Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 15

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THE GEORGIAN’S NEWS BRIEFS. 3 FRIDAY Continued RemarkabU Vitality. Louisville. Ky.—A case of suffering and vitality • unparalleled In medical history was closed today by death when Luther Clifton succumbed to bums suf fered 21 months ago. Clifton was walking to Louisville from SL Louis and while sleeping near a camp Are rolled In and was burned about the body. He was brought to a Louisville hospital and for almost two S utra physicians fought to save him. undreds of medical students contribu ted skin tor grafting and his mother has given so much cuticle that she Is se riously 111. Clifton's cries of agony became such that It was necessary to move him to a cottage on the outskirts. The body was so distorted with suf fering that It was Impossible to get It Into a coffin. Charged With Moonshining. Anniston, Ala.—W. D. Wade, a Jus tice of the peace and a well known clti- xen of Clay county, was placed under a $200 bond and summoned for trial on October 2$ In this city after having surrendered to Commissioner Ran dolph on a charge of Illicit distilling. Minnesota Town Destroyed. Winnipeg, Manitoba,—The town of Graccton, Minn., on the Canadian Northern, was destroyed by Ore. Grace- ton Is a lumber town of several hun dred Inhabitants. The Smstlest Cow. Atlanta,—'“The smallest cqw In Geor gia,” owned by an Atlanta man, mys teriously disappeared Tuesday night and police and detectives are try ing to find It. The cow. Argyle. Is less than three feet in height and weighs hardly 200 pounds. It Is the property ofj. E. Plunkett, of East Lake, and either strayed away or was stolen from him. The cow Is a remarkable specimen and Is said to be the smallest in the whole state. It Is dark red and has small straight horns, both of which have been bored. FREE A LARGE SAMPLE OF Negro May be Barred. Montgomery, Ala.—A very unique question has arisen here relative to the application for American citizenship of Edward Blaklc. a negro, who Is a na tive of Cape Colony. South Africa. Be ing of African descent, it is doubtful 11 the negro will ever bo admitted to naturalisation, owing to the best Inter pretations of the revised Federal stat utes. which say only "free white per sons" are entitled to naturalization. Woman Found’ Dead. New Yoiio—The remains of a hand some young woman, richly gowned, were found In the court yard of the fashionable CUffbaven apartment house at llith-st. and Riverside drive early today. Approve Indeterminate Sentence. Washington,—The international pris on congress has indorsed the principle of the Indeterminate sentence. This principle underlies the reformatory sys-' tern, as enforced in the United States, but It has taken a friendly battle of more than 20 years' duration to bring about Its Indorsement by the congress or the nations. Find 28 True Bills. Atlanta,—Tho Federal grand Jury which has been In session this week returned 2$ true bills and four no-blUs. It adjourned Friday afternoon and will meet again October 21. Judge Hart Honored. Atlanta,—Judge John C. Hart, for mer attorney general of Georgia, has been nominated by the committee on organization of the Georgia delegation to the Southern Conservation congress as president of the Georgia Conserva tion association. Still la Raided. Montgomery, Alar—Hiding out in the brushes all night. Revenue Agents E. N. Winters and F. M. Sheehan raided In Chilton county, ten miles northeast of Chilton, one of the largest Illicit distil leries that has come under their notice for a long time. They secreted them selves in the woods in the hope of nab. blng tho operators In the act of con ducting the liquor factory. The word was probably passed out and no one came to the still. Roosevelt in Knoxville. Knoxville, Tennr—Amid the tooting or a thousand whistles and the blare of a dozen bands. Roosevelt arrived a little after 2 o’clock, his special having been delayed by stops for speeches at Morristown and Greenevllle. The col onel hadn't planned speaking from his car. not being on a political trip, but he yielded to pressure and gave East Tennessee sorts short and snappy talk, tho not making any sensational re marks. Bernard Under Bond. Atlanta.—As a result of action taken by the postoffico authorities, B. Ber nard, who got much notoriety some time ago when ho rallied off a bouso in West Atlanta. Is now out on a $200 bond to await tho action of the Fed eral grand Jury on a charge of sending fj>keta for his raffle thru the malls. Wounded Two, Then Shot Self. Ocala, Fla.—After fatally wounding Deputy Sheriff Hudson and ex* Sheriff Gordon at his home In tho suburbs of Ocala, William Summerlin placed the muzzle of a Winchester rifle In his mouth and blew his head off. To Protect Interests. Gibraltar.—The United States, ar mored prulsor Des Moines has been or^ dered to proceed to Lisbon Imme diately. Floods in Indiana. Evansville, Ind.—Southern Indiana Is in the grasp of the worst flood In years: There has been a continual downpour for three days and nights and floods are raging throughout the lowlands In seven counties—Warrick, Spencer. Van- derburg. Posey. Gibson. Pike and Du bois. m BLOOD PURIFIER t WRITE FOR IT Many people suffer from Blood Disease and don’t know it. Read Symptoms. Easily cured byB.B.B. If you bm aehM sad pains in bonce, back er joints. Itching. Scabby 8kin, blood feels hot - or thin; Swollen Glands. Risings or Bumps on the Skin. Sore Throat or Mouth, falling hair. Pimples or offensive eruptions. are run down or nervous. Ulcers on any part of the body: Carbuncles or boils. TAKE BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.). GUAR. ANTEED to euro even the worst and most deep-sented eases. B. B. B. drives all pois onous matter from the system and sends w flood of port, rich blood directly to the skin surface. In this way Sores, Eruptions, Pim ples and ovary evidence of Blood disease are quickly healed and cured, completely chang ing the entire body jnto a dean, healthy con- * RHEUMATISM OB FOUL CATARRH, with should er pains, hawking or spitting, headache, earache, even old stubborn eases are qulekly cured by Botanic Blood Bairn (B. B. B.), because those troubles come from bad, impure blood. watery blisters, open, itching sores of all kinds, all leave after treatment with B. B. B_ because these I troubles are caused by bad Blood, while B. B. B. kills th> poison, makes the blood pure and rich and heals tbe sores and stops the Itching forever, curing the worst eciema. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) is pleasant and safe to take; eomposed of pure Botanic ingredients. It purifies and enriches the blood. DRUGGISTS. *1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with directions for homo cure. Hard war* King la Dying. New Britain. Conn.—Philip Corbin, tho multi-millionaire president of the American Hardware trust, la dying at hla home here. Hold For Embezzlement. Washington.—John G. Sima, aged 35, who made a sensational attempt at self- destruction on September JO, when he went suddenly Insane in the office of e physician, has been arrested 01 charge of embezzlement. Taylor Is Nominated. Nashville, Tenor-The “regular'* wing of the Democratic party of the state in session here last night nominated Unit ed States Senator Robert L. Taylor fur governor. No other name was pre sented to the convention for the nomi nation. Senator Tgylor was given an ovation when he entered the conven tion to accept the nomination. His senatorial term will not expire until 1*12. Free Blood Care Coupon ThU poo Don cut Irani Wraklv Geor- ri» U food for on. uanli of B. B. B. tnkil,U Ire. In plmin pzekzza Simply fill in yaar nun. nd .dtlrru on dnttpd UnM.Mlow .nd null to BLOOD BALM COMPANY. AtluU, C. SUU nun. of trouble, if yon Into. BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF TODAY. Democrats of Massachusetts have nominated F. W. Mansfield as their candidate tor governor. Atlanta citizens are worried over the constantly decreasing size of the bread loaves. A state law, fixing a standard weight for loaves, la wanted. Morris Brown college,, the negro edu cational Institution In Atlanta, raised $29,500 for the school. Court In Houston county. Georgia, will- open Monday with SO criminal canes. Five are murder charges. F. L. Vance. United States district attorney at Montgomery, Ala- taken the oath of office. Maeon. Ga. Is working for a big un ion depot. The state Capitol In Montgomery. Ala., Is being cleaned up m readiness for the legislature in January. The new oil mill at Athena, Ga.. Is nearing completion. : * • * James Pickering, aged 50, of Atlanta, has admitted writing obscene letters to A young woman. Tho' big automobile races in Atlanta November 2-6 will attract thousands of visitors. Ty Cobb and Nap Rucker, the two great Georgia baseball players, will race one day. .WE WANT AGENTS to take subscriptions for The Daily Georgian and The Weekly News Briefs. Good commission . and salary. Write us today. Only one in each county. Address Cir culation .Manager, Atlanta Geor gian, Atlanta, Ga MORPHINE, OPIUM and all narcotic habits cared at tout Painlessly and Paraanantly (for $10.00) by an entirely new method. "Vo Core No Pay." Writ# today for details. Dr. G. W. D. Patterson, East St, Charles-aye., Atlanta Georgia. <N IpaaWh Needle*. Rods, GoMemetere Cor •^/slor&Ua* Gold, BUtot and hidden trrwurM rr.s: Our Instruments are th« best. Cat S cents MleereOepplj Oe. Dept N. Palmyra^* Anti-Dud Hoad Society. Valdosta, Ga.—The grocers of Valdos r ta have formed an association known as the Valdosta Retail Grocers asso ciation, with practically every grocery- man in the city as a member. If Is understood that the principal object sought by the grocers in the formation of the association Is protection against that of people who trade one month with one grocer and “stick** him for the bill, going the next month to another firm and repeating tho opera tion. Fascinated by Dancer. Berlin.—A music hall- dancer lost King Manuel his throne. The siren In the case is Mile. Gaby DesLls, whose “Jiu-Jitsu Waltz” caught tho young monarch’s fancy in Paris and threw his heart Into a passion of yearning. The story is not a new one In the long history of the downfall of kings and monarchs. The dancing girl and Man uel were together constantly In Paris and when the youthful king returned to Lisbon he took her with him. Crisis Is Passed. Rochester, Minn.—Senator Robert LaFollette, who underwent a surgical operation on Tuesday. Is making rapid progress and his recovery is practically assured. The senator has passed the crisis. * „ Gets Big Reward. London.—The reward of $1,250 of fered for the capture of Dr. H. H. Crip- pen was today turned over to Captain H. Q. Kendall, of the steamer Mon trose. upon which Crlppen and his typ ist, Miss Ethel LeNeve, fled to Can ada. Captain Kendall was the first man to notify the authorities of Crip- pen’s whereabouts. AGENTS WANTED We wtra — mmt zettmlr —1*4 ta 6..I.I i. to met mm mmr mttmmtm. W. gar UNral wh —■ aialra*. Writ, la mmr ratal.,.. ON CREDIT Buggios Only $10. Cash. B*l*noe $6 a month. Warranted for S jean. Surreys Only $25. Cash. Balanoe $7 a month. Warranted for 8 years. Farm Wagons Only $15. Cash. Balance *5 a month. Warranted for 8 years. Wo trust honest people located In U pacts of the world. Cash or easy monthly payments. Write for our tree catalogue. OCMTURY MFOm OO., Dmmi. g4g Bra* M. Lmmlm, lUm. iH if# To Drive out Malaria and Build up the System Take the Old Standard - Grove’s Tasteless Clnll Tonic Not a Patent Medicine You know what you are taking the formula is printed on every bottle showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. A. FREE Package of GROVE’S Black Root Liver Pills U enclosed with every bottle*