Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 08, 1909, Image 6

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i UK ATLANTA GKOKUJAN ANi> xSLWCi. r ! SOCIETY SELENE ARMSTRONG. MK« I*Ai;r. E Wfl.KES ♦MIHHWK a College Women • To Meet in Conjunction With Educational Conference ! A moit Interest In* feature Incldentn! «1«» the meetlnir In Atlanta next tteek'«»* ! the conference on education In t* t South will be the convention of th j Southern Association of College Worn « cn. which lost year assembled at Mem • phis. In conjunction with the form 1 { organisation. Of this Association • l College Women Mr*. Warren Boyd. «» ] Atlanta, la the brilliant and cntlmsl J attic president, and has trnvele • throughout the South In the Interest of i the work. The scope of the assocla- t tlon la wide. Indeed, and It* work has ;* many phases, among which arc a cam* !. palgn In the Interests of compulsory • education, the encouragement of c«H- lege training for- women, the stlmula* >4 tlon of education in the rural districts. • and the unifying of- effort and purpose , among all women of the South who i have had college training. The vice* !•: president* of the association nre Miss ; t Caroline Carpenter, of Nashville: Miss ' Adele Monroe, of New Orleans, nnd |{ Mias Beall Martin, of Washington Sem inary. Atlanta. Mias Eula Deaton, of San Antonio, Texas, Is secretary and • treaaurer. t; There are branches of the association ,, In Atlanta, Nashville. Asheville, Knox* If vllle, Richmond. Raleigh, Meridian. Wan [J Antonio. Birmingham. Montgomery. ^ Little Rock and other cities. Welcome to Visitors. ■? The public Is cordially Invited to the .1 meeting of the association, which will ! 1 be held Thursday afternoon at the i smaller auditorium In the armory, at .3:15 o'clock. The occasion will gain J added Interest from the presence of i many distinguished men and women | who will be In Atlanta at the time to < attend the conference on education. Mrs. Boyd wilt preside, and an excel lent program has been arranged. Mrs. 1 .John King Ottley will welcome the as sociation to Atlanta In behalf of the , club women of the city. There will • then be brief greetings from the three ‘founders of the association. Miss (!#• ‘leste Parrish, of Athens, president of f the Mothers' Congress of Georgia: Dr . Lillian Johnson, chairman of the emu • mlttee on education for the WoniT J Clubs of Tennessee, and Miss Etui tMcVea.‘dean of women and profess-■ J of English at the University of Cla* \ clnnatl. • j — *— Brilliant Addresses. Jrhe program of the afternoon will P*p W -'ii- men of national prominence In edu- ^ rational work. Miss Edith Howe, of J New York, Is one of these ppeaker*. t Miss !Iow*e Is chairman of the commlt- || tee on the physical welfare of school I* children for the National Congress of Mothers, and has done much valuable ,2 work for the Society of Municipal Re- j search In New York, as well as for the * Society for the Improvement of the Poor. Mis* Howe Is one of the editors |j of The Delineator Magazine und u I, woman of great chann und culture. . The next speaker will be Miss Laura P Dfnke V^t-J v,u * ** much loved in At- S laftta,.hiving, made many friends here ioi^a visit to,Airs. Boyd. Miss (Jill Is II the president of the woman's depart* L mtnt of the National Educational Amo* )* clgtlon. also of the Association of Cdl*. 3 legiate Alumni. She Is chairman of the J ciUmnlttee on education for the general {, Federation of Women's Clubs, and In I this connection her subject on the nft* jjernoon of April 15 will be of absorbing ‘i Interest. She will speak on "A Na- M tlonal Program in Education," her topic J being the unifying of the educational How lVTuch or How Little Will Pretty Spring Outfit Cost? Read and You 11 See Just for convenience s sate, let us/spreacl before you a sort of resume of our pretty things and their prices. Mayhap you are a hit bewildered by the multitude of the spring offerings and aren t just quite sure of what to buy in the way of ready-for-wear things.. Here in.our Suit and Costume Rooms,,second floor, you 11 find the cream of the season—an assemblage of frocks and fixings m which you'll take delight. $3.98 to $37.50 $10 to $37.50 MRS. WARREN BOYD, The brilliant president of tha South ern Association of College Women, who "111 preside over the conven tion meeting In Atlanta next week. work now bring clone by the various city and elate federation! of American club women. Another distinguished epeaker will br Dr. Elmer Ellsworth Brown. United Stole* commle.loner of education. Upon request, Mr. Drown hue chosen "t'om- pnleory Education." a subject which Is now of the greatest Interest In Georgia. Dr. Hrown la o 'highly gifted speaker and Ills addles*- before the Aesoclatloif of College Wonya .will be one of the delightful features of the week. Friday Session. On Friday afternoon the association will hold a meeting In the asaetnbly room of the Carnegie Library. This will be largely u business meeting, but. will be full of Interest. In showing the growth nnd progress of the work un dertaken by the college women. The public la ciirdlnlly Invited to this meet ing nlso. Lingerie Dresses . . Linen Dresses Foulard Silk Dresses f . $9.75 to $45 Mcssalme Silk Dresses . . $13.75 to $65 Pongee Silk Dresses . . $17.85 to $37.50 R.ajak Silk Dresses . . $9.75 to $50 Three-piece Linen Suits . . $15 to $60 Two-piece Linen Suits . $9.75 to $33.50 Lace Coats .... $7.50 to $35 Children s Spring Reefers .’ $5 to $10 jtfUKj ■' Tailored W ool Suits . . $9.75 to $65 \Vhite Serge Suits 4 . $17.50 to $29:75. Black and ^jVhite Serge Suits $15 to $35 .rx\ ,Two-piece Rajah Suits ■, Three -piece Rajah Suits Silk Evening D resses Street Dresses, serge and voile SeparateTVool Skirts Children s Dresses . k ;* Silk and Satin Dorps $21.75 to $50 . ' $25 to $75 $37.50 to $135 $37.50 -to $50 . $5 to $25 $1.95 to $7.50 . . $3.75 up Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Co. I MISS ELLIS HONOREE AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON | Mias Antttnatte. Blount rntsrtalnrd ■ at a brldgs luncheon <m Thursday [morning In honor of Miss Hallle Ellis, 'a brldo-clcct of the eprlng sraenn. J The luncheon table was decorated [with a large silver loving cup of crab- ■applo blossoms. The place cards were [while hordeshoes, with the name In I I gold. Covers were laid for eight. The j jprlxes at the bridge game, which pre ceded the luncheon, were silk hose. ;MIsh Blount waa charmingly gowned ;,for the occasion In olive green silk, I with ecru net. Miss Ellis wore blue 1 silk, trimmed In Pereldn embroidery. | - with dark green and dark red shades | ['predominating. Her hat waa of green ( straw, the same color a* the gown, und i i was trimmed In black velvet and posies! |, of small rosea In harmonising colors. ] Miss Blount's guests were Miss Ellis, Miss Mary Lambert. Miss Florence Hobbes, .Mist Emma Robinson, Miss Mai;!kn Nutting. Miss Caro Hutchins. Ml* Marie Dixon and Mrs. E. L. Bishop, - PARTIES FOR MISS BRANDON. .Visa Lee Brandon, a charming April brlde-rlert of West End, will be enter tained at several pretty parties before her marriage, which Is dnted for April 21. Among those who will entertain next week In honor of Miss.Brandon will he Mrs. Percy' Gentry and Mle* Hermn Daniel. ANNUAL RECEPTION AT CLUB. May II I* the dale set for the annual Driving Club opening, which I* always one of ihe delightful social events of the spring season * “Dorothy Dodd” low shoes for Spring come in Gun Metal, Patent finished leathers, Black and Tan Kid, Tan Rusria Calfr Suede finished Ooze - leathers and Gavcnetted cloth. In all shapes and all patterns. $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 C .FRED S, STEWART & CO., i Peachtree St.—On Viaduct. k IN HONOR OF MIS3 DICKERT. One of the delightful affairs ofi the week and a pretty compliment to Miss Ray Dlckert will be the spend-the-day party at which Mrs. Forrest E. Colin* will entertain nt h»r country home, "Woodland Springe." Saturday. The Invited guests will Include eight friends of the brldo-elect. MISS DURHAM HOSTESS. Miss Lucy Durham will entertain Thursday evening at her home In De catur at two table* of Norwegian whist for her guests. Misses Anna Lou Mat- thews ami Ruth Jackson. of Athens. ( FOR MI88 WELLHOU3E. , Mrs.’ Alvin Wellhouse will _ give it pretty party at her home on Washing- ton-st. Saturday night, In honor of her niece. Miss Corlnne Wtllhouse. MRS. BURTON SMITH TO GIVE SERIES OF LECTURES • An announcement of pleasurable In- terest Is that of a course of lectures on home economics by Mrs. Burton Smith. J These will be given In Ihe assembly hall of Miss Rosa Wood berry's school, un-, tier the auspice* of St. Elleabeths Guild, for the benefit of the pulpit fund of St. Lukes thurch. .Mrs. Barton Smith hav ing .generously 'offered to- give* the course to the guild. ... .,s The subjects*/ the series h#e kivfjlt lows: "Home Ind Hoclety." "Homestlp Arlchtectmv,-' ''Decoration and' Fur nishing." "Fsnltnilon," "Foods." n— gonlzutlon." They nre to be given on April 21. 2d. 26, 23, 20 and May 3. Altho the lectures are for the benefit of Ihe pulpit fund of St. Lukes, they are by no In Interest to the members of any congregation. They ar« of Interest amt vita) Importance to every woman, and conn as a rare op- portunlty. Mrs. Burton ffmlth has given years of thought gnd study to the sub- j Je.q of home economics, and It a recog- j JUDGE AND MRS. LITTLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING a delightful occasion arid'one.ftrtl of Interest was Ihe (tlebra’tlon of their golden wedding by Judge and Mts. Frank X* Little nt llielc home In Sparta. A pretty bit of sentiment was the fact that the golden wedding look place In Ihe same house where this couple was married fitly years ago. and have made Ihelr home during their entire married life, us Mrs. Little’s mother had don, before her. Judge and Mrs. Little are among the most popular couples In Sparta. *ndMre beloved by both tbs young and old: Among the outyof-lown Russia were ' 3 conference of Day Nurseries. held W#dnf)d4y Decatur, Mrs. Little's only slater.— Augusta Chronicle. , MRS. KISER HeTdS NEW SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION At ths last fleeting of the present OWES . HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham’s .Vegetable CompouYid' Vi«nna. \V. Va. — "I feel thatloflrg niaed authority, as well as u rtut nt and i the Ust ten years of my life to I.ydia hrllllnnt speaker. , ' . E. Pfnkham’sA ege- Robert J. Burdolte. the well-known huimircst ard lecturer, wrote of her: J'Qn» nlglttiti Ifostun, before n most XqteDIgent atr! cult it. •! e . at beewdldthc Syntplioti Hall lolhedoors, I saw and heat'd Mrs. Burton Smith put to one of : the severest tesla Hint can come to the orator. By a combina tion of circumstances anil condition* entirely unforeseen, she was compelled, at it inomem’a notice, to abandon the uddree* tor which ahe had been an nounced and. choosing * new topic along other lines, she delivered one of the most 'delightful nnd entertaining table Compound. Eleven years ago I tvna * —' ttluulou. under the doctor’s cirebutgotnorelief. My husband per suaded me to try 1-TdiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound anil it worked like a charm. It re lieved all my pain* I advise all suffering women to take I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.’’— MR*. Emma W it Raton, Vienna, f. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. made from native roots and herb*, contains no narcotics err harm ful drug*, and to-day holds the record nntl ontcers elected. Mfs. William H.' Kiser, Atlanta, was elected president of the association and Mrs, Parmlec was elected secretary. The executive board is' composed of Mrs. Harris, of Danville, Va.: Mrs. Rogers, of Char lotte. N. C.; Mrs. Loveman, of Nash- vtlle: Mrs. Weldon, of Richmond. Mrs. Kiser Is president of the Shel tering Arms of this cUy and I* active and 'enthusiastic over'tlte Day Nurser ies. She Is a moat charming young woman and will make a splendid pres ident, for th* new association. Dudley. Chicago: second vlcs-presl dent, Mrs. W. M. Fraxler, Philadelphia: corresponding secretary. Mrs. w. L Nichols, New Tork: recording secretary and treaaurer. Mrs. O. M. Smith, Prov idence,. R. 1.: otttce secretary, Miss Msrjory Hall.. New York. Executive Committee—Mis* Frances C. Sturgis, Boston; Mrs, Howard Mans field. New York: Mrs. A. B. Hirsh. Philadelphia: Mrs. W. H. Conger. Chi cago: Mrs. C. M. Woodward, St Louts; Mrs. Hugh Miller; Kansss City: Mrs. C. P. Watford. Richmond: Mr*. Willard a. Rogers, charlotte, N, c. Mrs. Arthul* Dodge, at New York, has beep .the Inspiring figure In,the con ference.' "She has made many friend* and admlrera In Atlanta who will re gret that ah* leave* on Friday for New York. Mrs. Dodge will sail soon for a trip sround the world, which will ,a*t' for quite a while. DANCING - PARTY. A very happy occasion will b* the dancing party which the young men of Decatur will give at their club house Baturday evening. BROYLES' DAILY BAROAIN BULLETIN. Walcb this space for a new bargain avaey day la tba WMk. ■ Three-pound can California Peaches, 30c size MMHM .19c Country Club Hams, per pound «,ra»T8I-2c Seven large boxes Borax Export Soap 25c BROYLES 5 STORES «' PHONE CONNECTIONS. or'PliOM Your Nearest Mora. Unlimited Hot Water HAGGERTY-ARNOLO. Mr. nnd Mr*. John H. Haggerty an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter, Marls, to Mr. Edwin Arnold, of Ba- vannah. the marriage to occur early In walking lhe summer at their home In Americus. I had been' CHENOWETH-ILLQES WEDDING PARTY A large party from Birmingham will attend the Chenoweth-Illge* wedding, w hich will take place In Columbus, Ga., misery. the moat *dellghiful nnd entertaining extempore speeches to which the con vention before which she anneared had the pleasure of listening. It rippled uith humor: It rich In facts: It was Strong In argtimet t; it waa de lightful In presentation." The 'price or the series will be I1.S0 for the six lectures, and tlcksta mny be had from Phillips * Crew, fiom Mrs. Burdette at the Majestic. Mr* Palmer! ■uwbgf of «c|u«ItWIHa Phelan Clarke on peachlree. Mr*. Bry- of female diseiscsof anvsiniilar medi. an Houston, and Mrs. Edgar Neety, ll cine lit the country, and thousands of West Flfth-si. I voluntarv testimonials are oh tile in • — ,the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, . I Mass., from women who have been sr, N .h 0R . M ,nh t RE iS,finT ? 1 cured fc 01 " ttlniost every form of ofVhe I jdle.' Auxinurc of ths Youn* ! female complaints, inflsnnnatiou. nl- Men's Christian Association I rlday.! ceration,(lijplacemcnts,llbro!d tumors, April ». at 1:20 o'clock, a reception I Irregularities, periodic pains.backache. Will be given .to the vice-presidents of I indigestion and nervous prostration, the different chutxhr* represented in^ Every such suffering woman owes it to the auxiliary, at the association. .Miss | herself to gtve Ljtilft K. Pinkham’s Kastlark. of the Atlanta School of Dra- | Vegetable Compound a trial. lory, will give several readings. Mrs. Webb. Mr*. Quillltn and Ml<a Hard man will each be heard In songs. All iatilea interested In Ihe Young Men’* Chiialian Association will be welcomed; Refreshment* will be lerved. . If.von would like spiKint nrivlre nlmut your case write w conttden- | /You know whit a great inconvenience It is whtn the supply of hot water is not equal to the demand. Why not have an Inexhaust- il>:r supply instantly and constantly at htnd, ■t any temperature vou want it, by uiing a HUMPHREY CRESCENT InstantaneouB Water Heater W# a«ll th* Cr«ic«nt Water H»*Ur beesaac <t*« th« molt economical, durable add efficient heater made. Never any west# or fuel—heata only the mmount of water you went. We *l*o Mil tbe Creicent Antoinette Heater that eup* piles water to any part of the . home. Gas turns on and off d automatically. Let us show j these heaters to you. Atlanta Gas Light Co., Phones 4945. w—«-=r ;—j Miss Antoinette Blount leave* on on the evening of Wednesday. April 21. ■, Thl ,»._ nlne , 01 . n.lnesvllle Fla at the home of the bride, one of the | TI > u, *d a S ***" n * mi Gainesville, r a., most noted hid homesteads in Georgia. I where she will be the guest of Miss Mr. W. A. Chenoweth. Jr., will have | Ellse Walker. Mies Walker will be re- as hi* best man hla brother, Mr. Beach i membered here as a bridesmaid at the /.‘ h n n0 nirlnin-^.m 0n . f iii h h*n 1 wedding of Mr., Charles Breck Ackley, from Blrminghsm will he Mr. Herbert _ 7 , u Tutwiler, Mr. Mathews Rloen. Mr. Da- * ho **■ **••* Owalaj. Het father Is vld Robert*. Jr.. Mr. Chase Perglns and i president of the State I’nlverelty at Mr. R. D, Johnston. Jr. 1 Gainesville, and Miss Rlount'a visit will 9i UMpy " r " 1 on * °i be made especially gay with the unl- Mlss Rlges maids. ; Among others who will attend the ' r ‘ Jnnc **- marrlkge are Colabel and Mrs. T. Q. !■_» '. ———— ■ Bush. Major nnd Mrs. F. V. Anderson. Major and Mr*. K. M. Tutwiler. Mr. and Mrs. Priestly Toulman and Miss Annie Kendrick Walker. A great deal of Interest Is centered in Mr. Chenoweth * marriage In title city. He is associated with his father, who Is one of Ihe most prominent business men In Ihe South. No'one has a wider and warmer circle of friends In society than he. Miss Rlges Is rne of the most lovable and charming girls In Colum bus. She will be an acquisition to so ciety here.—Birmingham New s. The Macon Telegraph, In noting that Invitations to the mnrrlage of Miss Hallle Elbe and Mr. William Rhott, of Atlanta, have been Issued, adds ths following comment: "The bride-to-be la a young..woman of much persona! charm, and Is quite popular not only In her home city, but In Macon and wherever ahe lias visited, and much In terest attaches to the wedding of Miss Ellis and Mr. Rhett on account of the prominence of the two families, wit" are among ihe oldest and most aris tocratic In the South.” EXECUTIVE MEETING, tint letter to Mr*. Plnklmm, nt t rf '**• I.,-mi. Mass. Her advice is free, fi.T.'o o'c.!^!!, "i^'wSmjn’a” Rail always helpful. room* *t the Grand. GEORGIA BARBECUE SAUCE is finest dressing in the world for all meats, game and fish, in what ever atyle they are cooked. It is equally fine for Brunswick stew, and as a vegetable dressing. Write ua immeoiat*!? for rrci/K blll-of-faro and try thia vonder tcorkir In your cooklrR. It 1* on Mle •v«ry»"here A«k your grocer for it, ar.d beu are of aubatitutea. Made l y Georgia Oirboctn Sauce Ci, Atlanta, Cx.