Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 09, 1909, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: .FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1009. IfEMICS Seventy-Six.Rounded Up in One District—Bingham Says Must Stop. New York, April 9.—Police Commln- sloner .Hlntrun ordered a general roaml-up of automobile speeders lent night,, following out hl« plan to put a r on tht -killing and maiming of |M.b trlanufcsJhrtv York, -tip to mld- nljrfit ' seyenfiqjlx road violators had li-tti ah-eete.1 i» the Roosevelt district nlfrqe and either balled or locked up for ' th j^nlgtu. ■ _ BABIES BENEFIT BY NEW SKIN DISCOVERY GlflL TRIES SUICIDE W \ ' Philadelphia Girl ,Is Made Desperate by Discovery That Lover Is Negro. scaly Stops Itching Immediately. Soothes and Cdmforts the Little Ones. A demonstration of the efficacy and dhtlee harmlessness of poslam. tho near skin discovery, Is afforded when It Is dpplled to the tender skin of Infants ( arc tortured with rashes, ehaflnga, [y and crusted humors and other SKin-nggruvtions. Its affect Is soothing, the Itching stops at once, the skin heals and Is quickly, restored to normal con- dltldn. r , . •. - ‘ In the various forms of ajeln troubles In borh lhfants'and adults poslam pro duces beneficial results from the first application.. Eczema, acne, herpes, rash, tetter, pro, yield readily to Its remark- nbls curative properties. Occasional grtBtiURfonA 'svllj. quickly banish pim ple*. Hatches and complexion blem ishes'nrxl.w 111 relieve and cure Itching ftsfs. ;il.v Humors, etc. *- * ‘ Po.jLlu »«!*',ba llad for fifty cijnts. at ifiy ug’8l*t , », particularly Ja- JPharmaey and BrannftifriPro* , \vho trialcc'a specialty of It. Or thf EmargencV Laboratories. No. 82 We*\ 2fitli Street, New York City, will wend a trtfiH supply free by mall to any one who will' Write for It. This Is suffi cient ter «how results In 24 hours. HOTEL DE HOY. European Plan. 28 1 /a to 30Va W. Mltchslbit. 1 Block Trom Terminal Station...All Modern Cftnvrnionra»...Rorm», r»0c, 76c, $1 per day. Special Rates by the Week, $1.50. 12, $2.50 . and $3. Atlanta Phone 3253. CRM-PEAM This _ STOPPER Prerents Waste I It “Drops” Sample Site 10c. Get seme Creolin at your Druggist if you want something that will liaop your bathroom sanitary without soiling your fingers. Aikyour Drug gill for Bottle.Booklet e Atlantic City, April 9.—Desperate over the discovery that the man with whom rlie Is In lave I* a negro, .Miss Geneva Reeves, of Philadelphia, daugh ter of the. sexton of a faahlunable . church, tried to end herllfe wlth lauda- num. Walter' Reeves,'wllh whAm she : was in lot'* sefit her to a hospital In time to sfc« f irtr 1 . Reeve* has disap peared He Worked In a big bcach- e *nd.'althct Wa employers d-fhAt*he waS’n negro, his Hatld'qiiiet dress led others dm to be white. CIGARETTE DEALERS 'Juclc;^ Fite Charges Grand Jury on Selling to Minors. Dalton, Ga., April 9.—In his chsrge to the grand Jury. Judge Kite severely rapped the cigarette dealers. He stated that a man did not have to aell clga- . rettea to minors to be guilty of a mls- d,‘meaner, but that he Is guilty If he leavea cigarette papers on the counters i o- tempt the bbys add where they can Vet fhetfl. '!/ .In speaking of tax-dodgers, Judge ' T'Re stated.' t)ist the .Atlanta stores alone" cnrrieil more dr>‘ goods than U ere. shown on. the tax records for the s.mUre state. • ■ <*4 Red Crotk In Canal Zone. ' Washington, April 9.—A branch of the American Red Cross has been formed In the canal xone with more . 'than IS,000 members. The canal branch ' will cover not only the Held now occu- . bled Jiy the society throughout the .World, but will also cure for the fever- otrloken of the. sone. Headquarters will i bn m Ancon. ■ : Drunkards Cured In 24 Hours Any Lady Can Cure the Most Violent Drunkard Secretly at Home. To Prove It, A Free Trial Package le Sent Sealed To All Who Write. , Let no woman despair. The sure, . mil'll, permanent cure for drunkeq- l-amui lias been found. . H is Golden Remedy. It hue no odor. ' If t)gn no.tasle. Just a little lo put hi ' the'drunkard'* cup of coffee or ten, or •s hie food. ' He will, never notice It, ha , ‘i HI die cured- before he realises It. and . he will never know why he abandoned th« taste for liquor. Rsppy Once Mote sad Oolden Remedy Did It .ills, desire for dilnk disappears ab- -anlutely ami he will even abhor the very sight .and smell of whisky. .. .The . vigor he has wasted away by drink w.lH be restored to him. and Ms health tend strength and cheerfulness will return to. brighten your home. ■Ooidet, Remedy has cured some of the most violent cases In a day's time. .Thin-faei is proven by many ladles who have tried IL . ■■Mrs, Hattie Balktns, Vanceburg, Ky., says: . "My husband took two doses of your medicine about- five months ago and •has not taken a drink or had any de sire,-for liquor since then. Our home Is so different uow." Sava your loved ones from premature •death and. the terrible consequences of the drink.curse and save yourself from ' poverty aud misery. . It costs absolutely nothing to try. Send your natne and address to Dr. J. -W.- Haines, 4073 Olenn Building, Cin cinnati, Ohio, and he will at once Bend ,you a; free package of the marvelous ..Qqldeo Remedy In a plain, sealed wrap- *&e r wnral*o *end you the wtrongent, emfrluftlve proof of what a ble**ing It hax been to thousands of familfe*. *5*enif for i* free trial package of Gulden Remedv today. GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS !•••••••tsstssstesi To Bring Back Prisoner. . Dublin, Ga., April 9.—J. J. Flanders has gone to Gulfport, Mias., to bring back to Dublin a negro hy of John George, wanted In tble county for hlllluy Andrew Green In 1897. Moore Supporters To Meet. - Macon, Ga„ April 9.—A meeting of ttld s'U'Portera « John./T. Moore. will be '-fifiM this Afternoon ji ,tU|i.'caf jialgn headquarters In lj\p WlWjnghi Shipment of OiU' Seire'cf. Albany, Gg., April 9.—Acting upon In structions from Assistant United States District Attorney Alexander Akerman, Deputy Marshal Z. E. Norton has seised the too bushels of oats condemned here several days ago by State Pure, Food Inspector P. E. Methvln, and they will be held pending further developments In the ease. The proceedings, will be against the P. P. Williams Grain Com pany, of St. Louis. , IA Files Petition In Bankruptcy. Swaihsboro‘, Ga.,'April' 9.—Tho Sum mit Mercantile Company has had an In voluntary petition In 'bankruptcy tiled against It This petition was J. W. Overstreet, of' SylvatiUC itnd a hearing has been set for April 13, In Savannah. This company was 'Incor porated' about five yeats ago with a capital stock of 325,000. T|ils has been Increased from time to time until It hrfs reached the $50,000 mark. Cadets Camp at Tallulah. v Tallulah Falls, Ga., April 9.-SIxty Riverside cadets are at Tallulah, camp ing, at the falls. The camp has been named "('amp Dean.” In honor of Col- oijel H.-IJ. Dean, of Gainesville, who Is president -of the board of directors of Rlyerslde; and one of tlje best friends ufUkhe .academy. e-The caddis are In', chafifn-bf President Van Jloope. Princi pal Moon, Major Stovall and' Professor Dosler. Presbytery in Session. Sparta, Ga„ April 9.—The Augusta Presbytery convened In the Sparta Presbyterian church Wednesday night, being called to order by Rey. James L. Martin, D.D., of Waynesboro, the re tiring moderator. The opening sermon was preached by Dr. Martin. The pres byter)- was organised by the unani mous election, of Rev. G. M. Howerton, of Crawfordvllle, as moderator, and ^Hart HI Way, o^UnJon Point, as tern* Foul Play It Feared. Wrightsville, 'Ga., April 9.—Ernest Johnson, a young man,'residing In this city tor a little more than two years, hat been missing about three weeks, and It Is fearsd that he has committed suicide, or been the victim of foul play. itMHIHIlHtl lMMM9a8MM98M< BRIEF NEWS BY WIRE Bars Driven Out of Santa Fe, Santa Fa, N. Mi, April 9.—The city council by a vote of 5 to 4 passed an ordinance , closing . saloons here after December II, 1*09. 'The 1 license until that tlhie lias been dppbled. 1 Independent Indianana. Washington, April 9.—It Is said that the ambassadorship to China, offered by President Taft to former Senator Fulton, of Oregon, had been previously offered lo former Senator Hemenway, of Indiana, and that he had declined. Three Indianans have recently declined diplomatic appointments, former Rep resentative Watson, former Vice Pres- Went Fairbanks and Mr.-Hemenway. Navy Reorganization. .. j Washington, April 9.—The Newberry plan of organising the navy will-be put Into operation by the hew administra tion If possible. President Tuft alfna to economise In navy expenditures thru consolidation of tha various bureaus. Heekmnn Wlnthrop, aaalatant secreta ry of the navy, la collecting data to be used by the president In hla message to the next congress, asking for legis lative action for a reorganisation. Missouri Moving for Prohibition. Jefferson City, >i1o„ April 9.—The prohibition Issue wjll come up again In the Iowei‘.hoii»c today. Tho prohibi tionists won a point yesterday, forcing migtoaamsnt of tha bill.-, -1— -- Strange Disease of McCormick. Santa Barbara, Cal„ April 9.—<>n ap plication of. Mrs. Stanley, McCormick, guardians Uavo been appointed for her husband, who Is a non of tho great harvester king. Cyrus McCormick. Stanley McCormick la .suffering from •katatonla," a disease that brings on a state of perfect apathy and Inability to care for himself. Elephant Kills Keeper. Dei Moinet, Iowa, April 9.—Charles . . * Bellow, kesper of Robinson's elephants here In winter quarters,' was killed by "Tom." one of the elephants. The big basal, ran amuck and destroyed much property before forty bullets subdued A Fortune In Chureh Plate. .Washington, Pa., April 9.—A $1,000 bill was dropped in the colectlon plate of Roscoe Slothodlst church here Sunday night, and the church officers are ad vertising for ths ownsr. As that amount Is not collected In a year, the officials think soma one dropped the big bill In the plate by mistake. A Hugei Petition. Chicago, April 9,—A delegation . pf nillc i a'koMvJ>|iH-n 1* here It-tlli a .petition to' be presented to congress signed by 25Q.OOO persons In Chicago, protesting Ugalnst Increase i In duty on women's wearing apparel. The women present ed the petition to the speaker, who will deliver the hpuse.- Suoar Trust Pays $1,239,088. New York, April 9.—Collector Loeb announces that the American Sugar Refining Company has completed pay ment of $!,239,0$8, due the government on retlquldatlon of sugar entries. Granted a Divoret. New York. April 9,—The courts have affirmed a decree of divorce to Jesse Keene Taylor from Talbot J. Taylor On statutory grounds. , , Judge Warned Not to Wed Couples, Columbus, Ohio, April 9.—Probate Judge Black haa received a Black Hand letter warning him not to issue licenses for marriages between whites and A Proper Decision. 8ioux City, April 9.—In a decision here by Judge Page he holds that It la proper to swear at a baggageman when lie smashes your trunk. WELCOME GOV. BROWN A SUITE FOR CARUSO Dalton Prepares to Enter tain Governor-Elect. Dalton, Ga„ April 9.—Governor-elect Joseph M. Brown will vlatt Dalton next Monday and will address the people during his few hours' stay here. Prep arations to give him a hearty welcome arc under Way. During the recent campaign Mr. Brown's local friends worked hard and managed to carry this county for Mm by a very small majority, the difference between the votes of Mr. Brown and Governor Smith being less than ten. WOMAN FATALLY BURNED TRYING TO RESCUE MISTRESS Eatonten, Ga., April 9.—-Dr. James D. reaver has received word of the burn ing of the-homo of his brother. Dr. John Weaver, at I.udowlol. There was In the employ of the family an old family servant, "Aunt Easter." While the flames were raging. It was reported that Mrs. Weaver was In the burning build ing. "Aunt Easter” rushed Into the (lames to save her mistress. The mayor of the town, seeing the old negress, went In and brought her out. but only after he had manured her that Mrs. Weaver was unharmed-and safe from danger. The negro Was fatally burned and died later, ^ DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY CHOOSE DELEGATES Rome, Ga., April 9^-Miss Mattie B. Sbelbley and Mrs. James A. Bounsa-1 vlllc. of Rome, have been appointed to I represent the Georgia division of the I Daughters of the Fonfederacy at the I Kouthem Educational Conference In Atlanta neat week. Four Rooms at Piedmont For the Tenor. When Enrico Caruso reaches Atlanta on the morning of May 4 he will be as signed to the same aulte of rooms In the Piedmont Hotel that was occunled by Patti on her last visit here. These apartments are In the southern end of the sixth floor of the hotel and con sist of n parlor, dressing room, bed room and bath. They have been occu pied by N'ordlca.- Emma Eameit. Sem- brtch, Bchutnann-Heink and Cdlve. Caruao will be accompanied by a number of other artists engaged for the festival, among them being Mile, Ger maine Schnltser and her sister and Al bert Spalding, the violinist, apd his mother. MOdariie Fremstad also will be In the party from New York. A A Sure, Straight Road to mental health and power— Grape-Nuts Food “There’s a Reason” JAPANESE WEDS IN MAID NEW YORK MRS. TOYO KIKUCHI, Pretty young Japanese maid who married Toyo KIMuchl on April 3 In Brooklyn. The ceremony was performed by a Japanese minister. Mrs. Klkuchl Is said to be the first Japanese woman who has ever se cured a marriage license In New York city. ■HH SWEPT By FLAMES — Twenty Thousand Acres of Timber Lands Are Burned. Asheyllle/Ni C., Apr|l 9.—lK)r the «ec- onil itmj thlit v.peJ; Ogqrge W.- IVhjt^ei'- biltis fores!--.-have been badly damaged by tire, mi Tn-siiar acres vtre forest Jand VO.', bavped ow, s-pennd Krowtlppoplur? hclng-klllk?. , ,j-j . Today* buni.-il area J". acre* .Tn. tffe restiBWgpb region -and the Davidson w<r' section, Ih Transyl vania county.- - The. Dames -carried al most to. the house» df ,fannet-s not on Vanderbilt lund. ; Tha 4tlrr)b*r value, Is easily ft nn-ttcre,»bu( Act all tha*trees on the burned acreage are killed. Meeting Postponed. Washington,. April 91—'The„ mass meeting of Southern representatives, scheduled for last night, that the pur poses and meaning of the Southern Commercial Congress might be ex plained to them, wan postponed Indefi nitely. .. . . .- Daughter’s Head Encrusted with Dandruff—Feared she Would Lose her Hair—Many Treatments were Futile—Baby had Milk-Crust. BOTH CHILDREN CURED BY FAMOUS REMEDIES j “ For several years my husband was a missionary in the Southwest, snd we were living on tho edge of the desert at an elevation of nearly five thousand fret. F.vory one in that high and dry atmosphere has more or ima trouble with dandruff sod my daughter's scalp be, .'11I1H HIM.-,| villi -I I lint I wo* alarmed for fear she would lose all her hair, which was very heavy. After apchdlng between five on i mx d-dlors for various remedies, in’ desperation I bought a cake of Cutleura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment. After rub bing the Cuticura Ointment thoroughly into the roots of the hair, 1 gently combed the crust of dandruff free from the pcalp, and then gavo her head a thorough shampoo with the Cuticura Soap. This left tho scalp beautifully clean and free from dandruff, and after the hair was dry, I again rubbed ths Cuticura Ointment, this time sparingly, into the roots, and I am hsppy to say that the Cuticura Remedies were a complete success. My troubles with dandruff were over, although for a long time afterward I used the Cuticura Ointment as at first, after shampooing, which kept the aealp and roots of tho hair moist. I have used successful!v the Cuticura Remedies for so-called 'milk-crust' on baby's head, and have never found anything to equal them. You are at liberty to publish this letter, for I do sincerely believe that the Cuti- Cuticura Ointment is one of the most successful curatives for torturing, dis figuring humors of the skin and scalp. Including loss of hair, ever compounded, in proof of which a single anointing with it, preceded by a hot bath with Cuticura Soap, and followed, when necessary, by a mild dose of Cuticura Resolvent (liquid or pilisl is often sufficient to afford immediate relief of itching, burning and scaly humors, eczemas, irritations and inflammations, permit rest and sleep, *r.U noint re » speedy cure when all else t •u-tteiM aiwimi a. wire, re«trr Georgia’s Slats Chemist Praises Cottolene J. H. McCandless, State Chemist of Georgia, before a recent gathering of Cotton Seed men, gave emphatic praise to the high quality of Cottolene. He said: "The sale of this product and the proclamation that it is made of cot ton feed oil have done more to bring cotton seed oil truthfully and favorably before the public than anything else in recent history.’’ Mr. McCandless then pointed out how a pure, refined, vegetable-oil basis, such as i9 in Cottolene, is the only assurance a woman has of a clean, digestible, cooking product.- Jt seems a,positive wonder in the light of all that has lately been said and written, and of what is known of lard, where it comes from, of what it may be made, and how little chance there is to get pure lard, that anyone will continue its use, when pure, sweet and healthful Cottolene can be so easily obtained. COTTOLENE Is Guaranteed Y ou r srocer isherebyau- VVI thonzed to refund your money in case you are not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Mauay Sold in Bilik Cottolene is packed In pails with an air- never goiq in puik tj top t0 £ eep itclean> {resh and „ hoIe . some, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Cook Book Free edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, the famous Food Expert, and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes, Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago “Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South” OE RIM MAH Kane Left Dying at Door of Hospital by Men Who Disappeared. Pittsburg, Pa., April 9.—Mystery sur rounds the death of Cornelius J. Kane, formerly of the Bennett Steel Company of, Buffalo, a rich Iron dealer of Pitts burg and one of the best writers In the country on Iron and steel. He was drlveh up to the door of Mercy Hospital n few mlhutes after midnight in a dying condition. Two or three persons who were with him called for a stretcher and In semi-darkness carried him Into the hospital entrance. They Immediately slipped away and officers have' been trying In vain to find them since. Kane had b'een thought to be In Phil adelphia. when the ne«-i catrfe that he was dead at the hospital. Hla family has urged the authorities to spare no effort to learn the facts connected with hla death. P. P. P. Cures Rheumatism - 1 Read what Nicholas Lang, the largest retail grocer In Savannah says about P. P. P. F. V. LIPPMAN, Savannah, Ga„ Dear Sin— > For many years I coniumed much medicine, and in fact tried every meani in my power to get cured of that terrible disease, rheumatism, which had undermined my health. I visited Hot Springs, Ark., without gaining relief, and at last in sheer desperation I took P. P. P. (Lippman's great remedy), and was in a short time ea> tirely cured. In the eight years since thattime I have not had a symptom of rheu matism. P. P. P. did the work to my entire satisfaction and made a quick and perma nent cure. Yours truly. Nicholas Ling. Thtre Is Only One ‘‘BBOMO QUININE” That It LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE, hook foi the slgnaturt ot E. W. DROVE. Used the World orer to Onre s Cold la One Pay. 26r. » JUNIORS HAVE FEAST Georgia Students Gather at Festive Board. Athens, Ga., April 9.—The Junior class of the University of Georgia held their third annual bunquet at the Hotel Geor gian last night. (lovers were laid for over seventy guests and the occasion was a memorable one. which will be long treasured as one of the pleasantest happenings of university life. President H. A. Nix. of Commerce, presided at the banquet, and Fred C. Allen, of Brunswick, was tosstmaster. The sparkling wit of the various speak ers was much enjoyed. Following are the officers of the clsss of 1911): H. A. Nix, Commerce, presi dent; O'. M. Gresham. Mount Airy, vice- president; Cltfton Arnold, Elberton, eecretary: A. R. McDonnell, Savannah, historian. INSPECTS BATTALION Major Kimborough on An nual Visit to Athens. Athens, Ga., April 9.—The United States government Inepector Is at the university today making his annual Inspection of the battalion for the -war department. Major James M. Klm- borough Is the university commandant. ■rills is Major Klnfborough's fourth Year.- and last, rat the university. The battalion has steadily Improved under his experienced and careful guidance and -so good was their appearance last year that the appropriation received by the university for the military feature was Increased. Major Kimborough was thanked and complimented by the de partment on his excellent work. No fear Is entertained that this year the outcome will be the sains. Every one regrets heartily Major Klmborough's transfer from the uni versity. but this Is the rule of the de partment. He leaves a lioet of friends, both In tha town and in the college. Judson Lyons Calls on TafL Washington, April 9.—J. W, Lyons, ’ Augusta, Ga., ex-register of the treaeury, accompanied by a delegation of negroes from various sections of the country, called on President Taft They asked him to assist in securing the passage by congress of a bill re imbursing negroes who lost money In the failure of the Freedman's Bank. The president said he would give the matter attention. To Improve Hotel Property. Dublin, Ga., April 9.—\V. N. Lletch. of Eastman, and Charles H. Peacock, of Miicon, were In the city this week con ferring with F. H. Roberson relative to spending $29,000 toward Improving the New Dublin Hotel. Each own a one- thlrd Interest In . tha property. ' They will make a modern hotel of the prop- Patents For Georgians. Washington. April 9.—R. VY. Bishop, latent attorney, announces the follow ing patents granted Georgians: oil can, B. V. Chambers, Rome; bag fasten er, A. T. Hamilton, TreaL AT TEMPLE CHURCH Revival Services Begin on Sunday For 60 Days. On Sunday continuous services will be conducted at the Temple Baptist church, corner HUntsr and Mangum- sts. Rev. Dr, J. C. Edmundson, the pas tor, will preach at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Services will be conducted through out the afternoon, while the morning service will be preceded by Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. In a few days this church will in augurals a <0-day revival, ■ servlets be ing conducted during the week In tha afternoon and night nnd Sunday morn ing, afternoon and evening. Every one Is cordially Invited to at- ten these services. AT THE TABERNACLE Friday Night Lectures Will Be Resumed. Dr. Len Q. Broughton, pastor of the Baptist Tabernaele, will Friday night resume Ills lectures to his Friday Night Bible Class. This class Is now studying "Tha Holy Spirit In the Acts of the Apostles." and Bible students may spend a pleasant and profitable hour in the study of the establishment and propagation of the church of Christ In the first days of the Holy Spirit's min istry. Previous to Dr.' Broughton's lecture, Rev. George H. Judd, of England, who hss visited practically every mission field In the world, will give a thirty minutes’ stereoptleon lecture, showing pictures of a most Interesting charac ter, taken by himself In foreign fields. Thle service will begin at 7:30 o'clock promptly. FATHER AND SON HELD Each Charged Other With ' Being Aggressor.' * Dalton, Ga., April 9.—Dave snd W. B.'Kettles, father and spri, who met In a bloody battle In front of-the-First National Bank; w-sf* arraigned in re corder's court, and! Judge Longley Im posed a fine of $6 and costs on each, and bound them over to the grand Jury, the bonds being fixed at $1,000 for W, B. Kettles and $100 for Dave Kettles. In the trial before Judge Longley each claimed that tho other began the difficulty, and, as there were no wit nesses present, the one at , fault could notbe' deter,fliined. . Why is 8ugar Sweet? If sugar did not dissolve In the mouth you could not taste the sweet. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Is ss strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the Ingredients do not dissolve In the mouth, but do dissolve readily In the acids of the stomach. Is Just as good for grown people as-for children. The First and Original Tasteless Chill Ton ic. The Standard for 30 years. EOe. FERTILIZER COMPANY IS GRANTED CHARTER Montgomery, Ala., ApriJ 9c-Opers- tlons of the largest fertiliser tnt*re«t» In the world are paid to be assured b.v the Incorporation Id Montgomery or Ml* Buffalo Fertilizer Con pany, of Ala bama. ... The main offices of the company win be In Montgomery, with sub-office* throughout the state. The new com pany Is capitalized at' $100,000. with ,”, C. Meadows, of Buffalo, N. Y„ chief owner, holding shares to the vslue or $60,000. George Hofer. Jr., of Buffalo- holds shares to the extent of $39.S | >o. ILLINOIS WOMAN MAKES REMARKABLE RECORD Picks Eighty-Five Gallons of Berries Besides Per forming Regular Housework. Mrs. Anna Marlng, R. F. D. No. 1. Box 57, Dennison, Clark county. Illi nois. relates an Interesting experience with the Cooper remedies, which have grown largely Into popular favor dur ing the past few years. She says: For yeahs I have suffered agony m stomach trouble, always expe riencing severe pain Immediately after eating. I had n very poor appetite, and often went without my meals In order to escape the distress that was sure to follow. My digestion was bad, I was troubled, with gas on my stomach, and my bowelsswera In a wretched condi tion. “I tried everything I heard of In' an effort to get relief, but could find noth ing that would help me. I became weak, run down and greatly dlecour- aged. I could do ecarcely any work and felt miserable all the time. 1 had no strength—everything was a drag, even my very existence. I could not sleep, and was so nervous and worn out that life hardly seemed worth the liv ing. “Having read several announcements of the Cooper remedies, t wee finally so tmpresaeu with the claims of L. T. Company, Dayton, Ohio. Cooper and-with the statements msd* by persons who had used his medicine, that 1 decided to give It a trial. procured a treatment of Cooper s a" Discovery. ... "From the first day I started to li the New Discovery I began to Impf®”. It put my stomach and bowels laui perfect condition, cleansed my of Impurities, and built me up raploi. In flesh and strength. I was soon sleeping soundly at night, rand In morning felt rented, and ready ? or day's work. By the time I had take' the full treatment my health was bit ter than It had been ill years. "Last summer I picked elghty-n' gallons of blackberries, beside* do 1 "* my other work, ThA neighbors all r» marked how well I was looking.. A"" told them It was Cooper's Ntw DK" ery that was doing It. I can nsver thankful enough for fhe benefit I ba derived from this splendid Cooper Iclne." Cooper's New Discovery la no* sale by all druggists everywhere . finmnlA hnttl* maiM free sample bottle mailed free upon by addreeetmr the Cooper