Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 18, 1910, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1010. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. ountry. 2£#23e old etor- After Seven Years’ Separation Wife Sued For Perma nent Alimony. Because Rev. J. K. Kerb*. * frQperannuated Methodic* minister and formerly a resident of Atlanta Heights. refused. white living In Buford, <Jn., to pay his nlfr, Florence Adena Briggs Borle, $3 per week wages she left home, (he husband alleges, and for aaven years baa not Jived wltn him. The supreme .court of Georgia Friday handed down a decision In a case Instituted by Mrs. Boric, seek Inc to eecnre perma nent alimony. This action followed Just seven years after she left the home of her husband. The lower court refused to render a verdict for any amount, and a new trial waa denied. The ea*»e was appealed, hut the Arc! verdict waa sustained by tlie su preme court In this decision. The Kories were married In 1$M. Mrs. Itorle wna lust sixteen years «»f age. Key. KGG8- Ft re. ISttSAc. ■ „ , I.IVF 1*01 I.THY Hens. 4:^1 fries, ving to six*'. «c. I tucks, Pekin. 35<|40c each: Turkeys. -jCftlie per pound. DRL'HKKD POULTRY- liens. J7*t1Sc per pound; cocks. 8fi9e; fries, 2S#2**c per jtound. * lucks, 15©16<- per pound. Geese. 13ffl4c per tound. Turkey*, tfg.ioc. owing to jiallty Ttorle was between 35 and *6 . Mrs. Boric declared In her testimony In the lower court that her husband had treated ... her cruelly and had quarreled with her J pc ind. Turkey*, 2M(30e. AMK Quail rach, ow arrival. 2frU22%«\ ' PRODUCE Butt per pound; countr; per pound, fires* ed 12**11130. •*. ‘JMZtf V. mrV‘« active. J(%12%« per pound; in hulk. WJ<' per pound. PIlOVIHIOXK- Prenduiu bacon, 22c; Km plrc baron. i*nr; Premium hams. 17%c; Win chester brand him-. 1*5*'; Winchester picnic hams, J-V: Premium K. ft. lard, 15%c; S. !.. lard, M T *c; Jewel compound. rib bel lies. IP*:**; I*. S. half rile*. 14V- VKGKTABLKK Egg plant. $2.0Qfc2.29 pc cnife. /‘abbage, 2''/2%e: Florida. f2.2jft-.o6 per crate; Irish potatoes, *.’/«9>c per bushel. Onions, l.;?J |M-r bushel. Spanish onions, $L1oft1.l&. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin vnms, 70fir75c i*er bushel: whf* *“ bushel. I.clttn e, $2.M$3.0Q ye _ IfUBf. C*U- .'U«c per pound. (Mery, SS.00^46.00 'Vpper. |2.5<V!|3.00 per cr ** PH. ... $3.004i3.aj per crab. FIH'ITS AND NFTK- Lemons, ffluey it t n I...... r. tl - , I fond a,; Florida oranges. Jl.75f*2.<» per bo*. Binanss. 92.0to$2Ji0 per 100 pounds. Limes, Vueftll.rt) per 100. Peanuts, In */»ek*i averaging l*u pounds each, owing to grade, Mf7%o p* r pound. .Apples |**r barrrel (ac tive), $.1.!irrij5.09, owing to quality. Plnenp- Ie». 91.50^1.75. Cranberries, 35c j»ef gallon. was tick for quite a time ami received lit tle assistance The husband denies alt this and charges hfs wife with having a peevish disposition; that while his salary as minis ter waa small. It took all hla income to support the family. They have three chil dren. James, aged about 23. is a student at Emory college. The inin'ster charges his wife left home without jtm cause. Bcr. Boric has held pastorate* at St. Mary*. Ga., Reldsvlll*. , .ll*erty, springvale efreuit. and was located it Oglethori> *“■*— -* • !*«.«•« Sim FLOUR AND CRAIN. FLOUR- Elegant, highest patent. $7.56; l»est pntenf, J7.<f*; standard patent, $8.90; half patent, f*5..V>: spring wheat pat ent, $6.50. Patrisn. 16.50; Swanatfown, la.60; Home Queen, $»5.3n; Supreme, 96.50; White Cloud. J6.30; sun Rise. $6.19; Ocean Spray, 96.1"; Tulip flour. 15.13. * SHORTS Ilttlllflny while $i.«5; Red Dog fancy, 75-ponnd sacks, 91.75; shorts, pure MARKET NEWS Mr. r.i«ly'« twenty-fiy, r«r,' nntrl met el edltlni mntktta in *iu«uV. tbe South bio mod, him * zBcorr.iT.? •uthorlty In hl« .p,d»lty. LITTLE OF INTEREST RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKET tBY PRIVATE LEA8ED WIRE.) NAME OF STOCK. Amalgamated (’upper. Declines on Liquidation—Ral-, Z: : ! Am. Smelting. .... lies on Covering—Fluctua- 1 m ’ s k * 85 a In s 1 3 NAME OP STOCK. d i k 3 9 3£ v S u u § 0 3 tions Very Narrow. 1 Am. LocomotJv A in. Car Foundry. . * Am. Cotton OH. . . • i Am. Woolen. ..... Anaconda Atchison ....... Atlantic Coast Line. • Brooklyn Rapid Tran- New York. Feb. 18.—The cotton market j Baltimore & Ohio. . ■ opened steady, with November 5 points * Lnnadlnn Puelfie. . , . lower and other months 2 to 5 point* higher. Cbesupeakn A Phio. . Spot interns were credited with liberal * uru Products . . . • purchases, Tnjt Wall Street waa a large seller. Further pressure from the room traders helped to wipe out the initial ad- ances and within ten minute* after the ■all price* o? the lending positions were under last night's finals. Selling by a couple of prominent operators in Ktiiall lots caused an easier feeling in the Isle trading, the close firing easy at the low est level* of the day. net 7 to 9 points under Thursday’s closing quotations. Weekly Interior movemen* FVHv* 75-poi— , _ ■. wheat, cotton sack*. 75 pound*. $1.55; fleer- gla feel. 81.50; shorts, brown, 100-pound sn*'ks, $1.55; fli.e feed. 75-pound sacks. $1.40; bren, ntnl TS-fiouPd sack*. $1.55: salt ' bi b k p*-r «n*■•**. $140; salt l»rlck tincdfcated) ! i»* r case. Ii.75; *»lt rock per hundredweight. II.dtvj fi.nlr. J5-p«Tund sacks, 60*’. Sugar href . nip, 91. U vhite , 9fr-. nrti, 2-l*n*hel sack, 86c; Well-Known Young Men Or ganize Splendid New Realty Firm. Another real estate firm f«»r Atlanta —The Half-Million City. R. S. Morrla and R. R. Anbury, two well known young men In Atlanta, have formed a partnership nnd the Ann will he known as Morris & Anbury, with offices at Km pi re building. U. S. Morris has been in tlie real estate business for some months and knows the city well, as he has lived here oil of his life. K. R. Asbury him 1>een connected with the Fourth Na tional bank a* teller for a period of four years. The Ann will do a regular real estate and loan business. Their past succ ess In business Is a guarantee of prosperity for the new Arm. OATH Pi PBHPHi lipped, 64c; red runt-pmof, 65c; No, 2 white. *;«». .3 white. 62c; No. 2 mixed. 63c; X< mixed. 6L'c; <-iippcd barley, mixed. 52« ikljlumia rnst-prmif. 67c; Burt. 7.3c. SEEDS «SackedHerman millet seed, 1.65; esne jmshI, n in her, $1.15; cane seed, range, $1.15. Wheat iTennessee) bine stem), rglai, $1.35; Termessee, $l.i<i Harley *’Tcmiesseei, $1.10. tints, turf, 60c; ru«l-proof. 67c. HAY Alfnlfu (eholcs green), $1.56; No. 1, *1.35. Tlmnthr, choice large bales, $1.35; .•holer third bales, $1.30; Timothy No. 1, $1,25; Timothy, choice Inrge bale*. $1.35; Timothy tclovcr mixed) No. 1, $1.16; Timo thy (clover mixed) No. 2, $1.2*3; Timothy, choice third bale*, $1.36; clover liny, $1.10; I term udn. 85c. MF.AI.~-Plain. 144-pound sacks. 82c; plain, M-pound sack*. 84c; plain, 48-podnd sacks, 86c; 24-pound sacks. Me. rniUKEN FEED—Fifty-pound sacks. $t.00; wheut <for chickens) per bushel, $1.40; Purina scratch diales), one doien, $2.25; Purina chick, $2.2J; Purina scratch, 100- pound sacks. $2.05; Purina feed, 100-pound suck*. $1.80; Success scratch feed. 100-pound sucks, $1.95; alfalfa meal, $1.45; germ meal, $1.60. HALT—One hundred pounds. 60c;nx!e, 14c; Elk (assorted), ten boxes, $5.50, RM’E—Jspnn. 6c; head. 6flr7c; fancy head, 71f7$»«*. according to grade. COTTON HEED MF.AIy—No. $3$,00. COTTON HEED HULI.S-fhicked. iier ton $13.00. l^r GROCERIES. 81'OAR—Standard granulated. 5V*c; New York refined, SV; plunfuUon, 6.00, COFFEE—Bousteil (Arhuckle’H), 15.50 In bulk: In bags nnd barrels, 13c; grmm, 113J“ CANDY- Stick (asioHedi, (P4c per poi. fancy tassorted) palls, 7c; chocolate drops, pall*. 12tvc. r SARDINES— .Mustard. $3.25 per case; one- quarter oil, $3.00. CHEESE Fniicy full cream, ISHc. MISCELLANEOUS Oeorgla cane syrup, 58c; uxle grease. $1.75*, soda crackers, 7%o •kers. Sc; oyster. 7c; Declines Invitations to Visit | ionmtoc* (two pound*), ids. $1.75. Navy 1 Vi $1.: Other Georgia Cities at This Time. Augusta, (»a., Feb. 18. Wilbur Wright, 4vho la here looking Into tha proposed site* available for the establishment of nn aero plane station, will leave this afternoon for hi* home In Dayton, Ohio, lie says he will not t»e able to accept the invitation* of «tber Georgia dries at this time. AN AVIATION EXHIBIT FOR BIRMINGHAM Birmingham, Ala., Ftb. 18. —Iouls Faulhun, the noted French aviator, nnd •teveral other ueroplnnlsts will give exhibition* of uerfit] flights In Birming ham March 8, 9 and in. The Chnm- b«*r of Commerce has Just received the signed contractu ami arrangements arc about completed fur an enthusiastic meet. ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS INVITE HOKE SMITH U Former Governor Hoke Smith re. reived Friday morning «n invitation to ’ deliver ait address before the Illinois Democratic league at Its Washington banquet at Chicago next Tuesday night. 1 Pressure of business makes It necea- > sat}' for him to decline. SOUTHERN GAS MEN ELECTSEW OFFICERS Chattanooga, T«nn., Fob. 18.—The meeting of the Southern das associa tion elected the following officer* this morning: President, W. Fraud, Balia- Lury. N. <*.; first vice president, II. B. Hoyt. Jacksonville, Fla.; second vice urMldent, It. J. (’hambers, Montgom ery, Ala.; aecretury, James FaiTior, Home/ Go. » The next place of meeting will 1>* Montgomery. Ala., on the first Monday after April 15. 1911. }*eaus. $2.85; . Shredded Idocnlt, $5.00 rase. 2 rolind oats, $3.10 per case; grits (ti $2.26; oysters, full weight, $1.tS> per peniier. 25c per pound. U. E. I^»e ml T3..-0 per case; pink uaimnii, $3.35 per < cocon, 3Sc; roast beef, $3.20; syrup i OrteniiN), 35c per gallon: corn. 32e per l*»n; Sterling ball potash. $3.30 per soap. $1.50^4.00 per case; Rum for* I hi powder, $2.50 per case. FISH. FISH—Bream, 7*’ per pound; snappe net per pound; trout, 9c per pound; fl*h, »c per pound; pompntio. 22c per pv mackerel. 14c per pound; mixed nsh, 6* iHiuud: blink ha**, 10c per pound; muifet, $11.66 per barrel. HARDWARE. PLOWHTOl’KH Halmai*, 9.V; I $1.05. AXLES $4.75 < per dur.en, I*ns< SHOT $2.25 pt owdeb JHPHmm quarter kes. ■11.60; Dupont nnd *iu«ike|e*N, half kegK. $11.3.5; quail $.5.75; nne-pouml $1.66. I RUN l*cr pound, 3c, base; Sw ede, uLfcc per pound. LEAD—Mar, 7W*’ per pound. NAllJ4—Wire, $2.65 bn*-. CARDS—I’otton. $4.25$*4.60 per doxen. HOPE --Manila, 144e; Seael, 10022c; four-ply cotton, 20c. BUCKETS—Paint, $1.85 per doxen; white ■edar lthree hoopM, $4.25. CHAINS- Trace. $4.0006.00 p Pr doxen. WIRE Barb. 3»*c per pound. BUCKEYE—Per ton. $M.m6. STOCKS AND BONDS. Bid. Asked. Atlanta Brewing A Ice Co 125 Atlanta A*West Point debs.... 1044 W Atlanta 44* Atlantic C’oal »V lei Atlantic Coal A- I* Atlantic Coal A 1c Atlanta (in* Light August a Factory. oupon Co. coiiiuioii i* Co. p/d... .. 103U .. 65 UMPIRE KILLS PITCHER: HE GETS NEW TRIAL _ liorait-ide esse, growing out of an »! tereation between a pitcher. Curtis Cason, and an umpire. Henry Andrew*, in a Thonta* county bavball gmur D>t April In which the r umpire killed the pitcher, found it* wav to the supreme court and a de« inion resulting in • new trial for Andrews, sentenced for life, was hand**! down Frida; . The homicide developed in a dbeuvdon about ball* and strikes. A tight resulted. 4’ason dyitie from knife WOVftds. The court failed to chargn the jury as to “mutual Augusta & Savnnnnb Central **f Hcorgla. l*i income. *.* 3 I.Vntml of Georgia. 2*1 Income. 79 Central *»f «bw*rgla. .3d Income. 7* Central Bank \ Trust C*\ 15*> Dixie Colfoit MIR* 6- « Fourth National Bank 215 Georgia Mat*’ 4Hs c*nipo n 106 toorgiu State 4‘ss registered... IW\ Georgia State coupon 9vv. Georgia Railway A EbTtrlc. .. 106 Georgia Rail wax A Electric pfd 87 L* Southwestern Raltr»*ud 112 Georgia R. R A Banking c.. .. 255 (Jeorgia Railway A Electric 5**. 1"2 Enterprise M/s. Co., Augusta.. «.* l»wr> N*iftonal Bank .... 235 * * injtany «»f Georgia.- Trust Brood Rb Thinl Naiioaiil Bank A . It. A. A. R. I! tV 1*t • l-tis When Siamese Topknots Are Cut. A Siamese child, whether boy or girl, wear* It* hair in a little topknot until It ha* attained the ug»x of eleven or twaive yean*, on reaching till* age the topknot cutting ceremony take* place. The child I* dressed In ft* beat and amid much rejoicing of relative* and friends the t*>pknot is cut, one lock at a time. The head is then completely shaved by the priests. All guests Invited to the ceremony bring presents—usually money, which Is carefully invested for the child by Its parent* or guardians. A young prince or prime** will sometimes re ceive a** much a* $25.0*0 in present* ttt his or her topknot cutting ceremony, while a j*»ur child may get flu or $13.— Wide World Mngitxtne 1910. 1909. 1908. Receipt* 61.154 103.942 75,725 Shipment* 74.771 107.583 82.833 Slock* 660,842 772,220 433.020 Movement into sight: J910. 10.0. 1909. Overland, week ... 16,273 31,977 23.264 — -• Since Sept. 1 600,141 890,829 461.935 Ivan*aa A Texas, Into sight, week .. 162,021 242,486 211.8161 do. preferred. . . , , .. .. Slnee Sept. 1 8.814.591 10,896,777 889,809 , i\,fnl sales stock*. 88.3,10> share*. Son. consumption.. 67,000 Go,000 49,000 =^=^r-r-r-r-— -— -- ———_ Estimated receipts Jjaturdny: Uonsolfdnfpd (ins. Leather Colorado Fuel A Iron- . Colorado Southern. . • . DAT:!ware A Hudson. • • grnver A Rio Grands- . Distillers' Securities. - - Erie \ do. preferred General Electric. . • . Great Western Great Northern pfd. - . Great Northern Ore. . . Ifockjng Coal A Iroo. . Illinois Central. .... Interboro do. preferred wii Central. Kansas City Southern. . * Te 2t 24 24 24 23# 23$fc 121% 12S 7 * 124Ti 125*4 125 124 R3' 2 85‘* v;*i' sm x<4*, xn*» 51U? Mjy :iu 51', 51U! M 65^4 66‘i *> : »4 m 65* i C*i i 501*I 51 5-u^ 5*ilj. .>*»,, o(i*4 ll r .*4 116*4 m\l 116*4 1161,1 115*4 Ml J28»h 230*4 13* J 129*4 , 74 74V 73*„; 739*! 73**! 73* i : 111 V’ 111% II V! 111%! 113‘i Ml 'A 1*1U I8>v isni 4 ; iHOUi im 4 180*4 j 84 i 84*2! 83*4! 848# 84*4j 84*5 ; 19 19 | 187#! 1«»4 Wi Ml* I 145V 146^,1 146*4 146 f H5»» 41*4i 43H1 40T#; 42S; 42» 4 ! 40*4 I 39V 40 i .39 I 39% ! 60V4 «*%'! 66 I 60 j 6-' , fin*# i 175^4 177%*: 175*4 177%; 176%; liB*4 1 41 ! 42 : 40% 41T4 41 ! 41V 31%i 31% 31% 31%' .... 31% 29% 29% 29 ! 29% 29% 29% 46% ! 46% 45% 4u%' 46%' 45% 155%| 1£6% 155%| 156%l 155 ! BT» ! 32%j 32V 32% 32% 32% 1.37%! 137%! 137% 137*# 1-37% 71%! 7t%| 71fc| 7l%| 71 71 i 145%; 145%) 145%) 145%: 143' I 143 22% 23%, 22% 22% 22%! 22% 66%| 67%! 55* 66%! 66%; 66% ....! .... .... .... 23%/ 23% 38 I 38%l .38 ! 88%: 58%i .3? [ 43%! 43%i 43% I 43% 43% 47% Missouri Pacific. . . - New York Central. . • Northwestern. .... National Lead Norfolk & Western. . Northern Pacific. . . . Ontario & Western. . Pennsylvania Pacific Mall People's Gas Co. . . . Pressed Steel Car. . • Reading Rock island do. preferred Republic Iron & Steel. do. preferred Sloss-Sbeffleld Southern Pacific. . . . Southern Railway. . . do. preferred. .... Texas Pacific. . Third Avenue. ..... Union Pacific United 8tatea Rubbsr. Utah Copper United States Steel. . do. preferred Vn.-Cnr. Chemical. . . Western Union Wabash do. preferred Westlngbouse Electric. Wltconslu Central. . . Western Maryland. . . Checked a Decline in Stocks in the Early Trad ing. 1916. .... 900 to 1,969 ...3,600 to 3.600 1909. 3.663 6.796 NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Orica ns. I%b. 18.—The cotton market ruled a trifle easier this morning when the session opened, owing to tho lack of out side support. Early trade indicated that operators were making a strong effort to NUstain levels, however, and subsequent de. velopraents showed that these efforts were not altogether without result. Initial prices In the market, here were iibqfit unchanged to 2 points down,-and from this le\e| the market dropped 5 to 7 points, the May contract selling at its low price for 14.79. The, support offered by the room traders lifted price# Uter and the recovery brought May cotton 10 points in advance of the low price for the day and 4 to 5 points higher than Thursday’s final prices, tho contract selling for 14.90. English spinners' takings for tho week worn rather large and the week’s Insight small, which wns taken to indicate that rather bullish statistics would lie used In compiling the world’s visible supply for this " There was very little actual business ported In the local #pot market today, but prices held steady at full quotations. 8POT COTTON MARKET. AiJanta. nominal: middling 15e. Liverpool, steady; middling 8.16. New York, quiet; iniddlinc 14.80. New Orleans, quiet; middling 141316. Savanuiih, quiet: middling 14 1 ,#. Augusta, quiet; middling 14%. Galvesfon. steady; middling 16e. Norfolk, steady; middling 14%. Boston, quiet; middling 14.80. Philadelphia, quiet; middling 1&.N». Charleston, nominal; middling 14 16-1$. Mobile, nominal: middling 15c. Wilmington, nominal. Baltimore, nominal; middling loc. Houston, steady; middling 14 7 4. Memphis, nominal; middling 15%. Hr. Louis, quiet; middling 15%. Little Hock, sternly; inlddiin# 14%. Louisville, firm; middling 15%. PORT RECEIPTS. Port rseelpts. compared with tama day ] 1910, | 1909. New (irleana Galveston Mobile Savannah Charleston Wilmington Norfolk . Bull linear . . Philadelphia. . . . . . Boston Brunswick Newport News Pacific coast Port Arthur Various 1.532 3.2S6 1,667 809 262 746 1.608 1,801 V,2ui 2.374 10,606 208 4.185 9.9T.6 1.743 , 2,716 415 215 2.314 25 49 662 4ffT 1.147 H9 Total 26.68*1 24,ill INTERIOR RECEIPTS. Interior receipts, compared with aaroa day last year: 1910. | 1909. Houston Augusta Memphis St. Louis Cliicinniit! 2/112 9,219 0195 ■ 1 199 2,112 f 3.619 1.007 I 9"1 147 i «*« Total W 1 H.4M with prices little c hanged for the general lint from lust night*# close, beyond n recov er In the premium on Mai - of about 15 points over July. This resulted from re newed buying nnd covering of shorts in that notion wending Its price up to 14.69. while July ruled most of the morning about the same us last night’s close of 14.62. March. August and October also showed lit tle change from their Hosing prices. At one time during the morning traders sold freely enough to depress the whole list .3 to 6 points. Imt this wns later recovered on the appearance of better support and Dir tier buying l>y spot houses Inducing rather ictlve covering by shorts. During most of the late afternoon, prices sere sustained ;i little over yeaterday'* •lose, with trading mostly local, and of an *vening up eharaeter. The New York and New Orleans markets K ill remain closed from the end of business ..morrow until the opening Wednesday for iu extra holiday. HAYWARD 4*CLARK'8 * DAILY COTTON LETTER Nsw Orleans. Fsb. St.—Liverpool readily, iponded to the better showing of our mar U yeaterdsj afternoon and spoi sale# con tinue large, lo.ooq bale, today at 3 points higher quotation* A eablr said: “Man hestcr selling more cloth. S-dnners buying nore freely. WV had a i*readv market this Horning. No particnlar news or feature to he trading, but there w»» more tendency to over shorts before the holiday*. New York and thi* exefiknr- Hosing next Monday and Tuesday a _ . Europe again accepted spot offerings over night and more spot business ts doing here toda*. Hupot» are Meady at quotations. Fair weather with freexing temperatures prevail the Texa* mast and there was no precipi ration to epcsk nf *** *6e western half of belt. Indication# are for fair weathvr. #xt Thursday, February 24, will be the notice day on March. NEW YORK. Quotations in cotton futures: FeFTTT March. April. . May. . June. . July. . Aug.. . Hopt. . Oct.. . Nov.. . Dec.. . 1 i\i k i 1 it li 3 3f. v j euS 14.57; 14.58 14.40 — J4.38-4014.51-69 14.41! 14.40-41 14.41-42 14.8214.51-52 14.67il4.36-.37 14.37(14.36-37 I8.8$i 13.88-89 . I4.68il4.69.14.6l .114.57 14.67114.67 .114.66 14.56114.37 .14.02 14.03,13.8* . 13.16 13.16:13.13 13.14(13.06-07 .112.73!l2.73!l2.62| 12.62{ 12.62-63 . i 12.51112.61 j 12.51! 12.61112.46-49 . 12.32,12.66112.48 12.49 12.4g-47 14.52- 53 i UK44 14.63-641 14.56-57 14.52- 63 14.00-01 13.12-13 12.70-71 1&M4I 12.53- 64 LIVERPOOL. Futures opsned firm as follows: Opnnlug Previous Range. 2 1*. M. Ulnae, (’lose. February 7.84%-7.8G 7.86 7.»)% 7.77 Fob.-March.. 7.83 .... 7.79 7.75 March-April.. 7.82 -7.80% 7.81% 7.77 7.73 Anril-May.... 7.75 7.70 May-June.... 7.76 -7.74% 7.76 7.72 7.69 June-Jyly.... 7.76 7.70% 7.66% 7.61% July-AUg 7.65 -7.66 7.64% 7.61% 7.56% Atig.-Hept.... 7.31 -7.32 7.33% 7.30 7.25 Hept.-Oct.... 6.92% 6.91 .... 6.89% 6.85 Oct.-Nov 6.72%-6.70% 6.71% 6.69% 6.65 Nov.-Dec.... fi.62%-6.61 6.fi2 6.60 6.53% Closed barely steady. i i k a«- i it a 2 2S ’j tv NEW ORLEANS. Qnafatfana In cot f on fa tana: Feb.. March. . April. . May. . . June. . . July. . . Aug.. . . Hepl. . . Oct.. . . Nov.. . . Dec.. . . . Il4.66jl4.72jl4.48 ’.'rmuwmIw !;i4.96|i5.63'iV.75 '.lijois. siliiio .|l-.70,:.76jt:.62 Cloned steady. iH.a> ;i4.6#> 14.49 14.49-49! 14.66-67 !14.59-60j 14.76-78 14.67 14.66-67'14.85-86 '14.70-72114.89-91 14.76J14.76-77I14.96-97 (14.00-06 14.2S-30 13.23' 13.06-10] 13.23-25 12.62 12.60-63 12.71-7r lo RA_KR 19 .. .. ®T CHARLES W. STORM. ^' ork, ,.h. 18.—In ,puiivp f.. pr|p« froin London. dM-IInn Of .bout i point In tho moJt «.w, In Hall Stroot loday. Thor. ..;'! .. 10 hp * SO"*! domanrl fur tho clll-oOo. u 120 »«<•« that wna ifroat.r than Iho .oliina ..a m \T’T ‘J* «»1 of tho drat half hoiir* of trailing noarly all of the lonao, },. ( ] ... ooK'” 1 .""'■. Tra| t |l '0 Incronaed and prloo, ,7 rawed nnd eonnerratlr* hanker, ooo.m wed thU .'gn'Want. Speelaltlo, wer^ooik at the heglnnlng of the «e«*lr,n. with In- ter1«»ro-S!ei rnpofltan ahnwing a loi» of ra ™ than 1 point. Tbl* wa, qateklr rnJdo " howerer, and when the gilt-edgi nhiro* f' Jj‘.Vath“ n "' th * epee failles n.o,ed np I. MIgh-prIoed ooppers were fr,otioB,ii, lower on the earl!.. Kllrer .hare, wok with InHo,o a trifle higher. Reading was the central figure nf a rliint ^* r .hV n'. h !" hV.'; r !2L% T . hl ’ , "’ rk •btar.l In tho now high rorord of 137* Kt.nd.M issao, woro tonlr.llj- afr,rt,d. Valon Pwl*. buying” m “ k,n * * ,ron * *howing, undorh,.ty Sew fork. Peb. ,8.-The reaction waa la progre,, at the eln,a yoaterdnT la- came more vlgorou. In the early trading t„- !l rl< 'ea generally showing ««!.. fraeflonal declines. Intorhnm Metropolitan preferred fell oror t point Rending. Union 1‘aelfle and Ko.k Islami after Initial losaea of nhout % to i point a'ot hack n,lt * cecuvorcl pttrt of the The copper shares and.Steel off to aliout the aanie often! a, railroad I ohm and the minor Indnslrlala also ahnded fra.- tionally. An upturn occurred a, soon n. tho few telling order. In the market wo r , executed. NEWS AND GOSSIP OF THE FLEECY STAPLE. ... - jeuter. Maggot A fo.: Llveroool waa due 8% hlghefon July and 4 to .»% higher on others. Opened steady 9 to 10 higher on near and 7 higher on late. At 12:16 p. m. waa quiet, but •Heady. 8% to 9 higher on near and 7 on late. Fair Imalnesa doing In spots; middling 8.10; sales 10.000, Including 9,400 American and called cotton 800; speculation and ex* |»ort 500; no imports. Estimated port receipts 7,000, against 17,000 last week and 32,000 last year. Following are 11 a. m. bids: March 14.54, Majr 14.64, July 14.50, August 14.01, October New Orleans, Feb. 18.—Hayward A Clark: Map shows fair weather In Texas and Okla homa; no rainfall. Lack of rainfall In West ern states liable to find consideration In tha markets pretty soon. Hear of better demand from Europe. Sev eral exporters sold cotton over night. Fie Hires steady, with tendency rather to covet shorts. Forwardings from Liverpool are this week "0.000. against only r»7.000 last year. This looks as if we get a bullish visible this afternoon. Good spot demand; about 1,200 sold today. Good snot business: about 1,700 sold, most- ly hedged cotton, on basis about 22 on March futures for Liverpool good middling. Liverpool cables: * r Manchester selling more cloth: spinners buying more freely.” TIPS FLASHED FROM WALL-8T. cheerful, we look for it recession from these prices. Would take advantage of any decline and purchase the active Issues, espe cially Rock Island. Inlrrboro, Brooklyn Rapid Transit, and Consolidated (las for moderate profita. New York Financial Bureau: We consider the trend of the market to be upward, but would not climb after stocks if In the dally trading position. Tress comment becomes a little more rsutlous with market literature soutewhnt mixed. Home houses do not ex pert a reaction In the stock market till the nrtlvlty has broadened. Leather stocks continue to be recommended by conservative hoiisea. Standard Oil honses are buying Uon«olldate«t Gas. Dow-Jotics Co.: Americans In Tendon are heavy at % to % lower. Bad weather af fecting transportation over large areas. Congress not disposed to vote appropriation for carrying out publicity feature of ror- porntlon tax law. Counsel for Western Maryland says New York Central will uae that’ road to get Into Baltimore. Adminis tration’s amended railroad hill reintroduced In the house and permits mergers of non- eonipetfng line*. General market In !*on- don quiet and Inactive, awuttiug political developments. Plants now under construc tion will Increase the country’s Ingot steel capacitysienrl) 3.000,000 tons. Cnnndlan l*s- rlne earnings for the second week In Fell ruary Increased $293,000. Missouri Pnotfi FROMSOUTHWEST Cause Strength and Advance in Wheat—Corn and Oats Fractions Up. 8T. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter., Corn—No. 2 Oats—No. 2 ..124%ei2«% .. 64 .. 47% Chicago, Feb. 1$.—Wheat was stronger this morning. Corn was easier. Shorts led In the buying. Oats were steady and unchanged. Provisions were firmer. There ws* reneral snd pronounced liquids tion In wheat snd vnlaes were % to %« lower. Corn snd osts symps)hixed with wheyti corn losing % to 1 %c. and oats dropping % to %c. Provi«ion* advanced slightly. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago grain quotations: Open. High. Low. WHEAT- May.... 1.13% July.... 1.04% Hept.... 99% 1.14% 1.05 1.00% m 1 99*4 1.13 l.W% 99% 66% B i.iMi l.OMk 99*i «7S iut a CORN— May.... I7*i July 68*i %«-“’• Hept.,,. PORK- Mar** 23.77% 23.95 July.. 23.70 23.9" LARD- May.. 12.80 12.92*4 12.77% 12.80 12.K% July... 12.77% 12.87% 12.72% 12.77% 12.83% tiW- May... 12.47% 12.61 12.45 12.45% 12.47*/ July.. 12.45 12.65 12.47% 12.47% twenty GRAIN NOTES. COTTON MARKET OPINIONS. Argo. Jv^ter k Co.: Market look* to be toward s lower b*vel for the pjetegt st any rate. t,o that sates on hard spots took the beat. Edward Moyse A Co.: The market lacks public support snd rallies are not expected to hohl long. Mitb>r k Co.: The opinion rained ground that miit» large lines were hanging over the market sml until these had been liquidated pport looked f« Us* : be k Co.: Inclines in futures unit! be **l*ort lived. Hayden, Htone k <’•».: We still favor lk* Chicago, Feb. IS.—Bartlett, Patten & Co.; Crop reports still come bail from the South west, and this fact undoubtedly will do more to govern price* for the next few weeks than the amount of wheat back in farmers’ hands or the mtlttug demiuid. Receipts of corn still continue free and all IndleatfonN point to continued receipts of fair volume f«»r some weeks to come. Hlm’ks nre accumulating not oulv iu Chicago, but fit other primary points. The Enatera consum ing trade Is also well stocked up. We ean see nothing ahead but lower price# for Receipts of , osts are only fair, but ship ping demand is m*r gwml. We expect to s#»i* little change In prices for the present. Receipts of hogs arc slightly under the estimate, but total receipts at primary points are running materially lets than a rear ago. There U nothing in sight to cause lower nri«i Glffon! snd U around $1.14%. Minneapolis stocks lm*reased half infill' for week. Ht. !^>ui* wire*: ‘ Report* are increasing ■ regarding damage to winter wheat. Mont Logan buying May wheat plant, the root being exposed by heaving of th# soil. The Kansas Mate Agricultural col lege report* that in several localities wheat on wet ground has been injured by aiternatr (reeling and thawing. Lincoln. X*hr., wires: "AH late planted It was the gossip last night tnat a majority of the local longs sold out on the close snd that n few of them had gone short. There were some of the best judges who saM it was probable that for tho moment the market had all the sdvan«*o it was rutirbil to on crop news. Corn e|**«*lallst* suhi all the Iw.-irs covered early slid that the buying |H»wer seemed i-ihatistcd when the long* tried t»» sell. ST. LOUIS FUTURES MARKET. St. Louis, Fsb. 18,—Future*: Wheat, May, $1.12% (a 1.12% : July, $1.02%. Corn. May, (i«%(fiflfl% ; July, 67%c. Oat*. May, 47%e; July, 44c. CHICAGO CAB LOTS. Following nre receipts for Friday and es- tlmatod receipts for Saturday: I Friday, j Saturday. Wheat. . . . Corn Oats I logs. head. 1H.0M) I 16,00») PRIMABY MOVEMENT. I 1910. ..I 1909. .W.noo ARGENTINE SHIPMENTS. This I>nst luiat Week. Week Year. . ,5,166,069 3,133,009 6.916.000 .. 252.009 146.00O LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat opened % to % lower, and nt 1:36 p. m. was % to % lower. 'orn opened unchanged, and at 1‘b p. iu. was ** lower. CHICAGO CLEARANCES. Fallowing shows Chicago clearances of wheat, corn and •**?*: Wheat. 96,'riO bushels; Ilnur, 18,000 barrels; corn. 11.0*1 bushels: «*«ts. n»nc. Wheat and flour equal 177M*) bushels. THE WEATHER. CONDITIONS. 5Yashiiigt.on, Feb. 18.—^Weather conditions and general forecast: * The Southern storm has moved rapidly northeastward, and thla morning Its center Is off the New England coast. Another storm is developing over the western plateau region and causing snow in the northern Rocky mountain and plateau glons and rains on the Pacific coast. The temperature has fiJJen decidedly in the middle Atlantic and south Atlantic states, the gulf slates. Tennessee and the Ghlo valley, and It has risen In the Rocky mountain and plateau regions. The weuther tonight and Saturday will he generally fair In all districts east of the Mississippi river except that snow flurries are probable In the lake region. The temperature will be considerably lower In the Eastern and Southeastern states, with freexlng temperature as far South as central Florida, ( old weather will continue throughout the Eastern states dur ing Saturday and Sunday. CoUl wave warnings were ordered last night for the middle and south Atlantic states, except southern Florida, Storm warnings nre displayed on the gulf coast from Cedar Keys to Key West, snd thence north along the Atlantic coast to Eastport. 7 a. m., centra) MONEY AND BXGHANOR. Naw York. F«b. 18.-— Money on r«ll 2«i- time loans, easy; 60 day*. 3%$3%; oo days. 8% ©3%; six month*. 3%>q>4 Posted rates: Sterling, $4.8.Vo 4 87 with actual business In bankers’ bills st 84 864'* for demand and st $4.8425(5 4.848.*, for 60- j Temperature. 1 Abilene, Tex. . . Amarillo, Tex. . Asheville. N. C.. ATLANTA. GA. Mia. 16 1(> 16 22 8*1 Prstif- ltatles Birmingham, Ala. . . Charleston, S. C. . . Charlotte, N. C Chicago, III Cincinnati, Ohio. . . . Corpus Christ!. Tex.. Del Rio, Tex Fort Smith, Ark. . . . Galveston, Tex Houston. Tex. . . , . Jacksonville, Fla. . . Jupiter. FIs Kansas City, Mo. . ., Key West, Fie. • .. Knoxville, Tenn. . . . Macon, Oa Memphis, Tenn. . . . Meridian, Mias. . Mobile. Ain. . . . Montgomery. Ala. Naahvllle, Tenn. . New Orleans, La. New York. N. Y. Norfolk, Va. . . Omaha, Nebr. . . Palestine, Tex. . . Savannah, Ga. . . St. Louts, Mo. . St. Paul, Minn. . Tampa, Fla. . . , Taylor, Tex. . . , Thomasvllle. Ga. Vicksburg. Mias. . Washington, D. C. Wilmington, N. C. “ C. F. VON HERRMANN. .94 -14 at 69c; receipts, 31. Rosin firm; receipts. 1.221: water white. $6.9*1; window glass. $6.75; N. $6.60; M. $6.30; K. $5.75; 1. $4Y0; II. $4.65; G, $4.57%«4.6ri; F. $4.57%; K. $4.45; D. $4.40; C B A, $4.20. Spot.. February.. . March April May July September.. NovemlMT.. I Opening, i i sIch. I.‘.4**1 barrel*. GENERAL FORECAST. Weather forecast until 8 n. m. Saturday; Georgia-Fair tonight and Saturday: cold- r tonight; temperature below freealng; aturdnv fair; high northwest winds. Virginia-Fair tonight and Saturday; cold er tonight; cold wave In the southeast por tfon; high northwesterly winds. North Carolina-Fair tonight and Satur day; colder tonight; cold wave, except in extreme western portion; high northwest winds. South Carolina—Fair tonight and Bator day: colder tonight: cold wave In eastern >rtlon; High northwesterly winds. Florida-Fair tonight and Saturday; much colder tonight in the extreme northwest por tion: cold wave in the northern portions; colder In southern and **entral portions Saturday; brisk northwest winds. Alabama and Mississippi -Fair tonight and Mnturday; continued cold: temperature be low freexlng tonight; moderate northwest erly winds. Loulslsns-Fair, with rising temperatures- hard freexe In south; temperatures 20 to 25 degree* Sstunlsy: Saturday rising tempera- t tires. Arkansas and Oklahoma—Fair, with ris ing tempers Mires. East Texas- Fntr. with slowly rising tem peratures: probably freexlng on the coast West Texas— Fair, with rising tempera tures. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Fab. 18.—Hog*—Receipts, 18,000: marker, strong snd 5c higher; mixed and butchers, $8.85ia9.4": good heavy, I9.1.W 945; rough heavr, $8.8.1<S9.05; light. $*.85 ^ML32% ; Pig*. $7.65(88.75; bulk, $9.15fe 3 - 500 -. Market, strong and 10c higher: beeves, $4.60(ftg.00; cows snd hvifers, $2.40® fi.|5; stoekera and feed ers, $3.40(^5.50; Texans, $5.00(&6 40* calves. $7.00(h 9.75. * She*p--R*c*lpt* 5.000. Market, atrong; -native and western, $4.25(^7.25; lambs, $6.15 MINING STOCKS. Boston, Fab. It,- Superior Copper, 49\- Prime mercantile paper, unchanged Commercial bar silver, 52c, s dec) •Ac. Mexican dollars. 44c. London, Feb. 18.—Bar silver, mv*. 24d, x decline of %d. LONDON STOCK MARKET. Stock quotations: STOCKS- Anmlgnmated Copper.. American Smelting.. .. Anaconda Atchison Baltimore snd Ohio .. Canadian Pacific Chesapeake and Ohio.. Illinois Central Kaunas and Texas.. .. liOutsville and Nashville Missouri Pacific.. .; New York Central.. ., Norfolk and Western.. Northern Pacific Ontario snd Western.. Pennsylvania Reading Rock Island Southern Pacific.. Southern Railway, do, preferred.. ! 115%’ 115% 115*1 ! 111%; 111% .... 181 ' 180% .... ‘ $4% 84**' .... i 119** 119*, ! 192% !0t% i.r.% 130% .. ..j 126** 125* St. Paul.. Union Pacific United States Steel., do, preferred.. .. Wabash do, preferred.. .. ! 1S6% 186% l«*i% »)%; ft)*, I 119% 119% HP* METAL MARKET. Nsw York, Ftb. IS—At the metal exchange the trading was quiet with prices slight ly Irregular. Tin wae off about 15c. lead up 10 and spelter 5 up. Copper was un changed. Copper, spot to April, )2.67%((> .--9 'lead, 4.5ui COFFEE MARKET. Coffee quotations: January.. .. February.. March April June July August .. .. September.. October., .. November.. December.. I Opening, i Closing. 7.1667. *0 ; H$6^7.'"* %.9MT7.nn H.W4W' 7.00©7.0G ; 7.nOh7.« 7.06VJ'7.10 ! 7.^tr7.1* 7.19Q7.15 7.10b7.1* 7.1SM7.20 i 7.1 Wl.y 7.1OU7.20 ( 7.1507.- .. 7.1B4T7.29 7.16^7.3* :: WS #5 ..( 7.10447.20 I 7.15Q7.2J_ Closed stesiiy. Sale* 47,000 bags. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. Nsw York, Fab. It.—Minneapolis No. 1 northern wheat. $1.15. Wheat, No. J w $1.30. Corn, No. 8 mixed, nominal. 0§t«, No. 3 white, 58%<2$54e, nominal. Ry«, 2 WfiHtern, 90o 1. o. b. Berlcv, fcrfl’ni. nominal. Flour, spring patents, $5.80; «'*• ter Htreighte, $5.00. Mill feed, spring brss, 26.00ft 26.25. Pork, mess, $25,00. Lard, prim* weitvrx, 18.15. Tallow, prime eity, 0%e. Coffee, No. 7 Rio. 8%. Sugar, granulated, 5.15. VISIBLE SUPPLY IN CHIEF POETS. This tJIt LM* Week. ffiti. T«t. tsi.oo 1«.«» RECORD DOCUMENT IS nr SENT TO SUPREME COURT Cartersvllle, Ga., Fab. 18.—Clerk W. r . Walton, of Bsrt«*w superior co»*r*. hsi^B* express to the supreme court vf *»v’ r ’ the largest record III n single case t* 5 *. f >J <*x| K*a th, U kn.i known.of In this county. Mr. wsl^" states that It ts twice as long »■* *». T l;' ord he has sent to the high court dun"* bis term of eight years tu office. Th*^• ord ts 695 typewritten pages and eontain* from 175.000 to 200.000 Words, and of pleadings In the case, brief of the e dcnce and a great deal of deenmentarf tldence Introduced In the trial «>f f hf JL* h - The csss Is a suit which was filJJJS Thomas Lumpkin, of Cartersvllle, W. D. Harris and Weston H. Jones, in tn January term, 1906, of Bartowsup^^ •lflll'141,1 IM III, *tl ' i... court, for dam.igi’s alleged to sustaimH) by Lumpkin by reason or defendants haring fulled to carry ont tiw contract In sawing lumber fur i.'tn timber tract In Alslmua. gB ,f The defendants nnswereil the suo f denied owing Mr. Lumpkin anythin** T. J# claimed that he owed them. Th* ease raferrei f.y Judge Fite fo Jtnlge^’J, Milner ns auditor, and Judge Milner the evidence for tk*w or t 0, l r x l ,ar i nI ap- sunuuer, and found m favor of Mr. *■ kin In the sum of $1,909.32. ^n-1 The ease was then api>ealctl to s j'jrr- ^ the Jury found that neither party cc >ver from the other. A complete 11*1 of practically '^1 j‘J». Gefirglan's want columns on every i . fcf ‘or nr*nt in Atlanta Is pnJdlsbd »*» hurwlsy and ffinirdaf.