Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 21, 1910, Image 14

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14 c "**- THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1910. POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK, ETC. POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK, ETC I 'no c*ot t word for adi under thi. heading. One rent a word for td» under thla heading. I& TO THE WIVES OF THE FARMERS f have written a great nAny articles about the great importance of the poultry* Interest to the farmers of the South, and while there Is now going on all over the South a great awakening among the fariUwe, It seems that this great Interest should show a greater Interest than it does, so l am going to. have something to nay to their wives. It Itj said that upon one occasion a farmer's wife was set upon having a certain thing done that her husband opposed. He Anally sold: "I want to tell you that I am the head of this family and It shall not be done." “Well." said the good wife, "you are surely the head, but X am the neck, and the neck always moves the head as It wishes." and the head moved that tvay. So I am going to write one or two articles td the necks. Women have * natural God-given talent for breeding poultry, and where they read up on the new methods of breeding poultry, ralslng'early chickens and learn how to prepare eggs so as to market them to the very best advantage, It Is wonderful Jrhat a success they meet with. I read often In the papers how Intelligently they discuss the problems that arc undor discussion among the poultrymen, and then at the great success that they meet with In the show room. I stood by and heard It asserted that a woman was ofTered 11,000 for live Buff Orpingtons that she had at the Atlanta show, and she had only been In the business for Hve years. Now, this Is (I admit) somewhat an extreme case: but with eggs at 40 cents a dsen for case eggs, and for eggs prop erly packet^ clean, as nearly as possible all of one color, bringing In the cities and towns 50 cents, and hena at 75 cents each, with no broilers and fries to be had at any price in Georgia, there Is surely something wrong among the farmers that their wives should correct, and If they do not know how to turn the trick, they should quickly learn how by reading up on poultry: get In a stock of the best breed and thereby keep some of the money at home that the Tennessee folks are pulling out of our state. I am going to give In my next letter some facts and flgures as to the poultry business. YOUR UNCLE QUDLEY. MISCELLANEOUS. H. G. HASTINGS & CO., Seedsmen and Fanciers, 16 West Mitchell St. WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCCESSFUL HATCHER with the Uortirll Ineubutora'/ fteranac they ere built for that purpose. BED COMB POULTRY FOODS. Oner tried always need. RE A RED COMB CUSTOMER. LEE’S HEALING OIL In th© only effective Hnlmrnt or healing lotion. Fine for rut* and wound*, barb wire cut*, falls, etc. Price par bottle 50e. TIASTINOfr SEEDS are all tested. Get your aupply now and avoid the rush, write for ratalofue. FOR THE DO Cl—Ve mi l f u ire, mtiriltMt pills, mange remedy, eye lotion, distemper rem edy. canker enre. digestive pills, etc. Spratt’a Patent Pnppy and Dog Cakes. Free dog book. LEE’S KOH MAKER, a sure thing to start the hena Jo laying. Prior 2MrPOund pack age 26c, f*Vi-pouml package We, 25-pound I mil paid 20c,'60c per hundred. OERM OZONE 254 X. Jaekton-at., Atlanli II. II. YERDERY, Augusta. Qa.. breeder of Silver l4»ecd. ButT, • Columbian Wyan dotte*, Huff Cochin, Bantam* and Collie Dogs. If you want good stock, write me. EGOS, TOR SALE—Egg* from Buff Flrroouth Rocks, Fowler stock; also from blgn-grade Brown leghorns and Barttsl Plymouth Rooks, $2 per sotting. Mrs. It. H. Boyd, Ma rietta, Ga. R. F. V. 6, Bo* SB. xxvl WE ARE AGENTS here for the famous ••Mandy Lee” Incubators and hroodera; all varieties of fancy poultry and their eggs for setting always on hand. Call or let us mall yon our catalogue. McMillan Seed Co., tna Old Reliable Seed Store. 23 South Mrosd-st. Bell phone 4341 Main, Atlanta phone 2136. 2-14-11 EGGS. BLACK LANGSHAN, M. White Holland Turkey and Rouen Duck* Eggs for sale. Mrs. II. A. Utley, GoodlettsviUe, Tenn. 12-4-5 FOR HALE—Kgga; Rhode I.innd Red., llnff Rock, and I'ckln duck.. M. W. (ioben. Box <«. East Point, Oa, 175 RHODE ISLAND RED. CALLAHAN CHAMPION SINGLE-COMB BEDS are ,1111 winning at th, beat .hows. A few Dlco bird, for *al«; also Whlto re- kin Docks, White Fsntall and Homer Pig- tons. Band for Catalog. Callahan A Bona, East Point, Oa. 12-4-19 FOR SALE—Hlngle Corah Rhod. I.innd Rrd .Kgs, 92.50 per 15, rxprrea paid; from Rod. that ara rod. Paul C. Bmttb, Deaatur, (la. ■ EM GOLDEN BUFF ROCK8. OOLDENBCFF ROCKS; farm ralaad.-oggi J2 per 15. Nnil.facilon guarantred. C. II. Ilnlo. Foret -Park. (in. • 2-19-9 LEGHORNS. BUFF LEGHORNS. BUFF LEOIXORNS THAT WIN; have tak.n all Brat prises where shown. At recent •hows In AaiirrIUr, N. C., and Atlnnla, won spcrtal. offered by Anicrlc.n Buff l.-ahn to win In any .now, r.itga, re ro j. H. Wlngo, Hparlanbnrg, 8. C. POULTRY MAGAZINE. TOE SOUTHERN rot'LTRV MAGAZINE, Naahrllls. Tcnn., the South'll great lllnt- trated poultry publication. Trlla you all about poultry ralalng. Special 30-day offer Sic per year. Beud cola or atanipa. 1-25-iO BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES, One rent a word for ada under thla heading. WANTED-rarty with from WOO to BN to Invest and manage liiatallraent furniture haalneai; preferably one who underetanda the bualneta. Addre.. 170-H Iry-tt. IVE OFFER AT A BARGAIN our Valdosta shingle mill complete. In good condition uni now In operation, ronalallng uf holler, ■ngtne, Perkins three-block automatic ma i clilne, Parkins drag-aaw, gummer. shafting. I»i.!l«*ya. hcltlng and all tool*. Will sell to fight party with good timber and take pay In shingles, or will put In machinery and take Intereat In location. Killian Lumber t ompany, Valdosta, Ga. 2-18-11 MARK MONBY. .ATEST FAI>—Photos transferred by cbem- |.*al process to watch cases, brooches, bins, pearl, etc.; handsome, durable; easily earned; success guaranteed; formula with ul l Instructions for $1. Writs today, ln- : .sing dollar bUL C. 8. Burgess, Bee., hariotte, X. C. 1-30-If HOR8E8 AND CARRIAGES. t cent a word for ads under this beading. farm tools. Box 156, Austell, Ga. * rent a word for ads nnder this heading. I MXOR WANTED—First ri-Jass vo* al atruetlou for services. Apply Tuesday be- fore noon. Albert Gerard-Thler*. direc tor voW department Atlanta Conservatory. OR CORRECTLY adjusted violins and Hzh-das* repairing, writ# or jail A. E. dler. violin expert and specialist In vlo- tiueiier. violin expert ina s.ppniuii in vi in outfits for students, l¥*n Peacbtree-st. ^ 2-2*21 PERSONALS. One rent a word for ad* under tftia neadlng. SONG POBMB. with or without music, wanted for publication. Sheet music cats logue free. Ashley R. Johnson, Atlsnta, Ga •'*71 K Price 8$e. For sale by drug and irtmept afore* or dfreet from Keep-Cov- I Company. J Washington at., Atlanta. ✓ um MILLINERY. One cent n wprd for nds under thla heading. SAWTELL SCHOOL of Milllnery. Regal millinery training school. Opau all tha yaar. 40H WhitehsU-st., Atlanta. 1-4 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. On cent n word for ads under this heading. WANTED-Otift at a bargain, good aeoond hand roll-^p desk, spring-back chair and davenport o# lonnge. U/N. B., P. O. Box WANTED—To buy a 82 form (second hand* for dreaauiaklug. Address C. B. A., care Georgian. WANTED—'To buy secondhand go-eart. Must be cheap mid In good condition. Ad dress'L. X.. Box 800, rare Georgian. “ WAXTEr>—To rent typewriter for two or three months to write nlnnit 25 letters per week. L. C* Smith preferred, hut any make will be rninddered. Address Type writer. Box 126, care Georgia u. WANTEI>—To buy‘white pea* of the two- crop variety. Send sample by mall and quote prices and quantity you have to Box 166, Covington, Ga. M7-10 AND ILLUSTRATOR. Adver tising designing a specialty; rates reason able. Phone Ivy .T8J4-J. 2-15-2 WANTED—Use of large office safe for stor age by responsible concern. .Address Of fice Hare, Box 20, care Georgian. nljp WE PAY highest cash prices for hoot* bold goods, pianos and office furnltura Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company. 13 Bast MitcheU-at. Bell phone Mala 2424. 1-26-26 WANTS 2>—Second-hand fernlture. office MISCELLANEOUS. One rent a word for ads under this heading. HIIIP YOI'R IIIDEH to Tocoa Hide and leather Co.. Tokens. Ga. Hmall or large quantities. Tags and price* «m request. 8-W-ZO FOR RENT—FARMS. One rent a won! for ada under this beading. TKIVK FARM. So acre*, one mile Fofleg. Park: 1.««J frtili tre**<;. four-room hou*e: pfikture. ii-, College Park. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. One cent a word for ads under this heading FOR SALE-New*Golumbl* dictaphone oub fit Mbd typewriter, half price. Adores* Dictaphone, 1225 Empire Bldg. I k° De FOR SALK—National cash register with penny keys, 320. Must be sold nt once. Addre** .foitnaon, Box 50, care (.eorglim.^ ^ FOR HALE—Typewriters: new l.'ndcrwoojl; u*eil two months; fio cash. -4 Inman building. CIIEA1’ FOR FASTI-A nice lot in Holly- wooil cemetery. Make beet offer. J. A. F„ Box 122. care, Georgian. ow TWO Colombia business phonographs for sale: goml as new. Answer X. Y. Z., Box ,T. R. HIME SAND CO., , LaG range, Qa. WF, ARK wholM.le ihlpp.ri of bnildinx »a4 concrete sand, also sand for engine ana filtering purposes a speeialty. We Invite cor respondence and assure prompt service, su perior ssnd snd right prieet. We prcP*7 express on samples. 105. FOR SAI.K—t.MO Imported snd domestic Foster postcards and one aeven-foot metal tower display stand. $12. delivered; 2.000 postcards, not one to retail at leas than 2H<v $11. Order quick. Hemh eheck with order. A. M. Grist, Yorkvllle, 8. F. 667 FOR HALE-Fox visible two-color, model 23, $»»: Oliver. No. 3, $50; newly rebuilt. First cheek gets either bargain. A. M. Grist. Yorkvllle. 8. F. r *"* PIANO FOR CASH. WKBNEfc Piano, guaranteed ten rears, shipped on approval, freight prepaid, for 1198 cash. We save you $150 and ship a piano made on honor, better than most pianos sold on time payments for 1350. Write^ to day for .fretr-ratalog. Werner Piano Com pany, Room 730 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. $1,000 DIAMOND RING, white and perfect, weight 3H karat; unredeemed pledge; sac- rlflep priee $750. D. A. Tobias, Inc., 9 Last Alabama-st. • TIIE ECOXOMY FURNITURE $75.50 $31.00 $28.00 $28.00 $32.50 $19.50 $27.50 $48.50 STORE. Polished Sideboard..., Sideboard Sideboard . Mahogany Chiffonier . Pollahed Dresser .. . Polished VVashstand . E. En«. China Closet Mali. China Closet .. Allwin Go-Carts .... ....$43.50 . ..$19.90 . ..$18.75 . ..$17.00 . ..$18.75 . ..$11.50 ....$17.50 ....$32.45 . ..$10.50 EVINS FURNITURE CO., 31.9 W)iitchal)-st. Ann TOU INTEitEBTKI) In postcards? Have about 2,000 cards, about forty differ ent views. In n set of “In the Land of the Sky” cords from Asheville, N. C. These cards are licaiitlftilly decorated and your collection Is not complete without tnem. Write me for prleea, an they are reasonable. Address Pontgard Exchange, Box 600, care Georgian. TEN PIANO BARGAINS for Monday and Tuesday to make room for a larffe shipment to ar rive. Standard upright pianos will lie offered from $167 to $237 that sell from $250 to $350. Terms of payment as low as $5 per month on some of these.. Don’t miss this opportunity to se cure a genuine bargain. II. II. HALE, 14 Aubtim-ave. BAHGA1NS In practically new lecond-hand soda fountains, En»y (arms. I*. 0. Box 1922. Atlanta. 1-1T-4 ENAMELED. Ws do all kind* of typewriter ditinn snd offer them for sale at the very lowest prices to you. Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. TYPEWRITERS—AH makes, second-hand and rebuilt*. Several standard makes, good as new, at bargain prices. We also chine and —, * — — on ur write Foote & Davies Co., 66 E. Ala* bama-st. (11-8-19 NATIONAL Cash Registers, $20.00 and up ward; also a Hoe of aecond-bnnd registers, folly guaranteed^* We buy second-hand Ns tlonal Registers In good condition. Th« National Cash Register Co.. 16 Peachtree-at. HERRING, HALL, Marvin Safe Company’s product for sale at 6 North Forsyth at. W* nlno sell second hand safes of our own and other make*. Homo as low aa $25. Met al office furniture. 2-14-20 Holmes. Bell phone 315 Decatur. 1-19-4 corner South Pryor-at. M-ri LOWER PRICES on fumitnre. ruga and art squares than any house In Georgia. J. C. Mason. 64 West Mitchell st. 1-24-27 REAL ESTATE WANTED. One cent a word for ads under thla beading. ungnlow on south aide or West Kud. Must lw» bargain and terms easy. Ad dr*.** Fottage, care Georgian. hf WANTEIk—Tobuy nice alx-room bungalow on north aide. Inman Park or Fopenbill; most be bargain and Jenna easy. Write me what you have to offer. Address Home, care Georgian I HAVE some desirable iota In South Kirk wood, withiu 1’A blocks of the East Lake car line. $that I will exchange a* n part payment on ulec ritttnge on south side; pre fer around Grant park. Address Exchange, care Georgian. far WANTED—'To buy dlraart from owner, five- room house In walking dblanre front car *t»ed for $2.(W8 spot e.iab. If. X\. Box 111 care Georgian. 42* WANTF.D—on good IteSoto eounty, Florida, orange grove and farm; abstract perfect: grove will par 26 per cent, farm will pay 2d per cent on the $8,000. Want the money for five year* at 8 per cent Intereat, payable every >dx months. G. P. B., Box ^ care Georgian. II. W.. B>#< S3, care Georgian. FARMS WANTED. One cent n word for ada under thi* heading. FOR SALE-^-New alx-room house? In Hape- vllle; convenient to electric car, depot, school and churches; gas for cooking and lights; fliie water. Addre** Mra. L. Mcttfa. Hapevillo, Ga. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. AT AUCTION. I J. P. STURGEON & CO., FINE LOT OF , FURNI- 726-7-8 Empire Bldg. THBKK Af'ltEB. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Mervaiita’ house, good pjutnrr. Page feno*. orchard, garden'; beautlral grove;>4tj-broke horse and anrrey. three mllchfecows anti j gont: Itnfgiiln. Fa*h. H. A. Nuckolls. Flarkafttn, Ga. 2* “ HAVE CEMETERY lot In OaklamJrfronting on main tlrlve. Will sell for $175 cash. Sacrifice, Box care Georgian. xxUi FOR SALE—Six-room bouse; two rooms with grate* and tiling, two open fireplaces, 120 feet of poreh, nine-foot hall, good well, cement wnlk; close to depot; house storm sheathed. Seventy-five miles from Atlanta on Georgia railroad; four trains a day each wny. Price $3,000. C. C. Hhouse, Buckhead, Ga. One cent a word for ads under this heading. WE BUY. soil and exchange farm lands. If you hare t.*»t been M*rccs*ftf! In dispos ing of your land, write no, Atlanta Really. Iu\<-sin:ciit Ccmpnny. Atlanta, Ga. FOR BALE—North Juckson-at. cottage home; modern conveniences; large lot. Owner, P. O. Box 563, city. 2E6 FOR SALE—In Decatur, on WebstfMt.; five beautifully ehatlfid Iota. 100 lit 400; City water. Ideal for summer homes. Terms. J. J., Owner, care Georgian. ,2-16-19 FOURTEEN Hollywood cemetery loti for $100 cn*h; first come* get* the Iota; they are ’worth $40 per lot. Adrian Helper, Adrian. Ga. "\ 26 TRADE IOUR.PROPERTY It yon ren t rell It Come In and aeo If we can't get you up a good exchange. Atlanta Rea). ly-Inrcatment Company, «% Whttctrall st. * a-r-l $4,500 -Therokee-ave.; seven rooms and bath. Lot 50x200; right near Oycloramn; refused $5,000 not long since; will take $4,500 now for special reason, and make terms of $500 cash and $35 per mon'.b. Pnaaeaalon given at once. Phone* 5488. T. C. Conway, 412 Peters Bldg. ' 1-22*29 STOP PAYING RENT. OWN A HOKE OF YOUR OWN—A small cash payment, balance like rent, will buy yon a home at Center Hill, on fiver ear Una. The prettiest suburb around Atlanta. Several choice lota for sale. See John Starr, 702 Kng.-Amer. Bldg. Phonos M. 1022, West 962-J, A. 6754-P. BUY SUMTER COUNTY * LANDS. INVEST YOUR MONEY where It will don- ole In three years. Come to Sumter or adjoining counties; flneat far® land In Geor gia. Prices range from $10 pet acre up. E. A. W. COCHRAN, Windsor Hotel, Americus, Ga. A. J. MAYFIELD, REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENT. 43 Booth Pryor-it., corner Hanrer-st. Of fice hoars. 10 to 2 and 6 to 7. Balance of time given to outdoor work, collecting rent* •nd looking after property. List yonr prop erty with me and It will hare my personal attention. Phones: Atlanta 729. Bell 20S0 9-5-1 ii- r - T -^ ——- EXCHANGE—REAL E8TATE. One cent a .word for ada under thla heading. WILL EXCHANGE SUBURBAN HOME— City water, nine room*, done to cor line, for vnennt property or acreage In or near Atlanta. \\ rite me what you have, giving full description and price. Boyd, care The Georgian. jar MONEY TO LOAN. rknV- i nnnnAr ntWVWkY One cent a word for ada under this heading. WE HAVE several client* with ready money to lend on Atlanta property, or to buy good purchase* money notes, and money on hand and no delay where loans are ant- Isfactory. Call lu peraon. S. B. Turman A Co., corner Broad and Alabnma-sta. 2-11-8 NOTES OF SALARIED PEOPLE, women housekeeping, and baslnesa concerns bought without security. Cheapest rates, easiest payments. Offices In C6 principal cities. D. H. Tolman. 624 Austell Bldg. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED. $50,000 homo money to buy purchase money notes with. FOSTER & ROBSON, 12 3. Broad Street. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real eatatt. Established since 1SS9. R B. Turmcn A Co., corner Broad and Alabama-sta. 4-1-10 LOANS ON ATLANTA PROPERTY. LOWEST RATES BE8T TERMS. -CHARLES n. BLACK, REAL ESTATE LOAN CORRESPONDENT PRUDENTIAL INS. CO. OP AMERICA. REAL ESTATE OFFICES OF E. P. A CHARLES II. BLACK, 212-13 EMPIRE BUILDING. PHONE MAIN 91$. PHONE MAIN 910. 2-2-23 MONEY TO LEND. $50,000 home money to lend five years, privilege of repaying at* any time. Will lend on Atlanta or suburb an property. FOSTER & ROBSON, 12 S. Broad Street. f HAVE $5,000loan on real estate at lowest rate. G. M.. Box 115, rare Geor gian. 427 MONEY ON HAND for Immediate loans on property In or near Atlauta. J. E. Vnu- Val^cnharg, 592 Equitable Bldg. 12-39-5 PLENTY i. f. 7 and 8 per cent money for quick leant on Atlanta and suburban prop erty. T. C. Conway, 412 Peter* Bldg. Phones $4St CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON DIAMONDS, watch*, and Jrw.Iry it lowret rat, af In ttreat. D. A. VobUo. Inc.. 9 Unit Ala^rt, WEY5IAN & CONNORS. ESTABLISHED UN. Mortgage, on Real Eatatt 4-Mi MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. Lowest rates; no delays; buy purcksss money notes. Charles Herman. Rooms 201- 302 Temple Court. 4-111 TURE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND ART SQUARES AT 12 E. MITCHELL, TUESDAY, FEB. 22, 10 A. M. AT 10 a. m., Tuesday we will offer to the highest bidder a fine lot of mahogany snd oak hedt'oom furniture, dining room suit, fine upright folding bed, solid mahogany chif fonier, quartered oak wardrobe, evt of box •eat dining chairs,. 100 yards beat grade linoleum, bookcase, chins closet, rockers, set tee*. office chairs, odd dreieera, art squares, rags, I ace curtains and maty other good things too numerous to mention to the high est bidder, commencing 10 a. m., Tuesday, February 32, it 12 East .Vi/ebell. CENTRAL AUCTION CO., 12. E. Mitchell St. Bell 4375-M. Atlanta 1279. $4,000 AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME Trill buy an extra ulco eight-room cot tage on Capitol-avo. This houeo is SELL ON EASY TERMS. PLUMBING, STEAM GAS FITTING. DAVID W. SARUPOUGII, MASTER FLUMBEB, Phone. 1755. to Ea.t Hnnter-it. , 1-544 STOVE REPAIRING. DAN, THE FIXER. SOUTHERN STOVE AND SUPPLY CO. Atlanta phone 2235, Boll phone 2699. 2-11-4 # VOICE AND PIANO. VOICE ASH P1AXO. Beat Instruction; celebrated teacher, concert, opera oratorio. Home* nr studio. Voices tested free. P. O. Box 248. ‘ 11-29-1 COSTUMES. HOWARD COMPANY, e.tabll.bwl 1IM. can fnrnlab tod with everything to pot on a play or ball. 24H Wbltenall-af., over Browo A AUeo'a. VIOLINS. S. M. KIMRRELL. JR., violin Makar, ex- pert repairing; cases, bows, strings, etc. Write today for literature. 23914 Peachtree. 1-10-6 TRUNKS. BAGS AND SUIT CASES. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S, ”SI?. ALL Pbonea: Bell Main 1576. Atlanta 1454. PLUMBING. STEAM AND GAS FIT- TING. B. P. STOCKTON. Plnmblng. Steam and Gaa Fitting. 24 South Pryor-at. Pbon. 14L 6-25-33 SEWING MACHINES. ALL MAKER of sewing machines RE PAIRED, work guaranteed. Ringer Rew* phonos 2893. 2-8-7 PLUMBING. J. B. BOWEN, 53 E. Hunter. Phone 521M. COLLECTIONS. M. F. BARNES, tximlrd collretor. Notre anil account, bought and fold. 19 Itnnter-at. Main 4536, Atlanta 515. 1-29-1 SHOE REPAIRING. OWIKN'8 Rho© Repairing. Best leather and work at cut price*. Men’s half aolea sewed 69c to 75c, while yon wait. Beat workmanship and machinery In the South. Work called for and delivered. Hand sew ing. Both phones. 2-7-1 MASTER PLUMBER. LOFTIfi ft BOATENREITER, PLUMBERS, 28 East Iluntcr-st Bell 1846. Atlanta 1184. 1-17*1 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES ’SHARP- - ENED. AlL KINDS; thin wafer 2Sc per dozen. Write for convenient mailing cartoon. Tha Tool Company, 68 Marietta-at, Atlanta, Ga. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FIT TING. C. R. BENNETT. Plumbing Contractor, $4 and $6 Garnatt-at Main 2721-J. Fourteen ycara' practical experience In thla dty. Personal attention given all work. SEWING MACHINES. NEW MACHINES DENTED; $3 per month. Singer Sewing Machine Company, It Wbilehall-at. Both phonea 199$. 3 3 9 TYPEWRITERS—FACTORY REBUILT. WE RELL factory rebuilt typewriters, all make*, at saving of 26 to 66 per cent; guaranteed full year ngalnat all defects. Ask for catalogue and prices. American Writing Mat-blue Go. (operating the Type writer Exchange), 4X North Pryor-at. 2-15-2$ MANUFACTURING JEWELER. If. J. YOLLMER, 612 Peter* Bldg. Special order work, dfamoud setting, repairing.] engraving, residing. 2-15-44 NOTICE. If your sewing machine nceda repairing. We also do the l»e*t «»f *h9*» repairing. Work ralU'rt for and delivered. 1*6 South Pryor *t. If. McNair ft Hon. 2-15-24 LUMBER FOR SALE. HELLING OU^the entire stock of the Ajax I.urolier foropany, 85 Glenn-st4 at reduced prices; blinds, 88c per pair; windows, 50c to 75c ea<*n. Flooring, framing, sheeting, etc. Also some odd doors, grates and hardware. Atlanta Variety Work*. $2 llumpbries-st. Phone Weat 1*28-5 WE STORE household goods and pltnoa. Warehouses 225-7*1 ” w—itritf Office U Auburr-ave. R J. CRAIG A CO. WE NEED THE MONEY—Spedal prleea on everything to build with for the next 69 days, 166 Whitehall-et. Bell phone Main 60«1 Atlanta, Ga. 6-1S4 $4,000—In Inman Park we have a six-room bungalow, new aud never occupied; on beautiful, level lot. Thla house Is storm-sheathed and double floored: ga* and electric light*; beautiful mantels and large, well Hghtoil and artistically arranged dining room. Thl* Is the prettiest place on the market. Can make easy terms. $3,750—On easy terms and on a beautiful are., near North Boulevard, we have a new, never-occupied <<'tr ; ige with six rooms and half, we can sell you terms. This is a real pretty place and modern throughout. $3,750—ON TnE NORTH RIDE AND NEAR THE TENTH-ST. SCHOOL, we have a real bargain; It la a beautiful alx- room cottage, modernly built and all latest improvements; can make terms to suit. This Is a real pick-up. Don’t fail to see It. $3,260—Oii easy terms, we can sell you a nice col itage with five rooms and a hall, near Augusta-ave. (Cleburne- ave.), Inman Park. Thla Is on a beau tiful, level, well shaded lot, 50 by .150, and surrounded by beautiful homes. Let us show you this today. $2,750-3100 CASH AND THE BALANCE ON EASY monthly payments, we can sell you a new never-<iooupied five-room I cottage lu West End. with all mod ern Improvements. Let ua ahow yon this today. $2,650—For cottage In Weat End, one block off Lee and Gordon-sta. It haa alx rooms and a.hall. A11 convenience*; can nrrnqgo terms to suit purchaser. i.neroKee-a»e., jot w oy •*>'», periecuy level and well shaded. Can arrange terms. $2,800, 3100 CASH and the balance on easy a nice cottage with fire rooms and a hall, on the ear line, near the park. Thla baa all city Improvement* and can be bought on terms like rent. $2,100-0n easy terns and no loan to as- $1,900 FOR alx-room cottage in Grant park section, near Grant-st. Hns all city Improvements. Terms easy. $800 WILL BUY a good four-room houae near Marietta-at.: aewer, water and gas; small rash payment, halanco $12 Wliat better do you want? J. L. JOHNSON & CO., Successors to SAUNDERS & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 215 Peters Bldg. Bell PIiouc 2245. FARM. 48 ACRES, noar Red Oak on At lanta and West Point railroad and Fairburn electric line. About one-half of land in cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. Two $>oo d springs; four-room hguse, outbuildings and fine apple orchard. This is a fine opportu nity to secure a farm that will double in value within twelve months. Price $3,000, on easy terms. W. B. SAUNDERS, Bell Phone 3715 Main, Standard 2837. * OXK of th. home, on Waihinrion- ■t„ 8-room, all ronT.nirnc.., rlo.o to Ea.t Uwrpi-IT.., $7,000; $2,000, bolono FOR 8ALE— REAL ESTATE. M. L. PETTY, Real Estate, t 82 EAST ALABAMA-ST. CLOSE IN on Ka«t Hunter-*t., we are offer. ing two 5-room cottages on a lot 101 front with plenty of depth for $3,800 Theie ™ “ft! V* ?*f § ± tor * 81 -2° • month. When V. money’§ Worth, ■r’V worth ** Uln * «°re thin joij 0! i 2 N ™J” BOULEVARD w. 0#trinf , 12-room - story .lot. roof hout. with «.«r. &? d $l1 000 V * l Th?: f hrt^ nC ^ , .^ n * tarn »« SSf rar jii.tfiw, rhii house is on a lot ?4xion *i« son ln a* 0 * 1 ** and when built coai S^'jh 0 t 0, - n °$V Cou e t,n * **!• lot - Thla ran he bought at th* above price, which makeg it th. cbeope’t homo proportion on th. north gyat, 1 ^ : lot 100.190 for $990 r.,h. T»),'i.'jV.t7iuT on*.* 0t ’’ ,rat the p,rt1, n ” li, TE Ti,I.k 8 ?' 1011 — n f pl,4 mont park on Trnth-.t., tr. aro off.rlng tor ■ oufrk ,,l. ono of th. prettlcst lot. on the etre.t, 50 hy th«^'boUnrl^ln^?wv!lre’month^' h ’^ ^ LKT US SHOW TOU AT O.N*CK tha t.„ •tore, thet we are off.rioi on Moriette n on eeey tarme for $4,250. NORTH SIDE COTTAGE. BIQGEST BARGAIN' IN ATLANTA. SIX largo room., with nice both, w.t.r, eewor end ye. and hot eir turner.; lot 50x150; good born for hone and bony; chickene. Thie le o homo piece; coet $3,300. Owner wont, quick eole; $2,750 buy. it. Term, like rent. H. C. BLAKE, 418 Century. Main 3533, A PICK-UP. NICE live-room cottage, 1 block from Stewart, extra large lot, east front; practically new. $2,260. easy terms; small payment. Horso and buggy, au tomobile or piano as part of nrst pay ment. ATLANTA REALTY-INVESTMENT COMPANY, «1-2 White',mll-at. L. A. WOODS, Real Estate. 418-414 EMPIRE BLDO. Both Phones 2099. I MAKE BABY TERM*. $36,000 WILL GET one of the boat lnv#»t« menta Id the elty* Tbla hringa over 13 per cent on'yonr money and ii enhancing $30,000-Penchtree-*t.; tha beat buslnea* proposition on the market. This I* close ln and will bring $40,000 In lea* thin six months. Get busy. Whltehall-at., running through to rnHrotd. $244W0—Close In and one block off P**eh- . *— o lot and - ~ [ Ine rental. WARE & HiVRPER, 724-5 Century Bldg. Bsleimea: T. H. SAPPINGTON AND E. F. GOODROB $1,000—414 acre* on Marietta ear . line ltd Marietta public road; 7H« oar fare,.month ly ticket; 380 feet front. Car* atop la front of door. Right near Evan P. Howell • new home. If you want a anburbin puce, u» quick. $1.600—Eight acres at College Park, half mile of electric line and railroad depot. Thta la certainly a money-maker. Owner hard tip and need* the money. $L60O~Be*ntlfo) five-room cottage. . . End; gas and electricity; porcelain bath and cabinet mantels; good afreet; only 1*0 ome in thla section make it a point A NICE, neat little home on Ilarold ave. elota to car line, all conveniences, $3,000, $500 cash, $15 per month. Theta payment* are leas than rent. la a that la a bargain for $1,300; nice lot, terms to suit your parsl. ONE of the pettiest lots on Poplar eirele In Inman Park, 50x150. dose to ear line; $1,500 with good, liberal terae, or will build you a borne on this lot. IF yon are looking for soma small Invest- menta that are paying liberal intaraat, I have some that will no doubt interest you. INVESTMENT PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. W. B. SAUNDERS, * No. 8 WalU Street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WATCHMAKER. JOE CLAY, WATCHMAKER. Now with W. J. Timm*. Jeweler, 2* White- ball Htreet. * 2-16-4 MEDICAL. JL. On. rent « wonl for til. nnder I hi. heading. DROPSY. DHOPSY CURED—Girt, quick relief, .ton, •bortorei of bimth In 39 to 4$ boon; re- more. .11 (writing In IS to 29 day* If y.. re*' 1 ™U. writ. O. R. folium Drop«y Medt du C.,, iU West Uuutt(-<i., Atlaoti, G«. l-O-II fSASO-Boautlful new eight-room eott»*e, on lot 30 by 299 fret: air line In front; Inm.n Park reellon; hnllt of the he«t of m.terl.l tad workmanship; $1,000 c*.h. $*A»-fmckJe.M,:.Horn. In; In rWaltyJ where property la bringing $»» front gjf, reven-room bouee and lot W hy !&); rhmp ' sT ■nd * money-m.keF, $7,500—Renting for $49 per nmnth: .l«J* rented; two four-room cottogra, with wa ter, «i and bath, atad gotal fonr room ne gro houao and two rooma In rrar on alley. $4,000-Pretty, new, attractive ill-room hue- galow, with all modern convenlenrr.; a •• aoTntely nothing In Inninn Park »»J>rf“ or a. well con.tructed. Sr lino tn front. $3,400—Seron-roora oottngo; South Beole'f' 1 ' W by 190. If. n lieonty. Modorn and «P to daft. If you want a good home cheap, are na qulek,. $5 000—HIX-U003I COTTAOK AND 8TOR5, corner lot. north aid# atore now d«lnf $1,000 hnalneaa per month; lot 9) hi “»> room for another home. . $1.590—Rented at $15 per month: a d intr little cottage on corner lot, with all .tree' Improvement., water, gaa «nd bath, re™ for another houae. Strictly white to^aitry and a line location. Grant park’auction: all modern lencea; new. Very easy po.rntente. $3,900- Mariettas, atore end 5 ir ;0“ dwelling, on lot. *1 by If: owner m t»« **lal atrait* and la n»aklng thl* * 1 n Thla I* a prlxe-winner. «rith $$500—New ' hnngtlow; alx rooms. everything which goea to meko C7 nleto home, within walking dlatme . Jinc In fn>nt; on remarkably eoay w® 1 $3JOO-Plt# acrea. on main th'WoogUf.Wj Inthe elty. If yon want rem' l '""L,, t mike money on or a home, fee «• * • tble. WORKING MAN'S OPPOBTUNITT WITHIN one block of Stewart-ave rari __ re relrere re.ritrere.. «»f ell pHtOl*. ioi; oam rroni: *mau like rent. Price $2,200. ATLANTA REALTY- INVESTMENT 00, Both Phones. _ A — Hi - mi