Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 15, 1910, Image 25

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WEDNESDAY—Continued Southern’s Earnings Crow. Atlanta.—With a total gross Income of 919.977,139.15 end SSS new industrial plants completed and 7] more under construction alone its lines, the South ern railway, in Its sixteenth annual re port, which baa Just been made public, shows t> e road to be In a batter condi tion In uvery way than at the time of the but annual report. The report la for the lineal year ending June 1C. 1910. The total gross Income shows a gain of 99,199.453.37. Florida’s Prohibition Fight. Atlanta,—Mrs. J. Oates, president ot the W. C. T. 17.. of Jacksonville, has written to tho mayor and general coun cil of Atlanta asking aid In the prohi bition light that Is being waged there and which will be voted on In Novem- A Considerable Beet Atlanta,—A beet weighing live pounds and measuring 17 Inches In circumfer ence waa grown within the city limits of Atlanta by E. C. BruadwelL Msthodist Conference. Athens, Ga.—When the North Geor gia conference assembles at Athens on November 11 It will be the fourth time the Classic City has entertained this famous body of Itinerant preachers and laymen. Killed Her Husband. Athens, Ga.—The wife of Nelson Han. lei. a colored workman on a plantation near this city, killed hes husband by slashing his throat from estr to ear with a raxor. Abandons Flight. Chicago.—Wishing to be In New York for the International airship meet Oc tober 11, Aviator Ely has temporarily abandoned his attempt to fly there from Chicago. Negotiations were begun with the men who offered the 130,000 prise for an attampt at a later date. Athlete Turns Preacher. Long Beach, Cal.—Frederick Thomp son. who won the title of world's all- around athlete from Martin Sheridan at Chicago In the summer, stated yester day that he has decided to become a minister of the Qospel and requested the directors of the local Y. if. C. A. to release him from a verbal contract to become physical director. Will Investigate Fever Conditions. Huntsvills, Ala.—Surgeon General Wyman has written Congressman Rich ardson that Past Assistant Surgeon Lumsdrn will come to Huntsville this week to make an Investigation of the typhoid fever situation and ascertain the extent and source of pollution of the Huntsville spring. Seize American Property. New Orleans,—Hondurans have taken nearsslow of American Interests on is west coast of Honduras near Ama- pata. according to private cablegrams received In this city today. Soldiers under the command of Commandants •1. of tha Amapala barracks, the radical antl-forelgn leader, have seised American mines and driven off the workmen. Large Real Estata Deal. Waycrois, Ga.—One of the meal estate deals made In this section lately la reported from Hoboken, near Waycroas, by wblcb Mrs. I.ydla Nor man disposes of 11,000 acres of land, mostly In Pierce and Wayne counties Chicago parties, who will colonise, are the purchaser*. Cotton Brings Good Price. Anniston, Ala.—Tuesday was a big day on the Anniston cotton market, more cotton being brought to the city on this day than at any previous time this season. A good price waa realized for the staple, some of which sold for as much as 14.19-cents per pound. Looted Farm Houses. Chicago,—Mr* Mattie Jennings, aged 39, and her two daughters. Mr* R. E Hayden ind Mira Laura Jennings, were arrested In their fashionable home this morning, accused of heing the women automobile burglars who robebd a score of farm houses near Crown Point, Ind., and escaped with the loot , Cut Brother’s Throat. Baitirrore.—Louis Scherr, a Hebrew tailor of New York, walked Into a store here thin afternoon and without warn ing aleir htz brother. Harry Scherr. with a huge dirk, severing the head from thn body. Nitragin Bacteria fsr Alfalfa, Clorsr. Vsteh. rasa. Stans vszr,liras *KS3S acres sold la Osnainy dnrln* 1909. Plant a winter crop and sopply yonr fields with NRBOOUr and HUMUS at small cotta for tho foUowtac cash crop. Postal will Mac information and gaar- antce trial offer. GENERAL AGENCY Carl Teerling, Savannah, 6a. AGENTS WANTED. National spiral Mute 72 S. Pryor St. Atlanta, Ga. ESTABLISHED 1874. This Institute Treat* Club Feet. Dis eases of the Spine. Hip Joints, Paraly sis, Piles, Fistula, Hernia. Rheuma tism, etc, Send for illustrated circular. WE WANT AGENTS to take subscriptions for The Daily Georgian and Tho Weekly- News Briefs. Good commission and salary. Write us today. Only- one in each county. Address Cir culation Manager, Atlanta Ceor gian, Atlanta. Ga. Boy Attempts Suicide. Athens, Ga.—Without any reason for the act so far as Is known. Troy, the tbtrteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mr* James A. Harbin, yesterday endeav ored to end his days by taking flrr tab lets of strychnine. A Novel Suggestion. Shreveport, La.—One of the mod unique municipal propositions given the people of Shreveport to think about In years la that the city go Into the sa loon business, figuratively speaking. J. B. Atkins, author of the suggestion, proposes that there bo liquor dlstribut. mg plants. In charge of city employee* all the revenue going to the dtp. which at present baa the prohibition taw In effect W s ih; ngtori^R , ( 5Lnc keT* Vs.. 94.974. on Increase of tU per cent over 11.411 la 1900. . Tamp* FT*. 11,324. an Increase of *2.938. or 143.1 per cent over 13,939 In 1900. Will Visit Atlanta. Atlanta/—Woodrow Wilson, evpraai- dent of Princeton university and Dem ocratic nominee tor governor of New Jersey, will come to Atlanta after the dose of Ms campaign to deliver an ad dress before the Tin dub. Big Rail Strik* Pari*—OTic conPtderaUon of railway onions today voted to tie ap every rail road system In Franc* forcing the stagnating strike from tha Northern and Western railways to all the lines owned by tbs slat* More than a quar ter of a million men and 93,999 miles of railway lines ore affected. Forestry Men Snowbound. Missoula, Mont,—The local forestry officials report a force of twelve men snowbound at tbs head of PTsh lake. In the Clearwater country. This Is a force of trail builders which has been engaged In building a routs from Lolo pass to St. Paul pas* a distance of 199 mile* Aviator Is Injured. Belfast, Ireland,—Aviator ITcrguioti fell 99 test when Ms monoplane cap- stxed la midair during a flight at the aviation tournament here today end he was critically Injured. ■— r To Elect New Bishop* Cincinnati.—.Several new bishops will be appointed In the mission division of the convention of the Protestant Epis copal church within the next few day* according to an announcement today. Friend to Husband* C Hi oo*o^ Women whose husbands earn 92.509 a year have no business to keep a servant, according to Mrs. Ida McGlone Gibson, editor of The Woman Beautiful. Root as Chief Justice. Washington,—It Is reported here day that President Taft has practically decided to appoint Senator Root, of New York, chief Justice of the supreme court of the United State* should the Republicans carry tbs stats of New Tork In November, while he will ap prove the appointment of Represents tive W. 8. Rennet as Senator Root’s Spain Expects Trouble. Madrid.—The Spanish government today Is making Its final plans to stomp out with military force the flrat signs or the threatened uprising tomorrow. •*Ferrer day," the anniversary of thr execution of the Liberal lander. Hughes Takes Osth. Washington.—After n recess of more then four months and with Associate Justice Harlan acting as chief Justice, the supreme court of the United States at noon today met for the fall term. Out of respect to the memory of the late Chief Justice Puller, the court ad journed eighteen minutes after it hod been colled to order. The.ooly action taken In the court during the brief ses sion was the administering of the oath to former Governor Charles U. Hughe* of New Tork. - Old Soldier* Meet. Chattanooga. Tnh*—The Army of the Cumberland, an organisation of Civil war veteran* Is now bolding iu annual reunion in this city and more than 239 old soldier* are present from all the central states. Brought Hers for Safety, Atlanta.—Shot thru the body and be lieved to be naortolly wounded, the re sult of a pistol hauls In the streets of Macon on Tuesday afternoon. In which one white man was killed and another badly wounded, Nathaniel Kendrick, the negro slayer, lies on a coi In the hospital weld of the Tower, haring been brought here Wednesday morning for safekeeping. The negro Is not ex pecting to live. Postmasters Meet. Chattanooga, Ton*—The National League of Postmaster* of the United Stall* met hero today In the Read house, beginning a three days' session of that body. About 100 represent* Te Fight Boll Woevil.' Atlanta.—Georgia, under the lead of the Chamber of Commerce Jn Atlanta, will light the boll weevil, or. if possible, prevent him from getting an entrance into the state at all. Launching the campaign with the Corn show Novem ber 21-23, an extensive effort will be made throughout the state to have the farmers diversify their erupt, with <m peels! reference la corn. Girl Saves Live* Carters Lake, Colo,—Fifty United States forest guards were saved by s ecn-yeor-oid girl, Allc* Carter, of Denver, who tolled with them live miles up a tortuous pass from Mlramonte to the base of Big Chief mountain, whleh Is being devastated by forest fires. Al ready twenty square miles have been burned. After Big Convention. Atlanta,—Atflinta will make an ef fort to secure the National Democratic convention, and to this end President F. J. Paxon, of the Chamber ot Com merce. has appointed a committee to act with the one appointed from the city council to sec whet can be done toward bringing the convention her* Roosevelt Goes' Up In Air. M. Louis, Mo.—Theodore Roosevelt went up In an airship here nrul soiled around the course twice with the avia tor. He left today for Peoria, 111, where be will speak tonight. Attempts Suleldt. Huntsvills, Ala,—Judge William Bridge* enabler of the Bonk of Point Bock, shot himself with evident sui cidal Intent and la dying. The reasons for the attempt at seif-destruction are not i Guarded in JaiL Louisville, Miss,—Swlnton Pannen- ter, the young son of a wealthy pluntrr. who was convicted of flrst degree mur der for thn brutal killing of his right- een-yenr-old sweetheart. Miss Jane Sharpe, was In Jell here today, guarded by soldiers and a small army of deputy Threatened With Fsvsr. Atlanta.—4 Smgreaamaa-eliu-t William Schley Howard Is III at his home In Ookhurat, threatened with fever unf suffering from a general breakdown. Democrats Gat Together. Kalamazoo, Mich.—Denouncement of the Payne tariff law and arraignment of corruption in state affaire character ised the largest Democratic convention ever held In Michigan. For the first tlma since William Jennings Bryan ap peared as n political power his name was not muntloned In the platform. Words of Praise For the cevenl ingredients o1 which Dr. Pieree'e medi cines ere composed, as given by leaders is all the several schools ot medicine, should have far more weight then any amount ot non-professional testimonials. A Booklet made S > of these sent /res. Address as below. Dr. Picree’s svorite Prescription has THt saoos os noKSsrv on every bottle-wrapper, in e full list of til its ingredients printed in plain English and sworn to ss correct. If you are an invalid woman and suffer from frequent ‘ t, backache, goawiag distress in stomach, period- Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription The hospital, surf sou's knits sad operating table may be avoided by tbs timely use ot “Favorile-Praeeriptioa’’ in such cases. Thereby tha obnox ious examinations and local Ires!meals of tbs family physician eaa be avoided and a thorough course oi successful treatment carried' out is the privacy cl the home. ’’Favorite Prescription** is composed of the vary hast native medicinal roots known to medioel science for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments, and contains no al cohol end no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too mock front '’Favorite Prescrip’iooit will not perform miracles; it will not dissolve or care tumors. No medicine will. It will do as mock to establish vigorous health in i i io its use foraa reasonable length o1 time, s't afford to accept a secret nostrum's. ■ substitute tor this remedy of known composition. Sick women era invited to consult us by letter, frt*. All correspondence is guarded is sacredly secret end womanly confidcncce are protected by pro fessional privacy. Address. World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Presides* <63 V in Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Psllsts the best laxative and regulator of tbs bowels. . HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE WHITEHALL AND GABNETT-STS. : : ATLANTA, GA. New building, unproved facilities, new labora tories. Offers exceptional advantages to students. For Catalog address HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, Department G, Atlanta, Ga. The Gantt One-Horse Combined Fertilizer and Grain Drill IWpottiagsst bath fwtMsar and era is is tbs drifl ss ana sod ttssams—wsHso. ssssw SSwttr tarasTvssctkal por ta* farrow. whkth Is tascessd- aass with lbs piss ot mot to pravoot wlatsr kOlisg. GANTT MFG. CO., Macon, Ga. nr n«99 9w«