Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 39

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THE GEORGIAN’S NEWS BRIEFS. n NEWS OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1911 MILLION DOLLAR LAND COMPANY ORGANIZED Union City, Ga.—A land company, with a capital of $1,000,000. wu or ganised here Tuesday under the name of Greater Georgia Development Com pany, for the purpose of developing and advertising the resources of the state and South. This company has already bought about 900 resident and business lots in Union City, a progressive town only seventeen miles from Atlanta, hav ing fine railroad connections, being on both the Atlanta. Birmingham and At lantic and the Atlanta and West Point railroads, and on the street car line running from Atlanta thru Union City to Fairburn. It is now being planned to make a lake of fifteen or twenty acres in a beautiful grove, build a fine hotel and make it a place of resort for summer picnics and any who desire to spend a few weeks in a beautiful, quiet place. The company will have a permanent exhibition of the products from the dlfl ferent counties in Georgia in a building in Atlanta. Cincinnati and Chicago. What this exhibit will do has been recently demonstrated by the exhibit of the products from some of the coun ties of Georgia in the Atlanta, Bir mingham and Atlantic office in Atlanta. All the railroads are enthusiastic and have promised to co-operate in every way possible. Charges of Immorality. Washington.—Making charges of im morality against their pastor. Rev. John Richards, the deacons and trustees of Hoboch Baptist church today filed suit in the District supreme court for an Injunction restraining Richards and his friefids from interfering with the af fairs of the church. Confer About Reciprocity. Washington.—President Thos. Car- roll. of the Board of Trade of Glouces ter, Mass., reached Washington today and conferred with Senator Lodge and Representative Gardner over the terms of the Canadian reciprocity treaty, which, it is feared, will greatly injure the New England fish industry. Pan-American Conference. Washington.—The program for the formal opening of the Pan-American Union conference, to be held in Wi lngton February 13 to 18, was an nounced today. The speakers include President Taft, Secretary Knox, Sena tor Root. Speaker-elect Champ Clark. President J. H. Farrell, of the United States Steel Corporation, and many Latin American diplomatic representa tives. TARIFF AGREEMENT WITH CANADA TO BE ANNOUNCED Washington.—The announcement of the new tariff agreement with Canada was awaited with the greatest anxiety by legislative leaders in Washington. The agreement will be known simul taneously here'and at Ottawa at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It is regarded as one of the most Im portant acts in President Taft's career a* president, involving the international relations of the United States and over shadowing everything else before the national legislature today. It was re ported here today that prompt adoption of the agreement would be asked by the presidential message accompanying the agreement to congress, as he hastened the negotiations for that purpose. There was & great deal of discussion among congressmen as to what the agreement contained. It may be that some of the schedules will arouse a storm of protest and call down upon President Taft's head the anger of some members of both the Republican and Democratic parties. In each case the agreement will be accompanied by detailed statements of the precise effect of the changes recom mended in the existing tariff law. with comparisons of the existing and pro jected rates. Absolute silence is maintained by the officials here as to the nature of these changes, but there is reason to believe that they are sure of approval in at least one quarter—that is, by the Amer ican publishers and consumers of print paper. Cat Comes Back. Lancaster, Pa.—After a five months walk of at least 137 miles, Minnie, a big Maltese cat. is safe at home in the cot tage of R. W. Hadden. 339 West Lem- on-st. Minnie walked in last night, looking fine and without any sort of greeting to her master and mistress hopped up Into the chair she had been wont to occupy before the family went to Sea Isle City. N. J., to spend the summer months. Meyer Must Give Reasons. Washington*—The senate today adopted the resolution of Senator Till man., calling on Secretary of the Navy Meyer to give his reasons for the aban donment of the navy yards at New Or. leans. La.: Pensacola. FUl. and Port Royal. S. C. Pigeon Is a Patient. New York.—Admitted the same as any "charity patient.- a pigeon rescued on Kingston-st. by a kind-hearted ex pressman. is being treated at the Grace Relief hospital following the aimnit?-. tlon of Its right leg by Dr. M. A. Hayes, one of the hospital staff. Consumption Book FREE This valuable med ical book tells in pis In. simple lan guage how Con sumption oan be cured In your own borne. If yon know or any one saOerlng , from Consumption. Catarrh. Bronchitis. Asthma or any throat or w _ -Dg trouble, or are yourself afflicted, this book will help yon j a cure. Even If you are In the advanced stage of the disease and feel there is no hone, this book will show you bow others have cured themselves after all remedies they had tried failed, and they be lieved their case hopeless. Write at eaoe te tbs Yeokermea Cee MMBptles Remedy Ce* $599 Water Street. Kalemazee. MicK. and tbey wfli gladly eead yea the beekby retaro nail free end else i genereos soppty el the New Treatment. may mean the saving of your life. swelling la t te as BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF TODAY The grand jury of Richmond county, Georgia, in Its presentments returned to the superior court Wednesday, dealt the officers of Richmond county and of the city of Augusta a severe blow be cause of their failure to enforce the prohibition law. A number of changes, mostly by pro motion. pending In the Catholic hier archy of the United States, contem plated by Pope Pius X as an acknowl edgment of the excellent results shown by the Catholic church in this country, will lead to the early appointment of another American cardinal, according to Information received at Washington, D. C- by prominent members of the church. Mgr. Falconio. papal delegate to Washington, is said to be slated to become the American cardinal. Scores of persons in a tenement house at No. 544 East Eighty-thlrd-st*. New York, were thrown into a panic when a bomb, believed to have been left by blackmailers, exploded in the basement. A party of 32 New York and Balti more capitalists spent yesterday Augusta en route to south Georgia. The party is the guest of the manage ment of the Georgia and Florida rail road. The unexpected happened in the Re publican house of representatives of New Hampshire when Waldo O. How ard. of Croyden. Democrat, elected by one vote and whose election was con tested on the grounds of alleged brib ery. was seated. Howard retained his one vote on a recount The famous West End hotel at As- bury Park. N. J.. was partially de stroyed by fire with. & loss of $59,000. The departments of Bradley Beach. An bury Park and Ocean Grove fought for five hours -before they conquered the blaze that threatened other large bos- telries. Phil Neuert proprietor of the Lyric hotel. Montgomery, Ala., committed suicide by sending a bullet thru his brain. He was under Indictment for prohibition violation and keeping disorderly house. The trouble is be lieved to have preyed on his mind. The postoffice at Hahlra. Ga^ was, entered last night between 6 and o'clock while the postmaster was at supper. The thief made entrance by He got away w’lth $54. The Schenck jury is in a deadlock over the question of the guilt or the in nocence of Mrs. Laura Farnsworth Schenck. accused of trying to poison her millionaire husband. John O. Schenck, of Wheeling. W. Vo. With simple ceremonies Benjamin W. Hooper, Republican, was Wednes day Inaugurated governor of Tennes see. He took the oath of office in the Ryman auditorium, at Nashville. Thru changes In the plans of the At lanta Music Festival association, the f-reat Metropolitan Opera Company ot New York, with Caruso and Farrar and Emmy Destinn, * will come to Atlanta MGR. DIOMEDE FALCONIO. Archbishop and papal delcgato to the United States, who. it is thought, will be made, a cardinal. BALLINGER-PINCHOT ROW CAUSES A BIG STIR Washington.—A stir was caused lu the house today when Representative Hitchcock, of Nebraska, presented a resolution directing the committee on rules to Investigate and report within one week where the responsibility is for the delay in action on. the report made by the joint committee to the house on the Ballinger-Plnchot investigation. The resolution declares that on De cember 7 last the house received from the joint committee three reports; there was unexplained delay, mystery and confusion in referring the report to the committee on agriculture, which refer ence was not made untJI December 19, and the reports were not received until January 25. The reports during that time were not on the speakers desk or in the hands of the committee on agri culture. The resolution stated that these were irregular proceedings and the dignity of the house required that the matter be explained. It was demanded that the committee on rules make a report with in a week. Speaker Cannon replied warmly, re senting the implied criticism that he was responsible for the delay. He told of the crowded condition of the speak er's desk and the impossibility for him to follow all reports. He said that he thought It singular that Mr. Hitchcock had delayed the resolution so long. Representative James, of Kentucky, replied to the speaker and attacked the dilatory methods that sometimes oc curred in presenting matters to com mittees. He said that the matter was one of public interest and should have been attended to long ago. Seven Miners Killed. Pittston, Pa.—Seven men .were in stantly killed in the mine of the Erie Coal Company near here today when miner smoking a pipe contrary to rules carelessly shook a live spark into a quantity of black blasting powder, causing an explosion which destroyed a portion of the mine. Jones on Trial. Macon, Ga*—The trial of Johnny B. Jones, w’ho is charged with the murder of Wiley D. Bishop, a former city po liceman. was begun this morning in the superior court. Whipped Children. Dublin, Ga.—On the charge of bru tally whipping three of his children. W. McDonald, a white man, was fined $25 by Recorder Sturgiss and bound over to the city court. It is alleged that he was drinking when he whipped the children. One of them escaped and notified the police of what he was doing. Colleges to Debate. Bsrnesvilie, Gs.—The young men of Gordon institute have accepted the challenge from the young men of Dem- orest college to a public debate at that place on Saturday. April $. The sub ject of debate will be: "Resolved, That United States senators should be elect ed by popular vote." RELIGION OF SHEEHAN IS FIGURING IN FIGHT Albany, N. Y.—William F. Sheehan Is making a personal campaign to secure votes enough to elect him successor to Chauncey M. Depew as United States senator; in fault. Mr. Sheehan has taken the burden of his fight off the shoulders of Charles F. Murphy, of Tammany HalL Mr. Sheehan believes that the fight against him Is being waged on religious grounds. In this connection tho state ment issued by the Right Rev. P. T. Ludden. bishop of the Catholic diocese of Syracuse, caused a sensation here today. Bishop Ludden declared that bigotry and the old spirit of "know nothingism" are in control at Albany. The publication of the bishop's state ment was the most startling develop ment of the senatorial situation. The efforts In his own behalf that Sheehan is making were revealed by Assembly man Kennedy, of Queens, who told of a conference to which he had been sum moned by Sheehan. 124 Years Old. Gradyville, Ky.-^John Morg. a native of Germany, believed to be the oldest man in tho world, celebrated his ona hundred and twenty-fourth anniversary here. He is In the best of health end. his memory of more than a century Is perfect i Human Chain Saves Skaters. Patchogue, L. I*—By forming a hu man chain of fifteen links, a band of boys and girls saved Ethlyn Phillips and Edward Smith from drowning in Lake Patchogue. Tho two broke thru the Ice while skating and their comoanlons, ly ing head to heel on the Ice and grasping each other by tho ankles, reached near ly to the edge of the open spot. Place Glass Lens in Eye. Boston*—As the result of a remark able operation which consisted In the placing of a glass lens tn the eyeball. Dr. William Copley Winslow, archaeol ogist and well known cler^onan. ham today recovered his sight An incision was made in the eye above the Ud and the lense removed. When the wound had healed the glass lens was Inserted, and thru it Dr. Winslow can now see perfectly. Officers Elected. Baxley, Ga.—Hon. J. W. Greer, of Tlfton, secretary of tho Greater Geor gia movement met with the board of trade here Monday and made an ad dress. A large number of citizens were present The following officers of the association were elected: Chairman. Dr. J. E. Overstreet; vice chairman. Judge V. E. Padgett; secretary-treas urer. W. E. Bradley. TO WOMEN WHO DREAD MOTHERHOOD! Information How They May Give Birth to Hsppjf^ Flealthg Children ^Absolutely No women need any longer dJ*ead the alns of childbirth, or remain childless. »r. J. H. J>ye has devoted his life to re- that alTpaun at chUdbSth may h be ’ banished, and he will gladly tell r it may be done absohiT»<v charge. Send your name and I?. Lewis Block. Buf falo. N. Y.. and he will send you. post- — fui book which-- - U*pain; t delay to give birth to absolutely without sterility. Do not healthy children, also how to w<xre but write today. Want Ads SALESMEN WANTED. SELL FRUIT TREES—We want sow! men to melt fruit tree. By oar plan aalewnen make b-g proau. No trouble to aeli our Mock. Term, very UlwcaL Write gear, smith b™. Dept. UtoS MISCELLANEOUS. DROPST CURED—Give, quick relief. .top, bre*tk in SO to 48 houri: mere, all .wellin* in -15 to SO day. If TM can't call. writ. Co Item Dropay Remedy Co. SIS Amtell Building. AUaou. Ok CABBAGE. BEET. ONION AND LET TUCE PLANTS—Frost-proof: £rowrT In 2P2? t i . r: J"*??- i'.°. 3 M 31 SO. Tto C M * M IL 1* M and over 90c per M. Rricen on larger orders. F. a B. Mesgetta. S. C. The largest truck and plant farm in the world. N. H. Blttch, Meggetta. S. C. HELP WANTED—MALE. AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. U E. CaSnstT Atlanta. Ga. Men wanted to learn tho boalneaa; practical shop experience; terms moderate: poaltlons secured. Call or write for catalogue. DO you want a SI.200 government post- Immediately for free lesson and guaran tee. Ozment, Dept. 53, St. Louis. WANTED—Railway mail clerks, city car riers. postofTlce. customs. Internal reve* employees; average salary about $L- 100; short hours; annual vacations; com- mon education sufficient; send your name immediately for schedule showing places of coming examinations: free coaching. Franklin Institute, Dept. f F-9$/ Rochester, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. LOOK—-Cheap lands In south Missouri; fine for corn, wheat, grasses and clov ers; good water and climate; good sc* 3 *™!* and up-to-date people; level land clear of stone. For all information dress Oh as. Pete Invite Bryan to Speak. Dalton, Ga.—The Baraca class of the First Baptist church has extended an invitation to William Jennings Bry lato in Jt.prii, instead of the Chicago] to deliver & lecture to the class here his visit to this sectio I turn. TEXAS SCHOOL LANDS. OVKlt 1,000,000 ACRES for sale by the state; you can buy 640 acres at 12 an acre: pay $32 cash and balance after 4# years; tine farming and fruit land and healthy climate. For further Information, Investor Pub. Co., Dept.