Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 43

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'JL'kLK GEORGIAN’S NEWS BBTRF8. \?v . IMarket Quotations For Week of January 20-26, 1911 WEEKLY COTTON STATISTICS. For the week ending January 20. Cotton Movement. Secretary Heater's New Orleans cotton exchange statement of the movement of cotton shows an Increase In the move- ment Into sight compared with the same week last year. In round numbers. 56,000, a decrease under the same week year be* fore last of 20.000. and a decrease under the same period In 1902 of 40.000. For the 20 days of January the totals a ow an Increase over last year of 191,- >. a decrease under the same period year before last of 72.000 and a decrease under the same time in 1908 of 104.000. For the 142 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate is ahead of the 142 days of last year 1.331.000, behind the same days year before last 522,000 and ahead of 1908 by 1,447.000. The amount brought into sight during the past week has been 278,267 bales, against 857,442 last yKr, 022.749 year ‘ date last year, 208.128 year before and 217,822 same time in 1908: and for the 20 days of January it has been 848,275, against 857,442 last year, 822.749 year be fore last and 952.084 same time in 1908. The movement since September 1 shows receipts at all United States ports 6 774.- 249. against 5.526,266 last year. 7.081.776 year before last and 5.784.889 same time In 1908. Overland across the Mississippi. Ohio and Potomac rivers to Northern mills and Canada. 801.620. against 612.258 last year; interior stocks In excess of those held at the dose of the commercialj 851.744, against 84L703 last year. 69i year before last and 412,914 same tlm 1908; Southern mills* takings 1.082.000. against 1.097.142 last year, £.115,967 year before last and 1.114,511 same time “ This makes the total movement for the 142 days of the season from September 1 to date 9.109.618, against 7.778,270 last year, 9.834,558 year before last and 7.- 862.852 same time In 1908. Foreign exports for the week have been Northern mills* takings and Canada dur ing the past 7 days show a decrease of L774. as compared with the correspond - lng period last year, and theft total tak ings since September 1 have Increased 36.995. The total takings of American mills. North. South and Canada, thus far for the season have been 2.489.912. against 2.467.829 last year. These Include 1.391.- 712 by Northern spinners, against L354.- **8tocks at the seaboard and the 29 lead lng Southern Interior centers decreased during the week 135.988 bales, against an Increase during the corresponding period last season of 15.449. and are now 171.282 larger than at this date in 1910. v Including stocks left over at ports and Interior towns from the last crop and the number of bales-brought into sight thus for from the new crop, the supply to date Is 9.357,575. against 8/030,686 for the same period last year. World's Visible Supply. Secretary Hester’s statement for the week ending January 20 of the world’s visible supply of cotton, made up from special cable and telegra^if — CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago, Jan. 26.—While the corn mar ket was firm at the start this morning, wheat opened easier. There was some a bear. The weakness in the wheat mar ket was due to the decline at Liverpool. ‘ _ on both sides of the decline. The forecast for larger Argentine shipments and contin ued liberal receipts from the Northwest were factors In the market. Liverpool was %d to %d lower, due to practically the same conditions that affected the local market. Corn was firmer, but eased off some what. despite the unfavorable weather. Offerings were good on the Increase, with a fairly good trade. Oats were about steady, with a small trade. There were no special features in the market, which was largely a pro- *b*Iotui1 one. Provisions were firm.- with steady hogs at the Union stock yards, with a fair trade. Commission houses were on both sides of the market. The wheat market ruled nervous and th prices generally low- however. May reached er. ai one yesterday’s 1 being hie b* lower. ( _ best figures, the other months below. Final pricee were __ Commission houses were good sellers on hard spots. Sentiment was mixed. Liverpool came %d lower for fu tures. Cora was %0%c lower. The market as under considerable selling pressure ith some of the former bulls attached to the bear side. The demand came largely from shorts. Oats were off %0%c. The market was quiet and without feature. Provisions showed but little change at the close. The market was fairly active later. Cash sales were: Wheat. 12.800 bush els: corn. 155.000 bushels; oats. 105,000 SOUTHERN COTTON MILL STOCKS. The following quotations on Southern cotton mill stocks for the week are fur nished by F. C. Abbott & Co.. Charlotte: Bid. Asked. American Spinning. 186 American Spinning pfd 100 Anderson Mills 43 Anderson pfd 91 Avon 98 Arlington 140 Avondale Mills 186 Bloomfield lit Brandon CoVton iillis!.*.*!!/!! II! 101 Brogan Cotton M., new series ... 71% Brookside 105 Clara Cora 135 Garrabus 125 Cannon Mfg. Co 125 . Chadwlck-Hosklns pfd Chadwick-Hosklns com Cllffslde 190 Clifton Clifton pfd 100 Converse Drayton 95 Dllling 110 Eflrd. N. C Enoree Erwin pfd’.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Exposition Flint Mfg. Co Florence Gaston Greenwood Gaffney lffg. Co Gainesville Glen Lowry pfd Gluck Grant teville. 8. C Grendel Highland Park. Grain quotations: Open. High. WHEAT— jJfc 2* S3 *=B ■ R S3 92% Laurens S3 S3 62H UK 24* S3 S3 UK S3 UK "S£ S3 Jan 11.00 ll.M 21.I# 11.00 M.Ot M'y It.UK It.UK It.UK It.UK It.IS Jlv 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.00 LARD— Jan 0.92K 0.01K »-UK I.62K 0.01 M'y 0.I1K > t7K 0.77K 0.77K >-77 J'ly 1.76 I.7TH *.Tt 1.70 1.71 S’nt 1.80 t.UK 1.71 1.71 RIBS— Jan 18.72% 10.72% 10.72% 10.72% 10.82% M y 5.82% 9.90 9.80 9.80 9.90 J’ly 9.70 9.72% 9.82% 8.62% 9.62% Sept 9.75 9.77% 9.75 9.70 GRAIN NOTES. Loray pfd 90 Loray com 10 Limestone 150 Lowell Lumberton ... Manchester Mills (Go.) Milstead. Ga 150 Mooresville, N. C 125 Marlboro Cotton Mills Mills Mfg. Co .*. ... Mollohon Modena Monaghan 182 Monarch. S. C.. com 100 Osark Olympia pfd Olympia 2d Oar t Pacolet Mfg. Co. common.. Pacblet Mfg. Co. pfd compares the figures of this week i last, last year and the year before, shows a decrease for the week just closed of 47,941. against an Increase of 28.907 last year and an Increase of 147,801 year be- fc .7 216.000 last year and 1.824.000 year before last. Th, tout world'! risible surply of cot ton na above .how, a decrease compared with last week of 47,141, an Increase com pared with last rear of 82S.000 and a de- 261.662. i compared with rear before last of or the world's risible supply of cotton as above, there la now afloat and held In Great Britain and continental Europe 2.- 170.000. against 2.61S.OOO last rear and 6.- 207.000 rear before last; In Egypt 252.- 000 against 221.000 last year and 257.000 rear before last; In India 4M.OOO. against 617.000 last rear and 247.100 rear 6efore rear before last. taut year and takings of th. world as follows. This week 232.M0. 271.000 last year. 222.000 roar before last. Total since September I. this year, 1.. 721.000. against 6.457.000 last rear, and 054.000 the rear before. ' Of this, Northern spinners and Canadi took 1,252,000 bales this rear, against 1. 266.000 last rear, and 1.412.000 tbs rear before; Southern spinners * against 1.111.000 last rear and WWt UUtU46U*C5i. n grades, combing and clothing 22 light flna NbSSc. hen' avy fine lkg •22c. light fine 20022c. 17c. tub-washed 28022c. Boston, Jan. 26.—The demand for fleece wools and original territory stock contin ues to be the leading feature of the local wool market. The tone Is strong. The demand for fleece wools Includes washed Chicago, Jan. 26.—Bartlett. Frasier Co.: There la nothing in the situation at the moment to bun wheat on, but the market la a professional one with longs still waiting for something t<* turn up to cause higher prices. The trend at the moment seems toward U but we have care should be taken not to Mil on weak spots Liverpool cable.: "Wheat declined in ermpathr with forecast of large Argentlu shipments." that Bartlett-Frasier were fair buyers of during the day. had the quietus on them by a dispatch from Mr. Pi saying he was not n bull on corn, but be lieved prices too high now. and that he thought they would work lower. The general trade In corn le assuming larger proportions and the broadening specula tive demand has been s noticeable feature the last two or three dsye. Wheat gossip as to the position of the bulla was still the big topic of conversa tion in wheat circles Some traders were of the opinion that the bulls did not have so big a load ss they did. while others were of the opinion that the line was larger. The general opinion eras that for the time being the marks' was a sale on all bulges. Company.) Quotations basso on actual purchase, for the current week. 6c; medium to good beef cows. 7M to MV pounds. *K04Kc; good to choice heifers. % to Mo pounds. 4K0(c; medium to good heifers, MS to 760 pounds. IKfiMHc Above represents ruling prices on good quality beet cattle. Inferior grades and dairy type selling lower. Mixed common steers. If fat. 1M to MO mixed common cows. If ounds. 2K04KC; mixed s to fair. MO to 700 pounds. lOOKc: good butcher buns, KM ■ Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces, delaine washed. 24c: XX. Ue; fit unmerchantable. 26 b 24c: bait Hood combing. ZSQJOe: three-eighths Mood combing. 25610c; quarter blood combing, 27KOMc; delaine .unwashed. 2fH027c; fine unwashed. 22c. h^fMOmSyaiMlndULna. three-eighths ;k. lie. Poultry, herns. II Kc; turkeys, lie; ducks, 11c; geese. >Ka rent receipts, new esses. lXUe; returned. 11 He. Butter, lower: extra ereamery. firsts, 22c; seconds, 2to; packing slock, X4. 'Wooll—Prime. 110 to 200 average. 06 OKc: good butchers. 140 to 100 average. IbIKc: good to choice pigs, 00 to IOC asraSEw sr* heavy rough bogs, JtO to Ole. medium .mage. 71,61c: M0 average, 7K fed only part corn, price would range Several loads of medium cattle this track were sold well. Yard, ed up. and with the prevailing aearclty and high market more cattle - “ ■ **—t market steady NAVAL STORKS, . ^Savsnnih^Jaa^tfc—Turpuntlna firm at B m ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. EGGS—Fresh country, .37028c dozen; storage. 18030c. BUTTER—For cooking. 10013%* per pound; for table. 20023c per * LIVE POULTRY—Hens. 45« fries (according to size). 1503) full feathered, fat, 50080c each. Ducks, puddle. 25020c each; Pekin. 35040c each. Roosters, 25030c each. Turkeys. 17018c ^D^tBSSED POULTRY AND GAMS SUNDRIES—Quail, 23025c each; dressed rabbits. :: -%c each: squirrels, 8010c; possums, dressed. 11% 015c per pound. POULTRY—Drawn, bead and feet on. per pound, hens. 17018c; fries, 30021c: roosters. 809c: ducks. 18038c: geese, jw 012c: turkeys, owing to fatness, 23025a FRUITS AND VEGETABLE SUN DRIES—Apples. according to variety and quality, 8^50(18.00 per barrel. Box ap- Pee Dee Pell City, Ala ; Pell City pfd Poe. W. F.. Mfg. Co 118 Riverside Stateevilie-Cotton Mills...... 180 Salisbury 130 Spartan Milli Tucapau. S. ucapau. _oxaway IJnlon-Buffalo 1st pfd 62 Union-Buffalo 2d pfd 14 Victor Mills. 8. C 115 Watm Shoals 75 Warren pfd Washington Mills Washington Mills pfd Wiscasset 120 Woodruff Wood side Woodside pfd 95 in S3 pio.oo twr*barreE choice. 6*5s«7t,j US K c «.s$ r bas* JEST %£& E55: &S3& MT&k^ir • Egg plants. 83.5004.00 crate. Pepper. 33.0004.00. Squash, yellow, 83.580S.9rper crate. Head lettuce. $1.7503.00 per drum: cauliflower, 8010c per pound, plneap- Sweet potatoes. Dooly yams. 90ct*fl.oo per bushel; white yams. 50080c. Tangerine 'Corrected by Whit, Provision Company.) Cornfield hams. 10-12 average, lSUc. Cornfield barns, 12-14 average. llKc. ^Cornfield skinned hams, 16-11 average. 1C (?ornlleId picnic bams, t-i average. 13c. Cornfield breakfast bacon. 4-1 average. Grocers style bacon. 2-S average strips, Dixie fresh pork sausage, link or bulk. 26-pound Duckets. 12c. Cornfield trankturts. It-pound boxes, lit. Cornfield bologna eaueage, 26-pound Atlanta luncheon bam. 26-pound boxaa Cornfield smoked link xauaage. 26-pound b °Cmfietd'sausage In oil. 60-pound cans. ^Ownfleld Jellied meat., 10-pound dinner Grandmother, pure pork autisag* 12 one-pound prints to case. 16c. Cornfield pure lard, tierce basis. 12Ke Compound lard, tierce basis. 5Ha D. HTestra ribs. 11 Kc. D. S. rib bellies, medium average. 12Ka. D. H. rib belilcM. light average, ll\c. FLOUR AND GRAIN. FLOUR—Elegant. JT.Oo: Diamond pat ent. 16.60; Faultless, finest, 64.76; Bwans- down (highest patent), 64.26: Puritan (highest patent). 64.2*; Bun Rise (half patent), 66766; Tulip Hour. 64 76: while Cloud (klgbest patent). 26.72: Farm Bell. 66.40; Carnation. 66.60; Golden Grain. KM: spring wheat patsnt, 14.00; Ocean ^JCS&a'iS-cob. Tie; No. 1 whit. 71c; No. 3 mixed. 69c; corn chop*. 75c; yellow corn. 78c. MEAL—Plain, 144-pound jack*. 69c per bushel; 98-pound soaks. 78c; 48-pound —ks, 74c. COTTON 8EED ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter 102% 0184 Cora—No. 2 red.. 45% Oate—No. 2 red . 33 ^5cl HAY—Per cwL: Che' till; third talM, 2115; proof. 66c; Mu* < JSff N*£? small bales. $1.36; No. 2, 81.20: alftUf*, choice. 81.35: No. 1 si over mixed, I No. 3 mixed, two- clover bay. 8L88; wheat straw, • #V, 6vU. m, fl.—V, ■llltllw, L 1. 2LM: Na 7, <116: Na To Drive out Malaria and Build up the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic Not a Patent Medicine > You know what you are taking the formula is printed on every bottle showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out the Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. A FREE Package of GROVE’S Black Root Liver Pills b enclosed with every bottle.