Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, December 22, 1908, Image 10

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i'iilfi ATLANTA GEORGIAN A NU NEWS. TUK8UAY. i) SOCIETY GIFT AND GREETING. In quiet little Bethlehem. That first far Christmas mom, "IM! "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," This greeting to the world came then, When Christ, our Lord, was born, It was to Him that gifts were broui The gold and myrrh and Ince sweet; The wise Men swift the Bavlor sought— Their hearts with love and wonder fraught— And laid them at Hla feet. Bo I today to each dear friend Send thoughts of peace and love; And If I have a tithe to spend, Shall find one “least of these" and send My simple gift In love. Where cheer and Joy are scarce, may be. And Want's cold clutch not new, The gift to such as these, and He, Will be remembered properly; The greeting unto you. —Elisabeth Fry Page. HOSTE8SE8 ENTERTAINIC'-i FOR MI8S L0UI8E BAIRD Preceding her marriage on January < to Mr. Harold Russell, Miss Louise Baird w ill be the honor guest at a large number of lovely parties. Miss Flor ence Werner entertaining for her at an afternoon bridge on December SI. On January 3 Mrs. Floyd McRae will be hostess at a bridge party In her hon or. and on January 4 both Miss Helen Cay and Mrs. A. W. Candler will en tertain for her, Mrs. Candler giving an afternoon tea. Mrs. Bartow Blount will give a party for the young bride-elect In January, and others entertaining will be Mrs. A. W. Calhoun and Miss Marian Nutting. MISS CORRIE BROWN TO GIVE PARTY FOR VI8(T0R8 One of the brightest parties of the holiday season will be that at which Miss Corrle Hoyt Brown, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Brown, will give on December SI. The occasion will he complimentary to Miss Hattie Cochran, who Is visiting Miss Esther Smith, and Miss Katharine Wharton, of Raleigh, the attractive young guest of Mrs. John M. Moore. INFORMAL EVENING PARTY. Tuesday evening at their home on Pledmnnt-ave., Misses Katharine and Julie Richardson will be at home In formally to a few friends, their house guest. Miss Dorothy N’ewhall, of Port land. Ore., being the honor guest of the occasion. MI8S NELLIE RIDLEY TO GIVE PARTY FOR MISS ROBERT8 Miss Nellie Hood Ridley will enter tain at 'an evening euchre party next week In honor of Miss Eeele Roberts, of Fairborn, who Is the. guest of Miss Mamie Ansley. MRS. CAMPBELL'S*LUNCHEON FOR MI83 MILDRED WRIGHT Her young niece. Miss Mildred WrlghL of Rome, wan honor guest the luncheon at which Mrs. Bulow Campbell entertained Tuesday, her guests Including Miss Wright, Miss Margaret Grant, Miss Incline Campbell, Miss Rosalie Davie, Miss Adgate Ellis, Miss Mary Brown and Miss Eulah Miss Mary Brown and Miss Kulul Jackson. The beautifully appointed ta b,c at which the young guests were seated had as Its centerpiece a great bowl of polnsettlas and In nil the details vs the prevailing color. The place i cards were Santa Claus beads, and mints, bonbons and Ices were In red, white and green. Miss Wright wore a becoming frock of white lingerie cloth, lace trimmed. MI88 MAMIE A*NSLEY’8 GUE8T8, Miss Mamie Ansley's dancing party Saturday evening will be a delightful affair for the young guests Invited. The dance will take place on the deep porch of the Ansley residence, which will be decorated and shut In for the occasion. The young people Invited are Misses Essie Roberts. Adgate Ellis, Virginia Lipscomb, Isolene Campbell, Bertha Moore, Mary Peabody, Mary Brown, Margaret Traylor. Theo Prloleau, Mar- 5 nret Grant, Nellie Hood Ridley, Eula ackson, Rosa Lee Davit DuBoee, Amelia Smith,' Cable Smith, Alice Parks, Julia Pratt, Annie Laura Flake, Messrs. Frank Dancy. Bryan Dancy, Esau Patterson. James DuBose, Lynn II ran an. Robert Forrester, Leroy Richardson, Barnard Boykin. Per- clval Sneed, Wingate Battle, (hark Howell, Jr., Howell Foreman, William Dickey. Theo Ramspeck, Harvey Rama peck. Everett Martin. Boyd Suttom. Oeo. Ansley, William Matthews, Harold Barnwell, Pomeroy Graves. MR8. 8LAT0N’8~DINNER PARTY, The dinner party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Riley, given Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Slaton, was a very Interesting social event, characterized by beautiful de tails. The centerpiece for the table was silver loving cup with a cluster of poln settla (lowers surropnded by lilies of the vnlley. The base of the loving cup was decked with asparagus ferns, the sume effect being carried out at the base of the silver candelabra on the table, which held white tapers capped =5® Bowden’s 23 1-2 Whitehall St. High Grade Photos, Groups and Views. Special Free Offer Fill in the missing word in the above sentence and mnke a dollar. To every person bringing this ad filled in properly we will give $1.00 off on regular $5.00 photos. Onr $5 per dozen Cabinet Photos equal any regular $8 work in the city. We make a specialty of family groups. BOTH PHONES 239 Holiday Gifts Much effort lias been expended in the se lection of our Holiday Stock, so as to grat ify the desires of our many customers. It is larger and more varied than ever before and embraces the latest ideas in staple goods and novelties. One price to all, and that in plain figures on each article. JEWELERS: 37 WHITEHALL ST. *0ur display of Holiday things for men is varied, and of quality and style befitting the character of this shop. • ; Cloud-Stanfofd Cq v Sixty-One Peachtree. Merry Christmas Without a Box of CANDIES WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE BROWN & ALLEN - HARRIS G. WHITE (Formerly Proprietor of the White Wall Paper Company) PAPER HANGER AND DECORATOR, • Is still In the business and Ib now doing all of his own work, same high- class Papering, Tinting and Decorating. Make appointments by phone. Of fice 6G 8. Pryor St., ’phones, Bell 35 3S Main; Atlanta 3534; residence ’phone 299, Decatur. Miss Louise Baird To Wed Mr. Russell Invitations are Issued Tuesday to the Atlanta. wedding of Miss Mary Louise Baird and Mr. Harold Gordon Russell, of Brooklyn, which will take place at 8:30 o'clock on the evening of January 4, at the Central Presbyterian church. Tho the approaching marriage has for several weeks been the subject of pleasant comment among the friends of the young bride. Its public announce ment today will be received with much Interest by the wide acquaintance of Miss Baird and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. James B. Baird. It la only two seasons since Miss Baird made her entrance Into society, and during that time she has been one of the most popular girls of the young contingent. In adldtlon to distinct so cial gifts, she possesses' n gentleness and grace of manner and a dignity of character which have made her gen erally beloved. Mr. Russell Is the-son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Russe" of Brooklyn, and Is a man of splemtld worth, who has many friends In Brooklyn, and also In The bedding of the young couple will be a beautiful event. Miss Baird will bave. as her maid of honor her cousin, Miss Helen Magnus, of Brooklyn, and her bridesmaids will be Misses An toinette Blount, Florence Werner, Hel en Cay and Harriet Calhoun. Mr. George Horton, of Brooklyn, will act as best man, and Dr. J. B. Baird, Jr., Messrs. Hill R. Huffman, Stanley Wlmblsh and J. H. Miller will be groomsmen. Dr. E. M. Greene, of Danville. Ky., will perform the ceremony, and the bride will be given In marriage by her father, Dr. James B. Baird. A brilliant reception at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Baird will follow the cer emony, relatives and close friends of the young people being entertained. Pure, Clean and Whole some is REGAL PATENT FLOUR—Try a Sack. by shades of crlmaon silk and silver filigree. The place cards were white with gold monogram. The sideboard nnd buffet were decorated with silver and rut glass bowls of valley lilies nnd sliver candelabra holding red-shaded tapers. In the drawing room were large vases of pink roses. Mrs. Slaton wore a dinner gown of black brocade satin and some hand some Jewels. Mrs. Riley was gowned In pale pink velvet, made In the Directolre style. MR8. JOHN DICKIEY ENTERTAINS. Mrs. John R. Dickey entertained on Mondny evening In honor of Miss Mat- tie Crenshaw, of Marlon, Ala., ut her home In Inman Park. The decorations / were In polnsettla nnd holly and a delicious course supper ss served during the evening. The prizes were won by Miss Jessie Dickey nnd Mr. Clarence Bell. Miss Crenshaw were a gown of white Ince over pink satin. Mre. Dickey wore white silk nnd lace. The guests were Miss Crenshnw. Mies Mabel Jeffries, Miss Mary Lovelace, Miss Annie Mays Patterson, Miss Jes sie Dickey, Miss Irene Lupo. Miss Ethel Eastln. Mr. Henry Hines. Mr. Will Mitchell, Mr. Clarence Bell. Mr. Berlin Moore. Mr. James Moore, Mr. James McNally. If you like good Biscuit and Pastry—Try REGAL PATENT FLOUR. MR. AND MRS. EL8A8 GIVE INFORMAL DINNER DANCE An occasion Informal but qlnboratt und beautiful In detail waa the dinner dance at which Mr. and Mr*. Benjamin Elsa* entertained twenty-four of their young friend* Mondny evening at their hoipe on Wa*hlngton-et. In honor of their guest; Miss Ludlo El.-as. of New York, The attractive home, cleared for dancing; was decorated with polnaet- tlas, the mantels being banked and the handellers hung with (he handsome blooms, while the numerous Nghts were shaded In red. An elegunt course dinner wus served at small tables, all of which were dec orated similarly, and was followed by dancing. Mrs. Elsas received In a gown of white satin, fashioned with gold em broidery, an effective touch of color being given by the polnsettlas worn at the corsage. Miss Elsas' gown was a handsome one of white callot eatln, embroidered In thread of gold, and she carried a bouquet of polnsettlae. MR8. ANDERSON GIVE8 LARGE AFTERNOON TEA One of the moat beautiful of the ae ries of large parties which have made the month of December unuaually gay waa the tea at which Mr*. Harvey An derson entertained Tuesday afternoon at her home on Peachtree roa'd. In tho decoration* the holiday colors were largely evident. The two connecting drawing rooms were thrown together and the mantel* and low book shelve* banked with polnsettlas, while palms on pilasters nnd In the corners of the room were used with stately effect. Half of the hallway was converted Into a beautiful grape arbor, hung with clusters of pink und mntaga grapes H«re punch was served by three at tractive debutantes. Misses Ellin Dan cy. Elizabeth Rawaon and Helen Payne. The dining room presented a scene of unusual beauty. The table covered with Cluny lace had aa Its centerpiece n graceful basket filled with lilies of the valley nnd pink rosea. Its handle tied with yellow tulle. Cakes were mode In the shape of tiny baskets Iced with (alley lilies. Tall silver candlesticks were shnded In crystal and silver and were placed at frequent Intervals on the table. Mrs. Anderson, the lovely young host ess. received her friends In a gown of hlte silk, made elaborately wllh point applique Ince, and*with hand-painted panels of wistaria. Mrs. C. A. Davis wore for the occa slon a gown of Burgundy-colored sat In. the corsage of rich cream lace. Mrs. Hudson Moore’s gown was of white silk, the Josephine waist made of duchess lace. Mrs. Dunbar Roy wore a handsome gown of gray satin, the corsage draped and trimmed with cream lace. Mrs. Bates Block wore olga crepe, the corsage veiled In lace. Mrs. Henry Jackeon was gowned In pale blue cloth trimmed with handsome lace. Mrs. Bolling Jones was gowned In black lace, made Directolre, over satin. Mr*. Henry Johnson. Jr., was gowned In blue marquisette, embroidered.In blue and white, and-finished with lace the color of the gown. Mrs. Edwin Johnson wore an Empire gown of pale blue Mitln. embroidered In self-tones and with a yoke and sleeves o( sliver and blue embroidered gauze. Mrs. Howard Bucknell wore a gown of white embroidered net draped over white satin. Mrs. Harry Jackson was In black silk and lace. - The receiving party and those assist ing consisted of Mrs. Harry Jackson. Mrs. Bolling Jones. Mr*. C. A. Davis. Mrs. Henry 8. Jackson, Mrs. Hudson Moore, Mrs. Frank Inman, Mra. E. Have You Thought of Your Invalid Friend? We suggest that they would like a sweet singing St; Andreasberg Roller Canary $5.00 Their constant low, soft notes help to brighten their long and lonesome hours and Is ever a reminder of the donor. Come In and let us show you the quali ty of our birds. Thejr are guaranteed singers. Prices EACH Hartz Mountain Birds, guaranteed singers, $2.75 each; cages from $1 to $5. Gold Fish, Pet Dogs, Monkeys, etc. H. G. HASTINGS & CO. 16 W. Mitchell St Near Whitehall Music 3 to S Wednesday by Wurm’s Orchestra J UITS Regular $20 and $25 Values WEDNESDAY Here’s a price slide indeed in fine Tailored Suits—a rare opportunity to secure a stunning new Suit at the price of shoddy, left-over stuff. ... Just 30 .in the lot (broken sizes) but if you are among, the first 30 custo mers you ’ll likely find your size, shade and style. Beautiful this season’s Suits—they are with new long lirie effects, hucc pockets, buttons, etc., etc. . ’ h Good linings, fine tailoring, fashionable materials — indeed' Suits worth the price for which we’ve sold them $20.00 and $25.00. Tomorrow, your choice for $12.50 well All Our Fine Furs At Unprecedented Price Reductions Furs with the good, old-fashioned virtues: Honesty, Worth, Character, Endurance.. And good looks hesides. Including finely selected skins of Eastern and Jap Mink, Red and Isa bella Fox, blended and Gray Squirrel, Lynx and Sable. NECK PIECES— Straight and Shaped, Wide and Narrow, Short and Long, Plain or finished with Heads and Tails $2.49 To $6.50 MUFFS— Medium and Large, Rug and Pillow Shaped, Plain or Head and Tail finished, Handsomely Satin-lined $2.50 To $10.00 And a stunning line of Fur Coats—lowest priced in the city. Raincoats Reduced Silk and Satin Raincoats $22.50, for Worth $7.95 to i Rubberized Raincoats, $6.00 and $6.60 Values $3.98 J. M. HIGH CO. “BEST QUALITY” MEANS > UNCLE SAM BREAD At all good grocers. Insist on the U. S. Label. Schlesinger-Meyer Baking Co. FURS CLEANED AND REPAIRED equal to new. AH work guaranteed. For references, any department store. All kinds of furs for sale for millinery. Fure made to order. 431-2 Whitehall St. BeU Phone 3451-M. BROYLES' DAILY BARGAIN BULLETIN. Watch this space for a now bargain every day.In.the. week— - - Special for WEDNESDAY Only 90-CENT CROCK Heinz's Preserves 69c 24-lb. FANCY PATENT FLOUR 10-lb. BUCKET 8NOWDRIFT LARD BROYLES 5 STORES PHONE CONNECTIONS. Call or Phone Your Neared Store. McBurney, Mrs. Floyd McRae, Mrs. John E. Murphy. Mrs. Dunbar Roy, Mrs. A. J. Orme. Mrs. Henry Johnson, Jr.. Mra. Edwin F. Johnson, Mra. William A. Tilt of New York. Mra. Howard Bucknell, Mra. Bates Block. Mra. W. C. Jarnagln, Miss Jennie Mobley and Miss Kathleen Brown. Serving punch were Mlse Helen Payne, Mies Elizabeth Rawzon and MIm Eliza Dancy. THE HOME FOR INCURABLES. The zplrtt of generoelty and open- handed giving which le abroad at this time Is simply a more pronounced form of the "Atlanta 8plrit” of generosity which prevails every day of the year. When Christmas time comes along It opens up the hearts of all In a manner surprising even to the donors at the thoughts of the Inmates of the differ ent charitable Institutions. Among these the Home for Incura bles ranks aa a "top-liner." The help less Inmates, mostly of an age to have lived thru many Christmases, and con sequently to miss the customary com fort* of this time. If not forthcoming, ppeal most strongly to us all. The ladies In charge will gratefully appreciate any Christmas donations sent them, and beg to suggest that all may not be In the nature of dalntlea for the Christmas dinner, as contribu tions to the pantry, such aa cereals, flour or other staples would be most The Ilia of Protection. A “Taylor Made” UMBRELLA Direct from tho Factory, THE BEST GIFT for man, woman or child. We have many styles, the largeat »«• soTtment ever shown, at prices from 11.00 to 125.00. Call - on us before Christmas. TAYLOR UMBRELLA CO. 321-2 Peachtree 8t. M. GREER ^ J^OIAMOND I %,ppsl# DIAMOND & PEARL SPECIALIST FINE WATCH A JEWELRY REPAIRING 414 CENTURY BUILDING ATIANTA, GA- SALE Ladles' Lawn and Silk Waists, Furs, Fascinators, Scarfs, Shawls, Baby Hoods at half-price. A closlpg-out sale. SOUTHERN DRY GOODS AND 8HOE COMPANY. 60 Marietta St., Opposite Postoffice. Thousands of New Goode to Sell Be fore Lease Expiree. RUMORED ENGAGEMENT. Rumor gives credit tn an engage ment between Alfred Vanderbilt, head of the house of Vanderbilt, and Miss Edith Norton, of Louisville. Mlsa Nor. ton Is one of several sisters who bave all been great Southern belles. Miss Jessie Corton. In fact, was often called acceptable and of very great aselst- the beauty of the South. Mr. Vander- ance. blit-was recently divorced by his wife. Here Is a Good Xmas Gift 24 plecoB of Sterling, containing Knives, Forka, Table and Teaspoons. In aatln-Ilned case, for }*"2J Large Sugar and Creamer .. .•f'f.oo Sandwich Plates .... $14.00 and $'8j™ Coffee Spoons, In case. .83.50 and $4.00 It will be well for you to eee It. A. HOLZMAN, Jeweler, 94 WHITEHALL ST. Mies Norton Is related to a number •* Southerner*. Including the Towers tim- Hy, of Rome, and ha* spent " ,uih _ ' her .time in Atlanta and R« Lookout