Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 21, 1910, Image 4

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1910. HunyadioJ Janos Natural Laxative Water Recommended by Physicians Refuse Substitutes Best remedy lor CONSTIPATION Captain Kincaid and James M. Brawner Sell Mill .Inter* est at Griffin. Aragon Manager Promises Spicy Disclosures in Jenni- son Divorce Trial. Declaring that evidence will he presented th* March torin of the superior court that will ratine n sensation, XV. C. Hundley, manager of the Aragon hold, named ns co- rcfpondent hy XV. -It. Jeontwon, In bin coun ter divorce petition against his wife, Mon day trove «n Interview' to The Georgian. In which he vehemently denies every charge brought by Jennison. Mr. Hundley also stated thnt he was •ending by nlVaaeiiger to Mr. Jenntaon a copy of a Miltv commnnlcatlou, which the press was nimble 40 publish became of Its nature anil wording. •'Jennlson lias a deep motive for hla tack <*n his wife nnu myself/' Hundley, "and It Is simply this: aid Mr. tr -—P-I* knows that I hold information against him which he wouldn’t want to come out, hut which, J assure him, wjjl !»e made public at the March term of court, when his petition comes iii» for hearing. It Is this same Information that caused his wife to sue hits for divorce. , And If Is this that ex plains my denlltiga with Mrs. Jennlson. All of my dealings with her have been in n business way and In regard to her troubles. File hns appealed to me and consulted with me for the sole reason that she knew f had this evidence ttgulnst her husband, lie Is now simply trying to blacken Mrs. Jen- nlson and myself In order to weaken tuy testimony. "Rut, at the hearing, everything will be brought out. The light will be thrown on the whole proceedings. “Mrs. Jennlson Is a good, pure woman. Griffin, Gm„ Feb. 21.—A business change of Importance to the people of Griffin was recorded hero when captain \V. T. Kincaid and James \V. Brawner disposed of their Interest In the Griffin Cotton Mill for $237,000 of which Captain Kincaid received as his share $200,000, Mr. Brawner’* in terest being $37,000. This sale only represents a one- third interest In the mill, which was started In 1884 on $84,000 capital. K ( Incaid owning only $30,000 of the stock. This Is only a small amount of Mr. ‘Kincaid's wealth, as he Is Interested In numerous other enterprises and owns a large amount of* valuable real estate and business houses. The new* officers of the cotton mill will be: T. P. Nichols, president; Beaton Grantland, vice president; H. M. Barnes, secretary and treasurer. The stock of Captain Kincaid, amounting to $200,000, was bought by Captain H. Grantland, H. W. Barnes, J. I*. Nichols and B. B. Blakely, at par. The stock of J. M. Brawner, amounting to $37,000. was bought by J. P. Nich ols, Douglas Boyd and J. J. Manghham, also at par. The cause of the big deal was the fact that Mr. Kincaid wanted to retire from business and that Mr. Brawner, so long associated with him, wanted to get out and devote his attention to other mill interests. Mr. Kincaid will retire from the business of both the Griffin and the Kincaid mills on the first of March. ILL SUM 11! BV TAKING No Indigestion, Gas, Heart burn or Headache five * minutes later. If you had some Dlapepsln handy and would take a little now your stomach distress or Indigestion would vanish In five minutes and you would feel fine. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, out-of-order stomach before you realize It. If your meals don’t tempt you. or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead In your stomach, or If you have heartburn, that Is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 60-cent IS ENDED AJJTTLE DIAPEPSIN case of Pape's IKapepsin and take little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizziness or Intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no undigested food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsln Is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because It pre vents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests It just the same as If your stomach wasn't there. Relief In five minutes from all stom ach misery Is at any drug store wait lng for you. These large 50-cent, cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of Dyspepsia, Indiges tion or any other stomach disturbance, LIVE APART 17 YEARS: IVORCE Mrs. Rosa Morris Files Bill For Separation, Alimony and Children’s Support. PREMIER OF EGYPT IS SLAIN BY ASSASSIN Cairo, Egypt, Fab. 21.—Buetro Pacha ('hall, premier of Egypt and minister of foreign affair*. died this morning from the wounds Inflicted by Ibrahim Wardanf yesterday. The assassin, a student, today was Identified ns a mem ber of a Nationalist secret society hich has adopted terrorist methods. In Jail he wan closely examined today. When told of the death of his victim he exulted, declaring that he hoped his bullets had ended the premier’s life Im mediately. Louisville, Ky„ Feb. 21.—Suit for di vorce has been filed by Mrs. Rosa Mor ris, of Atlanta, against George Morris, of Louisville. Mrs. Morris sets forth that she and George Morris were married at Deca tur, Ala., In 1880 and that Morris de serted her and his five children seven teen years ago. She relates that she heard nothing from Morris until re cently, when she learned he now re sides In Louisville. She states further that duftng the seventeen years since Morris deserted her she has expended $2,804 in main taining and educating her children and she sues him for divorce, alimony and the maintenance of the children. A complete l«t of HE CANJALK A LITTLE Hope Now That There Will Be No Paralysis of Vocal Chords. Washington, Feb. 21.—A further Im provement In the condition of Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, who was stricken with paralysis last Wednesday, was reported this morning. He was said to be resting easily, was con scious and has partially recovered the power of speech. Bulletins on the pa tient's condition will be Issued during the day. $150,000 Fire in Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Feb. 21.—Fire, which start ed in the rear of the stage of the Fifth-ave. Family theater, at an early hour this morning, caused damage e* tlmated at aoout $150,000. The six story building, from the midde to the redr In Oliver-ave., was gutted. New ell’s hotel, on the upper side, and the Hotel Antler, adjoining on the lower side, OUed with smoke and the guests were routed In panic. ' the Styles? Are the skirts to be plaited or plain, trimmed or untrimmed? Arc the Spring changes radical, or will “ last year’s’’ do ? Arc one- , piece dresses still in the mode ? * What is the new sleeve, and what about its length ? What are the fabrics and what are the trimmir *s ? And where, oh where! will the waist line be ? These are the questions. The March Woman’s Home Companion has the answers. Page after page of advance fashions, 102 fashion pictures, dozens of colored fashion plates, 50 Spring fabrics and 40 Spring trimmings. Spring hats, Spring embroidery, Spring dressmaking, Spring neckwear, Spring accessories; fashions for the woman with money and the woman with no money—all in the big Advance Fashion Number' , The same number contains a wcaltli of other entertaining and practical reading matter. For instance: Pointing* In Color by Jennie WHteos Smith An Bast Side Story by My re Kelly A Serial Story by Juliet WitborTompklne A Funny Story by Mery Heaton Voree Gift* (or the New Baby The Doctor'* 1’*^ A Comlorteble Six-Room House Pin Money Club Sem Loti ‘ Croc hear inter Club ovd’e Purxle Pag* rung for the Beby WOMAN’S HOME COM£AgION THE GREATER WOMAN! MOMS COHESION i 1906 1 Established 1673 At All News-stands Convention Closes With Anni versary Exercises Mon day Afternoon. The thirtieth annual congress of the Salvation Army,.which has been In ses sion for the past week, will close with the .meetings Monday. An excellent program has been planned for the anniversary exercises Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Central Congregational church. Colo nel Will Inn) Peart, chief secretary of the army, will deliver an address, and short talks will be made by many oth ers. An elaborate banquet has been planned for the visiting officers at Du rand's restaurant, 11 East Alabama-st., Monday evening from 6:30 to 7 o'clock. The following Is the program for Monday: 2:20 p. m.—Devotional, Mrs. Briga dier Atkinson. 1:4 5 p. m.—Devotional, Brigadier Thomas Stanyon. 3:15 p. in.—Devotional, Major E. M. Barter. 3:35 p. m.—Devotional, Brigadier J. Atkinson. I p. m.—''The Spirit of an Officer," Colonel Holz. 4:40 p. m.—Question box. Evening. 7 p. in.—Open air. 8 p. m.—Grand finale, Colonel and Mrs. Holz In army hall. Banquet at Durand’s. 11 East Ala- baina-st., 5:30 to 7 p. m. CIVIL DOCKET CALLED IN SUPERIOR COURT Macon, Ga., Fob. 21.—The superior court entered again into the civil busi ness of another week today. Judge Felton will be engaged In hearing cases this week till the civil docket is cleared and the following Monday the criminal branch will be opened. The double charge of murder against E. B. Alford rill then be taken up. Made for the Man Who Knows ANNEXATION CAMPAIGN WILL BE OUTLINED Macon, Ga., Feb. 21.—A meeting Is called at the council chamber at the city hall for this evening for the pur pose of laying the plans for the cam paign for annexing»the larger portion* of South and West Macon. Chairman A. J. Long, of the citizens’ committee In charge, asserts now that there Is little doubt of carrying the election. The contest will be decided March 2. SWITCHMAN IS KILLED IN MACON YARDS Macon, Ga., Feb. 21.—Edward Camp bell. walehman for the McCatv Manu facturing Company,' wae run down by a ewitch engine In front of the plant on Fifth and Hazel-Biz. at 5 o'clock yesterday morning and died at the .Ma con hozpltal ns a result of the Injurlez. Both legs were severed from the body above the knees and death followed be fore surgeons could reach him. No one was able to account for the accident. Y0UNG~MAN InTaHT FOLLOWING ELOPEMENT Macon, Ga., Feb. 21.—Claude Kent, yqung man. Is In the Macon Jail fol lowing his elopement to Columbus, (la., with the pretty young wife of Fred Simmons, a street car conductor for the Macon Railway and I.lght Compa ny. Kent was captured by Deputy Sheriff Walter Byrd and wns brought back to answer for his conduct. Simmons . will push the charges against Kent. 15 Cents Made in millions at a fractional profit which is shared with you when you smoke the imported Tobacco of this quality cigar, at the sensational price. «« 9 Smooth, Mellow Cigars for 15c Are made possible by a great organi zation, which purchases good tobacco at quantity prices and have money enough to cure it right—and make it into cigars just right. No Wonder “PLUMS” Create Wonder II CAPITAL CITY TOBACCO COMPANY, Distributers, Atlanta, Ga. BOYS WILL CELEBRATE WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY Appropriate excreta** for Wnahlngtnn’* blrlhila^ will be held l»y the Boy*’ High The extretae* will begin promptly nt J2 clock, when the student body will n*. *emble in th«* hall. A number of the ■in dent* will deliver nddre**t»*. The speech* 1 * are expected to ho Interest ing and Instructive, and the public I* cor- dlnlly Invited. The following I* the program: ••Washington’* Ancestry’’— hnvld Coleman. "Washing I on'* Hoy hood"— Shiner F, Bunn. “Washington In the French nnd Indian War'*—Dewitt Burton. “\Vnshlngton n* Fresldcnf-Chtrle* Tow- ell. “Private l.lfo of Washington *t Mount Vernon"—WflUnin Harwell. “Washington nnd Lafayette"—Daniel Ho!- BARACAS WORK HARD FOR BIG MEMBERSHIP President Shelley Ivey, nf the At lanta Rar.u a league, has vailed a meet- lng to beheld Tuesday night nt the Y. M. C. X. at 8 o'clock for the purpose nf discussing some Important matters for the league. , The Barnca class of the Wesley Me morial church Is hard at work getting nett- members In order that they may have 117 men by April 1. It Is the In tention of the class to be In their new quarters In the new Wesley church by April ID. At present the class Is meet ing every Sunday morning at 3:30 o’clock at the Gate City Guard armory on Houston-st. The following are the officers of the Wesley Baraca class: W. Harris Fitzpatrick, president; c. J. McKIhen- ny, vice president; J. B. Nichols, sec retary; D. I* MeKIhemiy, assistant sec retary; Eugene L. Karnes, treasurer; I* H. Forster, librarian; Ia>n H. Graves, press reporter; Professor W. W. Tin dall, teacher. DR. J. bThAWTHORNE IS CRITICALLY ILL -Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, a well-known Baptist minister who formerly lived In Atlanta. Is critically III at his heme In Richmond, Va.. with paralysis In the right side. News of his illness came to Atlanta Saturday. He was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church^of Atlanta, and while here became recognized as one of the most eminent divines nf Georgia. He made a wide circle of friends. Papers in Appeal Cases. Dalton, Ga., Feb. 21.—Clerk W. M. Sapp today forwarded the papers in the following cases to the court of ap peals carried up from the Whitfield county superior court: Guy Richardson vs, the State; G. f. Williams vs. the State; J. H. Kinnl- ■»n vs. the State; B. B. Turner vs. the General Accident Fire and Ufe As surance Corporation, l.imlted; Gus Stearns vs. the Southern railway. MISS EVERHART WRITES FINE REFERENCE WORK! "United States Public Documents" la J the title of n valuable reference work. { written by Mis* Klfrida Everhart, of Atlanta, and Just issued from the press. Miss Everhart Is reference librarian of the Carnegie library here and la the daughter of Htate Chemist Edgar Ev erhart. The work details the history, description and compus* of nil the many publications Issued by the de partments of the United Htatcs govern ment. .Miss Everhart'* book has received enthusiastic commendation from the great Journals of national circulation, such ns The Dial, The Nation. The New York Post, The Woman’s Journal, The Library Journal. The American Politi cal Rclence Review. The book Is destined to become the standard of authority in Its field, and Miss Everhart Is receiving many con gratulation* on the success of her work. REGISTRATION BOOKS WILL CLOSE APRIL 5 Hewlett A. Hall, of Newnan, Oa„ chairman of the state Democratic ex ecutive committee, has Issued a warn ing to the voters of the state that the registration hooks will close on April 5 nnd that unless voters are registered before that time they will be disfran chised for the Important Primary and general elections Hint are to l>e held In the state this year, among them the governor’s election and the election for congressmen. Chairman Hall points out that the registration so far Is small, being only about 8i> per cent of the • ote cast In the June prtnfcirv, 1908. RHEUMATISM Cured by the Marvel of the Century. B. B, B.—Tested for 30 Years. - v ’’.I’' n * hon,a swollen joint. permanently thru the hlnod with purs liof.nir.l in- JWj} If* -HI »!■'! you s SAMPLE TREATMENT TREE. It yon hie. bon,, ari.tlr, Dr .hooting p.ln. up .nd down III, leg. aching back or shoulder .wolfet, joint, or .w 0 II,n mu.rl,., difficulty in muring .round >n yon h»r, to si, crutch,.: blood thin or ,kin title- .kin itch,, .nd bum,; .hitting pain.: b.ii hnjsth; 1srtsgn rtnt uk." Botanic Blood B.lm (B. - B. B.l which will remove very •rmptotn brmu., B. B. B. send. a rich tingling Hood of warm, rich pur, blond direct to th« paralyted n.rrea. Iran,, .nd joint, glr- - tnz w.rtsth .nd .length jn.i (, j, ll.nlcd. nnd In this way making g pvrfet luting me nf Rh.iint.lf.rn in .11 it, form, B. B. B. ha, made thouund. of me. of rheamati.m ,ft,r mil other medicine, tini' The Little Boy of today, with the toy train, J is the big man of tomorrow, with the rent thing steam engine. Provided, of course, that energy is properly directed . Did you ever stop {<* think whnt the little ad "> I the newspaper can be mail? to'dot N | We print an awful I"* ^ good things about advertis ing, nnd a speciul subscrip tion offer is made to B'"' 4 subscribers of one dollar for | the first year. Newspaperdom 150 Nassau St., New York] e x,s ? * ® T Jj m Delphi* BOOKS ......... ail inner mcoirit menu and doctor* have tailed to hrlo bStPlk"- SAMPLE SK.VT PJfjgF. h, writing Btod Brits Dm ™ r ,r#ufcl ' TEETH Whlt.h*" **• 1. WHITE. P o »- Liner Goez Ashore. .j Hull, England, Feb. 21-- 1 liner Galileo, front N"' ) ;, r i driven ashore by the ■' r "■ ; the entrance to the river l o'-' oral tugs acre dMi-ao h" 1 '' but hour* of work fall*** 1 her position.