Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 47

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THE OEOROIAN'S NEWS BRTEFS. 19 THE CLOSET AND THE KITCHEN Here I tell you of the greatest prize offer which has ever been announced for the readers of this paper. ' I have often tnade some good prize offers and have known times when many of my correspondents have won pianos, kitchen cabinets, buggies, ponies, and even $1,000 cash free on prizes. I take pride in calling your attention to a prize offer which eclipses all others. It is a prize offer in which every* body gets a prize. You can't help but get a prize if you simple enter in good faith. That is the wonderful thing about this offer. Just look at the picture, the 40 gold* monogram dishes and see if you can imagine how your breakfast table and dinner table will look with this beautiful set and Handset of tumblers too. Then picture your parlor with the beau tiful novel photo pillow top, which ts given just for an honest eflprt anyway, as explained below. Read bow to secure all fifty of these magnificent prizes and remember I am not asking you to send me a single cent but only to enter your name for these prizes by send ing me the free coupon below, which guarantees you two premiums anyway.—IK. G. Doris. By THOMA8 TAPPER. “There must be hewers of wood and drawers of water.“ L . The social reformer who preaches the abolition of menial work, setting up a little Utopia In which, we all are to eat fruit and drink ambrosia, is nothing less than a first-class confidence man. lie la a dealer in green goods and gold bricks. What he calls menial work will always exist and some of us will have to do it. But— % The man to whose lot It falls need not be mean or menial. n. ennoble the kitchen. 1 The fact Is. the first woman took a de graded mind into the kitchen; the other took an understanding mind. She saw in clear vision that kitchen work and all of Its kind is a work of true service: It contributes Its indispensa ble quota to the comforts and necessi ties of life. All such work does. When a man preaches on Sunday we call him a minister. So llkswise let us call them ministers who contribute kitch en work and its kind seven days in the week. m. Wood must be hewn and water drawn. 8uch tasks can appeal to the fun ca pacity of a man’s power to do. Lacking the capacity to do he does not see things In true relation. Then he Is degraded and If he Is imaginative he may become a social reformer. It is all In the point of view. It con sists either in seeing the task clearly and permitting It to call you out fully; or in not seeing it clearly and bluffing It thru any way and any how. Don't join clubs for the Improvement of. society until you have made it a habit to withdraw Into your closet, there to pray for light and to fight for the su premacy of your common sense. It la within you somewhere. Find it and put it It is grant in true relation to the world of men. things and duties. It is a fight becausn fear of It makes cowards of us all. Undertaken fearlessly It will teach us these things: out of the laborer. That when a laborer can manifest no bility while digging a ditch, he must nec- of the spirit within, and not by the Work wsll done Is the outer visible sym- 111 uveil uiiu worsen, a pronounced It good. 80 may the spirit of man move and work; and all men will look upon his work and pronounce .It good. The only menial quality about menial work Is the menial mind of the one who rebels at the Justice and necessity of do ing It. When you want to pray enter Into your closet. GRAND PRIZE OFFER Mayor Williams* Wrfo Says: Ripley. OHo. Sept. 3.1910. Ur. W. C. DAMS. Supt. CUa*o. CL Dor Ul*. Davis: Thanks <cr your prises. They srebeautiful The gold noaecran dishes, the seven piece due eet u^ell exceed ay cspectatLa*. Good wishes to yoo eod your pood Coapuy. MRS. L VERS WILLIAMS. Mrs. W3Csiss is the wile oi the Don. L. Vera Wniioas, present Mayor of Ripley. Ohio. Cultured end refined people everywhere appreciate our beautiful premioas and ocr offer. We hare hun dreds oi aiadlar letters front the wives of Judges, chiefs oi police. FIFTY SPLENDID PRIZES ALL Free. Your Photo on a Pillow Top Just for Starting This grand prize consists of a beautiful pillow top upon which I will reproduce any photograph you may send me. By a special process any photograph or picture is enlarged and re-photographed or reproduced on the pillow top. Photo Pillow Top* _ are now all the rage and constitute a most beautiful and useful novelty. Your own or any relative or friend's photo or picture of any landscape or acme or group or any post card will be enlarged and reproduced as life-like as life on our pillow tap. Photographs sent ns are carefully handled and are returned unharmed. You can send the photo or picture you scant reproduced now, if you desire, and see sriU start work at once or you can wait until you know my whole easy and interesting plan. I can practically assure you that you will receive this beautiful photo pillow top, however, just by starting, it you simply snaVa an tusnaet affnrt rm rvttr nlan M avnhtnM halnnr. On this ultra-liberal offer I give not one but all fifty presents. You are guaranteed a prize if you just answer this advertisement in good faith, and also the beautiful Photo Pillow Top premium for just making an honest effort, as ex plained below. You can’t lose. This advertisement costs me . hundreds of dollars, and I am not asking you to send me a single cent, so you must know that I have a grand offer to present to you and a reason for doing it. Send No Money-.-Just Your Name I want you to explain to your neighbors a special introductory offer of mine. I allow you to GIVE cadi of your friends a sew style, beautiful fold embossed picture free. These pictures are near—different from pictures you have seen, richer and more decant id every way. They are gold embossed. You know what gold embossed postal cards are: then imagine a picture i&xso inches, gold embossed and also in ten other colors. It’s the SOMETHING ELSE that will it» swy, aery easy to interest any one to whom you will say a word. It / , , will be a very, very simple matter for you to give away twenty-four of / / FfCB these gold embossed pictures on a special jj cent offer. I’ll send you // pZZZ twenty-four ot these gold embossed pictures on trust, prepaid, with- // uPjPcJ out ooe cent of money. First, you distribute the 34 pictures; ' ' times 35 cents is $6.00. Send me the %C.00 you collect and all so prizes are yoonfree. But if for any reason you fail to distribute all the pictures, 111 see you get at least two beautiful prize’ pictws anyway and if you only distribute but eight pictures which will show you made an honest effort, then YOU GET THE PHOTO PILLOW TOP AN YWAY. . Two Elba Pittas Fret! T Si” u -„ beautiful gold embossed pictures ore free to every- / e distribute oa your new pits body Who answers the advertisement the first time / jf" t t ‘JJ® *5-5™?*..*?.; fj he or she reads it. These two extra pictures are / * aiJ tree to you just for trying. Two extra prizes / r f picture (r*. i,.r mywii lot im free ri^t now. > better send the gee / A ° .SfttfiWSi StndUsThis Coupon ; low if Tea Want Our' 60 FREE PRIZES W. 6. OAVtS, Hjr. Oept GOA, 107-111 S.CMM Stmt CMcan W. G. Dills, Ill-Ill l (tabs SI a your uivertuesuent.