1 1391. - Mnndajr ||I.156,I74.M Wl.;:"i «3 MININO STOCKS. .^orm nsuu oji*. i.upper hukv n 14, vdiu Fruit 180ft, Smelting 44%. Utah Apex LONDON STOCK MARKET. Following are today’s quotations: -*Tf^tti' lopccln^ Anaconda.. Atchison Csusdlan Pacific , Erls C*B A 8303.02ft. COTTON SEED OIL. Carpenter, Baggot ft Co.: The rather In different lard market la not wlth<mt some effect on cotton seed oil. Tbla situation, followed by continued depression In the cot ton fntitro market, due to henry move ment ami n disposition to Increase crop es timates. which will stimulate the belief In a larger seed yield and therefore larger crush, has forced prlftw down In the laat few daya, but with the short supply oft olive oil In Europe of some 2.000,000 berrelsj I we believe tbla decline will prove only teml porarr and that spring nud summer options afford good opportnnltlM^Mft—ft—tit la estimated that a more extenrire abort In terest Ie outstanding at the present time than has exleted at any time for aeveral montha past. A traders' market witk preference for the the present attitude of the apec.ila- tire community toward the stock market. The beat posted sources are still auggeatlng the purchase of atandard shares on all re- •fastens. Opening an YotV today: Decern W7 I Opening, i Ctoalaq 4**n**7 February. March May. ..... July. ..... "cinse%i dull’ a : m, fr 8 8.2705.39 6.4105.44 6.6106.53 jl: 006.2H 1006.41 W.8U do. preferred llllnola Central ........ ., I^iulsvllle and Nashville New York Central Pennsylvania Rending Kouthern Pacific.. .. .. .. Kt. I*nul Union I’aclfic .. .. United (Mates Steel.. .. do, preferred 121' I 15.G. .1 'ift 1 Local Stocks and Benda. HAYWARD ft CLARK’ff DAILY STOCK LETTER NRW YORK, Dec. 14.—American storks were around parity In lx>ndoo. Heavy trad- ling set In at the opening In nil active atoek*. I'nlna and Houthern Pacifle came In for their ttanal amount of attention and led th<> market on an upward torn. Rending anil Pennsylvania and lllll storks came out In cooftdsrable volnme nud New York Pen* tral waa bolding Ita place very well among if L_ „ . the trunk.line stocks. Gould storks aprung prefemNlj ft Savannah B. R. Into sudden activity wllh Walwi ndvnnclug 3 |ndnts In short ordi Pacific wss also bid ut* with a ' gbnak .. order. MUumrt .... Id ut» with a vim. If ones of m*w alignment of different system* came thick and isat, one Including n guarantee by New York Central on Clover I^af. lA’er! this was denied. Kmclter shares turned weak again today and caused a slight dcprcralou In the general list; but It Is fast lrtidlug Its i:> 4. li ft Kl Kb iu flu dice on srket. ft Bier la .18 IJ. l( ft Banking Co :*C It. It. ft Banking col i***w *» v ■ nil .-41, -n i: I'lro.Hl I V, l^}wry .Natlunal Hank 23,