Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 15, 1908, Image 11

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'xlxlij »'l A AiNJJ iNJjjVVO. 1 49 WHITEHALL SIMON’S 49 WHITEHALL Two Rousing Coat Specials Actual $10 and $12 Ladies’ Long Coats Wednesday $3i75 Your choice of a grand collection of long tailored coats in many styles and in an endless array of dependable fabrics— in practically every desirable shade and coloring, including black, brown aud blue brondcloth, tan covert and neat gray mixtures, which have been selling regularly at $8, $10 and $12, to clear out quickly and make room for our immense holi day display, while they last, Wednesday £A only, at J>0.f 3 Actual $2.75 to $5 Children’s Coats Wednesday $1.00 A children's Coat offer that is unprecedented—to clear out several broken lines of children’s long all-wool and part-wool coats, stylishly tailored and trimmed, in solid colors and pret ty brown and gray checks—we must have space for Xmas goods, and offer unrestricted choiee of this entire lot of ac tual $2.75 to $5.00 values, Wednesday, £4 AA only, at $ I .UU Make 3nEarly Selection and Avoid Disappointment PERSONAL MENTION The January number of The Book Ncwa which will be a memorial to the late Joel Chandler Barrie. Will contain a splendid appreciation of Mr. Harris by Mr. Sumter Mays Ball. The sub ject of Mr. Ball's article Is "Mr. Harris, Author and Editor,” and the article will be one of several from the pen of Mr. Ball to appear In January numbers of the standard magazines. * Miss Annette Walker, of Monroe, went down yesterday to Marshallvllle and will be an attendant at the Fred- erlck-PaullIn wedding, which will be a beauUfu! event of Thursday. From IMarshallvIUs Miss Walker and her. sls- Iter; Miss Irene Walker go on to'Amer- Icus to spend the hplldaya with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrold.- i Macon Tele, iraph. Colonel and Mrs. C. O. Woodward, of the United States army, who have been In AUanta for several months, will be stationed after January l In San Fran cisco. Colonel Mauldin, of Washing ton. D. C„ will succeed Colonel Wood ward hero. Colonel and Mrs. Wood- ward have made many friends who will regret their departure. An event of the greatest Interest to society Is the dance to be given thle evening,by Colonel and &.’#*. Raymond Cay to formally Introduce to society their niece and adopted daughter. Miss Kirby Bentley. The spacious Riverside home of the Caya will be thrown open for the occasion.—Jacksonville Metrop olis. One of the brightest events of tbs holldsy season will be the egg-nog at which Mias Dora Anderson will enter tain on Christmas eve. Sfie has Issued her Invitations, and will bo assisted by her mother, Mrs. Clifford L. Ander son. and by Mlaa Julia Meador. Miss Georgia Darnell will entertain Ihe Merry Widow Bridge Club at her home In Decatur on Wednesday after noon, the special guests of Ihe occa sion to be Miss Sarah Oravaa, Mlaa Elisa Candler and Miss Maury Lee Cowles. Mrs. F. H. Neely,, of Pennsylvania, la •he guest of bar parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herry Schleslnger, on West Peachtree. *• Mrs. Neely was before her mar riage Mlse Rae Schleelnger and she la •Iways cordially welcomed here. The Atlanta friends of Miss Laura Drake Gill will be glad to learn that *he will be Mrs. Warren Boyd’s gueet •luring the Southern educational con vention. which meets In Atlanta De cember M, *0. II. Tuesday afternoon Mlaa Marguerite Maginnla. of New Orleans, will enter tain at bridge complimentary to Misses t-uura and Helen Payne, the guests SET OF TEED $5.00 f £'* Buarante * a flt where others Up GOLD CROWNS $4.00 and $8.00 *>Id Fllllsa- . ..$1.00 and up ®!j* r Filling* 50c and us Painless extractions FREE when Plates are ordered. *■ work guaranteed 10 year*. American Dental Parlors Peachlree ard Decatur Sts„ Entrance 191-2 Psschtres St ATLANTA. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gish will arrive Tuesday evening to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Price-Smith, and to attend the Perdue-Boykln wedding. Miss Katharine Martin left for her home In Chattanooga on Monday after, noon after a stay In Atlanta as ths guest of Mrs. Andrew Calhoun. Alias Bessie Withers left today at nobn for her home In Rcldsvllle, N. C.. after leaving Mr. and Mrs. Atvls D. Barnes, at the Majestic. 1* Mrs. M. S. Marlenthal, of Cincinnati, Oplo, Is ths guest of her sister, Airs. Slg. Well, 325 Woehlngton-st. At home Saturday, December 19. Mias Ethleen Dobbs will entertain the members of her bridge club Friday evening of this weak at har home on North Boulevard, e —— Mr. and Mm. ThomaiC Scrutchln will spend Christmas with Mrs. Scrutehln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stafford, of Chattanooga. Mrs. John A. Miller end Miss Rain, ette Miller will arrive Saturday to be the guests of Mrs. Carlton Millar for several weeks. Mrs. Robert Ridley, Jr, has returned from LaGrange,. where she was the guest for several days of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Render; Mrs. Robert Cunningham, Held secre tary of Agnes Scott, has Just returned from a delightful trip thru Alabama and Florida. Mrs. B. S. Dunbar, of Augusts, wbo la seriously 111 at the Aragon Hotel, la Improving, to the pleasure of her many friends here. MIsa Nancy Waldo will return next week from New York, where she has been the guest of Mrs. William Mc Gregor. Mr. and Mm. Harrison Penn will spend tbs holidays In Baltimore with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Da vis. Mias Jenny Cramer has returned from Newnan after a delightful visit to Mm. H. L. Brower, at "Swiss Cottage." Little Edna Rains, the young daugh ter of Mr. and Mm. Joseph 8. Raine, Is Improving from bar recant Illness. Mr Albert Ernest Herring, Jr, who Is attending school at Culver, Ind, wilt spend ths holidays at home. Mr. and Mm. C. I. Groover, of Co. lumbua, are In ths city, the guests of Mm. Miller B. Hutchins. Mm. Livingston Mims is expected home soon from an extended and most successful lecture tour. Mrs. Lindsay Johnson has returned to her home In Rome, after spending several days In Atlanta. Mrs. Robert Harbin has returned'to her home In Rome, after a visit to Mrs. Charles Kings be ry. v Mr. and Mm. A. K. Virgil, of New York, are at the Hotel Bellevue for sev. eral weeks. Mrs. Mery Burt Meador will entertain ths Friday Momlng Bridge Club at East Lake. Miss Wllhelmlna Drummond has os her guest'Miss Hattie Bloodworm, of Forsyth. Miss Josle Carroll, of Tampa, FIs, Is the guest of friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvls Barnes are spfnd- Ing the holidays In High Point, N. C, Mr. Harry Maleby has retnrned from a business trip to Washington, Ga. Mm. Howell Peeples has gone to Warrenton, Vs., for the holidays. Mr. J. L. Beaumont will leave soon after Christmas for Texas. Professor Kenneth Matheson has re- Today’s Pattern LADIES' HOUSE DRESS. Part* Pattern No. 2093. All 8eams Allowed. Th!« attractive little house dress, whieh Is simple In cut add oatline, and therefore eas ily made, la developed In dark gray wool-ba tiste. The fullness of the front and beck Is ributed In qarrow tucks, the body portion -..if attached to the round joke of the ma terial. The waist and high round collar are fattened with small brass Duttons; the Inside edges of the close fitting sleeves be fast ened in a similar manner. The seven- gored, skirt Is attached to this waist, under a narrow belt of the material, the lower edge finished with a simple hem. The pattern 1* in 7 slsee—33 to 44 inehes bust measure. res 11% vards __ 8% yards 27 inehaa wide, 6% yards 80 Inches wide, or a t yards 42 Inches wide; width of lower ge of iklrt abput 8% yardi cents. THE JICK delivery JNEQUALED service [lL day and night Lead: Q U A, iING prcscriptionista. NTELLIGENT , compounding I T | HE lowest in price v | OUR orders solicited DRUG STORE ELKIN-WATS9N , TTA, G_, __ each natters. In ordering write plainly ■—«aae r-* - — -*—-—^ AN ORANQE 80CIAL, The ladles of Grace Methodist church work circles will give an orange social, a very Interesting and unique entertain, ment, on Thursday .afternoon and even ing,’ December 17, at the home of Mrs. A. H. Malsby, 371 North Boulevard. Attractive gifts and delightful re- eshments will be on sale. This Is a rare opportunity to pur chase suitable Christman gifts, and help these ladles In their worthy ef fort. The children are especially Invite^ from 8 to 5 o'clock In the afternoon. The evening hours will be from 8 tp 11 o'clock. -i-i.- . , ■■ , turned from Knoxville. HUNTSVILLE, ALA, The Book Club held Its weekly meeting with Mrs. Felix Baldridge on Adama-ave. on Thursday evening and tne prise was won by Mies Sophie Lowe. The membere of the Virginia Clay-CIopton chapter of tha United Daughters of the Con federacy held their monthly meeting Tuesday at the home of Mra. Jamee Strong. Reports were received from Mrs. Frank Webster and Mri. A. W. Newsom, delegates to the Atlanta convention. Mra. Milton Humes rsad a pi- K prepared by Mrs. Charles Dillard on "Th# ge of Vicksburg." "Tha Battle of the Crater!’ waa the subject of 'general discus* alon an^ a paper covering the subject waa read by Mrs. Annie Robertson. The officers and directors of the Hender son National Bank entertained their friends et a banquet on Tuesday evening at the Huntsville Hotel. Joseph J. Bradley acted as toastmaster. Judge and Mrs. Tancred Betti have Issued cards to the marriage of their daughter. Miss Bailie Leltoy Betts, and Mr. James H. Pride, on the evening of Wednesday, December 80. The marrla-e wlU be solemnized In the Church of the Nativity. No cards have been Issued to friends In the city and county. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Kelson, of Coalton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wylie dole. Mrs. G«0rye E. Boyd has gone to Birming ham, where she will reside. Mrs. R. B. Whitthorne has gone to Shel- byvlllo, after visiting her daughter, Mrs. David A. Grayson. Mrs. Walter Hawk, of Corinth, ifiss., la visiting Mrs. Thomas W. Ward. Mrs. D. C. Adams and son, Malcolm, of Naw Decatur, are visiting Mrs. Albert 8. Graham. Mrs. A. M. Gill, of Deoherd, has bean vis iting Mrs. Gordon Stegall. Miss Mary Lon Harris has returned from a visit in Nashville. Mrs. R. E. Smith is visiting in Bowling Green, Ky. Mrs. Ben Hawk and children, of Corinth, ATe visiting relatives' In Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawler, of Marseille, have been visiting relatives her* this weak. Mra. John Meyera has returned to Memphis after visiting Mra. P. Milligan. Mlfs Willie Kelly, of Unlontown, is visit- lug relatives here. Mrs. W. L. Adams, of Anniston, Is visit jng Mrs. M. M. Blount. Mrs. E. O. Mayes bias retnrned from a visit to Memphis. Dolls: German, Swiss and French Types of National Beauty Drest in National Costume. Many Others, too. All sorts of Dolls—all types—all sizes—all prices. Here are German Dolls. Swiss dolls. French. Dolls. American t)olls. Cute little baby Dolls. Smart lady Dolls. Sail- Ready-to- ery, are visiting relatives In Huntsville. Mra. T. B. McIntyre, of Greenwood, is visiting Mrs. J. B. Batles. Mrs. Virginia Clay-CIopton has returned to her home, near Gurley. Miss No rah Davis has removed to Bir mingham to make her home. Mrs. James R. Boyd hse returned to Bir minghsm. Mrs. H. I\ Turner is visiting In Blrmlng- jfire. W. M. Gttthrt., ot Mnrfrevibero, ins., I, Tleillng nletlvev In linnt.rlll.. Ur. and Mr,. B. V. McClure liiv. returnid from Naw Market. Mia, Cornelia Ward baa returned from a viatt to Mercury. CARROLLTON. Little Agnes Almon was hostess to about Htty of her little friends at birthday party Friday afternoon. The occasion was a delightful one to all the guests. Sirs. Almon presented each with a souvenir, had their pictures taken and carried them to ride. Misses Battle and Julia Dunbar went to Atlanta Monday morning, after spending a few days with MIsa 8ada :Dix Diamonds: Your Best Christmas Gift Should Be a Diamond ■If you are governed by facts—and surely now is the time for faota—you know ns a gift there is nothing so ac ceptable, $o artistic and that possesses so permanent a Value and character ns a diamond. A gift that yearly earns a dividend for the owner, that evidences taste and cultivation and is imperishable is only found in the diamond. Our reputation for exacting care and careful classifi cation will make yotir best gift ail the more appreciative if from Dix. • Our diamond rooms are arranged for the quiet and comfortable shopping of our customers, and business trans acted with us is always received, for obvious njasons, in the utmost confidence. Oub out-of-town patrons need not go to the expense of coming to Atlanta to purchase, as our diamond books, set No. II, tell of these choiee gifts, their guaranteed cash return and exchange value, how they are graded and classed, marked in plain figures at prices at once the low est, and show the most beautiful illustrations of our line of 14-karat solid gold jewelry. Call or send for our diamond books, set No. 11. Mr. John W. Murrell has charge of our local business and will give individual attention to the requirements of his friends. Harry L> Dix, inc.. Diamond Merchant*, <99-19-11 Candler Building • ATLANTA, GA. Dolls. Boy Dolls. Rag or Dolls. Stuffed Dolls, stuff Dolls. Tbe Drest Dolls will save Lurried Santa Clausers lots of time and trouble, and will give lots of pleasure to their prospective owners. . r . i . . Do not make the awful mistake of dallying too long over the dolly ques- Buy now while the dollies and smiling. > tion. are fresh We have them from 50c to $15.00 •>. m, v ,k. . v ,j: Chamberlin-J olmson-DuBose Co Thnmassnn. Their father. Rev. William Dunbar, was moved from this pises to Paynes Memorial chapel by Ihe last conference. Mrj. E. M. Baee entertained I lie La dles’ Domino Club, besides a number of friends, moat delightfully Friday afternoon. * Mrs. B. F. Boss entertained the Young Matrons' Club and a large num her of guests Tuesday afternoon. Mies Nell Sharp spent Thuredny, Fri day and Baturday In Atlanta, returning Saturday night. Miss Nannie Kenneday Is visiting her mother In Iron City, Ala. Mrs. J. T. Bradley Is visiting her brother, Julian Skinner, at Blakely, Ga. Mlee Marian Wtst Is visiting Mra. Holmes Smith, of Rome, thle week. Charles Dunbar le the gueet ot Mrs. W. H. Shaw this week. R. J. Galbreath and Bernard Bass spent laat Saturday and Sunday In Rome. Hon. W, C. Adamson left Thursday momlng for Washington, D. C„ to be preecnt at the opening of congreea. Mrs. A. K. Snead entertained the teachers and ofllcers of the Flret Bap tist Sunday school Thursday evening. P. W. Reese complimented a number of hie friends at an elegant * o’clock dinner Met Friday evening at the home of hie mother, Mr*. M. F. Reese. Mr. Jim Tumlln, of LaGrange, spent thle week In Carrollton looking after business Interests here. Rev. O. D. Harris dfcpnt Thursday In Newnan. DECATUR, ALA. Mrs. T. L. Marshall Is visiting relatives Is New IleVen, t.'oun. Mrs. W. II. McNeill end little eon are at home from a visit to friends In Birmingham. Mrs. W. K. Crawford Is at home from s visit to friends la Anniston. Mr. and H. Krhols are et home, after e vMNSVMrtends In Arkansas. Miss Chine Bunn, of Lorens, Tex , has retnrtii'd home after s visit to kiln Suite Pointer. Min Msrle Bynum and Mlee Elfle Smith have retnrned to t-oiirtland, efler e visit to Mrs. B. 1*. Wallses. Mra Fertile Pointer, of Memphis, la the gnrit of Mrs. Llnle Pointer. Mies Susan end Min Hilda Beseh are st home from s visit to friends In Benttihoro. Mr and Mrs. A. 0. Hobson have gone to, Pensacola. FIs., to make their home. Mr. sml Mrs. John !>. Wyker are st home from Atlanta. Min Ellse Johnson le at Spartanburg. H. t\ Mrs. L II. Gatewood, of Mount Sterling. y.y la tbe gueet of her sister. Mrs. T. "‘Min Beils Wien hers bee returned to Falk- vllle after,a visit to Mra Block. Min Harriet Woodruff has returned to Monnrllle, after e vlett to Mlu Fettle ’otsfer. Mias Hester Clarksoe Is rlsltbig la Nash ville. Mra. Frank Ktahlman has returned to Nashville; after s visit to her father. Colonel -. T. Wert, Mrs. J. L. Proctor la vleltlng Is Blr- M?. b Tt: II. Adsms le el home, after s visit to relatives In Athena Mrs J. I.. It.miage la at home from e Ml to friends I* Huntsville. Mlse Ullle Mae Tidwell In spending Ihe winter In Tessa Mra. William Harvey le et home from n visit to Anetaton. Mrs. (’paries Thompson Is st home after a visit to frlvnds In Anniston. If Ths Sign of Protection. A “Taylor Made UMBRELLA Direct from the Factory, THE BEST GIFT for man, woman or child. We have many style*, the largest aa. sortmont over shown, at prices from. Il.oo to 315.00. Call on tut before' Christmas. •TAYLOR UMBRELLA 00. j 321-2 Peachtree SL Picture postcards are being used In Friends of the lata General Fltshogh Europe for all kinds of announce- Lee havo erected a monument, over hi* menta. Newly married couples pose j grave In Hollywood cemetery, Rlch- In wedding coslutnea for card pictures [ mond. On the front le the Lee ooat of which are sent to friends; proprietors I arms. Beneath are the dates of his | of Inns and restaurant* use them for j birth and death. November, JUS, and! advertising purpoees; the new baby 1st April. 1905, and the Inscription, “Faith- J Introduced to distant friends and rela- I ful Unto Death.’* On the north elds Is j es by means of the cord, and en- I “Major Genera], C. S. Au lin-’ti; j gaged couples make use of the same j Commander of Cavalry, Army of North-: medium to show their uniting faces j am Virginia. ISM-’*!." On the back of to Interested persons at a distance, the shaft Is "Governor of Virginia, 1880- j The latest thing In that line Is a card ’90; Consul General to Cuba. 1896-’»S.” ■ from Germany with the pleture of a On the eouth aide la "Major General j wreath and flower covered coffin, un- | Commanding the Seventh Army Corps j der which, a member of the bereaved!of the United States, 1398; Brigadier’ family wrote: "So ruhte unser Sellger" , General of the United States, retired, | —"Thus rested our sainted one.” ■ 1901.’* visiting friends Why Not Give Him A Pair of Easy Slippers These slippers are made of soft tan kid, have light flex ible soles and low heels and are exceedingly comfortable for house wear. Any father, husband or brother would appreciate a present of this kind. Price ... The Shoe and Stocking Shop. 25 Whitehall Street.