Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 10

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TJife ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SAT OK OAT, OCTOBER 15, ma FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a wonl for ada under this beading. CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. BEFORE buying furniture, square*, wee J, C. Mason. I FOR SALE—Overstocked on No. 2 ahlnglea. Special prices on nil building material. Farmers Exchange. 522 Edgewood-ave. ONE second-hand bank burglar alarm; will sacrifice account hank liquidation. J. c. Bush, Fitzgerald. Ga. $-2* a FOR SALE—Second-hand building material. Lee, corner Cone and Marietta. 118 ALFALFA PEED-I will sell by tbs sack or carload aeed of my own production fn the Panhandle. My need Is well cleaned and nearly absolutely free of all **Ta’ All aeed put up In new donble baza. A a* drenn J. M. 8lmraona, flanaford. Hansford County, Tex. . PATENTS. , {•*uipzaq «|qi Japan «pv jo; pao.u v juoo auo WANTED—Second-hand bicycle; In good condition; donbls tube tires, cooater brake. Addreaa T. C. B., 210 Petera Bldj MONEY TO LOAN. One cent s word for sds Jnder tbla basiling M'wni rnira, uw aem/i; uu/ money notea. Charles Herman, Rooms 201- 202 Temple Court. 4*146 FOR SALE—Four new latest model Becker Iceless sods fountains. Price below manu facturers' coat. Terms very BIO BARGAIN IN DIAMONDS—! hays tbres atones, from % to 1 carat, will sell cheap for cask Will pay jouto call. M. Greer, The Upstalra Jeweler, 2V4 Walton-st. agon w_._ _ an extra bed. Apply 42 Center-at.; waterworks cer. FOR BALE—Remington typewriter, office safe, filing cabinets, desks, chairs, etc.JO FOB 8ALB—Very reasonable, a White Cross electric vibrator, good as new. Need money is rea son of disposing. Address “Vi brator,” Box 900, care Georgian. MUST BEI.T, mj nnulr n«w opr1*h« Pitcher pUno; will t»ke b#6t off*r rarer $M>. A<Mr*„ fto* 84, ten Ar**on Hotal. MAKO to Mil »t «*eriHc« Ptlc.1 la sooC shape. *ntl th, best Offeruke, lt| Ojrlfhl qoartorM o*k. PhoM OM-J, or •Srtr.J; corner Herd** and Wliltrford. 10-11-3 FOB SAL.B—Medium rite rates 1,000 pound*; enrt US. Will eell eery chup tor ceth, F. C.. err* Oeorflan. 1* NOTES OF SALARIED PEOPLE, women housekeepers and business concerns bought without security. Cheapest rates, easffit payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. H. Toltnsn. 524 Austell Bldg. ’ WEYMAN it CONNORS. ESTABLISHED 1190. Mortgages on Heal Estate. 4« MONEY ON HAND for lmmsdlsts loans on property In or near Atlanta. J. E. Van- Valkenburg, 501 Equitable Bldg. IT " Co., corner Broad and AUbama-sts. 4-1-1 r-in LOANS MADE on farm and city property anywhere at 6 per cent per annum, mr ‘ l ly or annual payments. The Southern 1— and Trust Company's contracts bought and •old. Address 422 Atlanta National Bank building. 7-74 UNLIMITED MONEY TO LOAN at 6 per rent *traf*ht; ISM amount, and upward. Partial payments can be made on loan If desired. Also monthly payment tonne. Pnrcha** money note* wanted. Foster k Robson, 11 Rd*e- wood-are. WANTED—MONEY. On* cent t word tor eda nnder this beadlnc. IF YOU hire money to lend on Atlanta FOB SALE—Oaronport, quartered oak. arson rejour nphofsterod: food new. Barealm Phone Uj 1787-J.10 IF TOO own an unincumbered lot w* will Mil you all hutldtnr material necaaaary to baud, yon a homo without your harln* to pay a mlddlemnn'a profit. It can be paid 1» per month and up at I par cant almpla Interest. Smith A Strap*** Lumber Co. 10-14-44 FOB SALE—New large double-door Victor iron safe; coet $225; for $100 cash. Apply 42$ Kiser building. In SECOND-HAND fire end onrglsr-proof safe with thick steel chest end heavy bolt wort; a bsrgalnjaJso good fireproof safe] cheap. 401 EngUSh-Amerlcan Bldg. 9 1 SALE—1 M half d i£ Tap, -Ladlea* (Ida Mddls, new: hMn . doaen timet; coat 136; will aell Apply 48 Carnegie way. Mrs. FOR SALE—One medlnm-etaed Estate Oak ator* In perfect condition; can be eeen nt 484 Spring-*t. *" FOR SALE. CI1KAP—On* Springfield No. 2 automatic water heater, same as sold by ana company. Perfect condition. $25. Also electric motor and dynamo. Heater, care Georgian, or phone Decatnr 412. 10-16-10 A BONA FIDE PIANO SALE FOR ONE WEEK 15 FACTORY sample pianos at fsetory prices, $160, |I76, 6210 and 6260. Easy terms to salt purchaser. Eaeh sample Included in this lot sella regularly for 6275, $825, $860 and |400. These instruments represent the beat piano bargains ertr offered In Atlanta. Phon*M. 1671. M. Schuls Co., 780 Candler Bldg. 1016-8 good on any new piano sold by Webster _4ano Co. Best offer gets * ” * “ " No. 1, Bos 18, Concord, Ga. FOR BALE CIIBAP—B. W. Raymond watch, Elgin painters ladder (18 fr “ wheelbarrow, 24 paint brushes (almost n%w ; . dozen Utter pole t>oiea, three mantels and grates, box mantel tile, two rangaa, tnln- —. —. *- — itshlng. choat, carpenter Sanford, Edgewood, Ga. FOR SALE—Feathers; all kinds of domes tic feathers; lire geese feathers a special ty. Write or phone for aamples and prlcea. R. S. Eubanks, 78H South Broad-at., At- lints. 441 ALFALFA-^The greatest of hay eropa: also rye. barley, oats, wheat and vetch. Mark W. Johnson Reed Company, Atlanta. 10*6-43 FOR SALE— Practically new K C. Smith machine. In first-rln*e condition; leaving city reason for tolling. L, Box 15. care enport. W. S. Parsona, 61 York-a $200 DIAMOND HORSESHOE SCARF PIN. platinum and gotd setting. w*etghs 2 carats. Unredeemed pledge; sacrifice price $125. I>. A. Tobias, Inc.. 0 East Alabama-et. roses In bloom. K. M. Buchanan, Roeelaml Nurseries. South Atlanta. Take Federal prison cars to South Atlanta. 450 FOR SALE-One complete eet New Inter- nsttonat Encyclopedia, 22 volumes; fine condition; a bargain for cash. Books, care Georgian. 462 WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for ada under this bending. WANTED—Second-hand furniture, office I phone 152$ Main. WE PAY highest cash prices tor household goods. pUnos and office furniture. Cash advanced on consignments. Central Auction Company, 12 East M!tcbell-af. Bell phone Main 2424. 1-24-2$ WANTED—Second-hand bags and burlap: " r. anywhere. Rich- hnioml. Vn. 910-10 WANTED—To purchase small churning and pressing htislnes*. Write wrhut >ou have, stating club membership and average month It earnings from extra*. Address M. A It., care Georgian. 10-11-24 I WANT to borrow $3^00 on modern resi dence property Just told for $8,000. Box •00. Atlanta, Oa. WANTED—Loan of $1,600 by December 10 on a farm at Llthfa Bprlnrs. Ga.: wsll worth & 000. Address W. W. W.. 214 East Hun- r-st., Atlanta. WANTED—To borrow $1,500 of private party: first mortgage on city property worth $4,000. Address X., Box II, care Tbs Georgian. CAN place your money on . Atlanta real estate at 7 and 8 per cent net, choice first mortgages. T. C. CONWAY, 412 Peters Bldg. 10-15-12 WILL pay 160 eammlaalon and I par cant for 81.000 loan on Aoatall trammer home property, rained at 82,800. Becnrlty, ear* Georgian. 10-18-S3 MISCELLANEOUS. ' On* cant a word tor ada nndtr tbla beading. YOU GET' TUB REST photo,, postcard*. BICYCLES. TERMS LIKE CAR FARR. Tha R*e»cl*. Iludaon, Regal, Elco. I’rlera from 820 to 170. ^ Kl jes-Auitell Company, 18 North RAILROAD SCHEDULE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Arrlral and Departure of Pailenger Train*. Atlanta. Tb* following schedule Bgnraa are pnb. II,had only at information, and art not guar, ••‘••d’ No. Depart to— 18 Now York .18.11 am 30 Columbus,. 6.20am 12 Ft Vallay. 6.80 am II Cincinnati. 6.30 am 86 Hlrm'ham. 6.80 am 18 Richmond.. I.i - Iff* No. Arrtr* IS Now York 6.00 am 41 Wl 12 1 Inib'ton. 8.2S a ick'vUlt. 6.80*1 iraraport 6.10 am n iisnin,..,. 21 New York.10.10 si 8 Cbstt'ga..10.26si 27 Ft^VtlVey.ft# s' H Columbus. 10.60 am 8 Clndn'tt. .1L16 am JO New York. 2.45 pm li Chstt'ga... 6.00 pm SO Blrm'ham.. 4.10 pm *1$ Toccos.... 4.60pm 22 Coiombos.. 6.P pa I Cincinnati. 6.10 pm 28 Ft. Valley. 6.20 pm 26 Heflin 6.45 pa 10 Macon. 6.10 pa 44 Wash'gtco. 8.46 pm H Bhrevec't..11.10 pm 14 Jaeh'Tjre..11.10 pm Trains marked thus (*} run dally except unday. Other trains r?« Jally. Central Ian. City Ticket OSIce-No. I P«achtraa-,t BUSINESS DIRECTORY, PATENTS OBTAINED—Let a represent*. tire of ooo of tbo lM*at patent attorneya In Washington city aid you In procuring a patent. Call at 401 Klter building, Atlanta. FOR SALE—FURNITURE. On* cent a word for ada under tbla beading. J. M. HIGH CO. FURNITURE AND RUG SPE- CIALS. CASH OR CREDIT. $40.00 Davenport $29.75 22.50 Dining Table .... 14.98 2.50 Hammock 1.98 5.00 Porch Swing .... 2.98 4.50 Willow Rocker . . . 2.98 25.00 Brass Bed . : . . . 14.98 10.00 Felt Mattress .... 7.49 15.00 9x12 Brussels Rug . 11.98 15.00 9x12 Takara Rug. . 10.00 MAIL ORDERS FILLED. J. M. HIGH CO. LEGAL NOTICES. ROBISON’S ODD PIECE SALE OF FURNITURE. $27.50 Gurney Refrigerator $19.75 $40.00 Typewriter Desk .. .$26.50 $25.00 Invalid’s Rolling Chair $16.50 $45.00 Quartered Oak Hall Rack $35.00 $30.00 Leather Morris' Chair $20.00 $35.00 Leather Turkish Rocker $25.00 $30.00.Oak Davenport ....$21.00 $180.00 Early English Bedroom Suit, new Flanders style, con sisting of Bed, Dresser, Wash- stand and Chiffonier. Only one suit left. Will close this com plete suit out for $119.00 ROBISON’S, 27 East Hunter. The Economy Store. ROOM RUGS. THE richest room covering is a rug. Fashion has spoken strongly on the subject of rugs, and ihe home that pretends to obey her dictates must have them. We have a large and varied as sortment of elegant patterns. $30 Room Rugs, 9x12 feet....$25 $27 Room Rugs, 9x12 feet....$22 $20 Room Rugs, 9x12 feet... .$16 Room Rugs as low as $7 ROBISON’S, 27 East Hunter. BRASS BEDS. THERE is decisive economy in buying good Brass Beds. We carry only the better grades and the style and finish are the very latest. $65 Brass Beds, 21-2-in. posts, $50 $58 Brass Beds, 21-2-in. posts, $45 $45 Brass Beds, 2-in. posts... .$35 $36 Brass Beds, 2-in. posts..... $29 Brass Beds as low as.. .$14 ROBISON’S, 27 East Hunter. SHERIFF SALES FOR NOVEMBER, 1910. Will bs sold before the court bouse door in the city of Atlanta. Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In November, 1910, at public oatcry, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder or bidders for cash, the whole, part or- psrts of the fol lowing described property, to wit: All that truct or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot twenty-ons (21) of tha Fourteenth (14th) district of originally Hen- now Fulton, county, Georgia, and more along, the east side oi Cameron-at. one han d . r j®a 1 ®* ninety-eight (198) feet to McDon- «*at along tha north aide of McDonald-st. forty (40) feet; thence north one hundred and nfnety-eevsn and seven- fr®** 1 * (197.7) feet to Fslr-et.; thence west •long the south aide of Fair-st. forty-one (41) to the beginning point, being lots one (1) and eleven' (11) ae per plat of record, levied upon as the property of W. H. Howell **tisry a fl. fa. Issued from the city court of Atlanta, In favor of Fanni# B. Callaway versus the said W. H. Howell, a deed for the purpose of levy and tale havin' ‘ * — ented, filed and recorded at reqn Also at same time end place the following described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel or land lying and being In Land Lol 10 of the Fourteenth district of Fulton coun ty, Georgia, and known aa Lot 9 of the Brook' haven property, beginning on the north sldu of Confederate-eve. at • point one hundred f 101) feet weet of the northwest Confederate and Malloy-aves.: and running thence north one hundred and eighty- three and six-tenths (183.6) feet; thence west along the south line of an alley fifty (50) feet; thence south one hundred and seventy- six and two-tenths (176.9) feet to Confed- erate-ave.; thence east along Confederate-ave. fifty and five tenths (50.5) feet to the be ginning point. As more fully shown by plat of said sub-division made by Conn and Thomas, C. E., in June,- 1908, levied upon as the property of A. N. Oooch to tat is f * * issued from the superior court ol county, Georgia, In favor of B. J. Griffin versos the safd A. X. Gooch, a deed for the purpose of levv and sale having been exe cuted, filed and recorded In the offiee of the clerk of the superior court of Fulton oounty, Georgia, as required by law. Also at the same time and place the fol lowing described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel o.r land lying and bring in Land Lot 47, of the Fourteenth district of Fnlton county, Georgia, and In the Fourth ward of the city of Atlanta, located on the eaet side of 8ummit-ave., between Forrest ers. and Currier-st., and fronting alxty-three (68) feet on said Summit-ave. and running baek two hundred (200) feet, and jolnli property of Clarke and others, the asms _ vacant property, levied upon aa the property of Piedmont Portland Cement end Lime Com pany, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from the city court of Atlanta in favor of W. A. Baker versus the laid Piedmont Portland Cement and Lime Company,. property pointed ont by the plaintiff’s attorneys. FURNISHINGS of a 16-room house In food condition, close In on a promi nent etreet, for sale cheap; houae rents for 960 per,month; It Is worth $100; all rooms occupied, and on a paying basis. If ypu want a bargain see me at once ■ome terms to a good party. Cpll at S17 Kiser building, and ask for Jarrell. Bell Phone 1117; Atlanta phone, 210. LEGAL NOTICES. PATTERN8. INVENTOR’S GUIDE. THUHMAN PATTERN WORKS, lit Can- tr.l-ave. 8*1-14 STOVE REPAIRING. DAN, THE FIXER. SOUTHERN RTOVE AND SUPPLY CO. Atlanta phnna 2285, Bell phone 26J9. »-:-is STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING. THE STOVE DOCTOR. 44 S. BROAD. PHONE SIAIN 14M. TRUNK8, BAGS AND SUIT CASES. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S, 77 "SM* 1 * PHONES: Hell Main 1676. Atlanta 1664. SEWING MACHINE8. NEW MACHINES RENTED, 81 par month. Slnaar Sawllif Marblne Co., 78 Whttehall- I. Both phone* 18JI 3-3-4 ALL MAKES OK SEWING MACHINES repair.-.!; work annrantaej. Hinder Savin* Mnelilna Co., 78 Whltahnll-st. Both phone. 1W3 8-8-7 FIREPROOF 8TORAGE. WE STORE HOUSEHOLD Coons and i.lnnoa. WorabonM 736-7-8 and 7»l E.lsa- ood-ava. Office 12 Auburn-arr. John J. tally. 7H South Broad. "WANTED — A. .SECOND-HAND ENGINE, FROM 80 TO 100- H. I\: MUST HE IN FIRST-‘ CLASS CONDITION AND CHEAP FOR CASH. P. J. IUCE LI MBER CO., AUGUSTA, GA. 13-1320 HAIRDRESSING PARLORS. IIAinitUICKXIMS and mnulruring parlors. Sn itrhe* and puffs mad«* from t-omldnss. Ida Jones. ISIS Whitehall. IM1-16 GEORGIA—Fulton County. luperlor Court of Bald County: •talon of 8. M. Bernolak and Theo rgb, both of said state and county, raaseetfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to be come Incorporated under tha name and styla of tha "Bernolak Art Company." 9. The farm for which petitioners ask to ba Incorporated la twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 9. The capital stock of the corporation is to ba four thousand ($4,000) dollars, divided Into shares of twelve aod 50-100 ($12.50) dollare each. IMUIoners, however, ask the S rivileae of increasing slid capital stoek, rom time to time, not exceeding in the ag gregate fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars. 4, More than 26 per cent of said capital stock has already been actually paid in. 6. The object of iho proposed corporation la pecuniary profit and gain to it* stock holders. Petitioners propose to carry on a commercial art business, such as the produc tion of designs, styles, prints and anything incidental and necessary to the condnetlou or such art business; the production of cata logues, production of theater programntvs and the securing of advertisements therein: for Wl __ __ end to do anything necessary and proper ; and to tha conduction of said business: and to do any and ail other acts which will be to tbeir financial profit and gain. 6. The principal office and piece of busi ness of the proposed corporation will he in the city of Atlanta, said state and county. 7. Wherefore, petitioners pray to ba made a body corporate under the* name and style afoivaaid, entitled to the rights, privileges ami immunities, end subject to the liabilities fixed by law. V. 11. BKRBKRICH, Attorney for Petitioners. This October 8. 1910. Filed In office this October 8, 1910. ARNOLD BROYLES, Clerk. OEOROIA—Fulton County. I, Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior eourtofssid county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true end correct copy of the applVstion for charter of the Bernolak Art Company, as the same appears of file in this office. Witness my official signature and the seal of said court, this October 0, 1910. ARNOLD BROYLES, Oerk Superior Court Fulton County, Georgia. one 5-inch belt, one small "Deane" pump, one lot of shafting and pollers, one R. D. Cole A Co. boiler, one oil tank, ona can of englna oil, ona can of cylinder oil, one ootton fie table and machinery, one patrol fire extinguisher, one cotton tie roller and belt, with lot of shafting and pulleys, two lsrgt pumps made by the Canton Pump Company, one lot of 1-inch pipe, four grate bare, levied upon as tha property of R. M. Rogers A Co., as mak ers and R. if. Rogvrs end Mrs. L. B. Rogers as endorsers and guarantors, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from tha city court of Atlanta, in favor of Bank of East Point versus the above named defendants. A claim to tha abova de scribed property having been filed by tha nvela Stoneware Company, who tendered .elm and forthcoming bonds with J. T. Bryan and Ed L. Wight, as securities, and the said claim was dismissed by tha court. or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot No. ona hundred and fifty-three (158) of the Seventeenth district of Fulton oonaty, Georgia, commencing at tha northeast corner of Beck and Kmery-ats. and extending “ «• north along the east ** ' ~ »na hundred and eighty ___ thence east one hundred and seventeen (117) feat; thence south two hundred (200) feet to a point ninety-two (92) fret east of Emery- st.: thence west along Beck-st. ninety two (92) feet to the beginning point, levied upon as the property of E. G. Parsley and J. B. Echols, to aatisfy fl. fa. iasuod from tho city eourt of Atlanta In favor of John 8. Owens versus the said JB. G. Pureley and J. B. Eeh Also at’sama time and place the following real estate lying and being In Land Lot enty-nlna (79) of tha Fourteenth (14th) trict of Fulton county, Georgia, more pi ularly described*ae follows: Beginning on tke west elds of Spring-st. at tha distance of 207 feet northerly from the IfttovaoelleB of .the we •ad the north side of l nine thence northerly i _ .... __ Hpring-st. twvntjr three (28) feet; thence westerly parallel with Merritts-ave. to the east ■Ida of a ten (10) foot alley laid oat for usa of this and adjoining lots; thence south erly along the east aide of said allay for tha property of A. L. Head of tns estate of Mrs. L. C. Hendricks to satis two fl. fas. issued from the X. P. A Ex-officic P. court of the 1284th district G. M., one Also at the same time and place the follow ing described property, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and bring in tha north west one-fourth of Land Lot fifty-six (80) of the Fourteenth (14th) district of Pulton county, Georgia, being lot No. 1 of Block "D" of Winship-Oola tub division, as per plat recorded in deed book "N-8," page 090, LEGAL NOTICES. BIDS ASKED. Sealed proposals for furnishing ell labor end material and constructing tbo Proctor creek eewego disposal plant near Atlanta, Ge., will be received at the office of the mayor of tbo city of Atlanta until 12 o’clock noou, November 1, 1910^ In accord ance with the plans end specifications on file In the city engineer’s office, Atlanta, Ga„ and In the office of Mexara. Herlng A Fuller, consulting engineers. 170 Broadway, Seur York. Plana end specifications will be furnished to bidders upon the deposit of twenty-five ($25) dollars, which will bo held until the return of the plana and apeciflca- tlona. A certified check for five thousand ($5,000) dollars must accompany each bid, which will be forfeited to the city In the event the contractor to whom the work Is awarded falls to sign the contract within the prescribed time. The checks of unsuc cessful bidders will be returned on the signing of the contract. The engineer's estimate of the work Is approximately hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars. The right Is reserved to reject any or ell bids. R. M. CLAYTON, City Engineer. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 30. 1910. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. YOUR "For iSale" If listed with me. burn-ave. Both phones. I WANT for immediate sale a corner store property, worth $5,000 to $10,000, north or west side. Whet have you! John M. Ponder, 10 Auburn-ave. Phone phones. I WANT for immediate sale, acreage In tracts YOUR "For Sale" property Hated with me will find a quick buyer. John M. Ponder, 10 Auburn-ave. Both phones. IF you have property of any kind in any section of the city that you want sold, call, phone or drop me a card and let's talk It over. I can sell It. JOHN M. PONDER, 16 Auburn-ave. Both Phones. HOMES IN COLLEGE PARK. $8,300 BUYS a splendid seven-room cottage, on lot 96 by 280. near car line; pine shade. It has three bed rooms, reception hall, par lor,-dining room, large kitchen, very com modious back veranda, all latticed In. It la Ideal and will please you. Owner has moved away and la very anxious to aell on easy terms. aence ironiiui car nue, aymuuiu ivcauuu; lot 86 br 184. A lit tin 1*M might buy It. Th* owner. Mr. O. Willi*, lire* In Griffin, and la t*T7 aniloua to aell. Eaiy term*. J2.30O—Blx-room cotta**: corner lot; 64 by ’ 130. 8«o thin. Will buy tt It yon want a horn*; 8300 caah, 8S6 per month. J. P. STURGEON & CO., 726-7-8 Empire Bldg., Bell 4375 Main. Atlanta 1279. $5.500—$750 cash and balance monthly will buy a beautiful new end never occupied home near North Boulevard. This la an unusually pretty place; la 2-atory and eight rooms, furnace heated, an unusu ally attractive and substantial house. UW. ♦_4>» out Interact. HAIR ORE88ING PARLORS. M. L. ROBBINS CO.. 4V. WHITEHALL- «firmed floor.) Gen »t4iii i go l*»M. Wo make and rg 5S*aSt"TES oMcra" l ”r'o l „^| , , , * f ;fl!i'^|9l!* Atlanta National Hank UulWIn*. SALE. IN Pl’RSlTANi’B of an order passed by Hon. George L. Bell, judge of tho su perior court, I vJU sell to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, October"Y7. at 10 o’clock a. m.. a lot of groceries, store Axture*. market fixtures, cash register, horse, wagon and harness; also a lot of open accounts belonging to Tohk & Miller. .Said Hale will be held at So. 64 Piedmont avenue, where said property la now altuated. For further Information, sqe *the under signed. PAUL K. JOHNSON. Receiver. 7 9 3$ AtlunU, Ga. fifty (250) feet west of oortheast one hundred and ... thence west forty-five (45) feet to Grape-et. (sometimes called Grapevine s!.); thence south one hundred and fifty (150) feet to •eld McDonough road; thence southeast fifty (50) feet to th# * J * 1 * ‘ as the property < s fl. fa. issued Fulton eounty. Gl-urci*, in uror ui mu vruIr an t e e Trust Company of Georgia, for use of Also at the eame time end place the follow- jDjjenoul property to wjt: Lot of beds. $1,600—Six-room cottage; corner shaded lot. T $0 by 190; It has IMoot hall, and would cost $1,500 to build It. Just two years old. It's odd. It’s a bargain. I. C. M’CRORY, Office End of Car Line. College Park. FOR SALE. W. E. TREADWELL & CO 24 S. Broad St. PULLIAM ST.—A *-room houie, Improvement*. $2,760. Also n 6-room houae, In walkln* distance, all provement*. Price $1,850. LITTLE 8T„ 7-room house, all con venience*: In perfect condition. Price $2,500. SPRING ST., 8-room house, two-etory, Thl* I* a beautiful home and up-to- date In every particular. Price $8,860. Will consider an exchanffe for a north eld* cottage. SEVEN-ROOM houte. near Terminal elation, with all convenience*. Price $2,250. TEN-ROOM houae. close In. all provement*. See u* for particulars and price. Muet sell. THIS It a choice proposition to buy 160 feet frontlnc the car line, chert road and water, running back to Southern railroad 800 feet, frontln* railroad 160 feet. Thl* Is a *ure money-maker at the price of $$.000. Term* to eult. IF YOU will place your property into my hands I bedding, carpet*, rugs, mattings, window cur- 1 * * . tains and shsdss, (hairs, rooking utensils, will mVC VOtl Sftl IS I fK’tlOll crockery and other artfcles used in housekeep 111 M vc J uu null, the property of E. M. rant returnable — _ — ton eounty, Georgia, in favor of Julius A. Hayden a* one of the rxerutors of the es Also at the same time and place* the fol lowin* personal property, to wit: One five- seat Halley automobile, two large rugs and one envelope addresser, levied upon as th« property of the Stephenson-Parsons-Fain Com Also at the same time and place the fol lowing property, to wit: One lot of thratri eal scenery, levied upon i* the nrnpertv of IMMPRMWHitlieir tunnds to the undersigned according to law, ^Hll prison* Indebletl to sold estnte are SeptcmWr 9. 1910. do nothing but Rent! Rent? Rent! ROBT. M. MITCHELL, Renting Agent. 24-A South Broad-st. Both Phones 4876. J. P. GLORE, 307 Peters Bldg. HAVE Just finhlieil one eight-room Tiouse nuil one six-room bouse on <$rrenw|rh-st.. West Kud. These nre bountiful, modern homes on l»eniitlful lots, ami need to be seen to be appreciated. $5,250—4600 raih, balance $25 a month. . will buy one of the prettiest bungalows near Myrtle and Tenth-ata. This fa new anil never occupied; has eix large-rooms •na extremely modern in construction. $4.000—For on* of the prattle*. B room bungalow .on the north side, modernly constructed and furnace-heated, larre. wvei lot; can arrange terms to suit the purchaser. $3,500-—ON YOUR OWN TERMS AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME will buy an extra nice cottage with seren rooms, just off Pryor-st. and walking distance; has good parn and servants' house; lot perfectly level, 50x170. $3,250—-F° r extra niea cottage in Inman rark. near Cleburne-ave. Haa 5 room* ? n .4 •.M** * nd **fra nice lot, beauti fully shaded, 50x150; can arrange terms to suit. $8,250—For one of the prettiest 0-room cot tages on Grant-st.. near the park;' has level lot. modern and In splendid condi tion. Here la a genuine bargain, and can make terms to suit purchaser. $3,000,—NO LOAN TO ASSUME and t*rm* easy we can sell you cottage near Park- ave. with six largv rooma and a hall: lot shaded, 50x160. Don’t fall to sea this. $3,000- r OS EASY TERMS AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME, we can sell you 2-storv 7-room house on East Georgia-ave. In vxtra fine condition. Tills is owned by a non-resident and has instructed us to sell. The terms can be arranged and Interest on deferred payment is G per » cent. $2,850—On your own terms we can sell you • nice bungalow in WEST END: >ia« six rooms and a hall: lot 50 by 150. with all Improvements down. This place haa to be sold In a few days. Make us an offer. $2.750—NEAR GRANT-ST., on easy terms and NO LOAN to assume, we have an extra nice 5-room cottage on level lot, 40x175. $2,200—RENTING ALWAYS FOR $24 PER MONTH, we can sell you • double A- room negro house (12 rooms) on Mr- Daniel-st. Can make terms to suit and no loan to assume. Here is a nice, dear 18 H per cent investment. What better do you want? $2,150—ON EASY TERMS AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME will buy a 5-room cottage Juet off Capitol-ave.: sidewalks, sewer, gas and porcelain bath. Let ua show you this today. $2,000—EASY TERMS. WILL BUY A negro house In the Fourth ward on good street, with all Improvements down; it haa four large rooma and a hall. $2,000—ON YOUR OWN TERMS AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME WILL BUY A CORNER 8TORK and four living rooms •nd bath. Thie Is on north aide and lot is large enough for another house. All city improvements down. This is a sacrifice sale. Don’t phone. Coma to the office. $1,500—Small cash payment, balance month ly and to assume, will buy a house with four rooms and* a hall, ten minutes’ walk from the new Terminal. All city improvements down and paid for. $1,350-^$50 CASH. BALANCE $12.50 PER MONTH, no loan to assumv, will buy a 4-room cottage Just off Prror-«t., nvar Southern shops; level lot, 80x120, $1,300—ON YOUR OWN TERMS will buy a doubk* house, four rooms on each aide (ei»ht rooms), two baths. This is near Waahington-st. and always rented for $15.00 per month. $1,200—SIX-ACRE POULTRY FARM. This is on Howell Mill road. ONE OF THE BEST CHERTED NORTH SIDE ROADS leading to the city and in a direction that each year property is advancing and will advance. This Is the best proposi tion wa have had in some time. Don't fail to see It. $1,125—On you own terms and no loan to aaeuraa will sell you a house Just off the Luckle-st. car line; it has four extra large rooma and a long hall six feet wide. This > la en extra good houae and is a good bargain. 1925—Small cash pavment, balance monthly, will buy • 3-room house near Pryoq-st. •nd Southern shop*. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. M. L. PETTY CO., REAL ESTATE. 82 East Alabama St IN' A FEW f*«t of Decatur-at.. on Botl,. . .*£. HhW* I two-atory brlelt atop, lot 28*120, for 818,600. Thl, plat, of ertr la now routed under * three.,,.; for $1,000.* year. W. are offerin'* ma?t , ' rn '' * ni 11 *• » »l« inrj ON WEST THJRD ST. w. h„. twoT^ 2-atory houaca that we are offering « $4,000 each; *S00 caah and $50 a mont’h ! th* balance. Buy theae and th* rent J pay for the balance. ON CENTRAL A VE. wa haw. . nlcTileT." ar* offering * two atory brick ator* n. onr-third ra.h and th* balance In one t. three and four yeara. Thla la located I tween Eta! Mitchell and Eaat Nothin* in central property Ilk, thl* , or a LET US show you • corner lot on Edtewirj eve. for $80 o frost foot. Thla lot iTim feet deep and haa three street front, R.V piece of property on Edrewood-are. for 2 thin* like the monay. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Real Estate, Renting an Loans. ROY8TON-ST. I.OTS-Between McLend and Euclid-ava. we have several nice ]< ranging In price from $900 to $1,100 on tern -- gp* new houses going \ KELLY-8T. HOME. $S.500-Good two-itm nlna.Mw.rn CAT HOP; tfal* It Ch(| $900—$50 cash, balance monthl- will buy a 8-room negro house in the Fourth ward ■nd H block off ’\c car line. $425—For vacant lota 40x100, just a few fast off CAPITOL-AVE* nnd Jnst be yond Gsorgia-avs.; sewer and water ac cessible. LOT 100x330, $2.230-Waterworks close tQ Lakewood car line and right churchca and achools, we hare this Inrr lot with n good hot— **• — M -- elevated, orerlooklr shade; terma easy. XEAL-ST.. $1,700—Between Chestnut atf Newport; close to the River car lin*; nice four-room house and basement; win nh offer on this. WANTED—About twenty acres of gon land, not over one mile from car line, fg dairy purposes; not over $75 to $1<W p« CORNER BROAD AND ALABAMA Sit W. E. WORLEY. Real Estate, 415-16-17 Empire Bldg. Phones 3312. PERFECTLY level and »ll*htly vated vacant lot on beautiful Nortl Boulevard, 8lxe 60x150; price, $2,009. Every convenience, including car .-erv. Ice. FINE tract of acreas* frontln* on ca, line more than 1,000 feet; suited to subdivision, without any gradln*; price on very easy terms, $500 per acre. IN Just a few step* of Gordon-st., Wea End. beautiful brand new buncalo* cottage, on fine level lot, with 118 feel front. Thl* Is a bargain at $2,800 neighborhood Is good. Place fronu east and compare* very favorably wltl ■he ones you have been looking at fol $3,500. ' 1 MT. • BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. TWO-STORY, seven rooms am bath; double floors; level, shad* lot, 51x190, to alley; tile walks; cherted streets. Quick sak price $3,500—$100 cash, $23 month. H. C. BLAKE. 418 Century. Slain 3531 W. E. WORLEY 117 Empire Bldg. Phones 3312 IN our new subdivision of lots on beautiful North Boulevard vou can buy for $2,000 a perfectly level and slightly elevated corner Jot. Every convenience, including double-track car service. The same lot this side of Ponce DeLeon-ave. would cost you $4,000. $3,400—ONE of the prettiest, brand-new bungalows in M 7 est End.. Fine, cool front lot. Beautiful vcacant lot on Clebume-ave., Inman Park. Lot is perfectly level and has two street fronts. Oui price, only $1,300. BRAND-NEW and strictly modern,bungalow house. situated on tine east front lot in coming section of north side; all conveniences. House has furnace. Price, only $4,500. $10,000—NEW brick veneer mansion on Ponce De Leon-ave. Steam heat. FINE TRACT of acreage fronting car line more than 1,000 feet. Suited for immediate subdivision. Price $500 per acre. SEMI-CEXTRAL Ilarris-st. property. Housfc is nice enough to oall home. Situated in 800 feet of new Capital City club. Price $10,500. 171-2 ACRES with several hundred feet of fine, elevated street ear front. Two Htricti.v mod, rn, almost brand-new dwellings. Water, gas. sewer and the things you have right up in town. Cost $21,000; will sell on easy terms for $15,000. ASHBY-KT. U»T. (li'Jto fwl to another *trraf; fronts car Unc; only $3& A cash 9-10-11 Iwrgatn. WANT AS OFFER on semi-central Walton-sT. property. House rents for enough to pay interest and taxes. This will grow BETWEEN two on Fourteenth-si. and three acres with fine elevated front Price $3.0—$500 caah.