Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 46

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IS THE GEORGIAN'S NEWS BRIEFS. SNAPSHOTS ON PROHIBITION a.’&’&t* If Hon. S. E. Nicholson can succeed In getting the Miller-Curtls Interstate commerce bill now pending before con. greas passed, he will get the approval of many thousands who are now suffer. In* on account of the shipments of liquor Into "dry" territory. A recent declaration by a criminal la to the effect that there are certain sa loons where criminals meet to discuss and plan their crimes. The jail missionary, Mrs. Monroe, of Mason. Mich., says: "For the first time In five years I had no congregation last Sunday. Since local option passed the , list of Inmates has gradually decreased and now there are none." Chief Justice Clark of the supreme bench of North Carolina gives It as his opinion that the prohibition law of that state has reduced crime SO per cent. A five-year comparison shown & decrease of 60 per cent since the abolishment of the saloons. There Is not g single town In the country that profits by the saloons. Trade may be lost because of the going to other places by a few individuals, but the gain to legitimate business counteracts that loss a thousand fold. The government bureau of statistics reports that illicit distilling and other manufacturing of "jpoonshlne" whisky has increased, especially wherever there are state-wide prohibition laws. Iceland does not permit a drop of liquor to be made on the Island. It has no jail, no penitentiary, no court and only one policeman. There Is not an illiterate person on the island or a child ten years of age svho can not read. Such Is the declaration made by northern travelers of this Incomparable and ideal land. Georgia needs to wake up pn law en forcement. The public Is getting tired of talk and "drunks.” Our public offi cers ought to be required to "deliver the goods" or get out. An Ohio banker says he knows of numerous depositors who never had money in the bank previous to the vot ing out of saloons. Three deaths occurred In Michigan saloons recently. As a result suits for $5,000 each have been filed by the wives against the saloon keepers. The most unstates man-like action on the port of a state legislator is to yield to the persuasion cf the liquor dealers and brewers against the wishes of the people he represents. The Ohio State Grange recently re affirmed Its indorsement of the county option law and memorialized the legist lature and the governor to see that the law is neither repealed nor weakened. • Every flower in the hat of the sa loon keeper's wife has cost a rose from the cheek of some other man’s wife. i DIMS.FREE 'TRIAL Would you like to have your choice of the finest made and sweetest toned organs in the world in your parlor on 30 days trial and playing test? Do you want to prove to your own satisfaction that the Thiery Organ is the ONLY organ for you to buy, if you want lifetime service and satisfaction? Do you want to know how you can actually save all the way from $25.00 to $50.00 by buying a Thiery Organ direct from me? And have 2 YEARS TIME to pay for it if you don’t want to pay cash! Thirty days free tried and playing test, right in your parlor, and you ship back at my expense if everything doesn’t prove just as 1 claim. O _ Just Send Me Your Name Just send me your name and address. Jast fill out the coupon below and send to mo by mail. 1 will send everything complete to yon by return mail, post-paid. I'll send yon my beautiful new organ book, snow ing all the new 1910 styles of Thiery Organs, printed in actual colon, showing each instrument exactly as it would appear in your parlor, and giving a full de- scriptioo oil each one. VU send yon my TRIAL ORDER BLANKS so yon can have your choice of the beautiful instruments shown in this book on thirty days trial and playing teat. If yon are not moro than pleased—if yon don't actually admit a saving of #25.00 to #5060—if, for any reason whaieve?. yon are diasatified. yon have full privilege to SHIP BACK AT MY EXPENSE. I ll send you TESTIMONIAL LETTERS from my pleased customers in every state in the Union. I ll send a sample at my WRITTEN UNLIMITED GUARANTEE, which protects every purchaser of a Thiery Organ. This is the new Thiery Pipe Top Organ. The most up-to-date organ on the market. The entire pipe- top finished in gold, making a beau t i ful and rich appearance. This organ is made in solid oak and mahogany finish case, and in both five and six oc tave size.' Thiery Organs are the STRONGEST GUAR ANTEED organs in the world. They are guaran teed just as tong as yon keep them no matter if it’s twenty-five to fifty yean. They are guaranteed stronger than any other organ made, BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE BETTER than any other orgai kind of an organ yon want for your borne. I'll ship any a- :n yon select on thirty days trial and test without a penny of money in advance, without any bank deposit, without any 1 security and without any third party to stand good for yon. Any hon est reader of this paper can have a Thiery Organ at once and a Thiery Organ in yonr home means the finest organ in your vicinity. Two Years Time to Pay if you do not want to pay cash after 30 days trial. I'LL GIVE YOU PLENTY OF TIME TO PAY ME if you don't want to pay cash I'll trust any honest home that wants an organ. I'LL GIVE YOU TWO YEARS TIME TO PAY. Less than ten Corfu a day a will make you the owner of the organ you desire. Yon can pay once a month—once every a months—once every 3 months— jMJ or a dozen other ways, one of which will surely prove con- venient to you. With my book I give full particulars of this easy payment AfJgmA plan, which makes it possible for thousands and thousands of homes to have organs without the necessity of saving up until they have cash on hand to pay in full. Dam Just send me your name and address by return mall. Just fill out the coupon below and send it to roe. No need —SsSSkS of writing a letter, just the coupon is all that is necessary. > RSSSSSS Over 10.000 homes bought Thiery Organs direct from me -Jwwrc in the past two years time and each one of them has saved ~»- , fas 00 to f$o.oo by dealing direct with roe. YOU SAVE ALL > MIDDLE PROFITS because you buy direct from me and cut out agents and middlemen. 1 do the biggest organ bush w lBMi of the kind in the world. I ship my organs to every state in ylM the Union and to Foreign Countries. JaH| W . HUNDREDS OF THE READERS OF THIS T WK Hk PAPER alone have dealt with me in the last two 1 BB Wlk years andnow YOUcanhaveyourchoiceofThiery y ^ Organs on trial at once before you pay me any , ^ money for it, to prove that it's the only organ '4 ^ for you to buy if you want life time service SrV andsatisfact'" • 'XX return mail and every thing complete will go to you at once. ^ J. B. THIERY i WBa Tba Piano ui Orpo Hu . Uilvaoktt, wit B. THIERY u *ii THE PIANO AND ORGAN MAR MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN ® ® ® •' j! m # (j) ® m ®) Jllilwaukrp