Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 08, 1909, Image 11

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Make Restitution to Securi ties Company for Paper Road to Avoid Suit. n.w York. April 8.—Thomas F. Ryan, tt,. Whitney estate, Peter A. B. Wide st Thomae Dolan and the \yilllam riwns estate have made restitution to ,h. Metropolitan Securities Company »!69*-9S.85. which they and .Moore 2L h uy received In Slay. 1902. when Sat company paid Anthony N. Brady 9(710 for the paper road known Is the Wall and C'ortlandt-st. Ferry Jnd Railroad Company. This company never laid a foot of rail .. owned a car or anything; else except . franchise of questionable value. By ‘ lUnit restitution Ryan. Wldener. Do- un et al who formed the famous traction syndicate which made scores „f millions out of the now bankrupt Metropolitan Street Railroad Company, disposed of the suit brought against them by the Metropolitan Securities company and thereby save themselves the ordeal of publicly appearing In court and trying to explain. Marrying Justice Booms Business in Dull Times By Putting Ads in Papers Newark, N. J., April 8.—Tell Justice Mfsucherle. the "marrying justice," of Belleville, N. J., that advertising does not pay and he will likely point to his record book and tell you a few things that might change your Opinion. For Lafaucherle knows. "The place to be married and get a -reeent—office of John Lafaucherle, Dow-st., Belleville.” This Is the wdy the magistrate ad vertises, and his record book shows the results. Since the appearance of the "ad" the Justice has sent many happy couples down the road of life together, etch with a memento of the "happy occasion” from the Judge's assortment cf gifts. "You see,” said the Justice, who Is a grav-halred veteran of the Civil war. ”1 used to marry many persons a year, but with the hard times business fell off. Now. I want you to understand, I do not want the business for. the fees, for. generally they don't amount to much. But It used to make my old heart glad to see the happy couples come shyly Into mv office. When the business went I got lonesome, so I decided to adver tise. Within a few days the results came, and now I am as happy as Ihe day Is long. To every bride I give a present—not a very costly one. to he sure—but you should see how glad they are to get them.” pgnT mu me P0SIP0IDIWE Commissioner Stevens and Several Railroad Men Are Absent. "H-H-I-l hHH + + + MOVED IN MY8TERIOU3 WAY * *T0 RETURN ILL-GOTTEN GAIN * V ■ - — d* + Commerce, Ga., April 8.—Some + * unknown teacher, who professes 4- + to have "found Christ," has turned * + over 149, supposed to have Been + + obtained thru fraudulent reports, f 4 to Hon. R. D. Moors, county school T + commissioner of Jackson county. + + At a meeting of the county board, * held In Jefferson, Commissioner + Moore presented the letter, con- + talning the money, to the board, + + The letter, which was addressed to + d- Hon. R. D. MOore, C. 8. C„ was + d- mailed at Commerce. Sunday, + + April 6, at 1 p. m. v ‘idd-H-l-l-H-K 1 !' I i 1 I H-H-H-H-H 1 May Wed Russian Grand Duke. Vienna. April 8.—It Is reported here that the kalaer desires Princess Helene, the daughter of King Peter, of Persia, to become betrothed to a Russian grand duke. Political considerations tend to make such a match a good one In the eyes of Emperor Nicholas. Dickinson Goos To Chicago. Washington, April 8.—Secretary of War Dickinson will leave this after noon for Chicago, where he will attend a reception In hla honor by General Fred D. Grant. Saturday night he will 'peak at a dinner to be given by the Hamilton Club In celebration of Appo mattox day. Financiers Take a Rest. Naw York, April 8.—The spring exo- dus from Wall-st. saw the departure of many prominent flnafkclers for the over-Easter holiday. Among those who have left for Hot Springs, Va„ are John W. Gates, Edwin Hawley, Paul Morton nd Theodore P. Shonts. _ Three New Submarines. . Quincy, Mass., April 8 Three Hol land submarine boats were launched today at the Fore River Shipbuilding Works. Tue boats are for the United States navy. The Stingray and Tar pon. each 105 feet long, are practically duplicate! of the Octopus. The Nar whal Is no feet long. The hearing of the petitions Bled by the Beck & Gregg Hardware Company and the McCord-Stewart Company for the reduction of port rates on Iron products and coffee, which were set for a hearing before the railroad com- mlsslotf Thursday morning, hgve beeif postponed until Wednesday, May 5. The action postpuning the hearing was taken by consent of all parties In terested, the principal reasons being the absence of Commissioner O. B. Stevens and representatives of some of the railroads Interested. The Atlanta Steel Company, which Is lighting a reduction in the rates In conjunction with the railroads, also de sired a postponement id order to fur ther prepare Its defense. The McCord-Stewart Company con tends that the rate on coffee from the ports ’of Atlanta Is 35 cents, while to Nashville It Is only 17 cents, and they desire It' reduced and made equitable. The Beck & Gregg Company and other petitioners contend that the rate on shipments of Iron products from the ports to Interior points Is In excess of the rates from the Interior to the ports and they desire them reduced. The Atlanta Steel Company Is repre sented by Attorney J. Carroll Payne, while Attorney W. A. lVImblsh Is coun sel tot the petitioners. • The railroad companies were represented at the meeting Thursday by the following: Southern railroad, Attorney Hamp Mc Whorter: L. Green, freight traffic man ager, and Randall Clifton, general freight agent; Central railroad. C. T. Alrey. freight traffic manager, and D. W. Appier, division freight agent: Sea board Air Line, Attorney Fk T. Brown, L. Sevier, vice-president; L. E. Chalo- ner, assistant general freight agent, and J. A. Price, division freight agent; At lantic Coaet Line, James Menzles, gen eral freight agent; Atlanta, Birming ham and Atlantic, W. H. Qulgg, gen eral freight agent. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Commercial Body Holds Its Annual Meeting. Rome, Ga., April 8.—At the annual meeting of the Manufacturers and Mer chants' Association of Floyd County the reports of the officers showed a year of great achievement* All of the old of ficers were re-elected to serve another term. They are: J. N. King, presi dent; J. L. Bass and J. W. Hancock, vice-presidents; Wilson M. Hardy and D. McCartney, secretaries: H. E. Kelley, treasurer. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a magnificent silver loving cup to President King from the members In token of their appreciation of Ills services to the association. The annual banquet of the associa tion will be held on April 26. Congress man Gordon Lee will attend and will bring with him a party of twelve sen ators and representatives from Wash ington, Including Senator Bankhead, of Alabama, and Representatives Tawney and Lawrence. TEXAS DEPORTED CONSIDERABLE RAIN Caused a Slightly Easier Opening in the Cotton Market. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS (BY PRIVATE LEASED WIRE. A SERMON_ON CRIME Dr. Broughton Announces Sunday Subject. “The Philosophy of Crime—A Study In Atlanta's Recent Criminal Record,” will be Dr. Broughton’s subject Sun day* night at the Tabernacle. Dr. Broughton eaya he has given spe cial study to the queattyn of crime In the light of modern science and pro pones Sunday night to open Atlanta's cyan concerning It. In making hli announcement, he sayn: “Everybody Is bound to be Im pressed that flagrant crime Is assuming strange and enormous proportions, not only here In our own country, but everywhere. The record of etfch day Is shocking, and I have tried to get at the real explanation and l believe I have It, I should like, therefore, to have all in terested In the question to hear what I have to say. I especially would like the Federation of Women's Clubs, the char ity workers, the press and the police authorities and city father*.” Many Nominated. Washington, April 8.—The president today sent the following nominations to the senate: i Assistant Secretary of the Treasury —Charles D. HI lies, New York. Governor of Arizona—Richard E. Sloan; secretary. George IT. Young. United States Attorney (Southern District of California)— Aloyslus A. McCormick. Associate Justice .Supreme Court of Arlsonn—John H. Campbell. United States Marshal (Second Dl- Islon of District of Alaska)—Thomas Cader Powell. New York, April 8.—Owing, to report! considerable rain In T**xnj« overnight, the hull* experienced difficulty in sustaining the cotton market this mornlg. altbo the cables were better than hnd been expected. First nriceg were 8 points lower to 1 point higher. There was a lot of unloading by rqom Trad ers. who did not care to take chances over the holiday. highest for the season and the session. The shorts were nervous, and assisted materially in the late advance in their eagefness to get under cover over the holidays. In the Naw Orleana market the nigh reror for the movement was smashed, July seilin„ up to 10.08. The trade in that market claim that today's sdeanfe will be nothing as com pared with theu pward movement after the holidays. •- At the close the New York market was firm net 11 to 17 points above the fiaal quota tions of Wedneiday. Estimated receipts Friday: [ 1909.1 New Orleana 8,500 to 4,300 1908, 6.497 7,090 SPOT COTTON MARKET. Atlanta, atetdy: middling 911-18. Liverpool, steady; middling 5.27. New Orleans, steady: middling 913-18. New York.'quiet; middling 10.28. Augusta, steady; middling 913-18. Savannah, stendy; middling 9 9-18. Mobile, steady: middling 9 9-16. Galveston, firm; middling 9%. Norfolk. Arm; middling Houston, steady; middling 913-18. Memphis, steady; middling 9%. ' Philadelphia, steady; middling 10.30. Baltimore, nominal: middling 9%. Poston, quiet; middling 10.25. Ht. Louis, steady; middling. 9%. Louisville, Arm: middling 9*%. Wilmington, quiet; middling 9%. Charleston. Arm; middling 9ft. TODAY'S FORT RECEIPTS. Day's port receipts, compared with last Ziili ew Orleans .. Galveston .. .. Mobile Savannah .. .. Charleston.. •• Wilmington ,. 2,499, TEST IK'S. ~BXo3 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Day's Interior receipts, compared with last Houston.. Augusts.* Memphis.. Total ~5ST 1,083 "4.9:1 T*ST T55T 1,194 ‘ '5.tif W. H. fc W. B. HIBB8 fc 00.;B DAILY COJTON LETTER ...I at dbout twemr ohleAy In •outbem pun, rriwimi «•• New York cotton exchange's special report from Texas observer, occurring during the past twelve hours, ns against a Wlnfsll of 2% Inches at Galveston and H at Corpus Chrlstl and about % at Palestine and Ama rlllo,.as shown on weather bureaus official "lUlis trading element .regarded this rain tews as bearish and turned heavy sellersi of ottpn from opening notwithstanding the aufh better tone the Liverpool markets dls- dayed than hnd been expected and the bet- er trades reports now coming from rail River. Providence. Boston M8AW.. W Philadelphia yarn markets. This selling period was offset by buying by local. tWnt- era and outside operators generally: the decline In the early trading was confined within three to four points of # last night s eliming under lead of October. There was ■u niueh .-i.ltnii wonted on open ,nyiIIK order. on »enle down Hint ly»r »l*tn»nf rn lir-lil In etaeek. Mont trailer. dirt not want to hoy to miy extent In aranmiulutliig line, over the; trlplo ho Iday. The market now look* like It will *o allll litalier and tve would continue to ndrlae inirctinaea or July ami Oetnher on .neli «oft .pot. II. may develop from further profit- tnklns or liear ralda. I COTTON SEED OIL. N.w York, April Carpenter, Bappit & «*.»,; Market wnn firmer nnd easily re- ,ponded to liny buying. Ileporta In regard in the rrude nil .Itiuittou are eon.ldered much more hnlll.h. It I. claimed there la very little offered for mile In the South. Thl'i, Iwtli strength In Inert nnd high not- Ion market, easily Influenced the nrtrnnee, null we think price, will go much higher. Following are cotton need oil quotations — cToiioi" The American Audit Co. Home Office, 100 Broadway, New York City. F. W. LAFRENTZ, C. P. A., President. THEO COCHEU, JR,, V-Prea. and See'y—A. F. LAFRENTZ, Treaa. BRANCHES: NEW YORK—Waldorf-Astoria. ATLANTA—Fourth Xat'l. Bk. Bldg. Exchange Building. CHICAGO—Marquette Building. NFw H r.D?£?£^' c 2! ora<, ° £ u !!'!! n *- PHILADELPHIA — Beiievue-sttatford j,.' ORLEANS—Hennen Building*. oo , wt^rn \innndnnek Baltimore—Kiner Building. SAN Francisco—Monodnack. Richmond—Mutual iiuiiding. | London, eng.—4 King street. ATLANTA BRANCH, 1015-17 Fourth National Bank Building. c. B. BIDWELL, 0. P. A., Resident Vice-President ^•lephone. Main 874. Cable Address, Amdlt. New York. Atlanta National T Bank ATLANTA, GA. C E. CURRIER, ,H. T. INMAN. Viet Prr.ident GEO. R. DONOVAN. CMhier. _ JAMES 8. FLOYD, Aciiitanl C«*hi,r. Capital S500.000.00 Surplus^and Undivided Profits . .$850,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. ^— April . May.. July.. I 6.56 66.6 6.68 ( 6.62 6.83 < 5.85 * 8.04 I 8.06 | 5.87 < 6.97 6.80 £5.80 Kales. 8.800 barrels. NAVAL STORE*. Savannah. April 8.—Turpentine firm at 36%«16%. sales none, receipt* 490. Itnfin firm; sales i80. receipts 812, water white 85.73. window glnas 85.70, N $6.86, 31 85.55 K 85.05, I 14.10. H 83.65. G $3.50, F $3.45: E $3 37*4. 1) >3.30. C B A 83.28. THE COFFEE MARKET. Following sre quotations In coffee today: CjogpgT Am. Sugar Iteflaary. Am. Smelting Am. l.ocomotiva . * . Am. Car Foundry. • • Am. Cotton Oil * * . Am. Woolen Anaconda ...... Atchison \ , Atlantic Coast line . . Brook. Rap, Transit . Baltimore and Ohio . . Canadian Pacific Central Leather . . . Co o. Fuel and Iron * . Colorado Southern . » . Dels, and Hudton . . *>eu. nod Rio Grande . Planners' Securities. . Erie Erie, preferred .... General Electric .... Grant Wegtorn .... Great Northern, j>fdL . Great Northern Ore . . Hocking Coal and L . Illinois Central .... Jnterboro, pfd Intorboro, pref. . ,1. . £>vva Central ... , . Kansas City 8ontheru. Kansas and Texas . . Kan. nnd Tex.. pfd. . . r-.tiil MtjfH *1nrks7su7.'^> shiir.'s Missouri l*i N. Y. Central NorthwesWU , . . . . Xatlouul I«e*U Norfolk ami \Vr»ttru , Northern 1'scICc. . . . Ont. nnd Western . • . l'enDsylvatila. Pa'rltic Mall People’s Gas Co. • , < Tressed Steel Car. « . Reading. Rep. Iron and Steel . Rep. 1. nnil H., |.fil, . Kloss-Nheffbld. . . . Southern Fertile. . • Tenn. Copper. . • . • Texas Pacific Third Avennt. • • • , I-’nlon Pr.citU* T) S. Ilnlihtr. . . . . fr. S. Rubber, pfd . . U. K. Steel. U. 8. Steel, pfd. . • . Vc.-Csr. Chemical. . Western Union. . • « Wabash Wnbssb, pfd Westlnghouse Elec. . Who-niiAlii Central. . Wisconsin Ccn., pfd . W. Maryland. NEW YORK.’ I Following Is the range In cotton futorsnln New York today: April. . 3In.v. . . June . . , July . . . August . , September March. Closed firm. & 9.91 , 9.84 9.61 9.73 9.91 9.9*1 9.90- 91 9.91- 92 9.83-84 9.72-74 9.7174 9.72- 74 9.72- 73 9.68-87 9.65-67 ii Tm* 9.R0-S1 9.76-78 9.7677 9.88A8 9.69-81 9.60-81- 9.67- 69 9.67- 68 9.58-54 9.68- 54 ^srix-dlvldenrt H of 1 per cent, r F.x dlvblend LIVERPOOL Following are Liverpool cotton quotntlonsf Futures opened steady. Opening Previous Range. 2 P. 3f. Close. Close. April 6.14 -5.15 5.15 6.18 5.15'j April-Mny... 6.13 -6.15 6.15 5.17V6 5,16 1:11 f# .21 6.20H 6.22H 5.2IH Juno-July.... July-Aug,... 5,11,. Aug.-Kept.... 6.13 4.16 Kept.-Oct.... 6.11 Oct.-Nov 6.08 4.09 Nor.-I)ec 6.07 4.08 Dec.-Jan 6.07 4.07% Jan.-Feb 8.08 4.07% Feb..3!nrcb.. 5.07% Closed firm. 6.16 •.« .... 5.00 6,1 (.Mtt (.10 1:88 til 6.12 5.10 fj| §.0|H NEW ORLEANS. Following Is the rang# to cotton fatnraa la New Orleana today: d 1 xi if a 9t 3 Sjj 33 J u April . • . May. . . . Juno. . , . July. . . . August . . September October . . December January . . 189 9$ 9.9.*. 9.48 Sfi 9.6S 9M 10.07 9.91 i$ la 9.68 9.69 9.87 KB 9*4R 1B 9.63 7 law » 9.(8 9.R7M |J|« 10.08-07 9.93-96 9.79-81 9.88-89 9.86-88 9.86-88 9.64 9.73-75 9.77- .T9 9.90-91 9.77- 78 9.64-65 9.51-62 9.49 9.49 50 Closed firm. NEWS AND GOSSIP or THE 7LEB0Y STAPLE. (From Hayward & Clark.) . New York, April J. 8. Bachs A Co.. Liverpool was due 2% to 3% lower on near and 2 lower on late months. Opened quiet. 2 to-3 points lower. At 13:16. p. m. war steady. % higher to lower on near nn<f % point lower on late months. Spoils If moderate demand at unchanged pricer, ilddllng. 6.27; sales. 7.000: American, 6,109; peculation and export, 100; Imports, 6.000; all American. Additional sales late yester* day 5.000, Including 4,000 American. .Early ports estimated at 13.000, against E^OOO Inst week nnd 13,000 last year. Rainfall o£ 1.05 Inches was officially re ported from Kerrvllle. Texas, after the close yesterday. Kernrllle Is northwest of william r very bullish. Bays eel _ Its merits more than on Texas situation; Today’s market depends on weather nnd professional operations. Think It a purchase mnnd seems insatiable. Brokers acting for Hants, MeFndden. Springs nnd Kbearson buying all July of- New Orleans. April 8.—Hayward A Clark: Liverpool looks like artificially supported. Owing to rains In Texas bulls feared n to 8 lower. f?sn Antonin wires: “Scattered light rains In portions of south and west Texas; mod erate rains falling here now.!' Market opened 3 to 4 down on Iota of weather selling, but market takes It well, 'oinplcle map shows cold wave pushing down on Texas. Don't think market will Ivc way much, and chances are strongly n favor of advance after the holidays. WHEAT AT OPENING EXCITEDAND HIGHER Highest Prices Since Leiter Corner—Trading Was on Enormous Scale. 8T. LOUIS CASK QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter Corn—No. 2 .. .. .. .. . Oats—No. 2 ..141 QU3 There wna a pyrotechnic display in the wheat pit In the Chicago hoard of trade at scenes enacted during the Leiter corner tin* opening Wednesday, nnd the wild scenes enacted during the Leiter corner were re-enacted. There were sensational advances, tbo to reach the prices prevailing at he culmination of the Leiter year must -et advance something over 60c per bushel, lowever. the bears are panic-stricken, nnd .•rices can. and pr considerably higher. May, after opening on a range of $1.25>4 <71.25. sold up dnrlng the morning session to $1.26%. with tho bulls In complete trol of the market. Fatten brokers sold large nmount May THE WEATHER. WEATHER FORECAST. July went from I er %e lower. Rep Corn wag HOTie lower and oats were off %«%<*. Provisions showed a slightly higher range TIPS FLASHED PROM WALL-BT. (From Hayward k Clark.) N«w York. April 8.—.T. 8. Barhe k Co.: Americana in London firm snd mostly higher. No alarm felt over government report on win ter wheat. Comparison with previous years docs not make so bad* a showing aa figures E ublished yesterday would indicate. Steel uainess not so bad as painted. Hardman's expected to be strong again, higher prices pr# dieted fdr al) including Dalaware, Laekawanna and Western, Delaware and Hudaon, Jeraey Central, Reading. Cheaapeaka and Ohio aggres- aively strong and advances easily. K.vcning up process not expected to havs much influ •ncs on market. New York Financial Bureau: Narrow and Irregular fluctuations likely today. On any weakness would buy standard stocks. Pro fessionals are now over selling active stocks again. Press comment and market literature mixed as to immediate movements. Our In Rteel is sold on rallies by prol Combination talk fa revived on American Cot ton Oil and Virginia Chemical. Restitution to Metropolitan of $600,000 reported may NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. *2, mived, 58%e in elevator. Rye, nominal; Xd. 2. western, 89c t. o> b. Barley, dull; feed, 746 73 c. I. f. New Yqyk. Flour, dull; •pring patents, $8.25: winter straights, $5.85. Mill feed, steady; western brand to arrivf, $28.50. Pork, steady; mess, $18.30 Lard, steady; prime western. 10.45. Tallow, quiet; prime '1v, 5 *4 C. Coffee, firm; No. 7. Rio, $%c. Huger, firm: granulated, 4.95c. He Feels Hopeful. Mr. James Franks wan In town Mon day »n business. He aaye that “gentle spring is here," am) If nothing happens to the wild mustard, he thinks he can g*t thru the xprlng. ir Janies only had some one to pluck the mustard for him we think he could make It all right.— Young Harris Newt. Dow-Jones Comp Brooklyn Rapid Transit to put Westioghousc brakes on elevated lines. 8loss Sheffield still operating on 75 per ceot basis, with five of its seven furnaces in blast. Suit of Metro politsn Securities Company against Widener, Klkint. Ryan and others, settled ont of courl for $892,000. Aldrich will Tosh the tariff bill thru the senate. Duty on oil rrduced in Payne bill. Chicago grain price* highest since tbs Leiter corner. Dry goods trade reported better. President Eerlings, of 8t. Paul, pre dicts g<x>d times. Kepid progress being made tn readjustment of Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. Michigan Central new issue of $25,- 000,000 debentures will be largely used for refunding purpose?. Twelve Industrials ad vanced .09: twenty active rafts advanced .85. Wall Street Topics: Some of the active speculative houses are present disposed t»i give attention to sneclalty movements in the minor industrials. Bullish talk is heard on such shares as American Ice, Beet Sugar, Corn Products, Intematioral Steam Pump. American Cotton Oil. Amsrlran Agricultural Chemical and Virginia Chemical. The fact must not be lost sigh! of, however, in operat ing sin these shares that some of them have already been carried to higher levels than they have heretofore sold at, consequently some conservatism is Justified. There is suf ficient conflict qt opinion en equally good Quarters at the moment respecting the mar ket position of both United States Steel com mon and Amalgamated Copper to warrant mentioning it. Pool interests in American Smelters and National Lead eay these stocks will work higher.I Among the standard rail road ahares there seems little choice at the moment, all of them being considered aa good purchases on reactions. Missouri Pacific is espected to advanco further at any time. Bullish talk Is quite persistent on Norfolk and Western. Chesapeake and Ohio la ex pected to reaeh the 75 level without undue delay. Other junior railway * ahares still Grande, r\«n»»» saa sad Texas, 1 -nit and Western issues. OHICAOO GRAIN MARKET. Day’s range In futnrea In Chicago: Previous * Open. High. Low. Close. Close. WHEAT- May.... 126% 128% 124% July.... 111% 112*1 111% Kent.... 102% 104% 102% CORN— 3fhy.... 67 $7 Ik gj 124% 11% 125% 111% 102% «8% «■>% 65% ^AT8- 1 5$ IS! M "roik-"* m May., l7.f}2% 17.97% 17.90 17.92% 17.92% July., 17.90 17.92% 17.85 17.90 17.85 Sept.. 17.95 17.96 17.92% 17.92% 17.90 May.. 10.16 July.. 10.25 /Rent.. 10.36 nios- May* July... 9.45 Kepi... 9.80 10.25 10.86 10.60 10.13 10.25 10.85 10.26 10.17% 10.85 10.25 fO.47% 10.37% (.«;« ».«0 9.60 LIVERPOOL QRAIN MARKET. «■!« 64 hlfib.r, . Corn opened unchanged to % lower, and at 1:30 p. ui. was %Q% lower. Closed % NORTHWEST CARI. THE TREASURY STATEMENT. Washington, April •.—•The treasury state ment: Total receipts 8I.812.608, fotnl ex- pend It urea $2.0y>.0*>. excess of ei|NHl1 tnres orer receipt* |208,392, nvnllable cash l»nlun« c •i*-» ton St. Lawrence valley. Its course r-sday and Wednesday night was msrkca ny showers, rapidly falling temperatures, snd de structive galea over the northern districts east of the Mississippi river. Over the west ern half of Ihe country cool and fair weather prevailed, except in the Rocky 3Iountnins, where there was a little more snow. In the South showers were quit# general on account of prevailing cool north winds. The weather will be fair tonight and Fri day in the Ohio valley, the lower lake region and the middle Atlantic atatea with lower temperature tonight. In the South the weather-will continue cool and ahowery. - Forecast until 8 p. m. Friday: Virginia—Fair in northern; partly cloudy In southern portion tonight and Friday: cooler tonight; moderate west to northwest winds. North Carolina—Local ralna tonight and Friday: moderate northeaat winds. South Carolina and Georgia—Rain tonight and Friday;, light to moderate northeasterly winds. Eastern Florida—Showers tonight snd Fri day; cooler tonight in central and eastern portions; variable winds. Western Florida, Alabama and Miasls- •ippi—Showers tonight; Friday partly cloudy; moderate northeast to north winds. Louisiana—Fair except showers in aouth east: cooler: frost in northwest tonight; Fri dsy fair and eoldcr in the east. Arkansas and Oklahoma—Fair and colder tonight; Friday fair and warmer. East Teas*—Fsir and colder; frost in in' terior tonight; Friday fair and warmer. Weat Texas—Fair; frsesing in north to night; Friday fajr and warmer. THE WEATHER TOREOAST.. ,V n. m., central SPECIALTY LIST ^ STHONGANO ACTIVE Standard Railroad and In dustrial Shares Were Neglected Early. _ By T. 0. SHOTWELL. New York. April 8.—A.tlriij and .tr.njlh !£ "I ■finlj. ««» tbo ffa11ire of (rifling In »«II »t. today. CbMop.nk.. «nd Ohio win tbo lanrt.r, with nn adrnnre of nearly a linhit to the new high record of 74V4. Vlr- glnla-t arollna CbemTral, Amerkan Cotfon Oil. ( urn I'roduota, American lee. reople'a Gae nnd flocking Coil and Iron were other, lo nilranee. American Telephone aioek wan SKfiTnMf ,trcnK,h "" ,1 rU “ of « Standard railroad and Industrial ahares sfQro neglected during the early part of tho session and trading Id them tvas very light. •ff*> ,| a were scored In Union iaeifle. Reading, Koutherri Pacific, Smelters nnd AinaIgnmated Copper; Toward the end of the first hour of busl- in<1 keary transactions In I nlted tftntes Kteel common became pro- itotiuced. Interboro-Metropolitan preferretl l,eav -^ *P‘I lost nearly a point, its weakness Is believed to be due to n fiUpo- slflon on (he part of the Insiders to depress it for accumulation purposes. Ill London the American shares were strong. Covering In Atchison was one of < ’ anfl I 1,nn 1’nclflc displayed strength In the foreign markets. /i ,,n /A®. York curb market Nevada consolidated continued In demand. La Rose, Nlplsslng and OUsse were steady fea- tures of the Oliver shares, while Goldfield Conaolldated waa the strong feature of the gold NliHr.'s. —The 'stock market openct! nctlre aud strong, with a firm dc.. ninnd for Issues which have been dorrh'flna for some time. Chesapeake and Ohio *wns “oat prominent -fastures. the first sale being reported as 3.000 from 74© •4%. against <3% yesterday. American Tel ephone opened 1,800 from 1376137%. -There VST. nrtv **n«'*** In a number of other spe- elaltlea. among them American Cotton Oil •'« » «*Tn of % to 65 and Virginia- t arollna Chemical advanced 1%. The lead ing railroads were strong and the Indus- trlalN ruled slightly higher. Closing bkls follow: Railway Stocks. .. %r >.107% .. .. i..H2% t;mrsgo and Alton Chicago and tNorthwestsrn ..182 Colorado Southern 83% Denver snd Rio Grande C. 4a2 Denver and Rio Grande " 48% Erie*! 0, Pre ! md B7% Illinois Central . .* .*.* .T I! **147% Louisville snd Nashville * Metropolitan Strsst Railway . Atchison Baltimore and Ohio , Canadian Pacific .. Chicago and Alton .. 24% 78% ..130% ..184% ..187% 25% .. 86% ^.160% ..121% .. 2(1% . .188% .. 95% .. 18% .. 57% .. 14% •femp'tnra! Abilene Amarillo Asheville.. ... .. . ATLANTA Augusta Birmingham Bismarck.. .. Boston.. ., .. ., Buffalo Charleston Charlotte Chicago Cincinnati Corpus Chrlstl.. Denver Detroit.. .. .. Dodge City Duluth Kl Paso Fort Smith.. .. Galveston Helena .. Jacksonville.. .. Kansas City.. .. Key West Knoxville Los Angeles.. .. Macon Memphis Meridian Mobile Modena.. Montgomery .. Nashville New Orleans.. .. New York Norfolk Omaha Palestine I'hnenlx.. Plltabtiri iTerni SI PRICE CURRENT CROP OUTLOOK. Clnctnati, Ohio, April 8.—Weather ba continued too rod end dry lo bring while wheat Into position to form it definlr Ittahnnt 'ortlniid. Me. . or tin ml. Ore... Kelt l.nke City. Man Fmnrlaro.. Santa Fe Savannah Ml. I.011U St. Paul Spokane Tampa Taylor Tliomnavillc.. .. Vicksburg .. .. Washington.. .. Wilmington.. .. C. K. VO.N 11 EHRMANN. T. f-ctlon L'llfCIlir. •TATEMENT BANK OF ENGLAND. London. Apr.! «.—The yrfMj .i.t.m.nt of _ , . . r „ .the Bank of pngland shows the fallowing opinion ns to promise. No chnnge In. r ndl-'T ehangts: » m tlou during the week. Government rofHirt ■ Total reserve, decrease; Mexican Central Missouri Pacific New York Central .. .. Pennsylvania Heading .. Rock Island do. preferred .... St. Paul Southern Pacific, ex-rts. Southern Railway Union Pa-* - - do. Wabash Wisconsin Central Interboro-kletro. .. do. preferred Great Northern *i4ss? Mlicsllantous. * '* Amalgamated Copper . . ... .. • 77 • American Car and Foundry 40 s: American Locomotivt .. .. ,, ,, sifi American-Coton Oil 67% American Smelting snd Refining ., ..104% Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel and Iron * \ 39- General Electric .. .. . tsou International Paper ** m2 National Biscait .. . I 104 Xstionai Lead .. ’ aj.v Pacific Mail 7. "• People’s Gas Pressed Steel Car .. .. Pullman Palace Car .. .. Southern Pacific, ex-rts. Sugar United fitates Steal •• .. do. preferred . • • • . Mackey Companies .. .. "ifffMd ..117% ..88% ..178% .-124% •l». $ prt Virginia-Carolina Chemical do. prafsrrad .. .. -Jingbouso Electric .. Republic Iron snd Steal •. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York, April 8.—Money on call, 1 % 2 psr cent; time loans, firm; sixty days. 2% (ft l2i i S la,,r d ***' »H@S*S It* month!!, istsd ratai: Starling exchange, $4.87<3> touglBws* in bankers' hills tor demand and $4.8620 H 4.8025 for sixty day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. Commercial bar allver, 50 %c. Mexican dollars, 44e. tjon'ton. •-—Bar silver steady it MINING STOCKS. inerioi tun, (OT| i a- (»n AuaioKuaivu, East Butte, 14%; Massachusetts Mining, 7%; Smelting preferred. 45; North Butte. 74%: Miami, 14%; Butts Coalition, 25. LONDON STOCK MARKET. Following are London quotatlong today; STOCKS— Amalgamated Copper .. 7 Anaconda .. •» ., Atchison do, preferred .. .. ., Baltimore and Ohio .. 9I Canadian Pacific .. .. .. . ciifMipcake aud Ohio .. . Denver end Rio Grande .. do. preferred .. .. .. Erie do, first preferred .. .. do, secoml preferred.. Illinois Central Kansas and Texas .. .. do. preferretl I^itlsville and Nnahvillo Mexlvati Central New York Central .. .. Norfolk nnd Western .. .. Ontario nnd Western .. .. Pennsylvania Reading .. .. Rook Island Southern I'aelfle Sou thorn Railway do. preferred St. Paul Union Pacific do. preferred United States Kteel .. .. do. preferred .. .. .. Wabash do. preferred Open 77 45*1 46% 166% j 104 103% 112% 176% 176% 73% 48% 88% 29% 29% 36% ■ 4% 146%' 146% 91% 46% ...... 134%! 134% 137% 13S 24% 121% 122% 64% % 150 188% 149' 50%I 60% 60S; 113%' 113%' 413% 18% reflects a fairly well maintained condition for winter period. Oats sowing progress ing favorably. THE METAL MARKET. New York, April 8.—At the metal exi-haugs today business was qnist. Copper unchanged. Tin was lightly firmer at an improvement of %c for spot and nearby deliveries. Other commodities unchanged. % Quote: Lake coppOr. 12%f3l3c; electroly tic. 13% ft 12 Hr; casting. 12% 0* 12%. Mpel- ter. 4.77%914.82%. Lead. 4>07%4.10. fin, 29.25 ft 29.60. 2.839.000 liOO.uuo 2.238.000 Circulation,,..., Bullion, decree-* .7.. Other seeuririev, deerea**, j 700,000 Other den wits, increase Public dcpislts. decrease 4 005,000 Guvcrtineenl securities. ■ incr»*sic. 4 . ,075.000 Thu pruportlun of the bank's reserve to fnt. against 44.50 ith on nd-siire of tnii week test year. CLEARING HOUSc STATEMENT. 1 Darwin G. Jones, Mscsgcr*. Fellow lug Is comparative nfitteiit.-ht Of At- taut* »*lewrtng House Axoriatlon: LOCAL STOCKS AND BONOS. Bid. AakH. AlWntB font nnd !«.. .... .. S5 vtlnntn font nnd Ice pfd.. .. 08 in- Atlnntn St«l.'. .. ....... ■■ .. Attnntn Itrewln* nml tee Co.. .. Atlimtn i.nd We.t Point Uel)..P4t( Atlnntn 3'8*. eoupou.. „ ., .. so A .mu U»*. 19 “ coupon.. ..10314. Atl.,«ltt UM.Clfbt 5! 101 1 nrtory .. 66 Atunntn mid Bnvnnnnb.. .. ..Ufi •1H 10284 FwMitfii jm.......w Kunrili Nnllon*! Bonk M8 Ifewtiut sw«e <'t*. coupon.. ..1M!4 HMfitM Stnto-Ci-. rcjtit.. .. .. tliwuln Sintc. lH-. coupoQ .. «« tin.-Br- und Ktectrlc.. preferred.. MetrajH Mtr.n issues speruiative views ir?wr ,.. ,, divided. People's Gas. American Telephone Wcdti-ohiv. and Telegraph. United State* Realty nnd dm- Thtira tn dmal l»n r i*«> ,'o. preferred mSSF,.K nsriSjTi—-jMb n», ic. it. '-y«- up ' v 5 at* Tuvitib*v 795.41^.71 w its. By. u*d a*-. ••••_>. --- 7.1*r ,r ?;* •' fSjK -n , G*. R- IL 8ml Banking Co ‘J - ’' ' .ri., u ..»' . ,, n __ _ kir.mi fiTnyerii toouttiwestern tCntlrond.. _i.ot..i,i.»| W \attoil,I Hank.. -***»»<* 1 --'.1 Co. of ticorda.. **3»<@fi5i;r