Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 21, 1910, Image 5

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1910. The Blue Tag Furniture Sale Wont Last Very Muck Longer If there's an odd piece of furniture you ve keen coveting a long time, if you want to add to a suit, if you need an entire new furnishing for living-room, den, dining-room, library or hed-room, come to our Furniture Department before the Blue Tags all dis appear. The factories, you know, have notified us of a ten per cent advance on Furniture, so if you want to save, you 'lid o well to investigate our Blue Tags. Everything in this department except two con- trct lines—Stickley Craftsman and Macy Sectionals —is flying the Blue Tag. Come just as you can and attach the Red or “Sold” Tag to su pieces as please you. soon as ch Chamberlin-J ohnson- DuBose Company AGED JUST FOURTEEN AND SIX FEET TALL Only fourteen years old, «lx feet tall, baby-faced and wearing short trousers, such is the description of Herschel Hanson, who left the police barracks Monday morning for the reformatory at MilledgevUle. This young giant Is from Clayton county, and Is probably the tallest fourteen-year-old lad In the state. Hanson waf remanded to the re formatory from the Rabun court be cause of an alleged fight with his two older brothers, both of whom he says are taller than he. UNITED SINGERS MAY HOLD FESTIVAL HERE A large delegation from the Freund- schafsbund and the Turners society left Atlanta Sunday night for Jackson ville, Fla., to take part In the music festival to be held In that city and to urge the United Singers to hold their next festival In Atlanta. Among the Atlanta singers are Otto Kllngenger. John Blps, H. Ooller, L. Brandes, James Lynch. Then Cassirer, William Mettlger, Emil Gleland, George Mau. Max Oppenhelm, Fran* Prlnfc, J. H. Kppert, Philip Meier, A. Fuller, John Scherxlnger, H. Muench. Oscar Graupe, Julius Trimbach and Frank Wheat FRED W. COLE Fire Insurance, 1014 Empire Bldg. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT For ihe alx month, ending December 31. 1909. of the condition of the UNITED STATES BRANCH OF THE Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Limited Organized under the law* of the kingdom of Great Britain, made to tho governor of the Mate of Georgia. In pursuance of the law, of *ald Mate. I. CAPITAL STOCK. 1 Whole amount of capital Mock ?? Amount paid up In cash .. .. •• 660,000,00 JfioO,000.00 II. ASSETS. 1 Loan, on bond and mortgage (duly recorded and being first , Hen, on the fee) 135,000.00 3. Stock* and bonda owned absolutely by the company. par value, fl.379.9R0; market value (carried out). 32.093,907.... 2,093,907.00 [ Caah In company'a principal office -I 1*4.18 t'a.h belonging to the company deposited In bank 1(8.63-1.03 " ' ash In handa of apeclal agenta L-9i.9i Total . Total caah item, (carried out) • •• .}• Amount of Interest actually due and accrued and unpaid ... .1,117.07 "• All other aaaets, both real and personal, not Included herein- before 1,488.58 13 Agents' uncollected' balance, 263,721.38 Total asset, of tho company, actual cash market value .. 32.694,3.10.17 III. LIABILITIES. 1 Loss,* rt, 1# an< | unpaid 341.1*6.83 * tiro,, losses In process of adjustment or In sus- , pen,*. Including all reported and supposed losses 119,665.00 3- l.ossea resisted. Including Interest, costs and all °ther expenaea thereon lai’alna-t | Total amount of claims for losses 1 5. Deduct re-lnsuraner thereon ,8,631.08 ,* Jet amount of unpaid losses (carried out) . JJ The amount of reserve for re-lnsurance ... m ‘'S06.956.oi ]| Ail other claims against the company * 15 Surplus beyond alt liabilities 3 ( u Total liabilities '■ '' IV. INCOME DURING THE LAST SIX MONTH8 OF THE TEAR 1909. J Amount of caah premiums received i "eeetvad for Interest 4 S' '■ Income received from all other v • • • z ° * Total income actually received during the last six month, In V ' EXPENDITURES DURING THE LAST SIX MONTH8 OF THE YEAR 1909. I Amount of I oases paid , • \ J Amount of expenses paid. Including fees, salaries and com- ... mission* to agents and officer, of the company ... ••• ■ • 266.177..I * Pa jdjor atate. national and local taxes In this and other JM#U _ * Ail other payments and expenditure, . ''L.U 1*4.366.99 American branches of foreign companies will ple»»e report „ amount sent to home office during the Ism six months .. Total expenditure* during the last six months of the year Greatest amount insured In any one risk .... ... SJ Total amount of Insurance outstanding •• •• -86.*48,20l^o or ,, A C0 PF of 'he act of Incorporation, duly certified. Is of (lie In the office sV.he Insurance commissioner. „ _ . ■Tate OF NEW TORK—County of New York „ . h.( P ‘ r * or| ally appeared before the underelgned J-™ 0 *'*"™'?, manner ..f wint finiv in-orn a Bn< i lflva that h* la th* United State* manager »»i 'he N'orwlrh Union FlreTnsurance Society. Limited, and that the foregoing ls '“ct • nd ,rw ' j. MONTGOMERY HARE. "*om subscribed before Pullic. ■ x *me of State Agent—GUY CARPENTER. of Agent at Atlanta—FRED W. COLE. ROAD IS INVESTIGATING CAUSE OF WRECK Waycroas, Ga., Fab. 21.—It la raport- rd here that official* of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic are conduct ing a vigorous Investigation ns to the cause of the wreck of a northbound passenger train from Waycroas to At- lafrta Friday morning early. The acci dent happened at Double Run, between Fitzgerald and Cordele, at a switch near the crossing of the Hawklnsvllle and Florida Southern and the A., B. & A. The engine, mall, baggage and ex press cars and two day coaches were derailed. Two Pullmans remained on the track Of the 4& persons on the cats derailed not tine wo* hurt. This Is accounted for because of the almost even land In the vicinity of the accident, the cars not turning over, there being no em hanktnont. The switch rod was broken, giving a dear signal when the switch was open. UNIFORM LODGE WILL CONFER THIRD DEGREE Uniform bulge No. 123, Knights of Pythias, will confer the third rank upon a large class of esquires at Caatle hall, Kiser building, next Tuesday night. The degree team has been well re heursed under the direction of Master of Wi»rk Ed L. Humphreys, who has prepared some Interesting new features. The folhiwlng compose tho team Owens, king; Otis Witherspoon, mon itor; J. A. Buchanan, Pythagoras; G. F. Cox, herald; W. A. Rector, master at arms; W. B. Scott, J. T. Busbee, D. T. Griffin, Jack Head, J. C. Buchanan. Dr. W. H. Hoey, Jay R. Reynolds, H. E. Fretwoll, Dr. W. W. McAfee, sen ators; J. C. Jones, scribe; W. L. 8cott, headsman; R. E. Lawshe and O. A. Dibble, attendants. The occasion will be one of great In terest and Importance to oil Pythlans. SURGEON’S KNIFETaILS TO SAVE AGED MAN’S LIFE Dalton. Ga., Fab. 21.—J. H. Rollins, father of Dr. J. C. Rollins, of Dalton, and one of the most prominent and highly respected residents of this coun ty. died at the home of his son here Saturday morning, after an Illness of several months. Mr. Rollins underwent peration at Atlanta several weeks ago. but his physical condition at the time was such thnt he could not recover from the operation, Mr. Hollln* has been a prominent worker for the upbuild inir of this coun ty for years, holding a number of re sponsible offices. At the time of his death he was one of the registrars. He was 72 years of age. The funeral was conducted at Dawnvllle Sunday after- no«>n. Rev. H. D. Keith conducting the ervlce, am! lie was burled with Ma inlc honors. He was a member of the local camp of Confederate Veterans and an escort of hon*»r from the camp attended the fu neral. He is survived by a wife and twelve children, the children hWnr Mrs. J. M. Kirby and W. J. Rollins, of Texas; Mrs. William Yates, of Ringgold, Ga.; Dr. J. f Rollins, Mrs. O. M. Mitchell. Mrs. W. Cox. A. L. Rollins. T. O. Rollins. R. F. Rollins. Arthur Rollins. Ernest Rol lins and Miss Maud Rollins, all of this icounty. t Senator Smith Getting Well. Washington, Feb. 21.—Senator Wil liam Alden Hnilth. of Michigan, who was operated on for appendicitis last week, was'reported today to he rapidly recovering. No III effects following the operation are apparent and the pa tient will S4>on be able to resume his duties. Raid Gambling Joint. Washington, Fob, 21.—A sensation was caused here today when It became known that the police early this morn ing raided the fashionable Green Room club, which numbers among Its mem bers many men prominent In political and social life of the city. Eleven prominent men. whose names have been suppressed by the police, were ar rested In the place, which Is alleged to have been full of expensive gambling de\ I res. HE HAS BEEN RIGHT IN THE SPOTLIGHT LATELY -THOTO 0V HARRIS % SWING. WASH. LOUIS R/GLAVI8. The man whose statements and charges led to the Balllnger-PIn- chot court of inquiry. CHAUFFEUR IS HELD BY TELEPHONE POLE Affixed on the end of a telephone pole, as a knight of old pierced by the lance of his opponent, a Htudebaker automobile, belonging to Major J. F. Hanson and driven by Chauffeur How* nrd W. French, was found Saturday night with French pinned by the end of the pole to the hack of the seat, which resulted from the machine run ning Into the back end of a wagon heavily loaded with 60-foot telephone poles. The accident occurred at Peachtree at. and Merrltts-ave. and was caused when French, not seeing the telephone pole loaded wagon, turned to one side to pass another automobile and struck the end of the pole, which projected about fifteen feet from the rear of the agon. The pole, on account of the force of the moving machine, smashed thru the front part of It and struck French In the breast, pinning him to the hnck of the seat. He w f as knocked uncon scious, but fortunately had presence of mind enough to stop the engine and apply the emergency brake. The ma chine was stopped before It had gone far enough to crush French. French was returning the machine to the gnrage, after having taken Major Hanson to his apartment. It Is said that he had two friends with him. He was taken to a hospital and the ma chine was taken to the Dixie garage. DECLARE CRAZY SNAKE IS NOW IN WASHINGTON Washington, Feb. 21.—Word reached Washington today that Chltto Harjo, (Crazy Snake), who mysteriously dis appeared lust spring from Oklahoma, when militia was attempting to cap ture him for leading the Snake, or Creek, full-blooded Indians In revolt. Is In this city. The statement comes from Major A. L. Edglngton, who led the militia In the pursuit of the out law. Major Edglngton says he believes Federal authorities Into cominunl- I atlon with Crazy Hnake and brought * him to this city fearing he would meet with harsh treatment If captured by the state authorities. Things Our Contestants • s Should Remember OST IMPORTANT of .all is the fact that the contest will close promptly at 11 o’clock next,Sat urday night, leaving a little more than five days’ time in which to win your prize. An other important thing to be remembered is that all votes and subscriptions MUST be in the ballot box before the closing hour, otherwise they can not be counted. The ballot box will be sealed at noon to morrow, and will not be opened again until the judges take charge on the night of closing.' Contestants in outside dis tricts should be veiy careful to send in their votes and subscriptions in plenty of time for them to arrive at the Contest Department before the closing hour, as no votes will be issued after that time. A great deal depends upon the sort of work you do this week. Don’t fail to do the right sort. Contest Department The Atlanta Georgian SHIP FAILS TO ARRIVE FOR REMAINS OF NABUC0 Washington, Fob. 21.—The rem<svul to Brazil of the remains of Ambassa dor Nabucco, which was to have taken place today, has been postponed, ow ing to the pon-arrival of the Brazilian bat- thshlp Minas Genies which sailed last week from Newcastle, England, for Norfolk, where It was to have escorted the body to Brazil. At the Brazilian embassy this morn ing, It was said that the battleship probably had been delayed in arriving at Norflnk by the recent Atlantic storms. No apprehension Is felt at the embassy ns to the safety of the ship, which is expected at Norfolk In a day or two. Watching a Stomach Digest Food Was the Means Whereby Science Made Possible the Cure of Dyspepsia. Trial Package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Sent Frts. The Abbe Kpallanzunl was th»» first scientist to study systematically the chemical powers of the gastric Juice, hut It was by the careful and convlno- Ing experiments of Beaumont that the foundation of our exact knowledge of i comp*»sltlon ami action was laid. Beaumont was an army surgeon, lo rated at an obscure military post In Michigan, while It was yet a territory, and was called upon t«» treat a gun shot wound of the stomach In a Canadian voyageur—Alexis Ht. Martin. “ When the wmind healed a permanent opening left by m» ans of which food could be placeil In the stomach and gastrl Juice taken from It. Beaumont made sc|i»ntlf1c experl ments with his crude means and wrote book, which today Is recognize* among the classics of physiology. Beaumont blazed the way for other scientist* so that today medh lne knows hat the stomach does with food ami hat food docs to the stomach. Science also know* what the gastric Juices are and h.»w to r.i.ike them best for the system. Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets, thanks to the poor army surgeon and Alexis Rt. Martin, give man a menna of illgentlng food, replenishing the exhausted Juices, soothing the nerves and C4»rree||ug dys peptic conditions of the stomach. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are nat ural fruit and vegetable essences re duced In concentrated form mid by tre mendous power compressed Into a tab let. These wonderful little dfgestors are known all over America and «*an- ada. Full meals have been digested by them In glass tubes and they are sold by every druggist. Physicians to th** number of 40,000 use them. They are meritorious and powerful. Go to your druggist and buy a package today, pries 50c, of send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Htuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. NEW TOWNS SPRING UP IN SOUTH GEORGIA Valdosta, G*„ Feb. 21.—Ae an instsnee of the rapid development of thl, section, the Internet nmnlffated In the opening of the territory ibrn which the Valdosta, Moultrie nud Western railroad pusses I, eireedlng nnvthlog of the kind ever witnessed In southern Georgln. Two new towns bsve sprung up on the lino between this city and Moultrie with n rapidity and,l(Ooni rivaling thnt of some of the Wea'ern Towns. The first of these towns Is Cates, nine miles west of here, and the other ollrltn, 27 miles front Valdosta. Ths latter town Is owned by ttie rnllrosd company and It Is preparing to hnve tin auction sale of residence and business lot, on Kehrttnry 22. The section it round curb of those new towns is estreine- Iv prolific, hut Is undeveloped. The lant (or miles surrounding Berlin Is regarded as nntottg the Iteat still In the country for rertnln kind, of crops. Freighter Runt Aground. Boston, Fab, 21.—The Leyland lino Steamship Philadelphian, Manchester to Boston, ran aground this morning In a dense fog off Castle Island In Boa* ton harbor. The ship bae a cargo valued at 11.000,000. She struck a half hour before high tide and six tuge have been unable to move her. It la likely that It will be necessary to lighter a great part of the cargo. The Philadelphian Is a freighter, 442 feet In length and 6,120 gross tone. Captain George Is In command. A complete Hit of practically all houses Georgian’, want columns on erery Tuesday, for rent In Atlanta la publlihcd In Tha Tburadar and Saturday. Southerners in NewYork New York, Feb. 21.—Southerner* reg istered at New York hotels: Atlanta—Mrs. H. C. Carson. Mr*. M McClendon, A. W. Rosenfleld, A. N, Houston. D. Picard. H. F. Rachner, J. D. Steward. \V. B. Walker. President Helps Orphans, Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the President of the Indus trial and Orphans' Homo at Macon, On., who write*: "We have )tsed Elec tric Bitters In this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach, Liver and Kid ney troubles. We regard It as one of the best family medicines on earth.'' InvIgomteH all vital organs, purifies the blood, aids digestion, creates appetite. To strengthen and build up pale, thin, weak children or rundown people it has no equal. Best for female com plaints. Only 60c at all druggists. FORMER SWEETHEART WILLS WOMAN FORTUNE NathvillR, Tann„ Fab. 21.—By th* location of Mrs. Dauddle Venter, who live* at 1905 Elghteenth-Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn., who prove* to be the heir ti» an e*tnte of about $235,000, a romance i>f a remarkable nature was brought to light. The estate wa* left by K. D. Ennis, who formerly lived in Birmingham, and wo* the nweetheart of Mis* c’lauddle flark at that time. Mis* t’lark married a man named Wa ter eight year* ago, having removed from Birmingham to Nashville. Ennis became engaged to Miss Clark In 1691 In Birmingham, and the next year Ennis shot a man here and fled to Darien and Jamaica, where he amassed a fortune, and about three >enra ago he was fatally Injured In a fight with a Spaniard. Before his death he willed his entire estate to Miss Clark. If troubled with Indigestion, consti pation, no appetite or feel bllloua, give Chamberlain’s Htomach and Liver Tab lets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These tablets Invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Hold by all dealers. New Sleeping Car Line between Atlanta and Val dosta, Ga.; leaves Atlanta 9:10 p. m. daily via Central of Georgia Railway. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT For the alx months ending December 31, 1909, of the condition of the Guarantee Company of North America, Of Montreal, # Organised under the laws of Canada, made to ths governor of the itate of Georgia, In pursuance of the laws of eald state. Principal office, 67 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal I. CAPITAL 8TOCK. 1. Whole amount of capital stock subscribed.. .. 3668,600.00 2. Amount paid up In cash 104,600.00— I 304,(00.00 II. A8SET8. 1. Market value of real estate owned by the com pany 346.900.00 3 46,900.00 3. Stocks and bonds owned absolutely by the company: Par value 31.077.649.37 Market value (carried out) 1,277,484.17 1.177,4S4.1T 6. Cash in company's principal office 3 6,703.33 3. Cash belonging go the company deposited In banks 209.973.41 316,336.74 7.747.44 Total 3 216.683.74 Total cash Items (carried out) 3. Amount of Interest actually due and accrued and unpaid.. 11. All other assets, both real and personal, not Included herein before: Premiums In course of collection, not over three months due 3,393.07 Total assets of the company, actual caah market value.. 31,(60,711.42 III. LIABILITIES. 2. Grose losses In process of adjustment or In sus pense, Including all reported and supposed losses 3 (.(16.00 I. Losses resisted, Including Interest, costs and all other expenses thereon.. (6,000.00 . .((3,616.00 .. 20,000.00 6. Net amount of unpaid losses (carried out) 3 43.616.00 10. The amount of reserve for reinsurance 99.403.08 11. All other claims against the company: Halarles, commissions, rent and taxes 9,767.93 Surplus reinsurance reserve • 32,092.49 Contingency provision , ... ... 12. Joint stock capital actually paid up In caah 13. Surplus beyond all liabilities 1.036,242.’I 14. Total liabilities 31.660,711.42 IV. INCOME DURING THE LAST 8IX MONTH8 OF THE YEAR 1909. 1. Amount of cash premiums received ... 3 106,756.48 3. Received for Interest 24.681.93 6. Total Income actually received during the'last six months In cash 3 140.838.47 V. EXPENDITURES DURING THE LAST SIX MONTHS OF THE YEAR 1909. 1. Amount of looses paid, less salvage 3 20.660.43 2. Caah dividends actually paid !>,l(4.n<i 2. Amount of expenses paid. Including fees, salaries and com mission* to agents and officers of the company 17.360.94 4. Paid for state, national and local taxae In this and other etates 1.474.32 5; All other payments and expenditures, vis: Inspection expenses 3,909.16 Advertising, printing, rent*, taxes and general ex penses 11.229.07 Total expenditure* during the laet six months of the year In cash 3 87,317.92 Greatest amount Insured In any one risk I 30.000.00 Total amount of Insurance outstanding. . . . <1,111,736.00 A copy of the act of Incorporation, duly certified. Is of file In th» office of the Insurance commissioner. .. HTATE OF GEORGIA—County of Ful». Personally appeared before the underelgned. W. V. Custer, who. being duly sworn, deposes and say* that he la the agent of the Guarantee Company of North America, and that the foregoing statement Is correct and true. W. V. OCSTLft. Sworn to and subscribed befo# me this Xfth day of February, 1910 C. S. DAVIS, Notary Publfa. Name of State Agent—W. V. CUSTER. : Name of Agent at Atlanta—W. V. CUSTER, —^ '