Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, January 28, 1911, Image 48

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^knowledge;. INTELLIGENCE THK (7KORC1 IAN’S NEWS BRIEFS. TREATING DISEASES BY MAIL An Interesting Statement II Is written: "Tliere an nbna ao blind aa thoae who have ayes and aea not.” Tbla la an aga of progress, and all thoae who allow prejudice to pre vent them from seeing the true light of progress are blind Indeed. Soma yearn ago undoubtedly then waa much ad vertising dona of a questionable kind. Fake mining schemes, with hardly ao much aa a hole In the ground for a mine; oil lands aa dry and barren aa the desert; medicines that wen adver. Used almoat to* wake the dead. But that waa years ago. A newspaper pub lisher today prides himself on the fact that hla columns an guarded ao that the unreliable can not creep In. As a consequence, the old-fashioned idea that a physician who advertises Is not 'ethical” Is npldly passing away. And rightly so. Advertising really la merely telling the public things they ought to know and can not learn In any other way. Did It ever occur to you that we ahould be absolutely In the dark as to all mat ters re! 'led In the Bible; or concerning the discovery of our country, or of the flrst locomotive, or the thrashing ma chine, or of the laws of science, or of medicine, or of the laws of our coun try, or of flying machines, unless some- ops had been bold enough to announce these things? Call It advertising If you want to, and condemn It accordingly, but. In truth, we really ought to wor ship at tha shrine of one who does something for the good of humanity. There are many opinions about med ical advertising. When a young doctor graduates naturally he wanta everyone In hlS community to . know It. But some of the older (selfish and preju diced) associates tell him that It Is not "Ton are not curing tbs sick by our standard of ethics.” Does the ethical doctor never adver tise? Let us seat Bare you ever been to church or the lodge and heard an usher call out doctor “So and So” la wanted at tha telephone? All fixed up before- 1 Another 'ethical* doctor hap pens to be nearest an automobile acci dent. renders prompt help; and sees to It that' the reporter who writes up the accident mentions the attending doc tor's name very prominently. Another way Is Cor the progressiva physician to send his announcement to the newspaper, and pay the price Uke a man. a method tar more open, manly patient toll and study in hla chosen Held, he finds that “ethics” (a kind of false standard created by somo one else) Is sometimes a ’farce. He may specialise. He takea up new studies and davelops new lines of thought while hla older associates remain old fogies. He succeeds In cases where others fail. Nevertheless, they tell him. TBttTMtkT AND 56 PAGE ILLUSTRATED BOOK upon a doctor who Is bold enough to announce his ability to curs certain dis eases os performing a great service to society. . Henry Ward Beecher, the eminent divine; had the right Idea when he wrote: ”1 am glad the doctor cured my friend. I am glad that the doctor put INDICATE ''ll YOUR 1 St H PTGMi HE.RE f! \U or -FREE DIAGNOSIS C*» Omt mm* mrnm TM> Cmmpmm TMv I wlkfc to bull >1 of jomr oftmr t« > proof tmtmntfrannl Usl It la my ow sees, l have pUcwd a cm— X ■ftiwnti for wbteh I droiro trroftnrot ■ndTXUfomn tsas If You Are Sick Let Me Help You Just mark with a crossX in the coupon below any of the different symp toms you have and send it to me, and 1 will send you the Trsstmsnt Fr*e so you may make a personal test of just what my special medicine will do. This Treatment Will B« Delivered By MAIL POSTAGE PAID, Right to Your Own Door Without One Csnt of Expense to Yow This offer is made to any person who sincerely wants to be cured of • Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Rheumatism, Stomach, Liver and Bowel Disorders, Heart Trouble, Nervous Weakness, Catarrh and all other diseases arising from impure blood. Uric Acid conditions, Etc. SEND NO MONEY Simply put a cross X mark before the symp- toms that you have, cut out the coupon, sign your name in full and complete address, and I v9 do the rest. TU. To Provo My Claims IT1 Send a Treatment Froo to Tost I want you to try at tny expense, not ycura. All I want to know is what you want to be cured oL I kaee made it coneenient for you to tdl n»e this by simple putting a cross X mark before the symptoms yon have on the attached coupon or write roe a letter in your own words about anything of a private nature (man or woman) that you want me to know. I realize that 1 roust help yon and get your good will if I expect you to recommend me to And you roust be! X bare perhaps .the roost successful afford this ’ expense of advertisipgr method yet derUmdtmr thepenns* ^ T|)lt B ^ orUy #r pstlfaU I Treat i 1 i Xi not Art These whs Bars rails* With _ joa to iSTSpi-d £uS! . OU.rI„M«.U I am a Epvcialiw am! 1 do set ksv* '“ *■* one remedy that carte everythin?; count ol pau no patent medicine*; no “dope.” Hr lemea .may have apccial treatmenta ate aals up of my own private pretcnpltosa per fected alter ye,re of successful prac tice. My great aucceu it due to knowing what remedies _c«re treating my I Want to Prara to These Prop!# at *J Own KipoaaeTkat 1 Bara tka ease incurable—but thit docs cannot help you i you. The wont My tnatumn, my expense. You have nothing to li Accept My Liberal Offer! It Place# You Under No Obligation Whatever To Me I repeat—you are under no obligation to accept this free offer. No contracts; no express charges. I will pay the postage royscii and lallMT the treatment rigu to your own door without one cent of expmus to you. Do not delay; do not argue. Just say to yourself If Dr. Jiroch has so much confidence in tut ability and his treatment to go to all this expense I am going to let him try.” Put m cross X mark before the symptoms you have; sign yonr name end address to the attached coupon, cut it out and mail it to me to-day. It will obligate you to nothing. Just let roc try to h*lp you. Address, Dr, Fa W, Jiroch, iuokTw—ia*. Chicago, 111. It In tbs paper that be coaid care him, and It any doctor la aura that be can cor. snob a disease and does not pat It In tbs paper I am sorry. What a pity It would have been had this doctor, with bis wealth of science and expe rience. left him uncured. What a pity It would have been if the afflicted man had been so prejudiced against adver tising aa to read tbs responsible cer tificate of tbs doctor and yet give him tbo go-by. What are the newspapers tor If not to circulate Information? What mors valuable Information can n newspaper give than to ten a tick man where be can be cured? If a man has devoted bis Ilfs and labor to tbs study of a special class of diseases, tbs neces sity of hla saying so bocomcs all tha more pressing. Hla duty to advertise becomes Imperious. To remedy for ly ing advertisements of quacks Is for honest men to tell the truth. A really able man. whatever may be bis gifts, makes a great mistake If be falls to use those gifts through want of advertis ing.” _ , in treating disease by rasll It Is truly remarkable how successfully a sick person Is taken care of, al though living hundreds of miles away from the doctor. By means of question lists, symptom blanks and the patient's own description an almost perfect pen picture of the ailment Is given. Nor la there anything embarrassing to a timid woman or bashful man as in the egoe of a personal visit. A doc tor who treats by mall has per fected his plan, keeps his records accurately, and selects his medi cine accordingly, and can furnish more for the money. Because his valuable time Is not wasted by patients who sit around hla office talking about the weather or their private affairs. The doctor must be polite: consequently these matters not directly concerned with his work limit the number of patients be can receive or call on. Bat when you write a doctor who treats by mall you mark yonr symptoms and answer cer tain questions The doctor then has the Important facts of your esse before him for study and consideration. He can take care of many more cases In this way than one who must sea his pa tients in person, and, therefore, makes his charge correspondingly lower. Then the medicines must be thought of. Because the re covery of a patient often de pends on how the medicines are compounded, their freshness, etc. While some druggists are honest sod do not substitute If they have not what Is called for. still lots of others are not so particular. It is a well known fact that doctors have failed and patients have died because some other drug was substituted In a prescription. A doctor who sends bis own med icine by mail knows that the sick one will get exactly what Is need ed ; he can vouch tor Its freshness and purity- • Much of the disease that saps the life of humanity Is due to neglect. Neglect because people don't realise bow serious the flrst ! symptoms are. Neglect, because ; of consultation expense. And ; here Is where Dr. F. W. Jiroch. ' the well known specialist of Chi cago. whose announcement ap pears on this page and who of fers his adylce and consultation tree, renders a service to hu manity that Is gratefully accepted by Intelligent people to tho num ber of thousands of men and women who owe their lives to help received in this way. QalcU mall deliveries now bring tha special services of Dr. Jiroch al most directly to the door of tha suffering patient,—Ads, - — -