Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 45

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THE GEOROtAK’8 NEWS liRlEKS. 17 TO YOU WHO ARE SICK I Make The Fairest Offer That I Know Let me say right at the start that no money lv asked or expected. I make this remarkable offer ot my own free will and accord. I am financially able to do so. It Is my way—the way I have thought out by which I can best send help and comfort, health and strength out into this world of so much sickness and suffering. ^ It Is for you to accept or refuse as you For you to choose—whether your trouble, with all Its pain, danger, fear and uncertainty, shall continue—or whether it shall be taken away. But in the choosing, remember this—health was God's most precious gift to you, and it is as much your duty to regain nnd keep It os to guard and protect your life. DIRECTING SPECIALIST CLEARWATER, Who makes this generous offer. What is my offer! you ask. Listen!— In my thirty years’ experience in med- I Idnc I have learned many strange things. For one thtng. I’ve learned that Heart Disease kills more people every day than anything else on earth. I’ve also learned that Heart Disease hardly ever exists alone—by Itself—that other organs—Stomach, Bowels. Kid neys, Liver, Lungs. Sexual organs, eta, are almost always affected, too. Why! Think for a minute and you'll answer the question yourself—It's becauso the Heart Is the vital organ of the body— because It governs all tbs other organa, supplies EVERT organ—every Nerve, muscle and tissue with blood and life and power to do their work. Stop the heart's beat and death strikes Instantly. You know that. And let the heart get weak or wrong In any way and' the whole system—the whole body, from Bruin to tiniest blood vessel —suffers, too. But. you say I haven’t any Heart trouble. My heart Is all right Lots of .people think and say tho self-same thing. Why. only last week I had a pitiful tear-stained letter from a little eleven-year-old girt down In Georgia, telling me how her mother fell dead the week before—With the baby In her arms! Now. this woman thought her Heart was all right She would not be lieve me—even refused to take the treatment or heed the warning, and the good advice that I had sent her free! Six people In every ten have Heart trouble, though many of them, do not know It: 10.000 victims die of It In America every year. Think of It And so I say, unless you are sure, unless you KNOW, for goodness sake don’t take any more chances—stop a bit right here and find out for a certainty just where you stand. THE SYMPTOMS OF HEART DIS EASE Are very plain when once they are known and understood. The great trouble Is that most people don’t know what the symptoms arc—don’t know what they mean when they have them. Another thing: A great many people are misled and deceived Into thinking their trouble Is something else. Thou sands—perhaps you among them—are today dooterlng the Stomach, Kidneys, Liver, Nerves or Sexual organs for somo supposed trouble, when all the time It’s the heart that's causing It all. In other words, you may be treat ing the symptoms and not the disease Itself. Following are the most common signs —the really sure symptoms of Heart Disease. Go over them carefully one by one and answer yes or no to each. That will tell the story: Do yeu tire easily? Do you have headaches? Doss your Heart flutter? Dees it ever skip beats? Does your Heart palpitate? Do you start in your sleep? Are you short of your breath? Do you feel “week and run down?*. Do you have numb or dixxy spells? Do you have weak, sinking spells? Ars you nervous and irritable? Do your feet, legs er ankles swell? Does your stomach hive an “ail gono" feeling? Have you pain In Heart, side or shoul der blade? Of course, no case has all—some of tho very worst only a few. Therefore, If you And that even one or two of them aro TOUR symptoms, you should act at once, for you may be In grave dan ger. Tou know Heart Disease don’t wait. It comes like a thief, develops quickly and strikes without warning. AND HERE IS MX OFFER. If you have any of these symptoms: If you have reason to think that you have even tho aUghteat Heart trouble or weakness, write me now. I will stud you free treatment and advice. Or, again. If you havo knodra for some time that you have Heart trouble or weakness, write me—even though your cjum is chronic, dcoo-icatcd. and has resisted treatment Even though you may have been told that you can not bo cured, I urge you all the more strongly to write at once. It is In Just such stubborn "incurable** cases we have made the moat remarkable cures. Tho very day I hear from you. I will ■end you by mall postpaid and securely A REGULAR FULL FREE TREAT MENT for your case; a letter of advice ex plaining your whole cue fully. Also a Medical Book that In plain words and with clear pictures tells all about your trouble. Explains about your Heart— what It -does, how It works, and Its relatlott to all the rest of your body. The book Is valuable; do not lose sight of this part of my offar. Many pcoplo —among them several physicians—say it’s the best book of its kind aver written. Remember It is all tree—the Book, the Letter of advice, the full Course ot Treatment There are no “strings" to this offer. Neither Is it a C. O. D. scheme or anything of the kind, r aak for no money—I send you no medicine, expecting you to pay later. Tou bind yourself In no way. It Is nothing but a genuine, generous, honest free offer ot help to the sick. 1 am making this same offer In some of the best papers in America, besides Ths Atlanta Geor gian Weekly News Briefs because It seems to me to be the best way to quickly get advice and help—this cer tain, effective treatment Into the hands of every sufferer—everywhere. To the skeptical—tho doubters, the unbelievers—to those who think Heart trouble can’t be cured—to those who forget that science Is advancing. I soy for your own good—yes In simple fair ness to yourself—don’t give up—don’t fall to get our advice and test our methods and treatment It has cured—, I don’t mean Just helped—but cured thousands of cases, many of which hod ■ been pronounced hopeless I am particularly anxious to hear from those who aren’t quite pure Just what their trouble Is—from those who are doctoring the Stomach, Liver, Kid neys, Nerves etc* but get little or no better. In nine out of ten such cases the real trouble Is with the Heart. Any. way, you will get the truth here. You will then know what to do. The free course of treatment that we send will strengthen and regulate the heart. It will tone up the stomach. Kidneys and Liver. It will give strength and vitality to the Nerves and Nerve Centers and build up the whole system. Remember we make a special ty of treating Heart Disease and the other troubles that so often go with It This Is our llfework—and all our knowledge and experience thus gained Is touts gladly and freely Just for the And so I say again. If you do need this help, you'd better send right now, for, of course, I can not continue to mako this offer Indefinitely. Free Treatment Coupon Directing Specialist Clearwater, Head of the Heart Cure Co. 4<« Masonic Bldg. UaUowelL Maine: I have read your offer In The Atlanta aeonrian Weekly News Briefs. ncasc send me the Free Treatment, the Book and Letter promised. It Is agreed and understood 1 am to pay yon nothing for all this, either now or later. My Age Is NEW PARTY IS FORMED BY PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICANS Washington.—The progressive move ment in the Republican party, hereto fore confined to Individual efforts oh the part of Insurgent leaders to correct abuses In popular government In the United States, has cryfltalltxed Into a party within the Republican party, with a definite declaration of principles and all the prestige and power which united effort gives to any movemeiit. Progressive Republican Senators, governors, congressmen and others hava formed the National Republican Progressive league, which win make a light for the establishment of popular government. The organisation, plans for which have been under way since the assembling of congress, was con summated at a meeting Saturday night Officers Are Elected. A declaration of principles-has been signed, a constitution adopted and the following officers elected: President Senator Jonathan Bourne. Jr. Oregon; first Vico president Representative George W. Norris, Nebraska; second vice president. Governor Charles E. Os borne. Michigan; treasurer, Charles R. Crane, Chicago; executive committee. Senator Moses E. Clapp. Minnesota; Senator Joseph L, Bristow, Kansas; Representative E H. Hubbard, Iowa; Representative Irvine L. Lenroot, Wis consin; Representative-elect William Kent California; Gifford Plnchot of Pennsylvania; George L. Record. New Jersey, and the president vice presi dents and treasurer, members ex-ofilclo. Declaration of Principles. The declaration of principles signed by nine Republican United States ■ ators, the governors ot six Republican states. thirteen members of the house and others Is as follows: "We. the undersigned, associate our selves together as ths National Pro gressive Republican league. The object of the league is the promotion of pop ular government and progressiva legis lation. Popular government In Amer ica has been thwarted and progressive legislation strangled by the special in- I Treat .Eyes* Free For fifteen deyl If yra do not wish to continue, costs yon nothin*. 2 sm icurio* weak iiec, {ora •yes. rrasoUted litis, wild hairs, cataracts, scums, all eye diseases r | an d„t allure^ o t terests which control caucus, delegate conventions and party organisations, and thru control of machinery of gov ernment dictate nominations and plat forms, elect administrations, legisla tures, representatives In congress and United States senators and control cabinet officers. “Leaislation Baffled.** "Under existing conditions legislation in the public. Interest bss been baffled and defeated. This is evidenced by the long struggle to secure laws, but par tially effective, for the control of rail way rates and services and revision of the tariff In the Interact of the producer and consumer, statutes dealing with trusts and combinations, based on sound economic principles aa applied to modern Industrial and commercial conditions, a wise, comprehensive and Impartial reconstruction of the banking and monetary laws, the conservation of coal, oil, gas, timber, water powers and other natural resources belonging to the people; and for the enactment of all legislation solely for the common good. Popular Will Rules. "Just In proportion as popular gov ernment has in certain states super seded the delegate convention system, and the people hava assumed control ot the machinery of government, hu gov ernment become responsible to the pop ular will and progressive legislation "The Progressive Republican league believes that popular government la fundamental to >11 other questions. To this end It advocates: "L Thu election of United States sea. atom by direct vote of the people. *1. Direct primaries for the nomina tion of all elect!,• oUlcers. 1 The direct elections of delegations to national conventions with opportuni ty of the voter to express hie choice for president and vies president. "4. The amendment to state legisla tion providing for tho Initiative, refer endum and recall. "5. A thoroughgoing corrupt practice ACt. Stale League, Planned. •The league will co-operata with pro- grcaslTcs in ths several states and wherever acceptable will render assist- an co In promoting tho organization of "Whenever requested by any pro gressive state league or progressive leaders In state legislatures, the No tional Progressive Republican league will aid In the preparation of appro priate bills and resolutions and win furnish speakers and literature In sup port ot legislative action upon the prop, oeltlons enumerated In the five num bered paragraphs set forth In the fore going declarations of principles." Tuwdayi of each month, to look into these opportunity States. It will mean a bin savins of cash, without the least sacrifice of comfort; for these low fares via FRISCO Lines are good in the Frisco’s splendid new trains of Steel cars, handsome through sleepers, and dining cars serving Fred Harvey meats! • The tickets allow you to stop over at many points without extra charge and give you 25 day* to look around. Write me today just where you wish to go. I will lay out acomptete sched ule, tell jrou exact cost of ticket from your home town and give you full information about the section you want to see, free of charge. Please write today. A. P. MATTHEWS. DUtrlct Phassaaw Avvst. Uses. Just What Farmer, Need Hr. S. E. Gilmore, of Coperas Cove, Texas, says—"The Haynie Cotton Chop per b just what every farmer needs who U raising cotton. I used mine on 35 acres of cotton and am more than pleased with Us work. I have saved at least two- thirds the hoeing I would bare bad to do the old way." LEGISLATOR TAKES 130- MILE TRIP_EVERY NIGHT Edwardsvllle, III,—Home-sickness at tacked Representative William Dlck- man during tho tint week he spent at tending tho opening seaatou of the IIU- nola legislature at Springfield, and to avoid a recurrence of it ha has ar ranged to return ISO miles to bla farm home near Edwardaville every night. Hot biscuits will be steaming un the table when Dlckmun completes his dully ride from the capital Important com mittee assignments as a minority mem ber failed to cheer .the embryo line- maker. Invitations to meet the gov ernor acted as only temporary bulms for the absence of bis big family at home. Tbe brilliant electric lights In the streets and hotels hurt his eyes and he longed for the moonlit pastures stretching away on each side of his By boarding a car at the state house Immediately after the dally adjourn ment Dlckman ia able to reach home at t o'clock. The car line runs directly by the "big gate" of the Dlckman farm. On the return Journey to Springfield the representative will have to start from home at ( o'clock In the morning. Dlcltman says hu does not possess a