Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 15, 1911, Image 18

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18 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1911. FOR SACS—FARMS. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT— HOUSE8. artistic i>iano tuner; a< j NHahvm ,. ^, rrunnlnK .hn. n. L. ?( tion regulating and repair-1 SESAS'ffm! ihfr a dlWlfl tv (flPIlIl- bored; two creek* running thru the /arm;, ,n k a * t i two r,f lhc mont Public road* In the coun- { wood-avp., hast Atlanta. Ga. Bell Phono M. 2254-1,. or drop a postal and l will call. 6*13-6 FARMS FOR HALE- ^WgSStM W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROBSON •MAN WITH THE OPTIC NERVE”—8e- rlo-eomfe, nuafnf melody, catchy cho rus, waits time. Sample 10<\ f’erform- • * • figs — Muskegon, Mich. 5-26-24 in* right 60c. IScone. WANTED—MON E’f try cross in center of farm. Three or four hundred acres under wire fence, 260 acres of bottom land, tine pastures; well adapted to Mtock raising: llfteen tenant house* on the place. Have ten-room cl welling house, with waterworks and lighting systems, electric and acetylene, using latter; good barns: sixteen head or mtilee. aome rattle, wagons, buggies.- ma chinery and tools, all go with the farm, We have one of the beat farming section? in Georgia. We have on© of the best cot ton markets In the country, in a half mile of us; good school and churches in our town. WiU sell for $65 par acre, stock and everything going with It. Come anti see if it ta not one of the best farms in Georgia. Made on the place la**t year 160 i about __ • , '»i bales of cotton on about tnat many acres, IF VOll hare money to lend and have about f.0 acres more In this year * - , • | , | and expect to make 200 hales. Terms to oil Atlanta and suburban property, we can pi ace'it at .7 to 8 per rent for vou. FOSTER & ROBSON. 11 Edgewood-ave. , 10-10 It |,urchH,pr. A. R. Fowler, W'ood,tock^ wnt t.n LIKE TO BORROW 1500 for MONEY TO LOAN. One cant » word for ad* under this head. MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlnntk real on. MONET 8UPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE, women keeping house nnd other* without necurltr: cheapest rmtee; easy annual payments. Tinder the loan contract system. Addrea* National Realty and Inveatment Co., Atlanta, Ga. 1-7-1 PUT? OH ASE • MONEY NOTES WANTED. PBENTY of money < hand for same. FOSTER & ROBSON. 11 Edgewood-ave. 11-17-9 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL K8TATE. Lowest rates; no delays, buy purehas# money notes. Charles Herman, Roomr 201-202 Temple Court. , 4-1-' WEYMAN ft CONNORS, ESTABLISHED 1890. Mortgages on Real Estate. UNLIMITED MONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 6 per cent straight or monthly payments plan, on improved real estate. FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 Edgewood-ave. ' 5-6-11 BKPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount; 6 per cant. Writ* or call. 8. W. Carson, 24 South Broad-st. 4-1-17 UNLIMITED MONEY to loan on Im proved Atlanta and suburban property. No delays. Borrowers address P. O. Box 1011. Atlanta. car line, 60x160; 11,000; no cash paymt... John Carey, Germania Savings Bank, t Whltehall-st. 7-11-16 FOR SALE—Flve-rootn house, nearly new: good level lot, 60 by 100; west side: not far from new Ashby-st school: $1,760, with $200 to 6500 cash, balance monthly to suit. Owner. Box 760, car# Georgian. nearly FOR BALE—Six-room cottage; new; on south side; block of car line, walking distance; hath, ras: newly tinted walls; good level lot; $2,700; $K4» cash, TO CARPENTERS—1 wish to have built two cottages and pay part with small equity In good cottage. Address South Hide, care Georgian. NICE new four-room cotta^re; will trade for a 1610 automobile. Ford roll, see Terry at «4 C 12 noon any morning. 0-12-1 FOR BA*,E OR RENT—In ClarkesvIUe. Ga. Two nice summer cottages; nearly new; on best street and In best section of city; will rent furnished or unfurnished; alx and eight rooms. Address G. P. Jones ClarkesvIUe, Ga. 141 Foil BALE—My home at' $600 sacrifice; on Qpmer: six rooms; good condition. Apply 210 Pulllam-st. or call Main 6570-L. 17 FOR BALE—Five-room cottage on Mel- rose-ave.; corner lot; on Main Decatur car line; must sell quickly; smalt cash payment and balance like rent. W. J. Mitchell, Mynatt station. Atlanta 211 Decatur. i phone 4-18*0 FOR SALE—Five-room cottage on Drex- et-ave., two blocks North Mynatt sta tion. on main Decatur car line; $1,860; ■mall cash payment; balance tike rent. Atlanta phone 811 Decatur. 0-18-82 walking distance. ■ Terms. Ivy 3157-L. distance, on south side; 0-18^8 76c PER MONTH assures you a flve- acra truck farm In Florida, rail on Francis P. Coffin, at Colonial, 15 East Cain st., this week. 212 FOR SALE—Three-room house, gcw>d neighborhood, $1,000: $10 down and $10 per month. Phone 278-J West. 8-14-82 Nfh 7 B. CANDLER-BT.rDecatur’ lot 60x . J#f; 81,800. Lot No. 29 College-ave., De catur, 82x200, 88,000. Either half cash or exchange. Phone 428 Decatur. 268 • mti. aivaaav rair.i flRII a UAIIa and Ore-proof safes. Vault doors, etc. C J. Daniel, 401 Empire Life Bldg. S-7-S3 RESIDENCE at Hast Lake*. Will soil immediately. Owner leaving city. See L. A. Railey, 210 Empire Bldg. Phoue Main 3401. 288 ir'tou WANT uim ,ix-r nid bungalow. g< venlenc©* Rsrgali /(alow near Hast I _ for automobile or diamond ear.-j Guarantee Trust and Banking < FARMS FOR SALE- KFF1SGHAM COUNTY—Garden spot of Georgia; for fertility of soil and health fulness. It Is unexcelled: I have several splendid farms near Guyton for aal©. Bend for my price list. B. \V. Cubbedge, Guy- •—Uives QUICK rvuil] or breath In 81 to 41 hours; removes all swelling In 16 to 30 days, and generally effects a cure In 80 to »0 days. We guarantee Just what we say. Consultation and examination frea If unable to call, write for symptom blank. Atlanta. Ga. FOR BALE. A CHOICE LITTLE HOME in Oakland City at a bargain price. A well-built and nicely arranged six-room cottage, with straight hall. All the plumbing is roughed-in, so when the sewer and water are nut Jn you can connect up. The lot Is nicely shaded, 50x190 to an alley. We offer this as a big bargain for $8,000. Terms can be arranged. Bee Mr. Radford. ON PIEDMONT-AVE., Just north of Bfghth-st., we here No. 768 for sale. Me have a special price and terms for a few days. We consider this the best bar- B aln In a good north side home that we ave to offer. Please call at the office for particulars. Bee Mr. Hook or Mr. Gilmer. 89 LAWTON-HT., WE8T END—A gen uine California bungalow: one of the prettiest places to he found In West End; you will And by close Inspection that this place will meet the requirements of those Look this over and then see Mr. Atlanta Phone 188L notice to Property owners. WE NEED some good centrally located vacant business houses, and we need them badly. We also need some large boarding and rooming houses close in. We are having a big demand for pew bungalows all over the city. We are needing all kinds and sixes of m ‘* over the city and suburbs. The de mands for houses are very great. At lanta la growing very rapidly and PJJ pie are coming here from all over tne world and Birmingham. Ala. If you have any vacant property, come In ana list It with us and we will furnish you a good tenant. Our facilities for rent ing property can’t be excelled. Thank, lng you In advance, we are, Ver~ ” FOSTER ft ROBSON. side and rear. This house Is new and Is in the right neigh 1 a home. In a locality which increasing in value, as all th surrounding Piedmont park li do. We offer this home for 85, very attractive terms of $600 ci per month. See Mr. Gilmer. FOR RENT. MADAME PAULINE, CLAIRVOYANT. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. 181 apartment B ‘lY-i'-Vi chic palmist, advises you on love, and business affairs, lawsuits, marriages, changes- speculation. Investments, lost ar- tfele;«, o<e. 231 Whitehall-st., Just below Brotherton. MADAME ELMER. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. 863 Whltehall-st. Ths unequaled. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 8T0VE REPAIRING. DAN, THE FIXER. SOUTHERN 8TOVB AND SUPPLY CO. Atlanta phone 8226, Bell phoue 2$S8. 8-8-1$ TRUNKS, BA08 AND SUIT CA8ES. RETAILED AND REPAIRED. ROUNTREE’S, ” PHONES: Bell Main 167$. Atlanta 2861 FIREPROOF 8TORAGE. (TORE HOUSEHOLD GOODS and m. Warehonae 236-7-9 and 141 Edge- ire. Office 12 Auburn-ave. John J. HAIRDRESSING AND MANICURING. JONES & FRETWELL, HAIRDRESSING and manicuring. Scalp and facial treatment!. Combings made 9 any style. 7114 Whitehall-*". Bell phone Main 8420-J. 8-81-33 CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING. FULTON PLUMBING CO., ^ AUBURN-AVE.—Get’om ‘ “ phone Math 108$, Atlanta 1 DRY CLEANING. Sanitary Dry Cleaning Company. ' BOTH PHONEB. 4-11-1 RAILROAD SCHEDULE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Arrival and D«partur* of Passenger Trains, 'Atlanta. The following schedule figures, are pub- tished only as Information, and are not guaranteed: 16 Hr’wlck. 7:60 pm II R’mond. 8.80 pm 16 Chat’gs. • .88 pm 2§ Col’bus.. 10.:“ 81 Fort V..10.: .... iiipa tt ftSj' v: : IjopSi 86 Heflin... 8.46 pm 10 Maeon... 6.80 pm «4 Wash’on. 8.46 pm 11 8h'port..M.10 pm 14 Jaxville..11.10 pm will take pleasure In showing same. WE PUBLISH A WEEKLY BENT BULLETIN, giving a food description of everythin, wa hava for rent. Oet a cop*. JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTING AGENT. II AUBURN-AVE. PHONES 411 MAIN. FOR SALE—REA1, ESTATE. fOB SALE—REAL ESTATE. Real Estate and Building. Fourth National Bank Bldg. Phone £106 Main. $5,680—For a swell and up-to-date new house on th# north side. This Is attract ive both In and outside. It Is located on a prominent street, and will surely appeal to you. Can make liberal terms both as to cash payment and monthly notes. Monthly notes, you understand, bear their own interest and can be taken up prior to maturity should you desire. We want you to see this. This Is getting better every day. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. J. P. STURGEON & CO, 726-27-28 Empire Bldg. Bell 4375 Main. Atlanta 1279. 46,000—FOK CLOSE IN PLACE ON SPRING-ST. This Is a 8-etory 8-room home on corner lot. 60x160. CAN EASILY PUT THREE STORES THE REAR; we are offering this terms of $500 cash and $40 a month, it is leased for $87.60. With stores fronting the other street this would be a fine proposition. Don't overlook this bargain. $6,600—For a new and never occupied 2-story 7-room home near North Boulevard; double-floored, storm sheathed and unusually attractfvi place with a good-sized lot; can ar range the terme to suit the buyer and give Immediate possession. ON THE NORTH SIDE, within walking distance of the center of the city, we have an attractive alx-room bungalow; been buJJt about year and a half: east front, walls tinted, stone front. Can make you this for $3,650; $400 cash, $30 month. It will rent for $35. Garage Proposition WE HAVE for Immediate occupancy a cloae-ln Garage 50x100: fully equipped machine shop, office, .tore room, pomir tanks, steam heat nnd plenty of light. Some class to this location, and the owner, doesn't want all your profits for rent either. Just one hundred dollars per month on a long lease and present lease can be transferred to a reliable party for one dollar consideration. Get buayl „ , Wilson Bros. 701 Empire Bldg. Standard 4410. DILLIN-MORRIS CO. 609-10 Atlanta Nat. Bank. Both Phpnes 4234 41,000 and balance to suit buys a big home In Decatur, close to Agnes Soott col lege. The lot Is 104x400 feet, haa all kinds of fruit and larga shade treea, serv ant nouse and all necessary outbuildings. Price 44.500: It Is worth 44.000. WE have five new houses on Greenwood-ave., one and two-atory, range In prices from 44.600 to 16,750. They are very attractive and we can make good terms. One block from the Boulevard. near Holderneast 4100 CASH and 426 per month, t-roont house; north able of town. Double-floored and storm-shsathed. Well elevated. Modern apd complete; have been offered 440 rent for It. near Capltol-ave. |250 CASH, 425 per month: no loan. Has hot and cold water, toilet, bath, etc. Price 42,600. One block from car and school. M.L.PETTY&E.L.HARLING Real Estate. ( 32 E. Alabama Street OS HPRING-ST., right at Walton, we hava a bualneaa lot that, w# are offering ‘ ‘ ‘ •- ■*— *“,000. This Is the cheapest piece C* * “—‘ up with us at once If Interested. ON THE PLASTER BRIDGE ROAD, right at Peachtree road, we have a tract of four acres: 800 feet on Plaster Bridge road, extending back 800 feet. We are offering this tract of land for $85 a front foot. One-third cash and the balance In one, two and three years r* “ "** *" **“ * of ground on the Plaster ) We qre offering thli City ticket office. I GEORGIA AVENUE BARGAIN. we Are offering this nice little bargat... with all city conveniences, on a Into* lot. Terms 8150 cash and balance to suit; us at once tor this. LAKEWOOD CAR LINE. this at once; terms to -Five-room luinialnw; neigh- Forth Bruad*sL NEAR RICH A RDtf ON • ST. ON s UO-foot lot; built one year; all con veniences. A very attractive place; $1,000 cash; balance easy. S. B. TURMAN & CO.. BROAD AND ALABAMA-ITB J. P. GI-ORE, 307 Peters Bldg. •ms ru rt ! W*»t End 27 Dunn. 44.250: 46.500 f>n arrnngs (srius. ON MAIN-ST. «« hava a nsw, modern, 7-room bungalow on a comer lot fhat we are offering for a quick sale for 44.T50. If you nave as much as 4600 cash ami can pay aa much as 125 a month, us at ones. This bungalow haa furnace heat, gaa and electric lights, large closets and extra fine mantels.. 12.600—New homo In West End; well built: large iol and can be had on easy terms. HAST GEORGIA.AVE.—Good two-atory home, near Washington street, for sale cheap, on easy terms. 450 CASH and 120 per month will got nice home near Grant park, on cor ner lot. PEACHTREE ROAD—1 have a fine piece of frontage right at the Brook- haven club entrance that I can sell you at 415.00 par front foot If taken lilts week. Everything else In this vicinity Is bringing about 130 more. See me quick, as this Is a money maker. L. A. WOODS 612 EMPIRE BUILDING BELL PHONE MAIN 10|* FOR SALE JOHN J. WOODSIDE ELEGANT NEW COTTAGE (ORMOND 8TREET) 1 thoroughly modern little home; six- rooms and hall, nice lot, alley. Easy erms. Price 41,160, or cash 2,950. TH OS. It. FINNEY. Sates Manager. 12 Auburn-ave. urns, -ut-n.lli) farm •*Ttlt 44.000 A is.atitllul country Will exchange only 150 per at re. 295 for Atlanta property. Money to Loan ON Atlanta Real Estate. Lowest current .rates. All applications will receive our prompt attention. hurt & CONE :-Jl EMPIRE LIFE BUILtHNO. PHONE MAIN 914. $5,600—For one of the prettiest 8-room houses in the Ponce DeLeon section; It Is new and never occuplsd; untisu- • ally well built and attractively ar ranged: Is double-floored and- storm- shmthed; gss and electric lights. This is In one of the best sections of the * city. Lot Is well shaded. 50x240 and terms can easily be arranged. : 44.2(0—On terms of 4250 cash and balance monthly we can sell you a 4-room bungalow near Jackson-st. and North- i ave.; modemly constructed through out; large, level lot. 44.260—For one of the beet built places In Inman Park; has six large rooms; double-floored and storm-sheathed, on level east front lot, 60x180; terms to suit the purchaser. $4,000—For new and never occupied 6-room bungalow on level lot, 6^160. Thle Is on one of the best streets In West Rnd and makes a very attractive ap- nearance; can arrange terms and give Immediate possession. $3,860—For new and never occupied elx- room bungalow In Inman Park; double floored and storm-sheathed; gas and electric lights; lot 60x150; esn arrange terras. .$3,760—For 5-room bungalow Just oft ths North Decatur car line: well shaded lot 100x810; this Is an Ideal home; Is doubls-floored. storm-sheathed, fur nace heated and porcelain bath, also electric lights; also a* large servants' house; terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser. f $3,760—ON TERMS OF $800 CA8H AND BALANCE $26 A MONTH will buy a bungalow on Grant-st., large, well- shaded lot. This la a very attractive place and fs on the best part of the entire street. $S.85t-ON YOUR OWN TERMS we can sell you a new and never occupied 6-room bungalow on one of the nicest streets In West End; this place Is Just off Gordon-st.; has all elty Improve ments down and paid for; Interior of house Is unusually attractive; we can give Immediate poesession. $8,700—Near Moreland^ave.. In Inman Park we have a t-afory 7-room house on a lot 57xt86 that we can sell you on terms and no loan to assume; this section Is rapidly developing and we , think this Is a specially good pur chase. The monthly payments are very small. ’ $2,800—Small cash payment, balance $20 a month will bur a 6-room cottage In Grant park section; east front lot; Im provements down and paid for. 42.600—6260 CASH. 626 A MONTH AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME will buy a 0-room cottage iuet off Sprfng-st. Thle cottage la about throe years old and Is In good condition. 42.160—SMALL CASH PAYMENT AND BALANCE 216 A MONTH will buy a 2-room cottars near Grant-st. and Grant park. This place la almost new; hse gss and water and porcelain bath, nr. In other word,, a complete little home. This has lust been listed. If you are Interested see us at once. $1,760—ON YOUR OWN TERMS AND NO LOAN TO ASSUME will buy a 5-room cottage; all city Improvements down and paid for; this Is In a good section of the city and If you are looking for a nice little home you can not afford to miss thle. $1,704—For cottage with flv* rooms and a hall Just off Marietta-*!.; small cash payment and balance monthly. 61,400—4140 cash and 610 a month will buy a house with four rooms and a kali. This Is on* block off Forrest-ave. and near th* new school on Forrest-av*. $1,600—For vacant lot with sast front; nil city improvements down and paid for. This Is In Copenhill, Is owned by non resident and has been reduced from $t,750; If you are looking for an extra nice lot on which to put a home. Here Is your chance. $1,500—For vacant lot on Edgewood-ave., level; this Is near Boulevard and .be low market prices; can arrange some terms. $1,050—On terma of $250 cash and balance monthly wkl buy a vacant lot Just off Peachtree road; sewer and water. $900—Small cash payment, balance $10 a month and no loan to assume will buy a cottage with four rooms and hall; good-slsed, level lot. 4760—6100 cash and 410 a month will buy a vacant lot 50x160 Just off the car line; thle la levsl. $850—ON TERMS OF $50 CASH AND $10 A MONTH we can sell you an east front well-shaded lot, 80x250; this Is Inside the city and has city water. $650—$6o cash and $6 a month will buy a vacant lot. well shaded on East Lake drive, between Ponce DeLeon. DruM Hills and East Lake. Here Is a good opportunity to make some money. . FOR RENT- E. RIVERS REALTY CO., 8 W. Alabama-st. Both Phones 1207-8.* 279 MORELAND-AVE.—Nine-room two- ■tor>; gas, electric lights, city water; $25 per month until, sewer connections are made. After that. $$5. 155 SINCLAIR-AVE.—Seven rooms; two story: furnace heated; all other conven iences: $50 per month. . 781 , WEST PEACHTREE-ST.—Bight rooms; two* stories; all comvcnlences; hardwood floors; furnace heated. $$0 per month. 95 EAST LINDEN—Eight rooms; two sto ries: nil city conveniences; htw*© In per fect. repair $37.58 per month. 408 HOt'Tli rUYOrt-HT.- Aeven rooms; two stoirfes: two hatha; house in per fect repair. $50 per month. 251'A n't ftTI , \ NO-ST. -.Ten rooms*; two merles^ two baths; all conveniences. $65 per month. 5?0 f'APITOL-AVE.--Six-room cottage. with all city conveniences. Housd In perfect repair. $22.60. 150 HIGHLAND-.* VE.-~ Five-room rot- tag,; ga«. water and hath. 621 per month. A PrCfwFP TRIANGLE—.lust think! Surround ed by three streets; only a ehort dis arms from the piedmont hotel; an Ideal place for stores. Prl^e, $7,500. Terms Let us show you. W. L. & JOHN O. DuPREE Real Estate ami I.oans. Empire RWj: Bell Phone 31. 3457. Atlanta 930. FOR 8ALE—REAL C3TATC. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. MARIETTA CAR LINE AUCTION SALE. SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 3 P. M. “MILES STATION” 60 ACRES IN LOTS of 4 to 7 acres. One of the lots has four-room house, fruits and “ spring water. PROPERTY is ideal for poultry, . trucking and suburban home sites. TERMS: Onc-fourth cash, balance ‘6, 12, 18 and 24 months, at 7 per cent. “BELMONT FARM,” poultry cen ter’ of the South,, adjoins us. ' NO better investment on the market. Small acreage on car line and rail road, between two business centers like Atlanta and Marietta, must en hance in value. GET PLATS, look the property over and be able to buy intelligently. If interested, drop us a card. We will mail you plat. SANDWICHES served at 2 p. m. ” ’ BE WITH US Saturday, June 17. We are going to have fine sale to good people. Such tracts as we are offer ing arc always in demand, and often hard to get. —- Ko G. BLACK'S CO. i Rooms 201-3 Fourth National Bank Building. J. W. FERGUSON & SON, Auctioneers. Suite 1012 Empire Life Building. THE FAIRBURN CAR LINE, CONNECTING ATLANTA - BY TRACTION CAR WITH UNION CITY, WILL BEGIN OPERATION ON JUNE in. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR AND BUY ONE OF THOSE BLOCKS AT UNION CITY BEFORE THE PRICE OF PROP ERTY IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD JUMPS ON ACCOUNT OF THE INCREASED FACILITIES FOR REACHING THIS ATTRACTIVE SUB URB OF ATLANTA. THE ATLANTA REALTY OWNERS, LAND DEPARTMENT. 31 AcrevS On Mount Perian Road JUST ABOUT 700 feet north of the Powers Ferry chertefi road on tha 6ft. Perian road., we have a 31-acre tract fronting 1.200 or 1.600 feet on th- rnsd. for 14.100. This tract Is one of the prettiest In this section and » Jn«f shout the same class of property that Is being offered sround It st present for 4160 to 4700 per acre. There Is on old house and a pretty good orchard on It. We have this for a few days only at this price Come quirk... HARRIS G. WHITE 327 Grant Rider. - - Phone M. 24^1