Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 16, 1911, Image 17

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THE AT.’jA.NTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS: FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1911. 17 POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK. ETC. [ POULTRY, DOGS, PET STOCK, ETC. f POULTRY, DOOB. PET STOCK. ETC. •:i* cent a word for ads under thU head. | one cent a word for ads under this head. I One cent n word for ads under this head. THE GREAT CENTRAL SHOW OF THE SOUTH—JAN. 8 TO 13, 1912, ATLANTA, GA. C. O. HARWELL, SEC., 113 NORTH PRYOR ST. X ATLANTA QUOTATIONS. June IS, 1911. eje . — * (Corrected ;by McCullough Bros.) 4- •Sgge—;Fresh selected, no gul- + ness or dirties. 16017c: mlscel- + S. laneouu. i41*>15o; guineas and dlr- * tie*. 120 He. ;• poultry—Live per pound: Turkeys. . 10®1! l-2c; ducks, 1! l-2016c; 4* 4. geese, 8010c: hens. 14@15c; roos- + terr., 7©8c; broilers, 15 to 27 l-2o + 4 each, owing to alre; frys, 25@30c' + 4 '-ach. 4* Pressed per pound: Turkeys. 4 •> 15 lb 1 Sc .ducks, 16® 17 c: geese, 10 + ft 12 l-2c; hens, 16017c; frys, 28 4 4 ft30o: roosters, 808c. 4 SPROUTED OATS. Since the value of sprouted cats fnr use as a green food for poultry has become gener. ailv known It has steadily grown In favor. The; Advice From the Poultry Doctor ■VI .. They are greatly relished by the fowls, are In- expensive and can he fed to chick* a* well as fowls when chicks are small only ' the finely chopped tops or blades should , be used. The process of sprouting the oats Is a simple one. but there are several facts In regard to It that are well worth knowing. For sprouting oats you should use now heavy oats They should be started nt such Intervals ns will keep the supply constant. The amount started at one time would de pend on the sli« of the fleck to be fed. or the better plan would be to move to new quarters the well fowls. Give the sick fowls a cool dry place and Con- key’s Roup Cure In their water, allow ing no other. To all Cranks: All letters and com munications on poultry matters and for the question and answer column should be ad dressed to POULTRY DOCTOR THE GEORGIAN, Atlanta, Ga. 1T8TAL WHITE oRPINOTON eggs, IS. $5. $10 and 916 per setting of 16 eggs. Best flock In the South. Won three firsts out of five at The Geor*!?.ns Poultry nhow. defeating the originator, winning sil ver cup tor wnltest male In the class. 8ee my 8. C. Rhode Island Red ad. 100 fine cockerels for .sale at |5 and 110. C. A. Dobtys. Gainesville. Oa. 1-16-26 SOMETHING f^FF ERE NT—Something good, something that will flourish In hot weather—Diamond Jubilee Orping tons; 13 a setting. Percy H. Whiting, care Georgian. q PLYMOUTH ROCKS. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS-Eggs from a best pen. $3: eggs from next best pen. 92:-eggs from 'un of pens, per hundred, 910; sevwi .good cockerels, each 95. B. W Bacon. Jr., care The Georgian; breed* er of White Rocks for more than five years. : .. .hmiM MM# h* mnf . A thnn „.in t, n cnoicesi yenning nrceoerB now; but Should not be more than will b*{ C ncks >3< hen „ %2 . in , otB of alx or more AMERICAN DOMINIQUES—The oldest and best American breed: will.sell some of my choicest yearling breeders now used In four or five days. If the oats are kept too wet after they ore partly grown, or If not used after a certain time, they w4ll become sour and rapidly rot. Just what quantity* of sprouted oata should be used for a given number of fowl* would vary aoine with conditions. A atrip or section contain ing 60 square Inches Is a sife amount to use for 100 hens, but more can bs Dominique Poultry Yards. Chasm Falls, Malone. N. Y. 797 for hatching the balance of the season. 93.60 per 100: $2 per 50: orders filled promptly. C. C. Pollard. Evans, Ga. During the summer oats can. be | nera In the lot. You can’t buy better at sprouted, out of doors, but In • cold ““ " -**--*- **-*- - weather they must be kept inside, where the temperature Is high enough to keep thenr growing:, and the warmer they nre kept,.the faster will be^ their growth. A warn) cellar makes , a very desir able rdace. The use of trays for sprout ing the on»s has been found to give the best results and they should be made only 1ar«*e enough to hold oats for four or five days' feeding. About four trays will then be necessary to supply the fowls with bats at such a time as they arp most suitable for feeding. , For too fowls make four trays about i born.‘na 15_by 20 Inches. , , j ONE pen MISCELLANEOUS. box of Rounders for l3.lV order from Emmett Shaw Cigar Co.. 2H-12 Rhodes Bldg. Bell phone Main 404. 6-22-36 WANTED—FURNISHED ROOMS. One cent a. word for ads under this head^ WANTED—Two or thi*ee furnished rooms In West End. Must be with refined people. Atlanta phone 2910. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; dose In; everything convenient. 27* Raweon- st. 6-12-14 the fact that I will hatch no mon chicks myself, will sell as fast as I car furnish them eggs from my New YorV ,championship pen. New York, Chlcagc and Boston winners; also from my twe imported pens (the finest birds in Amer ica today) at 93 per setting; formerlj worth 910 to 920. Summerland Poultrj Farm, Malbone, Bartow County, Geor gia. 6-16-U strain Barred Rocks; 926. One Seedsmen for the South. 16 W. Mitchell St. Phones 2568. have reached the age of four to six weeks. Price, 8 pounds. 26c; 50 pounds, f 1.40; 100 pounds, 92.50. DARLING’S BEEF SCRAPS. 7 pounds, 25c; 50 pounds, 91.75; 100 pounds, 93.25. Alfalfa meal, 7 pounds, 25c; 60 pounds, 91.25; 100 pounds, 92.25. Crushed oyster ■shell, mica grit, granulated bone, char coal, wheat bran, etc. DRINKING FOUNTS, food hoppers, grit and shell boxes, feed pans, leg bands, poultry punches and spray CONDITIONERS for your horse or cow. BLUE RIBBON White Leghorn eggs 5c each, day-old chicka 10c each. White Leghorn Poultry Tarda, Smyrna, Ga. FOR SALE—Twenty 8. C. White Leghorn pullets, four months old. and twenty cockerels, same age. Beauties.. Pullets, ““ “ ‘ E. B. Havey. 60 WYCOFF S. C. White Leghorn pullets and cofkeYel* from SOc to It. .Select I several trie*. Yearling S. C. Red hens at “ sacrifice,' |1 to f 1.50. * “ ' The sides nnd ends should bo one Inch boards six Inches wide, (’over the bottom of thlrtray with liths prevlqiin* ty TOfcked ln yater to prevent splitting and bulging and have them Just clcs« enough to Keen oats from going thru the cracks. NtH a ple«e of lsth flat wavs across either end on the bottom of the tray. T-hla permits drainage, but does not dry out th*» oats too rapidly. Make a sash to cover each tray, fitting It with glass or oiled muslin. This gash is for admitting light and holding the warmth and moisture. Five pints of oats should be evenly spread over a tray of the else mentioned above and thoroughly sprinkled with warm wqter. Carefully cover the entire surface of the rats with two,to four thicknesses of burlap and again sprinkle. This sprink ling pfocsss should then be repeated once a day or nftener If the tempera ture la high. Do not disturb the nntd after they are placed In the traya. They win sprout evenly If kept wet an<f warm and •tf - * 1 '* ... . . sprouts. h hit .... ._ cover tray with sash. Keep the sash . on till oats are about three Inches high,} when It can be left off for •’■nod. Begin I RHODE I6uAND AIDS. ABODE ISLAND RED ar mm *5. ?7 W> HPd ftp.p^r. setting < *10 per 100 i my White Orpington ad. SET A HEN TODAY—Single Comb Rhode Island Reds will do as well In summer as spring; grand laying strain 92 a setting. Percy H. Whiting, care The Georgian. q MINCP.CAS. BEAUTY MINORCAS; the famous layers of the big white egrs. BLACK famous layers of .... .... Forrest Add 1 ton. Flowery Branch. G*j 4-2-5 91 per 16. 126 Wlrdaor-st. it|rrlng will break tht tender I PIGEONS. After the aprouts are about FOR SALE—About 200 pigeon*; some gun nn< ‘ inch hint) remove the burlap and tl S5»M“P V\v fSSnXbi’rMM?al cover trav With saah. Keen the wish Ju, F Bhoot * B " 8prlngf1eld. Dalton, Oa. 276 feeding when sprouts nre about four j BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS— Inches high. Some Judgment must be We offer for Immediate sale 400 grand used In the treatment to suit the vary- J breeders In Indian Runner ducks and ing conditions. To remove from tray I White Leghorns Must have rjjj of lEPLVflLS'WP.K?c7i n I.u«n , B h e ..n c . k ^VT.X r .^lV e We gttarantee satisfaction or money back HOR3E8 AND CARRIAGES. f gear practically new. »s. Address J. II. W.. FOR SALE—One good single dray, run- Also A-l care Georgian. 6-6-9 FOR SALE—One two-horse surrey and one phaeton bui tlon. PhOne 247 FOR SALE—Phaeton buggy; price $30. Call at Askew A Shlppey’s, 224 Deca- tur-aL 6-14-29 I WANT eight or ten good heavy work mutes. Don’t mind age If cheap. W. O. J ones, 35 R Forsyth-el. 259 FLY SCREENS—PRICE A THOMAS. FLY SCREENS—PRICE A THOMAS FLY SCREENS—PRICE & THOMAS. 62 N. Pryor-st. Phone 91 J. improperly mien. J"nn n. i/Rnivi. *» Wall-st., has an expert fitter and It will coat you no more to have him flt you, and It means insurance. 6-24-19 5-24 34 Not too late to hatch duck eggs. Have the largest flock of ducks In the South, and can ship promptly. Write for prices. Model Poultry Farm. Colbert, Ga. ^ ^ ^ boGS. FOR SALE—Scotch Collie (bitch) ten months old; perfect beauty and a bar gain. B. W. Springfield. Dalton. Ga. 275 FOR SALE—Full-blooded English bull pupplee. Can he seen at 38 S. Pryor-st. peel the oata from the lath bottom. J each tray Is refilled as soon os emptied there win be a constant supply of the oats, providing the proper number of traya nre In use. When wo consider the food value of the sprouted oata anJ the fact that a feed for 100 fowla can he produced from one pint of oats at n cost of less than, one cent; *1t can be readily seen why this form of green fond is eo universally recommended.' To the Poultry* Doctor: Dear Sir—i’an you give me a reme dy f*>r reap , as f have several dases. Tnt’y. . QUINCY ARNOLD. H ip*v?!l\ a\., June 14. 1911. — — RACCOONS. ANSWER. WANTED-To buy twelvw or fifteen wild I will give you a remedy for roup, char,e * W ’ H ” Box 45, but I advise not to breed from a bird i GeorgU>n ' that has been cured from a real genu-1 me case of roup. Do not confuse roup- HOGS. 'trKM'r'iKS^ERKSHIRE pigs, guts -'"7„ i a'\ d so . ws b ? efl to ™y ff 00 mo»t common I* by the purchase of; AlasterpiCl’P n »<’ «tock from yard. Infected with'. r-. n. RABBITS. BBLOIAN RABBITR from !6c up. .Main 8-18-5 hoar. R. P. Steinheimer, Brooks, Ga. 6-14-25 thl* ill,cn, e or by the use of »ome In- rci tcd coop or by the drinking veeaels. Jinny times fowls will have roup with out any Indication of ft cold. This Is '■^plained bby the fact that roup Is n germ disease, that these germs live on and within the mucous membrane of •“' throat nnd head pa-snages, that the afflicted fowls are continually throw- .?tt these germs off and a* they dryjpp one or two young fre,h cows they are Tarried In the air from one to W ANTED-one or two young rresn cow. COWS. FOR SALE—Eight extra good milch cows, giving from three to live gallons milk a day. Call for M. Frong, at Askaw ft «hlp- pey’a wagon yard, Decatur-at. 6-16-8* another bird. Usually, however. It start! from an ordinary cold which If not corrected will end In roup. The symptom* are a* follow*: After the bird has contracted ">U|> It will have n tendency to atand off by Itself up against the fence or house, feathers ruffled up and appetite *J>ne. There will appear a watery die- charge from the corners of the eyes and 'he nostrils become closed, causing the fowl to breathe thru Its mouth. From this time on the development la more r lea* rapid, the upper part of the mouth and throat soon fill with a hard cheesy matter of very offensive odors, the eyes become swollen and closed, comb turns dark and fever rises. The bird becomes emaciated and llfelea*. and Is not a very sightly object. The tteat remedy la a good sharp ax ap plied to the neck. But If the bird be a valuable one and yd|i cere to treat it. the following te the remedy as given by Conkey ft Ca: The flret thing to 01 Is to separate the lick birds from !ht healthy ones. Immediately dietn- fcitfng premise, and drinking vessels; J. A.. Box *4, care Georgian MISCELLANEOUS. CHLORO-NAPTHOLEUM DIP and LIVE STOCK DISINFECTANT 18 THE EASIEST end most convenient dip and disinfectant to use. In tact, will prevent all kinds of paresltes and diseases. One gallon makes 100 gallons dip and disinfectant. Will prevent roup, lice, gapee, cholera, pip, .canker, mites. Indorsedand used by Lorlng Brown sod C. O. Harwell. Quarter gallon 60c. half gallon Me, one gallon 81.56. five gallons WEST DISINFECTING CO., - No. *6 South Forayth-at., Atlanta, Ga. FOR “SALE-Burr Orpington*, two hana. one cook, 91.50 each. Fifteen chick* two week* old 26c each, £ Black Minorca*, one cock, *1* b«n*- Fjil- leta, cockerel*. Two-week»-old chick*; must be *olr! at once. I’rice* will be made to effect dulek tale. Fourteen W hlfe Leg horn Chick* five weeka old. 35c each. Al! thoroufhbffcd alock. 9 Brown place. SATISFACTORY picture frame work at the right price* can be had at 71 Whlte- hall-nt. Southern Book Concern. J. C. Ga- van, manager. Give up n trial order on your next picture frame order. 6-12-21 WILL PAY for the arrest of Charlie Bran ham 910. He !• a tall, Mack negro, about twenty year* old. Weigh* about 170 pound*. A little atoope<i In walking. G.» H. Davis, bondsman. Newborn, Ga. 6-14-27 Ditut'bl’ CURED—Give* tjuick reliet. stops chorines* of breath in 26 to 41 hour*; remove* all *we!l)ng in 15 ta 2l> day*, and generally effect* a cure In 4# to 90 day*. We guarantee lust what w* say. ConMuUuttoti and examination free If unable to call, write for aymptoni blunk. testimonial* and full particular*. Cnllun. Dropsy Remedy Ca, 612*13 Austell Bldg., Atlanta. Ga. MADAME PAULINE. 1 CLAIRVOYANT. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. 134 Ivv-et.. apartment B 10-1-5* MADAME DEL RE\. the successful psy chic palmist, advises you on love, family and business affair*, lawsuits, marriage*, chsngoe speculation. Investment*, lost ar ticles. vie 321 Whltehall-sf.. Just below Brotherton. MADAME ELMER. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. 163 Whitehall-,t.-The unequaled. DR EDMONDSON'S Taney. Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pill,, a safe and re liable treatment for painful and' -eup- preaaed menstruation. Irregularities and Mlmllar obitructlon,. Trial box by mall. 60c. Frank Rdmondnn ft Bro.. manu facturing rhemlala, 14 South llroad-at. Atlanta. Oft. »-}7-!4 dress' Dr. John T. Patterson. 18 Waddell. Phones: Atlanta 43M. Bell 8848-Ljv^ CANCER CURED. W. INGHAM. Cancer Specialist, of Ran ger, Ga.. has cured more than 1,000 .jaea of cancer daring the past fifty year, without cutting or toes of blood, and wants no money until cancer Is removed. Come add see him or write for circular. Address W. Ingham. Ranger, tla 310 The effect your ad gains by repetition Is a valuable one. It’s a natuial effect, and sometlmeu n.orn striking to IU way than 6-10-16 M.ku type and space. FOR RENT—Entire upper floor of « Cspltol-svo. horns; thrro largo room, and hall: clout,, window,, sink, light, and phone. Apply 468 Capltol-ave. 16 YOUNQ LADY, thoroughly experienced si bookkeeper and stenographer, desires s change opposition. Am also experienced In hotel work. A-l reference!. Energetic, Box 11, care Georgian. 19 FOR RENT—Three or four rooms fpr light housekeeping. 48 West Peachtre place. Phone Ivy 1898-J. , 6-14-22 FOR RENT—Two nice unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, close In. Apply 1 340 Woodwsrd-sve. . Ill THREE or five rooms for rant. Bell phono Main 6560-J. 370 East Goorgls-sve. 6-14-10 ELEGANT suits of rooms suitable for light housekeeping In home of refined private family. Modern conveniences end pleasant surroundings. Apply *1* Csn- frsl-svs. . *-14-7 FOR RENT—Connecting rooms for light housekeeping. 9*1* Central place. Phone Main 465. , 131 FOR RENT—Two front rooms, one large and one email, with small dining hall. Cloee In. Ill per month. 6* Eoet FOR liENT—‘Two or throe unfurnished rooms; close In and connecting. 7 C»- tleberry-at. Atlanta phone 3060-A. 262 FOR RENT—Four beautiful connecting rooms; close In; cheap. Call Main 2S39-L. At 30* 8. Pryor. 26* THREE furnished or unfurnished second. floor rooms: gultable for light house keeping; modern conveniences; Inman Park. Phone Ivy 2207-L. 257 THREE unfurnished rooms, ground floor, separate gas. throe block* from Peach tree; Just off of East E|lls-»t. 9 Cllfford- st. Phone ivy 2267. 6-16-66 two Rooms for rent—yi. Wllilam,- st. Call Ivy 8175-L. 6-16-4 TWO connecting,, light housekeeping. front rooms, $7; one extra large light housekeeping room. $4.60: gas, water, fur nished or unfurnished; three blocks from Terminal station. 62 \V. Falr-st.^ ^ ^ FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. One cent a word for ads under thla head. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms; one with privilege of bath. Three con necting. with exclusive privilege of hath and sitting room. Fine for three single gentlemen. Ivy 2560-J. . 62 FOUR ROOMS, furnished complete for housekeeping, add ’ also two room* for houHekeeping. Call Bell phone Main 6233-L. 227 Central-ave. 6-13-8 FOR RENT—Nice, clean newly furnished rooms; hot ami cold bath: good loca tion; within one block of business part of city Phone Main 1278. • 16F Whltehln-st FOR RENT—Two sets of housekeeping rooms, all furnished, ready for house keeping, and also single bed room. Have nil conveniences; hot and cold water. Rate* very reasonable. 82 Auburn-ave* Atlanta phone 4727. 6-14-20 ONE or two furnished rooms with or without board. Phone Ivy 1669-L^ ^ ^ ONE downstairs furnished room. 77 W. Cain. 6-14-6 Fnlt RENT—Two connecting front rooms. ' with bath, to; all conven iences. Wellington, apartment 2, corner Houston nnd Ivy. 8-14-24 FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, close In. 59 Eaet Ellfe-st 6-14-24 FOR RENT—Woll screened furnished front room, north side; private home; gentlemen or couple. Ivy 2098-L. 271 I "~HAVE ONE rdeely furnished front room*for renf. to lady or gentleman, or two light houNekeeping rooms. Rent cheap. 14 Mll!a-*t. 6-15-9 COOL, pleasant room, near bath; in pri vate home; West End; gentlemen pre ferred; references. Phone west 268-.T. or call 152 Lce-st. 6-15-1 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished upstairs room, adjoining bath. All conveplfoces. 250 Ivy-st. Phone 4887. „ , 6-18-19 FOR RENT—Nice front room In prlvgte homo. Reference* required. Phone 4807-.1 Main. 6-16-27 TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping; will rent cheap for summer. 138 Pulliam. 6-15-23 FOR RENT—Furnished roams for gentle men. 981* Central place. Phone Main 466. 236 152 WEPT PEACHTREE—Modem, fur nished roome In private home. Plenty of nhade and porchea; $3 per week up ward. 6-6-7 for RENT—Nicely furnished room. 14 Baltimore piece. Call Ivy 468. 8-16-7 TWO completely furnished rooms In rear of be*t residence In square, with use of parlor, gas. hot and cold bathe; three doors from Pryor-et. car line; reasonable to good /tenont. Atlanta phono 3248. 180 Richardson-*t. ’ 6-16-8 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS In The Hsli, apartment 3. Ivy 1239. Baker end Spring. 6-18-11 THREE or four furnished rooms. 146V. reachtree-st. ' .6-15-17 INMAN PARK—Large front room, nicely furnished; all conveniences; home com forts; private family; board optional. 96 Slnclalr-ave. 6-14-17 A FURNISHED ROOM and kitchen for light housekeeping; electric lights, kitchen, sink and next to water. Apply 46 Weat Raker, or phone Ivy 3167. 6-16-20 FURNISHED ROOM and bath, gas stove; references required. Bell phone West 649-L. Also servant room. 6-16 : 2t THREE furnished room* for lighi house- keeping. Phone 6863-F. 238 cspllal-sve^ COOL, pleasant room; In easy walking J distance; north side; every convenience; * no other roomers; home domforts;'must I he seen to he appreciated; reference* ex- * changed. Phone Ivy 2716-L. 326 FURNISHED room to one ot two gentle men: nice location; references. 94 For- rest-ave. 6-16*21 WANTED—ROOMS. One cent a word for ads under this head. MARRIED COUPLE de sire three or four rooms with family where refine ment is expected and ap- preciated. Address Oliver, care Georgian. 6-15-28 WANTED—Large, unfurnished room on north tide; neer In. Telephone Bell Ivy, 4504-J. 3*21 dress Walther. cape Georgian. WANTED—By three young men, to rent one furnished room in Decatur. Pleasr call A. B. P., phbne Main 1776. betweei 6 and 7 o'clock Friday or Saturday after noon*. 308 WANTED—BOARD. WANTED—One room with bath at the summer. WANTED—Room and board by lady private family; north side; no oth boarders; wants quiet, good home. w. B., care Georgian. . 8 r 14- gin water, 451 Pulliam-st., Atlanta. WANTED—By refined young mkn. furnished room with board; cloi north side preferred. Address J. Box 43, care Georgian. • room with refined private family. Re sonable rate*. Answer at once. Box car® Georgian. i WANTED—BOARDERS. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS with L - . table board; reasonable term*.' 81 Cap! tol-ave. THds'E DESIRING pleasant rooms with board, apply 31 East Caln. 611-87 with private verandas. .PJione Main 600S-J. BOARD In private tiom* for' summer. Reference, requested; larg. rc * shaded grounds. 436 l’eachtr 778-L. walking distance. 6-14-I NICE ROOM and board, int for the ,umm 366 Capltol-avo. able rftte,. 39 Currl*r-bt., Park. Reaaonabla. Atlanta ptinne It64-B. 31 West Peachtree place. Ivy 8S0-L. PRIVATE BOARD; Urge, cool room,; five minutes walk of town. Also tabf era wanted. 4 We»t Peachtree. WANTED—Business woman to i nice from room and board. |n .. home In West End; mainly far company. West 1043. '6.10-38 HOUI.eS FOR RENT. Cochran. I» South Rroad-st car Jinc; aouin oino; nieviy umwi waua, bath, gas: excellent condition.. 122.50 par qionth. Cottage, Box 160, care Georgian. FOR RENT—Nice 6-room cottage; neer car line; south* side; newi * 4 * ‘ hath, gan: excoiient cond 100, c*re Georgian. FOR RENT—Five-room cottage; all Im provement*; near Grant park; nalghl ■ J win i ywner. ovementa; near urani pern; nice hborhood. 48 Bryan-at. 620 per month, leaac one year. G. W. Hlmebeugh. *r, 22 Rosalia-et. 6-11-11 neiion. *13-81 FOR RENT—86 Lakevlew-ave., by Pone, DeLeon, near St. Chm rooms; gas. wired for electricity, screened, hath. Apply to ownar. 886 Peachtree. 163 893 WOonWARDiAVB.—Cbttags; three rooms; bath; all conveniences. 113.86. SALARIED MEN WILL AFP^ECTATlf^Ot’R DI VIDED PAYMENT PLAN OF SELLING FURNITURE, CAR PETS, AND RUG8. UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SYSTEM YOU ARE ENABLED TO PUR CHASE THE BEST GRADES OF HOME FURNISHINGS AT CASH PRICES. AND YET PAY FOR THEM A8 CONVENIENT. ASK OUR SALESMAN ABOUT ? HE DIVIDED PAYMENT LAN. J. M. HIGH COMPANY, Department Store. WANTED—MONEY j IF you Iiave money to lend FOR RENT — Five-room) on Atlanta and suburban furnished apartment dur- \ property, we can place it at ing July and August, one j 7 to 8 per cent for you. door from Peachtree. Light! FOSTER & ROBSON, and airy; no children; very reasonable. Address M. G. M., care Georgian. 290 FURNISHED H0UGE8 FOB RRNT. y walking J CH EAP 8l’M ME It rant, furnT*hedhome; nv«nlmr«: i* uli.Hv tot "Pel Ii»«n Pr.rhtr.M *’ cor. COTTAGE HOM E- FurnV*iKcd a* w« u*« it; piano, nhone. etc.; will rent till Sep tember 1. See ua at any tima thla week. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. atrictly modern; bent nummer a Dart- W.. Farllrger, 304 N. 6-9-11 every modern convenience; screen*; up EDUCATIONAL. WANTED—Two good oreheatr* wad for ihe Lyric theater will be presented to Mr*. N. D. Binford. 162 Le*-*t„ city. If ike will bring thla page to The Georgian wont ad department before 2 p. m. Sat urday. ' If Whitehall-at.. Atlanta. Ga. In M*rch. . 40W 2-6-26 EMORY SUMMER- BCHOOL-*Coo». quiet, ten week* from June 30. Latin, Greek, French, German, English, history, math ematic*. Addreaa E. K. Turne:. Oxford, Ga. 6-26-27 . FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished w room* for housekeeping; private large d veranda; near In; references exchanged.' y Bell phone S6I9-J Main. 214 r i SUMMER RES0RT8. n One cent a word for ads under this head 1 WAYNE8Vit.LE. N. C.—Haywood White 5 . Sulphur Springs Hotel. Free waters; 26- - ; acre lawn; tennis, other .games and moun- a tain climbing. Ideal vacation spot. Also Behrldere in Asheville. Write for booklet*. ... 379 ; WE CAN SAVE you money it several s hotels In New York, at>d also at several Bummer resorts, .both at seashorotand Jn 1 mountain*. Can give discount of 30 per cent. Address Resorts, Box 4. care Geor- y gian. xxs ! FOR RENT—Beach cottages to desirable parties; furnished. Mrs. O. E. Merrl- fleld. St. 8lmons Station, Ga. 273 THE JENKINS COTTAGE, FLEI8CHMANN, NEW YORK. N. K. Jenkins, proprietor. Will bo open for guests June 26. Terms upon applicaUom THE AVONDALE!—Avon, N. J. Ideal country home; free boating, bathing, fishing. J. M. Hall, R. F. D. No. 1. Anbury Park, N. J. 81* | BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. Second T?E53ir for Vent.'TIlvr^Ktt?: hall. Will partition Into rooms for de- 10 Co,e f°°V^ FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE. One cent a word for ads undar this heed. MY OFFICE, In first-clou, centrally lo cated office building, can be uud for mailing nddreae. with telephone and desk facilities, by traveling man without per- per month or week. Stenographic serv ices furnished or not, as desired. Address General Stenographer, care Georgian, xx FOR RENT—Desk space, with u*e of tel ephone, to desirable party, preferably traveling man; services of stenographer may be nad or not, as desired. 1423 Em- ' plre building. x WANTED—Party to share office. 637 Aostell Bldg. Stenographer's service If desired. 119 DESK SPACE and uio of largo furnished room, phone Included. If you want this In Empire Life building, phono Main 4594 atones. 6-15-4 . 1 “ ■ • ■ • • :!•!■■ FOR SALE—HOTELS. One cent a word for sds under this head FOR SALE—Hotel of SO rooms; on north side; one block from Candler building: nicely and newly furnished; good run of customers. For terns and particulars, eddres. Hotel B., care Georgian. 819 AUTOMOBILES. One cent a word for ads under this head. FOR-SAM!—Model 10 Bulck In good con dition. Address Box 66, Decatur, 19*9 MODEL F two-cylinder Bulck; fully. equipped: In excellent condition; •price 830*. ' J. 6. Covington.' Atlanta phone 874*. *-13-4 WANTED-rTo erode land or. horie. for , second-hand car.. P. O. 888, Perry, Fla. 6-11-18 WILL TAKE automobile In part pay- ment, balance In cash, for equity In :north side nine-room house, with all mod em Improvement*. Address P. O. Box Ml. Atlanta. Go. 1-14-4 FOR SALE—Model T Ford; combination roadster and four-pauenger touring car; In perfect running order. O. B. Al len, 86 Walton-st. 17 CADILLAC ’$*,. practically new: only been run 86* mile,; fully equipped; will sell cheap on account of change In bueinee,.' Address Box M. Dothan. Ala. *-18,-1 FOR SALE—1911 Overland runabout, tor^ pado body; used less than 60 days; fully equipped and In perfect running order. Want 4arger-car. H. P. J.. Box 17, core Georgian. Ill , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. One ‘•mt e word for ads under »hl* hendtns SMOKE Emmett Shaw's "Rounder" cigar and be happy. S-I2-S5 MILLINERY bualneaa for sale. For In- formation write Box 66, Camilla, Ga. 676 FOR SALE—Drug store doing a prosper ous business In rich town, and also r large country trade; near Atlanta; owner leaving. D. P., Box 24, care Georgian.^ IF YOU are Interested In Decatur. Ga., write for beautiful Illustrated booklet. H. 8. Rowland, 8ee<v Decatur Board of Irffde. r. - 6-U-fi FDR SALE—Meat market, doing a goad buetneu. For partlculera, call at 3*4 Whltehall-st. *-14-11 LOOK! 9120 secures the entire furnishings nnd lease of n 12-room rooming house; close In; If taken at once; leaving city. See Mr. Hembree. 41H Peachtree^Bt^ ^ FDR ' SALE—Advertising specialties * of- flea; clearing 9100 per month; good rea- eon for selling; act quickly. Box A-499. e J. K. Smith. 256 11,000. * WE WANT five or six person* with $1,- 000 each to finance an unusually good sub-dtvlslon on Peachtree road, Buckhead ^ section; absolutely safe; 100 per cent prof- V It before January l. Buckhead sub-di visions are very profitable. 627 Candler i building. 6-16-38 j FOR SALE—Equipment, good will and unou> ir *d lease of a popular rettau- j rant which has been in successful opera tion ff>f fifteen years, catering to high- v das* customer*. Serve* about 150 meal* - and luncho* each day. Price $1,760, which F represent* the value of the equipment and stock on hand. -L. H, Chappell, Cnlum- bum, -Oa* 111 c FOR SALE—A well-equipped blacksmith . shop; the beet location In the South; n reason for selling, bad health. G. L c Garriamt. P. O. Bog 1. Quitman. Ga. 314 > 650* BOARDING HOUSE-14 roome. - completely furnished; plenty of board ers; must sell At once. Atlanta nhone 63*6. 49*H Whitehall. 6-16-6 O EN6RGETR* young woman would Invest F $100 to 1200 In clean bualneas which would give employment. Box 303, care lo Georgian. 323 p LOST AND FOUND. - One cant a word for ads urwter this head _ W. M. COX. FOUND—I clean all kinds of rugs and carpets; make them look Ilka new; cheap for cash. J45 Auburn-ave. Ivy LOST OR~STRAYED^A white^Engilrh pi bulldog with tan ears. Reward. He- pt turn to 167 Junlper-nt. 130 re LOST—Collie do*; .sable and white; no- u Hfy *71 North Boulevard. Rhone Ivy t> II66-L. 215 n LOST—White French poodle. Finder re* a turn to 163 Weft Peachtree-st. Reward, p 6-16-21 n 11 Edgewood-ave. 10-10-7 WOULD LUO; TO BORROW fSOO one year at 7 per cent on good renting property, practically new; will pav no commission. Addreaa B., care Georgian. .. Plano la standard make haa been u*ed but little. Reliable son can take piano to their home money ia paid back. Address J., Bo care Georgian. 6- MONEY TO LOAN. One cent a word for ad* under this MORTGAGE LOANS on Atlanta real es tate. Established rtnee 18tl«. s. B Tur man A Co., corner Broad and Alabnn its 4-1-20 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO PLE. women keeping house and other* without security; cheapest rates; easy payment*. Offices all principal rltles. D. H. Tolman. room 624 Austell building. state at 6 per cent. Lora term, monthly or annual payment*, under the * contract system. Address National I FARM LOANS placed In any amount PURCHASE MONEY NOTES WANTED. PLENTY of money on hand for same. FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 Edgewood-ave. 11-17-9 CLIENTS have funds for loans, city or farm property. In or near Atlanta. J. E. VanValkenDurg, 601 Equitable Bldg.^ ^ MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Lowest rates; no delay*, buy purchase money note*. Charles Herman, Room#! 201-202 Temple Court. 4-1-16, WEYMAN A CONNORS, UNLIMITED MONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 6 per cent straight or monthly payments plan, on improved real estate. FOSTER & ROBSON, 11 Edgewood-ave. 5-6-11 BSPECTAL HOME, FUNDS TO LEND; any amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. W. Carson, 24 South Broad-at. 4-1-17 . 60x160; 9L.009; no cash pavmen John Carey, Germania Savings Rnnk. Whltehall-st. * 7-1?: with $200 to $500 cash, bn!*nr satisfactory monthly payn two cottages and pay part with Address South for a 1910 automobile. Ga. Two nice summer cottage*; nearly ew; on bqet street and In best section of Ity; will rent furnished or unfurnished; lx and eight rooms. Address O. P. Jones, Clarkesvllle, Ga. 147 on comar; six rooms:• good'condition. car linet rnunt sell quickly; small ttes lion, on main Decatur car line; 11.360; PElT- MONTH assure® you ;r# truck farm In Florida. OR SALE Thrae-mom house, good neighborhood. 91,000; $10 down nnd f 10 sr month. Phone 279-J West. 6-14-32 iW, f ,ivvv. r.61 llx.1 lift Phono 428 Deostur. Will sell inunediately. 288 galow near East i full-slse graves. Address Carl Barth. 78 WANTED—FARMS. vatlon. Frank J. Payne, Amerlcu TWICE IN THE SAME PLACE! gtan * classified d 1* found re ify iho The < seorgum patre