Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 18, 1910, Image 16

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1010- POULTRY, DOGS. PET STOCK. ETC. POULTRY, DOGS, PET 8TOCK, ETC On* c'flt * word f»r mis umler this hendlns. One cent n nnril for »*l« muter this hemling. Raising Chickens in the Back Yard of a City Lot. ARTICLE NO. 5. m . The diae*. 5 -# that give# great trouble in raising chickens is roup. U begins with a cold, and if not checked will spread rapidly until the entire !s affected. In its first stages It is easily cured, later on it is almost Impossible to cure. Almost every poultry’ man has a different remedy. 1 have been entirely successful with the following: Sulphur, lard and pulverized charcoal, one part each, made Into a pill as large as your fin ger and half as long, given morning and night for two or three days. Five grains of quinine with first dose. Then, with a dropper such as yfiu use to flu your fountain pen, inject chloro naptholeum, one part to twenty parts of water. In the nostrils, and In the «lit In the roof of the mouth. The af fected fowl should he confined, apart from the flock, for the disease is highly contagious. In the second stage of the disease you can easily de tect Its presence by an offensive odor from the mouth. Pore head Is a summer trouble, and as It generally appears suddenly, affecting, perhaps one-half of the flock at once, a close watch may enable ' you to arrest It at once, hut if allowed to get a firm hold on the flock it is • difficult to cure. It commences with a number of small warts on the head. Vse the same treatment as for roup, except that you paint the warts with „ the chloro naptholeum solution. Of course both of these remedies are for grown fowls. Lessen the dose, therefore, according to the size of the chick en. .Gapes can be easily cured by giving the chicken a lump of cooking soda about the size of a pea. Pour crop Is caused from indigestion. The crop becomes enlarged be cause the food does not pass to the gizzard. Feeding soft food Is largely responsible for It. Remedy: Fill the crop with warm water and then hold the fowl's head down and gently squeeze the crop until It Is empty. It sometimes requires two applications of the water to cleanse the crop thor oughly. A little cooking soda should follow the cleansing of the crop. The above three diseases are those that give the most trouble. To cure th/e others, try and find YOUR UNCLE DUDLEY. MILLINERY. One cent a word for ads under this heading. SAWTELL SCHOOL of Millinery. Regular millinery training school. Open all the year. 40»* Whitehall at.. Atlanta. 1-4-26 One cent a word for nda under this heading. DROPSY. DKOP8Y ’CURED- Give* quick relief, atop* shortness of breath In 3 f J to hours; re moves all swelling In 15 to 20 days. If yon can't call, write O, E. Colima Dropsy Medi cine Co.. Ml West Hiinter-st., Atlanta, Ga. 7-12-10 FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. I HOUSES FOR RENT. I WON the largest certificate issued hy the Wester Mush* Company In their recent mutest, and, owning a nice upright, have no special use for same, whlrh is Issued for *119. Will sell at a sacrifice. This is your chance If you Intend purchaalng a piano. Kee me quick. Cheater, Box 700. rare Georgian. 19 LOWEST prices oo^fynlture, rapt and art RHODE ISLAND RED. -CALLAHAN CHAMPION 8INGI.ECOMU r REDS are still winning at the best shows. A few nice birds for sale; also White Pe kin Ducks, White Fantall and Homer Pig eons. Send for Catalog. Callahan A Sons. East Point, Ga. 12-4-16 r roil SALE—Rhode Island Red and Whit# Wyandotte eggs for hatching, from prize , winners. |1.W>. 63 and 66 per fifteen. R. H. , f plant, Jr., Macon, Ga. 1-14-14 FOR 8AT/B—Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red- eggs. Pen beaded hy son of Bed . Flame, First at Jamestown. 62 per setting. K .HherrlU, J'olloge Park. Ga. 2 15 19 •PUflH-flREH single comb Rhode Island Red Hoidernes* *t. GOLDEN BUFF ROCKS. Rule, Forest Park. Ga. LIGHT BRAHMAS 3 -Fine strain, thorough bred stock*, best condition: also Undue hot water incubator, perfect working order, capacity ten dozen. R. F. Gillian, Wnde- land. East Lake line, 383 POULTRY MAGAZINE. THE gOUTIIERX POULTRY MAGAZINE, Nashville. Tenn.. the Mouth’s great lllus- frated poultry publication. Telia you all about poultry raising. Special 80-day offer 26c per year. Mend coin or stamps. 1-29-20 MISCELLANEOUS. PURK BRED Rrnwn Leghorn, white Plym outh Rock and Rhode Island Red eirir« for hatching. S. O. Addison, Bm-hai t 2-16-23 H. G. HASTINGS & Co7 Seedsmen and.Fanciers, 16 West Mitchell St. TIT./r Bri.llH~Kln*lo nml ilnilhl, mlxo'l tulips. All large bulbs. Price. 10e per dozen; 29e post pa Id: SOe per 101). PAPER WHITE NARCISSI S Sturt tlmm ouUble timv. Price. IV per dozen; 3i»e postpaid; 61 per 100. DON'T FAIL to feed your fowls the Red Comb Meat Mash Food.! As a morning mash It can't In- beat. Price, Jo pounds, 25c; 100-pound bag. 62.26. HENS THAT CAN LAY and won't lay should be made to lay with Conker's Laving Tonic. ITlco 25c nml 5'k* per pack- LEE'S BEST HTG your horse or cm pound jmckage 25e. MISCELLANEOUS. II. H. VERDERY. Augusts, Ga., breeder of Silver Laced. Rnff, Columbian Wyan- dottes, Ruff Cochin. Bantams and Collie Dogs. If you wnftf good atock, write me. FH6g eA'untry hens: prefer them y^nt*. Address M., 701 Mea- WB ARB AGENTS here for the famous "Mindy Lee" Incubators and brooder#; •II varieties of fancy poultry and their eggs for setting always on hand. Fall nr let tia mail you our catalogue. McMillan Seed Co., the Old Reliable Seed Store, 28 South Rroad-st. Bell phone 4341 Main, Atlsnta phone 2186. ' 2-14-16 FOOD HOPPp.KS. grit boxes, drinking founts, leg bauds. poultry markers, grit, shi^f^ elm 1-coal,* oP'. .COOPER'S TREE SPRAY FI.FlTT" .limt tlv»* thing nud Just tlit* time to sprn.v your trees, price, 1 qunrt con, 61. BI.OOP HOUNDS FOR SALE I have for sale a pair of well-trained inau-trailing bloodhounds that have had every-day * RABBITS WANTED—100 Belgian hares. Write give low price. Address Hare, 275 pi tree-st,, Atlanta, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN. One cent a word for ada under this heading. 4 WE HATE aeveral clients with ready lafactory. Call In person. S. B. Turman A Co., corner Broad and Alabama-sta. 2-11-3 bought without security. Cheapest rates, easiest payments. Offices In 6t principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 684 Austell Bldg. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED. $50,000 home money to buy purchase money notes with. FOSTER & ROBSON, 12 S. Broad Street. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real estate Established since 1689. R. R. Turmsn A Co., corner Bread and Alabama sts. 4-1-89 LOANS ON ATLANTA PROPERTY. I A) WEST RATES —rest TERMS. CHARLES H. BLACK. REAL EffTATE I*OAN CORRESPONDENT .PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. OF AMERICA. REAL ESTATE OFFICES OF E. P. A CHARLES 11. BLACK, '212-13 EMPIRE BUILDING. PHO.NE MAIN ilfll PHONE MAIN ftfi. 2-2-23 MONEY TO LEND. $50,000 home money to lend five years, privilege of repaying at any time. Will lend on Atlanta or suburb an propert\\ FOSTER & ROBSON. 12 S. Broad Street. MONEY TO LOAN. I HAVE 66.000 f«> Innn on real estate low-cut rate. G. M., Ib*x 115, cure G< linn. , MONEY ON HAND for Immediate loans on property In or near Atlanta. J. E. Van- Ynlkenburg, 601 Equitable Rldg. 12-80 5 PLENTY S, 6, 7 nud 6 per cent money for quick leans on Atlanta andauhnrhan prop erty. T. C. Conway, 412 Peters Bldg. Phones CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS, watches and Jewelry at lowest rate of In tereat. D. A. Voblaa. Inc., 9 East Ala. at. • 71 WEYMAN A CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1190. Mortgages on Real Estate. 4-1-11 SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; ant amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. H. \V Canon. 24 South Broad at. 4-1-17 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Lowest rate#: no delays; buy purchase money notes, Charles Herman. Rooms 201 202 Temple Court 4 1 16 WANTED—MONEY. *or»l for min under this heading. cent n word for ads under this heading. MUSIC STUDIO Mrs. Eugene Richardson Clarke. A carefully graded course In voire and piano. Diploma* conferred. Terms re/K sonable. 523 Court land at. 297 FOR CORRECTLY adjusted violins nnd high-class repairing, write or call A. E. Mueller, violin expert and specialist In vio lin outfits for stuuents. 140V4 Pencbtree-at. PERSONALS. fine «-ent a word for ads under this Heading. THIS IS PNEUMONIA weather. Keep bsbv covered by using the Daisy Cover Holder. Price 50c. For sale by drug and department stores or direct from Keep-(.'ov ered Company. 1 Washlngton-at.r Atlanta. 12-102 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE FIRM OF BRUCE A BOSWORTH Is Resolved. G. II. Brure having sold his in rest, Mr. I'.osworth will settle all debts and col lect nil claims. G. II. BRUCE, .1. R. BOSWORTH FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ada under this heading 384 FOR SALE-Seif playing piano. or can be played »s any other piano; cost 66o9. Will close out for quick sale ut 6397 before It I* returm-d to factory. This Is a sample pin Hale. (4 Auburn nve. DIAMOND RING, cost 695; will sell for f«o: also duster diamond ami emerald ring at half price. Address Cluster, Georgian. TWO Columbia business phonographs for sag*; good as new. Answer X. Y. B< 113. care Georgian. FOR SALK—Old-fashioned spinning wheel, hi use over ion years; perfect condition. Address Wheel, cafe Georgian. Z-VM FOR MALE—Fixtures, safe, desk, chairs. tables, shelves, typewriters, tiling cases, show rases. Call between 9 ami 12 a. tn.. 3i South Pryor-st. 2-18-15 FOR SALK—IV-karat blue white diamond. cheap: also small diamond and emerald ring. M. Greer, 414 Atlanta National Batik building. FOR SALE Mahogany bedroom suit, first class condition; used only short time; iilsc kitchen cabinet, safe, refrigerator, toilet s-t. Cheap for cash. Mrs. J. f*. Faulkner, 322 Capitol avc. 61.000 DIAMOND ring’, white and perfect, weight 3*4 karat: unredeemed pledge; rltlee price 675u. D. A. Toldas, Inc., 9 Alabama st. FOR SALE Pure pork meats; reasonable prle Mgv., 234 4*apltol-ave. STORK. liS.Oft Poll.hml Sldefiuanl $43.!>< 131.00 Htd-board 110,51 1*0.00 Sideboard JO.1l |*s.oo jttnhoRuny f'hlffonler .. . .117.01 $33.50 Poll.he.1 lireseer JO.T.' J19.50 Pi,ll*lied Waahaland .. ..$11.5* $27.50 K. Eok. I'hlna < '1fi.Pt . ...$17.5' $15.50 Mali. China Onset $33.4.' Allivln liu-t'arl. $10,51 KYI NS miNTlTRB CO.. 11!) Whitchall-sl. ARE Tot' INTERESTED in postcards' ll.tve about 2,nnq rat- Is. about fwrty differ cut Views, ill a set of "In tin* Luul of thf Skv" cards front Aahetilfe, N. C. Thest cards arc beautifully rim-orated ami vom collect Ion I* not complete without them, Write me for prle. Address I* * Georgian. BARGAINS In prnctlenlly new second-hand soda fountains. K.i»y terms. P. O. Box 1922, Atlanta. M7 4 TYPEWRITERS—All makes, second hand and rebuilt#. Several atnnriiri. makes, good ns new. at bargain price*. We nisi rent and repair typewriters. Every in;t chine nnd. nil work fully guaranteed. Cal on or write Foote A Davie* Co., 65 E. Ala- bsma-Ht. tll-8-U WANTED To borrow on yow, coal and timber laud-* hi hade roti one and two years; U worth ft! p* hot only selling for from IS to 6iu pr REAL ESTATE WANTED. One c •nt a word f« r mis under this heading. WAN rHli To buy direct fr*»m owner. ti\ house In w liking ilUtaio-c fr.un rar *h«*f| nr f-J.r. n S- i cash. ll. .V. R«.\ ii*;. {••••rglnn. 4£g WII.I PAY 619ft .-a s.i for small butbling lot here 1 liable »'t.r limit*; either c«|. ..r.fl . r white prop re Georgian. 4-W WANTED IW no g.NHl Ih*Soto county. Florida, «>rnng* grow ajid farm; abstract nerfe. t; gr««ve will paj 25 per cent, farm will pay 2») per cent on tb** Want th<* money for fne years at s per •••tit Interest, pays hie every six umotb*. G. U. It, lb>* 1. rare Gmrgbtu 1-29-22 64n,OUO CASH to Itiiy g«*od r«-nt-paying prop er!, ; If you I,are anything go.$,» an.I nred the cash, write me, gir tug f$ti|» with lot at hoi U. W., Bw M NATIONAL Cash Registers. |2fi.90 ami np ward; slso a line of second hand registers fully guaranteed. We buy second hand Ns tlonal Register* In gorMi «nnd it Son. Tb- Nallocsl Cash Regitler «*«$., 95 Peachtree st HERRING. HALL. Martin Safe Company's pro,ho t for sale at 6 North Forsyth st. \\V atso s-ll -ecotid hand safe* of our own nnd otli-*r make*. Snnc a* low as 625. Met al office furniture. 2 14 29 REBUILT. typewriter conrerna an il* the won! REBUILT to rpe cleaned tip with bath dine, a new ribbon nml We .-.til thi* a •»ur rebuilt* the * replaced with completely torn ml «$llcd; reuick- mclcd. r platen. I |i,rls 1 Atlanta TyprwritiT Kx- clinngn, V. M. A. liltIj,-., Atlanta, Ga. PIANO FREE TRIAL. ORDER YOUR PIANO direct from our fac tory, nnd we can save you $159. Werner Plano* are guaranteed for ten year*. Fac tory i>4ist, 6198 cash or good note*. Shipped on npprovnl. freight prepaid. Write today or call at office for free catalog. Werner Pl ano t'o., room (30 Uandler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. LOWER PRICES on furniture, ruga and art squares than any house In Georgia. J. C. Mason. 64 West Mltchell-st. 1-24-27 MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ads under this heading. SHIP YOUR HIDES to Toccoa Hide and 1 either Co.. Toeena, Ga. Small or large quantities. Tags nnd price# on request. 2-18-29 HATS TRIMMED and made free of charge. Customers* own material used. Sawtell School of Millinery. 40H Whltehall-at. Bell phone Main 1649. 1-4-27 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TYPEWRITERS—FACTORY REBUILT. NVE SELL factory rebuilt typewriters, all tnnkes, at' saving of 26 to 66 per rent; guaranteed full year agnlnat all defect*. A*k for atalogue and prices. American Writing Machine Co. (operating the Type writer Exchange), 48 North Pryor-at. 2-15-29 FIREPROOF STORAGE. WE 8TORE household goods nnd pianos. Warehouses 236-7-9 and 241 Edgewocd-nve. Office 12 Auburn-ave. John J. Woodslde. WATCHMAKER. JOE CLAY, WATCHMAKER. Now with W. J. Timms, Jeweler, 28 White hall Street. 2-16-4 R. J. CRAIG A CO. WE NEED THE MONEY-Speclnl prices on everything to build with for the next 60 dnva. 166 Whltehall-at Bell phone Main 5043. Atlanta, Ga. 6-16-5 PLUMBING, STEAM GAS FITTING. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Pboaeg 1255. 60 East Hunter-ft. #444 STOVE REPAIRING, DAN, THE FIXER. SOUTHERN STOVE AND SUPPLY CO. Atlanta plmiic 2235, Bell phone 2699. 2-18-4 NOTICE. 11. McNAIR A SON bar. mot.d from 1MH Wbltrbnll to 16S South Pryor-«t. W. ft- pnlr nny rank* of nowlng tntrhlao. Ball pbonn Main 3840. Work cnll.d for. ll lllt •COSTUMES. HOWARD COMPANY, established 18M, can furnish you with evetytblng to put on s play or hall, 24Vi Whitehall-#", over Browo k Alien's. VIOLINS. 8. M. KIMRRKLL, JR., violin Maker, ex pert repairing; cases, bow*, string*, etc. Write today for literature. MO}* Peachtree. 1-10-6 SEWING MACHINES. ALL MAKES of aewlng machine* RE PAIRED, work guaranteed. Singer Sew ing Machine Company, 79 Whltehall-at. Both phones 1893. M-7 TRUNKS. BAGS AND SUIT CASES. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S, w1 5Pfi& ALL I’honra: Hell Main 1576. Atlanta 2664. PLUMBING. STEAM AND CAS FIT- TING. It F. STOCKTON. Plumbing. Steam and Gae Fitting. 24 houtb Pryor-st. Phone 161. 6-25-62 VIOLINS. ( VOICE nnd piano; beat (natructfpn by cele brated leather; reasonable; concert, nrn- tarbi; opera; voice# tested free. P. O. Box 218. 11-29-1 PLUMBING. J. B. BOWEN, 53 E. Hunter. Phone 521 M. COLLECTIONS. M. U. BARNES, bonded •••.Heeler. Note# nml account* bought nml *old. 18 Eaat llunter-at. Main 4536. Atlanta 635. 1-29-1 SHOE REPAIRING. GW INN'S Shoe Repairing Re*r leather nml ttnrl; at cut price*. Men'* half »o1e* Kowed 5*V to 7.V-. while you wait. Beat workmanship nml machinery in the South. Work called for nml delivered. llamLscw- imr. Both phone*. / 2-7-1 MASTER PLUMBER. I.IIITIS A BOATKSnisiTKII. PLI'MRKR8. 23 East llunter-at. Bell 1846. Atlanta 1144. 1 27-1 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARP EKED A$.1. KINDS: thin wafer Sc per do**n Write for convenient mailing cartoon. The loot (.'.tupany. 68 Marietta at.. Atlanta. Ga. PLUMBING. STEAM AND GAS FIT TING. C. K BENNETT. Plumbing Contractor. 84 nnd 86 Garnett-st. Main 2721 J. F4.nrteen year#' practical experience In this city. Personal attention given all work. SEWING MACHINES. NEW MA<'IIINFS RENTED; 62 per month. Singer Sewing Machine Company. 7» Whitehall «t. Roth phone# 1*93. 2-6-6 SHADE TREES. Fi»R SHADE TREES .$r any kind call A. B Uoiavts, Bell phone 313 Decatur. 1-19-4 A 4-oiupieic list of prnctlt-alljr *11 house* for rent in Atlanta la imldishetl In The Georgian's want columns cm every Tuesday, Thursday and Fat unlay. For Rent, . 115 N. PRYOR-ST., $50.00. This is s storeroom on North Pryor just opposite the entrance to the Candler building, and the owner has recently etalled a modern plate glass front, painted the building inaide and out, and it la now in splendid condition in every respect and suitable for any retail line. In view of the fact that this is an off season for renting stores the owner has in atructed ua to offer this place at the extreme ly low price of $50 per month, which is by far the very cheapest store to be had now on the street. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. > j FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. J. P. STURGEON & CO., 726-7-8 Empire Bldg. Bell 4375-M. Atlanta 1279. 64,009—ON EASY TERMK, will'btty the pret tiest eight-room bungalow In West End. on large elevated lot: mo^raly rrtS this. FOR RENT. 5-r. h.. 59 Kalrlte-st 625.99 5- r. h., 51 Medmont-ave 22.69 6- r. h.. 63 Pulllnni. March 1 22.50 5- r. h.. 45 Evans. February 23 21.60 6- r. h.. 29 lliill-st 20.60 6-r. h.. 43 Illil-st 19.00 5- r. h., 462 Pulllnm-st 20.00 6- r. h.. 230 Hllllard-st 29.09 5- r. h.. 240^ Houston-at 17.50 6- r. h., 444 Crew-it 18.90 6-r. h.. 72 Falrlle-st 17.50 5- r. h.. 20 Tattnall-st BUO 6- r. b.. 74 Garden-at.. February 2S 18.90 WE PUBLISH a weekly rent bulletin, giviAr a good description of everything we have for rent. Get a copy. JOHN J. WOODS IDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 12 AUBURN-AVE. Phones fil8. HOUSES)} FOR RENT. Parties desiring to rent houses, flats or rooms can get lists of all property for rent in the city by apply ing at our information bu reau in our furniture de partment. No charge for service. J. M. HIGH COMPANY Department Store. FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE. W. E. WORLEY, Real Estate. 415-16-17 Empire Building. \ INMAN PARK BUNGA LOW. $5,000. THIS la strictly a home proposition find haa never been offered for sale before. Home la built of the very beat material from top to bottom, being: double floored, storm sheathed, etc. I located right In a neat of fine homes Borne being 610,009 brick structure*. Tie fact that the lot haa a frontage of SO feet make# thla one of the most nt- tractlve propositions In this live sec tion. We are not In position to discuss this over the phone, but will he glad to talk with you direct If you will drop Into the office. We have a good reason for not discussing It over phone. COTTAGE AT GRANT PARK—EASY TERMS. THIS is a fi-room cottage, practically new, and Is a dandy, too; right on the car line. etc. It is fitted up with all the latest improvements and Is all around a good home proposition. W* are offering this for 63.000, »n term* of 6250 rash and balance 625 per month. Place Is now rented for 627#. See if you can get the 6250 nnd come In to see us. It Is foolishness to pay rent when you can get a place like this on such easy terms. W. E. WORLEY. DILLIN-WILLIAMS- MORRIS COMPANY REAL * ESTATE AND BUILDING. 600-619 CENTURY BUILDING. PHONES 4234 practically new, ftirnari two acta of folding door*, rar in front. I you will buy now you ran grt tbia home at , bargain. Take a look at it. atoric*. fitrfcare heat, nice mantel*. Ini 52 bv 200, barn in the rear. We are going to m»f| this place and if yon want it you had better get bu*y. WE are going to build a bungalow on Xinth- «t.. juat off Myrtle; will arrange plana to suit; term* easy. Call to ree ti* about it. NO. 37 I’OLQUITT AVE. i* being offered at a bargain, fan make it to you almoat on your own term*. - 63,759— On easy term*, and lea* than one block off Gordon-st., we have 11 new never occupied cottage with six large rooms nnd a hall; perfectly level lot, 65x159. Thla place hn» to be aceu to Ih» appreciated. 62,750—New never-ocenpied six-room cottage In West End, near Lnclle-ave.; extra well built; double-floored nnd atornt- uheathed. All city improvement* down. Small cash payment, balance monthly. . 62,750—6109 CASH AND THE BALANCE ON EASY monthly paymenta. we can aell never-occupied five-room 62.960—For cottage In Weat End, «ne block off Lee nnd Gordon-sts. It haa six rooms and a hall. All conveniences; , can nrrangc terms to suit purchaser. 62.500— On Onk-at., Weat End. we have an extra nice cottage wtlh five sootna nml hall, on a beautiful level rot. 62 by 150. All modern improvements. Can nrrangc terms. 61,800—Will buy a five-room cottage in Weat arraugc terms; no loan to nasmue. 66,250—Op$» and a half blocks off Peachtree nm| one block off Forrest-rive., we have an eight-room house on a beau tiful lot, 60 by 190. This rents now for 655 a month. Can easily bo made to. rent for 6100. Here Is a close-in proposition that should appeal to you. 66.000 FOR BEAUTIFUL home on”Washing- ton-st. Built for a home and always occupied by the owner. On lot 6«> by 19J. it i* double-floored, storm- shenthed and paper-lined, with 12- foot ceilings nml beautiful mantels. No loan to assume. 65.750 FOR EXTRA nice eight-room two- story home In Inman Park, one block from Asa Candler’s residence; lot level; 65 by 200. Can arrange terms. FOR SALE—REAL E8TATE ^iTITpetty^ Retl Estate, M EA8T ALABAMA 8T. CLOSE IK on Eait Hnnt.r-at «, ... . <«K fo 5-room front with plenty of depth for $3.80n T h."’ are rented for *S1.2o « mnrnh S'" yon think of buying . 3 room ™ t L W V* *1.900 .. rlo.e In th«e , ” monry^V w^rtV'' ON NORTH BOULEVARD 12-rootn 2 atory slats roof hour/wjth ir! * modern convenience, ineluding furnar* 7.7 for #11.000. This house ia on a lot 74,-.on' ln / 0,id v* k ■ nd when bum •16,600, not counting the lot. Thi* .*n°K t bought at the ahor, prire, whirh nuV„ iide.' e't on th, COLLEGE PARK LOTS—On a atreet in College Park we irf nt.rZ, ! lot too, 190 for *900 raah. Thia i. io.wL ^ mCy^o'SrT ,0 "’ b “' "" ««•. LOT Faring Tenth-at., we are offering for a o U U one of the prettiest lots on the street 50 k! ISO, for *2.000. Want ona-half t.,h the balance in twrlre 'month., ,n ^ LKT t'8 SHOW YOU AT OXciTThTTZ .torea that we are offering 0 „ MarletU .• on easy term* /or #4,250. •• NORTH SIDE COTTAGE. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN ATLANTA SIX large room*, with nice b*th, « at#r ■ewer and gas and hot air furnace; i„ t 50x150; good barn for horse and hu« T ; chickens. Thia i* a home plare; ro*t 63. Owner wants quick sate; #2,750 bur* it. Terms like rent. H. C. BLAKE, 418 Century. Alain 3533. 65,759—ALWAYS RENTED FOR 6660 PER YEAR. We can sell you tin eight room apartment house; mudcrnly < atructed; lot 55 by 150. This house 65,000-On LUCKIEST. WALKING DIS TANCE. nnd no loan to assume, Me can *ell you an extra good nln^-room two-story house: Interior In A-l dltlon. Can make terms. 64,639 FOR MODERN cottage with six rooms amt a hall, near Augusta-ave. mow Clebttrnei; |nt level and well shaded; east front. Can arrange terms. 64,250. AND NO LOA?Tt<T*ASSUME. will •buy an extrn pretty eight r4N$m home on Cajdtol-uve. AliuoNt new nml In extrn line condition. Modern through out. $4,150-AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME. W< can sell you a beautiful cottage with seven rooms nml a hall, near Ponce DeLeon-nve. and .lackaon-et. Lot east front nnd level; 52 by 150. See this the first opportunity. 64.050 AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME will buy nu extrn nice eight room cot tage on •Capitol-nve. This house It extra well built nml In tine condi tion. Dit la 50 by 150 nml level. CAN SELL ON EASY TERMS. 64.900— In Inman I’ark we have a six-room btingnlow, new nud never occupied: on beautiful, level lot. This house la storin-ahenllied ami double floored: ga* and electric lights; beautiful mantels nnd large, well lighted nml artistically arranged dining room. Thla la the prettiest place on '* market. Can make easy terms. 63.769— On easy tempi nnd on a beautiful *ast front lot. Just off Ponce DeLeon- nve.. near North Boulevard, we have a new, never-occupied cottage with sK rooms and half, we can sell you on terms. This la a real pretty place nud modern throughout. 63,750—ON THE NORTH SIDE AND NEAR THE TENTH ST. SCHOOL, we him a mil biugalti; It i* a benutlfut six room cottage, uiodcrnly built and all in teat Improvements: cun make terms to suit. This Is a real j»b-k up. Don' fnll to *ee It. $3.250-On easy terms, we can sell you a nice cottage with five rooms and a ball, near Augusta-ave. (Cleburne- live.», Intnnn Park. This Ison a heiiu 11 fill, level, well shaded lot, 60 by 150. nnd surrounded by beautiful homes. Let us show you thla today. $3,960 EOK ONE .if the prettle.t little h#me« near Washlngton-at.; bn* six large rooms, beautiful mantel*, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights; large lot. Can nrrange terms to suit. 12,899 WILL IIUY a Are-mom cottage on Clierokee-nve.; h$t 45 by 250; perfectly level and well shaded. Can arrange t «*nn*. 62.500, $100 CASH nml the balance on easy monthly payments, we can *ell you a nice cottage with five room a and a hall, 011 tin* car line, near the park. Till* Its* all city improvement* ami can lie bought on terms like rent. 62,40) WILL IH Y 48 Bryan st. It Is an extrn •nice cottage, with six rooms mid a hnll nml all modern Improvements. This ia near Cherokee ave.. In Grant park sect Ion, ami Is a genuine bar gain. Can arrange term*. 62.190-1 »ii easy term- nml no Innn to ns- *111110. we Fan sell you « *ix-rooni cot tage in Grnnt park section. Near Grnnt-sf. 62,090—Juat off l’ ryor-st. and walking dis- ■an sell you mi extra nice jttneo with nil ntmlcrn Int- Cnn arrange terms to ■> FDR six-room cottage In Grant park section, near Grant st. Iln* all city Improvement*. Term* easy. 6SV| WILL BUY a g.wsl four room bouse near Marietta st.; sower, water and gas: small cash payment, balance $12 n month and no Interest. This Is al ways rented for $7.«o per month. What better do you want? VAC\\ XT LOTS. $1,250 For vacant corner Inf .. n St. Charles- nve. wtxlPi Tlif* I* the «‘henpe*t .•timer on the avenue. Can arrange ami fronting 1 lot, 69x150, we W. B. SAUNDERS, Bell Phone 3715 Main, Standard 2837. ONE of the prettiest house* on Washington- *t.. S-room, all convenience*, rloss to F,»t| Goorgis-ave., #7,000; #2,000 ri*h. balanr* #50 per month; no loan. If you are looking for n home In this section mske it s point to ree this. A NICE, nest little home on Hsrold-sre. close to csr line, all convenience*, $2.noo : #500 cssh. #15 per month. These payment* are less than rent. 57 TIFTON-8T.—Here is s nice S room hnui* that is s bargain for #1,200; nice lot. term* to suit your purse. ONE of the prettiest lots'on Poplar cirri# in Inman Pork. 50x150, close to r*r line: #1,500 with good, liberal terms, or will-bm i you n home on this lot. 204 FEET on railroad, close in. with side track already in; st the price it is hard to bea^ IF you are looking for some small invest ments that are paying liberal interest, I have some that will no doubt interest you. INVESTMENT PROPERTY A SPECIALTT. W. B. SAUNDERS, No. 8 Wall! Street. L. A. WOODS. Real Estate. ( 6 413-414 EMPIRE BLI0. Both Phones 209!'. I MAKE EASY TERMS. #3.000 ON EASY TERMS for one «f fit most attractive six-room bungalow* in End; brand new and all convenience*. Tn 1 is s jam up little home. t&ffdb FOR A MODERN two story sight; room home in Inman Park: *torm *hr»tn»t and floored and all other modern impr> r ' mvnt*. We art offering this at le»» th»i actual coat. #3.750—NEARLY NEW six room cot tip on Lawton-at., Weat End. right st G"t- don ut.: large rooms and all conrentencc* S retty level lot; driveway on side, rue# 8,750 and easy terms. No loan. lisTlOO—PRKTTY GRANTST. COTTA (If. 1 rooms, all convenience*, right st the r»r< and on two rar line*. Kaay term* on rid bnlance fTtn month ft cant bq oil Jf$»ephiiio WE will be glad to build for you. if you hate part of the money necessary we hate the rest. FUNERAL NOTICE. WHITl'OMB—The friend* of. Ml*s Horn thv Whitcomb. Mrs. J, T. Whitcomb ami Mr. II. II. Whitcomb arc lushed to attend the ftitt«ral of Miss Dorothy Whit I’omb Hat unlay. February 19, 1919, nt » p. m.. from the North nv*\ Presbyterian church. Interment Weatvlew. The f*$l Mr. W O. Wilson. 5lr. Arthur Mcrrcll, ; Mr. Will Vaughn. Sir. Charles F. Roger*.; Mr. Will Psrkburat, Mr. *'iiff Hum phrUs. Mr. George t»l*ear, Mr. t'idnncv| Rlosscr. READ THISCAREFULLY 6l*e* t'AHlt :$ii«| $1.5 per mouth —Go*h|, nenr- ly new three room hoti*.*; large lot; $1.25-'). $I'M CASH nud 679 |$cr month—Good five veek at 5 nml 6 |*er WE ARK HI ILDING four new h«(.»c* that «IH be next wc-k »n dead easy term*: nil iNotfcni. "’J* t , ( AVK 1 ,l, ‘ thing rea$|y for Mih- •lirlebui nnywhere t*i In* bail. WK HAVE »»nie »*n*y ii'oiithlv money if j**u want It rh**np. aSTIfOri) A: SEA U REAL ESTATE AND I.mANS • ..... WIIITKIIALI.-ST, 1H.LL PHONE MAIN 2744. ATLANTA JU8T OFF PONCE DELEON AVE .-—Here » n perfect little dream. A dandy si* ro«v bungalow, rock foundation; brand new; nrj ti pied. You cant buy anythin* like «« where in the city. Very eaay term*. > nw don’t misa this chanca. LIST Y6UR PROPERTf WITH US. WK HAVE lnrr»«««l our offlc fore. >»j arc now nmplv able to push hard any r estate Intrusted t» onr care. 37 ROSA LI AST.-A new up-to-date cmjJJJ tic buugnlow, on lot: six ‘trb'tly modern, Price 63.250; 6^>" ,n "• i»cr month. __ - 93 OI KKN 8T.-A new moA.rn mil- "f liv ,. rnom., .nhln.t mrtnt,!-. '' n _, ■nil.: In IfHik. «nd I* f rlc-H $3,350; $100 f»«h. $39 |w-r mno'iy 29 l.rt'II.K AVE.-HIx room bun*«ln». "" 'f 5* hy HO; nnn of tho hn.l In »'•' -•rlno $4,500; $250 10,1). $30 per mold.- .J. I). FLEMING & BR0.. !K)5 Fourth National Banl* Building. Both Phonos 2iM>3. Salesmen: H. I,. K$»MONI»80N, .1 II. MADIIOX. A. J. HKI.I, AARON KEITH. OI.IS M FI.EMIXG Dnr for Nov. Seoti., , , h , Hy nmpUiylnK wnod.mjn m " ' anliiml. nn stiow.hoes thr , E "' h . uf Nova-Hcotl. hope, within ihr P . c-iu month to .ecuro 20 Ri’f N r j,, wlrk licr to transplant Intn >» > |M sul.-I for btrrdlnK purposr, j.j.; Mlon to run down tho <b-* r hPnti Btanlnil hy tin- N<“" m th’* governmnnt. Soma S'»a rs , h , oil ,amp privilege wa, * ,v " n . . , r , a, gnvPrninent. but the whole lot ,jrivf, ,ecure. 1. Those nhlrh »or ^ ja over were found to have Int. number* very satl.fai'tntil.v g New Hrunowlek .port,men » r to see the deer thinned Oil, email extent, for ihe ' blamed for the practh-al lion of the caribou, with '' ,l ,w< carry on a perpetual feud. Ml tn tlBhis and frfghtenlnff the• ^ • lo new-haunt* thru Ibelr Wl Itreatcr nuiuciit-al otrenftb.- - ■