Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 19, 1908, Image 15

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1908. 5 Here the Very Prettiest and Smartest Holiday Gifts Are Waiting for Saturday Shoppers. Not a counter nor case in our store but is a-gleam w ith suggestions and beautiful tilings for you to buy. We mention just a few from the hundreds we have. FOE MEN FOR WOMEN Stick Pina, 75c up. Sleeve Linka, $1.50 .pair up. Watches, $13.50 up. Belt Buckles, $1.50 up. Opera Glasses, $6.50 up. Gold Brooches, $3.50 up. Sets Waist Pins, $4.50 up. Veil Pins, $2.25 up. Gold Bracelets, $3.50 up. Gold Lockets, $2.00 up. This does not mention the beautiful things in silver for both men and women—the purses, card cases, fine suit cases, umbrellas, canes, hatpins, barrettes, combs, novelties, toilet tajile silver, vanity boxes, frames, flasks, jewel boxes, shaving accessories, table silver, china, brass wares—and 6o on. COME INTO OUR STORE TODAY AND SOLVE YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS. IT’S A PLEASING THING TO HAVE YOUR BOX OR PARCEL GO OUT FROM Gold Scarf PinsJ 75c up. Gold Cuff Buttons, $1.50 pair nP Sets Gold Studs, $3.50 up. Gold Collar Buttons, 85c up. Gold Cigar Cutters, $3.50 up. Gold-mounted Cigar Hold ers. $5 up. Gold Pocket Knives, $a up, Gentlemen’s sets of Buttons, {5 up. Watch Chains. $3.50 up. Watch Fobs, $5 up. Dutch Fleet Will Give Aid to Revolu tionists. THE HAGUE, Deo. 19.—In an official announcement from the foreign offices today It was stated that the Dutch fleet off the shores of Veneiuela was raady to aid the Venesuelan revolutionary movement, whenever It promlies sue caa*. Holland la desirous of ending the Castro regime as speedily as'possible and It Is said the naval forces In the Caribbean sea will go to any extreme to aid the revolutionists In overthrowing the present government. If Venezuela has actually declared war against Holland an effort will be made to force Venezuela to pay war In demnity In the Anal settlement of the dispute. Caetro Unperturbed. BERLIN, Deo. 19.—President Castro gives no sign of perturbation over the troubles of Veneiuela. With his elab orate suite he Is spending his last day In the Hotel Esplanade here. Tc row he enters Professor Israel's sanlta Hum to undergo treatment for his kid ney disorder. No Venesuelan advices have been re. celved by the foreign office today, A HOUSE THAT EVERYBODY KNOWS IS JUST RIGHT—LIKETHIS ONE. M aier & Berkel NEVER AGAIN FOR BRYAN? AT LEAST, MACK SAYS SO Democratic Chairman Asserts Nebraskan Won’t Be a Candidate in 1912—He Also Says Committee Has Paid All Debts. NEW YORK. Dee. 19.—Norman E. Slack, chairman of the Democratic na tional committee, made It clear last night that William J. Bryan will not be a candidate for nomination for the presidency In 1912. , There Is no probability of Mr. Bryan being a candidate in 1912," he said, "so I hue Is no need of discussing him.” J Asked about the reported failure of ‘ the national committee to meet all Its obligations, Mr. Mack said: "All the legitimate bills presented were paid fifteen days after election. Some bills have been sent In since and those that are legitimate will be paid. \\ hen the statement was published that there was J 12,000 left over It seemed that every one with whom I shook hands during the campaign had a claim against the committee." PROBABLE complete cabinet OF PRESIDENT WM. H. TAFT AUGUSTA. G*., D#c. 19.—It l» reported on what neem« authority that. When Mr. Knox arrives hero within the next "'® ek will submit to him for his Inspection and approval the following cabinet TreuHiiry-r-Myron T. Herrick, of Ohio. Attorney General—Frank B. Kellogg, of Minnesota, or George W. Wlckemham, of New York. War—Governor Magoon. , Navy—William Loeb, of New York, or Charles A. Thompson, of New interior—Arthur I. Vorys. of Ohio, or Richard A. Ballinger, of Seattle, "^Postmaster General—Frank M. Hitchcock, Agriculture—The present secretary. James M. Wilson. Commerce and Labor—George A. Knight, of California. IN NEGRO COLLEGE Pittsburg Officers Find Girl Enrolled As Pupil. PITTSBURG, Ps., Dee. 19.—Officers of the Juvenile court today learned that a young white girl was enrolled it a pupil In Avery College, a colored In ■tltutlon, where hundreds of colored students are enrolled. The white girl, whose name the di rectorate refusee to divulge, was hur rled from the school, her parents being threatened with arreet If she was al lowed to return. Formal complaint was made to the two whlto members of the board who have called a meeting of the entire board and trustees for early next month, when the-matter will be probed thoroughly. The sensation was not allayed any by the boastful Information of one 6f the colored men connected with the college that at different times nine white girls have gone thru this college, graduating with the colored lads and girls. ' Clip This Out. Valuable Reolpe When Afflloted With Rheumatism or Backache, Also Splendid Tonie. At the first sign of rheumatic pains or backache, or a feeling of being gen erally run down and weakened, the fol lowing simple prescription should be used: "One ounce compound syrup 8arsa< perllla; one ounce Torts compound; half >lnt high-grade whisky. Mix them and ake a tablespoonful before each meal and at bed time. The bottle must be well shaken each time." Any druggist will supply these In gradients. This will eradicate the acid poisons from tho blood and build up the system to Its normal healthfulness. The splen did effects wilt become manifest after the first few doses, but It should be continued until the person has fully re gained health. The worst ‘ cases of rheumatism are bound to yield to this treatment. Choose the man's gift among these things Hart, Schaffuerand Marx and Rogers, Peet & Co. suits and >vercoats . . . $15 to $50 Smoking Jackets . $5 to $18 ’ancy Waistcoats $2 to $8.50 ? ine Neckwpar . 50c to $2.50 'ine Gloves \ . $1 to $6 landkerchiefs . . 10c to $1 Silk Mufflers . 75c to $3.50 loliday Suspenders 50c to $5 And all sorts of The Miller Silk and Opera Hats $8 i Miller Derbies and Soft Hats $5 Bath and Lounging Robes . . . $3.50 to $25 Holiday Urabrellas$3.50 to$20 Walking Canes 25c to $7.50 Suit Cases and Bags $3 to $27.50 Leather Hat Boxes $6 to $10 All kinds of Jewelry 25c to $10 good gifts for boys. Open This Evening Daniel Brothers Co. L. J. DANIEL, President. 45-47-49 Peachtree St. Opposite Walton St. PAYNE FIRES I H. H. Tift, of Tifton, Says South Needs . Political Education. WASHINGTON, Deo. 19,-Chalrman Payne, of the ways and means com mittee, fired hot shot today at the peo ple who keep voting the Democratic ticket and yet Insist on a high tariff. H. H. Tift, of Tifton, Oa.. was before the committee Insisting that tha re moval of the 22 tariff on lumber would wreck the lumber business In this coun try. “Why are you people of the South always here asking for the very high est rate of duty and always voting for th#lowest? .There Is no section In the whole United States that Is asking for ■o high a rate of duty os the South. Why is Itr “I did not vote that way myself,' Mid Mr. Tift “The record ehows that Mr. Taft got over 40,030 votes In Geor gia.” “He should have had an overwhelm ing majority," commented Mr. Payne, "Judging from the attitude of your peo ple In constantly asking for a higher tariff." "No campaign was made for Mr. Taft In Georgia,” said Mr. Tift. "The peo pie of the South have to be educated.’ NO CANDIDATES PUT OUT BY CLUB R. L. Foreman Denies Re port That Organization Is in Politics. gnntxed for the ImproYement of the park, i ml him no idea of putting out any candi dates for the park board." Ho stated It. Is. Foreman, one of the lead ers In the movement for the Improvement of tba park for park purposes. A Hat la being circulated thru the city ml many are enrolling oa members of tha Hill Secures Lines to Gulf roads, tho Croat Northern and the North.rn Pacific, clean sweep to the Oulf of Jlex- eo. and In this way enables him to com pete for hneluee, np end down tho ilppl velley with the Illinois Central rail road, which Is controlled by the Htrrtmsn Internets, Ruef Sentence Is Postponed SAN FltANCISCO, Dec. 19,-Th. ng nf Al>, Iltief. convicted of bribery, has been postponed until December 24. FINE OPERA GLASSES In pearl, aluminum and morocco, at John L. Moore * Sons', 42 N. Broad St., Prudential building. California Wife Gets Four Millions Cold Cash • As a Christmas Gift 8AN FRANCI8CO, Cal. Dec. 19,— The record Christmas gift of tho season was made when David T. llanbury turned over to his wife property valutd at 24,000,000. Altho Mrs. llanbury as sumes legal possession of the vast hold ings, she will not exercise absolute con trol until after the death of her hus band. N The Hanburya figured prominently last spring In connection with a divorce null, but Just as the climax, had been reached they decided to begin life to gether again. Mrs. Hanbury. at one time a telephone girl, becomes one of the wealthiest women In California. » CURBS IN « TO 11 BAYS. TMP5XT In raarantc-d lo cure nny enn, of Itching. Blind, Rll.dlng or -Prams- I njc Pit,. Is a lo 14 deyt er moo nr refunded. HIS CHRISTMAS PIG HAD DISAPPEARED What Constitutes Good , Hank Service First, there must he strength and amplitude of resource. There must he sound method— absolute adherence to the principles of safe hanking. There must he close attention paid hy the Bank's officers to the administration of the Bank's affairs. There must he equipment for transacting business promptly and accurately. There must he intelligence and courtesy upon the part of the Bank' s employes. Because tins Bant extends its patrons Good Service of tke kind described, it invites Your Business. The Fourth National Bank Deaths and Funsrals Mrs, Mary Fltzgibbons. Mrs. Mary Fltzgibbons died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. James Gillespie, 250 Sprlng-et., shortly after S o'clock Saturday morning. Mrs. Flts- I ribbons had been a resident of Atlanta ; or many years and was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends. She Is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. James aillesple and Miss Kste Fltzgibbons; one granddaughter, Mize Agnes Fits- gibbons, and two nieces, Mies Lizzie ■’Itzglbbone and Miss Katie Wall. Tho no definite funeral arrangements have been announced, It le probable the serv ices wilt be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic church Monday morning. Fa ther Gunn officiating. Tha Interment will be at Weetvlew. Mrs. Fannie Reese. Mrs. Fannie Reese, the widow of the late Captain A. W. Reese, died at her residence, 403 Pul!Iam-»t., Friday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock. Mre. Reese le sur vived by throe eons. Frank G„ Guy H. and Will O. Reese, and one daughter, Mrs. L. O. Simmons, She Is also sur vived by her sister, Mre. Bailie Mead ows, of Dahlonega, Ga.. and har niece, Mrs. S. H. Adams, of Monroe, Ga. The funeral was held at the residence Sat urday morning at 9 o'clock and the body was sent to Dahlonega for Interment. Mrs. Katie Newrlter, The funeral of Mrs. Katie Newrlter. who died at her residence on West Huntor-ot., Thursday morning, was held at Harry G. Poole’s private chapel Sat urday morning at It o'clock. The inter, mem was at Westvlew cemetery. Loyd~MsffetL The body of Loyd, tho 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Moffett, of 47 Uakhlll-ave„ who died Friday morning, was sent to Buford, Oa, early Saturday morning for funeral and Interment. Died of Heart Failure as Neighbor's House Burned JA8PER, Gs., Dee. 19.—The resi dence of Cicero Alfred was destroyed by fire Thursday night. The origin of tho fire Is unknown. The family was at chureb at the time, and there had been no fire about the promisee, the family having epent the <iay from home. Mr. John Pettett, who lived on an adjoining lot, died of heart failure dur ing the progreae of the burning. Rheumatism, Indigestion and Nervousness Guaranteed Cured By Rheumaline. .. URIO ACID fa produced bp Indlgeatlo In, end la often mixed with blit generated In |bt Wver. rniulnr a complex condition the! battle* 1’hralrUna, end producee extreme PAjy HWKLmSg. INFLAMMATION. LOSS OF APPETITE, COHTIVKNK8H, NERV OUSNESS, etc. RHEUMALINE REMEDIES, taken as directed, the aystea of •11 poleona, restores the Nerves and organs of Dlge.tlon and Seoretlon to normal con dition, thus bringing sbont proper Absorption, Assimilation end Elimination and make* you a well person, or we REFUND YOUR MONEY. Three Years on Crutches; Relieved In 25 Days A , , . Decatur, Go* November 10, 1008. October 15, 1008, J aomtnenced taking Rheumsiine, having been on crutehes over three years—could not stand on my feet; wrists, hands and fingers were all stiff and •ore; could not so orach as hold a book. Knees were swollen, stiff and painful. Had no appetite; was nervous and despondent. Just twenty-five days after eommeneing Rheumaline X walked without aid of cane mutches, rode on the etreet ears. Have a good appetite; do not uso a oane or — *— * due to wonderful Rheumaline Ramp** or crutches, l entehes, and can knit. i._ ___ . ▲ month ago I had no thought or axpeetatlon of ever being able to walk or use my hands sod fingers agalr 9 * •• -•* - nderf no thought or axpeetatlon of ever beta* able to walk or use •In. I hope all rhcumatle, nervous or physically weak persons trful remedy, so that they mar he helped as I have been, tefully, (Signed) OOTAVIA BLATON, _ .. _ Joeey Hotel. plre Building, Atlanta. Bold by JACOBS’ PHARMACY, ANTHONY DRUG COMPANY and Other Druggists. WILL AID IN ENFORCEMENT . OF PROHIBITION LAW LEE8BURG, Ga., Dec. 19.—The W. C. T. V. of Lee*burg held an enthualaxtlc meeting Titaday afternoon. They nr# preparing to direct attention to th# #n- forcement of the prohibition law In thin community. There la n strong, healthy m*ntlment against the uae of Intoxi cant* among the people. fat Christmas pig Just ready to be slaughtered was tha possession of Mr. Woods, who Uvea on geaboard-ave. fust outside the city limits, but, sod to say, when Mr. Woods j went out to feed hie fine porker Saturday morning he was greeted with no Joyousj squeals. The pig was gone. Plain evidence { there was that thieves had visited the sty In j the night, killed the pig and taken him off. * There was the bhiod where the pi* had Med f after being stock. Tracks showed that there were three thieve# and these tracks led to a corn field where it ewald be seen that the pig had bee* placed In' a sack and bom ~Tj/r. Wood* notified Chief A. O. Turner, of the eounly police forer, He and hi* officers have some good ejew* and aspect to land the matefactors before long, end, perhaps, what remains of Mr. Wood# Christmas pig. ROBERT S- PARKER j ENDS OWN LIFE XBW OTH.BAKK, I’Ve. 19.—Hobart LOOK** ATTHIg PHIOi HM HAVE YOU CATARRH Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrhal Deafness or In cipient Consumption? If so, the Inhala tion of Ozone Will Cure You. Dr. Dlekaraon'a Inhalation trcitmiM for ilia Tiring, bn- bln of tha air pasta,ea la both aelaatlla sad profraaalra— a poaltlva cure for all afiactlona of tba noaa, throat anil Ion,, and tha iarly ataxa of ronaamptlon. Hit Inhalation ayatam rurea grip and Its baneful after-effects, danfaroua ronzha and eolda and avary known form of throat and lunr tronblaa. II makaa weak lung, aound, strengthens than again.t any ordaal, and fir an nnduranca to thoia who hara liollow cheats and makaa s marked In long rxpanstoa and ebaal meHorement. Why change climate whin Olona will aradleats avary rea- pr,p * r * pon •— Skin Diseases All facial blemishes sad djiflgnrsmanta aoceasafnlly treatod by scientific and np to-date methods. Oat rid of yonr aoaama. same, pimples, blotches, These troiblas not only »nnoy and jsnr, »*■ 10 * " r, * fn «• I bars tba latest appliance* to asalal ms In effecting quick ana permanent cures . * d ?7 0t * “ r , ! m * *o *»• treatment of Ml Nacvoig and Ohraoto DU- aua*. If you are In needof honeit, reliable, aelsntlda treatment, I eztend to yon. one and all, s cordial Invitation to consolt me free of rbarga. ™ DR. DICKERSON, CATARRH SPECIALIST, 13°Vi Faxebtraa, oppotlt* Csndlar Bldg. Ronrat 9 to If, 1 to 8, T to I: Sunday. • to 1. Ball phone Mala 2920. Willie's Splendid Run < Was Stopped by Tackle; Sentenced to California It seemed to Detective Starnes that Willie Byrd, a Id year-old negro h£, If# artiog __ I eery suspiciously In DocaUr-st. After view frujofl I inf hla curious doings^ for some while, the HCF;17| j detective decided that It Weraldn't be unwise irorLJfii ; talk with him a little, just to make sure | that he wasn't one of the burglars who have i sll tbe cp-to-Oete lie .urfdKir* SEWING MACHINE ■yie—mwwmw ■■■■■mW been plying their nightly trade In the city. GUARANTEED |Q YEARS 80 he notified Willie that he would eujoy greatly a little eonveraatl'oi with hhn. Wil lie evidently decided that he wouldn’t, for before Starnes could speak again or move, he had dashed off down the crowded etreet at in imtinf ntfi of speed. Then the crowd took up the chase. Crte* of ’’Stop, thief,” ’’There he goes!” roes from the people on ell sides, and each end every one perved to iarrease the negro's momentum. Willie kept to the middle of the road, dodging stret cere, wsgons end bug gies with remarkable skill. But the end of his flight was reached when he came np to the store of Morris Bros., where he found Edward Adame, on employee of the store, M na BB „ ■rr led/ ttWMtotfs It ts ggkSBaftg ... rr. Mbpltis grt fifilbrtnww fell iostHim •shew tomefejeiaBaad tte oat it will Lg scat DAYS EBI'E TRIAL tb« night nt l»**n'rliatif| ilo- bodv was -found this morning bed, with a pbui (ft cyanide of pntaa- sturo at bis side. Mr. Darker woe * brother of John XI. 1’arker, uho entertulne-l Presi dent Roosevelt dnrfnx hi# bear hunt In north laotilsbtna reeently. Highest Grade 'Candies, 60c lb. V. mil DIRECT at OKU SiSii SUP SEWING MACHINE CATALOGUE tfsat <-» :ro I'icte end In. »tr«llr« Into* of !U urr«*n-l — 'f&mra MALSBY, SHIPP Jk CO.. D-fL II L fourth Strur. /Tt/NTA, CgQItClfi at a football game. Wilts tried to dodge, and Adams tackled at Ik* paychologtea! mo ment, and caught the reiser .qunrely around tho knera. Willie still lay when ka had fallen vken Burns, came np and placed Urn under arrest. Wkon Willi, was arraigned before Recorder ; -I — Ilroytia Retards, mor.ilnf. no charge hot RSLSTdmmS 'bat of idling and l->il*rta( bad been found d-tu. ry 13 agalnal him. Ill, mother appeared before a. rear meaty bock. , th. Judge and aaid ata would take her .on to California If dlamtaaad. Tke judge dl>- miaaed tha negro on thla condition. Thia la tha drat ton. a culprit he. been sentenced to California from lb. oollea court. NON-CONVICT BRICK Delivered in September 1,000,000 October 1,250,000 November 1,500,000 Free labor wishes to thank its many friends. B. MIFFLIN HOOD. LOUISVILLE A NASHVILLE, R. R. Arriving mu! iluj-iutliur from Union .SrnHiui. A’lnntn. AH tmlm* «Lilly. I i.4*iivt* Arrive. nnHnnntMaAalavfll# ....... ('hlfiiffu A Nnrthwaal (Iiiflnnuri ft fanatartU* KimisvIII* vtn Mini* lUilx#... Knoxville via rnrlmrult.. Ktioxvlll# via C’sirtfrsvHIc.. Tt tc arcoatmoUaHoff ».lfi pro|'ll.55 It a 8.50 n iu 5.15 pn 6.15 II 111 10. D pal 5.1') pm! 11.55 a rr 5.15 pm | U)aa COUNTY TREASURER HALL ACQUITTED OF CHARGE LEESBURG, Ga., Dec. 19.—One of th# moat Intereating raxes tried In the an terior courts of this county In <jult# * while was that of D. D. Hall, on th# charge of Inefficiency and mlxbehavlor In the office of county treasurer. Mr. Hall was acquitted. NEW YORK, Dec. 19.—John A. Mon- lay, Inmate **f thp New York Horn# f r the Aged, hurled himaelf from th# third-floor balcony today and was killed, le 1# supposed to have become sudden ly Insane.