Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 22

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to THE GEORGIAN'S NEWS BRIEFS. NEWS OF TUESDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1910 ROOSEVELT TAKES TRIP IN A FLYING MACHINE St. Louts.—Notwithstanding that It was understood that former President Roosevelt had declined on Invitation of Archie Hoxsey to make a flight with him. Colonel Roosevelt today made a flight. He entered the machine shortly be* fore 4 o'clock, made a brief talk to the assembled crowd and the motor was started. After a run of about 70 yards, the machine rose from the ground to a height of about 75 feet,* and after cir cling the aviation field twice, came down. Colonel Roosevelt was in- the air about three minutes and twenty seconds. “Bully!” was the exclamation from the African lion hunter as he stepped from the machine. The flight was made in the same ma chine used by Brookins in his Chlcago- Springfleld flight and by Hoxsey in his Sprlngflcld-St. Louis flight. Court House Guarded. • New Orleans, La.—When the con cluding arguments In tfie trial of Swln- ton Parmenter, a wealthy young plant er. for the murder of hts former sweet heart, Janie Sharpe, opened this morn ing armed deputies were -scattered throughout the court room In antici pation of outbreaks against the pris oner. i Cured My Rupture I Will Show You How To Cure Yours FREE! I was helpless and bed-ridden for years from a double rupture. No truss could hold. Doctors said I would die If not operated on, 1 fooled them all and cured myself by a simple discovery. I will •end the cure free by mall If yon write for It. It cured me and has since cured thousands. It will cure you. FUl out the coupon below and man It to me today. Fret Ruptura-Cure Coupon OAPT. W. A. COLLI UBS, Box 877 WaloHown, B. Y, Dear 81 rPlease send me free of all cost your New Discovery for the Cure of Rupture. A'ami silk-wove: SOX AND STOCKINGS In Black and Colors THAT LCOK LIKE SILK and WEAR LIKE IRON .*6 Pairs for $1,00 BY UHIL YOST-PAID. GOODS SHIPP:D DA we Receive order with cash GATE CITY SPECIALTY CO. 711 Austell Bnildiog ATLANTA, 6A. FREE HAIR REMEDY Let Me send You a Free 52.50 Package. Merciless Soldier GENERAL WEVLER. “The Butcher,” the name which he earned by his cruelties In Cuba, whom King Alfonso of Spain depends upon to strangle with his iron hand any at tempt at revolution in Spain. Grave fears for a civil outbreak are felt in Spain not only because of the success ful uprising in Portugal, but on ac count of the fact that the 13th of this month is the anniversary of t£e execu tion of Professor Ferrer, who was uni versally beloved by the people as a re publican and advocate of civic liberty. He was executed as an inciter of an archy following the Barcelona riots of a year ago. The putting of General Weyler in full charge of military prep arations is another firebrand throufn among the people, who regard Wey ler as a merciless tyrant. Free 92.50 Package Coupon, rill in your name and address' on the blank lint* below, cut out the coupon and mail to The Poso Company, 874 roao Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. inclose ten cents in stamp* or silver m an evidence of food faith and to help cover parking postage, etc., and a full 92.50 package will be sent you at onee by mail prepaid free of charge. Give foil address—write plainly. GEORGIA CITIES GROWING; POPULATION FIGURES Washington.—Macon. Ga., show, a moat subalantial gain in population, aucordtng to the cenaua bureau. Figures Just announced give Macon 40,645 population, against 23,272 in 1*00. on Increase or 74.7 per cent. Ma con’s percentage of growth la slightly ahead of Atlanta, which bad 72.3 per cent increase. ' Returns on population to date in Georgia cltlca for 1310 are as follows: 1910. 1900. P.C. Atlanta . . . .1S4.S39 S9.S72 72.3 Savannah . . . 65.0S4 54.244 19.9 Macon 40.665 23,272 74.7 Rome 12.099 7.291 65.9 The following cities have not been reported for 1910. Their population fig ures for 1900 were as follows: Augusta, 39,441;,Columbus, 17,614; Amerlcus, 7,674: Athens. 10,215; Brunswick. 9.081; Griffin, 6.657; Thom- asvllle, 5.822; Valdosta, 5,613; Way- cross. 5,919. These are all the towns in the 6,000 class for 1900. BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF TODAY. * Monks and nuns, exiled from Portu gal, are taking refuge Jn Spain. The United States government will investigate to see If a combine exists among lumbermen to fix prices to the consumer* Senator Bob Taylor. Democratic can didate for governor of Tennessee, will open his campaign Monday. Mrs. Ebelen. of Henderson, Kv„ has been acquitted of the charge of killing her husband. In a trivial dispute near Cedar Creek. Ala.. Sam Crenshaw shot and killed his brother-in-law. Lewis Crenshaw. A bartender at Hot Springs, Ark., shot and killed a soldier in a quarrel. W. H. Brown, of Vicksburg. Miss., while hunting, chased & squirrel into the swamps and has disappeared. historic bell, weighing several thousand pounds, has disappeared from the cupola of the city hall In Salt Lake City, Utah. Two firemen confessed stealing the bell. Iowa Democrats canceled a speaking date of W. J. Bryan because he re fuses to supiK>rt the Nebraska Demo cratic candidate for governor. Earthquake shocks were felt In Cuba. The teller of a Los Angeles, Cal., bank is missing and it is charged that he is $50,000 short. WARSHIPS’ GUNS SAVE LISBON FROM LAWLESS Psriar—-Lisbon, seething with an-' archy, was saved from a night of horror only by the frowning guns of the for eign fleet of warships in the harbor, according to reports from Portugal’s capital early today. With decks cleared fpr action and ready for actual war conditions, the warships and cruisers anchored off the Portuguese capital menaced the city with their great can non thru the entire night and sternly promised td scourge the fanatics and lawless element among the republi cans with a rain of shells If they threatened lives and property In the city. Earlier in the day another report had It that the/mobs had gained the upper- hand, and had fired a portion of the city. Inflamed by a taste of mob rule, the marauding ruffians of the capital city and the radicals among the revo lutionists sought to continue their dep redations. The only taste of power which the mobs had enjoyed was in the storming of monasteries and convents when the republican soldiery was un able to overcome the looters. According to another report from Lisbon, the reactionary movement had acquired such strength that foreign In tervention might be necessary. It would seem, according to these ad vices, that the government started to disarm its troops too soon. Relying too much on the theoretical side and too little on the practical, It had dis missed a large part of Its army. Louisville’s Small Gain. Washington.—The census bureau to day made public the followiM popula tion returns: Kentucky—Louisville, 223,928, last census 204,731, increase 9.4; Lexington, 35.099, last census 26,369, in crease 33.1. North Carolina—Charlotte, 34,014, last census 18,091. Increase 88.0. Louisiana—Shreveport, 28,015, last cen-, sus 16,014, Increase 75.0. Goes For a Rest. Atlanta.—Major J. F.' Hanson, presi dent of the Central of Georgia railway, with offices in Atlanta, has left the city for & three weeks rest. Major Hanson has Just recovered from an attack o! intermittent fever, which at one time looked as if It might be fatal. After Liquor Dealers. Rome.—In his charge to the grand Jury of the Floyd superior court. Judge Maddox put the violators of the pro hibition law on notice that hereafter he will turn them over to the county and have them put on the chalngang. “When I get the real liquor dealer I will put him on the chalngang and will not allow him the alternative of a fine,” said he. “These people who think they can violate the law with me on the fcbench and the Jury of Floyd coimty do. ing their duty will be shown,” he con tinued. 7,000 SQUARE MILES DEVASTATED BY FLAMES Winnipeg, Manitoba*—Seven thou sand square miles of territory In north ern Minnesota and southern Ontario is a - smoking funeral pyre today. Thru the night the fire raged, driven before s relentless wind, and today found tho toll of the disaster reaching up to ap palling totals. An area containing more than 15.000 residents had been devas tated. More than 1,000 are believed to be dead, and from 2,500 to 4,000 others are missing. Twelve* towns and vil lages had been destroyed. Eight thou sand men. women and children were homeless. The property loss was esti mated at over 3100.000.000 and there was no sign of the fire's abatement. Unendurable suffering befell the peo ple; panic reigned and in the communi ties of Rainy River and International Falls refugees, rendered desperate by the terrible situation, gave way to vio lence. On the Canadian side the North western mounted police patrolled the stricken area with orders to shoot all lodters on sight; on the American side a regiment of Minnesota National Guard was split up in detachments for police duty. The guardsmen were in structed only to make arrests and as sist In the relief work. The meager details which came out of the Hying inferno today brought noth ing but stories of death, disaster and suffering. Stories of human suffering were beyond conception. Men and women refugees who had fled to -this city, to Rainy River, to Warroad or to International Falls were nearly Insane from fear and the ghastly sights they had witnessed. The communities utterly destroyed are Baudette, Spooner. Roosevelt, Long- worth. Zipple. Solat, Cedar Spur, Engle, Gravel Pit. Graceton. Pit* and Swift. Partly burned. International Falls, Rat Portage, Warroad, Pine Wood, Sprague and Rainy River. Said To Bo Short. Los Angeles, Cal*—Wilson B. Evans, receiving teller for the Farmers and Merchants National bank, failed to re port for duty at the end of a two weeks vacation, starting September 17. and a preliminary Investigation of his books reveals irregularities which, according to Cashier Charles Seyler, amount to 150,000. Shot Hie Hand Off. Macon, Ga.—While out hunting this morning. Hugh McCowen, a prominent young business man of Macon, acci dentally shot his left hand off. He was brought to town suffering agonies and was almost dead from loss of blood, The attending physicians say he will recover. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking dofi not cn« children of bed-wet* tiny. There il n conatitntional reuse for tbit trouble. Mre. M. Summer*. Box 463. Sooth Bend. Ind., will tend tree to nny mother her eneeeexful home trextment, with foil in,true- tions. Send po money, but write her today if your children ^rouble you in thle wey. Don't blnme the child, the ehmneec era it enn't help it. .Thie treatment mleo cure# adults end nyed people troubled with urine difficulties by dny or niyht. Cox I, Nominated. Bristol, Tonn.—Former Governor John I. Cox wan today renominated tor the state senate for the Second Ten nessee district. Cotton Receipts Fall Short. Jackson. Ga.—The cotton receipts to date in Jackshn are one-third below what they were this same time last year. The cotton crop throughout this section wil be short. About 4,000 bales have been received so far. Crippen Trial Is On. London.—That Dr. H. H. Crippen will be Indicted for the murder of his wife. Belle Elmore Crippen. and that a true bill charging Crip pen’s typist Miss Ethel LeNeve with being an accessory after the fact will be handed down, was made evident at the opening of the autumnal session of the court at Old Bailey today, when Judge Fulton charged the grand Jury preparatory to Its consideration of the murder case. FREE BOOK FOR MEN A BOOK FILLED WITH GOOD ADVICE AND INFORMATION REGARDING A TREATMENT THAT MAKES WEAK MEN STRONG AND DISEASED MEN WELL. This book gives valuable information on every phase of Lott Vitality, Specific Blood Poison, Skin, Nervous and Rec tal Dictates, Kidney and Bladder Complaints, and many othef chronic and special diseases peculiar to Men and Women. It contains plain, solid facta that Mvn and Women of nil ngea should know. Do not give np nil hope and think yourself ineurnbla became yon have tried We have had twenty-five years’ esperleneo in treatinr chronic and special diseases of Men and Women, and can give yon reliable advice and thy very best of treatment. Bend for hook, symptom blank and our opinion. It will cost you ndtking. Learn what we can do for you. We cure many cases at home. 8end for our hook on Women s Diseases, DR. HATHAWAY & CO. 40 Inmxa 81dt- t iBVl n ». Broad Street. ROSE COMB REDS Prom first and second 'prize win ners at Memphis and Nashville. : : Stock, $1 and upward : : McMinnville Poultry Ranch McMinnville, Tenn. LEARN THE MILLINERY TRADE REGULAR TRAINING SCHOOL Largest and Oldest in the South. Write for Catalog. SAWTELL SCHOOL of MILLINERY 401-2 Whitehall Street.Atlanta. Ga. HIGHEST CASH PRICES raESH J-*™ Boot. TAT HENS AMD CIHCKEXS, GAME AND BUTTER. CorrerpenJence Sollcted. IlOSHALL’S, 23 1-2 W. Alabama Street. ATLANTA