Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 36

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8 THE GEORGIAN’S NEWS BRIEFS. NEWS OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911 NEW ORLEANS AND ’FRISCO BATTLE FOR THE BIG SHOW Washington.—Two great cities are battling this week to determine which •hall receive congressional support for an international exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal in 1915. Today the report of the. house committee on Industrial arts and ex positions. which has favored New Or leans over San Francisco by a vote of nine to six. will be reported to the house. Today the senate committee on in dustrial arts and expositions will con sider the claims of the rival cities. There will be a mighty clash of forces, for New* Orleans and San Fran cis. o arc each determined to win desig nation, at least, us the exposition city, and possibly some financial bucking from Untie Sam. The railroads have done their.share In pushing the respective merits of the cities by sending their attorneys and powerful representatives to^Wushlngton to pull what wire ends there were in sight. It is reported that certain large ■astern systems, which hope to profit by tne traffic in 1915. have Joined with the' Southern roads In boosting New Orleans. On the other hand, the roads skirting the North and Northwest‘have banded with the Western lines in pushing for ward the merits of the long run to Cali fornio. The San Francisco boomers today aro able to count a majority of 40 In favor of their cause and claim, that the house >machine, consisting of Speaker Cannon, Dwight. Tawney, Olmsted, Dalzell. Payne and others. Is likely to throw tho weight of its influence their ■* uv. Those who arc straining every Inch In favor of Now Orleans, the much herald ed “logical” point city, are more modest In their claims. / New League Worries Taft. Washington.—That the president la seriously concerned over the organiza tion of tho National Progressive ‘Re publican league and fears that It wifi result In a fight over the presidential nomination next yeas'. was the story which more than one visitor to the white house brought away with him today. Clark Wins in Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyo.—Senator C. D. Clark (Republican? carried both houses of the legislature In the preliminary vote for United States senator at noon to ddy. DoYou Breathe Like This? It’s Catarrh I Send You Absolutely Free a Trial Package of a Remedy That Cures This Distressing Condition. It Comes Pre- paid to Your Door. Consider my offer. I willingly rend you free of charge a trial treatment of the ^v^v,? rm J >lr " d .f ; * t * rrh Cure* everything to gain and nothin, 1° '*’••• , u , „. up .'°.J r< ^ M you wi.h to be and of that foul splttirs and tkm—that don t-dare-look-anyl-ody-in , f«£lnc then fill out the coupon without further delay. I ponaev* the remedy that will cure you. but at I have 55* y°ur 'addre** you mutt supply It. Ttiat s all I ask. Simply fUi out the fol- coupon and mall It to me today. It will be the means of restoring you to a perfectly normal condition, giving you a sweet, purs breath. GEORGIA BANKS SHOW A $12,000,000 INCREASE Atlanta—Showing an lncrcaao of nearly twelve million dollars for 1910 over 1909’ In the assets of state bonks of Georgia, the annual statement prepared by J. T. Henderson end J. %V. Stephens, assistant bank ex aminers. was given out from the state treasurer’s olJlco Tuesday. • The exact Increase for tho year up to November 10. 1910. was 911,594,963.88. In 1909 there were 487 state banks In Georgia, whllo for 1910 the statement shows 525. During 1910 62 state banks havo been chartered, threo new branches have been formed, there have been four liquidations, two mergers and three state banks nationalized. The work of examining the banks during the year has been under John S. Holllnshead, chief Inspector, with the competent assistance of J. T. Hender son, J. W. Stephens and R. O. Pate. Jr. The comparative statements of the conditions of the’487 banks in 1909 and the 525 banks In 1910 follows: o a n s and discounts Overdrafts . Bonds and stocks Heal estate. furniture .. Due from Cash and cash Other assets . Capital stock. Surplus' 'and net profit... Due to banka Unpaid divl dends Due depo'tors and redls counted ... Other Items. MISS ELLEN TERRY. The English actress and a fac-simile of the medal presented to her recently by the founders of the New theater. New York. In recognition of her distin guished services to dramatic art. The presentation- followed a special matinee of Maeterlinck’s miracle play, “Sister Beatrice. - Many of the founders of the New theater were present, as well as prominent actors and actresses. Mias Terry Is the second person to be hon ored In this fashion. Horace Howard Furness, tho author and Shakespearean authority, was the other. J. P. MORGAN IS REAL NAPOLEON OF FINANCE New York.—Figures given out by a financial bureau today show that J. Plerpont Morgan controls 20.5 per cent of the aggregate 39.720.518,636 of the assets of tho national banks of the entire country .thru his four national banks and seven trust companies in this city and his two life Insurance companies. The figures demonstrate that Mr. Morgan is the real dominating Napo leon in American finance. The total assets of the four Morgan banks Is 3450,729.463 or 4.63 per cent of the total for the country. The as sets of his seven trust companies Is 3427.856.360 and his Insurance compa nies have assets of S1.123.9S6.30S. The grand total under Morgan's control Is 32.002.571.053. FREE ot T |iu'S8P 0 ^S,K??KL or c*A¥‘A'ftia? CURE, sent free by mail. Sl.npiy mi In name arul address on dotted lines below, and mall to C. E. GAUSS 661 Maln-st., Marshall, Mich. * Hen. Berrisn Linder Dies, Dublin, Ga.—Hon. Berrien B. Linder died Sunday afternoon at his home, a few miles from Dublin, on tho east sidf of the river. For a number of year* »*. Llcdkr was tax collector of the unty. Increar* Pay of R. F. D. Men. Washington.— 1 The house today adopted an amendment to the post office appropriation bill increasing the pay of rural letter carriers from $900 to $1,000 annually. It must next pass tbs senate. Farmer Kills Self. Jackson, G*«—Following a period of continued 111 health, J. M. Maddox com mltted suicide at his home at Iron Springs Monday afternoon by cutting his throat with his pocket knife. After slashing his throat, he rammed a pair of scissors into tho wound. 5.757.890.56 ■ 225,687.19 il26.2X&4Ttl| 1900. 3,583,320.87 4,184.332.41 6,544.639.79 nwii $108.626.2*6:93 ,7.35 19oit. 3 20,233,453.05 11J39.976.97 6,938.152.88 4.3o:.2i: M SSSSSI ■ 3.657.64 ABSORBINE Is a prompt and effective remedy In re moving Wind Puffs and similar blemishes. Does not blister or remove hair and horse con be used during treatment. The first action of ABSOR1HNE Is to remove an, soreness or Inflammation that may be present, then It goes to work bringlni about a dissolution of the deposits In the underlying tissues until the part Is re stored to normal ond active condition. J. F. Diets, of Johnstown, Fa., under date of September J. 1910. reported: I have tried your ABSORBINE on a lump on one of the work horses and it went away and left the leg as clean as It.ever was. This was two years ago, and the lump has never reappeared, so 1 am quite sure I can remove wind pulls on my driv- in ABSORBINE at druggists or direct..ex press prepaid, upon receipt of IS. Writ. OTS.Tff!: S4 n «c st, Springfield. Mass. NOVEL BY PHILLIPS CAUSE OF SHOOTING New York.—David Graham Phillips, the famous American author, who was shot yesterday afternoon by Fltzhugh Coyle Goldsborough. Socialistic grad uate of Harvard university, is expected to recover. He Is resting comfortably at Bellevue hospital today and the at tending physicians profess confidence ’ that he will bo able to pull thru. The mystery surrounding tho shoot ing has thus far. been unsolved, but the theory on which Coroner Holtzbauscr Is working Is that Goldsborough shot the author In the belief that he bod por trayed himself and his mother and sis ter In his novel, “The Fashionable Ad ventures of Joshua Craig.” So far os tho coroner has learned, the assassin comes of a prominent Mary land family; formerly lived In Wash ington, whero his father. Edmond K. Goldsborough. resides at present, and one time played In the Pittsburg or chestra. Goldsborough had been resid ing in this city less than three months, and fellow residents of the rooming house where he lived, at 112 East Nlnc- teenth-st, told the authorities today that he seeiqd to act queeriy at times. Goldsborough apparently had studied carefully the routine of the novelist’s daily activity—In facL' he had lived within a few doors of Phillips' domicile for several weeks in order to be within striking distance of his victim. Tho novelist did not know who was trailing him. allho he had received threatening letters. Indeed, yesterday afternoon shortly before he was shot he received a tele gram signed with his own namo In which he was- warned to look out for his life. Until Goldsborough had read “The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig” he had pored over every lino written by Phillips, whom ho fairly worshiped as a literary mentor. This attitude changed to one of unreasoning hatred when he Imagined be saw In the character of Joshua Craig a portrait of himself, and tn the heroine, Margaret, and the Martinet grandmother, respect ively, his sister and his mother, whom he In his madness believed Phillips hod used to enact scenes In which family . skeletons were revealed. Gaynor’s Cousin to Testify. Danville, III.—With Michael Gaynor. a cousin of Mayor Gaynor, of New York, summoned to testify In the grand Jury Inquiry of the vote-selling scan dal In Vermilion county and the sud den departure of E. X. LcSeurc, son-in- law of Joseph G. Cannon, a new sen sation was sprung hero today. Columbus Dsy. Montgomery, Ala—A bill will be in troduced In the Alabama legislature to designate October 12 os Columbus day and a legal holiday In this state, com memorating the discovery of America. The measure will likely be offered by Representative Sullivan, of Mobile. Massacre Threatened. Aden, Arabia—Thirty thousand Arabs, under command of Inajn Pahya, are reported to have seized the town of Yemen, threatening a massacre of Its 50,000 inhabitants in the holy war which has been proclaimed In the ef fort to found an independent kingdom In Arabia. Ten villages have beOn cap tured by the Arabs and their Inhabi tants put to the sword. To Fly to Cuba. Ksy West, FIs.—Tho longest flight over land and sea In the history of aviation will start from here at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.' It the weather Is favorable, when Aviator J. A. D. McCurdy will commence his 110- mtle trip to Cuba. Big Development Company. T, Tenrv- Killed Stanley Ketchel. Marshfield, Mo.—Walter Dlpley and Goldie Smith were convicted of murder In the first degree and sentenced to life Imprisonment today for the murder of Stanley Ketchel, the world's champion middleweight pugilist Legislative Bill. Washington.—Senator Wnrrren, from the committeo on appropriations, today reported to tho senate the legislative appropriation bill which has already passed the house. He gave notice that Ho would call it up for consideration tomorrow. Now Factory For Rome. Rome, Ga,—Announcement was made this morning of a new factory for Rome, making the seventieth manufac. luring enterprise for the city. It Is the Rome Tent and Awning Company, of ficered by J. M. Banders and M. H. Wll- Chattanooga, Tsmv—Announcement has been made of the organisation of a f6.000.04M concern which will be known as the Chattanooga Estate Company, which Is expected to be the biggest Industrial company Tennessee bas ever known. Hurled to Death. Carnssvilte, Ga.—Riteh Torrey. this place, was killed on Saturday night while returning home from a trip to Royston. His team became fright ened at something on the road and threw him out of the wagon, breaking his neck. Funeral services were held here Monday. To Re-elect LaFollette. Madison, Wie.—Senator Robert La Follette will today be re-elected United States senator by the Wisconsin legis lature for a six-year term. He ar rived from Washington last night and .will remain until after the election. Explosion in Stesmer. Boston.—An explosion of gasoline oc curred in the engine room of the steamer James 8. Whitney, of the Met ropolitan Steamship Company, at Its wharf early today. James Manuel, boil ermaker. was fatally burned and is dy ing at the relief hospital. !WS5 1oT only vrw A 1 postpaid WESTERN REMEDY! CO. Dept. Z. 1360 W«2t St-, Chicago.