Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 07, 1909, Image 7

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a - — THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1909. 7 CLOSING DEBATE Right Clothes For You To Wear opvrff fct i I dcbaifner Sc Made by Rogers, Peet & Co. and Hart, Schaffner & Marx —Guaranteed By the Makers and By Us You can buy cheaper clothes than we will sell you. but you won't get satisfaction. You can pay more than we’ll charge you, but you won’t get better quality, better style or better fit. We ofler you the famous Rogers, Peet & Co. and Hart, Schaffner & Marx lines—known the world over as represent ing all that’s best in fine clothes-making. Come in and choose your Easter suit;, we’ll sell you a good one for $15, $18 or $20 or a fine one for $25. $30, $35 or $40. Daniel Brothers Co. L. J. DANIEL, President. 45-47-49 Peachtree St. Opposite Walton St. Easter Hats Stetsons $3.50 to $6 Millers - - - $5 Daniels - - $2 to $3 All the new shapes and shades in derbies and soft hats; the smartest styles you’ll see. F u r n is hings Some very handsome new patterns in Manhattan Shirts, just in time for Easter, $1.50 to $3.50; and a great line of bur own famous dollar shirts. Richest patterns and colorings in Neckwear at 50c to $1.50; the dollar display in the window will give you an idea of the styles included. A great line of Fancy Vests at $3.00 to $7.50; and all the newest fashions in Hosiery, Underwear, etc. PLOTTED DEATH ROOSEVELT Foiled Assassin Threw Himself Over Cliff. 1 Naples, April 7.—Tha Neapollton po- ice today began to gather the skeins of strange anarchistic plot, which might lave resulted In the assassination of ormer President Roosevelt? The as- assln. foiled In his endeavors to take he life,,of the former president of the United States, cast himself to death •er a precipice rather than return to he United States and face the men who Had sent him on his mission. The annrchlst’s name was L. Me- ’herson, thought to be an American iltho apparently of Scotch descent. He •ommltted suicide today at Corregatlvo F thms lng himself pver a cliff. He arrived here last week and It was earned by the police that he had drawn ois at an anarchistic meeting and the fatal lot had fallen to him. Only the lack of opportunity saved floosevelt'A life. SUCCEEDS CAPERS Raleigh Man Is Made Com missioner of Internal' Revenues. Washington, April 7.—It was an nounced at the white house today that Spencer B. Adams, of Raleigh, N. C.. has been offered the post of commis sioner of Internal revenue, to succeed John G. Capers, and that he has ac cepted the offer. Mr. Adams. It was said, would take charge of the ofllce shortly. ENJOIN -ASSESSMENT Court Stops Levy of Spec!. Tax. IN SHORT METER •fMIIHHIMHHHIKfMMHtMMMIHffM* Edward W. McCerren, one of the beat mown Insurance representatives In the '°uth and who has been special agent " the Springfield Fire and Marine In- urtnee Company, has BEEN PRO MOTED to general agent for the states Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Jisiana. His headquarters will be In anta. A concert for the benefit of the Worn- Hoarding Home, conducted by the merican Salvation Army, will be given hursday night at Cable Hall by the !bAKER QUARTET. A successful revival, begun last Sun- '*y. Is being conducted <at the PAYNE memorial Methodist church. Serv- ’ ore held at 3 o’clock in the after ns and at 7:45 at night. The mect- Jgs will continue for two weeks. Rev. "IHInm Dunbar Is pastor of the hurch. Hr*. Alice Wendell.™ of M Trinlty-ave., ATTEMPTED MITCIDE Tuesday nft- ' by slashing her throat with n rnior. Lrady Hospital Tuesday night practl- ui.' recovered from her wounds. At the n;e of her ntteinpt to kill herself she “ nnder the Influence of, liquor and slie hn» n<> desire To make n second flt- L'ltlr* Rnuey Bettis, son of D. CL Bettis. has not been drowned In < iinttnhoocbee, «n was feared following '"snppearanee last Saturday, but he n«t returned to his home and hi* par- r". nn* greatly worried over his absence. Vwn* i»* to Ids safety were set at F " euttesilnjr. when they learned lie had ns TI1K STREET Tuesday nft- (f ,| > J*i company with another Imy. They •'Kslgn no reason for the hoy's leaving " n **n running away. fe Fr.ak Sil.r, n.itor of the WE8t.IV LMORlAL riiurrh. Is preaching n series of tilsrhtly at the Date City Guards Ar- •>6 Houston-st., on “Christ and Con- . .. taking up the converts He made i, ir chronological order. Each service Is "ttended, the meetings hare ben In prog- tor more than a week and there are con- •? hs at every srvire. He preaches again 5 h . t , Wt 7:80 o'clock and the public •»y Invited. sh °P C. K. Nelson will visit 8T. PHIL mhedrsl on Thursday night at 8 o'clock odminUtering the apostobr rite of con- The choir will render selections Mnunder’a “Olivet to Calvary. Montgomery, Ala., April 7.—Defining when a debt Is really a debt. Justice Benson, of the Alabama supreme court, has handed down an opinion in which he reverses the ruling of the Judge of Limestone county In refusing a perma nent injunction to W. J. Hagan vs. the court of Limestone's county commis sioners. Mr. Hagan, a taxpayer of Limestone, objected to an assessment of one-fourth of one per cent upon all taxable prop erties of the county for the purpose of raising sufficient funds for the erection of a new county court house. The field was taken by him that ftimestone coun ty would exceed Its debt limit by so doing. Counter-reply was to the ef fect that the $59,000 needed was not a debt, by virtue of the fact t)iat funds for Its payment had been provided for by the extra assessment. The court holds that the $59,000 was really a debt, as provided in the constitution; that the limit wgs exceeded, and that per manent Injunction should be granted, as requested. # RAISEDBIG CORN CROP THE $90 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR $60 ATTHE SOUTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE TO BE WITHDRAWN APRIL 10 CARTS*.- The Great Offer Made By the Big Business School Is Receiving a Liberal Support. Saved *80! Enough to pay for two months board! That'* an Item worth thinking about, Un't It? But this magnificent offer cloaea Saturday. , The $90 Combined Bookkeeping and Shorthand Scholarship*, which were put on sale nt the remarkably low price of $60 by the old eatabllahed Southern Shorthand nnd Bu*lne»a College, corner Mitchell nnd For*yth-.*t».. thl» city, hnve been In demand, but ,the unusual oppor tunity ran only be hnd for three daya Saturday, April 10, will be the laat day of title unprecedented sole of Busi ness College Scholarships: therefore. It is important for those desiring to avail themselves of this overwhelming re duction In tuition to act at once. At the same time, the $65 single course scholarships are being sold at $40. Those expecting to attend a business school In June or nt any future time should purchase scholarships now and save the big discounts. Orders arc being received from out-of-town pa trons for these scholarships, but the low rates will bo withdran after Saturday. April 10. This Is a great offer, because It Is made by the Southern, the popular business school, with more than double the patronage of any other business college In this section. It !» the school whose students nre popular with tha business men—21 placed In nice posi tions between March 1 and 20. Civil Service Positions. The Civil Service Course at the Southern Is proving exceedingly pop ular. Only a short time ew-'l govern- . ment examinations. Better prepare now. . „ „ , Call or write at once, A. C. Briscoe, president: L. \V. Arnold.^Ice-president, Atlanta. Ga. Don't fall to secure one of the special scholarships this week. CATCH Sicilian BLACKMAILER Extort Over a Thousand Bushels Are Stored in Crib. Jackson, Ga., April 7.—That there is money In raising corn and that the farmers of the state do not have to depend upon cotton as their money ■ crop entirely, la proven In the case of J. T. Cochran. living In the western part of the county, who says he has a thousand bushles of corn In his crib and ha, kept twenty-five head of hogs. He is selling seed corn to hla neighbors at $1.25 a bushel. He grew last year twenty-seven bales of cotton on thirty acres. This year he Intends planting 100 acres In cotton. The prices of cot ton remained low on a small acreage and a number of the farmers say they are going to plant a large acreage this year. Cornering the Corner. The young real estate man we. desperately "Refu.e me." he hieeed. "and 1 shall fol-j working on the case captured him. low vou to the end* of the earth.’*" J “And what will you do when you get f^Lnss rs.r&T & sell old almshouse ment home on each corner.” Tried to $4,000 From Victim. Chicago, April 7.—Isadore Caroline, a young Sicilian, suspected of complicity In a so-called Black Hand plot to extort $4,000 from Joseph'Macalus, a well-to- do Italian steamship agent, whose home was the scene of a mysterious bomb ex- ploslon after he had received threaten ing letters six weeks ago, Is under ar rest. Carllno was caught at Macalus’ home, where. It Is said, he selxed a package of money tendered by Macalus. and started away. Detectives who were FAMOUS NATURALIST WITH ROOSEVELT J , Lancj Sold at Auction. Jsckson, Ga., April 7.—There was but “je doing at public sales yesterday ? hhly one piece of land was sold. A -one-acre .tract In the western the county wan sold and was «ght by W. E. Watkins. Esq, for Will Not Call Extra Session, ^ntgomery, Ala., April 7.—It la ru- / In capitol circles that In view of that the supreme court has that the prut ibltlcn law Is to be constlutlonal and valid. Governor ", "omer wjll not likely call un.extra ,lon of the legislature. At the Muslcale. "What do you think oI Mi.. Oslihope’s voice I" whispered the tall girl with the moun tsinos. pomprdour. ... "She «lng« like t pirote,” growled the rude tmm in the «tsry »'«t. . . "Like • pirate! urorlous! And whl the re.emblancc!" ,, f "ghe’s rough on the high C s. An Impossible Errand. Milliner') Oirl—Madame .aid I was not to come baci: until I hnd collected yoor Mil. Mr.. Bsdpeigh—Vou poor child! Don't you know what she meins by thstl 8ht mean, that you are discharged. The Heiress—Hare you seen pspat The Duke—Ye.. It s ill off. • The Heiress—You don I mein Ip say that Mrs. Sarah U. Pearson. Mrs Sarah U. Pearson, aged 88. died at tht residence of her daughter. Mrs. Mary A. Goodhardt. 25 McDanlel-at, Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock. She Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. ’Goodhardt and Miss Mlttle Pearson. The funeral will be held at the resi dence Thursday afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock, and the Interment will be at West view cemetery. Tea on Free Lict. Washington. April 7.—Tile house this afternoon passed the committee amendment striking out the duty on tea. Committee Authorized to Dispose of It. Th» old alnisbotise property of Fulton county on Peachtree ron«l will l>o «ohl by the county comndaalonera nt nn curly (lute. *o that fund* tuny he aeeured for the crec- tloti of the proposed new Nini*hnu*c build ing* mid the equipment of the new fnnu. The almsbouae committee wn» given Au thority at the meet lug of the commission- or* Wednesday morning to toll the proper ty at cuch time* and under atich condition* a* the committee thought Iveaf. The com mittee will make nn announcement of the •ale In n few dnya. PROHIBITION DEFEAT Antis Elect Mayor of Little Rock. BUILD Road Will TO ST. MARYS Extended ILLINOIS WARTS 10 ' VOTEONSENATORS Second State in Union to Demand Law For Pop ular Vote. COAL OPERATORS Give Miners 24 Hours in Which to Sign Present . Agreement. Be From Waycross Waycross, Gs„ April 7.—The direc tors of the St. Marys 4 Klngsland rail road have decided 4o extend their road from Klngsland to Waycross, a-dis tance of about fifty mites, and to fur ther extend the line westward from Waycross to the Georgia Southern & Florida, at a point about Sparks. This latter extension will traverse Ware. Clinch and Berrien counties, end will be about seventy miles long. The line from St. Marys will traverse Ware, Pierce. Charlton and Camden counties, and will be constructed first, the Geor gia Southern Sc Florida connection to come later. COPYRIGHT HARRIS R CWIN3. WASH PROFESSOR EDMUND HELLER. Professor Heller, the famous Cali fornia naturalist, who accompanies ex-Presldent Roosevelt to Africa. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IS GIVEN BY CHURCH Annieton, Ala, April 7.—The First Presbyterian church of Anniston has paid over $1,000 toward a. scholarship a( the Alabama Presbyterian church, In memory of Will Norwood, son of G. H. Norwood, of this city, who was killed a few years ago In a football game with the Albertville Agricultural College. Young Norwood lived a Christian life. Little Rock, Ark, April 7.—Prohibi tion forces were overwhelmingly de feated here In the municipal election In which W. R. Duly waa elected mayor. Took 2 Cents; Gets 6 Months. Springfield, Mo, April 7.—Judge John pa*! _ F. Phillips, In the United States district I partment today advertised for bids for court, today sentenced Cleveland Car-1 the remodeling of the building In the roll, a Pulaski county boy. employed as, New York navy yard for the purpose a mall carrier, to six months In the I of Installing the reetaurent donated by reformatory tor embesxllng postal J Min Annie Morgan, daughter of J. fund* amounting to 2 cent*. Pierpont Morgan. PROMINENT SPEAKERS Sunday School Workers To Meet at Montgomery. Montgomery, Ale., April 7.—Plane for the entertainment of the Alabama State Sunday School convention, which will meet In Montgomery April 27. 28 end 29. ere being effected. General Secre tary D. W. Sims announces that the railroads of the state have granted a rate of 3 cents per mile, plus 25 cents, for the round-trip tickets. Such men as Marlon Lawrence, of Chicago: Dr. H. M. Mamlll, of Nashville: Dr. W. A. Duncan, of Syracuse. N. Y.; Dr. Iflght C. Moore, of Raleigh. N. C„ and E. Richmond, of Philadelphia, are to speak. Miss Morgan’s Restaurant Washington, April 7.—The navy de Chicago, April 7.—At Springfield to- en ££ 1 bet'reen' thifopenitor* and the day the senate unanimously twrt the | m(n e p , vorkcrB at the Reading terminal Joint resolution to elect United Btates wlth an u mmntum on the part This ts me g( |h# operato re that the present agree ment must be renewed within 24 bou senators by direct vote, second stale In the Union to demnnd of congress a constlutlonal amendment providing for the formal election of senators by direct vote of the people. A Dutch Rarebit A simple but delleloas laucbentt ilhb ap propriate for Lent Is the ihttrb rarebit. Take t nmnlier of egg*, depending nn the number of |>ersons deal re to serve. See tint they are thoroughly Imlled. hut not left In the water long enough to turn dark. Itemore the ehells end ret the inent Into entail dlee. I'se your chitting dish or n pan over n slow tire. Into this place n lump <>f l.ulter and n little flour nnd allow to melt, not brown; then add a tenrnp of milk, anlt. pepper nud a little toliaaca. When the dreaalng cornea to a Imtl ponr In id nllotv to cook for n very hot on siloes of Human Nature. A woman likes her gown—hut not The second time she Iota to dou It; Man Isn't happy with hla lot— Unless he has a ouse upon It. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Growth of Telenhones. Huntsville, Ala, April 7.—The new . lUMswviiiw, ' ' ' “M •• * Ilf urn telephone directory of the Southern Bell Telephone Company for thla city I* out and It shown a considerable growth In th* number ofjihones In use ps compared with the number three months ago. It shows that a large >se number or farmers’ lines have been in stalled. and Madison county Is now covered with a network ot telephone nntw. wires. Baked Rhubarb Sauce. Cut rhubarb Into smnll pieces without <H>Uiie, Into n granite bnke|Hiu, nlternattng ,-irers of rbnberb nml Il^bt brown sugar until the rhubarb la all used with sugnr on the fop; put tht* In it medium oven m«! let bake slowly till tender. A little nutmeg may l»e added If liked. When done you ' > n snnee with ■ nice pink eolor iin ■■ a delirious flavor. Mint*be baked •lowly, nn there is no water ndded nnd It would burn easily In nn overheated oven, Delicious Gelatin Salad. One box gelatin dlnnolved In one quart of iKdllnsr water. When it lM>gln* to thicken add the Juice of two lemonx. pinch «>f •alt. two tableapooufals chopped pepper*, one-half cup chopped celery, une-hslr cup shredded eabbsge. one dozen chopped Olive*. Put In square pun. When thoroughly chilled cut iii slices and serve with mnyonnntse ««» lettuce leave* with a few slices of red radishes. MACARONI AND RICE. I'm a quarter-package of macaroni nud a •rant half-cup of rice Info three quarts of salted lulling water, adding an onion rut ■matt. Boll hard until *oft nnd full, then •dd a half-cup of cream or a cup of milk. teaspoonfnl of aalf. two dash pepper, a balf-tea»q>oonfitt of Worcester*- shire nance nnd two taldetpoonfn!* of r-bitl all together and serve. This The miners replied thnt the matter would have to be referred to their board and nn answer will be given at 3 p. m. tomorrow. Adjournment was taken until that time... The Call of Boyhood. I'ome. little l»oy. and let u* stray Out yonder where the wide fields ore, Where little rivers wind nwny, And wooed hillsides stretch afar. The sky I* clear nnd blue, our there. TJm turf I* softly tinged with green: Come, little lM*y. let’* turn fnnu care. And stray out over yonder scene. In every little hollow place A sky-blue lake lies smooth ns glass, Where you may see yonr rosy face Refected ns you pause or pass: lint yonder where the clear streams wind, tttt* m Thst I'm n entides* cnlld no more. And we will bridge some stream and pile I'p fortresses along Its shore. Come, little lK»y, and let us win The Joy thnt waits for us out there, Forgetting that men stoop to sin And censing to lw* claimed by care; We’ll worship Clod by gleefully Forgetting |n>oks nnd scorning trade And by enjoying that which He For our delight bn* gladly made. —Chicago Record Herald. Sweetly Solemn Thought. Just l»ecnii*e n woman iloesn r t thank a man for giving up a atreet egr sent Is no reason for thinking that ahe Is ill-bred. The man may not be very good looking. A Combination Salad. JP most delicious combination salad 1* mode with tomntocs and celery. Scoop out the Inside of the toms to with a spoon, mix vlth chopped celery and mayonnaise sing. BtufT the tomato *bnf(* with the mixture, put A spoonful .if the mayonnaise and chopped celery on top and »rne on Fooled. Few women are more hi lose who believe they reg of their husbands —Chicago o e.l than ■he tisbita •1 Herald.