Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 15, 1908, Image 13

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- - UM THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1905 ATLANTA MARKETS PROBING CHARGES AGAINST MARSHAL! FRUIT AND PRODUCE. EfiOS-l'rcsh counttj. 33c; cold storage, rfl»c. 'mvh rorr.TrtY-iicn., a* .n. ISlffSc. Duck a. Pekin. 30c i <51mcIi. Tnrkcif. yOBc. pmi Sic’ciich. Turkeys. WQCe pound. "jipI’ori.TItx—IIcns.^U'iCHc per .loun’d’: cocks, «c: fryers. Witte [icr pound. Kicks: 13014c per poutN. (icesi.. SltlSc par ioiintl. Turkeys. 16fflte. string to quality. P GA>IE-ltnt | '>lt« and squirrels. lOOlSMe each: opossums (alive), SiglOc pound. Quau, ’’piio'DUCE-nutler (Jersey), 2}%SW per nonnd; country pack. 16c pound. Iletsiras •Hire. He pound. Ho—r In one-pound Stocks active. ICOl-Vi-- pound; In bulk. 8fi9o l "5fSulTB AND NUTS—I.emons. fancy Me* 14.010460. Bananas. Sc per .munil limes 25c per 100. Peanuts In sacks ar. erasing 100 pounds each, owing to grade, f d jS £>x. I^jacspples. Il.50fl3.0q VEOETAIU.ES— Egg plant, J2.7503.OO net crate cabbage, 282113 lb. Yellow squash. !! 5102.00. Irish iiotatees. Jl.OPSI.OS bushel. Onions. TSeffl.OO imshel. Ilntnbngn turnips. !4e per pound. Spanish onions. 11.75 crate. Sweet potato pumpkin yams, «07Bcfwhlte, 50c per bnshef. FLOUR AND GRAIN. FLOPR—Highest patent. M.60: heat pat- enf l«.09; standard patent. Jc.75: half pat ent 15.50; spring wheat patent, JC.25. CORN—No. 2 while. J4c; No. 2 mixed, Me; N r)ATS-M^ite e cllpped. Me; white clipped fancy. Mo; red...«e: rustproof. Me: No. 3 White. 64c: No. 3 white, (Be; mixed. 02c. HEEDS—Sacked: Wheat—Tennessee Rlus stem, 11.50. nye-Oeorglp lh35; Tennessee, 1110. Osts-Bnrt. 75e; Turf, 6So: Texns rust- proof. (He: Kansas rnst-nronf. 66e. c., I- Al.cICn fl 10 Timothy cl hales, S1.10: eholee 1-3 hajes, ........... No. 1 snjall bales. 11.00; Timothy No. 2. 85c, clover hay. 56c; Timothy No. I clover mixed, 90e: Bermuda, 7<kv olEAlc-l’laln. 90-pound ssekf. 83c; 44- raaato n&sav&'&i*.«, Jacks.' 82.06; Purina feed It.pi; lWpouilil sacks, 11...,; 11 5); too-ponnd sacks. 81.50. , 1C. i:i mem, 11.61: Arab horse feed. J1.S0. SHORTS-Whlte. 11.71: fancy 7MI>. sacks. 11.15: shorts, brown. 75-pounJ sacks, ll.M; IM-ponnd sacks. 01.60: bran, 73 and 100-lh. Macks. 51.35; “ • - 12.25V salt' lirlck. 11.60 per case; salt tl.OO per cwt.i_10O.pmmd aacks. B2e. COTTON SEED MRAIe—Per tmi4*25.00. COTTON SEED IlUI.I.S-8qnare racket! pur ton. U.OJ: round-sacked. J8.5U. PROVISIONS. JUVENILE COURT FOR CHATHAM COUNTY SAVANNAH. G«„ Deo. 15.—With a second grand Jury recommendation, the law passed by the legislature, provid ing for a juvenile court for Chatham county, became operative yesterday. Judge Walter G. Charleton la empow ered to create the court and appoint the necessary omcers., EDITED BY MACON, Gs., Dsc. 15.—Altho charges | have been brought against United States Marshal George W. White by s'. Postmaster Harry - Edwards and Clark Greer, the marshal stated that he was not worrying over the Investigation which is now being made by Examiner Blelnskl. of the Justice department Marshal White stated .Monday that he expected to be reappointed either Tuesday or Wednesday by President Roosevelt, and that the charges made by Edwards and Greer grew out of the recent political fight. Mr. Edwards, however, stated that while at the Slnton Hotel In Cincinnati Marahnl White behaved himself In a manner unbecoming to an onicer of the United States government. Joseph B. Lively DAILY MARKET NEWS Mr. Lively's twenty-fire years' expa- rionce of editing markets In Atlanta *n-1 the flontb Mis made him a rec ognized authority in his specialty. OPENED STRONGER SOON TURNED WEAK Lot of Cotton For Sale On All Bulges—Regained Loss Later. MACON, Ga., Dec. 15.—Land amount ing to about $30,000, formerly the prop erty of the Exchange Bank, -will be sold this afternoon by the receiver! of the bank at public auction, In front of the court houae. The property la located In both Mon foe and Bibb countten and the money derived from the sale will go toward paying another dividend to the depos itors of the bank. PROVISIONS—Premium hnins. 184c; tab non n<l, 137H rOW . . Is hart and barrels. 12c; green. 11012c. RICK—Japanese. 54c; head, 607c; fancy head. 7074c. according to grade. SARDINES—Mustard, $3.w case; oaa-qnar- 16c; Geor« .... ... find* crackers, 64? »er pound; lemon cracker*, 8c: oyster, 7c. Tomatoes (2 pounds). $1.36: case <3 pounds), |t(W; nsvy beans, $3.00: Lima beans. 64c. CANDY—Stick (assorted). He pound; fancy (assorted) palls, 7e; chocolate drops, palls, 16c: Elk (assorted), ten boxes, $6.00, Shredded biscuit. 13.n case: No. t rolled eats, $3.40 case; sack grits. 96-nound hag* 12.33; oysters, full weight. $1.90 case; pepper, 16 D. 20c; Royal baking powder, $6.00 csss! red salmon, $5.60 case; plnfl salmon, $4.00 rase; cocos, 29c; roast beef, $2.90 case; sirup (New Orleans), 26c gallon; corn. S2c gallon; Sterling ball potash. $3.10 case: resent*, 7c. Hope. 4-ply cotton, 12c; soap. $1.6604.00 case; Romford baking powder. 89.60 case. HARDWARE. WELL BUCKET8—$4.2604.60 par ilosen. ROPE-Msnlln. 144c; fiesal. lie; cottas lie. LEAP-Bar. THc per pound. NA1L8—Wire. 12.25 keg base. SHOES- Horse. 24.2604.75 keg. CARDS—Cotton. 24.2604.60 per doten. Isr, three hoops. $4.26. ' CHAINS—Trace. $4.0006.00 dost o’. WIRE—Bsrtt, 24c ponsd. n PLOWSTOCl»-Hg|»«ft. 1 AXES—24.7506.00 doze*. !)*••. SHOT-4110 sack dotenVh whits ee ilmsn. 95c; Ferguses. kecs. $1.60; Dupont and Ilstard saoL half kegs. $11.35: nuarter keg*, $5.76; one ,4erf smokeless powder, 1-noimd cans, $1.06. IRON-24c per pound i»o*e; Hwedt, 44c FISH. FISH—Bream. ttc pound: snapper, 6c pet pound; trout, 607c per pound; nine fish, 7c While walking along Marietta-st. late Monday evening. 81m Menasseb. an aged headlong Into an OPEN MAMfOLR. sustaining actions and painful Injuries. The Injured man was carried to the Grady Hospital, where inedlenl atten tion was given him. Local Stocks end Bonis. bid. Ask'd ?! Atlanta Coal A Ice Atnlnta Steel Atlanta Brewing ft Ice Co Atlanta A West Point debs 106 Atlanta 34s, coupon...... 1034 Atlanta 44», 1922 coupon......... 1024 Atlanta Gas Light liTT. 103 Exposition Cotton Mills 190 Fourth Nstlonal Bahk.. .... Georgia State 44s, rcglst Georgia State 44s, coupon log A Elec..... 814 °V. Ga. Ry. A Elec, pfd ^a. Ry. & Elec 5s.. iuz Js. R. R. A Banking Co 243 Ga. R. K. A Bsnklng Co. new 4s 924 ,*107 .220 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Following are coffee quotations January February March April .. ,r .. ,. . May June . July August .. September .. .» ,. October .. ► November .. .. December Opening. 65.15“ 6.1 NEW YORK, Dec. '15.—'The cotton market opened stronger, on mldcs, but soon turned easier, as there seemed to be quite a lot Of «>tton for side on bulges. After reoctlng about 3 points, however, new buying up- •Ion houses were on tatli , ket. Wnll-st. brokers sold a llttlo at call ami then taught at the decline. At the close the market was barely steady net' 3 to 7 points lower. Estlniated receipts Wednesday: 1908. 1907. New Orleans . . .10,000 to 13,600 11,394 Houston . . . . 18,000 to 19,000 Galveston ... .19.000 to 21,600 13,762 13,000 SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta, easy;' middling 84. Liverpool, quiet; middling 4.87. New Orleans, dull; middling 811-1 New York,,quiet; middling f, Savannah,--steady; middling 84. Augusta. quiet;' middling 84. ngi- Galveston, quiet; mbldllii Norfolk, quiet; middling m w Mobile, stendy; middling 84. Houston, quiet; middling 8 1M6. Baltimore, nominal: middling 87*. Boston, quiet; middling 9.Id. Philadelphia, quiet; middling 9.25. U I H \ ®4 St. tauls, dull; middling > I*oulsvi|le, Arm: middling 94- ilddlliig - Little Bock, quiet; middling 84- ■ Wilmington, stendy; middling 84. Charleston, quiet; middling 88-16. TODAY'S PORT BECBIPTS. The following table shows receipts at the ports: SW Orleans. Mobile. . . . Savannah. . Charleston. Wilmington. Norfolk New York Host on Philadelphia. . . Pensacola. . . . Total. . . . r . iwr 22.676 42.727 4.394 9,629 10.339 l6l,998 "i5o7T 35.227 7.884 12.698 RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS •BY PRIVATE LEASED WIRE.) NAME OF STOCK. Aium. copper. . , . . AU), Jctf ricuiiitles. . Am. Mjgnr ltvtloery.. American SiueUlbg, . Am. l.ijcumotlre. • « . do. preierred. .... Am. Car Foundry. . . American Woolen .... Amrru-an Cutlvu OU. Auttcondo. • ...... Atchison . do. preferri'U. .... Atlantic C. Line. . • . Urooklyn Uapld T. . . Baltimore A Ohio. • . C.. C.. c. i St L...,. Lllfsatiralt. i OUlO. . Canadian Pacific. • Consolidated Gas. Central Leather. 1 no. preferred. ..v». virinreu. . . . • Colorado Fuel A Ifop. Colorado Southern. Bnt. . .. ... , M do. preferred. . • . General Electric. . , Great Western. . . . Great- Northern pfd. Onit Northern Ora. Illinois Central. . • . Interborongh. .... do. preferred. . . , srens A Totaa. . . . r r ^rotal stock sale*. i.fe.6fi0' Miarcs. NAME OF STOCK. Kansas A Texns pfd Louisville A Xaahrllle Missouri Pacific. . • « Vw York ' «'iitral. . Northwestern. ... •• National Lead. . . » • Norfolk 8c Western... Northern PoalQO. • • < Ontario 8c Western. .. Pennsylvania. • • • • • Pacific Mail People's Gas Co. Republic Iron & Rteei do. preferred. . • • Southern Pacific. . . Southern Railway. • , do. preferred. St. Panl. . . . Sloss-Sheffleld. Tcnn. fopper, Texas Pucfde. • • . Third Avenue........ L'ulun Pacific. . . • '•a.-Car, Chemlcau. U. b. Rubber. • • , da iu •- U. R. Steel do. preferred. • • Westcrti Union. • Wnbnsh. ...... do, preferred . . WeMIngbonse Elec. NEW YORK. Imr.lj tttadr LIVERPOOL. Following arc Liverpool quotations today: Futures opened firm, Opening Ilniife. December.... 4.674 Dec.-Jno 4.654-4.65 Jnn.-Feb Feb.-March.. 4.634 Previous 2 P.M. Close. Close. 4.674 4.674 4.« Aprll-Muy May June 4.64 Jnne-Jnly 4.644 4.65 4.62 4.64 4.614 4.64 4.61 4.634 4.64 4.61 4.64 4.644 4.614 AMERICAN SMELTING PROMINENT FEATURE Opened Sharply Lower—No Marked Weakness In Any Other Quarter. NEW YORK. Dee. 13.-Calling of In; the banks to provide $10.0<W.irV. fo- p. of the Ntniidnnl OH dlvldciitl today hcavj- selling of stock In file early In Wnll-st. mid affordeil those sharcholil- i h nil opportunity to get securities ebe.-ip. Smelters were the chief sufferer. deeUnlng to 834 on heavy trausuetious. Thia un settled the bubuice of the list the leading Issues. At the end of the fir „ fifteen minutes of the session buying by Standard OH itppeared and the list milled to n level n fraction ntave the closing fig ures of Inst night. The strong features ,.f the market were Erie and lnterboro-Metru- politai). lutrrnatlouni Pump was the leader In the department of specialties. Wabash also showed strength, ns did Pennsylvania. At the end of the first hour of trading prices were still above Inst night's London, American shnres were firm but Inactive. Oil the curb market. Standard Oil «*for sold ex-dtvtdeiid $10 n share nt 703. Addin the dividend tills t« the equivalent of a uc high record or 703. VDW VIUIL' I i.w. Ing at tho opening of the stock mtHte 1 _ during the first few minutes, and contlnu to exercise n depressing Influence 4.63 1:« Ort.-Xov «,»1 -,.59% 4.51 ,.51 ,.<i 1 Dec.. , , . Jau Feb March. , , April. , , . May June Jnly.. . , , Oct., . . . IS 'in "ih4 8.43 aw!' itleir it!«3 rn any ttnirkpi!, ntul nftrr tli« first few sale* the standard Issues drift*-'! apart In the market movements from BmeM- lug and made moderate gains, while Ameri can Smelting was sold at n further decline. There was a large crowd of traders, as well ns commission brokers. In Smelting Closed quiet. A84 8*.7ii .V7ti 6.4318.891 1.39 Closed barely steady. S.o3-IH| B.W-B9 8.64-66; 8.70 6.M-e^.6.74.7t 8.72-74) 8.73 6.4 JO j 102.^>6 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. The following table shows receipts at In- tcrlor fiolnts: Closed steady. Saies 10,00) bags. 5.10g8J« NRIV OUI.KANS. Dec. 15.—TU. nmrkft NRW YORK. Dec. 15.-Tha hMiTln.ii In Smelting stock continued today and was to a great extent the cans# of dragging the ninrkct down, with It, while there was some good support to the rails, constant depres sion In the Industrials will* In the end flm sotna reflection In lower levsla in listed was sold .In consldsrai— volume. The depression In Bteel has been accelerated) to some extent hy sensations! articles from sn Eastern, source, and while pound; pomp’ano. 20c bound; mackerel.' 10c }been out of proportion to arguments In de- Poand; mixed fish. 5c pound: black bass, fonso of It, and a good recovery should ,w pound: mullet barrel, $1100. I result. _ Atlanta National Bank ATLANTA, GA. C. E. CURRIER, Prt«ld,nti H. T. INMAN, VlM-Pre.ldent GEO. R. DONOVAN. Ctihlar. JAMES S. FLOYD, AnlxUnt Cixhlxr. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $750,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. X. L Carpenter, J. N. Carpenter, Atmora L. Baggot, Hterrett Tate. CARPENTER, BAGGOT & CO., 17-21 WILLIAM STREET (Ground Floor), NEW YORK. MEMBERS: S.w York Stork Prohann. ~ Ptitladelnbla Rtock E,rhanx«. Ntw York CMnbthlM *»w Or!«iu« Cotton Eioh.n,,. Nw Coir'e, £S)ig i.ltorrMt Cotto.i AMoolatloo. DO C /f 0 GEN r ERAL ri BROKERAGE BUSINESS, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED The American Audit Co. Some Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. F. W. LAfRENTZ, 0. P. A., President. THjSO COCHEU, JK., V-Pres. and Seo'y^-A. P. LAPRENTZ, Tr«ai BRANCHES: NEW YORK—Waldorf-AxtorU. ATLANTA—Fourth Natn. Bk. Bid*. BOSTON—ExohattFO Building CJHCAOO—Morquettb Bulldtnf. WASHINGTON—Colorado Bulldln*. PHILADELPHIA— Bellevu.-Stratfort NEW ORLEANS—Hennen Bulldln*. SAN FRANCISCO—Monodnack. v Baltimore Ki,,r Buiidin*. london. eno.—i Kin* stn*t RICHMOND—Mutual Bulldln*. ATLANTA BRANCH, 1015-17 Fourth National Bank Bulldlns. C. B. BID WELL, Resident Vice President. Cable Address. AmdlL New York ♦leohona. Main 87J. Quite a. Important to conttlder aa the natnre of theMrrtm L?” The Audit Company of New York 4 Edward t. pemxe. I’r-eWeat. •THE OLDEST AND FOREJIOST." a CEDAR STREET. NEW YOWL RICHARDSON. Hec. and Treat. Bottna «*te«lsnd C,,ER: Wtfsbarg. thlcsgi, l*hlladelpkfs, Uorbestef. ^ C. MATTHEWS Southern Repreaentative. 1526-11 CANDLER BLDG.. ATLANTA. BELL I4IONE 3J06. lone teruay caused some uneasiness among short* ilr ’ NEWS AND GOSSIP Of tha Flmocy ttapln. (From Hayward & Clark.) NEW YORK. Dee. 16.-J. H. Baeba A Co,J Ltvarpool was due 1 higher on December and January: 2074 on March and May and 4 higher on Oototar. ^Opened- steady 2 hlgh- At 12:15 p. m. marl V 1 nucha nged j^mlddl lean 6.200: •peculation and i- ports 63.0ft); American Estimated jiortn S3.)h». ng.i against. 95.462 last week sod 97,718 last year. Ellison cablet weekly consumption by spin ners during November (British) 60.000, against 71,0w Isst year; continent 110.0(F). sgalnst tame last year. Stock In British mills 436,000. against 276,000 last year. Con tinent 1.166,000, Sfalntt 924.000 last year. Hays feeling bearish. Freight rate* Texas to New Yonc on cotton again reduced; fore shadows Increased movement or cotton thru New York. I*ook for eontlnnatlon of scalp Ing market. WHEAT AT OUTSET SLIGHTLY LOWER Weakness In Liverpool and Favorable Foreign Crop Reports Factors. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Whrxt—No. 2 red winter , Corn—No. 2 0«t»—No. I WEATHER REPORT. npi r ■t.. ^ ri’W .*. I*ri . . • •“ • , WEATHER FO RECAST. npnnrlnr the passage . storm down the flt. Lawrence volley. The southweatern storm Is developing slowly. 'ping siuni;. bnt the area of precipitation has not yet extended eastward across the Rockies. states, but no < and sustained our market this morning. There Is probably a large sj>eculatlvn long Interest for account of a few individuals. iiuriesi iur •ii-i-iiuiii hi m irw imitimiMir. and a good-sized short Interest for scattered acconnts, both nnable to move on geeonat\of decision by spot developments, rerststem steadiness on our aide Is causing concern In Liverpool, as can be teen by tne.followlnf coble received today: '•Prices hold so firmly In the face of Im mediate outlook that, on the tallef that the bureau estimate la correct, cottpn should ad vance aud trade Improve. We expect nn up ward movement of prices to start after Jan-i nary. If not Immediately, and widening ua i j, 11 iiui inline straddle differences. The market differences .between here ami Liverpool Is still ataut 80 points below the • straddle operatlot normal and straddle operation* should nay. European markets most advance In time to attract the remainder of this crop, which Is liable to be more tightly held. Mr. consumption, cables: "Consumption by the spinners during November: Great Britain 6).000 against 78.000 last year, continent 110.- 000 agnlnst same amount last year. Stock at British mills 406.000 against 676,000 last Washington announce* the next ginners* report will be Issued December 21, our time, giving cotton ginned to December 1$. Hpot people report the market well supplied, but absence of demand except a little for sts- from different source* in the biggest produ«*;L lag oountlef of Texas ear that around 96 I per cent of the crop Is picked, ‘ginned —j sold, round and 1. and private report# generally from all nd say that ginning* hare fallen off at a prising rate, and are much less for the anrpi. ... ... . period than they were_ last yepr. NEW YORK. Dec. 16.-J. B, Bocbe A Co.: wna without new fea- to 7 points higher on ca Ides and then losing Its gain on room sclllna and standing ataut net unchanged around I o'clock. Memphis wired that 66 gins In Mis sissippi, Arkansas and Tennessee ginned luring tbj* jMPflod 4,368 bales compared to 1,306 last period, s decided falling off. Shreveport wired that 96 per cent of the jVmJtTwir,. thttt .txtr .lx *1.. In «™f.l» wV,th,r k.r. . d«ltn. of M.tT..WlSli rk,nu>. T.nnrni>* and MliMnlnnl t In whMt tml,,. The m»rk,t r«lll,d, Alalwntn nn<l MlnMppI—Pxrtl, rlomlj "S^WnfiS^ bonebt Mttrrh xnd A on opening. Cone aold. Trade light North Carolina and Booth Carolina—Fair and warmer tonight; light southerly winds. Georgia and Eastern Florida—Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday: warmer to- Instant nt ?34*i837*. against 84% at the rlo«?« yesterday. Enough demand nnj»eareil to cause a rally ntave 84. Wabash preferred lpoint, selling at 47%. advanced over 1 |m»uu, wiuug ■( Aiualgntnatifl Copper after moving up 1 ■ * idlng. point heesme heavy In the latter trnd Ieslug n part-of Ibis advance. Knnsim and Texas common wts exceptionally strong. Cloning bid* f dlow: Railway Stocks. Atchison 1. do. preferred .. .. Baltimorm and Ohio .. .. Canadian Pacific Chicago and Alton . .. Chicago and Northwestern Colorado Houthern .. .. Denver and Kin Grands .. do. preferred .. .. 03 ..175% .. 51% ..178 Erie . Illinois Central Louisville and Nashville .. Manhattan "L" Metropolitan Street Railway Mexiean Central Missouri Pacific New York Centra! Pennsylvania * .. Reading .. 36 . . 82% .. ru % .140% .. 130\ . .130% . . 23% St. Paul Southern Pacific . Southern Hallway . .140 . .120 V .. 24 8 ..182 Wabash Wisconsin Central IntcrlKiro-Uetro .. .. do. preferred Great Northern .. .. .. .. .. . Atlantic Coast Line . Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper American Ca f and Foundry .. .. American Locomotive .. .. .. . American Cotton Oil American Smelting and Refining . anJwithout fent are. Carpenter. Baggot 4k Co.: The baying Yesterday was attributed to prominent ej>°t Interests, and this morning Liverpool hna reflected tho full effect of the operations from such sources. A letter from Mississip pi described a hopelessly bearish situation, snd says that the bears, and their number Is "legion.” snd those who are bu; * short on ’sr>ot’s"snd fntnres. Surh i cnnifl* * 14 ba * tlon about ket be deprraaed ■RVfTBUr .1 out !b» twtixbt vltbnnt ttatt illirtitHt rlxk >■ to fit- tor, fl.r.topnunti. and thraa p«pla who wiling. If (her should hr!p to hold uti . prlt-i-, will bar# to hoj 1t In at tha atll- frs' flgtirra. _ Ko]lowing at* 11 a. m. blda: Drramhrr I.M; Jannary «.M; March S.62; May *10; Oc- lohrr *47. Cotton haa good undartona and battrr Inf It. offer apar- NEW ORLEANS, Dae. U.-Hayward * Clark: Ur.rpaol ntlher dliappolntlna. altho up aa nineh aa dn.. Many looked for n boom or.r there, l’eo^la were huylnx ye.- to Deeentber 1. and none Mentphle alao wired that apot aales would probably tie tarn If buyer, were able Jo get tho rotton. faetora refualng to fell e, rapt at nn advanra. The Oetolter poattlon at hi tha poa.ll)llltlra on the long aide, aurh mSedueerl aereage, lioll we.rll, Imnroreit Imalneaa rondltlona, ete. While an ln-and| out trading markat la nhnut all that ran lie looked for for Ihe time firing, we ate •till of the opinion that pnrehaaea of Jnly and October tire adrlaahle. hut the buyer mint • prepared for more or lew, of a long watt, bleb will rriiulrr patience Carpenter, Baggot k Ca. NEW YORK, Dee. if—The national gtn- nerf- Igarea reported yeaterdiy abowiag oat- 000 waa eonatrued by aomn a. Inlll dneed ten. door eoetriag, and. it la eaid, aome buying for apot Inltrntte. If thle re port le a reaponiihle fnreeaet of gnrerament gfnnere' dgtire,, and It mail ha borne In mind the national gtnnera hare barn running little In eireaa of roeeramont Sgurea, Ihe total amount up to DaeemWr kS this yoar will bo from 250,000 to 300,000 In eaeeea of total ginning up to name data in t#®«. wke« total ont-tern waa nearly 13,500,000. Nol- withitanding thle eitaatlon there are aatl- mataa of probably 000,000 to 1,000,000 for Ibta period, tnd adeirea Indieate eery bearfeh eentiiorat In tka Heath One writer aay. the roaatry haa cone madly bearfeh and Ihoaa who wera bnllieh and di.poe.d to bay MM i, *to at abore three prirrt are now willing to no abort oh epnta and future.. Of route, thera le a reekouiag day. for thou who are ■o blindly eelllng, will want to bay bark ■oma day, and tho prime m*r gredaally tag «,, until after Ibte ho iday rotton la oat of the way. we balitet it will taka an edeanea of 2 to 3 eente a pound to bring out enough American eottoa to eatiafy tha world'! requlremente dariag the hitter part of tbi. keaaon. THE METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, Dee. 15.—At tho metgl exchange today nn Irregular tendency wna ahnwn. Alt grade* of fopper were reduced l-S In the uxklng price. Lead men ellghtly lower In the bid, while Tin improved 3-Sc tor spot and nearby de li verien. Quotntfnna: Lake Copper. 14 1-48 14*-*; Electrolytic, I4QI41-8; ennt- Inge, 13 7-SCrM. Lend. 4.2004.25. Spelter, |5.10</S.15. Tin, 23021 l-S. terday expecting a email cenena on the 23th. Think It will not ha orar li.7CO.000. Intt It l|, liable to ehow more ginned In Alabama and Cleorgla than tha bureau crop aattmate, which would eauaa a beariih Interpreta tion abroad , , Market open, ateady unehanged. Nawa from New York that a large apot bonne l» heavily long of Jannary and waa buying March yeitnrdny acnrei ring ahorta. and there la Mr covering thle morning, not think jnafkatwtlT^B ■cnlplng ntTolr. changed to 14c lower. Oata were alow and price changea amkIL Prorlalona were alow and the trade without feature. CHICAGO ONALt MARKET. Day'a range In futurea In Chicago; IVflEAT— Dec.... 991 May.... 1941 Jnly.... 971 ■apt Open. nigh. «.I»RN- Dee.... May.... July.... Sept.,., Dee I1"I 1 Bept I Dll K- Dec Jan... 15.76 May.. 16.06 LARD— Dec.. Jan... 9.15 May... 9.46 KI1H4— Jan... 8.15 Stay... 8.45 tonlfht M probably taromln* naaetttal hr to- to moderate southeasterly Louisiana and Arkansas— Increasing eland. row; rain In north a. to., central Atdlen*.. 14.66 14 _ 16.75 16.674 15.7«4 15.724 16.124 16.024 16.074 16.074 6.16 9.16 9.274 iilnt lllSvk Slink 5:«8 do ranch. It 1* a TIPS FLASHED Fro*. Wall 8tro*L From Hayward k Clerk. NEW YORK. D*c. 16.—J. H. Bsehe A Co.: Amrrirsn storks in London steady and mostly activity again coatlanea in Bm,lt Hte'.ir Competition In Ike ftm.ltlag deld la aud aa an again,I tha aharti. The tlforta to deprr.i Rtael .here, have ,1 with datanaiaad realtunea aad m far hera baan fntftraled. Th. ralhoad Hit ha, held re merkably well and there anpurt to be a good demand far the,. ,toek, on all raeaa- ■ion,. Th, rood etfeet, of yntintay'a 4a- Carpantar. Baggot * to.: uent (tiling of Smaller, and Capper from Lake- wood. X. J.. kart tka totlrt Hat, ap a moderate lint, befog careful not to hiaea dandy. Fbiladelpbla. Co.: Amerlran atocka in Lon Threatened trolley atrikea In Governor llaghea appoint, ion to Inveatlgata Wallat. PreaidMt-ateet Taft apeak. In New York la evening. Denial, of PennaylTanla rail order merely formal and fart remain, aa ■Utad. Large produe.ra of ropptr and a.II- Ing agenrlea era making conteatfont to price, tteanmptlott of dividend of N.w Yovk Alr- Braka ia eapeeed. Trading ta bond, aa the door and ontalda ahowa that inreatment de mand ia atilt goad. Daftnaa of Standard Ml at haariait expected ta eooeladt thia week, ■albaadwderafar IMd .till wlthkald prin cipally became of alow Imfrovemaat In freight earning, and alao on tariff talk and hltehea ta program to advance rate.. IVaba.k .No vember earning, cover the dgnr.j of tail year. Watl-St. Topic: Pome farther Irregalar- Hy in tha market, aech aa tbe Hat baa been experiencing lately, may ba eontinne.1 for a wbfla longer, bat aoereta that barn been a ind well Informed on tbt laetlea that are ng employed la the market operatioae are •tilt butllah and augge.t that adraatage ■honld be taken of all moderate reaction, to buy tbe atandard abarea. It ia inerted la iretaa that when tb. alack market era hare been fluctuating. It will ba with an upward awing. That a pro- feaalonal bear element fa making deaperata effort, to bring about u eerioua eetbark la quite evident, bat condition, a* far aecm agalnat it. The •Dnoaneement of s commission lo in- CHICAGO CLEARANCES. Following shows tbs Chicago clearances of wheat, corn and oats: Wheat. 240.000 bushels; flour. 61.000 bar rels; eon*. $34,000 bushels; oats. 20.000 hush el*. Wheat 8nd wiuil 615.000 bushel*. NORTHWEST OARS wnesv. Corn, increase...... 201,000 Oats, deeresse,. 865,000 \0% k»w( 1 opened ft 1:30 p. ni. 4 lower, ^losed % higher to % CHICAGO CAR LOTS. Car lots today and estimated tomorrow at dries gw: - To4ay, j Tomorrow PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Corn— Receipts.. Hblptnsnts ost»— fP7,600‘j“ nM>o[ Amarillo Asheville ATLANTA Augusta., .. ,, ,. ,. , Birmingham Bismarck .. .. Charleston.. ., ,. .. .. Charlotte Chleago Corpus Christ! Davenport Del Rio Denver.. Dodge City El raso S ort Hinlth.. nlvestnn.. .. .. Havre Hnron,, .. .. „ „ ,, .. Jackson villa.. Jupiter .. .. Kansas City.. Key West.. Knoxville Macon Marquette Memphis Meridian Miles City Mobile.. .. i Nashville New Orleans.. New York.. .. Norfolk North Platte.. Omaha Palestine Rapid city.. yemp'tnre! Min. Colored General Electric Nations! Lead Psrlfle Mail Peoples Gas Hloss .Sheffield Steel Houthern Pacific, preferred United States 8teel .. .. do. preferred .. .. .. Western Union Macksy Companies do. Virginia-CandiDS Chemical MONEY AND' EXCHANGE. 31 GOVERNMENT BEPOP.T ON ORA IN. WASHINGTON. Deft. Mb—Tha fins! yisad eat I as tea of tbe crop reporting board BeeeTpti ,. Shipment! 470.000 447,609 may bring some temporary an«**ttleir.ent. Should it oeemr, tha beat advieat are that atoaka should ba bosghe on t«eh occasion. Great Northern preferred snd Northern Pteifle art onee more favored In apeeslativa circles. annaylvania. New York Central sad snd Ohlo.sro nil regarded as pur- t. Missouri, Kan- Bsiti'JRPOTMpi chases on any reaction. aaa and Texas art again coming to tha front among the minor raila in af * for high. ~ TBs witnamwil _ port in fruited States Bteel common around tho 54 (aval woald bo accepted as sn Indies tion of lower prices, tho wagers bars re i 50 before it sells materially higher rived from other sonrrei, indirrfe tho seresga. ’arm prodaeta Ik ths United Ststta to have been ns fallows: Aevee. Bushel*. .mi.TfiR.fiflO S.6G6.65I.0OO . 80.8 49.00C 487,906.000 , 17,906.000 . 89.844.000 . 9,04A,00i> . 1,648,000 Corn Wlstir wheat . Spring wheat. Oats Barley Rye. . 520.694.000 807.150.000 100.756.000 81,851,000 BANK pLOSING NOTICE. There will be ■ general closing of banks throughout the country from Thursday night. December 24, until Monday morning, December 28. The Atlanta Clearing House Aeso- NEW YORK, Doc. 15.—Money on call 2 3>40'3; time loans firm; sixty days. 3 1-403 1-2; ninety days, 11-2; six months, 3 1-20* 3-4. Posted rates: Sterling exchange, $4.8604.88 with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4.869504.87 for de mand and at $4.8504.8516 for alxty-day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. MINING STOCKS. BOSTON, Dec. 15.-Opening:. Rgperlo IM 194; Mssmrhuvctti Minin*' «'• North Butte 8464;* Utah Consolidated 45% Utah Copper 46*4. LONDON STOCK MARKET. BTOCKB— Jlmnlgniuntcd Coppkr .. Auscouds Atchison Bsltlm re nuil Ohio .. .. il«, preferred .. .. CbcsniMwke nM Ohio .. Canadian Ibnlttc .. .. Denver and Rio Grands do, preferred .. .. la a. •• do, first preferred .. do, second preferred . Groat Westers .. Illinois Central Kansas snd Texas.. .. iIa. preferred * Louisville snd Xnehvtlle . Mexican Central .» .. do, preferred. Open II*.M. I sai. 177 : 176?* 176»» ’M 147 147 1 tr 1 ; 1 ti-j' V*V, Ira clriirel. a a a Sew York Centra! .. Norfolk and Western do. preferred.. .. Northern Pacific .. .. Ontario and Western Pennsylvania Grading.. .. .. .. Rock Island Southern PsHflc .. Southern Rntlwny do. preferred.. .. Bt. Paul Union Itelttc .... •J-*. Uelfed I CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Atlanta Clearing prirea than it hss yet sold. American Kmelt- [ cietion ban'.* wilt observe Friday, Da- (ng is now freely heralded for lower pries*. " * --** {■ likely to be reflected in finch action is likely to be reflected ether copper metal shares also. Advices are •til! bullish on Brooklyn Rapid Trsmit stul Interbnro-lfrtropotben issues. The rallwsy equipment sbsres sre •"•in fsvorsb'.y ft«:\!d* ered in erne hon»es. Pool* sre still dtaewi- nating tmllfah talk on indu-trisls spceislties, th« little outside speenlstioa attention is ac corded them just sow. 35, and the day following •• holidays. Customers will p.'eass take notice. DARWIN G. JONES, Manager, CHA8. E. CURRIER, President. Monday Tuesday i isa. i iwT. . 91.15A.574 3 $ NAVAL STORES. SAVANNAH, Gs.. Dec. 15.-Turpentine le Irm ar 38.*: mle-i. ¥6: receipts, 1.361. 3..V6; receipts. 4.161: vi- Rosin firm: nn\on. receipts. 4.161: wa ter white. )r> 5u; window class, $146; N, 1414; M. F. *0; K. 25.10; I. $4.16: H, $8.40; Q.KJM 09.(*; V K D. $2.97M96.62H; CB A. |2J7^#