Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 19, 1908, Image 16

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SATT’RDAY. DECEMBER 19. 190S. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. >n* nm! letters I'TAMI' From Chamberlin-lohnson-DuBose Co, Writ* your full address, giving street and number on the lower left-hand corner of your package, preceded by the word “From." In thle ca*e, If It I* wrongly addressed, or abort paid, you will be Immediately notified by card, and can correct your error without delay. Otherwlao the addrearce will be notified to send the short postage. All printed matter excepting news papers and periodicals, duly entered, and Including engravings, photographs, etc., are third class and require one- cent postage for every two ounces, or regularly entered os second-class mat ter, require one cent for every "four ounces, or fraction thereof. Merchan dise requires one. cent-f6r each ounce, or fraction thereof, Packages are lim ited to four pounds In weight Any writing In these packages sub jects them to flrst-clnss postage, and renders the party liable to a fine. These packages are Inspected before leaving the office, and should be so tied up as to be easily examined. Valuable packnges should be regis tered as such matter-Is more carefully A fee of 8 conts In The Georgian’s Mammoth Voting Contest This furniture was carefully selected from the big furniture stock of Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Company, and consists of the very finest Early English and Mahogany, and the winner has the option of choosing either a Bed Room or Dining Room Suit—every piece to be exactly as represented in this adver tisement. T '. . Even- housekeeper knows the value of this furniture. It is of a class well worthy the admission to any home, and the winner may well feel proud and elated over such a substantial gift. . handled nnd protected. .. In addition to postage Is Required for registration. Mall your packages early and avoid congestion which sometimes occurs during-the Christmas rush. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON PANAMA JUNKET WASHINGTON, Deo. 19.—Sunday fourteen members of the house com mittee on Interstate and -foreign com merce will leave for Panama to Inves tigate with a view to obtaining guid ance for any legislation, which may corns before them during the session. The committee wishes to satisfy Itself that the 136.000,000 asked for In the canal estimates during the coming year can actually be expended In that time. The committee will return to Washington January 14. . , • W. H. White,Jr., and Others Plan to Handle Southern Cattle. i Stela, rie« chairman; Mra. Oscar Pappen- fctlmer, chairman of onbllelt/. Committee on banka. Miss Maybella Docker; commltUc on seboola, Mra. J. O. Pamela; committee on dry roods stores, Mrs. W. D. Fri##-Smith; oommlttss on Jewelry stores, Mrs. Howard MeOoll; committee on ahne ■tores, Mra. Jsroms Jonaa; commute# on mil linery stores, Mrs. Osorgs Chspin; commit- Us'or retail grocers. Mrs. E. A. Drake; com mittee on confectionaries. Miss Caroline Du- Bose; committee on book stores. Mrs. W. B. Price-Smith; committee on hardware stores, Mrs. Loo Grossman; committee on factories, Mrs. Prank L. Stanton: committee on Feder ation of Trades, Mrs. E. B. Smith; committee on City Federation of Womsn’a Clubs, Mrs. 8am D. Jones; commltee on Masonic and fra ternal orders, Mrs, Darld Mara; committee on physicians and hospitals, Mrs. E. O. Bal langer: committee on toienhono companies, Mrs. KnanflT; committee on Y. W. C. A., Mrs. A. McD. Wilson; roramlttea on Y. M. C. A., Where Bullets Flew. DavM Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.. a veteran of the Civil war, who lost a foot at Gettynbur*, aaya: “The good Klectrlc Bitters have done Is worth moro than flvs hundred dollars to me. I sp«.nt much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. 1 then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well.'* 60c at all drug stores.. a. mpu. wiison; rurommeo on *. m. u. a.. Mrs. N. B. Cfsrke: committee on city hall, Mrs. H. R. Wey; committee on cepitof, Mrs. Ixntise Rpalding Foster: chairman of sub committee, Miss Cora Brown; terminal sta tion. Mrs. T. T. Steeens; hotels, Mrs. A. . McD. Wilson; Y. W. C. A. lunch room, Miss * Kloise Steele. Why Chinese Noses Are Flat. "Their climate makes the English rosy. Onrs makes us dry and yellow. The Japs, from sitting with their. lege curled under them, are snort of stature. For the Chinese flat nose Chinese mothers are to blame. ^ "Tha Chinese mother,** the ethnologist es- plained, "carries her baby In a sack on her back. The babe's nose ia pressed against her. Pay in and day oyt, ail thru its baby hood, the Uttle thing's soft and malleable nose Is pressed against its mother*a back. Hence it ia no wonder that the Chinese Jire a flat nosed raee."—New Orleana Times Then la no stinting in any of these glfte—everything !i of full alio, even to the bed-—a handsome continuous post, brass construction with bright finish, representing the best workmanship In brass bed con* atructlon. 1 ; Cured by Anointing with Oil. Cancer and Tumor permanently cured with a Combination of Oils. Write’ to . the Originator for his free books. Be ware of lmltatora Address Dr. Bye, «16 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. MAHOGANY BUREAU. Designed along colonial linen,-has wood knoba, two Ibng deep draw, ■re and two small drawers, beautiful large mirror. This Is one of thi •cry handsomest bureaus made todny. Magnificent Ma hogany Chiffonier. No home is complete without a chiffonier, the most useful piece of furniture known to the housekeeper. Has four deep drawers and two small drawers and plate mirror. The style is the very latest ant. most approved. lEarly English Arm Chairs. Represented In each of these S100 set* are two massive arm chairs of Early . English, with Spanish leather upholstering, and the construction Is without a sin gle flaw. . Are Included In each set of Dining Room Furniture, exactly like cut, with the always desira ble Spanish leather seat. They are beautifully and artistically 'designed and strongly made. DR. WOOLLEY’S SANITARIUM EAELY ENGLISH EXTENSION TABLE. rest-constructed *nd finished-Ih th* Vf!7 EARLY ENGLISH BUFFET. The picture does not do this massive bulfet Justice. It Is „ model of tbe furniture-maker's srt. live reet.long, hss heavy beveled mirror back, long linen drawer, two-small drawers and two side closets. ONE-PIECE BIFOCALS. Olvlng reading and walking vision In one solid glass. Does away with two pairs of glassea Could you think of anything better for Xmas? WALTER BALLARD OPTICAL CO- i3 Peachtree St. OPIUM and WHISKYSaSS-HS ■ever* »ti fferlsg. Comfort of patient, carefully looked after. A home, like, ptesasat aealtsrlam—not a prison. Treatment entirely fra* from any harmful remit.. Our thirty years' erpertcace shows these dlicaie. are earable. Patient, abo treated at their homes. Oar book of puticslars free. Minn Dr. B. M. Woolley Co. Atlanta, OS. Th's table la exceptionally . ... , ,—— . . best manner. It Is <6 Inches In size, with largo ptdectil durable and built for long ser.lca. ■ Salts and Castor & J|—bad gtuff—never cure, ■ 1 only makes bowels move be cause it irritates and sweats them, like poking Anger in your eye. The best Bowel Medicine is Cascarets. Every Salts and Castor Oil user should get a box of CASCARETS and try them just once. You'll see. Cstcareti—10c bo*—woek't treatment. AU dnunrifto. Riffgeftt seller In the world—million boxes a month. ARE SELLING FAST Atlanta Counts On Dispos ing of Half a Million Christmas Stickers. With 300,000 Bed Dross Christmas stamps already dlspossd of, 100,000 more ordered and with the mark set for 600,000, It la ap to Atlanta to break the reoord and lead other dtles In the movement to assist In the tight that Is being waged upon the disease of tuber culosis. The eommltteec, assisted by numbers of matrons and young ladles, are actively en gaged In eanvasslsg the city, and altho only a abort time remains In which to dlspola of tha stampa. It Is eonfldsntlr expected that the lnereeausg demand will be In excess of th# supply. The offloers and tommltteoa in charge of the work are aa follows! Central Council—W. J. Norths*, sx-gov emor, president Antl-Tubtreulosls Associa tion; T. D. Coleman, 1L D, president Geor gia Med!o*l Association; T. E. O art el, M. D., •batman tuberculosis committee, State Hedl oil Association; Mrs. Frank L. Woodruff, •Winnan State Federation Woman's Clubs. Mra. Frank X* Woodruff, chairman of state '.oommiMeot Da Lewis M. Gaines, vies chair man; Mrs. A. McD. Wilson, chairman head quarters and distribution; Mr. Howard M- }OaH, vice chairman; Mrs. W. B. Prloe-Smith, HOW TO MAIL XMAS GIFTS SO THEY WILL GET THERE or other mail matter. Write plainly tbe name of the peraon addressed, street sod number, postofflce, and state. Piece your name, end address In the upper left-band corner of the envelope. Follow the model form shown on the diagram, sad If the let ter Is not delivered It will be returned to yon. More then U,000,000 piece* of mall matter were sent to tbe division of dead letters last year, ■ Urge proportion of which could not be delivered because of carelessness In writ ing addresses. Important suggestions for the mail ing of Christmas trackages have been Iscued by Postmaster Blodgett as an aid to the thousand, of people who In tend to send away Chrlstmoa mall. Ai the result of th. failure of the people to properly prepare their mall last Christmas, a large amount of mall failed to reach Ita destination. The following are the suggestion, of tbe postmaster: Have your packages wrapped se curely, but without sealing, In stout paper. These packages are thrown together In canvas sacks: the sacks are piled on top of each other, afid your packages may be subjected to great weight over It and crushed, or when the sack Is emptied. It may be torn. See that your package Is accurately weighed, In order that the full antount of postage required may be affixed In stamps. Unless fully prepaid It will not leave the office. Hundreds of pack ages last Christmas were either de layed or never reached their destina tion by being short paid. Recollect that joetaga Is rated by ounces. Scales hat do not weigh ounces will not give correct weight. Ample arrangements will be made at the poatofllce for cor rectly weighing your packages. After, .days return to JOHN C. SMITH. 24 Main Street. MR. FRANK B. JONES, 2416 FRONT-ST. OSWEGO, OHIO. TUBERCULOSIS Indigestion and Nervousness GUARANTEED CURED BY RHEUMALINE RhenmaUne Is e nr* and gsntl* Digestive and Antlcld. Digestive, because It generates sad Increase* th* natural serrations nnd flow of digestive Juice, so that lb, food aatsn Is properly assimilated and th* whole system nourished. Invigorated and strengthened. Antlcld, bscsnss It supplies tbs blood with tbs necessary and nor mal amount of slksllns for dissolving and eliminating excessive and organic salts, scld* and nitrogenous substances. Other digestive remedies produce artificial diges tion and redo** tksfsoda In the stomach to fecal matter without nourishing tho blood or system. This artificial digestion n weakens the digestive system through ■on-us* tnd produces szcssslvs Inorganic salts and acids, which depletes the blood, retards circulation tnd atop* op th* blood vessels This conditions produces Neural gia. Nervousness, Lung and Throat Troubles, Tuberculosis, Rheumatism, and many other dlaoaaea. _ • _ ' Bast Point. Os.. December 16, 100*. Southern RhenmaUne Sties Company: I am taking Rhtumallns Remedies and hive received to orach benefit from them In s^vsrj short urns thtt_ I think Rhsnmsllns the - ' ' restless wreck for som* tins, easily ss sights and no appetite. Wish to stats that all those suffering with Long Trouble. Indigestion or Rheu- m will find that Rhenrasllne Remedies will give you s speedy relief. Follow rsctlons as given, and Rhsnmsllns This Is given on my own accord and not by request. Respectfully. (Signed) * \VM. CO RAM- , Pres consultation Southern Rhenmslln* Sales Company, P. O. Box 1047, 616 Em pire Building, Atlanta. 8dd by JACOBS' PHARMACY, ANTHONY DRUO CO., and Other Drngglsta Bagwell Business College HAS THE BEST EQUIPPED TELEGRAPH SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH Managed by an expert telegraph operator of many years’ experience—messages and train orders are handled by our students on Main Line Wires We invite your investigation — Holiday rates now on—apply at once. 198 PEACHTREE STREET W. H. WHITE. JR. He Is at head of company which will build big packing liotis*. A 626,000 meat packing plant, mod em and complete In every particular, Is a new enterprise to be begun Imme diately after the Christmas holidays. It will be erected by the Whltc-McLen- don Company on 12 acres of land, bought by the company for this pur pose, at Hotvcll Mill road and Hemp- hill-nve., on the Southern railroad. This will be Atlanta's first general parking plant, and It will mean a great Increase In rattle, sheep and hog rais ing Industry In all the territory contig uous to the city. It will also be of th* greatest benefit to the butchers and market mon of the city. They will be able to buy their animals and have them slaughtered at the packing plant and put In marketable condition, and not be dependent, aa they are now. entirely upon the Western packers for summer meals. W. H. White, Jr., pres ident of the company, has received many petitions not only from the butchers, but also from stock raisers to erect such a plant. The plans for the plant have been drawn and submitted to the board of dlrectora. They were prepared by a Chicago architect, who Is the most noted expert In th* United States on packlug plant erection. The plant will be fully equipped with coolers and cold storage for every product and with the best facilities for smoking and curing pork products. On a Lira* Seal*. Th* new Industry will not only cater to the local trade, but will at ones en ter Interstate commerce. AI1 Its pack ing will be done under United 8tatee Inspection, and Its slaughtering and other operating will be by th* most sanitary methods and In the most san itary surroundings possible to be ac quired. Work on the buildings will be begun Immediately after the Christmas holi days. The slaughtering plant will be In operation by April 1. and the entire plant will be completed as soon there after a* tbe work can be rushed for ward. The business of the White McLendon Company has Increased exceedingly within the past few years. Last year It handled more than a half million dol lars' worth of business. At a recent meeting of the stockholders a < per cent dividend was declared, payable December 20. Petition hss been filed to change the name of the company to the White Provision Company. The following new officers were re cently elected: W. H. White, Jr., presl. dent; W. L. Mewburn, vice president: E. 8. Pipy, secretary; F. C. .Wllker- son. treasurer: directors, T. C. Wll- kerson. W. L. Mewburn. T. J. Lock- rldge, J. H. Allison and W. H. White, Jr.