Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 11

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15.1910. 23 for SALE—REAL ESTATt. POR «ALE—REAL ESTATE. EDWIN P ANSLEY Real Estate. FORSYTH BUILDING. DO you want to invest, in a high-elnss pie(;e of real estate that is safer than government bonds, on the Peachtree ridge. ;iud within two short blocks of the best part of Peachtree-st.. paying ten per cent? If you want a nice little cottage home, this will please you. If you want a perfectly clean investment, this will please you. J. H. EWING, Manager Sales Department. WILLIAMS-HARTSOCIC COMPANY Real Estate and Renting. Fourth National Bank Bldg. Phone 210C Main. WE HAVE control of the ARMSTRONG APARTMENTS on corner of 5Ys«hington*t. HERE is * house that would ordinarily aall for $3,000.00. hut we ran sell it to you for $-.700.00; 5 moms, rorner lot. double floored, stone front, line caMr.-'t mantels, in- •rdr finish mission, foil sat of plumbing, raar poreb (attired in; term*. $200.00 vaj.h, $20 month. _ r ~$5,0O0—HERE Is ona of the most eomplata little homes to be found in Inman Park: it hns 7 rooms, all on ona floor, furnace heat, corner lot. etpor- d ceiling beams, the best of plumbing: we art ansiooa for you to aee this, for we know that you will like it. Terms easy. / ■ BUNGALOWS WE HAVE just completed several bungalows in West 'End and Inman Park that we are offering for sale on very at- tractive terms. All are well located and have all modern con veniences. If looking for a home in this section deal direct with the owner. PITTMAN CONSTRUCTION CO “HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMES.” Fhone 4327. 205 Rhodes Building. Peachtree St. Residence for Sale IN PEACHTREE HEIGHTS, two-story, eight-room house, built of granite, finished in every modern way: porch on three sides; high, and splendid outlook; lot 130 feet front by 246 feet deep. Write or apply to Grady L. Ingram, 387 Luckie-st. Ansley Park Lot RIGHT AT THK PEACHTREE ENTRANCE to the park, which la by far the choicest residence spot In the city for a lovely home, wt have a real •mv. 75x:'Oh to alley, worth now 1100 per foot ami rising faati can sell It for. a fpw days at W,000. ~ “ ‘ ' ‘ “ It won’t last a week. Better eee It quirk. WALKER REAL ESTATE COMPANY 33 N. Forsvth-st. Bell Phone 1937 Main. “WE DO THINGS.” FOR SALE BY RALPH O. COCHRAN 19 S. Broad Street. IN WEST END—Two blocks from Gordon and Lee-ate., we have an U- •room house eon lot €0x200 to alley; good 2-room servants house anu harn. prior 14.590, *1.000 cash, balance like rent. This le the cheapest ptare In Went End. ON BOULEVARD TERRACE we have a nice 5-room bungalow, nearly new. The owner la leaving the city and will sell for **,*W. 1500 cash, balance 130 per month. WE HAVE on State-st. a 5-room cottage on lot 5*175; price 11.000, *100 cash, balance $15 per month. If you want to atop paying rent, investi gate this.. WARE & HARPER Real Eetate, 714.25 Atlanta National Bank Bldg. SALESMEN; V P. Goodroe. T H - Sapplnxton *7.750—Brand new five-room bungalow, one block of Grant park; oherted •treat This little place la built of the best material; combination Oxturea; nice plumbing; pretty cabinet mantele; art glaea; walla • tallied in oil. It’s a nice little home. Will take a imall cash payment or vacant tot ai flrat payment. Bee Mr. Goodroe. __ 31,600—Out In East Point we have anew four-room hottae, on lot 6i*:25; city water In front: nice cabinet mantel,: 1160 cash or would exchange for vacant lot*. 31.35(i—Four-room and hall cottage; water, aewer and gaa: tile sidewalk*; newly painted and papered; eheapeet little place In tne e|t> , ttSft cash. 1550—Corner lot on car liner charted etreet; surrounded by nice home«. ^ ‘tenVacant lot on car line; 100x250. Thl» It the eheapeet proposition on the market. II.900—Five-room and hath cottage, on ear line; cherted atreet; tinted valla; cabinet mantels; all conveniences, except gae; <200 cosh. 32,250—Beautiful level shady lot, 50x200, In the very best section Inman Park; high-class location. __ $3.000—Two-itory seven-room house, on Boulevard terrace. This Is Just off the Boulevard and worth the WWW. ftl7-reom" cottage north aide, east front, close to Boulevard und Hlghland-ave.: about year old: terms. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. .A NT A NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. PHONES «i34-4235 A BARGAIN HOm: LAKEAVR Is • re* « r banssln* bvilt of be,< MSterlsI tnd «"od *»tkt»anihip. •vs ; , *ell'"‘,b^ ’IS* J esa’l U daplirated 82-690. ini (row 4 f O- OX very *••* ! I hi* if m West F.i *••* terfc* ■ r.ew 4 bungalow 909 .lorlb front, ejamv in* » pi . it prettily srrsrged "*• *•».» rnofl^m rear urea pat n sV this fiaioat Ilk# real and below thf msrket ereniwished for pr*tty ••levanor. — f#9f*IY FOR SALE—REAL EL7a:l. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. SMITH & BURDETT 401-402 Empire Bldg. Up!) Phon*;, Main 2627. Atlanta 81 •’ THE VALUE OF GEORGIA'S CHIEF AGKf- 0ULTURAL PRODUCTS INCREASED 43 PER CENT IN FOUR YEARS—CROP VALUES FOR 1909 TOTALED NEARLY TWO HUN DRED AND THIRTY-FIVE MILLION DOL LARS—GEORGIA FARMERS ARE PROSPER OUS AND GEORGIA FARMS ARE SPLENDID PRODUCERS—WE ARE OFFERING HIGH- GRADE FARMS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES—YOUR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THESE FARM OFFERINGS: \ NEAR Unadillo. (is., which ts ok the Georgia Southern ami Klnritla railroad, 44 miles south of Maedn. $22.50 PER ACRE, seven miles east of Unadilla. with good public road to same. Here i* your opportunity to farm on a big scale, with everything ready for yon. Or this property could be subdivided to advantage. Here is what is there: One six-room house, three four-room houses and seven one anti two-room houses; also five barns, outhouses, etc.: a gin that will gin fifteen bales per day. Creek on each aide of place and lasting springs on every lot of land. THIS PLACE has 200 acres pasture land, with $500 worth of wire fence around pastures. O ver 400 acres in cultivation, 200 acres of which is fresh land. Gray soil with clay foun dation. and land will produce one bale cotton to acre any average year, if properly cultivated. This land is well suited for pecans and fniits, and any kind of crop will grow read ily. This place has at least 300,000 feet pine timber, and much cypress, hickory and oak. Remember, one thousand acres, at only $22.50 per acre—one-half cqsh, balance to suit. $20 PER ACRE, six miles east of Unadilla. adjoining the above described place; 815 acre*. 500 of which is dleared land. Has one four-room house, one three-room house, three two-room houses, four one-room houses; also four barns, outhouses, etc. Springs of lasting water on every lot of 200 acres, and creek on north side of place; 200 acres pasture. Land is good for pe cans and will grow any kind of crop. It lies well, just roll ing enough to drain properly. Also has 300,000 feet cypress and 100,000 feet pine timber and 50,000 feet hardwijod, This desirable place will raise one bale cotton To thL^re.-Jt’ prop erly cultivated. We can combine • this i^vlper witir ithe one mentioned above (1,815 acres in all) andtimijW' a fine- com bination price. Remember, on this plae^-jtort, get'oyer, eight hundred acres at only $20 per sere—ope-hsjf ' eash K ' balance to suit. * >•» * J’. . $20 PER ACRE, four miles cast of Unadilla, and on the pub lic road which runs directly from Unadilla to Hawkinsvillc. A county school within half a wile of this place. Has'nice four-room house, good barn and outhouses, and three tenant houses. Good well of pure water. Creek also runs through the place and furnishes water for the stock the year round. This is a nice little farm and will make a good home for a small farmer. Will average one bale per acre, with proper cultivation: has clay subsoil, and will produce any desired crop. Land lies level and has proper drainage. Eighty acres in cultivation. Place contain* 123 acres in all. This farm will make’good money for the man who works it right. Re member. one hundred and twenty acres at only $20 per acre— one-half cash, terms on balauce. THE ABOVE PLACES ARE NEAR UNADILLA, A CHARMING LITTLE CITY ON THE G. S. A F. RAILWAY, HAVING L400 INHABITANTS. GOOD SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES, AND A FINE MARKET FOR TRUCK, ETC. NOtY. here is a specially good offering near Cordele, the livest pity in middle or southwest Georgia. Cordele has 9.000 live inhabitants; is one of 'be best markets for cotton and all farm products you will find in this state, and the place we offer is ONLY FOUR MILES FROM CORDELE— read about it: $40 PER ACRE, four miles frow Cordele, on public road, and a fine, healthy location: 37® acres and 300 of them in cultivation; all fresh land and well fenced. Here’is what is there: .Two four-room house*- two three-room houses, one two-room house, pond stables and an artesian well, with gaso line engine for pumping wato 1 *. Land is rolling, but just enough to give it good drainage- Enough timber od the place for firewood, etc. Will easily produce an average of one bale of cotton io the «ere. if properly cultivated, and is good for corn. oats, potatoes, ground pe«*. pecans, etc. You should in vestigate this offering without delay. Remember, only four miles from Cordele. three hundred ami seventy seres at only $10 per acre. FOR FARMS IN GEORGIA SEE US. WE ARE HANDLING DESIRABLE- FARMS IN THE COUNTIES OF DOOLY. TIFT. CRISP AND TURNER. WE WILL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU WRITE US. SMITH & BURDETT \ *OR RENT—HOUSES'. FOR RENT—HOUSES. W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON II EDGEWOOn.aVE. BBI.t. PHONES I r3l .mil IMS. ATLANTA PHONE 13SI j FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. j M. C. KISER & CO., 35 Inman Bldp. i Main 1524 Atlanta 1623. FOR ‘SALE. | BARGAIN* ox <OPi:.VHILL-AVL\-Tw«- *u»r.r seven-room home; slate rr.of: bnth i <»n «aoh floo 1 ’: everything III first-clnss con-1 nltlnn; beautiful rant frout lot. y,\200 fret to an «Her; nice garden. fruit. etc.; bargain tor fh?.*): term* $1,000 t n»b. Nilaun» to ault. Ppc Mr. Song. biingii win* j 0 A DKIJGHTFTL i~„ hall: git* *tov*». gua liratlng arrangement. . *« rcrna tin.I aba<lra go w ith the home; level | *n*r front lot. with nb*e a!)**^. Thl* gem U i on n good atreet lu Writ' Kml. lean than a I Week fr.nn «;ira. Price Sl.&x). rnalj par- tnent $1 ' nn»| f3> par month. Sec Mr. 'ntnpbell. OLLKC.K PARK POTTAGE HOME of alf jrootna; barn f»n«! atable; dandy lot. TO by 30 fr«t. leaving room on bit f.»r nnofbar lot; only on teim« of f3TM enab ami $23 por month, se,. Mr. White. north Near tb. ... ,,rti ■ utnd-.iVe,. < 1bf* mo«l up-to-date li«»me on Ylt** I rth aide. Coat tbe mmti *$.C'vK». On ne- nm of lojivlng tbe Hty. hna made a anr- ! rlflee nrlee of I7.5P9. on good term* Thl* la it hlgh-elaaa realdener. tho beat buy on the market. Could be made to pay 12 per cent. Owner w||| take good rent-paying property In part pnvuient. Negro property would lw* eiinaldereri. See Mr. Hook. FOR BENT. 1 r. hotel, 17 W. Cain i-r. home. Pd Coop<r-at. .. *-r. houar. 10 St. Cleir-ave I-r. house. Cascade Spring* ) r. hOuvF. 261 Kurreat-ave )-r. hottae. 4of» B. Pryor Pr. home, 37.5 XYoodw.ard are r: home. »8/> F. Boulevard r. flat. oSOVi Herat or-tf r. house, 368 Central-are r. home, Cascade r. house, 357 Central :*'e r. houfv. 200 Highland ave. s .. r. hourfe, 283 Olenn at r. house. 12 Bn»wn pla«;e r< house. 37 Poplar circle .... r. house. Coltege-ave., Decatur.... r. home, 58 Merrltt*-are.. fur n d. r. house, 782 Edgewood are r. house. 160 Giliner-at r. housiv. Decatur, Ga. . r. house. Kirkwood. Ga. ••• r. home. H.'ward-at.. Kirkwood. . r. home, • Norwood-at., Kirkwood r. home, 241 Ijiwton at. ., r. home. 888 ftpring-at- M r home. 408 W. Peachtree. . 7-r. houae, 24 Central-ave., Kirkwood 7 r. hour*. 77 Boulevard Terrace.. 7-r. houae, 07 liarder-at 7-r. houa*. 204 Central-ave 7-r. houae. 247 Cntmley at . . 8350.00 . . .42.00 00.00 . . 50.00 50.00 40.00 .. 2X80 31.50 15.00 , . 37.50 40.00 37.50 31.50 27.50 30.00 8(1.00 30.00 75.00 45.00 23.10 27.30 ON CHATHAM-ST.. in half block of More- land ear, beautiful north front abided lot, 50*150, for 81,250. and ftp jr»r month. THREE LEVEL lota. 40*146, on Klrn-at.. in blttck and a half of new car lina; 8200 carh: 825 cash, and 810 a month. 26.30 20.00 45.00 60.00 18.50 20.00 15.00 25.00 27.50 FOR RENT. h.. 8 Kemntaware.. h„ 73 E. Merritt* ave. h.. 288 F. Pryor-st. . . h.. 8P.7 Rawaon-at.. .. • 8C0.00 . . 47.50 . 40.00 . 45.00 * h.. 12 Ft. Charles are. . h„ 105 Pulliam-at. . . . h.. 57U F. Pryor at.... h.. 185 Hightand-aTe. . . ILIFII a weekly rent hallatia. giving a good daseription of avervthing i for e*nt. Gat a copy. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 12 ,AC BUBK AV*. PHONES 618. HALL & BISHOP REAL ESI ATE AND RENTING Room a. 1 Rooinn, Rooms. Hooma Rooms. Rootna. Room®, Rooms, Rooms. Rooms. Rooms. Rooms. Roomn. Rooms, Rooms. 40t» H. Pryor street . .788 I.uckle atre«t .. 60 \V. Fifth street.. 1ft W. Georgia Ave 704 iJeKalb Ave. .. 482 < 'oui tlaml St. .. 293 K. Georgia Ave. 261* K. Georgia Ave. 878 Spring St 384 Spring St. 18 Arisons Ave. .. 170 Nelson St .746 K. Georgia Ave. 2.77 Mathew St 50 W. Unden St. .. 18 NORTH PBTOR iT.. KIMBALL IIOUbL FOR RENT v 640.00 6 Rooms. .781-R Luckle St $18.60 .. 15.00 6 Rooms, 22ft Angler Ave 48.10 45 00 8 Rooms, 2.77 S. Forsyth St 32.50 ’ .a'cA ** Rooms anrl 4 acres at Lake- •• — o0 wood Helghta 20.00 .. 25.00 Rooms, tiHklnnd Ave. and . . 32.50 Rasa St 18.00 .. 27.30 ft Rooms, Oak and DeKalh Ave. 12.00 27.60 ft Rooms, 357 Formwalt St 18.00 .. 25.0» ft-Room appartment. Peachtree .. 25.00 and Forrest Ave 40.00 .. 25.00 ft Rooms, 162 \V. .Mitchell St. .. 20.00 .. 20.00 4 Rooma. 72 1-2 Carroll St 7.30 .. 22.50 4 Rooms. 01 McAfee St 12.50 .. 16.00 3 Rooms, 60 Powell St 0.00 .. 22.60 3 Rooms. 8 Leggetts AVe 6 00 FOR RENT. THE BYRON APARTMENTS. I 208 West Peachtree St. THE ljioiit raodprn. complete and up-to-date apartment* in At lanta are to he found in this building- They have *ix room* 'and are equipped with electric light*, ga*, steam heat, refriger ator*, ga* ranges, clothe* and dust chute*: hardwood floors throughout. Bath room ha* Monnic tile and porcelaiu fixture*. The building haa aeparute freight and passenger elevators, *ep- arate storage lockers in basement, automatic telephones connect ing nil apartment* and janitor. If you are in the market for an apartment, let ns show you thru this building. They rent for $8’> per month, and we have just three of them left. E. RIVERS REALTY CO. 8 W. Alabama St. HANDSOME OFFICES FOR RENT IN OUR new nine-story office building, THE WALTON, located corner WALTON AND CONK STREETS. IN THE HEART OP THE CITY. Will be ready for occupancy about March lat. It Is equipped with every modera convenience and comfort. Equal to any pffica building in the South. The Waltorr atreet front ii an admirably location for a bank. We have a unique plan to offer to such an institution. Half the apace in this building baa already been taken. See u* at once. Price* moderate. A. D. ADAIR A McCARTY BROTHERS. LEGAL NOTICES. rlor court. January term. 191L . No. afe To Jesao B. Draper, greeting: By order of ewirt, you arc hereby notified that on the 30th day of September. 1010 \\\ J. Draper tiled suit against yon for divorce, returna ble to tbe January term. 1111. of. salt} court. You are hereby required to l»e and appear at the .limitary term. 1811. of aald court, to be held on the flrat Monday In January. 1811, then ami there to almwer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the Hon. J. T. Pendleton. Judge of said court, this 80th djiy of Keptember, STATE OK GEORGIA—Fulton Comity. Mrs. Effie Roettken vs. William Koeftken. Superior court. November term. 1010. No* 21408. To William Roettken. greeting: By ordaf of court, you ure hereby notified that on tha 20th day of Auguat, 1910. Effie Roettken tiled suit ngnlnat yon for divorce, retnmabte to the November term. 1910, of aald court. You are hereby required to lie and appear at the November term. 1910. of aald court, to he held on the first Monday In November, 1910. then and there to anower the platntlff'a «Hirt. this 20th of August, STATIC OF cr.nnrtlA-Folton Comity. Mrs. Blanch Davidson vs. If. W. Dnvld- >n. Superior court, November term, 1910.- of court, you are he 9th * ‘ •* ‘ Idoon 1 ... turnable to the November term. 1910. of said court. You are hereby required to bo and appear at the November term. 1110. of said court, to be held on • tbe first Monday In November. 1910. then and there to answer the plnlutlff'a complaint. Witness tbe Hon. 4. T. Pendleton. Judge of aald court, this 20th day of August. 1910. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk. 0-1-6 FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE* FORD & DUNN COMPANY REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE, BUILDING LOANS. 73-75 North Forayth-st., Corner Luckie-st. Bell Phone Ivy 756. Atlanta Phone 893 IF YOU ARE looking for a bargain, let na show you a two-story eight-room home on aide.' Modern rail for Mr. Mason. WEFT PEACHTREE—One a corner and one nett to It; both nine rooma. Including servant's room; hardwood floors, mahogany mantels, combination fixtures, furnace- hested: east front; beat section on this atreet. Will pay 10 per cent on Investment and make the best proposition for flats later on In Atlanta. Let ns show you this and you make an offer. Fee Mr. Mason. J.—C-riiALDiviN. MGR - IK ALP.* DEPARTMENT. WHITEHALL STREET ANOTHKR BARGAIN uc have and oift- which wt can auaranl— a profit. Thl, f« on Whitehall utrcat. a corner, rloae In. ranted to rood rcponal- blc trnsnta never vnrant. and I, enhancing taut In value: owner I, forced to sell and It mu,t be aold within the next few days. Price *2(.000. We ran arrange term*. Bee ua at once; let ua make you a profit a* we are doing for othera. W. L & JOHN O. DuPREE ^ DEVI I tvr ATf STATE OF GEORGIA—Pulton County. G. B. Graves va. Lottie K. Grave*. Httno- rlor court. November term, 1910. No. 21463. To Lottie F. Grave*, greeting: By order of court, you are hereby notified that on the 16th day of August. 1910. G. It. Graven tiled anil ngaliinf you for divorce, returnable to the November term. 1910, of said court. You are hereby required to hr and appear at the November term. J910, of aabl court, to be held on the flrat Monday In November, 1910, then and therr to answer the plaintiff** corn ier ATE OF GEORGIA—Fulton County. I.uln W!ther*poon va. Harrey Wither spoon. Superior court, November term. 1910. No. 21497. To Harvey Witherspoon, greeting: By or der of court, you arc hereby notified that on the 20th day of August. 1810. f-uln Wltbar- court, to be held on the first Monday In No vember. 1910, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s complaint. Witness the Hon. J. T. Pendleton, Judg* of aald court, this Slat day of August. 1910. ARNOLD BROYLES. Clerk. FT ATE OP GEORGIA—Fnlton County. Myrtle A. Prewry va. r. L. Drewry. Fu- perlor court, November term. 1910. No. 19631. To F. L. Drewry. greeting: By order of court, yon are hereby notified that on the 3d day of tteptember. 1908, Myrtle A. Drewry (lied ault against you for total divorce, re turnable *o the November term, 1908, of aald tourt. You are hereby required to be and appear at the Novemlwr t*rm. 1910, of said court, to l»e held on the flrat Monday In No vember, 1919, then and there to answer lb# plaintiff's romptnlqt. Witness the Hon. J. T. Pendleton, Judge of said court, thla Slat day of Annual. 1910. ARNOLD BROYLKF. 6erk 9-1-7 REAL ESTATE. 51H Empire Bldg. Main .1457. Atlgnt* 930. \1 L. THROWER 39 North Forayth-st.. Comer Walton. Main 1450-516. ^ Atlanta 164 FOR RENT—BACHELOR S QUARTERS. WE HAVE THREE LARGE ROOMS at $17.50; one at $20 left. These prices Include evejry comfort Hint a bnrhef#*r might desire. Let ua talk with you nboul these room*. Heat, private bnth; hot ar.d cold water, tele phone; free Janitor and meld service:, tinted wall*; stained floor?; large closets: rooma all 16 by 16 and larger. .Vo better location In the city. Two Poultry Place Bargains *rVr.N-ltOOM HOMK. n»w. trim, with lour »-rra i.ral l.rnl: nrrhir.l irl.ntM; barn; two hl.,rk> pobll. —bool, ibr-f hlorli, .-nr Hr*. H.iwihr>rn--«v».. I'ottw Turk; nu'v |tto ■■ n l -'-.r f.rai, srv.uirist APTIRTI* ‘ ttl ‘ UAl.otV; hull I nn» r-ar: ,•« a<-rra; aprlnt; thr-r hlor-h. -»r IIB». ro'lrg- Par*. K W>. »:.*»> ra.h an.I t-rm,. TlflP I* GGO.’I - P I\ roo f'. trim, i-ieftr: l-r-| rntrr-r toi. n-ai harn atKi t r - tiona»: IIJWI. rath and tM I-r maim irat Ilk- (Inllrf It. WALKER REAL ESTATE COMPANY EDWARD H. WALKER, General Manager. 35 NORTH FORSYTH ST. WE DO THINGS. BELL FHONE 1937. I STATE OF GEORGU-Fultoo County. f.lssle Thomas vs. If, H. Thomas. Huperlor court. Nmembcr term. W10. No. 21871. To M. If. Tbotuaa. greeting; By order of court, you are hereby notified that oq the 2d dav of August. 1910. Llatle Thomas filed •nit against you for divorce, returnable to the November term. 1910, of aald court. You •rc hereby required to be and appear at the November term. 1910. of aald court, to b# held on the flrat Monday la November. !9|o. th*n and there to answer the plaintiff's complaint. Witness the lion. J. T. Pendleton. Judge of paid court, thla 21d day of August. lMO. ARNOLD BROYLEF. Clerk. 8-1-19 HTATK iTF GEORGIA—Fl't.TON CpnCTT Joseph c. <treer va. Annie Sfay Orcer— Superior Court. November T*rm. 191 ft - Ntk 21529—To Annie May Greer. Greeting: By order of ••ourt. you are hereby notified that on the 2d day of Keptemher. UP, Jo- •eph r. Graer filed suit against you for di vorce, returnable to tbe November tfrm. 19|0. of aald court. You are hereby required to be and appear at the Noveniber t*rm. I910. of ««ild ****nrt. to be held on the first Monday In November. 1910. then and there to nn*'v**r th® plalntllTa complaint. Witness th« lion, J. T. Pendleton. Judge of said rirt'.-f, ; t|!« Sep'etutter 2. 1910. ARNOLD BROTLBff, Clerk. 928 A SIGN OF GOSSIP. It l*n‘t ne*-viwr»rT to tell y6nr Wtiritiqri II aie*«:t ywr business: It only aurte them «• »eiklcs and confining about matter* < *il.*h de,-*t cen«*crn them. .So don’t put that eigu up In the front t Iado v when row onr*> a toon* ro rent. Nobody like* to walk up tn a bouse with grab* on their n»rve%® But If you advertise your rooms In The Georgian'* Want Ad column* th*y know ib*y \*-il! a «*«•• •’■omfortahle place. If v-»n net»-r thought of It »>*••• way b». fore, you ought to try an ad without dei*g it wilt per you. Georgian Want Ad* re»t I cent ,i urord Reauitn are vkftx yoo want. To in curs the moMi hi the least cost use Georgian want ads. One cent a word.